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S06.E13: Tell-All Episode

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I just read in someone's post they mentioned Kody mentioning people "monogamist" stopping him in the street and telling him about what to do, and how it's offensive (at least that's what I think he meant by that) that is... But does he not go on national television every week telling us monogomists how we are simple minded, narrow minded, judgement all, etc.? For the record, I wouldn't ever live polygamy, it's just not for me, but I have absolutely no problem that they do, assuming they are all consenting and happy, except they clearly are not happy, which is where the judgement comes in

And the "persecution" is probably just some dude going "oh man, I don't know how you manage four wives because one drives me insane, hardy har har."
  • Love 8

Janelle, matching your clothes to your eye color really doesn't work. Especially when you match teal to your eyes. That pantsuit was horribly outdated.


I couldn't take my eyes off her shoes.  They looked like those big black clodhoppers people who had polio as a child have to wear.   And on the one day she could have slipped on a super-cute, doesn't-matter-if-they-are-comfortable-because-you-won't-have-to-walk-in-them pair of shoes, those are what she picked out. Sheesh.


Third (and last peek) was the little blond girl parroting the “there are no cameras” mantra that I’m sure she has been taught her entire life.  God, that’s just so sad.


It was a little creepy, wasn't it?  I can just hear Christine chanting to Truely over and over "there are no cameras, we don't see the cameras."  


She probably uses the same little voice to program Truely with the belief that "you need to share a man with at least two other women to get into heaven, and if you aren't happy with the arrangement, it's your fault because you're flaaaaawwwwed."  



  • Love 6

I agree Robyn's arrival coincides with the deterioration of the other wives' marriages, and it seems to have had a negative effect on Kody's relationships with his daughters, too.  But you know what .... I really don't blame Robyn.  She may have some selfish motives and behaviors, but I place the blame for any destruction brought on by her arrival squarely on Kody. Or maybe I should say "Little Kody." 


Surfer Douche handled the entry of Robyn into the family about as badly as he could have.  He has made no secret that she is by far his favorite, showering his time and attention upon her at the expense of the others.  When someone dared to complain (Christine), she was punished by Kody who gives her cold shoulder to this day.  None of this is really Robyn's fault.  


I don't think the divorce is Robyn's fault either.  It wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell of happening without Kody pushing for it.  He wanted to reward his special snowflake with the coveted title of "legulwive," plain and simple.  He knows his other three marriages are withering on the vine due to neglect, but he also knows he has no interest in repairing anything because he and Little Kody would rather just be with Robyn.  So why not just quit pretending and go ahead and tie himself legally to the one he's really attracted to, the one who is still popping out babies and will be sticking around?  This "doing it for the kids" is a lot of crap.  Last night's little slip that Jessup himself had brought up Kody adopting the kids proves it.  He has no intention of trying to take those kids away from the Browns.  No divorce with Meri and legal marriage to Robyn was required to make the kids safe.  It happened because Kody preferred it, and what it did to Meri or anyone else in the family be damned.  


Same thing goes for losing interest in spending time with his daughters.  That is 100% on Kody.   Now maybe (especially where the kids are concerned) Robyn could do more to encourage Kody to work on his relationships with everyone.  But frankly I don't think Robyn has any more ability to reign in Kody's gigantic ego and willingness to be selfish than any of the other wives do.  Kody is a hopeless narcissist and efforts to control him or change him are a waste of time.  He does what he wants to do.  And I can't fault Robyn for being smart enough to realize that to really push it would damage their relationship, and opting to stay out of it.  She's seen what speaking up did for Christine, after all.  You don't criticize or try to control Kody without paying a price. 


Okay, all that being said .... even if I am wrong, and Robyn really does wear the (maternity) pants in the family (lol laurakaye), I still put the blame on Kody for allowing someone to walk into his family and damage his relationship with both his wives and daughters.  It's his failing as "head" of the family.  Robyn doesn't have any special magical powers he is incapable or resisting.  It's Kody's choice to put her ahead of everyone else on the cul-de-sac and cause all these hard feelings and suffering.  


It does make Robyn look awful, I get that.  She brought this dark cloud with her when she arrived, for sure.  But Kody is the only one who could have made it turn out differently, and he simply opted not to because he doesn't care how Meri, Christine, and Janelle feel.   He only cares how he feels, him and Little Kody.   He would follow Little Kody into a forest fire if that's where he was pointed. Walking over Meri, Christine, and Janelle to get there means nothing to him.  And I don't think that is really Robyn's fault.

I agree 100%.  I posted here or TWOP that it too was ultimately Kody's fault that Janelle felt so abused by Meri that she took her kids and left for two years (I think it was two) in the beginning.  What kind of "Leader/Head of Household" allows that to go on???  The same kind of narcissistic weakling that almost twenty years later allows it but now with more wives and even more children to damage.  He is an asshat.    

  • Love 13

I wonder that, too.  These tell-alls insult my intelligence (what little I have left after watching them).  I firmly believe that Tamron Hall is presented with a list of forbidden questions from TLC via the Browns, making these tell-alls more of a tell-some, as long as the questions don't involve anything too heavy.  I think that's why the vast majority of her questions tiptoe juuuuust over the edge of slow-pitch softball.  That being said, I think this was the most hard-hitting tell-all yet, but that bar is pretty low.


Just once, I'd love to see Tamron lean forward conspiratorially and say, "Okay, ladies, let's get real.  Show of hands- who thinks Robyn is a back-stabbing, man-stealing bitch?" and watch the fur fly.

Tamryn is 100% absolutely given a list of approved topics and forbidden topics. Most likely, as with almost all paid interviews, they also run through the questions and tape responses multiple times. I'd also love to see her be able to express her own opinion and say "ladies, tell the truth, who hate Robyn? who thinks Meri created her own mess? how are you paying for all these houses, trips, etc.?", but as a journalist, even an entertainment journalist, she can't and won't. 


The viewers distrust Robyn because she comes across as ungeniune, manipulative and we have seen the shift in family dynaics on camera since she arrived on the scene.


I don't think Robyn has changed Jenelle and Kody's relationship because their relationship has always seemed a bit... cold?  But they both seem okay with that.  Jenelle is an odd duck.  She seems nice, but odd.


Meri and Christine seem shredded.  They both just look sad. sad. sad. I think they used to share Kody's affection in a way, and Robyn came in and swooped up all of the Romantic Attention... since she is the only fertile one. 


Either Kody hasn't seen the photos, or heard the voicemails... or he was looking for a way to save face.  Could be both.  THAT wasnt' just flirting.  I can't imagine how upset my husband would be if I did 1/2 of what Meri did.  I guarantee he would not shrug it off as 'flirting'.

Perfect summary. Robyn has rung false from day one. Janelle - odd duck, yes, and I defended her a lot, but after this interview and all of her Kody and Robyn butt kissing - no more. Janelle is going to tow the line and get a wedding or two paid for, plus maybe her house. They can all pile up in there when the other three are foreclosed. 


My husband is pretty liberal, but if he knew I had told another man, repeatedly, that I loved him, sent him suggested photos, etc., he'd be angry and upset. I'd feel the same way if he did that to another woman. Kody is trying to save face or doesn't have all the information.


Robyn, Robyn, Robyn. As for Kody's infatuation - she feeds his ego, paints herself as the victim only he can save, only complains about things he can swoop in and fix, and yeah, that jaw. Seriously, she's only 3 or 4 years younger than Christine, so I don't think age is a factor. Fertility - Christine could've had one or two more after Truely, but she was sensible enough to realize she already had six, and six was plenty. 


Thinness, yeah, she was a lot thinner than the others, but she's 'skinny fat' - untoned and floppy, just smaller. I think she was just able to bat her eyes and make Kody feel like he was Captain Save a Ho, and he ate it right up. Doubt that she knows any tricks Meri wouldn't try. I think Meri would do anything - lie, kill, steal, swallow a banana - to please a man. She's always come off as desperate that way. Robyn is just super manipulative and doesn't care to lie to get her way, and Kody fell for it. He really doesn't seem like he'd be hard to fool at all. 

  • Love 9

Well, I felt like that whole baloney about Meri's online deal was a complete lie. Whoever heard of such BS.  I don't even know why it was necessary.  Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to just have told the truth?  Why did Meri have to be a martyr?  I mean, I already felt sorry for the woman, since she went through that humiliation of being catfished,  but then to create all that stuff about being forced to leave this guy voice messages professing her love and saying she wanted out from the marriage........COME ON.  She should have just admitted she make a mistake and that she got carried away, regrets it and now wants forgiveness and to move on with her life.  What's wrong with that?  For all that whining and lying,,,,,OMG.  So annoying.  


I don't think Kody could care less if she took off and left.  He seemed happier than I've ever seen him.  All relaxed and even lost a few pounds.  The only time he looked perturbed was when Tamra asked him if he would now divorce Robyn and remarry Meri again.  That riled him up real quick.  lol  


I was amused that Mariah is no longer supporting plural marriage.  And she's discussed it with Kody, but not Meri.  Hmmm......

  • Love 11
I agree 100%. I posted here or TWOP that it too was ultimately Kody's fault that Janelle felt so abused by Meri that she took her kids and left for two years (I think it was two) in the beginning. What kind of "Leader/Head of Household" allows that to go on??? The only head that matters in the multiple Brown households. Little kody

Eta. The quote thing was not working right. Sorry.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 1

Well, I felt like that whole baloney about Meri's online deal was a complete lie. Whoever heard of such BS.  I don't even know why it was necessary.  Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to just have told the truth?  Why did Meri have to be a martyr?  I mean, I already felt sorry for the woman, since she went through that humiliation of being catfished,  but then to create all that stuff about being forced to leave this guy voice messages professing her love and saying she wanted out from the marriage........COME ON.  She should have just admitted she make a mistake and that she got carried away, regrets it and now wants forgiveness and to move on with her life.  What's wrong with that?  For all that whining and lying,,,,,OMG.  So annoying.  


I don't think Kody could care less if she took off and left.  He seemed happier than I've ever seen him.  All relaxed and even lost a few pounds.  The only time he looked perturbed was when Tamra asked him if he would now divorce Robyn and remarry Meri again.  That riled him up real quick.  lol  


I was amused that Mariah is no longer supporting plural marriage.  And she's discussed it with Kody, but not Meri.  Hmmm......

another symptom of famewhoreitis.

It was a little creepy, wasn't it?  I can just hear Christine chanting to Truely over and over "there are no cameras, we don't see the cameras." 

She probably uses the same little voice to program Truely with the belief that "you need to share a man with at least two other women to get into heaven, and if you aren't happy with the arrangement, it's your fault because you're flaaaaawwwwed."


Is this what producers tell their porn actresses? "There are no cameras and you need to share a man with at least 2 other women in this film to get to heaven." It just sounded so funny when I was reading it. Then there's Meri and her banana. Run, Truely.

  • Love 7

At first I didn't think anything of Truley saying she didn't see any cameras, until I realized that kid has been programmed to bold face like and looked scared. Just like how Christine (and the other except Janelle, but Christine to the worst extent), we brought up to bold face lie that they were NOT polyg kids, they did NOT live in plural families, those kids were their friends, not siblings, they didn't have a dad, etc. Teach the kids to lie and that breaking character and being truthful will rip your family apart is a terrible burden for a child.

  • Love 2

Seriously, she's only 3 or 4 years younger than Christine, so I don't think age is a factor. Fertility - Christine could've had one or two more after Truely, but she was sensible enough to realize she already had six, and six was plenty.

If Robyn and her Victoria's Secret "pajamas" never entered the picture, Christine would have 8 children by now. Active, healthy sex between Kody and Christine ended the moment Robyn was "sealed" to Kody. Christine has no identity and feels lost without Kody, which is a true shame because all her non-bio children love and regard her. Too bad she can't see that there is a world outside of men. She's a good-hearted simple woman who doesn't deserve the heartbreak of polygamy.

  • Love 9

Truly and King Soloman


Something I thought was dumb is that sol and truly were brought out to "break the tension" first of all, that is not a child's job... It happens that when kids enter a tense situation it can be broken, but they should not be used for that purpose (does that make sense?) basically I'm trying to say if it happens organically, fine, but don't bring them into it uneccessarily. Then they kept taking about the catfish situation with the kids there, they only vaguely said something (I don't even remember what was said, I think it was just like one statement) but if the kids were out it should be off the table completely, I'm sure they hear more than they probably should at home.

  • Love 3

When I was watching this episode I was thinking of how the purpose of the series was supposed to be "let's show the world that polygamy can work" and that the Brown family would be a shining example. And now... well, if I ever hear of a friend who is thinking of being in a plural family, I will just point them to this show. 

  • Love 9

Someone in this forum once described her [looks] as one of those wizened apple people. Every time I look at her that's what I see now! I always figured Kodouche favoured her because she was sexually permissive. Gross.

I didn't know what "wizened apple people" were so I had to Google it.  Robyn isn't aging well so she'll look like them soon!! 



  • Love 4

One thing that I did appreciate was Tamron bringing up the question about now that the kids were adopted why not divorce Robin and remarry Meri.  Kody was so dismissive of that idea, even saying something like "I don't want to go through all that."




Or how about he marry .... oh, I don't know ..... maybe ..... Christine?  I mean, it doesn't matter who he is legally married to, right?  Its just on paper.  Right?


Yeah, I didn't think so.



Someone in this forum once described (Robyn's)  [looks] as one of those wizened apple people. Every time I look at her that's what I see now!


I don't know who here is responsible, but ONE OF YOU posted that Meri looks like the nurse from that episode of The Twilight Zone with Donna Douglas.  The one where the "hideous" woman undergoes plastic surgery to make her beautiful like everyone else, but the surgery fails and she turns out to still look like Donna Douglas .... then they show the nurse's face and she looks, well.  Not like Donna Douglas, shall we say.


You know who you are!!!!  I will never, ever EVER be able to not think of that episode every time I look at Meri.  And honestly, I feel a little bad about it.  But I cannot deny that the observation was painfully spot-on. 

  • Love 7

Was anyone else laughing as hard as I was whenever they panned over to Kody, and his ridiculous mane appeared to be flowing in the wind? They had to have sat him directly underneath the air conditioner on purpose, because that didn't happen with anyone else.

If Janelle was Catholic, she'd be the patron saint of early 90's pantsuits and seriously repressed emotions. I'm not a super emotional person myself so I've always cut her some slack on that front, but seriously? She didn't notice the dad/daughter dates (the whole idea of dad/daughter dates creeps me out - in my house, it was simply referred to as hanging out with my dad; however, my dad didn't have 80 million wives and children, but I digress) had stopped, and it never occurred to her that the girls might be upset by this? Just because people dont talk openly about things, Janelle, doesn't mean that the problems don't exist. Good on Christine for calling Kody out for ignoring his daughters.

Meri didn't think it was weird that "Sam" would get mad at her, hang up the phone, call his "female friend", who would then call Meri and tell her to apologize to "Sam" on voice mail? Is Meri in middle school?

  • Love 12

Hello all! I have been lurking around for sometime now and I figured it would be okay to post. I apologize in advance because I am sure this post will be massive and scattered.

I was extremely annoyed with the Tell All (which is not uncommon, I have been disappointed will all of the Tell Alls). I feel like it should be renamed to "Sister Wives Tell What We Want, F%&+ The Rest".

Where was the transparency? The honesty? Instead they all attempted to justify Meri's actions and make it another "The Browns vs The Universe" plea for sympathy.

I do not think what happened to Meri was fair, it was horribly wrong, but no one can deny that she was involved. She took part in this! This catfish didn't lure her into a dark alley. She admitted to seeking out friendships on Twitter. I have met many online friends but Twitter/Facebook/etc are not the best places to find authentic people. If they were there would be no MTV Catfish and Dr. Phil would have no material for the past few seasons.

Her intentions when she began speaking to Sam/Jackie/Lindsay/____ were ill. She planned to have some sort of relationship with someone who she assumed was a middle aged, hot, successful, businessman from Chicago. You typically do not seek people out on social media, or accept an online "friendship" unless you are looking for something. I truly believe that if Sam had been what JO said he was, she would have left Kody or at least carried out a real, in person affair with this character.

I cannot believe that JO is still carrying out this facade. It has been proven time and time again that these fictitious characters do not exist yet instead of admitting to it or simply disappearing, she still attempts to make people believe that Sam is real. This is insane to me.

I honestly think that JO has difficulty deciphering the difference between reality and fantasy. At this point I think she is too far in to come back now. She has been doing this for years and it is clear that this is nothing new to her (which is surprising considering that her catfishing skills are mediocre at best and she's easily exposed). I actually feel bad for her if I am being honest.

Okay... I feel much better now. :)

  • Love 9

Surfer Douche!  

Janelle 'Biggie Smalls' Brown -- tagline:  "I got to third base!"  

Robyn the Wizened Apple Woman! 

Free Truely!


Oh, man!   Hahahaha!


I don't know -- I still think that this catfishing thing might have been fictitious for ratings!  I know, I know...  but, I can't get over Robchin's connection to the JYD, and the JYD's connection to the catfish!   Plus, have charges been brought?  Have law enforcement been involved at all for extortion, etc?  Or is Meri just going all Joan of Arc on all vaguely identified internet predators?  Plus, the constipated looks on all of the adults' faces during that segment -- something seemed off!  


Additionally -- not telling the older kids until the day of filming????  Come on!!  I CALL BULLSHIT!!  


These people are beyond belief. 


Was Robyn's ass that big with King Sol, or is age/metabolism/chocolate pie catching up with her?  

  • Love 7

They may not have told the older kids about Catfish until the day of filming, but those kids are not stupid, nor do they live under rocks. The most idiotic parents always tend to think their kids won't be aware of XXXX until they inform them. That's so stupid and naive. No doubt, that if the rest of the world exposed to the Internet and watch the show, glance at Yahoo News or whatever, or walk by a check out magazine rack - people like us - knew about Catfish, THE OLDER KIDS KNEW TOO. *earth shatters for the Browns*


Pants suits - a little dated, but I liked Janelle's pantsuit. She's a large, round woman. She needs some structure in her clothing to keep from looking like a blob. I though she was actually dressed the best. Her clothing fit, she wasn't wearing sausage casing jeans or knit tops, her shoes weren't horrific. These women choose the ugliest shoes possible - flip flops or some sort of clompy clog. Not a huge fan of the matchy matchy leopard cami with Twinsie Robyn, simply because anyone allying themselves with Robyn drops about 10 levels in my opinion, but for a formal interview, Janelle and Robyn looked so much better than too tight jeans on Meri and Christine.

  • Love 1

I'm kind of glad they didn't spend more time on the Catfisher because that is just what that horrible woman wants. She is desperate for attention and every time someone else reads her blogs or comments on her social media, she feels like she is important. Meri was wrong to be that involved, but I hope she can use this experience to figure out what she really wants in life. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to continue to live alone and get crumbs from Kody, but it's hard to leave a long term marriage and she is very attached to all of the kids. And Kody would be super pissed to miss out on his gravy train show. The only way it would work would be if he got another wife after Robyn, and we all know that wouldn't be allowed.


I dislike the Brown's but I don't believe any reality show people reveal every single detail about their lives. They have to reveal a certain amount, but they are human beings, they have to keep some things to themselves. I'm guessing they are all scrambling to figure out how the show can keep going and they keep having kids without actually working.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 7

Meri didn't think it was weird that "Sam" would get mad at her, hang up the phone, call his "female friend", who would then call Meri and tell her to apologize to "Sam" on voice mail? Is Meri in middle school?

She didn't think it was weird because that's what Kody has been doing to her for years.  Kody and Meri would get upset with each other, ignore each other and one of the other "sister" wives would tell Meri to contact Kody.

  • Love 9
Maybe next season we can get non"mormon" poly families verses the Browns. I would love to see truly happy functioning people compared to those sad, dysfunctional women.


Polygamy and happy functioning women are mutually exclusive terms.  Polygamy is inherently a disastrous lifestyle, at least in this society.  The only women who enter those toxic relationships are those with low to no self esteem, no capability for independent thought, no ability to be self supporting, or belong to a religion that browbeats them into believing they are only to be used as breeders.  


Are all polygamists as idiotic as the Browns?  Maybe not.  But none are happy dollhouse families.  And some are truly evil - watch Escaping Polygamy.

  • Love 6

Something I thought was dumb is that sol and truly were brought out to "break the tension" first of all, that is not a child's job... It happens that when kids enter a tense situation it can be broken, but they should not be used for that purpose (does that make sense?) basically I'm trying to say if it happens organically, fine, but don't bring them into it uneccessarily. Then they kept taking about the catfish situation with the kids there, they only vaguely said something (I don't even remember what was said, I think it was just like one statement) but if the kids were out it should be off the table completely, I'm sure they hear more than they probably should at home.

Here's Kody's take on the "surprise visitors:


Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown  · Nov 22 

Intense energy in the room scared Sol & Truely. Heavy, not happy. We'll keep working on our happy until next time. Goodnight.


And marrying Robyn "legally":


Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown  · Nov 22 

Just a Justice of the Peace paper shuffle. No sense in making a big deal about it. It's simple: we were married 5 years ago.


I think Kody's fascination is very simple. Kody had 3 wives that let themselves go, they were fat. They no longer turned him on. They had the grind of tons of kids to look after daily.   Robyn comes along and at the time was very skinny, had a great body and younger. He had the hots big time and the sex was probably better than he has ever known. She had his dick standing at attention which I don't think the other 3 were able to do for some time. I'm sure Robyn makes sure she takes care of her man in the bedroom. As we all know, men are stupid that way. The newness and excitement of Robyn haven't gotten old yet. 


LOL, I was going to post the very same thought - Also that she came along just around when he would be going through a little midlife crisis about still being able to attract and get it on with a woman - a NEW woman.  Also, having a woman he digs that way ready willing and able to do anything he wanted had to be a head trip - We all know Christine wishes she could have that affect on him but he was never into her and never will be. I also think Robyn is a master at manipulating a man and a situation to her advantage and she knows she has him schmoozed and wrapped around her little pinky.  She probably promised doing all those things the other wives either wouldn't or couldn't and it was like catnip for him, LOL.  Robyn being so much younger was also a draw because like you said, "men are stupid that way", LOL!!


ETA:  Let's not also forget that Robyn had already been with another man, which probably makes her look more "wanton" and worldly wise in his eyes, yet another turn on from his POV.

I asked my hubby how he would feel about knockin' boots with Robyn. He visably shuddered.


LOL, so did I and mine reacted the same way!  He also says he thinks Robyn won't age well.  Interesting.

This is a case of active famewhoreitis in action.  The common symptoms are extreme delusions and revisionist history.  


Symptom one:  What is plastered all over the internet is wrong.  Here is the real truth.  Robyn Vader did not cause the divorce.  IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN.  It's just a coincidence that the pregnancy came shortly after the legal marriage.  Forget last season when she said she didn't have time for another baby because MSWC kept her too busy.  We really didn't hear that.  The other wives LUV Robyn.  We poor monog people just don't understand this super duper love they all have.


Symptom two:  Kody's older kids think he is the best thing ever, even though they show open contempt. 'Cause now he's superdad.


Symptom three:  Meri was not ready to bolt.  She did not say LAST WEEK that she might just be gone one of these days.  She was tricked and she was protecting the family by playing along.  Or something.  And forget the internet articles about this.  Nothing to see there.


You get the idea.  The list goes on and on.  Anything to keep the gravy train rolling.


You nailed that right!  "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, I am the great and wonderful OZ!"

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2

I couldn't take my eyes off her shoes.  They looked like those big black clodhoppers people who had polio as a child have to wear.   And on the one day she could have slipped on a super-cute, doesn't-matter-if-they-are-comfortable-because-you-won't-have-to-walk-in-them pair of shoes, those are what she picked out. Sheesh.


I know, I've been meaning to mention those shoes myself.  My mother would have called them "clodhoppers".  I couldn't figure out what they were because I'm sure she doesn't have polio or wear orthopedic shoes.  And I'm pretty up on fashion and there's just nothing out there like that at all.  And all the other wives usually wear heels that you know go back in the closet right after.  I agree with those who said her suit was frumpy - The color was pretty but it looked like one of those things with the scrunchy elastic waist that you would order out of a catalog aimed at advanced senior citizens.  She probably ordered the shoes at the same time....


Janelle is a pretty woman but she makes herself look so much older and unattractive with the way she dresses and makes herself up.  I am probably more than 10 years older than she is but if you put us side by side I'm sure you'd say I looked younger, and I don't consider that an amazing accomplishment on my part next to her.  I don't mean to put her down but I've always wished she would do more with herself because if she wore the right clothes/makeup she would look 20 pounds thinner and 10 years younger.  But we all know Janelle doesn't care anymore and has made her peace with not being attractive to Kody.  Plus I don't think she ever really cared all that much about sex.  She strikes me as not having much of a sex drive, which is one reason she isn't so needy and takes everything to heart when Kody doesn't pay attention to her.  She really doesn't care that much to be any more than his friend.

  • Love 4

Janelle is a pretty woman but she makes herself look so much older and unattractive with the way she dresses and makes herself up. I am probably more than 10 years older than she is but if you put us side by side I'm sure you'd say I looked younger, and I don't consider that an amazing accomplishment on my part next to her. I don't mean to put her down but I've always wished she would do more with herself because if she wore the right clothes/makeup she would look 20 pounds thinner and 10 years younger. But we all know Janelle doesn't care anymore and has made her peace with not being attractive to Kody. Plus I don't think she ever really cared all that much about sex. She strikes me as not having much of a sex drive, which is one reason she isn't so needy and takes everything to heart when Kody doesn't pay attention to her. She really doesn't care that much to be any more than his friend.

Is Janelle a lesbian?
  • Love 1

I'm late watching this, but I found several things very interesting:


*Jenelle saying none of the kids complain about Kody not being around much. But they must complain privately, because Christine was definitely very upset that her kids were not seeing him as much. We all remember the gym mat episode. 


*Kody dancing around apologizing for the rock building exercise, and wanting to explain privately why he railroaded Christine. What was THAT about. 


*Mariah now hemming and hawing about plural marriage, when she was previously very gung ho about it. The bloom is off the rose now that her mom isn't the legal wife anymore. 


*Aurora basically stating that she didn't truly feel like a Brown until the adoption. For all that these people talk about "spiritual" this and "spiritual" that, it's quite clear to me what legalities DO matter. Notice the intense shift in dynamics now that Robyn has replaced Meri. Jenelle says nothing has changed, but it so obviously has. Jenelle always previously seemed distant and uninterested in Robyn, now she seems to be kissing her ass. And the timing isn't lost on me, that it's only after Meri has been "demoted" that Jenelle feels comfortable making amends with her. 


*Gewndolyn's entire demeanor during the little kid segment. She looked pissed off the entire time! Girl was wearing some serious stank face whilst they talked about the new baby, and I swear she was the only girl who didn't raise her hand in excitement over the prospect of babysitting Robyn's new royal baby. 


*Meri's spin on the catfish thing. I'm not saying Meri wasn't a victim in any way. What JO did was despicable. But it seems like Meri is trying to downplay how invested she really was - that it was more about the catfish making her do and say things, threatening her. I mean, does anyone really believe that when she was talking about "flying free" it was from the snare of her horrible catfish and not from this life???? 


This whole thing has really highlighted how horrible polygamy is in the later years, after the kids are gone. Unless all of the wives have kids of all the exact same ages, and stop at the same time - it just makes things horribly unbalanced. For a monogamous couple, when the kids are gone, you move on to the next phase together. You might travel, or take up ballroom dancing. Meri suddenly finds herself alone and needs to find things to fill her time, but it's not like Kody is going to be super involved in those things, because he's still got a dozen other kids still living in the various homes. 


What is really REALLY interesting to me is how the come very close to admitting that the move to Vegas, and subsequent split into 4 different homes, really damaged their family - but they never quite say it. Kody came closest, with saying that Christine has been in a dark place since the move. I think they also said the father-daughter dates stopped after the move? I mean sure, they all have their own space now and the houses are really nice, but I think living this way has done them a great disservice. When you're all in the same house, you may still have your nightly rotation, but it doesn't start until you go to bed. You can still all have dinner together, hang out with all the kids. I mean, I guess they could still do that now. The homes are big enough. Or they could set up a table in the backyard and have nightly dinners ala Big Love. But they don't. I think just the act of putting the wives into separate homes cause them to mentally separate as well. Plus, I think Kody loves running back and forth and keeping up the pretense of being so busy and devoted. 


It will be interesting to see where they go from here. With the catfish thing blowing up, they can have the whole "Kody and Meri work on their relationship" thing next year. But I don't know if Robyn will stand for that. She looked more pissed off than anyone. She seemed completely done with Meri. It would be a lot more interesting if Meri actually left, but I don't know what she would do with herself. 

  • Love 8

Christine creeped me out when she went into that "Keeping Sweet" monotone, extra soft spoken, simpering, dreamy voiced monologue of whatever the hell she was talking about. She sounded crazy and fake, not calm and reflective.


Thank you!  You described it better.  This makes me want to throw a shoe at my television every time she does it.  To me, it sounds like she's trying to use her words to soothe Kody's rage or something, but it makes her come across as weak, vapid, and child-like.  It's actually a bit disturbing.

Here's Kody's take on the "surprise visitors:


Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown  · Nov 22 

Intense energy in the room scared Sol & Truely. Heavy, not happy. We'll keep working on our happy until next time. Goodnight.



Wow, dismissive much, Kodester?!


This tweet makes me irrationally angry.  So there's heavy tension in the room.  The adults are talking about adult things.  All kinds of emotions are simmering just beneath the surface - jealousy, rage, neglect, fear - just to name a few.  Meri is crying.  Kody is giving her the caveman stare of death from across the room.  So, hey!  Here's a great idea!  Bring in the two littlest Browns for comic relief!  Except that it wasn't...because Christine invoked the "we don't see the cameras" Brown Family Creed, and Kody picked up Sol and carried him in, ignoring Truely completely.  There was absolutely NO REASON to bring in those children at that point in time.  Actually, there was no reason for either of them to be there in the first place.  I feel so sad for Truely, and even for Sol - it's not his fault he's being raised as a spoiled, entitled brat.  The whole segment gave me the chills.

Plus, I think Kody loves running back and forth and keeping up the pretense of being so busy and devoted. 



'Cause it makes his hair look all fluffy and bouncy in the wind when he runs.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 7

Was anyone else laughing as hard as I was whenever they panned over to Kody, and his ridiculous mane appeared to be flowing in the wind? They had to have sat him directly underneath the air conditioner on purpose, because that didn't happen with anyone else

Haahaaa I was laughing at his hair blowing too, it is so thin that it looks like Truely's hair

  • Love 1

I just remembered yet another "WTF" moment from the tell-all...when Tamron asked Janelle what she thought about Meri's distancing herself from the fam'ly, Janelle said something like, "I didn't know what was wrong...did Meri have cancer?"  And then she kind of laughed, as did the others.


Is this the Brown's sick way of telling us that the cancer scare was nothing more than a ploy to cover for Meri's online shenanigans?  Because I'm 1,000% certain that cancer is not funny.  I immediately thought that Janelle was calling BS on Meri's health scare and laughed to cover up her mistake.  I don't know if there is a plausible explanation for laughing in that moment, but it goes on my list as the number one thing that made me angry about this episode.

  • Love 3
Or how about he marry .... oh, I don't know ..... maybe ..... Christine?  I mean, it doesn't matter who he is legally married to, right?  Its just on paper.  Right?

Yeah, I didn't think so.


Haha, yes, why not rotate legal status between all the wives? If it truly doesn't matter. Christine for 5 years, then Jenelle, then back to Meri!


Pants suits - a little dated, but I liked Janelle's pantsuit. She's a large, round woman. She needs some structure in her clothing to keep from looking like a blob. I though she was actually dressed the best. Her clothing fit, she wasn't wearing sausage casing jeans or knit tops, her shoes weren't horrific.


Outside of the shoes, I agree with you. I thought Jenelle looked very pretty. I appreciate that she's the only one who doesn't do those tight white shirts under the short sleeved shirt thing. It looks just awful. 

  • Love 1

Here's Kody's take on the "surprise visitors:


Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown  · Nov 22 

Intense energy in the room scared Sol & Truely. Heavy, not happy. We'll keep working on our happy until next time. Goodnight.

#SisterWivesAnd marrying Robyn "legally":


Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown  · Nov 22 

Just a Justice of the Peace paper shuffle. No sense in making a big deal about it. It's simple: we were married 5 years ago.


Yeah, it's crystal clear that the legal marriage was essentially meaningless to Kody. And let's all pretend it was meaningless to Meri, too, mkay?

The longer they stay on TV, the more obvious the deep faultlines in their lives become. The keep arrogantly chalking up any less-than-positive viewer reaction and perception as simply faulty perception of the truth; it would never occur to them that their show has acted as a clarifying lens, and that increased negative reaction is caused not by misperception, but by a closer understanding.

I could stand over a huge subterranean ant colony and only see the comings and goings of a couple of ants at a time through a tiny hole. But if a miniature camera was threaded down into the chambers of the colony, I would gain a much more nuanced understanding of colony life. I don't have to be an ant to observe and draw reasonable conclusions about life in an ant colony.

"Massive bipedal vertebrates can never truly understand the blessings of subterranean colony life," said a sister of the Queen. "Their paradigm is too different from ours. No matter what the camera reveals, they are constitutionally incapable of understanding us."

  • Love 4

This family was most likely a mess before Robyn got there.

In their book, Janelle left them and lived alone. Meri and Janelle have a bad history. Christine did seem happier but who really knows? Doesn't look like Meri got along with anyone. Janelle liked Christine because she watched her kids while she went to work...was hat a real relationship or just convenience?

I think Robyn was a chunk of cement in an already sinking ship.

  • Love 7


I just remembered yet another "WTF" moment from the tell-all...when Tamron asked Janelle what she thought about Meri's distancing herself from the fam'ly, Janelle said something like, "I didn't know what was wrong...did Meri have cancer?"  And then she kind of laughed, as did the others.


There is no bond at all between these women. They don't care if Meri leaves. They all clearly love each other's kids, and Christine especially has special relationships with several of the children who aren't her own. But you don't get a family vibe at all. They're more like cousins who happen to live on the same street and share a man, but even cousins seem more emotionally attached to each other. The only time these women interact with warmth is when they are interacting on behalf of the kids. The kids seem bonded to each other, but there's a reason why none of them want to live polygamy. They totally see what having a Sister Wife is really like.


When the kids are gone, either someone will leave, or they will all lead separate lives and just share Kody. You will never see the 4 Sister Wives sharing one house. I think a large part of the reason the first three were sharing a house in Wyoming was finances and the convenience of having Christine take care of everyone, not because they were EVER emotionally bonded to each other.


Did Meri and Janelle ever go to counseling together? That sort of dropped off the radar. And Sister Wives Closet was never even mentioned this season.

  • Love 3

Did Christine say that things had gone downhill for her right before she got pregnant with Truely?  Was Robyn around at that time?

I think that's right around the time they started thinking about doing the television show, and shortly after that, Robyn came into the picture.  I can't remember if Christine was pregnant when the show first began (I think she was), but the timeline for all of these events happening is very close, if I recall.  So yes - pregnant "last" wife discarded for shiny new model, and things started going downhill for Christine.

  • Love 5

Did Christine say that things had gone downhill for her right before she got pregnant with Truely?  Was Robyn around at that time?

Yep. Robyn was already being "courted" when they got the green light on a reality tv show. They've said that Kody and Robyn would have been "married" much sooner, but when they got the show they chose to postpone for the sake of viewer interest. I think Christine got pregnant as a reaction to a fourth wife joining the family. She had a near life-threatening miscarriage prior to Truely's birth, and Janelle said that she was very surprised when she later learned Christine got pregnant again. Just like Meri telling "Sam" that she wanted to have his baby--they view baby-making as status glue.

  • Love 7

Did Christine say that things had gone downhill for her right before she got pregnant with Truely?  Was Robyn around at that time?


I remember when Christine was in the hospital giving birth to Truely, Kody was out on a date with Robyn at the time. Later Kody and Robyn stopped by the hospital. The guy was a rude ass back then. Christine is feeling her worst and in walks Robyn with her hair and makeup done, wearing her nice outfit she picked out to impress Kody, and Kody beaming with pride that he's got Robyn on his arm in front of Christine. I would have kicked "little Kody".

  • Love 10

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