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Marge having the cd rom game of The Amazing Place totally gave me flashbacks to my sister having the board game version of the Richard Dawson-years of Family Feud. And us being forced to play it. Shudder.

Surprised it took this long for the show to do a Virginia Woolf spoof since they have been showcasing Marge's shrewish tendencies for years.

The return of Anger Watkins, yay! 

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During the couch scene watching the Amazing Place finale, Marge was drinking diet Lady Buzz cola

And there was a bag of Healthy Chips (Not Healthy) between Bart and Lisa.

The Amazing Place home game had up to 3 possble endings.  Up to 3 !!!

Other board games seen on the shelf:
-- Taffyland
-- BattleBoat
-- Mouse Catch

Bart: "Tell us what.  We know all the family secrets."
Lisa: "Like that dad lost our college funds investing in a chain of chewing tabacoo cafés."
Homer: "Dippin' Dens was a great idea, we just weren't prepared for all the spitting.
        Uhhh, the real tragedy is now Chawhouse owns the entire casual chewing market."

In one of the Amazing Place audition tapes, Homer is reading Giant Hamburger Magazine -- The Cheese Issue.

Amazing Place Producer: "Oh My God !  Married kids. You're in the show."
Lisa: "Ewwwww. No."
Bart: "We're here on behalf of some different weirdos."

Tad: "Also, there will be a Kia Sportage in the background that we couldn't figure out how to fit into the challenge."
Product placement for no apparent reason.

I like how they mocked the excessive use of hashtags in these types of reality contest shows.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I was thinking about this one today while watching football:

Lisa:  The happiest day of my life was three Sundays ago. I was sitting on my Daddy's knee when the Saints, who were four and a half point favorites but only up by three, kicked a meaningless field goal at the last second to cover the spread.

Miss Hoover: Dear God!

  • Love 3

Couch Gag: Bob Burgers crossover! Seen from the back, that was great. Did Bob's Burgers writers take over for that? It seemed too good.

Burger of The Day: The Eat My Short Ribs Burger.

Exterminator: "I Shoo Shoo Shoose You." Wait, wrong show. 

"Do the people my daddy shoot go to heaven?"
"Well, as long as they didn't do anything wrong, so yes."

That entire opening was fantastic. Of course Uter dies like Augustus Gloop. Too bad it pretty much fizzled after the first story. I liked Ned's story, but the other two seemed rushed, especially Lisa's.

Ned's Story: Man, even Ned's beatnik dad thought he was a pill. Must've been post-spilling the ink on his poems (honest accident) and the spankological protocol. Why am I not surprised that one of his first good acts was saving Homer from dying after doing something stupid? (Which, to be fair, wouldn't have been Homer's fault). Edna going with Washington & Maude going with Lincoln make perfect sense, when you think about it.

Marge's Story: Man, does Marge's grandmother raise a whole lot of questions. She was Marge's age the same time as Abe fighting in WWII? How old does that make Marge's parents, then? I did like Sideshow Mel having different things stuck in his hair every time we saw him. And of course Rainier Wolfcastle was the Nazi.

RIP Jon Lovitz. And oh hey, that really was Tracy Morgan for one line.

Lisa's Story: Of course we end with Lisa and Buddhism. "This is about a princess not owned by Disney...unless we are owned by Disney." Complete with an "I want" song...about wanting less. Nothing much happened with her story, though. I did like Bart & Milhouse's game, and Lisa thinking what really matters in life are goat heads. 

I liked seeing the time traveling Amazon delivery.

Edited by Galileo908
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12 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

"Do the people my daddy shoot go to heaven?"
"Well, as long as they didn't do anything wrong, so yes."

That was funny.

In the Ned story, that was definitely the young version of old Gil, but was that supposed to be Lyle Lanley (of Monorail fame) ? 
The hat sure looked familiar. Made me think of Phil Hartman (I miss Phil).

Marge's and Lisa's story were ok, I guess.

No Jewish heaven ??  No Gal Gadot (who is just visiting).

This season is 3 episodes old, and already we've had 2 religious-themed episodes.  I hope that isn't the trend for the entire season.

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I've been thinking about why the stories became gradually less interesting to me, and I think it's because they became gradually detached from their storyteller. Ned's story was a personal one (and the best story), Marge's was about her grandmother (most likely heard second hand), while Lisa's was about some princess that lived long ago.

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I finally watched The Problem With Apu and all I can say that Hari is right. What makes it even worse is how the show is responding to it, which is basically, "We do this to everyone so stop whining." Without even acknowledging that Apu is played by a white guy doing his impression of an Indian stereotype. 

This show really has gone on too long.

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So I am watching something on PBS tonight and when the part at the beginning  comes on where they say the show is madw possible thanks to contributions fro viewers like you in my mind I instantly hear Betty White call me a common thief (as i have never contributed). The crazy thing is I can't remember the last time I saw that episode but it could easily be more than 7 years ago.

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Homer wins an oyster eating contest against the mythical Cthulu; Springfield is overrun by plant body snatchers; Lisa finally snaps; Mr. Burns opens a retirement home with some Jurassic upgrades.

Not gonna lie, I'm very optimistic about this year's slate of stories.

Edited by Galileo908

The tombstones are back!

Toys R Us
Thinking Nazis Are Over
American Exceptionalism

Cthulu: Of course Homer wins an eating contest against Cthulu. And then eats him. Can't believe it took the show took this long to cover him, he's public domain after all.

Intrusion of The Pod-dy Snatchers: This was quite creepy. Kind of a weird twist, though. Everyone was reborn on the plant world because they became addicted to cell phones and missed out on the world...and somehow still found cell phones (thanks to a Jewish Christmas tree). Kang and Kodos ran by in the background briefly. I liked Willie killing Chalmers even though he was still real (hasn't stopped Willie from trying in the past with Burns. It also reminded me of when Wiggum shot the basketball player thinking he was one of the giant advertising icons). Otto's plant person being a giant pot plant seemed obvious. I also liked Lisa being disappointed at the "paradise" of the sci fi story having a happy ending.

Multip-Lisa-ty: This was a tour de force for Yeardly Smith's voice acting. Also a pretty weird one. So Bart pulled a Bonerland on one of Lisa's test and she just...snapped. Ending was rushed, she just snapped out of it as easy as she snapped in the first place.

Geriatric Park: Now Goldblum Free! Yep, enough time passed that the show can make fun of the Jurassic World movies (since they passed by all the Jurassic Parks). I thought this was fun, albeit rushed and quick.

I'm dead certain Bea Simmons was among the old people turned into dinosaurs (she was the one reading the book. She was the pink one)

Edited by Galileo908
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Other tombstones in the graveyard:
-- Slow News Day
-- Winking at Work
-- Watermelon Oreos
-- Beloved Wife
-- Beloved Secret Wife
-- Beloved Boat

The 'Top 10 Places to See Before You Mysteriously Disappear' had the Raiders Game Visitor's section on the cover.

Fisherman: "Fool. This whole contest was a ruse."
Homer: "What the ?"
Fisherman: "Why he had to be sacrificed to an evil god from the ocean depths."
Homer: "SpongeBob ?"

Fisherman: "An eating contest against the monstrous Chthulu. To him the Great Barrier Reef is just an average barrier reef."
Lisa: "Well my dad didn't eat breakfast."
Chthulu: "Uh, oh."

Developed by James L. "I'm scarier than Kavanaugh" Brooks.
Oh, snap.

Loved the silo of offshore money beside the underwater Mapple Computer Lair.

That video from Mapple Founder Steve Mobs was priceless.
Mobs: "A less exciting version of me has taken my place."

Hah !  The Futurama spaceship towing a banner that says 'Bring Back Futurama' gets destroyed by The Orville.

Comic Book Guy: "Oh great, an homage to Body Snatchers which in itself was a ripoff of The Thing, this will be the last word I ever say. C minus !"

Spiderpig sighting in Paradise.

Milhouse van Houten -- voice of reason.
Lisa: "Not one of you said encore."
Milhouse: "But I think encores are a ridiculous tradition. Just sing your songs and go."

Wasn't the original Multiplicity film, that the segment derives its name from, about clones starring Michael Keaton, whereas this was more like the movie Split.

Milhouse was wearing Happy Little Elves pajama bottoms.  And Gloria Vanderbilt glasses.

Duffman was dating Miss Hoover.  Oh, yeah !!

Jurassic World 2: This time it's safe.

Lisa: "Why do you need doors -- you can just fly over the wall."
Burns (stares at invoice list with $30 million cost for giant doors): "Dammit."
Note: the episode code XABF16 was in the upper right corner of the invoice.

Loved the island map on Lisa's iPad: Margaritaville, Skull Island, Lost, Gilligan's Island, Island of Dr. Moreau

Burns: "Welcome to Geriatric Park where our motto is 'no further questions'."

Possible Side Effects include:
-- Back Spikes
-- Protective Plates
-- Giant Claws
-- Fear of Asteroids
-- Being a Precursor to our Modern Birds
-- A Second Tail-brain
-- Loss of Ears
-- And Increased Libido

If you are currently egg-laying or expect to be egg-laying, consult your paleontologist.

Marge: "Abe, I've never seen you so vibrant and alive."
Abe: "Well, I don't like to complain."
Lisa: "Wow !  You have changed."

Agnes Skinner (as a pterodactyl, after eating Seymour Skinner's arm): "You even taste disappointing."
Seymour Skinner: "Half of that taste is you."
Except that's not really true, since he's actually Armin Tamzarian.

So keeping the temperature cool was the key to rampant dinosaurism -- who knew ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 6
11 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Comic Book Guy: "Oh great, an homage to Body Snatchers which in itself was a ripoff of The Thing, this will be the last word I ever say. Save others !"

I thought he said "C-!" at the end, as if he was rating the episode (or his death).

Yeah, it took me a while to figure out what movie they were parodying in the second segment, and calling it "Multip-Lisa-ty" didn't help.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Phishbulb said:

I thought he said "C-!" at the end, as if he was rating the episode (or his death).

Yeah, it took me a while to figure out what movie they were parodying in the second segment, and calling it "Multip-Lisa-ty" didn't help.

I think you're right @phishbulb -- now that I re-listen to it he kind of does say C minus.

I'll update my original post.

I actually LOL'd with Lisa's "well, my dad hasn't had breakfast" followed by Chtulu's immediate "uh oh." So glad that THOH eps are still some of the best eps the show offers although the Orville destroying the Planet Express ship made me bristle. Futurama forever! 

And I actually agreed with Sudden Voice of Reason Milhouse's "just sing your songs and go" re encores. I know, I'm scared too. LOL

  • Love 3

This article is saying that Apu is being written off the show:



Following a nearly year-long controversy — though one that has really lasted for as long as the character has existed — producers of The Simpsons have confirmed that Apu, longtime Quik-E-Mart owner and Indian stereotype, is being written off of the show.

The news was delivered to Indiewire by producer Adi Shankar, who said he’d been trying to crowdsource a script that “in a clever way subverts him, pivots him, writes him out, or evolves him in a way that takes a creation that was the byproduct of a predominately Harvard-educated white male writers’ room and transforms it into a fresh, funny and realistic portrayal of Indians in America.”



58 minutes ago, TVSpectator said:

This article is saying that Apu is being written off the show:


I hate to say it but I am starting to think that if they are going to go down this road they should probably just end the show. If Apu is offensive because on the surface he is a stereotype and is voiced by someone who doesn't share that background, well then that definition fits most of the characters. Will "The problem with Smithers" be next? The show plays with stereotypes yes but it is not hard, at least for me to see that they are satire. Hell Homer is a fat, lazy stupid American. 

The whole thing reminds me of Speedy Gonzalez, also a huge stereotype voiced by someone not Mexican. Cartoon network started pulling Speedy cartoons in the 90's only to have Latin-American groups speak out against the move and say they actually liked Speedy. I wonder if there will be anything similar from Indian people who appericate the Apu character and how well he is developed?

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43 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I hate to say it but I am starting to think that if they are going to go down this road they should probably just end the show. If Apu is offensive because on the surface he is a stereotype and is voiced by someone who doesn't share that background, well then that definition fits most of the characters. Will "The problem with Smithers" be next? The show plays with stereotypes yes but it is not hard, at least for me to see that they are satire. Hell Homer is a fat, lazy stupid American. 

The whole thing reminds me of Speedy Gonzalez, also a huge stereotype voiced by someone not Mexican. Cartoon network started pulling Speedy cartoons in the 90's only to have Latin-American groups speak out against the move and say they actually liked Speedy. I wonder if there will be anything similar from Indian people who appericate the Apu character and how well he is developed?


37 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Well said. Exactly. Almost all the characters on the show are that. From Ned to The Simpsons family to Mr. Burns to Moe and so on are that. It basically makes fun of everyone. And like you said, it's satire.

Wow. This is the first time I've heard about that. 

Have you seen the Hari Kondabolu documentary that seemed to be the thing that really brought much attention to the issue ("The Problem with Apu")?  It may not change your mind but it may at least give you some insight into why to a lot of people this "satire" feels different.

Edited to add - sorry, I see that documentary has been mentioned many times above, but my point stands.  Before I saw it, my thought was, "hey, they make fun of everyone" but after watching it, I think there is definitely another side to the story.

Edited by SoMuchTV
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34 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:


Have you seen the Hari Kondabolu documentary that seemed to be the thing that really brought much attention to the issue ("The Problem with Apu")?  It may not change your mind but it may at least give you some insight into why to a lot of people this "satire" feels different.

Edited to add - sorry, I see that documentary has been mentioned many times above, but my point stands.  Before I saw it, my thought was, "hey, they make fun of everyone" but after watching it, I think there is definitely another side to the story.


Heard about it. And to be honest, again... the show is satire. Doubt even the documentary will change my view on it. It's how I view the show as a whole. If you take out Apu, they might as well take out everyone.

You could have cops not liking the portrayal of cops in it, Christians not liking how they're portrayed on the show and so on. 

Edited by AntiBeeSpray
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1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:


Have you seen the Hari Kondabolu documentary that seemed to be the thing that really brought much attention to the issue ("The Problem with Apu")?  It may not change your mind but it may at least give you some insight into why to a lot of people this "satire" feels different.

Edited to add - sorry, I see that documentary has been mentioned many times above, but my point stands.  Before I saw it, my thought was, "hey, they make fun of everyone" but after watching it, I think there is definitely another side to the story.

Haven't seen it but read enough about it. I get that some people can be offended but it seems like an unwinable situation. Just about any option is going to offend a segment of the population the same way Apu is offending some people now. So unless the show isn't going to care about it, the same way they didn't really care about offending Brazil then the best option is probably just cancellation. Which sucks because even though i don't really watch anymore, i would hate to see it go out like that.

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12 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I hate to say it but I am starting to think that if they are going to go down this road they should probably just end the show. If Apu is offensive because on the surface he is a stereotype and is voiced by someone who doesn't share that background, well then that definition fits most of the characters. Will "The problem with Smithers" be next? The show plays with stereotypes yes but it is not hard, at least for me to see that they are satire. Hell Homer is a fat, lazy stupid American. 

The whole thing reminds me of Speedy Gonzalez, also a huge stereotype voiced by someone not Mexican. Cartoon network started pulling Speedy cartoons in the 90's only to have Latin-American groups speak out against the move and say they actually liked Speedy. I wonder if there will be anything similar from Indian people who appericate the Apu character and how well he is developed?

Why don't the people offended by Apu just not watch the show?  It's the stupidest thing.  Media depicts too much sex, or makes fun of religious faith, and some people say "if you don't like it, just don't watch".  The same media depicts something that makes them uncomfortable, and the same people say "destroy it!!!!".  So many people get so fixated on making everything conform directly to whatever makes them most comfortable.  Apu is a long lasting beloved character.  Why should we cave in to a vocal minority?  If they don't like Apu, they have the option of cancelling him from their lives.

Honestly, I think writing off Apu is just a cheap cowardly move. Hari wanted the problem to be acknowledged or at least have Apu being given a bit more nuance or an actual Indian voice actor. They aren't doing any of those things. Instead, they're just writing off Apu so they can keep milking this dry cow of a show til the apocalypse.

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The annoying thing is there are always articles about the lack of developed Asian characters in TV. So if they write out Apu there will be one less. It really seems like a perfect is the enemy of good with this situation.

I also generally hate the idea of you can't play a character unless you are an actor exactly like that character.

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2 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

The annoying thing is there are always articles about the lack of developed Asian characters in TV. So if they write out Apu there will be one less. It really seems like a perfect is the enemy of good with this situation.

I also generally hate the idea of you can't play a character unless you are an actor exactly like that character.

Are they also going to write out his brother Sanjay (voiced by Harry Shearer) and his wife Manjula (voiced by either Jan Hooks or Tress Mcneille) ? 
And if they write them out, what happens to the Octuplets ?  Will they be written out as well (even though they don't have voice actors) ?

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More Ali news came out today:




Last week, producer and Youtuber Adi Shankar claimed that The Simpsons plans to "drop the Apu character altogether".

But Al Jean, who is an executive producer, has responded on Twitter saying that Adi Shankar "does not speak for our show".

Apu has become controversial recently, with some people arguing that he is an Indian stereotype.

Adi Shankar, who is a producer on the Netflix show Castlevania, told IndieWire that he'd been told Apu's days on the show were numbered.

He claimed to have got the news from two people who work on the show and a third person who works with Simpsons creator Matt Groening.

Simpsons executive producer Al Jean, who has been there since the show started way back in 1989, tweeted: "Adi Shankar is not a producer on the Simpsons. I wish him the very best but he does not speak for our show."

Al Jean didn't say whether or not Apu would be staying in the show or not.



Intro: Sky Police!

Couch Gag: Exercise bikes!

"Here's your nuggets."
"CHICKEN nuggets?"

Homer and his nuggets really spoke to me, as was celebrating that CarGo serves free food set to "Pure Imagination." 

I love how "WARNING: FAT IDIOT" is on Homer's driver's license thanks to Patty and Selma. I also loved seeing that Hans Moleman still has his Gremlin (it didn't explode again, sadly).

So this episode was essentially dropping Homer and Marge into Silicon Valley, with amusing results. Of course the driverless cars had a catch, that they drive you to what you talk about thanks to mining your data. Of course that even in a self-driving car, Agnes is still a backseat driver.

Burns trying to pass himself off as a young person is always a recipe for comedy. For the first time, he's the LESSER of two evils!

"Kids, you're BOTH stupid in your own special ways!" Another nugget of wisdom from Homer.

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On 11/4/2018 at 8:29 PM, Galileo908 said:

"Here's your nuggets."
"CHICKEN nuggets?"

"Including things that ate or were eaten by a chicken"

Homer's thought balloon about what may have eaten a chicken or been eaten by a chicken included:
-- an elephant
-- a mouse
-- a chicken
--  a hot dog

I especially liked that the word "chicken" was in quotes on the Krusty box.

And I liked the fact that CarGo was bought by French's Mustard, and then shut down.

Even better -- when Homer said Holy Crap, the self-driving car took them to church.  Hah !
Or when Skinner was in the car with his mother, and the car took them to the Assisted Suicide office when he stated "What am I going to do with you ?".

List of Burns' memories:
-- Potsdam Conference
-- Conscious Embrace of Evil
-- First Million
-- First Billion
-- First Kiss
-- Crazy Wrinkly Short Piece of Garbage
-- Al Jolson Songs

I thought it was odd that Mr. Burns wouldn't think about giving Marge a job at the nuclear power plant because of workplace attraction issues -- even though Marge has already had a job at the nuclear power plant (in the episode 'Marge Gets a Job').

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"My back is spineless. My belly is yellow. I am the American nonvoter."

"Mayor Quimby supports revolving-door prisons. Mayor Quimby even released Sideshow Bob: a man twice convicted of attempted murder. Can you trust a man like Mayor Quimby? Vote Sideshow Bob for mayor."

Quimby: Who are you to demand anything? I run this town! You're just a bunch of low-income nobodies!
Aide: Uh, election in November. Election in November.
Quimby: What? Again? This stupid country.

Homer: Are we gonna let politics get in the way of our friendship?
Ray Patterson: Friendship? You told people I lured children into my gingerbread house.
Homer: (chuckles) Yeah. That was just a lie.

Ray Patterson: I'm not much on speeches, but it's so gratifying to leave you wallowing in the mess you've made. You're screwed. Thank you. Bye.

Kent Brockman: Are you a registered voter?
Moe: I'm a registered... something.

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