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S05.E11: Swan Song

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“I want to be just like you.”  Well, that was pretty anvil-ly, wasn’t it?  Also, the lighting in that scene managed to make Papa Hook look very creepy and TV-Satany.


“Six.  Dopey’s still a tree.”  We never did get that taco-throwing scene.  I wanted that taco-throwing scene--more than a lot of the scenes we did get.  In fact, we could substitute the taco throwing for almost every Merida scene and it would be a 300% improvement.


Okay.  Parts of me want to keep Dark Hook, simply because he’s saying all kinds of things I wish someone would say on a regular basis.


And, there it is--our resolution of the Snow/Charming/Emma family drama.  10 seconds and a hug. At least there were mentions about who’d take care of Nealflake.


I have to admit I enjoyed all of Zelena’s scenes this episode.  Well, when she was the one talking.  So, Regina tornadoed Zelena away?  Why was she brought back again?  Oh, that’s right--because A&E were panicking about what to do about the “Adultery Queen” backlash and made a bad situation worse.


So, Regina gets to be the one to talk Hook into not being evil?  They just can’t help themselves, can they?  She has to have every significant moment possible, doesn’t she? 


Well, I was sort of right about Belle and Rumple.  They did get back together, right after he became the Dark One again.  I don’t know whether to laugh or shake my head.


Why are they taking Henry to the underworld?  How does that remotely make sense?

Edited by Mari
  • Love 9

If this is the quality that A&E are capable of writing, why is this show such an overall mess? While I didn't cry (I rarely do), this was a terrific episode. It's right up there with Emma and Killian's EF holiday.

A few thoughts/queries

* How did Zelina know what the DOs were up to and that she would not be marked?

* Is it just me or did Colin look sickly pale as the DO tonight?

* A sleeping curse. How convenient.

* Wow. Emma invited Regina to Granny's for the big family goodbye. Impressive.

* Good thing no one happened to be in the street when Regina sent Zelina back to Oz.

* How did Excalibur end up in Emma's closet? Better yet, why would she have let it leave her hands?

* Was taking Killian off by the paramedics really necessary? Have they ever shown paramedics before?

  • Love 1

That ending was super sweet. I'm just going to concentrate on that right now.


Rumple is the DO again? What the fuck ever. I am not interested in his heel-face revolving door. Pick a lane!


“Six.  Dopey’s still a tree.”  We never did get that taco-throwing scene.  I wanted that taco-throwing scene--more than a lot of the scenes we did get.  In fact, we could substitute the taco throwing for almost every Merida scene and it would be a 300% improvement.



The lack of taco-throwing was the worst thing about this season. Aside from Merida, of course.


I'm assuming we're probably in for a S4 retread with Belle and Rumple. If they choose Archie as the minor character for her to rebound (again!) with, I will be beyond pissed.


I didn't hear any Sarah McLachlan, so my table is safe at the moment. I was getting some obnoxious Buffy vibes, though.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
  • Love 9

Zelena getting sucked up by a tornado to Oz was the best part of this episode. Pity she'll probably be back. Next time Regina should just make a house on her.

Oh God, Captain Swan killed me. They went all Buffy on us.

What happened to Hook's half brother? For that matter, what about Arthur? When is he getting his comeuppance?!

Underworld Storybrook looks sweet. But two things need to happen in 5B for me to keep watching this show 1) Captain Swan wedding/sex scene and 2) the implication of Aladdin coming.

  • Love 6

Well there was the Buffy/Angel ending -- she sent him to Hell.

I loathe Rumple with the fire of a thousand suns.

Why are they taking Henry?!?

Things I Liked:

1. Baby Killian

2. The Hotness of Daddy Hook

3. Regina sending Zelena to Oz

4. The muscle jumping in Killian's cheek when Nimue told him he knew what he needed to do

5. Emma vowing that she'd always find her boo and her plan to share a heart

Things I Didn't Like:

1. Emma being stupid enough to give up the sword

2. Killian killing his father ::sob::

3. How talky the ending was

4. Rumbelle happy ending (short as it was)

5. Emma calling him Hook instead of Killian when she said she'd always find him

Edited by chrisvee
  • Love 9

That stabbing sacrifice scene was straight out of Buffy. If we get to see a naked Killian fall out of the sky, I would be ok with that.


So when will Liam 2.0 show up?


Snow didn't look too enthused at Emma's share-a-heart plan.


Man, they really like to hit the audience over the head with their theme. How many damn times did we have to hear "Man, that I want to be" or variations?


I hate Rumple. And Belle is such a dumbass.

Edited by Writing Wrongs
  • Love 9

Can I curse on here? I just want to say F**K YOU RUMPLE 18,000 times. Like seriously can I?


I was straight up sobbing when Killian died. Like ugly cry sobbing. 


So Killian has a baby brother also named Liam? Is it wrong that I had no problem with Hook killing his awful daddy?


Wee Killian was so precious.


Seriously my only thought right now is cursing out Rumple. Bye. 

  • Love 6

For all the heart-wringing moments (Hook's jaw was doing some great acting as well, did anyone else notice?), some parts of the episode left me a bit cold.  Like how Belle just keeps going back to Rumpel when he's evil (some "hero" he was to come up with his evil plan, huh?).  Or how we get a little backstory on Hook (complete with nonsensical timeline -- pretty sure Hook is much older than 100) but it felt kind of out of place (at least to me -- great casting on baby Hook and Hook daddy though).  Or how Killian's noble sacrifice was rendered completely POINTLESS within five minutes. Come on, show.  Come ooooooon.


I don't even mind that much that Zelena got randomly shooed away in a tornado or that there was no resolution for any of the Arthur plot (definitely not high on my priority list).  I do mind that Hook's turn to darkness and subsequent heroism was so completely botched.


That said, I'm looking forward to the part B plot more than I have in seasons, so there's that.


ETA: Ohhh, I bet the point of Hook killing his father this episode is so they can meet in the underworld and have angst.  Then hug it out in a 10 second resolution.

Edited by Senna
  • Love 8

Well... it's too soon to tell what I'll feel in a week, I suppose. I liked the episdoe overall while watching. In the pre-S5Aseason poll I suggested, one of the choices was The Real villain would be Gold trying to get his power back. It was not quite that, but still Gold ended up the Darkest Dark One now. I feel cheated on behalf of Emma and Hook now.


What was the point of this arc in the Grand scheme of things? 


Haha--I just realized we never even saw the Camelot crew or Merida. 

  • Love 3

What the Buffy hell did I just watch? You can't just rip off Buffy on a whim. That episode killed 15 year old me. It meant something and they weren't like, ok let's save him and undo this right after it happened.


Tell me again why all of Henry's family think it's a good idea for him to go into hell? What kind of parental type figures would be ok with that? Does this kid ever go to school anymore? He knows everything about fairy tales and nothing about math or science!


Of course Killian killed his father. Were they trying to put patricide in a sympathetic light? There seems to be nothing these people can't do without getting full forgiveness from everyone. Cue the mystery of Killian's little brother to take up the first half of season 6.

  • Love 3

When Emma and Hook kissed before the sacrifice, in theory shouldn't that have been enough to get rid of the darkness? The fact that Emma is planning on sharing a heart with him means she sees him as her true love, no? And both of them wanted to be rid of the darkness at that point, so it's not like one of them was holding back. I mean, I can fanwank reasons, but I wish the writers would give us something, other than the obvious "we wanted to take the show to the underworld and needed an excuse". They could have just made them not kiss.

Edited by Katherine
  • Love 14

I don't know what to think. There was a lot of awfulness in this episode. There was some amazing good stuff, but to me it was tainted by the bad. I really don't know what to say that everyone else won't. I hate how they cheated the sacrifice, Belle leaving, Hook's dad, and Emma. The boatloads of crap were in big supply.


Ending was very, very meh. I really don't care about going to the Underworld. Didn't we already do this ending in 2x22?


I can't help but compare this episode to 4x11.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1

Well, I thought it was better than 4x11.


-bby Killian and Liam being sold into Servitude. Not cool, Papa Hook. not cool.

-replacement Liam? Wow. Like, wow. That's some screwed up crap.

-Killain has a younger half bro. I wonder if he'll ever pop up again? Is the lady Brennan fell in love with really dead? For sure?

-how did Brennan end up in a sleeping curse?

-yay for Snow/Emma moments! People actually seemed to care a bit about Emma this episode!

-the stabbing was classic Once (so fake and cheesy!) but I still felt sad. :'(

-doesn't Regina using the wand prove that she's still an awful person? That was the whole plot of 5x01. To get Zelena (someone "wicked") to use the wand because Regina wasn't terrible enough anymore (yeah, right).

So the writers just accidently proved Regina is awful. 4 for you. Keep it up.

Lastly, screw you Rumple!

Also: I vote for Pistachio as Baby Green Bean's name.

* ETA: Yay for Hook dragging Regina! When's Regina going to stop using the "I'm different now," excuse???? Doesn't change the fact that you still did horrible things.

What happened to the Camelot crew? When's that being resolved?????

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 9

Hook's father is an asshole to the tenth. How did Regina even know who he was? TLK? How convenient, and creepy fucker, name you're 3rd child after your first born. Gross!


Rumple...no words at all. Emma is the Dark One for 6 weeks, Hook for 3 weeks, and 2 days of rampage, and just when you think that finally, Hook managed to do it, Rumple, you fucking asshole!


Captain Swan, still reeling from that.

  • Love 14

I am trying to figure out why I hated this episode so much. It is not the fact that I am not a Emma/Hook shipper. I honestly don't mind them when they are written well. I think what pisses me off the most is that I was really looking foward to the DarkSwan storyline and it didn't go anywhere. The whole story was a tired romance when it could have been so much more. Hell I was offended when Hook was the one who raised all the Dark Ones instead of Emma. Enma goes half a season spinning her wheels only to have Hook do the good stuff.

And then Rumple gets his power back which again pissed me off. I was actually almost liking Belle and Rumple there for a moment. Of corse instead of a decent relationship between them we get idiot Belle and Jackass Rumple. So back to the norm.

Underworld Storybrook looks fun. Even though I wouldn't care if Hook stayed dead he is unfortunately endgame for Emma so I have to live with it.



<---Edited for spelling and grammer.  I think I got it all.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 6

I feel completely victimized by tonight's episode.

I am not a crier. I rarely if ever cry at media (Becoming Part 2 being the exception). But I legit bawled tonight. It really got to me when Emma changed back into herself when Killian was dying... And then it was completely exacerbated by her refusing to let go of his hand while they paramedics were took him away.

I can't even talk about: "Hook I will find you. I will always find you."

Other random thoughts:

Killian has a half brother named Liam out there??!

Why is March 6th so far away?


That is all for now. I need to continue to eat/drink my feelings.

Edited by Babs Gordon
  • Love 4

I was kind of expecting Regina to reveal that she had impersonated Daddy Hook because how did she know? And how sick is it to name your son after your dead son that you sold into slavery??? And what happened to Liam 2.0?

Also what are Snowing and Robin thinking leaving snowflake, green bean, and Roland so they can go to hell (and did Robin mention Roland?)

Oh well. Some things never change.

Belle is still an idiot and Rumple is a duplicitous jerkwad. Charming barely gets to talk. And Re: CS... Could have been better. Could have been worse.

Edited by shipperx
  • Love 2

Well at least she went after him instead of getting on a bus to LA and changing her name to "Anne." That's how TS, TW are getting away with not completely ripping off Whedon. I'm not ready to give up on this show yet but I was close. F you Rumpl. One day I really hope Killian does indeed get his revenge. And then everyone else, too, starting with Belle.

  • Love 8


Well, I thought it was better than 4x11.

Eh, I thought it did some things better than 4x11 but it did some things worse. The CS payoff was definitely fixed here. But the flashbacks felt out of place, the arc before it didn't get much of a conclusion, many pieces were missing, and the cliffhanger wasn't all that interesting.



Underworld Storybrook looks fun.

This is basically all I can say about the Underworld. It looks fun. That's about it.



Tell me again why all of Henry's family think it's a good idea for him to go into hell?

We see a scene where Emma tells everyone she's going to the Underworld. We didn't get any indication that she wanted everyone else to go. In fact, I bet she would have refused to let them go. Didn't they just spend an hour trying to not go there?



I was thinking of better ways this episode could have gone while I was watching it. Boy did I fool myself.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 4

I'm actually happy that Rumple is  back to being the worst ever. Like I said, he didn't deserve hero status. But Belle came back to him? Girrrrl...


I loved how Snowing and Henry were just hanging out in Granny's with no one else there. "Yeah, we're all going to hell, but at least we have hamburgers and Yaz on the jukebox."


Poor Killian really had a shit life. You can kind of understand why he would succumb to the darkness. Sometimes, you feel like no matter what you do, you're screwed.


CaptainSwan's "I love yous" gave me life. Yes, Swan, you will find Hook...always. I'm not crying, you're crying.

  • Love 6

  Or how we get a little backstory on Hook (complete with nonsensical timeline -- pretty sure Hook is much older than 100) but it felt kind of out of place (at least to me -- great casting on baby Hook and Hook daddy though).

Actually, this fits more with what I've always thought. Nearly a century ago pre-curse means it was around our world's equivalent of 1880, which places Bae's arrival at the Darlings' in London around 1900.


But wow, true love's kiss on a man the nurse had never spoken to? Almost as creepy as the original Sleeping Beauty. I was hoping Papa Hook was lying.


ETA: Hope they put some sort of preservation spell on Hook's body a la Regina with Daniel.

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 3

Why is March 3rd so far away?

It's March 6th, which is even further.


When Snow gave half her heart to David, didn't she put it in his already dead body? Couldn't Emma have just done that? Why does she need to go all the way to the Underworld? I guess it's a little different since Killian's heart wasn't crushed. And also because of Reasons.

I'm pretty sure when it comes to hell, or the underworld, the problem isn't the heart, it's the soul.


Hey, I did say they'd share a soul!

So basically the same people that were marked for the undeworld and then saved  by Hook are now going there voluntarily.   Regina makes a big show of saving the baby from Zelena by sending her to Oz and then waltzes off with Robin to the Underworld leaving the kids with the Fairies.  Yeah, that makes sense.  At least it makes somewhat sense that Snow, Charming, Regina and Robin would go because they can fight, but Henry is pretty much useless.


I think I would have rather watched a show about Belle in the real world than the same old, same old stuff.      

Edited by Autumn
  • Love 5

This one was a bit unsatisfying. A lot of stuff we spent time on this half season (Camelot, Arthur, Merida) ended up not mattering.


I'm happy where we left off (I will always find you sob), but I won't be on pins and needles waiting for March.



Lack of tension. Dark Ones swooping around town should have been scary, but no time was spent on this.

Hook killing his dad. These flashbacks didn't work for me in this ep though I did like seeing baby Killian. I would have liked it if this episode had taken place in Storybrooke only.

Regina's "Remember the thing we swore never to talk about? Let's talk about it." No thanks to this retcon.

Reset of Rumple being the Dark One. Once again, Belle is a dumbass for coming back to him (this is why I have never liked this couple).

Hook sacrificing himself fell flat. I was probably too spoiled for this scene, and we've already seen him die a bunch of times. Emma sobbing into her mom's arms did get me though.



Snow didn't bug me once. She thought about Emma's feelings and supported her.

Acting was top notch as usual.




  • Love 1

I hated with a passion that Hook killed his father and left his half-brother an orphan. It just seemed totally out of character for him.

I still have no idea what happened with the dagger that Rumple has and how that all came to be. I was actually surprised that Rumple is the DO again. Poor Belle. All her friends aren't telling her the truth, that she's sleeping with the DO, just so they can get Hook back. Not sure how I feel about that.

And what happened to all the Camelot people? I'm still cursing the waste of a Merida episode which could have been spent wrapping up other story lines.

The only thing I really liked about this episode was Emma's unwavering love for Hook. Go get your man Emma!

Also, I didn't cry at all, I'm not sure why.

  • Love 3

I was with them until the last line. It's one thing to have moments and allusions where one couple is meant to be seen in a similar light as another couple. I didn't even mind the "sharing a heart," since that's seemingly not a uniquely Snow/Charming thing. But it's another thing entirely to flat out steal their line, which hasn't really been a part of the Emma/Hook canon until now. Snow and Charming's whole raison d'etre is seeking out each other. That's never been a part of Emma and Hook's story, from my perspective. The writers wanted a cheap moment and I guess weren't creative enough to write something original -- even if its only purpose was "Are you thinking of them as the next Snow/Charming yet? Well, just in case you didn't get it the first time..."

  • Love 8

So does Hook have a half brother named Liam (2, to go along with Henry 2 and Neal 2, this show is so weird but at least Hook pointed it out) wandering around?


Killian needs to find his half-brother and make up for leaving him an orphan. :-( Plot for S6A?


Can't say I'm surprised Rumple's Insta!Hero status did not last long. 


I didn't even care Zelena is gone. 

This was at once quite entertaining but also a hot mess? All the things that happened -- Hook is suddenly not 100% evil, while Zelena and Rumple suddenly are -- did not follow on from any previous episodes and just kinda came out of nowhere in this single hour. Still, I wasn't bored.



  • The Emma and Hook actors did a good job
  • I'm always pro Rumple being evil, even if it came out of nowhere and feels more like the writers just don't know what to do with him otherwise
  • Glad we finally got some Hook backstory
  • Next season looks great, and opens up many interesting possibilities


Not so much

  • Regina was, ultimately, the one to talk Hook back from the dark side. Of fucking course.
  • Zelena possibly gone forever
  • What happened to all of the Camelot people?!
  • Rumple is doing a terrible job keeping his secret from Belle given he just let Emma go tell the entire town
  • The end seemed totally rushed and like they'd cut some stuff? Why are all the Nevengers going to the underworld? Especially Henry? Who is looking after ALL OF THEIR INFANT CHILDREN?! 
  • Love 3

Well at least she went after him instead of getting on a bus to LA and changing her name to "Anne."

LOL...shit. That made me choke on my wine.

I was all prepared to like Papa Hook, but now I want that fucker to stay dead.

When Hook made the comment about Regina not calling him Captain Guyliner or One Handed Wonder I wanted to hug him. That bitch is gonna snark at the wrong someone one day. I wish he'd done more damage when he made her shut up.

My babies...I need them to have much sex and cuddle time after all this is over. I'm not a fluff lover, but I will not object if they go to cheese levels during their reunion.

Not thrilled with the Liam 2.0 storyline. It kind of dilutes original recipe Liam.

  • Love 12

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