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5 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

I think that just not watching is not going to change anything. We need to express our concerns with the producers.

Not watching (for the reasons expressed and many other reasons) will get a show cancelled because advertisers don't invest their money in tv shows that have very few people watching. Forget the demographics. If the ratings slip...goodbye. 

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When Steven facetimed Megan and his mom was there, he said why but I didn't catch it - did anyone else get it? Im just curious as to why he wanted or his mom wanted to be included in that conversation. 

I think the mom said it was for "moral support."  I think probably his parents wanted to be in on the conversation for a couple of reasons:  (1) so they can give Steven feedback on what to do and what not to do in the future, and (2) to be able to say "No, that's not what happened" in case it was necessary.

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On 6/12/2017 at 2:52 PM, Normades said:

I agree on this.  The question of whether the relationship was producer driven or real is what really bothers me.  I understand that if they thought it was real it was real, but the issue is that if there are producers pushing them to enter into the relationship and making them think it was genuine, that can be so confusing.  I think sustaining a relationship with someone at work is hard enough if you don't have DS.  I just can't imagine the confusion that could stem from producer driven reality for someone with DS.  I really hope these parents are vigilant about protection their children.

I see what you mean, but I have a little trouble believing that the Megan/Steven attraction was producer-driven.  Rachel is the aspiring actress, certainly not Megan, who clearly has a mind of her own.  It seems unlikely that Megan would allow herself to be manipulated into playing a part , so to speak, for the sake of drama.  Yes, she is a bit dramatic, but considering her developmental age and the fact that she is only 23 years old, the lovesick reaction to Steven breaking up with her does not seem contrived to me.  I remember reacting the same way when my first boyfriend broke up with me when I was 15 years old.  I was ill prepared for the landslide of sorrow that threatened to bury me alive at the time.  The entire story line, for that matter, creates interest in the cast, not just as young adults with D.S., but as young, D.S. adults who have emotions, interests, romances, and heartbreaks just like the rest of us.  They even have, as Megan's mother, Kris, pointed out, hormones.

Megan made no secret of the fact that she was seeking a "future husband" who would share her desire to marry and have kids.  Steven, if I recall, from earlier episodes, expressed a desire to date.  It just seemed fitting that he and Megan felt mutual attraction to each other considering their respective personalities and interests at the time they began their little romance.  The parents of both of these kids are doing a splendid job helping them along the way, but in the end, most of us - DS and non-DS  - learn by our own mistakes.  

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I don't think the producers would have asked Megan and Steven to pretend to be in a relationship, I was simply questioning whether there was encouragement toward entering the relationship.  They may have told them how cute and sweet the other person is, said how cute they would look together, told them how wonderful it would be to have the other as a girl/boyfriend.  I would think that all the participants feel the pressure to please the producers.  Having DS can make the need to please even more magnified because it's hard for some of them to understand boundaries, as we've seen in other situations.  Knowing that their mental age is very different from their physical age helps us try to understand why they act in certain ways, but it is not always really clear cut. Although we may see Megan with the mentality of a 13 year old, I don't think she behaves exactly like a typical 13 year old.  I worry that the producers are doing what producers do, pushing things along to make drama and my hope is that it is not confusing Megan, Steven and the other participants.  I don't have any inside info, as others seem to, but when I said producer driven I didn't mean it blatantly, I meant encouraged.  Either way, I can see where it could be very confusing and detrimental to them. 

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Nope, not planned, not encouraged.  Personally, I do think the fact that these young people have cameras following them around a lot may have contributed to both Megan and Steven seeing their romance as if in a movie.  Something that would be subconscious,  but may have contributed to the unfortunate situation.

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1 hour ago, camom said:

Nope, not planned, not encouraged.  Personally, I do think the fact that these young people have cameras following them around a lot may have contributed to both Megan and Steven seeing their romance as if in a movie.  Something that would be subconscious,  but may have contributed to the unfortunate situation.

Speaking of producer influence and the movie elements of romance and drama, I just have to wonder if Steven's spontaneous wishing upon a rainbow "that Megan and I will always be in love"reflected his original thoughts, or was he simply reciting lines crafted by producers, etc.?  If he was truly speaking from the hip and from the heart you really have to hand it to him!  The kid has charm.

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8 minutes ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

I just have to wonder if Steven's spontaneous wishing upon a rainbow "that Megan and I will always be in love"reflected his original thoughts, or was he simply reciting lines crafted by producers, etc.?  

As others have said, I think movies may be the inspiration for some of the lines.

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19 hours ago, camom said:

Nope, not planned, not encouraged.  Personally, I do think the fact that these young people have cameras following them around a lot may have contributed to both Megan and Steven seeing their romance as if in a movie.  Something that would be subconscious,  but may have contributed to the unfortunate situation.

Just curious, how is it that you know this?  Do you have some connection to the show?

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JMO but I think given the shift in tone of the show (from more of a documentary to more of a typical "reality show"), I don't think it's inappropriate for us to speculate on how much of this might be producer-driven. It seems like there might be a bit of a "well, actually, you're wrong" sort of vibe happening in this thread.

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28 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

JMO but I think given the shift in tone of the show (from more of a documentary to more of a typical "reality show"), I don't think it's inappropriate for us to speculate on how much of this might be producer-driven. It seems like there might be a bit of a "well, actually, you're wrong" sort of vibe happening in this thread.

 I agree about speculation, however your bolded comment "Nope, not planned, not encouraged."  is an absolute statement and didn't come across as speculation.  Especially coupled with the fact that you stated that you have had some sort of interaction with Sean's parents, which is why I asked if you had a connection to the show and knew something the rest of us didn't.  Everyone is entitled to voice an opinion and I respect that.  I have tried to give some insight on my experience living with a family member with DS.  I believe from your posts you've stated you've had similar experience.  I think it's important to promote tolerance and understanding of those with DS and their families, especially those of us who can share real life experiences.

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16 minutes ago, Normades said:

I agree about speculation, however your bolded comment "Nope, not planned, not encouraged."  is an absolute statement and didn't come across as speculation.  Especially coupled with the fact that you stated that you have had some sort of interaction with Sean's parents

You have me confused with a different poster, my post was in support of yours.

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1 minute ago, ClareWalks said:

You have me confused with a different poster, my post was in support of yours.

So sorry.  My mistake.  That's what I get for trying to do two things at once!!  Please forgive me!!

FYI the post I was trying to quote is below. 


21 hours ago, camom said:

Nope, not planned, not encouraged.  Personally, I do think the fact that these young people have cameras following them around a lot may have contributed to both Megan and Steven seeing their romance as if in a movie.  Something that would be subconscious,  but may have contributed to the unfortunate situation.

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I do have a peripheral connection to the show and know all of the people involved.  I wouldn't make a definite statement if I wasn't sure.  Anything that is my opinion is stated as such.

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I like and admire each and every one of these young adults. I don't really see them as people who are different.  I don't see color, I don't see social status, I don't see "different". I just see people. We are all "different" in someone's eyes for whatever reason. 

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Once again, Rachel gives me life. Her brother and his husband are amazing with her. I wish they would give Rachel and her family their own show! They could call it, "My normal hair style is The Flip".

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I'm only familiar through a cousin as to the trials of DS. I'm with others who love Rachel and her brother-in-law. He's so good with her. That is a wonderful family.

This episode really highlighted the very uncomfortable dialog about relationships. 

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2 hours ago, butterbody said:

Once again, Rachel gives me life. Her brother and his husband are amazing with her. I wish they would give Rachel and her family their own show! They could call it, "My normal hair style is The Flip".

Yes! Her "Flip" comment was everything! Miss Rachel is pure joy - such a delightful young woman.

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I dont have the right words at hand to express how uneasy I felt watching Christina's discomfort during the sex lecture.  The poor girl was so scared she was going to get in trouble simply learning about sex.  I wonder what her parents originally expressed to her about the dangers of intercourse.

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4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I dont have the right words at hand to express how uneasy I felt watching Christina's discomfort during the sex lecture.  The poor girl was so scared she was going to get in trouble simply learning about sex.  I wonder what her parents originally expressed to her about the dangers of intercourse.

I was wondering about that too. I thought that maybe Christina had watched porn online, and when her parents found out they were upset. So maybe now she associates  sex with something bad and shameful. Her talk will her Dad towards the end was nice, I love her parents.

I was so happy for Rachel when she got asked to the dance. She was so genuinely excited, it was nice to see. 

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I don't like Megan but I felt sorry for her. she was genuinely hurting. Guys with disabilities can be total assholes just like other guys. I used to like Steven. I don't anymore. I realize thar Megan is way too clingy and moves too fast. But Steven just told her he wished they could be in love forever then a day or two later he breaks up. With her and doesn't care about her anymore. I don't even think he missed Megan. At first I thought maybe his parents convinced him Megan was too much and encouraged the breakup. But now I think they encouraged him to apologize and get back with her. Megan is basically set up as the star of the show and Kris probably has some pull. Hurt Megan and u might not be included next season. Steven doesn't have much of a storyline anyway. And Steven you want to see other girls? I don't see any girls lining up to hang out with you. Wasn't Megan his first girlfriend? 

Loved seeing John's dad at the shower. Loved John's reaction to the chocolate in the diaper! Grossed me out too John so I know how ya feel. 

I agree  Christina is a wonderful young  lady. 

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3 minutes ago, kira28 said:

I used to like Steven. I don't anymore. I realize thar Megan is way too clingy and moves too fast. But Steven just told her he wished they could be in love forever then a day or two later he breaks up.

I had the same problem with it. I get that Megan came on too strong, but Steven totally fed into that for however long they dated (a couple weeks? I don't even know). He didn't act like "oh, this is super casual, I don't want to be boyfriend/girlfriend," he was talking about love and forever too.

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Last week I didn't like the way Steven broke up with Megan but now I understand. He said he felt uncomfortable that Megan wanted to have sex and that scared him. And I totally get that. She is very aggressive and even when Steven expressed that the idea of sex and so much touching made him uneasy Megan was so immature and didn't get it at all. She was just in his face and saying why are u scared of having sex with me Steven? Instead of reassuring him she doesn't want that she just hammered it home that she wants to gave sex or whatever her idea of it is. No wonder poor Steven was freaked out. I was a pretty innocent kid in high school I didn't have sex til I was 20 so I spent 3 years just kissing guys and then at 18 had a serious boyfriend and we fooled around doing other things for two years lol. So I can't imagine how freaked out I would have been  if the first guy I kissed wanted to g e sex with me a few days after our first kiss. 

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15 minutes ago, kira28 said:

 So I can't imagine how freaked out I would have been  if the first guy I kissed wanted to g e sex with me a few days after our first kiss. 

You get VERY freaked out! lol  I had it happen to me in high school... I think I was maybe 15 and had a boyfriend that was 16 or 17 and maybe like the 1st or 2nd time we were hanging out and kinda fooling around he asked me if i wanted to and I was like ummmmmm NO!

I think he was maybe the 3rd boy I had kissed... but still!  Too soon buddy, too soon!

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Cristina and Angel completely crack me up. "Legit", "badass", "watch your language" and her no farting rules...and then he promptly burps into his sleeve. You can tell they really love each other and like each other too.

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36 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Last week I didn't like the way Steven broke up with Megan but now I understand. He said he felt uncomfortable that Megan wanted to have sex and that scared him. And I totally get that. She is very aggressive and even when Steven expressed that the idea of sex and so much touching made him uneasy Megan was so immature and didn't get it at all. She was just in his face and saying why are u scared of having sex with me Steven? Instead of reassuring him she doesn't want that she just hammered it home that she wants to gave sex or whatever her idea of it is. No wonder poor Steven was freaked out. 

No one, male or female, should feel pressured to have sex! If that's why Steven wanted to get away from Megan, I don't blame him one bit. He did handle it extremely poorly, though. He's got a lot to learn about relationships and empathy. Megan continues to be obstinate and annoying as hell, with a heavy sprinkling of movie-quotes-as-life-philosophy. 

Cristina is terrified of sex. There seemed to be several missed opportunities for someone (parents, sex ed coach, etc.) to come out and say "you never have to have sex, ever, unless you want to," but also to lay it out clearly that if she wants to get married, her husband is going to expect it. It's a choice only she can make, and I didn't see anyone giving her actionable guidance on that front.

It also bugged me how only one of them (Megan) had even a slightly coherent answer to "what is sex?". The rest were just throwing out random statements like "condoms! protection! marriage!" without seeming to grasp (or maybe being willing to verbalize) what the physical act entails.

Rachel looks SO much better with a contemporary haircut and no glasses. I understand glasses may be necessary for her in daily life, but I would NOT miss that B-52's aesthetic one bit. 

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What I have learned from this show is that yes they can exhibit immature or aggressive behavior, but its not that simple.

 While Megan acts a certain way, needy and maybe wanting to have sex, she probably has no idea or cannot comprehend what she is doing. Same for Steven, he says he wants a girlfriend, but instead of verbalizing his fears or saying slow down, he dumps her. He doesn't even stop there, he makes sure to hurt her by telling her he wants to date other women.  I think he actually knew he was wrong , much more than Megan, but he is not capable of being upfront and honest without his parents right next to him.

It is basically an epic fail for the parents involved, moreso than Megan and Steven as I see it.     For different reasons, neither one should be encouraged to do more than just casual dating as neither are capable of more than that.  They may never be ready no matter how much the parents do for them.  The others in the cast seem to have more genuine personalities and real interests and do not seem to live and think that movies are real life.    

Since I am no longer going to watch this show because I strongly feel its a really bad for the individuals, I hope that Megan gets a strong talking to from her mother or a counselor and that Steven is made to understand that what he did was hurtful and wrong off the air.

Again, they may not be able to comprehend as much as other D.S. folks do, but some of the other parents have demonstrated that it is possible. Elena and Cristina have shown great growth and progress since the show started. Rachel too.     But, I think its mostly due to really good parenting.     I could be totally wrong, but it seems like D.S. people mimic alot, because in particular Cristina seems grounded, happy and caring, just like her folks. Rachel is sweet like her mom.

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36 minutes ago, kira28 said:

I don't like Megan but I felt sorry for her. she was genuinely hurting. Guys with disabilities can be total assholes just like other guys. I used to like Steven. I don't anymore. I realize thar Megan is way too clingy and moves too fast. But Steven just told her he wished they could be in love forever then a day or two later he breaks up. With her and doesn't care about her anymore. I don't even think he missed Megan. At first I thought maybe his parents convinced him Megan was too much and encouraged the breakup. But now I think they encouraged him to apologize and get back with her. Megan is basically set up as the star of the show and Kris probably has some pull. Hurt Megan and u might not be included next season. Steven doesn't have much of a storyline anyway. And Steven you want to see other girls? I don't see any girls lining up to hang out with you. Wasn't Megan his first girlfriend? 

Loved seeing John's dad at the shower. Loved John's reaction to the chocolate in the diaper! Grossed me out too John so I know how ya feel. 

I agree  Christina is a wonderful young  lady. 

My daughter came into the room as this scene was winding up and asked why Megan was crying.  I was trying to explain what had happened to hurt her feelings.  Then Steven took care of it for me with his abrupt up and off the couch move.  My girl said wow, not that different from other guys then, huh?

I'd be surprised if it wasn't a real relationship for her.  Those were some big fat juicy tear drops and they came quickly and generously.  I'm not sure whether or not I like Megan yet, she's got a little:  of course he wants to be with me, what guy wouldn't? about her which I find less than endearing but that poor baby made me want to hug the tv after he got up and left (and stayed in the same room? ugh).   Whether or not it was real for Steven, I'm curious as to if his reluctance to tell her how really felt is attributable to anything other than he's a twenty something year old dude who's never done this before.  I might be expecting more emotional maturity than young men have in general.  

The day I knew I loved Rachel was when somebody (maybe Cristina) was telling her that her man danced with another woman or another woman danced with him and didn't ask her permission first and Rachel's response was the equivalent of so?/unh huh/that's why you're mad?   Her hands to her mouth glee at being invited to the ball?  loved it!! 

Elena's THs about sex were hilarious.  

Elena: {{incredulously}} are you a virgin?!! 

Sean:  {{quietly}} yes

Elena:  {{giggles}} oh.  me too.

Cristina negotiating the terms of sex and marriage was sweet.  She and Angel are sweet together.   She seems legit terrified, I hope it's not too traumatizing for her.     

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Wow, that sex ed class was illuminating. As capable as each person may be in certain areas, it seems they are all on the level of a middle schooler (or maybe even younger) emotionally when it comes to some topics. That's scary when you think of how easily they could be taken advantage of.

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44 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I had the same problem with it. I get that Megan came on too strong, but Steven totally fed into that for however long they dated (a couple weeks? I don't even know). He didn't act like "oh, this is super casual, I don't want to be boyfriend/girlfriend," he was talking about love and forever too.

Yeah, he fueled her delusions of where they were in that relationship, so he's just as much to blame for them.  I think this is another instance where those crappy movies he watches forming his knowledge base comes into play.  If he's used to watching characters make goopy pronouncements of eternal love after 90 minutes and thinks that's real, then the rainbow moment makes sense.  And if he then goes home and talks to his dad, who tells him, um, no, you don't run around exchanging I love yous after three dates, and finds out, no, you can't date around if you've committed to being someone's boyfriend, breaking up with her also makes sense.

The problem is that any of this was news to him, but one of the parents made a great point about that general issue last night -- normally, when they are taught a life skill, the immediate next stage is to implement it and that's how they truly learn.  With sex, that's not how it works, so the information isn't really staying in their brains.  So, it's the same thing with dating -- they can be told how such relationships work, but if that's just an abstract conversation about something that may happen in the future, it doesn't stick the same way it does when one of them is actually in a relationship and gets told the same information.

This is as inappropriate as whatever happened to make Cristina so ashamed of looking at porn, so I shouldn't have laughed, but learning that Kris had told Megan she was allergic to dick in the hopes of keeping her off one cracked me the hell up.

I also got a legitimate laugh out of Steven claiming watching porn was sex education and the teacher saying, "Um, not necessarily."

But, on the whole, watching that sex ed session was uncomfortable.  As noted, Megan is the only one who had retained any basic knowledge of what vaginal intercourse is (and none of them knew that vaginal intercourse is only one form of sex), and some of them carried such guilt about their perfectly natural, healthy curiosity.  It was also the most glaring example yet of how child-like these adults' brains are in many respects -- that was like watching a group of 12-year-olds blush and giggle about this mysterious, naughty thing called sex that people have.  No wonder their parents are all terrified, because they're so vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

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In some ways, they are like teenage toddlers -- fairly close to their chronological age in some areas, but very, very young in others.  It's a very tricky thing to parent.  The parents want to give them as much independence as possible, but as seen last night, they can be very vulnerable and taken advantage of easily.  All of the parents have tried their best and done what they thought was right in raising their children.  Sometimes  it may not have actually been the best strategy, but what parent hasn't made mistakes?

Edited by camom
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1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

No one, male or female, should feel pressured to have sex! If that's why Steven wanted to get away from Megan, I don't blame him one bit. He did handle it extremely poorly, though. He's got a lot to learn about relationships and empathy. Megan continues to be obstinate and annoying as hell, with a heavy sprinkling of movie-quotes-as-life-philosophy. 

Cristina is terrified of sex. There seemed to be several missed opportunities for someone (parents, sex ed coach, etc.) to come out and say "you never have to have sex, ever, unless you want to," but also to lay it out clearly that if she wants to get married, her husband is going to expect it. It's a choice only she can make, and I didn't see anyone giving her actionable guidance on that front.

It also bugged me how only one of them (Megan) had even a slightly coherent answer to "what is sex?". The rest were just throwing out random statements like "condoms! protection! marriage!" without seeming to grasp (or maybe being willing to verbalize) what the physical act entails.

Rachel looks SO much better with a contemporary haircut and no glasses. I understand glasses may be necessary for her in daily life, but I would NOT miss that B-52's aesthetic one bit. 

I couldn't decide if she was terrified of sex or terrified of getting in trouble with her parents.  Cleary whatever reaction they had to her watching porn shook her quite a bit and left an impression.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I'm sorry but I feel Steven acted like a cad the way he broke up with Megan. He chased after her and totally led her on. Sure, she was a little aggressive, but he was declaring love forever. Why did he lose interest so fast? Was the entire romance producer driven? I realize these people are disabled, but come on! Something was totally fake or manipulated about this relationship. I'm just sorry Megan got so hurt!

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1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

I couldn't decide if she was terrified of sex or terrified of getting in trouble with her parents.  Cleary whatever reaction they had to her watching porn shook her quite a bit and left an impression.

I can see that, too. Honestly, I was a little confused by her parents' discussions on sex! Not just this episode, but in their previous talks, I could never quite tell if her dad was trying to encourage her to do it, not do it, tell him if she does, never tell him, or what. No wonder she's having trouble explaining what she's upset about. 

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2 hours ago, kira28 said:

Last week I didn't like the way Steven broke up with Megan but now I understand. He said he felt uncomfortable that Megan wanted to have sex and that scared him. And I totally get that. She is very aggressive and even when Steven expressed that the idea of sex and so much touching made him uneasy Megan was so immature and didn't get it at all.

Steven has been getting a lot of crap from people about the Megan situation, but I think how I would feel in his place and I would have been terrified of how strongly Megan came on. I completely understand why he ran. This is his first dating experience, it sounds like. That would be like throwing The Flying Nun in with the Marquis de Sade and expecting things to go well. They have completely different outlooks and experiences on what is expected of dating. For Steven, and probably for many, it appears that dating/relationships and sex are two entirely different things. In the relationship area, Steven felt he was living up to expectations/requirements of dating - presents, I love yous, grand declarations. Yes, he got that from movies, but it's not unique for someone who has just started dating. I work at a middle school, so I see the first forays into dating where it seems like the two parties are afraid even to touch each other. They are content to walk side by side or maybe give the occasional hug, though they talk about rings and proposals "in the future". Yes, that was a conversation I had with a student. Steven seems at that stage, though he's mature enough to know marriage and babies are a very serious matter which is why it startled him when Megan mentioned it. Yes, Megan has mentioned marriage and babies before, but not in the context of a relationship with him, so I can see where Steven got confused and alarmed. There was a sudden crossover in the dating, sex, and marriage areas that Steven was unprepared for.

I was so dismayed when Megan equated having a boyfriend with success and happiness. I know a lot of young girls, and even adult women, feel that way, but it's still awful to hear. From her conversation with her mom, it sounded like it didn't matter to Megan who she was with as long as she was with someone. It made me wonder if that correlation came from just her choice in movies or from her high school experience and maybe someone saying something like she made it if she had a boyfriend - mixed messages that arose amongst the cheerleaders. Though, to be honest, Megan seems a bit like my mom - it's better to be miserable with someone than to be happy alone.  

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I'm sorry but I feel Steven acted like a cad the way he broke up with Megan. He chased after her and totally led her on. Sure, she was a little aggressive, but he was declaring love forever. Why did he lose interest so fast? Was the entire romance producer driven? I realize these people are disabled, but come on! Something was totally fake or manipulated about this relationship. I'm just sorry Megan got so hurt!

On the show, it looked like Steven was declaring his love for Megan one day and breaking up with her the next.  I'm not sure it happened that quickly in real time.  Also, again, the relationship was NOT producer driven.  In fact they would have rather it didn't happen.  As for the way Steven handled things, he is much like a middle schooler when it comes to these things.  A learning experience for them all.

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3 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I can see that, too. Honestly, I was a little confused by her parents' discussions on sex! Not just this episode, but in their previous talks, I could never quite tell if her dad was trying to encourage her to do it, not do it, tell him if she does, never tell him, or what. No wonder she's having trouble explaining what she's upset about. 

Agree, and it seems uncharacteristic of them because they seem so levelheaded. But I can appreciate it's a tough topic to address. I loved how Angel was so laid back on the couch (literally and figuratively) when they asked did they want to have sex and he said yes. I wonder what his capabilities are (not related to sex! Lol!) because he seems to understand it more easily. He also seems to have a very calming effect on Cristina.

Edited by Eureka
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1 minute ago, Eureka said:

I loved how Angel was so laid back on the couch (literally and figuratively) when they asked did they want to have sex and he said yes. I wonder what his capabilities are

I don't think he has D.S.    Please correct me if I am wrong, but that is my impression.

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I know it's been pointed out that he doesn't, but it seems that whatever his developmental delay is doesn't involve the middle school attitude toward sex. That was probably not worded as well as it could have been, but I don't know how else to say it.

Edited by Eureka
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10 hours ago, LunaMia said:

I was wondering about that too. I thought that maybe Christina had watched porn online, and when her parents found out they were upset. So maybe now she associates  sex with something bad and shameful. Her talk will her Dad towards the end was nice, I love her parents.

I was so happy for Rachel when she got asked to the dance. She was so genuinely excited, it was nice to see. 

Her parents addressed this, specifically, in the show.  

They did catch her watching porn, but didn't want her to have misconceptions about sex.  So, they told her sex was good, but porn was not.  Given that real sex and porn sex are two totally different things (for most people), I don't blame them for telling her not to watch it, ESPECIALLY given that they said sex is good.  They specifically did not condem sexual expressions. 

Given that poor Cristina started to panic when the topic of videos came up, I believe she thought she'd get in trouble for just discussing that topic.  Before videos/YouTube/porn was mentioned, she was embarrassed but not upset.  

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Did anyone else catch this? In one of the TH's, Sean was explaining how he had a crush on Megan, and said, "And I'm gluten-free!" (After that whole discussion about how penises are made of gluten, and Megan was allergic to gluten.) Now COME ON - you know he was fed that line! It did make me chuckle, though.

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when megan and Sean first said hi to each other it came off as a bit scripted and awkward you would expect awkwardness from megan and Steven not her and Sean. I don't what to think of certain situations, it seems so scripted at times. Heck even megan says she likes being on the show because she gets to be a diva. 

I noticed the triangle of Steven, megan, and sean=mess. kris has it right to tell megan not string Sean along and she needs to keep at it. Hmm I don't think she's crying over Steven because her heart broke I think she's upset because in her mind he took away the dreams of having a marriage and baby until she finds the next guy ya know? 

I can't help but think  If Steven were a girl people wouldn't have crucified him so much . she was acting aggressive with kisses and kept trying trying to touch him those things made him feel  uncomfortable especially on a third date, and it turned him off.  I think both Steven and megan.  both confuse love with an intense like 

I'm glad that got to be  educated about intimacy but the whole thing felt like a setup. Although I will say it opens peoples eyes that people with DS do have physical  intimate relationships. 

I wish the show would focus on other things. Wish we  saw more of Elena  

Has anyone ever watched the documentary Monica &david their a coupe with DS who get married etc

Edited by anonymousgirl
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6 hours ago, anonymousgirl said:

when megan and Sean first said hi to each other it came off as a bit scripted and awkward you would expect awkwardness from megan and Steven not her and Sean. I don't what to think of certain situations, it seems so scripted at times. Heck even megan says she likes being on the show because she gets to be a diva. 

I noticed the triangle of Steven, megan, and sean=mess. kris has it right to tell megan not string Sean along and she needs to keep at it. Hmm I don't think she's crying over Steven because her heart broke I think she's upset because in her mind he took away the dreams of having a marriage and baby until she finds the next guy ya know? 

I can't help but think  If Steven were a girl people wouldn't have crucified him so much . she was acting aggressive with kisses and kept trying trying to touch him those things made him feel  uncomfortable especially on a third date, and it turned him off.  I think both Steven and megan.  both confuse love with an intense like 

I'm glad that got to be  educated about intimacy but the whole thing felt like a setup. Although I will say it opens peoples eyes that people with DS do have physical  intimate relationships. 

I wish the show would focus on other things. Wish we  saw more of Elena  

Has anyone ever watched the documentary Monica &david their a coupe with DS who get married etc

A lot of people are giving him a hard time but on this week's show I liked how he told her straight out that she made him uncomfortable with the level of touchiness. Many guys (and girls) aren't that straightforward. I have two teenage boys and the one thing we have tried to teach them (overall, but in this context, about dating) is above all, be honest and don't play games.

I also think, for all that some of us have said that Kris hasn't taught Megan a lot of life skills (or at least it seems that way from what we're seeing), she had some great things to say about the breakup. I loved when she kind of laughed and reminded Megan she's only 24 and has plenty of time. That sounded like any other parent of any other young adult, with or without disabilities. And I had to laugh about the gluten lie she told her (and the fact that Megan kind of rolled her eyes when she found out it was not true, rather than get upset. She probably knows that's the kind of thing her mom would say).

I meant to add, @anonymousgirl that yes, I watched Monica and David a few years ago. I wonder how they are doing now.

Edited by Eureka
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I felt awkward watching Steve and Meagan talk. I felt it should have been private and not have everyone know he was afraid of sex.

Some things don\t need to be broadcast.


Christina was told Porn was bad and I think she felt the class was Porn. 


Please do NOT let Meagan and Seam get together!!

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