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General Gabbery: DWTS

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1 hour ago, heartsaperkin said:

Because I hear the yapping. Sad nice spring and all.

What was her name?

I don't understand. What dog in what backseat?

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Just putting this here, the ABC press release with tons of info about the finale including song/dance spoilers.  I don't know if I'm proud of myself or badly annoyed because I said weeks ago if Nyle makes the finale THAT would be his freestyle song (I even predicted the particular version).

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I sort of get them giving Paige and Mark a salsa as their redmeption dance, considering she danced it with Alan and at 24 points, was one of her lower scores. But giving Ginger and Val jazz? Ginger will be effectively doing two freestyles Monday night. That's not obvious at all, ABC.

I like "The Sound of Silence", but I don't like slow, contemporary freestyles. They usually bore me. I don't think Nyle's will be any different. I'm sure Carrie Ann will cry.

The best part of the finale, for me, is night two when it's a big reunion party. Considering I don't care who wins this season, I don't see that changing this season.

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I'm not surprised about Nyle's freestyle song, I've been expecting it as I've heard it playing in the background on some of the snapchats. (I'm following Nyle, Alan, Shannon, among others so I can't recall whose snapchat I kept hearing it, except it had Nyle & Peta on it with that music.)

I am annoyed at Paige's freestyle song performer who seems to foist herself onto the show at least once per season (Please don't take it out on Paige, everyone!).

Ginger's song? First reaction is "Figures!" A cutesy little dance that doesn't required much depth of emotion.

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3 hours ago, ocelot said:

Weird so Nyle never got a contemporary or a jazz the entire season.

I'm next to positive that Nyle's been learning by watching Peta dance with Maks. He's there every day at the rehearsal studio.  First, contemporary and Jazz aren't Maks' strengths, so demonstration training would be much harder than the standard dances where he has a great depth of understanding of the movements.  Second, those dances are emotional and interpretive (and typically loaded with lifts) which would be harder to teach quickly via demonstration, I would imagine, or at least whoever assigns the dances might think so.  These are just my guesses though.

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12 hours ago, Uke said:

I'm next to positive that Nyle's been learning by watching Peta dance with Maks. He's there every day at the rehearsal studio.  First, contemporary and Jazz aren't Maks' strengths, so demonstration training would be much harder than the standard dances where he has a great depth of understanding of the movements.  Second, those dances are emotional and interpretive (and typically loaded with lifts) which would be harder to teach quickly via demonstration, I would imagine, or at least whoever assigns the dances might think so.  These are just my guesses though.

That makes sense, but I've never read anything on how they assign the dance styles to each team. I agree in that I think Maks has been in rehearsal and acting as a model for Nyle. Nyle appears to be a very good learner. I guess I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't give him contemporary or jazz, because they'd be more difficult for him. Sometimes there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to what dance styles couples get. If I remember correctly, Noah never got jive and it was obvious why. I think being physically capable, I don't see them ruling out any dances for any of the celebrities.

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Ginger's hurt:

As originally reported by ABC News, a source confirms to PEOPLE that Zee has injured her pelvis and is having back spasms as a result.

"Right now she can't dance at 100 percent and [troupe member] Jenna Johnson is standing in for her during camera blocking today," says the source. "She won't know until tomorrow if she can do the dances. Ginger is seeing the show's physical therapist and is resting so that hopefully she will be able to dance tomorrow night."
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I am really sorry to hear that Ginger is hurt. I don't want anyone to be in that kind of pain, regardless of how I feel about her as a contestant, the woman has worked her ass off this competition and dancing that hurt is not going to be easy.  Good luck to her no matter what she and her doctor decides.. 

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I take no pleasure that Ginger is hurt.  She has worked very hard and deserved her spot in the Final.  However, I must admit to schadenfreude over the pimpage Disney did on her behalf all season.  Whatever happens, Disney will come out on top as their special talent (Ginger) will have an ultimate sympathetic ending.  Mission accomplished.  A GMA talent's image and recognizability has been improved.

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If she can't dance then they should have a contingency in place. My dream contingency would be to have Wanye preparing for the finales just in case one of the final 3 can't dance. But somehow I doubt that will happen. 

The cynic in me is thinking that Ginger is somehow going to be fine, because an injury always brings out the pity vote. If she's not fine then it wouldn't be so bad to see some nice ballroom dances by the pros to fill the gaps instead of the constant burlesque bump and grind we're getting these days.  

Edited by RedFiat
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Maybe they should go back to four people in the finals in case one person can't dance. That would be a lot of time to fill if they only have three and one is out. I don't think people would tune in to watch the pros, no matter how good they are. They are invested in who wins. I agree though that she is going to dance. They pull this every year with someone being injured and they won't know until Monday if they can dance. 

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Yeah but in the spring the issue is timing. It's only an hour to put 6 dances in, which is really only 50 minutes with commercials.  I would prefer to see pro dancers fill the gaps. Or, after the video package that will tell us more than we want to know about Ginger's injury,  if she can't dance, then Jenna would partner Val  to show what it would have looked like, with no score attached. At least Val gets a chance to show his choreography. Sort of like what happened when that housewife didn't dance, a pro stepped in to demonstrate the dance with Tony.  

Also, just as an aside some people have been griping about BC Jean and her involvement with the Freestyle with her vocal.  But there seems to be little worry about Maks being with Peta 24/7 to help the celebrity.  And if Jenna is Val's GF as rumored, the same thing could be said about her.  I don't begrudge anyone bringing in their significant others into the process. They are the ones the pros trust the most.  

Edited by RedFiat
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Are people griping about Mark's girlfriend singing in the final? I don't think it's a big deal. As for Nyle, he's deaf and would need to see what is going on to learn, so I don't have a problem with a male pro helping Peta. Maks is her boyfriend, so why not. Whether Jenna is Val's girlfriend or friend, it's no secret she has been helping him for a long time. 

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Seems to be a bit of a backlash on BC Jean pushing her way into the shows. I found that to be rather bitchy on the part of some, since Mark and her are a professional and personal team. 

As for this dance experience issue, I thought about it and I still do not get how the Nyle fans can be so adamant about it. Nyle is in this to prove the deaf can do anything, and so good on him. But he has limitations. Moreover, he has already won a reality show. How many more shows is he going to exploit to get the message out. There gets to be a bit of audience fatigue when you see the same contestant on multiple shows.  People gripe about Ginger and the ABC family, but Nyle is doing the reality show circuit and pulling away at those heartstrings just in case you didnt feel guilty enough about not paying attention to the  differently abled.  If the Bachelor asked him to be on he would be there in a heartbeat.

 Ginger has dance team experience and you could tell by her precision that is exactly why she has got this far. But where dance teams drill precision, they leave emotion out of it, and that is why I am not moved by her dancing and that is why Paige has grown so much from just a girl who smiles a lot on a really athletic Salsa, to a mature dancer bringing emotion to Waltzes and Tangos.  

Edited by RedFiat
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Jenna works for the show and I think members of the troupe help the pros at various points all season so I don't mind Jenna's help with Val. 

My issue with Maks seemingly helping all season is that he no longer works for the show with the exception of the times he comes back as a judge. Anyone involved in judging this show should never be involved in directly helping a contestant except during the judges' dance week or the last week when the judges comes in to help with the redemption dance. And I am (or was) a longtime Maks fan but I still think the whole thing stinks. 

My issue with BC Jean is that I just don't think she is a performer worthy of multiple appearances on this show and I also hate the giant hat she always wears. Ha. 

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Usually BC has been in the background of the dances when she came in as a performer, so that part has never bothered me. Though her singing performances on DWTS have been a mixed bag IMO, and she wouldn't be getting those gigs if it weren't for Mark, so that's a bit irritating. I actually think she seems like an interesting enough songwriter and when performing at smaller venues she sounds fine. Perhaps the big stage and nerves getting to her with DWTS? Though I guess that reinforces the argument that she hasn't got the stature (yet) to perform on big evening shows.

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I never had an issue with BC's performances. 

But, there have been really established stars who haven't sounded so great on DWTS, so that could be attributed to a number of reasons, I'm not sure the sound system is always conducive to live performances. 

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I was one of the people who complained about BC showing up and for me, I just hate the idea of the freestyle being more about Mark and BC than Mark and Paige. Paige shouldn't have to share the spotlight in this moment. If be annoyed if they brought Leona Lewis back out too, though obviously the added connection between Mark and BC might pull more focus. When it comes to the freestyle, I want it to be about the dance and the partnership not the music. 

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The pictures of Nyle and Peta's freestyle rehearsals that DWTS posted look insane.  Peta posted an interesting pic as well but the DWTS Instagram page seems to be pimping this more than the others. 

Eta: I don't know how I feel about BC performing. I'd like to trust that Mark will do a great job showcasing Paige but I find his freestyles very hit or miss.

Edited by howmanywords
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Sometimes I think posting things in advance takes away from the performance, since we get a sense of what to expect rather than getting the surprise of the interpretation. A still photo can look so much better than the overall performance, because its a moment captured rather than the entire dance in total. But there is no doubt the show is pushing their favorite. 

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7 minutes ago, vibeology said:

I was one of the people who complained about BC showing up and for me, I just hate the idea of the freestyle being more about Mark and BC than Mark and Paige. Paige shouldn't have to share the spotlight in this moment. If be annoyed if they brought Leona Lewis back out too, though obviously the added connection between Mark and BC might pull more focus. When it comes to the freestyle, I want it to be about the dance and the partnership not the music. 

I understand the sentiment, but Paige has proven that she can pull the focus on the last 4 dances she has done simply by her attack, athleticism,  ability, and emotion.  Mark has choreographed to highlight her, I don't see that changing in the freestyle. 

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10 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

The pictures of Nyle and Peta's freestyle rehearsals that DWTS posted look insane.  Peta posted an interesting pic as well but the DWTS Instagram page seems to be pimping this more than the others. 

Eta: I don't know how I feel about BC performing. I'd like to trust that Mark will do a great job showcasing Paige but I find his freestyles very hit or miss.

I am not surprised. For all the talk of Ginger being pimped (which I agree about on some level when it comes to scoring) the official Dancing Instagram has posted more photos of Nyle and Peta either together or alone than any other of the finalists since the beginning of the season. 

Edited by TeeMo
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1 hour ago, vibeology said:

I was one of the people who complained about BC showing up and for me, I just hate the idea of the freestyle being more about Mark and BC than Mark and Paige. Paige shouldn't have to share the spotlight in this moment. If be annoyed if they brought Leona Lewis back out too, though obviously the added connection between Mark and BC might pull more focus. When it comes to the freestyle, I want it to be about the dance and the partnership not the music. 

I don't think most people know who she is except diehard dwts regulars, so I don't think Paige would be affected in any way. I know I wouldn't have heard of her if I didn't read this message board.

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2 hours ago, RedFiat said:

  People gripe about Ginger and the ABC family, but Nyle is doing the reality show circuit and pulling away at those heartstrings just in case you didnt feel guilty enough about not paying attention to the  differently abled.  If the Bachelor asked him to be on he would be there in a heartbeat.

Yes let's compare a woman being pimped because she happens to talk about rain on the same channel as the show is on with a man who happened to catch  the waive of reality TV and is using it to bring awareness and raise money for a cause very few are aware of beyond the point of "yeah there are some people who can't hear... somewhere..."

I hate bachelor and bachelorette franchise because it kinda reminds me of cattle show and diminishes what I hold dear about relationships and romance, but if they invite him and he agrees, good for him. I won't follow him to that travesty of a show, but won't gripe him for bringing even more attention to something that's very important to him and deserves attention. His fame and exposure at this level might not be long. Strike while the iron is hot.

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Seems to me Nyle has  an exceptionally good life,  Kudos to him for bringing "awareness" of his issue, but I'd be far more interested in him if he danced well despite it, not constantly using it as the excuse as to why his dancing is regressing.

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13 minutes ago, vavera4ka said:

Yes let's compare a woman being pimped because she happens to talk about rain on the same channel as the show is on with a man who happened to catch  the waive of reality TV and is using it to bring awareness and raise money for a cause very few are aware of beyond the point of "yeah there are some people who can't hear... somewhere..."

I agree. I don't think Nyle is asking for sympathy at all. In fact, I don't think he considers his deafness a disability. What he is trying to show is that deaf culture is as valid a culture as any other. People who think he is trying to get pity votes are missing the point, and he doesn't even need them, anyway. Ginger, on the other hand, is a boring meteorologist who wouldn't be getting the time of day if she weren't on ABC. 

Edited by boyznkatz
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If Nyle did a better Jive in week 9 and didn't get softballs in the judging I'd be more inclined to believe his disability isn't being used as a crutch. But that was a terrible dance, it should have been scored 7's and be his redemption dance.  That's of course if we're considering him to be like any hearing person.  Because that's what Brooke Burke got in week 9 when she wrecked her Jive.  At the very least it should be scored the same as Wanye who slipped on a prop.  I thought back in week 4 we were going to get a bonafide winner,  he had a great moment on the Viennese Waltz. But people are still in love with that week 4 guy and he has not done anything as good since.

Edited by RedFiat
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1 hour ago, vavera4ka said:

Yes let's compare a woman being pimped because she happens to talk about rain on the same channel as the show is on with a man who happened to catch  the waive of reality TV 


I wasn't going to comment, because so many have a hate on for Ginger, but to compare a guy who is a math teacher, won a modelling show and happens to be deaf is not an equivalent to a tv celebrity who is on in a national capacity,  Zee is the Chief Meteorologist for all of ABC News' platforms. There is specialized advanced level education to even get into this field, much less be the number one at a national network. It's a really topsy turvy world to suggest that a guy who looks good undressed is more important.  ABC is obviously invested in the news and what it means to everyone around the world, and the weather is a huge impact on the world. I'm not saying that Ginger is a better dancer, but I know why the network pushes her.   

Edited by RedFiat
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16 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

I am not familiar with this dancer but apparently she choreographed Nyle's freestyle. 

 I know the pros get help, but I tend to be more impressed when they choreograph their own product.  We will see how it goes.   

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  While I'm not a big Ginger fan, I'm sorry that she's hurt. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially now. As for Nyle, while last week's Jive wasn't his best IMO, he deserves to be in the Finals because he has worked even harder than Ginger and Paige to get there, because of his deafness. His winning ANTM doesn't bother me because he's not the first reality show contestant to compete on the show and he won't be the last.

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Woah. Talia Favia is a very respected contemporary choreographer (has choreographed on sytycd before too).

This is great I'm so glad that Peta got outside help.

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18 minutes ago, ocelot said:

Woah. Talia Favia is a very respected contemporary choreographer (has choreographed on sytycd before too).

This is great I'm so glad that Peta got outside help.

Peta has help all season. Maks was there to do the male part for all of his dances.  Still do not understand why the posture was not corrected with all that help. 

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30 minutes ago, DollEyes said:

  While I'm not a big Ginger fan, I'm sorry that she's hurt. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially now. As for Nyle, while last week's Jive wasn't his best IMO, he deserves to be in the Finals because he has worked even harder than Ginger and Paige to get there, because of his deafness. His winning ANTM doesn't bother me because he's not the first reality show contestant to compete on the show and he won't be the last.

Grading on a scale because he is deaf. How come Marlee Matlin did not get that consideration. She was an Oscar winning actress, not some math teacher who can stand pretty for the camera.  He won ANTM and took a prize, he was more than someone who appeared on that show.  

Edited by RedFiat
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26 minutes ago, ocelot said:

Woah. Talia Favia is a very respected contemporary choreographer (has choreographed on sytycd before too).

This is great I'm so glad that Peta got outside help.

Yes, I like her work on SYTYCD.  I'm glad that Peta is getting help if it's contemporary.  I usually hate the contemporary dances on DWTS.

I wanted Wanya in the finals instead of Ginger.  I still hope that she can dance and is not too hurt.  Even though, her performances don't wow me, she has worked hard to get to the finals.

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Re: Nyle's learning style, watching Max etc: most Deaf folks are extraordinary visual learners. I interpret an ongoing yoga class for the Deaf. The instructors are constantly amazed at how fast the entire Deaf class picks up subtle changes in postures. And not just young healthy people but older, infirm participants as well. Things that might take a hearing class a week to achieve you can do with a Deaf class in an hour. 

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6 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

Re: Nyle's learning style, watching Max etc: most Deaf folks are extraordinary visual learners. I interpret an ongoing yoga class for the Deaf. The instructors are constantly amazed at how fast the entire Deaf class picks up subtle changes in postures. And not just young healthy people but older, infirm participants as well. Things that might take a hearing class a week to achieve you can do with a Deaf class in an hour. 

And yet this show wants to treat Nyle differently by marking him generously when he doesnt deserve it, even though he is a faster visual learner than the hearing population. Got it. 

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13 minutes ago, RedFiat said:

And yet this show wants to treat Nyle differently by marking him generously when he doesnt deserve it, even though he is a faster visual learner than the hearing population. Got it. 

How are they treating him differently? He got ripped by Len the other week. I think Len gave him a 6 one week. They pointed out his mistakes several times. He has also gotten less perfect scores than Ginger and Paige.

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5 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

How are they treating him differently? He got ripped by Len the other week. I think Len gave him a 6 one week. They pointed out his mistakes several times. He has also gotten less perfect scores than Ginger and Paige.

When it counts, if he were scored like everyone else, he should have got 21 for that Jive instead of 27. And in comparison to the Argentine Tangos on this show, the content was pretty thin to give that AT a 30.  Pointing out mistakes and getting  2 10s and a 9  for that messy Paso in week 8 was pretty helpful to his over all score.

Getting a 6  and two 7s in week 2 when your rivals are getting 7s doesnt say much, except like a lot of males, Rumba was awkward for him.  

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Mark and BC sang the song on Good Day LA local news here not long ago. I wasn't overjoyed with hearing it on there and am not into hearing it on tonight either.  They have had a few of the pros with their "star" dancer on as well here and there though.

 I wasn't sure on which version of Sound of Silence when I saw that mentioned here but LOVE the verison it is saying it is...but then that is one of my favorite bands too that did it. I just don't see it having the powerful feel behind it as David Draiman gives it when he sings. Sorry I get picky when I sit watching and the songs sound so off then they normally do and feel it sometimes makes the dances look awkward and off at times. 

As for Ginger, not a fan. If she is really truly injured then I am sorry it happened at this point BUT how many times have we all seen on this show that "oh I am so injured I might not be able to dance" act done? Then the next thing they are out there moving just fine. I know a show I was watching this afternoon was questioning it as well. The guy was saying he would do that before the finals too in order to try to get the pity vote and come out there and dance his butt of like crazy though. Either way I don't think she deserved the spot in the finals no matter what. I hope one of the other 2 win. 

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I feel bad that Ginger is hurt but I think she's probably still going to dance tonight. And she's probably going to win. I know I shouldn't complain and I say this every week that I do not vote, but.. I just can't with this. She dances fine, but not what I would to win this show. I really want Paige to win, though. 

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I don't think the so-and-so might not dance thing comes from the celeb or pro as much as it does from the show.  How many times has Tom told us in a hushed voice that Mark may not dance because his lung is outside of his body or Reality Star has fractured her shin into eighty-seven pieces?  And then at the very end of the night they dance.  And usually appear none the worse for wear.

Someday, I would like to hear a celeb or pro say "Nah, not worth it.  It is just a silly dance show.  I am not going to risk a lifetime of pain for this show."

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