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Season 9 Discussion

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Was it just me, or was the way Kim picked up North at the fitting really awkward? She picked her up by the upper arms and for a second I was afraid she would dislocate the poor kid's shoulders. Made it very obvious that Kim doesn't interact with North much.



I cringed when I saw Kim do that! Doesn't even know how to pick up her own dang kid properly *smh*


  • Love 1

Is that the last episode of the season? Are they onto Kourtney and whoever take the Hamptons?


Not that I cared to see any of the wedding or reception, but a part of me hoped we would get to see Kanye hack the bar to pieces.


Of course Kim made yet another selfie book for Kanye. Also, I am so sure she was so broken up over Rob leaving early. Somehow I think there is more to the story than him reading bad comments about himself, though I am sure that did not help either.


So during which boyfriend did Kim spend eight hours on the phone talking to Kanye or am I getting the stories all mixed up? I was half watching.

Kanye has never chased fame.

I have to disagree, I truly think that Kanye is one of the biggest famewhores in the business. He also appears to believe his own hype, which I find rather sad.

When Brody was saying goodbye to Bruce in his backyard, and he was like, nope won't make the wedding, I was hoping he would say, "but I'll be SURE to be at the next one!"

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 6

The idiotic thing about Kanye allegedly not wanting to appear on the show is that he has in the past. What's so different now?  Oddly enough I saw a rerun recently of the very first time he appeared a few years back before he and Kim were even dating and there was actually a real chemistry between them.  The first scene you see him Kim utters "well hello Mr. West" and it was kind of hot..what the hell happened? Now they dont even look like they enjoy being near each other much less have chemistry.

I think it's perfectly fine that he decides how much he wants to appear or not appear.

I have to disagree, I truly think that Kanye is one of the biggest famewhores in the business. He also appears to believe his own hype, which I find rather sad.

When Brody was saying goodbye to Bruce in his backyard, and he was like, nope won't make the wedding, I was hoping he would say, "but I'll be SURE to be at the next one!"

I sometimes get confused by what people mean when celebrities are called "famewhores".  Is every celebrity a famewhore since they know that fame comes with certain professions or are there certain actions that make some celebs famewhore?  I think people like  Tila Tequila, Gretchen Rossi, Farrah Abraham, etc., are "famewhores" (if the term must be used).  They have no discernible talent and want to be famous just to be famous.  They court paparazzi and pull stunts to get attention.  All Kanye has done is make music and clothing lines.  He has always been successful in his field so he doesn't have to pull stunts -- it's unnecessary.  He's never liked paparazzi.  I'm curious as to what you think he's doing to "chase" fame as opposed to millions of people being interested in what he's doing.  Kanye has semi-legitimized Kim, so at this point she doesn't have to chase fame either.  She doesn't have to call paparazzi or turn up to the opening of an envelope to get noticed.  Millions of people are genuinely interested in what she does now.

  • Love 1

If Kim's friends & family shot that episode, does it mean the entire thing was shot on cell phones?


Did everyone get a good look at Kanye's apartment? It looked huge, something that size in Paris costs serious bank, most apartments are tiny. It wasn't even decorated though, just a lot of bare walls. It was strange to hear him speak in a normal voice, I've only ever heard him in "rant" voice.


Scott saying Rob missing the wedding was sad because it's something he'll never see again. Does Scott even know how funny he is?

They sewed up the slit in the front of the bridesmaid's dresses. Kanye thought it was vulgar. What a comedian!!!!
He'll sing about fucking his wife on a sink and her blow job talents, but a slit in a dress is vulgar!!

Glad Kylie kept her blue hair. Let Kim photoshop it out and recreate those amazing memories the way she wants them.

OMG, when Scott said that I laughed my ass off, I'm sure Rob will be able to make it to Kim's next wedding.


So, both Kanye & North were in this episode. I guess we were all supposed to be surprised, huh? And when Kanye & Kim said the wedding wouldn't be on the show, they did not lie. The wedding wasn't on the show, everything else was, but not the wedding.


Khloe hungover with the serious bedhead was such a joy to behold.

Did Lorraine Schwartz call Kim "eloquent"? Like, literally bible?


Yes, she sure did. And I would, too, if I was making millions off a bitch who's loading up on wedding jewelery every couple of years. We look at Kim and see porn star turned reality star, Lorraine Schwartz is seeing retirement condo in Cabo. Well played, ma'am.


Had to laugh at the bare walls in Kanye's Paris apartment. For a self-proclaimed lover of the arts, there was not one piece of art to be seen. Nothing like instructing the staff to hide the valuables when the grifter relatives are coming to town.


Looks like Bruce finally got his balls out of Kris's purse after all these years. Loved that he didn't cave to the haircut request and Kylie's act of rebellion with the blue hair was icing on the cake.

  • Love 7

I recently finished watching this, and I feel suicidal and have a migraine. Especially because of that incredibly terrible, auto tuned "music" that kept repeating? Complete aural assault. Repeating the (overused and very common) word "awesome?" Really?

So everyone hated the bridesmaids dresses? So much for genius.

I was unimpressed at the "design" in Kanye's Paris apartment, too. Yawn.

Kimmode as an experienced guide in Paris? Bwahahahahahaha!

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 1

I can't get over Kim not allowing a family member (Brody) to bring his girlfriend. Why make the guy go alone? They are living together, it's not as if he wanted to bring just anyone.

I don't believe for one second it had to do with limited seating. What an insult.

I wonder if Lorraine Schwartz or Kanye's "stylist" or Kimmy's hairdresser got to bring a Plus 1?

Does Kimmy realize that a "selfie" means a photo one takes of themselves? Pictures of you taken by someone else do not fit that description. You'd think she would be an expert on that one topic, right?

And Kanye was "waiting" for Kim all of those years? While being committed and engaged to others?

Loved Brody stating that he wouldn't be missing anything by not actually attending the wedding, because he, like the rest of the public, is already bombarded with photos and stories about these vain twits all of the time, without our consent. And like Rob, he may be able to attend Kimmy's next wedding.

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 2

I have to disagree. Kanye has always gotten press. Maybe you weren't paying attention. There isn't much more mainstream press than Kanye calling out Bush and the incident with Taylor Swift. Kanye has never chased fame. Of course, in the music business, fame comes with it, but he never pulled stunts and did legitimate press when he had to promote. Legitimate press is not to be confused with being on the cover of a tabloid every week. Kim's star was fading after her divorce announcement from Kris and her relationship with Kanye became fodder for the tabloids which has kept her afloat. Without Kanye, she wouldn't have been at the MET, on the cover of Vogue, at Versailles or dining with Valentino. All of those things have garnered her international press as well as having a baby by someone who is considered a legit celebrity instead of a reality star.

I've noticed that you comment a lot about race in relation to the couple, have gotten several things wrong and even referred to Kanye as an n word yourself. I'm not sure how negative press = racism. Whether anyone likes Kanye or not, he has millions of records sold and several pop hits. When he first got with Kim, there was lots of chatter about how she would tarnish him and now the majority of his press is negative. Although his last album is certified platinum, it did sell less than his others. Kim has done nothing for his image and popularity. Also, Kim took Kanye's last name, something she didn't do with her last husband. Kanye definitely upgraded Kim.

Kanye seems to bring up race more than anyone else, here on the boards or elsewhere, IMO. And he's the one bringing the N word into his songs and even their titles. And Milli Vanilli sold lots of records, too. Even won a Grammy, IIRC. That heinous "baby you're awesome" song, autotuned within an inch of its life, told me all I need to know about his "music," awards or not.

The idiotic thing about Kanye allegedly not wanting to appear on the show is that he has in the past. What's so different now? Oddly enough I saw a rerun recently of the very first time he appeared a few years back before he and Kim were even dating and there was actually a real chemistry between them. The first scene you see him Kim utters "well hello Mr. West" and it was kind of hot..what the hell happened? Now they dont even look like they enjoy being near each other much less have chemistry.

IIRC, that scene took place while Kimmy was a newlywed and living in NYC.. . .

I agree with a previous poster that Kylie is the cuter, more interesting sister. But that's not particularly difficult when the other one is KenDULL.

Edited by DangerousMinds

So after seeing how everything had to be "perfect," and everyone practically shivered around Kanye waiting for his fashion approval, and Kim saying it's MY wedding, why does Kylie have blue hair at MY wedding, and Bruce outright saying that discussions were held for over a month over his hair and every other detail - does anyone still doubt that Rob left because he didn't look good, let alone perfect, and was told as such?

  • Love 2

Kanye seems to bring up race more than anyone else, here on the boards or elsewhere, IMO. And he's the one bringing the N word into his songs and even their titles. And Milli Vanilli sold lots of records, too. Even won a Grammy, IIRC. That heinous "baby you're awesome" song, autotuned within an inch of its life, told me all I need to know about his "music," awards or not.

Kanye may bring up race, but there is some serious reaching to suggest that he likes negative press so he can claim racism.  That's just beyond far-fetched and pulled out of nowhere.  That was a lot of projection.  In general, the way the n word is used in music by black artists is not racist; it is a synonym for person, friend or guy, so that's not a great example of him being focused on race.  It is disingenuous to suggest that racism isn't a huge issue -- just look under Yahoo and TMZ comments when there are stories about blacks or YouTube videos that show blacks behaving badly.  Kanye can speak every day against racism for all I care.  I wish all racists would immediately drop dead.  As far as sales, I brought them up to illustrate that he was already a superstar and Kim's fame has done nothing at all for him.  Whether anyone likes Kanye's music or not is a matter of taste or lack thereof.  As someone who has made millions in his field, is considered a creative genius and ranks at #8 for the most Grammys won in history, I doubt he's losing sleep over who doesn't care for his artistry.

  • Love 1


So during which boyfriend did Kim spend eight hours on the phone talking to Kanye or am I getting the stories all mixed up? I was half watching.


Pretty sure Kris Humpries.  I can't remember where I read this - and it may not be true, but right before her wedding to Humphries, she went to some party and hooked up with Kanye.   I mean like days before the wedding.  I remember reading about it right around the time she filed for divorce.   It was always clear that something was off about her marriage to him from day 1.


I have to admit I only watched the first 45 minutes last night because I couldn't take anymore.   Kanye is an ass.   The slit in the dress was vulgar?  What about some of the outfits his wife crams herself into?  And why is he even involved in the dress selection anyway? Oh, I forgot about his superb fashion sense, which is why he let Kim show up in that bed sheet at Valentino's.  I also got tired of them acting like Kim is a brand new bride, when in reality this is wedding number 3, she's well into her 30's and has a kid.


Other than Kris, who fawned all over Kanye, I got the impression the rest of the family was pretty much disinterested in the whole affair.   I think they know this one won't last either.  But Kris is over the moon about him - I think she thinks (like Kim) that this puts her in some kind of super A list stratosphere. 


Kanye must really be some kind of control freak, because Kim could not make any decision without checking with him first. 

Edited by mwell345

I also believe Kris and Bruce should have footed the bill for Brody and his girlfriend, just as they had all expenses paid for Brandon and Leah.  If I were Brody, I wouldn't show up either.  As a stepbrother, he should have had an invite with a PLUS one, especially if it makes him more comfortable.  


This wedding must have been a shitshow, between the marble table with the wrong names, the golden toilets, Rob leaving Paris before the wedding, Brody and best friend JayZ and Beyonce not showing up, no place setting for Andrea Bocelli etc. (and that's just the things we KNEW about), I'm sure it was just an expensive waste of time, energy, emotions and MONEY.  And the wedding dress, however couture it was, was jjust plain ugly.


I would have loved to have been married on the deck of Bruce's beach house.  This one is more beautiful than the other (or was that Brandon's beach house)?  The views and access to the beach were to die for!

Edited by JerseyGirl
  • Love 4

Loved the big secret arrangement Kim was outlining to Kris about sneaking Rob out to get his fitting for the wedding. I can't believe they waited til right before the event to even do any fittings for the bridesmaids dresses or the men's wear. Clearly Khloe hated her dress. And those dresses,both sets of them looked like off the rack stuff. Thank God Kanye has these fab connections that he can just have one of a kind stuff just rushed over to his apartment and save the wedding. Even Kim's dress was nothing spectacular. Discussing how much cleavage you can show with your soon to be son in law? How tacky.

I loved how they skip over the fans of Bieber chasing their limo only to be disappointed by the K's.

here's the article from 2012:


'Why wasn't he invited to the wedding' questions Kris Humphries as he says he knew Kim Kardashian was cheating on him with Kanye West


Back in January before Kim and Kanye announced to the world that they were indeed an item, Kanye's former girlfriend Amber Rose accused the pair of cheating when Kim was still with her former beau football ace Reggie Bush.



From what little we could see of the wedding venue, it didnt look all that impressive to me.  It looked like all the seats were empty and she was dragging her veil across a dusty trail.  Now Valentino's house WAS impressive.  If they had been married there I would have thought that was something worth writing home about. 


Is Kanye's white apartment supposed to look that way, or did he just move in and hasn't bought furniture yet?  It was funny how they all looked like Kanye's royal subjects, afraid to say the wrong thing.  Even the unflappable Khloe wasn't talking much when they were trying on those cheap looking dresses.  I didn't see anything all that mindblowing about Kim's dress either, although I was pleasantly surprised that she went the ladylike route with full sleeves and no cleavage.

So many things about this episode. So. Many. One, the title of the episode is so stupid. I don't need to see Kim's trip down the alter, I actually saw this whole thing before years ago and then I actually saw a wedding. Two, love love that Kylie kept her hair blue! Princess Kim was clearly pleased with this but love that Kylie decided at the last second to be all, "screw the hair extensions, it's blue!" Three, even if it's fake Brody not being paid for being a storyline makes Kris look bad. Again since she clearly approves story lines and the what, why would she want a story line that would always paint her evil? (on a side note: Brody is a good actor but I really do believe he just shows up for the paychecks on the show, I don't think he really wants to spend time with Kardashions, save for Kendall and Kylie). Four, another selfie book that probably isn't a selfie book. And Five, Rob is MIA. And Kim's voice overs about it were so patronizing. I'm sure those "rude comments" weren't things he read, I'm sure he overheard them from people at this wedding. I will probably have more thoughts later. This episode ended up being stupid and pointless. Why would we watch an entire episode of wedding preparations without an actual wedding? 

The best part of the preparations was Kim running from room to room with her fat ass jiggling the whole time.


I can't believe control freak Kanye had no plan for North as part of the wedding party. The whole bunch of them screaming and screeching about who should carry her or walk with who was like something from Bridezillas.


Kris drilling Bruce about whether or not he brought the correct socks? Bruce's feet and his hair are none of your business anymore Kris.

  • Love 1

I don't like Kris but I am going to give her a pass on the Brody situation.  The problem here isn't Kris, it is Bruce.  I think it has been Kris who has given Leah and Brandon a lot of tv face time so that Bruce can come across as seeming to have a somewhat healthy relationship with his other children.  But he doesn't.  Out of all four of his older kids, only Brandon seems to be open to trying to have SOMETHING with his bio dad.  Bruce likes Brandon because Brandon makes the effort and doesn't argue with him - and I think a big part of the reason he does so is for exposure for his and Leah's music and the other reason is that I do believe that the older Jenner kids honestly love the baby sisters and being involved in the "Kardashian" world allows him access that he might not normally have.  Brody - truly my favorite of the entire messed up brood - is an X factor.  Brody not only refuses to kiss the butts of his father or Kris (for the sake of fame), Brody feels that his father OWES him something - and he is right.  Bruce, however, is too stupid to realize that what Brody wants is for his father to fight for him.  Fight Kris, give up time, give up money, make an effort and act like he is a SON, not an acquaintance.  When Kendall and Kylie go missing, Bruce turns the world over looking for them.  Brody wants some of the same emotion.  He wanted Bruce to beg him to come to the wedding, give him a ticket, and implore him because he is family.  Bruce didn't do that, so he didn't go.  Honestly, and it hurts me to type this, I think Kris and Kim ran interference for the show's sake and made it look like it was Kris who Brody has a problem with, when really it is - and has always been - Bruce.


As for Scott,  Kourtney needs to take care of her man.  Period.  She needs to drop off the show, remove him from the show, and close ranks around him.  I can see in Scott's face that he is struggling and it breaks my heart that he seemingly goes to Khloe for comfort more than his own partner.  And that he spends his nights alone in his bed makes it worse.  BTW - they have separate rooms because Kourt is into attachment parenting and retires early with the children in her bed, while Scott is up late.  I know that she is used to dealing with him using tough love, but right now he needs soft love.  He needs coddling, comforting and understanding - no matter how douchey he's been in the past.  The loss he is experiencing is almost unbearable.

  • Love 8
So during which boyfriend did Kim spend eight hours on the phone talking to Kanye or am I getting the stories all mixed up? I was half watching.


I don't believe Kim is capable of talking for 8 hours. To anyone. About anything. She doesn't know enough words.


I think Kanye's Paris apartment looked barren because he removed all of his real furniture and possessions ahead of his in-laws' arrival. He probably didn't want those parts of his life committed to E! celluloid for all eternity.


They're trying really hard to make us believe the bridesmaid dresses were couture, but they look liked re-worked David's Bridal. And Claire Danes showing up at the Emmys in a red version of Kim's wedding gown tells me that Riccardo Tisci just took an existing look from his Fall 2014 collection and redid it in white.

  • Love 5

I got not sympathy for Scott about not wanting 3 kids.    You know what?   We know where babies come from and how to keep them from coming.   You aren't sure you can handle 3 kids -- birth control.   Not just trust your baby mamma to be on the pill or whatever, you something yourself.   Or get snipped.   Whatever.   But don't be a happy participant in the sex then complain when a kid results.

  • Love 3

I know attachment parenting is a hotly debated parenting style, but I have a question. It doesn't seem that it could possibly be good for a couple's relationship for them to not sleep together for years. I can even understand the two bedrooms - I hear some people say it helps them sleep better and strengthens their relationship. But, it seems like once Kourtney had her kids, she put little priority on her relationship with Scott. Now, with a third kid coming, that puts even more distance between them. I don't think Scott was just upset over the responsibility of having a third kid. He now has no one other than Kourtney and their children and Kourtney only seems interested in his sperm. A third child isn't going to improve things. I'm not saying I agree with his reaction, but I think it's larger than what it seems on the surface.

  • Love 2

I don't believe Kim is capable of talking for 8 hours. To anyone. About anything. She doesn't know enough words.


UMM, Yeah, like literally, amazing, awesome, ya know. BIBLE!!  You're right , no way did she talk on the phone for eight hours. But if Kanye was on the other end.. then all she needed was to use one of the 7 words she knows every half hour or so.


They're trying really hard to make us believe the bridesmaid dresses were couture, but they look liked re-worked David's Bridal


I thought the first dress was just an undergarment.. the second wasn't much more


Kris managed to get plenty of cleavage exposed.

Edited by iwasish

Here's more info about he blue hair at the wedding:


Kim Kardashian was not the only member of the family that was less than impressed with Jenner’s new locks. Family matriarch Kris Jenner was also reportedly displeased with her daughter’s style choice, as Kylie Jenner recalled in an interview with E! that took place in May, right around the time of the wedding. She says that her mother told her that she looked like a Skittle, adding that the color in no way suited her. Jenner then joked that she informed her mother that she would keep the hairstyle for two years just because her mother had made such a remark.



I don't like Kris but I am going to give her a pass on the Brody situation.  The problem here isn't Kris, it is Bruce.  I think it has been Kris who has given Leah and Brandon a lot of tv face time so that Bruce can come across as seeming to have a somewhat healthy relationship with his other children.  But he doesn't.  Out of all four of his older kids, only Brandon seems to be open to trying to have SOMETHING with his bio dad.  Bruce likes Brandon because Brandon makes the effort and doesn't argue with him - and I think a big part of the reason he does so is for exposure for his and Leah's music and the other reason is that I do believe that the older Jenner kids honestly love the baby sisters and being involved in the "Kardashian" world allows him access that he might not normally have.  Brody - truly my favorite of the entire messed up brood - is an X factor.  Brody not only refuses to kiss the butts of his father or Kris (for the sake of fame), Brody feels that his father OWES him something - and he is right.  Bruce, however, is too stupid to realize that what Brody wants is for his father to fight for him.  Fight Kris, give up time, give up money, make an effort and act like he is a SON, not an acquaintance.  When Kendall and Kylie go missing, Bruce turns the world over looking for them.  Brody wants some of the same emotion.



You can tell that Bruce really hasn't done much parenting to Brandon and Brody. He would never do anything like that with Kendall and Kylie, (make one of them feel snubbed) and if Kris did something like that with them, he would let her have it. Though I do think that while Bruce finds Brandon easier to deal with he wants to spend as much time as he can with Brody as well. But things aren't going as easy as he would like with Brody, and I think they will continue to be that way as long as Brody feels like he's not wanted/valued as much as the other kids, (with the exceptions of maybe Burt and Casey). One thing I like about Brody is how he will mostly tell Bruce how he feels. He lets Bruce know in general when he's unhappy with the way he's being treated and I think that overall he does that in a respectful way. I can't recall him yelling and definitely not cursing out Bruce, (unlike the Kardashian/young Jenner girls) who constantly disrespect Kris and even curse (like Khloe) at her sometimes. I like the way he talks to Bruce about how he feels, and I think that he will continue to take issue with how he's treated, unless things change.


I know attachment parenting is a hotly debated parenting style, but I have a question. It doesn't seem that it could possibly be good for a couple's relationship for them to not sleep together for years. I can even understand the two bedrooms - I hear some people say it helps them sleep better and strengthens their relationship. But, it seems like once Kourtney had her kids, she put little priority on her relationship with Scott. Now, with a third kid coming, that puts even more distance between them. I don't think Scott was just upset over the responsibility of having a third kid. He now has no one other than Kourtney and their children and Kourtney only seems interested in his sperm. A third child isn't going to improve things. I'm not saying I agree with his reaction, but I think it's larger than what it seems on the surface.

I believe in this episode Scott mentioned how he and Kourtney rarely make love, and when they do, it seems like she often ends up pregnant. I think that Kourtney does distance herself from Scott and seems detached from him. I can see why he's upset with her about different things. I think that one reason why Scott is upset about having another baby so soon, is because he feels like this is yet another thing that's out of his control. He couldn't prevent his parents from dying and dying so close together, and now he feels like he can't control the size of his family. I think that this is also one reason why he didn't want to initially go to the Hamptons, because he felt that Kourtney was making a decision for the family, that he really didn't have any control over. I don't think he really wanted to go back to the Hamptons because his parents died not too long ago and he feels guilty about not visiting them there that much when they were alive.


I think that Scott needs a chance to breathe and deal with all of the tragedy that he's had to recently deal with. The addition of another baby so soon and going back home, are making him feel even more overwhelmed, and stressed out.

Edited by Jx223

I wasn't interested enough to hit rewind, but at the rehearsal in Kanye's apartment, when they showed the groomsman, did each of them have a caption that said that they were "Kanye's best friend"?  If it was....I think its funny. 


Yes, his best frend the manager, his best friend the barber, his best friend the designer:


According to The Hollywood Gossip, Don C, West’s longtime manager, stepped up as his Best Man (after JayZ bowed out).  Ibn Jasper, West’s longtime barber, and Jerry Lorenzo, West’s designer, rounded out the groomsmen group. 





Edited by JerseyGirl
  • Love 2

Yes, and I also get this feeling (and this is just a vibe, I could be completely wrong) that sex is really the ONLY way Scott can relate to Kourtney and get her undivided attention and intimacy.  At other times she seems so withdrawn and pre-occupied, but in those (sadly) rare moments, he gets her all to himself.  But when she comes up pregnant (as is known to happen when people, um, have sex), it almost comes across like he was in it for the intimacy but she was in it to collect sperm.


It is clear that he loves his kids, but the guy isn't even 30, he's lost his birth family, and he's got three small children.  That is very overwhelming.

  • Love 4

Yes, and I also get this feeling (and this is just a vibe, I could be completely wrong) that sex is really the ONLY way Scott can relate to Kourtney and get her undivided attention and intimacy.  At other times she seems so withdrawn and pre-occupied, but in those (sadly) rare moments, he gets her all to himself.  But when she comes up pregnant (as is known to happen when people, um, have sex), it almost comes across like he was in it for the intimacy but she was in it to collect sperm.


It is clear that he loves his kids, but the guy isn't even 30, he's lost his birth family, and he's got three small children.  That is very overwhelming.

I really like Scott. I think he has a great heart and a great sense of humor. But a life of fun and leisure isn't for him. He needs a real job and a passion. He has a lot of anxiety and its made worse by having nothing to do and no responsibilities. Even the kids are taken care of by nannies, so he can't use that excuse.

I also think he and Kourtney have a great bond, but Kourtney is so reserved and closed off and its made worse with the cameras. I don't think she wants to reveal her vulnerability on camera and I think she is really stressed because she cannot seem to give Scott whatever it is that he needs to deal with his sadness and depression. I think Steven Tyler pegged Kourtney 100% when she visited their home. She needs to come back and give Kourt a refresher course.

  • Love 2

I sometimes get confused by what people mean when celebrities are called "famewhores".  Is every celebrity a famewhore since they know that fame comes with certain professions or are there certain actions that make some celebs famewhore?  


I think a famewhore is anyone who is looking for fame.  Kanye may be talented, but he really likes being famous, and he believes the fame lie.   

  • Love 1

True, Iwasish.  Honestly I think what Scott really needs is some direction (as you said, a REAL job) and her.  Having children surely divides her time massively, but I think what she needs to get rid of is all the cameras and the family obligations to the Kardashian Empire.  They've made enough money.  Time to turn off the microscope into their lives.  Also, I know this show is scripted but I don't believe there is a good actor in the whole bunch.  I believe Kourtney when she said that this baby was a "surprise".  I could see the stress on her face and I felt the profound sadness that this baby isn't being celebrated or anticipated.  It is a pregnancy that is being dreaded and endured.  It made me nearly want to cry.  I hope this baby brings nothing but joy to this family in the long run.

I felt for Scott. His folks are dead and. NOW suddenly it's let's spend the summer in the Hamptons! Because it's convenient for the Kardashians and Kris's game plan.


He even said in this episode that he felt guilty because when his parents were alive he didn't spend enough time with them because Kourtney never wanted to go to the Hamptons to visit them. What a supreme bitch.

  • Love 2

I know attachment parenting is a hotly debated parenting style, but I have a question. It doesn't seem that it could possibly be good for a couple's relationship for them to not sleep together for years. I can even understand the two bedrooms - I hear some people say it helps them sleep better and strengthens their relationship. But, it seems like once Kourtney had her kids, she put little priority on her relationship with Scott. Now, with a third kid coming, that puts even more distance between them. I don't think Scott was just upset over the responsibility of having a third kid. He now has no one other than Kourtney and their children and Kourtney only seems interested in his sperm. A third child isn't going to improve things. I'm not saying I agree with his reaction, but I think it's larger than what it seems on the surface.



Yes, and I also get this feeling (and this is just a vibe, I could be completely wrong) that sex is really the ONLY way Scott can relate to Kourtney and get her undivided attention and intimacy.  At other times she seems so withdrawn and pre-occupied, but in those (sadly) rare moments, he gets her all to himself.  But when she comes up pregnant (as is known to happen when people, um, have sex), it almost comes across like he was in it for the intimacy but she was in it to collect sperm.


It is clear that he loves his kids, but the guy isn't even 30, he's lost his birth family, and he's got three small children.  That is very overwhelming.

I also think that Kourtney is making the decisions on how many kids to have & doesn't really care if Scott wants more or not. Kicking him out of his own bed also seems pretty high handed to me, kids are supposed to be an addition to a marriage, not a substitute. I realize that they aren't legally married (and isn't that her decision too?) but technically, they might as well be. It just seems to me that Kourtney is just as controlling as Kris is, she just does it in a passive/aggressive way with a monotone voice & no emotion.  

  • Love 5

What is it with these people and not wanting to show up because they feel "ugly"?  First Rob leaves before the wedding because he is embarrassed about the way he looks , and then Khloe doesn't show up to Kim's dress fitting because she feels too "ugly" to go out that day. And all of them telling Kendall how they hate her because she has such a perfect body! Really, is this all these people think about? It would be so hard to be a member of that family.  I guess money really doesn't buy happiness because these people are all miserable.

  • Love 4

True, Iwasish.  Honestly I think what Scott really needs is some direction (as you said, a REAL job) and her.  Having children surely divides her time massively, but I think what she needs to get rid of is all the cameras and the family obligations to the Kardashian Empire.  They've made enough money.  Time to turn off the microscope into their lives.  Also, I know this show is scripted but I don't believe there is a good actor in the whole bunch.  I believe Kourtney when she said that this baby was a "surprise".  I could see the stress on her face and I felt the profound sadness that this baby isn't being celebrated or anticipated.  It is a pregnancy that is being dreaded and endured.  It made me nearly want to cry.  I hope this baby brings nothing but joy to this family in the long run.

Yeah, I could see it in her face when Kim "jokingly" told Kris she was pregnant and Kris had an orgasm and then gave Kourtney  the oh how nice hug. And Kim I suspect said she was pregnant just to get that reaction in front of Kourtney, to show her how much Kris loves her. 

  • Love 1

He even said in this episode that he felt guilty because when his parents were alive he didn't spend enough time with them because Kourtney never wanted to go to the Hamptons to visit them. What a supreme bitch.

He never said that it was Kourtney who didn't want to go to the Hamptoms.

True, Iwasish.  Honestly I think what Scott really needs is some direction (as you said, a REAL job) and her.  Having children surely divides her time massively, but I think what she needs to get rid of is all the cameras and the family obligations to the Kardashian Empire.  They've made enough money.  Time to turn off the microscope into their lives.  Also, I know this show is scripted but I don't believe there is a good actor in the whole bunch.  I believe Kourtney when she said that this baby was a "surprise".  I could see the stress on her face and I felt the profound sadness that this baby isn't being celebrated or anticipated.  It is a pregnancy that is being dreaded and endured.  It made me nearly want to cry.  I hope this baby brings nothing but joy to this family in the long run.

This is a scripted TV show.  Everyone is playing a part.  And they get paid lots of money doing so.  They only let viewers in on what they want us to see and believe.  True they are not good actors, that's why it was so obvious that her family already knew Kourtney was pregnant - before she formally announced on camera.  And guess what, by the end of the hour, in typical TV land style, Scott was looking forward to the Hamptons and the new baby.


The Disick family absence during Thailand was a giveaway.

Edited by twilightzone

Yeah, just another case-in-point that she needs to make the family that she is building with Scott the highest priority over the vapid, jealous, dysfunctional lot that she was born into. Scott has many many flaws, he's grown on me to the point that I actually like the guy, but he's still very flawed, but one thing I've noted over all these years is that he seems to truly adore Kourtney and I've never seen him utter a single unkind word to her.  This is the foundation they need to build on.  Kim may be the favored child, but at least Kourtney has a man who loves her for real and not looking at her like she's a doll he acquired.

  • Love 1

Yeah, just another case-in-point that she needs to make the family that she is building with Scott the highest priority over the vapid, jealous, dysfunctional lot that she was born into. Scott has many many flaws, he's grown on me to the point that I actually like the guy, but he's still very flawed, but one thing I've noted over all these years is that he seems to truly adore Kourtney and I've never seen him utter a single unkind word to her.  This is the foundation they need to build on.  Kim may be the favored child, but at least Kourtney has a man who loves her for real and not looking at her like she's a doll he acquired.

SO true. Kanye, it appears would rather have a book of selfies he can jerk off to in private than spend any significant amounts of time with either his wife or daughter.

What is it with these people and not wanting to show up because they feel "ugly"?  First Rob leaves before the wedding because he is embarrassed about the way he looks , and then Khloe doesn't show up to Kim's dress fitting because she feels too "ugly" to go out that day. And all of them telling Kendall how they hate her because she has such a perfect body! Really, is this all these people think about? It would be so hard to be a member of that family.  I guess money really doesn't buy happiness because these people are all miserable.

I'm not surprised. Kim spends hours each day looking for any imperfection on her body and off to the make me pretty doctor to fix it. A tiny scar on her toe!! Laser it off,

She hauled Rob in to laser his tattoos and his stretch marks.  Do you really think even if he appeared at  her wedding, she wouldn't have  photoshopped 80 lbs off him?  Kim knows nothing about dressing or fashion. If she had the slightest idea, she never would have ordered dresses or allowed Kanye to order dresses for her sisters without them seeing and trying them on. No way is the same dress going to look good on Kendall and Kourtney, Khloe and Kylie, not without tons of alterations. And this whole mess was being done in a couple days. I suspect Khloe put up a huge fight over appearing in that dress, cause she did not look happy in it. Kim didn't even have a hair style plan in advance, it was all done on the fly and it looked like shit. 

  • Love 2

I have 3 sisters and no matter how you love each other there is a lot of shit talking and eye rolling at times like these. I could never have held back with Kim and her "" look at me" attitude.

She is the opposite of gracious. Just a greedy narcissist and I give the sisters a lot of credit for not letting her have it. I can't tell you how many "third times the charm" jokes there would have been if it was my family.

  • Love 6

I have 3 sisters and no matter how you love each other there is a lot of shit talking and eye rolling at times like these. I could never have held back with Kim and her "" look at me" attitude.

She is the opposite of gracious. Just a greedy narcissist and I give the sisters a lot of credit for not letting her have it. I can't tell you how many "third times the charm" jokes there would have been if it was my family.

There was only a veiled reference to a "rocky road". No mention of  a previous Fairy Tale  Wedding (televised!!)  or 2 divorces or a sex tape.


Call me old fashioned but  having my daughter at her father's and my wedding isn't one of my dreams. I'd prefer she not arrive till AFTER the wedding.

But I'm sure North will have an AMAZING MEMORY of being there. I know I recall so much from that first year of my life...NOT!!

I don't get the feeling that this baby is a surprise, as Kourtney has spoken about having more kids close together.  A surprise to Scott, maybe.


I don't think that the baby was really a surprise to Kourtney either. I believe that she wants a big family, I believe that one time she mentioned she wanted like four kids.


I also think that Kourtney is making the decisions on how many kids to have & doesn't really care if Scott wants more or not. Kicking him out of his own bed also seems pretty high handed to me, kids are supposed to be an addition to a marriage, not a substitute. I realize that they aren't legally married (and isn't that her decision too?) but technically, they might as well be. It just seems to me that Kourtney is just as controlling as Kris is, she just does it in a passive/aggressive way with a monotone voice & no emotion.  


I think that it does seem like she's controlling in some ways, like Kris. It seems like Scott feels like he has to abide by the stuff that she wants (even if a lot of it is making him unhappy), for fear of losing of her.

Edited by Jx223

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