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S27.E03: Camilanator: Judgement Day

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I'm hoping next week Larissa loses so Camilla and her crazy ass can go home. She was over the top with her entitlement and did a good job pissing off her allies with the running around screaming at everyone. Of course Larissa's team would vote to get rid of her. Why would they want Camilla to stay in the game?

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I normally feel really bad for anyone that gets injured, but Tony's only role in this was to keep his superior brother in the competition.  It's sad that he's hurt, but they need to find a way to rope his brother into another season, if they go.  He hasn't even had time to hook up with someone or have a fight to guarantee a spot later on.

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I don't think Candice acted like much of a baby. She continued with the game and later got 10 stitches. To her moneymaker - that comment made me laugh.


Camilla's response is nothing new for her. She's always is kind of a raging asshole. I wonder why Larissa thinks she can beat Jenna? Jenna isn't a completely useless competitor and she's got lots of height on Larissa who doesn't seem particularly athletic. Of course, too, it depends on the challenge. Bummed we have to wait until next wk to see it. Frankly, I don't care who stays or go. Although I'd like to see Cara Maria hang in there until the end. And maybe Leroy although I'm still a little pissed at him for his behavior last season. I generally like Leroy though.

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Ugh. Had to watch this after going through three hours of Survivor. The first vote of that episode wasn't as complicated as the format change. Why couldn't BMP stick to the format they were using? Or started with the new one? It's needlessly complicated, and I feel no real urge to root for either team.


As bad as Camila was, I don't think she was as psycho as she used to be. . . or as noisome as Abi-Maria. On a scale of 0-10, I'd give her a 4. I'll be rooting for Jenna next week, because too much Camila is a bad thing. Of course, that is if the Pit isn't suspended by Tony almost dying.


The mission was good, but it could have been tweaked. I would've added five minutes for every flag lost, as opposed to ending the game when one team lost too many players. I'm betting Candice and Tony weren't the only ones that were hurting afterward.

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Argh. It's so annoying when the pit elimination isn't shown at the end. It feels like half an episode, which is greedy network BS.


So Tony was screened for internal bleeding but released only to discover that he has internal bleeding? Either the hospital didn't do its job or Tony refused medical care just to stay in the game (just like he did with the producer. Idiot.). I'm not really rooting for anyone at this point.

Edited by numbnut
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Yeah, this show is so strange with "rules" sometimes. I swear that I've seen an episode of this show where someone got badly injured and was forced by production to get checked out and then subsequently was forced to leave. I swear this has happened. I know there's been a few instances where doctors tell the challengers, "you shouldn't, but if you want to, go ahead and keep playing".  Either way, Tony should have been forced to go back. 


Camilla is my least favorite challenger ever. Well. One of them anyway. I hate how she has always acted so entitled, ever since her first challenge when she came from some tv spot for the challenge called spring break. It was like a contest thing. I always felt she never earned her keep, but that can be said for half of these contestants now. 


Brianna seemed much happier tonight. Probably the fact that she and Jenna spent less time together. I was happy she completed the challenge. I like her, for some reason and am not a fan of Jenna for some reason, even though honestly, hardly remember her from her last challenge, except for her hooking up with Zach. 

  • Love 3

Ugh. Had to watch this after going through three hours of Survivor. The first vote of that episode wasn't as complicated as the format change. Why couldn't BMP stick to the format they were using? Or started with the new one? It's needlessly complicated, and I feel no real urge to root for either team.

As bad as Camila was, I don't think she was as psycho as she used to be. . . or as noisome as Abi-Maria. On a scale of 0-10, I'd give her a 4. I'll be rooting for Jenna next week, because too much Camila is a bad thing. Of course, that is if the Pit isn't suspended by Tony almost dying.

The mission was good, but it could have been tweaked. I would've added five minutes for every flag lost, as opposed to ending the game when one team lost too many players. I'm betting Candice and Tony weren't the only ones that were hurting afterward.

Lantern, what does the sentence "as noisome as Abi-Maria" mean?

Camilla just takes this shit way too serious. She acts like actual lives are at stake.

I hate the entitlement of people like her. The game is fine and fair as long as its not her going in, as soon as her name is mentioned, everybody becomes evil assholes.

Go home Camilla. How did she get on the show in the first place? Was she on one of the Real World/Road Rules shows?

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

Yeah, this show is so strange with "rules" sometimes. I swear that I've seen an episode of this show where someone got badly injured and was forced by production to get checked out and then subsequently was forced to leave. I swear this has happened. I know there's been a few instances where doctors tell the challengers, "you shouldn't, but if you want to, go ahead and keep playing".  Either way, Tony should have been forced to go back.  

Yeah, once he started looking like the Grinch, they should have driven his ass immediately to the hospital.

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I feel like I'm in the minority here- I LOVE the rule change. I think its awesome. Its going to be so hard for people to make alliances/sleep their way to the top ( Like Cara is weirdly trying to do...I don't get it, shes good on her own! If you want to flirt just leave it at that lol) and all the voting is going to be hyper emotional as we have already seen tonight. I think this was a great move by the producers. 


Nanys cousin is annoying, and Nany is also annoying me with her entitlement too. I don't see them going very far.


I loved watching Camilla run around and be all upset " I'm upset for my sister" ....LIES! You're freaking out because you absolutely have no control over your fate in the game and you might go home..which is awesome. I love it. 


Was super disappointed we didn't find out the outcome of the battle and Tony you are an idiot. My vote is he ruptured his spleen or something. I had a friend do that in elementary school she nearly died from internal bleeding. Wouldn't the hospital have caught that though? Anyway, hope him and Shane get to stay. I love Shane.


My vote is Jenna is going to beat Larissa. Jenna works out quite a bit ( at least as seen on her IG account) and Larissa is short which can be a detriment in a lot of things. 


Candice was badass and redeemed herself a bit  and why isn't Johnny pissing me off this season? I am confused. 

  • Love 6

Johnny is pretty nice this season. I wonder if it's because last season he was insufferable and then he got his comeuppance when Sarah broke their alliance and sent him into the elimination. I still remember him crying on the reunion or the aftershow about a years long friendship being broken and Sarah awesomely going, "but we aren't friends and we don't talk outside of this show?" response. 

  • Love 6

Nanys cousin is annoying, and Nany is also annoying me with her entitlement too. I don't see them going very far. 

I had to chuckle when Nany's cousin's reasoning for not voting her into The Pit was that she would be easy to lift and carry around during the final challenge. Lol!  Ummm, I'm pretty sure that people in the final would prefer to not have to carry someone on the back in order to win unless it was absolutely necessary.


Nany's cousin (? sister?) makeup is hilariously bad. Is she doing it on purpose to stand out or does she think it actually looks good?

Unfortunately, she thinks it looks good.  And it does....for a drag queen under stage lights.

  • Love 6

This does not have anything to do with the episode but I saw in the previews that Aneesa is hooking up with a guy.  I thought she said that she was a lesbian back when she was on her RW season.  Granted my memory of that season (Which was the first RW season I ever watched all the way through) could be off because that season was so long ago. 

  • Love 1

This does not have anything to do with the episode but I saw in the previews that Aneesa is hooking up with a guy.  I thought she said that she was a lesbian back when she was on her RW season.  Granted my memory of that season (Which was the first RW season I ever watched all the way through) could be off because that season was so long ago. 


Aneesa did date women during her RW season and I was wondering the same thing at first, but I have since read elsewhere that she has stated that she is bisexual.



Lantern, what does the sentence "as noisome as Abi-Maria" mean?

The word noisome means disagreeable, unpleasant or offensive.  Abi-Maria has been a controversial contestant on the recent season of Survivor because of her nasty attitude and behavior towards the other contestants.

Edited by Decider
  • Love 1

This does not have anything to do with the episode but I saw in the previews that Aneesa is hooking up with a guy. I thought she said that she was a lesbian back when she was on her RW season. Granted my memory of that season (Which was the first RW season I ever watched all the way through) could be off because that season was so long ago.

She has hooked up with men and women before. It's not new that she's hooking up with Cory. She seemed to just be into women during her season and has changed her mindset since then. Edited by Racj82
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I find Camila to be super annoying and confrontational -- I hope she and Larissa go home next week. Her entitlement this episode got on my nerves, and Larissa needs to grow thicker skin and stop running to Camila (with tears in her eyes) whenever someone looks at her the wrong way. I haven't liked her since she started crying/freaking out over being called "short" by Tony. I mean... she is short. Welcome to life, sweetheart.


That being said, I'm looking forward to Abram making an entrance soon! 

  • Love 8

I thought I would hate "Bloodlines" but I'm kind of loving how extra strategic they have to be when picking teams and elimination matchups. Like, trying to decide whether it's better to pick a strong veteran and give the other team an average or strong player, or pick an average or weak veteran in order to saddle the opposing team with an even weaker player. Seemed like CM's strategy was the former, and Jamie's strategy was the latter.


Even better is when they can't pick certain people they'd like to pick for elimination, because it will affect their own teams. And with TJ making the threat of the game structure still set to change, they can't even think of a long term strategy or alliance. I really like this set up.



Has KellyAnne had crazy plastic surgery? I just caught up on the first three episodes and at first I thought it was a different Kelly Anne because she looks like a totally different person.


I thought the same thing! I think she was in her late teens when she was on RW in 2007, so she'd only be about mid/late 20s now. But she looks closer to mid/late 30s. She was really cute, I don't think she's aged well at all.



Johnny is pretty nice this season. I wonder if it's because last season he was insufferable and then he got his comeuppance...

 Isn't he STILL talking about his betrayal on social media? Nonetheless, I agree that so far, he has come off much better, and actually, prior to his bullying of Sarah he wasn't that bad on Battle of the Exes 2, and was even mostly decent on Free Agents.


Hard to say if he's actually gotten any nicer, or if he is just trying to stay on the right side of "I'm playing a character that people love to hate and will tune in each week in the hopes I'll get my ass kicked, therefore guaranteeing me a permanent invitation to come back and  get a sweet ratings bonus", vs. "I am so despicable people will not watch a show that I am on". I think he blurred that line a bit too much on The Island.


If Camila and Larissa are sisters, how come Camila has an accent and Larissa doesn't?

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I love the new twist. I initially thought that the producers were going to make the relatives fight each other head to head, which would've been sadistic and stupid. I'm glad they went this route instead. I like Cara Maria, but she always seems overwhelmed when she has to make any kind of decision and that can get annoying. I thought Cara Maria picked a terrible team because she got saddled with a lot of weak players, but they ended up winning. I laughed hard when Dario and Raphy were picked last, but it makes sense since they essentially seem to be the same person. You're not going to get any advantage by picking one or the other.


I don't understand Camila's outrage over her sister being sent into the pit. The team lost the challenge when she fell into the drink, so of course she's going to get sent in. That's logical to anybody but Camila who is batshit crazy. I don't think the guys were at all threatened by Camila when she approached them with her temper tantrum. You'd think a veteran would know not to do that. I haven't seen bitchiness like that since the insufferable Johnny Bananas last season. It'll be interesting if the pit will be a team thing or an individual thing like the first 2 pits were. I think it will probably be team. If it's individual, I think Jenna and Camila would be a pretty fair fight. Camila isn't as badass as she seems to think she is, and Jenna, while a doormat, isn't as weak physically as the group that voted her in seems to think. Also, WTF, Nany? One team says your name and you flip out. It's not like Dario and Raphy are running things. They're just AYTO kids.


All I have to say about the Tony Raines medical situation is that MTV must have the challengers sign waivers out the wazoo that absolves them of all liability. Dude was white as Casper and could've died. I guess that was the risk the producers were willing to take. I know they tried to get him medical care and he refused, but they should've stepped in and demanded that he receive care or leave the show. I can't imagine the medical care he received was that good if they let him leave the hospital in the first place. Of course I know nothing about Turkish hospitals. I'm sure the producers debated on whether to step in behind the scenes and maybe they let it slide because it was just Tony who has been pretty vile not only on The Challenge, but his season of The Real World too. I think the show has gotten more relaxed in terms of violence and safety and someone's going to end up dying on one of them. However, if Tony and Shane go home, that will all but guarantee that Shane comes back. Usually people who've been screwed over get invitations to appear on The Challenge again. Shane is awesome, so that would be pretty cool.


Candice sure is a tough competitor. She took a hard one to the moneymaker and broke her toe, but still made the jump. I thought it was really cool that Leroy was cheering for her even though they were on different teams. Yes, Leroy has a stake in her doing well, but I'm not sure that was known at the time. It seemed like genuine pride and that was refreshing in a game that's usually cutthroat.


If Tony does go home, I'm wondering if they're going to have an elimination at all. I can see Teej calling it off due to the evening's events. It would be kind of insensitive to have the pit not knowing the status of Tony.

Edited by jmonkey

I kind of like seeing Cara and Bananas laughing and working well together. I don't want Bananas on another challenge, but man I would love to see him and CM on a rivals challenge paired together.

I have a feeling that Jenna will become like a new school Sarah kind of girl. Always gets sent in the eliminations but comes up clutch and wins. I can't hate on her. She has this no fucks given attitude and I love it.

Candice is definitely the surprise of the season. Good to see her continuing to impress and kicking ass. And I love seeing the rookies not standing by and letting the vets run them over.

Even with the idiotic shit CM is doing withTho as, I'm still rooting for her and Jamie. They are my favorite pair.

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How would Candace be able to continue with a broken toe?


Any kind of running would handicap her and her team.


In the previews for the rest of the season, they showed CT so maybe they bring in some ringers later on.


Looks like Bunim Murray has permanently wrote off some of the older players like Kenny and Evan?  Or have they moved on with their lives?

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I thought the same thing! I think she was in her late teens when she was on RW in 2007, so she'd only be about mid/late 20s now. But she looks closer to mid/late 30s. She was really cute, I don't think she's aged well at all.


I think Kelly Anne has looked different in every season she has appeared thus far. I thought she looked really cute on the Island, a bit off and steroid-induced looking in the Ruins, and back to looking cute this season. Though I think she looks eerily like Demelza (the fourth season winner of Australia's Next Top Model) this season.

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Camila, your sister sucks ass at the competitions, she is way short, a little chunky/out of shape and clearly doesn't have the personality to take the atmosphere of The Challenge...how the hell did you think this was going to go for her? Unbelievably stupid for Camila to be surprised by how her sister has been treated, in fact I would have expected people to be meaner about it even. Are Larissa and Camila full siblings? They look nothing alike at all and Larissa doesn't have the same accent as Camila? They look less alike than most of the cousins, IMO. Camila can gtfo with her entitlement, why should anyone care about your crap player sister getting voted in?

  • Love 1

Camila, your sister sucks ass at the competitions, she is way short, a little chunky/out of shape and clearly doesn't have the personality to take the atmosphere of The Challenge...how the hell did you think this was going to go for her? Unbelievably stupid for Camila to be surprised by how her sister has been treated, in fact I would have expected people to be meaner about it even. Are Larissa and Camila full siblings? They look nothing alike at all and Larissa doesn't have the same accent as Camila? They look less alike than most of the cousins, IMO. Camila can gtfo with her entitlement, why should anyone care about your crap player sister getting voted in?


Camila takes everything personally. In her delusional little mind, people should treat Larissa special because she's Camila's sister. While I'd say Camila is an above average competitor in terms of athleticism, she sucks at thinking strategically and no one is intimidated by her. Certainly no one is going to lobby to protect Larissa just so they don't piss off Big Bad Camila, but Camila is like Bananas and thinks she has a lot more leverage than she does.

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