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S27.E07: Blood Brothers

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I might be in the minority, but fuck Abram. Generally I like Abram despite his craziness but his brand of crazy is not entertaining to me anymore. I thought he was gonna drop dead from his insane screaming during the pit.

I'm not even a Cara Maria fan and yes she messed up but I felt bad for her. And I actually kind of like Thomas and Stephen (they're the most tolerable of those rookie guys IMO).

But mostly fuck Vince. That dude is such a douchebag and I'm sorry but he has done poorly in several challenges despite this weird chip he has on his shoulder.

  • Love 7

Fave moment Jenna and Brianna just twirling in the background while Abe is losing his shit at the elimination.


But seriously, yo, Abram is terrifying and just based on that commercial break with the behind the scenes stuff, Cara Maria is scared shitless of him too. OMG. He's fun to watch be all crazy but I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with him.


I'm thinking Sarah outwitting John was a fluke and other than the backpack moment with CT, no one will ever get him off this show.


ETA John's line about not wanting Abe to find out six months later when the show aired was so much bullshit. He and Vince were full of it.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
  • Love 11

Abe. The craziest cray who ever crayed. He's a ticking time bomb. I'm wondering if he's bipolar. Say what you will about him, he's brining the entertainment and making what would have been a rather boring season into some golden TV. His laugh is even crazy. Omg I was dying at the reactions to him in the pit; going nuts, covered in his own blood, and being the psychotic Abe I've missed. Never change, Abe!

Other thoughts:

I LOVED the sass Aneesa was throwing at Teej. Although, this is what, her 10th season or something? I doubt this was her first height challenge. What did she expect?

How does Cory know what a cat looks like before it drowns? And he even prefaced it by saying "you know how when..." No, Cory. No. I don't.

Abe running around with those weights like he-man while his beer belly is flopping in the wind made me LOL.

Bananas is a shadester, but I think he's giving himself too much credit. His ratting on CM and Thomas was hardly the most evil thing I've seen on this show. The treatment of Tonya ring a bell?!

Cara Maria looks like she's going to vomit in every scene. I probably would too, if I were in her shoes. I want to feel bad for her, but I'm finding that difficult because she made this bed. Even so, yikes! I really think CM knew her relationship with Abe was toxic as hell, she said as much to Jamie. However, on the after show, it's clear CM was selling Abe a different story. I think they're both co-dependent, and it's sad to watch.

Noodle-y arms. Thanks for that, Jenna!

  • Love 8

Its funny cause I feel bad for both CM/Abram: Abram for getting cheated on, and Cara cause I believe she legit loves Abram, but the toxicity of the relationship and all the fighting, she wants to leave and start fresh. But,, Abram has a hold on her. I hate seeing women getting held down by double standards. She tucked up badly and knows it. Double standards suck.


Bananas/Vince: God I hate them. Bananas has no room to talk about cheating. How Hannah still wants his cheating ass is crazy. Such a damn hypocrite.


Sidenote: Laurel is shoeing her support for Cara and saying some things are harder then they appear. No one should judge. I do believe she has seen shit between CM/Abram.

  • Love 6

I thought Abram was being a butt too. Until I saw the end of the episode & the aftershow. Obviously I'm not gonna spoil anything, but it's clear to me that Cara Maria likes to play the victim. Now I feel bad for Abram because when she was alone with the cameras, CM was yapping about how Abram coming into the game screwed everything up. I wonder how many people she told that to. She's sleeping with & kissing Abram- acting like nothing's wrong & he was probably the last in the house to know how she felt. No one deserves that. Ever. I was always kind of indifferent when it came to Cara Maria. Now I just don't like her. I don't get why Abram took everything out on Tom. It's takes two people to "make out" (CM's word for have sex). I know other people who have done that & it's stupid.

I did like the pit but I feel bad that Tom & Steven went home.

  • Love 7

Umm...That was sad.

It's like Abram knows people think he's crazy but he only realizes it when he feels like he's on the edge of murder.

Cara is obviously scared of him but has dealt with him so long her defense mechanism is to just shut down.

He is in love with her, and while she cares for him, I don't think she's in the same place. Still, she's a dick for doing him the way she did.

Also, fuck you, John.

  • Love 5

Wow. That was a painful sixty minutes . . . ninety if you count the After Show. Abram legit worries me. Cara Maria is a car wreck. And Johnny is a bit of a scumbag. CT's arrival cannot come soon enough. He was a psycho, but he's so much better now.


As an old-school fan, I was tickled to see "Wreck & Roll" from The Inferno reimagined as "Home Wrecker." The original mission was fun to watch, what with Yellowcard playing "Way Away" while Real World and Road Rules tore up their rooms and stuff the wreckage into three holes. Mike is totally Abram's brother, even though he didn't give himself a nosebleed from the sheer excitement.


My recommendation . . . watch the season opener of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia like I did. It's people acting horribly, but at least it's fictional.


ETA: If you can't watch Sunny, try this. Johnny's in it, but it's still pretty funny.

  • Love 2

I have really strong issues with violence & yelling/fighting (so
why am I watching this show? I know, makes no sense to me either),
but Abe was hugely entertaining tonight. It's kind of scary that
his nose started bleeding. Why?


Actually, Abe himself is kind of scary & I know I wouldn't appreciate
having him in my real life, but he makes for hugely entertaining tv.
I haven't enjoyed a Challenge ep this much since Johnny Backpack.


I usually don't enjoy the house scenes with all the bullshit & enjoy
the actual challenges more, but tonight was the exception.  The barking
and running around he did while Mike trashed that room was bonus.


AngryCarrot, I also loved Aneesa's sass with Teej, too. All together
a great episode. And with Abe around Johnny doesn't get a whole lot of
screentime. :)


I'm looking forward to seeing any interaction Abe & CT will have. This
might be my favorite season ever.


 I like Cara Marie & would love to see her win. I had to try hard not to let

the sadness/fuckedupitness of their relationship interfer with my enjoyment

of Abe's antics. Or the conversation she had with Jamie at the end.

I also really liked the pit challenge. They should do that one again.

  • Love 5

I don't know who the bigger fool is....Cara Maria for pulling the poor me victim card on yet another season or the gullible fans who are buying it. Yes, Abe is an abuser. The same Abe who was engaged to bad ass Coral is an abuser. The same guy Coral is now tweeting is a great guy is physically abusive. The same Abe who CM is begging to get back together with while Abe is avoiding her like the plague is abusive. Too funny. Some people would believe the moon is made of cheese if said with enough conviction. How everyone can't see through CM at this point is astonishing. Multiple cast members of practically every season she's been on have said CM is the fake-ist person there. The only sorta friend she has is Laurel. If there is that much smoke, something is getting torched.



EDIT: Before anyone asks: The engagement story comes from a youtube clip of a interview given years ago by Coral. When the interviewer asked how serious the relationship with Abe was she said something like, "knee dropping; ring popping." I took that to mean engaged.

Edited by Happenings12
  • Love 3

I don't know who the bigger fool is....Cara Maria for pulling the poor me victim card on yet another season or the gullible fans who are buying it. Yes, Abe is an abuser. The same Abe who was engaged to bad ass Coral is an abuser. The same guy Coral is now tweeting is a great guy is physically abusive. The same Abe who CM is begging to get back together with while Abe is avoiding her like the plague is abusive. Too funny. Some people would believe the moon is made of cheese if said with enough conviction. How everyone can't see through CM at this point is astonishing. Multiple cast members of practically every season she's been on have said CM is the fake-ist person there. The only sorta friend she has is Laurel. If there is that much smoke, something is getting torched.

EDIT: Before anyone asks: The engagement story comes from a youtube clip of a interview given years ago by Coral. When the interviewer asked how serious the relationship with Abe was she said something like, "knee dropping; ring popping." I took that to mean engaged.

First, whether or not Cara Marie has issues is independent of whether or not Abe does. Second, just because people say Abe is a great doesn't mean he's not abusive at all. The only people that would know for sure is Cara and Abe. What people say about them as individuals doesn't really mean anything. I'm sure people are still lining up to say that Cosby is a great guy. It doesn't mean that he isn't actually a scumbag.
  • Love 12

Does anybody know if the relatives will now be able to come on future Challenges or are they a one time thing? I hope they aren't able to come back. I haven't really liked any of them so far.

Sure they will come back. They need to fill out the roster. Tony, Nany and John's relatives for sure will be back.

Side note - This show better not ever match up Thomas and Abrham on a rivals season.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 2

I might be in the minority, but fuck Abram. Generally I like Abram despite his craziness but his brand of crazy is not entertaining to me anymore. I thought he was gonna drop dead from his insane screaming during the pit.

I'm not even a Cara Maria fan and yes she messed up but I felt bad for her. And I actually kind of like Thomas and Stephen (they're the most tolerable of those rookie guys IMO).

But mostly fuck Vince. That dude is such a douchebag and I'm sorry but he has done poorly in several challenges despite this weird chip he has on his shoulder.

Agree, watching Abe was just disturbing. He was super creepy in his convo with her, his telling her she needed to vote in Thom, and then his weird "come over here and cuddle with me while I continue to talk to you in my creepy voice" thing. I don't know how to describe it, it was just uncomfortable to watch.

Ugh. CM messed up big time but I hope she stays away from Abe.

I'd forgotten (thankfully) about his feces smearing escapades.

And good job Abe giving John exactly what he wanted. Dumbass.

I need CT to come back soon. He's looking more and more normal, in a weird way.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 7

Crazy, I never thought CT was crazy (and I think Abe possibly is), but mostly just very angry. I don't recall him ever going off in an Abram way, but out of anger and an inability to handle it. I think he's matured somewhat over the years. So yeah, in comparison he does seem more "normal" than Abe. Abe I think is mostly nuts and not inhibited at all.

  • Love 4

I'd just like to point out that there are more ways to be abusive than physical abuse.  Yes, CM was in the wrong in a couple ways, but the behavior we saw from Abe seemed pretty emotionally abusive to me.  


I have a request for production - please re-stage those rooms, put Abe in one, CT in another, and let's see who gets it done first.  


That Pit was the most entertaining elimination since Johnny Bananas Backpack (which will forever remain the best).  Abe's brother going to town while Abe gets so hyped up his nose starts bleeding was exactly the kind of thing I watch this show for.  Add in all the reaction shots (I'm always amused when you can see that TJ is clearly into it), and it was great.  As was Thomas narrating his brother's comparatively inept sledgehammer style.  


John is, as always, a douchebag.  But I'll take the small victory that at least Nany wasn't there when the shit went down, so she didn't get to do her victory lap.  (Yes, I think I might actually hate Nany more than John).  It wouldn't surprise me if she was more angry at John for waiting to stir shit up until after she left than she was that he said her name for elimination last week.  You know she loves to trash other girls for their sex lives while playing victim when anyone says a word about hers.  


While I typically enjoy a good TJ expressing his disappointment routine, I loved Aneesa's no fucks to give "go ahead and call me a quitter," exchange with him.  (But, yeah, Aneesa, how many of these have you done?  This heights shit can no longer be a surprise.)  

  • Love 11

This episode was epic. I was dying when Abe just wandered over after his chat with Vince and just confronted it head on with Thomas and Cara just sitting there. I could feel Thomas's discomfort through the TV. Hilarious


Cara messed up and really should have told Abe off the bat. Did they break up IRL? Abe is crazy but I feel like he did handle it well, I couldn't imagine being in a house where everyone knows your SO was cheating on you and nobody told you. Though Vince and Johnny's idea to tell him was anything but honorable so shut up Johnny. 

Cara and Abe should just go their separate ways, their relationship does not seem healthy.


Abe really should have just not even addressed it to the group ( Cara only) and totally fucked up John's game plan, that would have been better.


Side note: fairly convinced Abe does blow after he got a nosebleed. Maybe I'm wrong but It kind of makes ?


Can't wait for next week! Also I really enjoyed NOT having Nany screeching around the house, tbh. Looking forward to CT.

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 6

I'd just like to point out that there are more ways to be abusive than physical abuse.  Yes, CM was in the wrong in a couple ways, but the behavior we saw from Abe seemed pretty emotionally abusive to me.  



John is, as always, a douchebag. 


On these two points- I talked more about how I think CM's behavior was despicable on the Aftershow thread, so won't get into it here. But if Abe took Cara at her word that nothing happened other than flirting and a back massage, then his reaction WAS creepy. Sure, tell your SO you don't think that kind of behavior was appropriate. But don't demand they prove their loyalty or atone for their behavior by doing something they've clearly indicated they don't want to do.


On the second point- I liked John for about 2 seconds when Cara loudly announced that Abe called John the biggest piece of shit ever, and John kind of waves and says, no offense taken.

  • Love 2

Now that was a great episode! Obviously Abe is crazy. Any guy who smears his own feces on the walls of a jail cell and takes a leak on the prison floor has a screw loose. But that same insanity that makes him serial killer potential is what also makes him TV gold. He has singlehandedly saved this season because he's an interesting character and no one knows what he's going to do next. Without him, this would be The Bananas Show, and I've already seen that shit too many times. It was so awesome watching a 32-year-old with a beer belly unleashing his innerogre at The Pit. He even willed a bloody nose for dramatic effect. He wanted Thomas (who I hated on his Real World season) and Steven out of there as much as I did.  While CM is mostly to blame for the flirtation, Thomas had to have known that she was Abe's girlfriend. I only wish Abe would've been competing instead of his brother who seems pretty normal.


Should Abe and CM be in a relationship? Absolutely not. It's a toxic relationship, and they should've broken up years ago. CM seems terrified of what Abe might do. You shouldn't be scared of your boyfriend. But she did say that they had broken up several times before, and she, at least, should've had the decency to break up with Abe prior to The Challenge if she was planning on using flirtation as a strategy to win this game. I hate agreeing with Bananas, but he was right that it was better for Abe to find out immediately than 6 months later watching it on TV. At least with Abe on the show he can act up for the camera, focus on eliminating other contestants, and isn't as likely to kill someone. If he would've hit Thomas, he would've been off the show. If he would've found out at home in Montana months later, it would've just been him with only CM to direct his anger at. His rage is more constructive in this game show format in which he can take out his aggression on the other competitors. I'm sure both Abe and CM will put their relationship on hold until the season ends. CM won't do anything more to mess up her game, so she'll walk on eggshells and play Abram's game. Their relationship is probably over by now.


Obviously John is a snake for sending Vince to tell Abram about CM's closed-door behavior with Thomas, but I only think it saved him for a week. And, really, we need Bananas to last until CT gets there so he can get backpacked again. While Abe's focus got derailed for a week, I still think he'll target Bananas next. Of course CT coming back puts yet another wrench into the game. He's just as unpredictable as Abe is and can physically dominate the others. It wouldn't surprise me if John orders Vince to mess with CT in hopes that CT will punch Vince and get kicked out of the game. Vince seems stupid enough to do whatever John says. While CT is no longer a punk, I still think he would pop someone if they came across as disrespectful. I can see Vince testing him just like he tested Cory earlier in the season during the "personal trainer" spat.


I can't wait for CT next week. CT, Bananas, and Abram should make for an exciting dynamic on the show. I can't wait to see John's facial expression when CT arrives. Oh and props to Aneesa for talking smack to Teej who still doesn't like quitters.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 8

I can never quit this show, but this season is ridiculously good IMO. There are so many elements with the bloodlines,etc that have made it so compelling to watch. Nothing seems forced in terms of drama, it is legitimately there and fascinating! For example, the fight between Brenna and her cousin was so silly but hilarious!


Anyway, I can't stand Tom's ass from his RW season, and nothing since has done anything to change my mind. He's the worst. He had his own girlfriend while this was filming but it seems like that's been pushed under the rug. His twin brother seems much more likeable and it kind of sucks he had to suffer the fall-out for his brother's stupidity. I have never liked Cara and her little soliloquy at the end was especially annoying because she's not being held at gunpoint to stay with Abe (or at least I hope not). It's like she is trying really hard to play the victim and have people feel sorry for her. Well, I don't. Her cousin rubs me the wrong way as well.


I don't realy like John as a person, but I do think he brings a lot of value to these seasons as a strategic threat. His soundbites are also generally entertaining as hell.


I do really like Mike and was glad to see him shine in the pit. He seems like a genuinely good guy, and that is rare these days.


I am terrified of heights, and these challenges always scare the shit out of me. I legit had to look away for a lot of it. Kelley Anne impressed me again by completing it. I really like Kelley Anne. Aneesa not giving any fucks about quitting was funny too.


And why is CT being brought back, exactly? If he gets to compete for the money over halfway in, that really doesn't seem fair. And I love CT.

Edited by delicatecutter
  • Love 3

Crazy, I never thought CT was crazy (and I think Abe possibly is), but mostly just very angry. I don't recall him ever going off in an Abram way, but out of anger and an inability to handle it. I think he's matured somewhat over the years. So yeah, in comparison he does seem more "normal" than Abe. Abe I think is mostly nuts and not inhibited at all.

I guess you've never seen the episode where C.T. got mad at Adam and punched him in the head. He proceeded to chase him around the house, telling him he wanted to "eat his head" and kill him while the rest of the cast, camera crew, production, and other staff followed them around in horror, attempting to get C.T. to stop. Nope, not crazy at all! For the record, I think we find out later that his brother just died or something, but that's still no excuse to behave that way. 


I loved this episode! I agree with everyone who said that Abram saved the season. It was such a bore otherwise.  Abram makes great television, and I would like to be his friend IRL, but I would never date him. I do find him attractive (less so than when he was younger, but I still think he's cute), but he is just way too crazy for an intimate relationship. 

  • Love 5

[quote name="Sonoma" post="1852233" timestamp="1452199478

While Abram was going insane in the pit with his brother and giving himself a bloody nose via telekinesis, wtf was up with Jenna and Brianna twirling around each other in the background? Between that and Abram eating and smearing his blood on his face, it felt like a Manson family moment.

I can't stop laughing at this.

  • Love 4

While I typically enjoy a good TJ expressing his disappointment routine, I loved Aneesa's no fucks to give "go ahead and call me a quitter," exchange with him.  (But, yeah, Aneesa, how many of these have you done?  This heights shit can no longer be a surprise.)  


Yeah, the heights this isn't a surprise....however Aneesa has also been at this game for a long, long time and knows the deal.  It was a Male Elimination Day...why bother doing something you hate when there is 0% chance that you will be going home.  It was an easy choice for her to peace out on that way and wasn't gonna let TJ try to quitter shame her about it.  I kinda respect her smarts and tenacity for that.  


I guess you've never seen the episode where C.T. got mad at Adam and punched him in the head. He proceeded to chase him around the house, telling him he wanted to "eat his head" and kill him while the rest of the cast, camera crew, production, and other staff followed them around in horror, attempting to get C.T. to stop. Nope, not crazy at all! For the record, I think we find out later that his brother just died or something, but that's still no excuse to behave that way. 




That situation with Adam was craziness and CT admitted as much in the reunion show.  His brother was just murdered back in Boston, Diem was supposed to come to the funeral and ended up not coming, she shows up at the challenge and then it all basically became too much for him.  He has said in retrospect that he had no business being on the challenge then and that he behaved like a lunatic.  It's also why I saw and believed it to be genuine when they were on Rivals together that CT really wanted Adam to forgive him and maybe be his friend again.  


CT is wild, I don't think he's crazy.  Don't get me wrong...CT will punch you and knock you out cold, but I think it's a complete different animal than the crazy going on within Abram.  


I don't think CT and Diem's sister are going the show as a team to keep continuing.  They came on with grey shirts....I think they are just there for that one episode.  If they are there for the long hail, I can guarantee that they are playing for Diem's charity.  

  • Love 8
I don't think CT and Diem's sister are going the show as a team to keep continuing.  They came on with grey shirts....I think they are just there for that one episode. 


This is pretty much the impression I got as well, that they aren't there permanently. Which is too bad really...think most of us want to see CT compete and put John in his place.

  • Love 4

That situation with Adam was craziness and CT admitted as much in the reunion show.  His brother was just murdered back in Boston, Diem was supposed to come to the funeral and ended up not coming, she shows up at the challenge and then it all basically became too much for him.  He has said in retrospect that he had no business being on the challenge then and that he behaved like a lunatic.  It's also why I saw and believed it to be genuine when they were on Rivals together that CT really wanted Adam to forgive him and maybe be his friend again.  


CT is wild, I don't think he's crazy.  Don't get me wrong...CT will punch you and knock you out cold, but I think it's a complete different animal than the crazy going on within Abram.  


That was not an isolated incident. On Inferno III, he punched Davis, who is half his size, in the face for no reason.  And yeah, all of what you mentioned above does not excuse his behavior towards Adam.  I also didn't like how he tried to bully Adam into a friendship with him. The dude didn't want to be his friend. Leave it alone. I would personally rather deal with Abrams antics than CT's. I have never seen Abram hit anyone, aside from Donell on his RR season, and Donell totally deserved that shit (unlike Adam and Davis). 


That being said, I do like CT as a tv personality these days, and look forward to seeing him next week. 

  • Love 1

That was not an isolated incident. On Inferno III, he punched Davis, who is half his size, in the face for no reason.  And yeah, all of what you mentioned above does not excuse his behavior towards Adam.  I also didn't like how he tried to bully Adam into a friendship with him. The dude didn't want to be his friend. Leave it alone. I would personally rather deal with Abrams antics than CT's. I have never seen Abram hit anyone, aside from Donell on his RR season, and Donell totally deserved that shit (unlike Adam and Davis).

Damn, I was typing about the Davis incident when you posted, so thank you for saving me the time. I do feel CT is crazier than Abram. Like, remember the time he tormented Wes for frickin hours? It was amusing to us, the viewers, but that takes a lot of stamina for a functionally sane person. Plus, when CT goes into his rage episodes, it's like he blacks out and there's no reasoning with him. With Abram, I see his outbursts more akin to a yappy dog trying to get your attention -- just give him a treat and pat him on the head and he calms down pretty quickly.

  • Love 2
It's also why I saw and believed it to be genuine when they were on Rivals together that CT really wanted Adam to forgive him and maybe be his friend again.



I loved the weekly "so, we friends yet?" requests (along with the fact that, in the end, Adam said, yeah, they're friends).  I do think he genuinely felt bad and ashamed of that whole situation. 

  • Love 6

I loved the weekly "so, we friends yet?" requests (along with the fact that, in the end, Adam said, yeah, they're friends).  I do think he genuinely felt bad and ashamed of that whole situation. 


Me too.  It was adorbs.  I also loved how Adam was upset that he lost the challenge for the both of them and CT was all....nah, it's all good, I am proud of you.  CT has done bad things, no question...but in general, I think he's a pretty good guy who is sometimes troubled.  


Abram?  I think he's bat shit scary crazy.  

  • Love 7

I see that Abram seems crazy, but I don't think he's emotionally or physically abusive. I honestly think it comes off that way, because Abram has such a strong personality and CM is much quieter in demeanor. I don't think Abram ever forced her to stay in that relationship. I buy their relationship being a series of ups and downs, but I always thought there was love there.

I love Abram a lot because he represents nothing, but himself. He may be crazy and jealous, but he never claims to be otherwise. My heart broke for him during the episode and the Aftershow. I could see that he was genuinely hurt by CM. It seems to me that she misled him and then ends up making him look really foolish on national TV. That was confirmed when he said on the Aftershow that CM said she was going on the show to win some money so they could buy a home together. I almost want to feel sorry for Cara, but if she had been upfront with Abram from the beginning, she would have save everyone the heartache. Not to mention, none of that excuses her cheating behavior. Abe's appears to be the kind of guy that's really angry, but he uses that as a way to mask his feelings, which is why I think he was so mean to her on the Aftershow. It doesn't excuse it, but I certainly understand it. Again, I don't think he was every abusive towards her. He was just hurt by how she treated and lied to him for months.

On another note, I can see his point about wanting her to vote Thomas into the elimination and his speech on the bus. He wanted to prove to her that their loyalty wasn't actually there. Not to mention, it would be prove that she didn't have feelings for Thomas like she claimed.

  • Love 5

Zima, good point & I did see that ep which was difficult to watch. He'd been after Adam since their RR season. I think it continued into the challenge. I didn't understand why CT went after him in the first place back when they first met.


Him badgering Adam about them being friends yet I think was CT's way of trying to be charming & win him over. CT has a different intensity from Abe. But his intensity always seemed to be fueled by rage to me. And that period of his life was really difficult which he admits. Abram seems like a whole other animal.

  • Love 1

Side note: fairly convinced Abe does blow after he got a nosebleed. Maybe I'm wrong but It kind of makes ?

Is this a maybe? It seems like it's pretty certain. Former castmates have said drugs are plentiful at these challenges. It also explains why he can be rational and charming in interviews and then wacko eating nose blood elsewhere. Well, cocaine or mental illness.

Imo Abram is trash. He's funny to watch but I wouldn't want to be within 10 feet of him in real life. I like being around people who can keep their bodily wastes and fluids to themselves.

Teej: there's no quitting.

Aneesa: there IS quitting. Today there is quitting.


Kelly Ann is impressive. So tiny but very strong.

That was one of the best pits I've seen in a long time.

Edited by ridethemaverick
  • Love 4

I'm already not an Abram fan but seeing him rocking CM and whispering like a creepy hypnotist is hands down the most disturbing thing I have ever seen on television. I honestly thought he was going to hurt somebody in this episode and spent the entire time, remote in hand, ready to shut it off. Aside from the hallway scene during the commercial, I didn't see the AS but I'm not surprised CM is equally manipulative. But still, Abram as a boyfriend is terrifying. I can't even imagine what that's like.


Still, I can't believe Johnny managed to avoid getting sent home for a week. That plan wasn't devious, so much as it was transparent, and Abe still managed to fall right into the honey trap, even after wholly acknowledging Vinny's bullshit. I mean, Johnny all but said "Hey, I don't want to go in this week so I sent my cousin to stir shit up and break up your alliance" and Abe basically responds with "Fuck you Johnny! I'm going to do exactly what you want."


And props to Aneese for not giving a single fuck this week. I don't know if she's intentionally trying to thin out the herd or if she is just over the skyscraper/rope climb shit but I loved it. I'd like to think I would be smart enough to figure out I don't need to compete, but when it comes down to it, I think the real challenge is living with the knowledge of disappointing TJ.

  • Love 2

I think this is the first time I have ever cowered in fear at someone who was on my television.  Did anyone else think Abram was going to suddenly materialize and start screaming himself bloody in front of your living room couch?  No?  Just me?  Yikes.


I think what's so terrifying about Abram is he goes from raging maniac to subservient and calm, saying "Yes sir" on repeat, in about 0.4 seconds.  I mean, holy crap - I'd be afraid that he'd go off on a rampage if I poured my coffee too loud.


I loved Aneesa on the couch when Abram decided to confront Thomas and CM...Aneesa's like, "do NOT look the crazy in the eye!  Look away!  Forget everything!  Including my own name!"  For real.  Again, I say: YIKES.

  • Love 3

You guys don't think this entire story as just invented for the show? The idea of the girlfriend hooking up with another guy while the boyfriend was scheduled to come in if need to save a boring season is production manipulation gold.

I have a very hard time taking any of this or any of the contestants seriously. It comes across like wrestling. The characters are all very damaged people but that is the type who wants to be on shows like this one.

Edited by rose711
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