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General Gabbery: DWTS

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Oh Lord, I can see it now.  Julianne joins the show and on one of the weeks Len is gone, guess who sits in for him?  Maks!  And then they get to butt heads as judges because Maks is still resentful over the 'phoning it in' comment, she's pissed that Maks beat Derek last season, and it's played up to the hilt for ratings! 


This show is a few spray tans away from being the next Jerry Springer.

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I don't want any family members of current pros behind that judge's desk at all during the season - even as guest stunt judges.  They should only be allowed to come in when their family member is eliminated.



Seriously. On Strictly Come Dancing, when a former winner became a judge, the show stopped using her partner as a pro to avoid even the suggestion of a conflict, and the two weren't related. How hard is it to find a judge that isn't related to one of the active pros?

And it's official, it's Julianne. Which honestly, after TMZ's story, likely came as a shock to no one. They may be a tabloid show but they're rarely wrong about stuff like this. Oh fun times - and we all thought last season's Maks vs Derek fandom drama was bad.




*moderator begins crying softly.



lol...I don't envy you.

Edited by truthaboutluv

*moderator begins crying softly.

Yep, I think you are going to be awfully busy.  If Derek wins again, the cries of CHEATERS! and FIXED! will be deafening.


I can't imagine what they are thinking by this. I liked Julianne when she was on the show but I don't want to see her judge, I want to see her dance. I honestly do not care what she thinks about the the other dancers because I think she is nuts and more than a little fixated with having her name in the press.  

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I already said how I feel about a fourth judge period and how not interested I was in Julianne or Maks being a judge. That said, putting aside Julianne's obvious "watercooler bait" comments to Mark her first time and Maks the next time she judged, I actually thought she did a pretty decent job and hell certainly made more sense than Carrie Ann and Bruno on a normal day. A lot of her comments were fairly detailed and I liked that she would pinpoint specific things that she thought were wrong and give specific advice on how to improve it.


But yeah, the show would have done better to just forgo this fourth judge business or at least get someone not so previously tied to the show. But then again, who are we kidding, they did it specifically for the "controversy" and cries of outrage because reality tv producers specifically always think that kind of drama equals ratings. Except there are times when it backfires spectacularly in their faces - see American Idol's ridiculous decision to make Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj judges. Ratings dropped drastically and no one cared. So it remains to be seen how the viewers respond to this decision when the ratings start coming in.

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Well, at least she's an actual experienced DanceSport pro.  If they had gone with someone who had never set foot on the dance floor or taken an actual dance lesson in his/her life, I'd have issues.  As it is, I hope she's finally matured enough that she won't make a complete ass of herself.


And look on the bright side -- maybe viewers will make Derek the first boot out in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest down the road.

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And look on the bright side -- maybe viewers will make Derek the first boot out in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest down the road.

Ha! I like Derek, but they could pair him with a kettlebell and he would still make it to the 5th or 6th week.


But then again, who are we kidding, they did it specifically for the "controversy" and cries of outrage because reality tv producers specifically always think that kind of drama equals ratings. Except there are times when it backfires spectacularly in their faces - see American Idol's ridiculous decision to make Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj judges. Ratings dropped drastically and no one cared. So it remains to be seen how the viewers respond to this decision when the ratings start coming in.

I completely agree especially about the producers hoping for controversy and drama. It will be very interesting to see how viewers take to this.  I really do think it could go either way.

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There are so many other former pros who would have been preferable.... 


On the other hand, I'm cackling that she's come back to DWTS because her movie career flopped. It started out so well, too, but then she moved away from dancing movies and... nope. Maybe she could rustle up a role in the next Step Up film. But I hope not, because I love the Step Up franchise. 

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I already said how I feel about a fourth judge period and how not interested I was in Julianne or Maks being a judge. That said, putting aside Julianne's obvious "watercooler bait" comments to Mark her first time and Maks the next time she judged, I actually thought she did a pretty decent job and hell certainly made more sense than Carrie Ann and Bruno on a normal day. A lot of her comments were fairly detailed and I liked that she would pinpoint specific things that she thought were wrong and give specific advice on how to improve it.


But yeah, the show would have done better to just forgo this fourth judge business or at least get someone not so previously tied to the show. But then again, who are we kidding, they did it specifically for the "controversy" and cries of outrage because reality tv producers specifically always think that kind of drama equals ratings. Except there are times when it backfires spectacularly in their faces - see American Idol's ridiculous decision to make Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj judges. Ratings dropped drastically and no one cared. So it remains to be seen how the viewers respond to this decision when the ratings start coming in.


Yes, I thought she did a decent job the previous times she was guest judge.  That's why I have no problem with this hire.  Do they really need a fourth judge?  No.  That's just going to be four people talking all over each other, trying to get attention, taking up time on the show.  New producers trying to fix the show.  If it's going to fail, let them learn their lesson.


I just want to know when Len takes a week off or whatever, will it just be Carrie Anne, Julianne, and Bruno sitting up in there or will they still bring in a guest judge?

They are getting what they wanted though.  Controversy.  The majority of the tweets directed at DancingABC this morning are not positive about Julianne.  I do take that with a grain of salt since I realize some are also Maks fans that are just salty he didn't get the job.  But I also think Julianne lost a fair amount of goodwill with her appearances the last few seasons.  She came off catty both times and we are long past the days when she was America's Sweetheart on DWTS.  Plus of course her lovely blackface incident from last October.   


But I didn't want Maks as a judge either.  I'd prefer no fourth judge period.  I guess I'll be entertained by seeing how no so bright Julianne can stick her foot in her mouth when she is given the platform to do so week to week and who else she can take potshots at. 


I'm not feeling this season though so far.  No Sharna.  Julianne. 


Oh, and I bet anything TPTB will try to get Maks back to judge when Len takes off so they can have Julianne and Maks sit on the judges panel at the same time.  I'm sure they are hoping for fireworks.

Edited by spanana
But yeah, the show would have done better to just forgo this fourth judge business or at least get someone not so previously tied to the show



I don't mind someone tied to the show so much. But there are plenty of former pros who do not have a sibling competing. That  should have been reason in itself for neither Julianne nor Maks to be given this job.


Oh, and I bet anything TPTB will try to get Maks back to judge when Len takes off so they can have Julianne and Maks sit on the judges panel at the same time.  I'm sure they are hoping for fireworks.


After what's gone down I can't imagine Maks would say yes to that. Had they not brought on Julianne sure. But now? I don't see it happening.


And with JLo apparently back with her ex-boyfriend I can only imagine what Maks and Lizzie will come up with now to try to keep him relevant.

I don't mind someone tied to the show so much. But there are plenty of former pros who do not have a sibling competing. That  should have been reason in itself for neither Julianne nor Maks to be given this job.

After what's gone down I can't imagine Maks would say yes to that. Had they not brought on Julianne sure. But now? I don't see it happening.


I think it would be hard to find someone from the ballroom dance world anyway that didn't have ties to several of these dancers.  But the sibling aspect does make it a little icky.  Heck, I'd take Shirley Ballas over either sibling.  I know she's Mark's mother, but she is generally pretty fair and balanced when she's on Afterbuzz.  Plus she has ties to a lot of the dancers anyway.  For instance while she might be more closely tied to the Hough/Ballas contingent, she also has taught Val and loves her some Val.  


But I agree Maks won't likely take the bait at this point to come back.  I mostly meant TPTB are probably trying to lure him back anyway.  Not that they would necessarily be successful.

On the other hand, I'm cackling that she's come back to DWTS because her movie career flopped.



Now Julianne annoys the crap out of me and I think she sucks as an actress as much as she sucked in her attempt at being a country singer and while none of her movies were smashes and she's not even B-List, I wouldn't say she's crawling back because she's completely flopped. According to her IMDB profile, she actually has three movies coming up which means that if nothing else she is still getting work.


Trust me, as a fan of some other celebrities who I have seen go months, maybe even a year with nothing new on their profile, that's pretty good. If anything, I suspect she's coming back to the show to use it as a public platform to further help and promote her career - that is, have a weekly platform where people get to see her, maybe like her again and where she can constantly promote her stuff. Worked for J-Lo and all the judges on The Voice.


Heck, I'd take Shirley Ballas over either sibling.



I actually think Shirley would not have been a bad choice. Yes she's Mark's mom and Derek's pseudo-mom but she has a LONG history in the ballroom world both as a dancer and teacher and she's taught and had some kind of relationship with damn near half of the Pros - Val, Karina, Tony, etc. And they all seem to adore her. Of course once again, there was always the option of no fourth judge.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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According to her IMDB profile, she actually has three movies coming up which means that if nothing else she is still getting work.

? I only see one movie that is in post-production, and that looks like it might be straight-to-DVD. (Wishful thinking.) Other than that, the last movies on her resume are Paradise and Safe Haven from last year. IIRC Paradise flopped, and while Safe Haven was a moderate success, it was also panned by critics and I don't think anyone chalked up its financial success to Julianne. For a while it seemed like she was everywhere, and then her movies didn't do so well and Hollywood stopped pimping her as an It Girl. Obviously she's not a starving artist and her movie career is going better than Derek's, but I think it definitely flopped with respect to her ambitions. 


Wait, I forgot there's that Blackpool show she's developing with Derek? But that's more behind the scenes. 

If anything, I suspect she's coming back to the show to use it as a public platform to further help and promote her career

Well yeah, I'm sure she wants to parlay her DWTS judge stint to getting more Hollywood roles. Ain't arguing against that.  

I am not happy at all about her getting this judging job.  I think she is not a very nice person based on her last two judging appearances and the Halloween incident.  And there were her implied accusations of abuse against the Ballas'.  Yes, she did not name them when she cried abuse, but they were who she lived with.   Back when she was a pro on the show, she seemed so cute and sweet, but it must have been a front. 


And then there is the fact that she is Golden Boy's sister, that alone is enough for me to not care for her.  How many weeks until she gives him a ten even if his partner does nothing?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I do think they're bringing back the Results Show just for the first two weeks of the show. So I think that will help things with having 13 stars. My speculation is that the show got a celebrity to sign on at the last minute, which necessitated another Pro.


Yes, Tom B confirmed on twitter that there would be a results show for the first 2 weeks.  I wonder if they might continue results shows for a few more weeks or maybe an 8pm-9pm results show so it doesn't go head-to-head with NCIS + America's Got Talent.  I think you might be right about a last minute celebrity.

Since it was just announced on Twitter that Antonio Sabato, Jr. is going to be on the show, I'm betting that Sharna is the 13th pro.


Was is officially announced? Or was it chatter about a story on EOnline's gossip page. I don't know what "Watch With Kristin" track record is.

If Cheryl does indeed leave and it sure seems like they are phasing out Karina, the total rehaul of the female pros would be complete and that saddens me greatly. I miss sweetheart Kym J, fireball Anna T and will miss fearless Karina and my all time favorite Cheryl. These pros' dances could be very sexy but yet always classy which I think the new pros lack with their constant bump and grinding, thrusting and squats . And even Edyta tho not overwhelmed by her choreography and who set the bar in skimpy costumes was never raunchy ( looking at you PETA). I suppose this is all producer driven for ratings, but I miss the Golden Age of DWTs and barely recognize the show anymore. Any why they cut ties with Louis Van Amstel is a total duh! He should be choreographing the pro group numbers, his were memorable , not these same-o same-o every week.

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I would be in favor of a topic for the tour! Was surprised they brought it back - I didn't know that DWTS was bouncing back in popularity. Have they announced who is going on tour? Any celebs or just the pros?

I definitely miss the "old days" of DWTS. I'd be sad if we lose Karina or Cheryl or Tony, because they go way back. Derek and Mark to an extent too. I've never understood their rationale for bringing in or losing pros though - I always loved Chelsie and Dmitry, and was upset they never brought Anya or Pasha on board.

I thought Anya and Pasha were busy with Burn the Floor.


Pasha has been on the Mother Ship, Strictly Come Dancing, for a few seasons now. Anya had done it as well though I don't believe she has a celebrity this season, she does a pro dance every once in a while, though.


These pros' dances could be very sexy but yet always classy which I think the new pros lack with their constant bump and grinding, thrusting and squats


This. It's a move towards choreography that is more crouching tigresses than actual ballroom, in search of a fickle audience they've never had and are not going to get. Not in a consistent basis, anyways. All these pro dances choreographed by non-ballroom choreographers like Mandy Moore, in addition to the less than classy ones from Sharna, are not appealing to me. Would it kill them to have some (gasp!) actual ballroom content from the pros every once in a while? Maybe 4 pro dances per season? That isn't asking for much, is it? I don't mean to be so pearl clutchy, I am all for variety, but it seems to me that all we get is some diluted mishmash of ballroom-lite with everything else they feel like throwing in. I feel like I am watching the same choreography over and over.

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