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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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@bayviewbubba...Donna , back in the Dark Ages, had a son [ Dallas, I think ] by $Bill's right hand man Justin. Don't know if there was any marriage going on. The son showed up in town, was welcomed by all...and disappeared back into the wild.

And Donna was previously married to her Honey Bear.

My turn...whatever happened to Miss Lemon Bar 1961 ?? Why is Charlie so giddy over Esther when he's a married man ?? 

Looks like we will have an October Surprise. Who is in charge of faking the DNA tests ?? 

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Donna's son with Justin that she put up for adoption and was only reunited with when he was in his '20's is named Marcus.  Played by the actor Texas Battle.  After Marcus' reappearance and after Donna and Eric's first marriage ended, during which marriage Eric adopted Marcus (he is legally Marcus Forrester), Donna and Justin reunited and married.  (They had one of those offscreen Katie/Thorne splits.)

Carter is Marcus' adoptive brother.  They grew up in the same family and that's how Carter was introduced.  Ironic that he's now more of a "son" to Eric than Marcus was.

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5 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

This will be misunderstanding night #4 or 5???

Awful story..

At least. Awful indeed.

I won't say it's deliberate racism to put Zende in this position when they've done this story too many times to count with their white lead "heroes" ( or "heroine" in Quinn's case), but I wish Brad Bell had the sense his father did when the Black actors on Y&R told him to reconsider a WTD story between Neil and Malcolm after a "misunderstanding" and he actually did listen to them. Fuck CBS forever for barely waiting a year after WJB  died before going back on that 😠

On that tangent, in watching the first seven seasons, I've noticed that the only two Black characters who have any story were ones propping up the white leads: Ruth Anne, Stephanie's friend from Skid To, and Keith, who did more heavy lifting to get Macy to get sober than anyone in the show and cared about her a lot, but knowing what I do about the conniption  fans have over Victoria and Neil dating a few years later, they never had a shot. In fact Maya and her family is the first time in the show's history where Black characters got their own story and agency that was separate from merely propping someone else's story.

Among many reasons, this is why the genre is dying, because the other shows are not doing much better (hello, Winters Wednesdays 🙃)

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I thought this board prohibited denigrating an actor's physical looks? I'm cringing at some of the comments made about the young man portraying RJ. It's fine to drag fashion sense (or lack thereof) but the poor guy has no control over his jawline or teeth, unless the intention is to coerce him into needless cosmetic procedures, the likes of which have been condemned for actresses. 

Turning back to the story, is Eric fully cured? I don't mind him marrying Donna. I don't ever recall her marrying anyone for money, so the golddigger accusations seem out of the left field. Yes she took him for all he was worth the last time they divorced but wasn't that because he sided with Stephanie after she all but pushed Donna's mother into the pool to drown?

Rapey scenes are a rite of passage for the Forrester men so if there was any doubt about Zende truly belonging to that clan (and not 'just' adopted), it will dissipate once he boinks the drugged-out teenager in his bed. I believe the character was de-SORASed when he first reappeared as an adult, and was portrayed as under 20, so following that chronology he hasn't hit 30 yet, but the actor comes off as mid to late thirties. Still, it's a significant difference to a 19yo who just lost her virginity yesterday, and who is his cousin's girlfriend. A creepy story for sure but very on-brand for B&B. A misunderstanding where Luna misinterprets RJ sharing a close moment with, say, a female model - dude is always changing in the office, so a starstruck model throwing herself at him while he isn't wearing much won't be a difficult proposition. Of course Luna flees unseen before seeing him turn the model down, and seeks comfort from Zende who'd be more than willing to remind Luna that RJ has a broader sexual history than her, that he might even have seen as a trophy to claim her virginity, and lure her into his own bed. See, no rape, Luna still has an out, and it would've gone a long way to remove the nonconsent from the cheating premise.

The show has never been great at portraying minorities but Michael Lai and the Avants were the two times they made a solid attempt. Maybe this round with the Nozawas will prove a third. But it bewilders me they still can't be bothered to include a Latinx regular in a city where they are the majority. There is a casting notice out which specifies an ethnicity the show already has in abundance.

Edited by Aymery
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I have to say, if I was dating someone, and anytime our faces got within a foot of each other, they were yanking themselves out of the moment to pop a mint, I'd find it odd and off putting. I mean, I can see needing to pop a mint right after eating, but the way they've had Luna going at those mints, just to set this up, has been bizarre and unnecessary.  We could have just seen Poppy popping her pills regularly and then the mix up when Luna was switching purses. A lot of people carry mints in their bags. Luna could have gone for a mint after eating some hors d'oeuvres or something, and it would have been enough. Also, the fact that she pops them a million times a day makes her mistaking her mom's pills for her mints even more absurd. She didn't notice that they didn't look exactly the same?  She didn't notice a difference in taste? 

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6 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I have to say, if I was dating someone, and anytime our faces got within a foot of each other, they were yanking themselves out of the moment to pop a mint, I'd find it odd and off putting. I mean, I can see needing to pop a mint right after eating, but the way they've had Luna going at those mints, just to set this up, has been bizarre and unnecessary.  We could have just seen Poppy popping her pills regularly and then the mix up when Luna was switching purses. A lot of people carry mints in their bags. Luna could have gone for a mint after eating some hors d'oeuvres or something, and it would have been enough. Also, the fact that she pops them a million times a day makes her mistaking her mom's pills for her mints even more absurd. She didn't notice that they didn't look exactly the same?  She didn't notice a difference in taste? 

I guess TPTB in thinking “hey, let’s make our character be stupid” then took it a step further and assumed that stupidity extended to the audience.

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Why does Bell keep going back to this rancid well over and over again? What the actual fuck is wrong with him? This Luna/RJ/Zende garbage being written as a cliche, typical triangle would be infinitely better than another round of rapey misunderstanding. Surely he’s gotten feedback that this is offensive, yet he keeps on trucking down the “what consent?” highway.

As Kerley points out, how the fuck does Luna not realize she’s not popping mints? Anyone who’s ever had an accidental taste of a prescription pill knows how gross it is. Not to mention the lack of refreshing mint hitting your taste buds. And we’re to believe Zende just won’t stop and consider how incongruous it is that Luna is sleeping in his bed? She’s also noticeably under the influence of something.

Stop it, show. Just stop it.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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I am thinking (hoping) that Zende realizes something is off with Luna and just lets her sleep it off.  But ... he will let her think (and he'll play along with her believing they absolutely slept together) and let the carnage fall where it may. 

Otherwise, I don't want another tired WTD scenario.

Luna must have terrible halitosis or something or at least she thinks she does. And regarding Poppy, you just don't pop a pill when you're out on a date, especially in front of the person you're with. (She didn't even offer one to Bill! He seems to be OK with her taking whatever it is, based on his remark the other day. That kind of surprises me.) I have never heard of edibles in the form of breath mints and anybody who has ever eaten an edible can tell you that no matter what flavor it is, there is a very distinct cannabis aftertaste. 

If Poppy and Luna have such a tight bond and Luna is clearly OK with and accepting of Poppy's "carefree lifestyle," then Luna must know that Poppy is consuming something on a regular basis. That's what makes this SL all the more preposterous. 



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17 hours ago, Peppermint said:

My turn...whatever happened to Miss Lemon Bar 1961 ?? Why is Charlie so giddy over Esther when he's a married man ??

Alley Mills is over on GH and just won a Daytime Emmy Award. And hey, who wouldn't be giddy over Esther? (Honestly, I was hoping she'd have a little more story here.)

1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

If Poppy and Luna have such a tight bond and Luna is clearly OK with and accepting of Poppy's "carefree lifestyle," then Luna must know that Poppy is consuming something on a regular basis. That's what makes this SL all the more preposterous. 

This. This. Thissy. This.

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15 hours ago, Aymery said:

The show has never been great at portraying minorities but Michael Lai and the Avants were the two times they made a solid attempt. Maybe this round with the Nozawas will prove a third. But it bewilders me they still can't be bothered to include a Latinx regular in a city where they are the majority.

There was Lorenzo Lamas as Hector Ramirez who was involved with Taylor, involved in other storylines, and he had other Ramirez family members on the show.

Edited by SweePea59
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4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

My turn...whatever happened to Miss Lemon Bar 1961 ?? Why is Charlie so giddy over Esther when he's a married man ??

Pam and Charlie never married. They were planning a wedding at Eric's house several years ago. But Eric was married to Quinn at the time and Pam wanted for Quinn's portrait over the fireplace to be replaced by Stephanie's portrait for the wedding and Quinn wasn't having any of that.

So Pam and Charlie decided to postpone things. I don't recall them getting married off-screen but I don't think they did.

Charlie got miffed at Pam because he invited her to the fashion show where he met Esther and Pam declined because she had to stay home and bake lemon bars. I am glad that Alley Mills moved on to what obviously is a much better and less contrived role to land a daytime Emmy. Good for her!

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Who's the Daddy is just one of the many scenarios in soaps, so like it or not, we're stuck with it.

We also have "who dun it" stories, the usual triangles, DNA swaps, and baby snatchers. That's what soaps do best.

Of course we also have the occasional buried alive stories and Devil possessions, but most viewers balk at them...so that leads us back to square one. Because all the other scenarios (like the mistaken mint) are just completely unbelievable 😉 

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This Luna/Zende situation bothers my soul and yes the fact that he’s a black character getting thrown under the RJ bus during black history month irks me even though other characters have had the same treatment.

Thinking back I’m realizing how many times this has happened 

Ridge/Caroline Sr - she thought he was Thorne 

Eric/Brooke - Bridget 

Ridge/Brooke - where he says “they needed this” blech 

Thomas/Caroline - Douglas 

I won’t be watching this week.  

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Is Popping dropping A, and going around on a perpetual trip? Cause that didn't look like Luna just had a "buzz" working, she was full on hallucinating. 

Why would Luna take a pill from her mother's stash? I don't think she knows what her mom is taking, and thought they were just mints. But then, Poppy didn't seem all that concerned about it. 

In any event, it is sure one fucked up way to get Luna into Zende's bed. 

Show is really dragging right now. They seem to be trying to achieve something but are completely missing the mark. 

I am lucky if I actually watch five minutes of an episode. 

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20 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Why would Luna take a pill from her mother's stash? I don't think she knows what her mom is taking, and thought they were just mints. But then, Poppy didn't seem all that concerned about it. 

It looked like both Luna and Pappy had emptied their purses on a table at FC and when Luna was putting all her crap back in her bag she scooped up mommy's mints by mistake. I guess Ploppy is using an empty mint tin/box for her stash that happens to be the same brand that Luna uses, otherwise why wouldn't Luna have realized she pulled the wrong container out of her bag? (Then there's everything else that's already been said upthread about this.) So Luna didn't intentionally take her mother's drugs and when Peppy couldn't find them in her bag she just probably figured she left them at home. There was no reason for her to think that Luna had them.

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Why does $Bill have trouble accepting the fact that the kid ain't his?  Does he think that the one night they spent together was so magical that Poppy couldn't  have slept with someone else during that period?   Yeah, I think he's that arrogant.

And why does Poppy have to take the pills?  Does she just like getting high, or is something else going on with her?

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5 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Why does $Bill have trouble accepting the fact that the kid ain't his?  Does he think that the one night they spent together was so magical that Poppy couldn't  have slept with someone else during that period?   Yeah, I think he's that arrogant.

Bill's obsession with Luna is kind of weird in general.  He's  met her a couple times and had one or two brief conversations with her. But he's spent damn near half the time he's with Poppy going on about what an exceptional young woman Luna is.

My only guess is that we're going to end up with Bill and Poppy pretending he is Luna's father, to keep the real truth from coming out. 

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3 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

This Luna/Zende situation bothers my soul and yes the fact that he’s a black character getting thrown under the RJ bus during black history month irks me even though other characters have had the same treatment.

Thinking back I’m realizing how many times this has happened 

Ridge/Caroline Sr - she thought he was Thorne 

Eric/Brooke - Bridget 

Ridge/Brooke - where he says “they needed this” blech 

Thomas/Caroline - Douglas 

I won’t be watching this week.  

And then there's the shit like Quinn entirely escaping on kidnapping and rape  and Thomas giving Liam drugs so he'll bone Steffy. Even way back in the day, Sheila gave Eric boner pills to make him incredibly horny and yeah, I'd consider that just as much rape as anything else.

What absolutely chaps my ass is the one time in recent history that anything HAS been called rape was Steffy and Bill:  despite Steffy saying loudly that it was consentual in one of the only times she's ever taken responsibility for her behavior, Ridge insisted otherwise bc he had a grudge against the guy. And Taylor listened to his crap and decided to shoot him at point blank range without talking to Steffy.

What a great message THAT is to survivors. 🙄

This plot is too on-brand for B&B to declare it's racism, but somehow I don't think Zende is going to get the redemption tour that Thomas had after Caroline. 😐

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

This plot is too on-brand for B&B to declare it's racism, but somehow I don't think Zende is going to get the redemption tour that Thomas had after Caroline. 😐

And I can't even figure out what the point of this all is. With Thomas/Caroline, it was obviously the plot they wanted to use to end things between her and Ridge. I don't think they're looking to end Luna/RJ, since they've spent so much time blowing smoke up our asses about how they're just the greatest young couple ever. And I don't think that the actor playing Zende has the same level of talent and charm that Pierson Fode had as Thomas. Part of me suspects that, the wrap up of this storyline is just going to be Zende shipping back off to an FC office in Europe or completely fading into the background at this FC office, like Paris has. 

Either that or Thomas and Ridge can hold a ceremony to welcome him into their club, declaring that now he is a true Forrester man. I'm envisioning something like SNL's Five Timers Club.  They can get Rena Sofer back for a day so Quinn can tend bar at the club meeting. 

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2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Either that or Thomas and Ridge can hold a ceremony to welcome him into their club, declaring that now he is a true Forrester man.

Considering that Kristin adopted Zende, and Sludge and Thomas are Marones, this actually does make perfect sense for this show. BTW, are Kristin, Felicia, Rick, and the rest 🎵, still on that 3 hour safari? And did anyone ever phone Eric's brother in Australia?

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7 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Part of me suspects that, the wrap up of this storyline is just going to be Zende shipping back off to an FC office in Europe or completely fading into the background at this FC office, like Paris has. 

He's been on the show at least two years, right? That sounds right on schedule for when B&B starts phasing out it's Black actors. And speaking of that, Diamond White's coming up on three years so expect her to be cut by Memorial Day too.

It'll be interesting if the show is still villainfying him for this five years from now whereas Eric, Ridge, Thomas and Quinn either got to skate entirely or the narrative worked overtime to say all was forgiven. And by interesting, I mean "Racist as all shit that the only person held responsible is the only Black Forrester."

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24 minutes ago, nilyank said:

The late Fred Willard played John Forrester as Eric's brother and Ivy's dad.

Was he also Jessica's dad too? I remember them introducing her in the mid-90s back when the original leads were aging out of the 20-something scene and the show needed some younger blood. Although her mom became a character, we never saw her dad, who was Eric's brother. Did he have more than one brother? 👀

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29 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Was he also Jessica's dad too? I remember them introducing her in the mid-90s back when the original leads were aging out of the 20-something scene and the show needed some younger blood. Although her mom became a character, we never saw her dad, who was Eric's brother. Did he have more than one brother? 👀

Same dad. Different moms. Ivy and Jessica were half-sisters. The late Andrea Evans played mom Tawny.

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Isn't Douglas the result of "drugged up misunderstanding sex"? Are we seriously about to go down the exact same road?  Because Luna has now had sex with 2 men within 24-48 hours. There's no way we're not getting yet another "Oops, I'm pregnant-who's the daddy" story out of this.😡😡😡

Edited by TVForever
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6 minutes ago, TVForever said:

Isn't Douglas the result of "drugged up misunderstanding sex"? Are we seriously about to go down the exact same road?  Because Luna has now had sex with 2 men within 24-48 hours. There's no way we're not getting yet another "Oops, I'm pregnant-who's the daddy" story out of this.😡😡😡

Season 5 No GIF by The Office

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Mints? What the heck is in them? I get gummies, but what is in the mints that would give Poppy "a little lift" as she described and also make Luna ... um ... amorous AND hallucinate? Li asked what was in them and then accused Poppy of not knowing what was in them. I'm totally out of the loop here (blessedly). 

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Eric was told to take it easy and he wasn’t strong enough for a party. Eric has a party anyway and decides to marry Donna. The question here is why wasn’t it stressful to consummate the marriage?  Was it just a night of handhold and warm milk?  


There is really no way of turning Z actions into a “misunderstanding” night. Z raped Luna under the California Penal Code.  Highlighted by being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, not having the ability to resist, and the kicker is that the person is known to the person but the person is someone other than, in this case RJ.  Luna believed it was RJ therefore there for Z committed a fraudulent act.   


Z comes back on the show with a shaved head, in order to make Z look more like a dick head and give him the personality and traits of Lurch. Just like Lurch, he took advantage of Luna being in a diminished capacity as Lurch took advantage of Caroline. X absolutely knew how Luna felt about RJ, but his ego wouldn’t let him believe that Luna wasn’t there for him.  


Wash, rinse, repeat. What is Li’s purpose other than being a complete and otter bitch to Poppy and Luna. 

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28 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Eric was told to take it easy and he wasn’t strong enough for a party. Eric has a party anyway and decides to marry Donna. The question here is why wasn’t it stressful to consummate the marriage?  Was it just a night of handhold and warm milk?  

Well, let's not forget the honey!

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

There is really no way of turning Z actions into a “misunderstanding” night. Z raped Luna under the California Penal Code.  Highlighted by being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, not having the ability to resist, and the kicker is that the person is known to the person but the person is someone other than, in this case RJ.  Luna believed it was RJ therefore there for Z committed a fraudulent act.   

The druggie mother who walks around with drugs to get through her day is more at fault than Zende. 

He didn't know she was on anything. He also didn't know she wasn't seeing him.  He came home to her in his bed, in his house saying she was waiting for him.  

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19 minutes ago, Artsda said:

The druggie mother who walks around with drugs to get through her day is more at fault than Zende. 

He didn't know she was on anything. He also didn't know she wasn't seeing him.  He came home to her in his bed, in his house saying she was waiting for him.  

I mean....that's a pretty thin reasoning, no? That's the exact excuse Thomas gave Caroline when she woke up furious with him and no one was having it. Nor did anyone give Ridge any grace with Brooke.

Bad optics notwithstanding, Zende shouldn't be able to get away with that justification either. Even if he didn't fully know, this was a woman who was happily committed to someone else the last time he spoke to her mere hours earlier. Maybe....just maaaaaaaaybe he could've waited till the next morning to see if she were up for it before boning her.

This show is so insulting to women but if I were a man watching this, I'd be insulted by the implication that we are too caveman horny stupid to tell an incapacitated woman from a sober one.

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8 hours ago, TVForever said:

Isn't Douglas the result of "drugged up misunderstanding sex"? Are we seriously about to go down the exact same road? 


Because Bell has all the creative currency of your average AI "artist," which is an insult to those art thieves because they at least have a vision of what they want to achieve with their twelve finger abominations.

Although speaking of Douglas, I'm already dreading the day when (not if) he and Hayes go down their dark path with women as is now apparently Forrester tradition. B&B may be put out of its misery before that with the way ratings ago going, though.

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58 minutes ago, Artsda said:

The druggie mother who walks around with drugs to get through her day is more at fault than Zende. 

He didn't know she was on anything. He also didn't know she wasn't seeing him.  He came home to her in his bed, in his house saying she was waiting for him.  

I beg to differ. Poppy’s pills (possibly low dose Xanax) are most likely for anxiety.  I would imagine taking anxiety medication twice within a few minutes affected Luna more because she took the anxiety medication for the first time and the medication is not actually required.  Z has no excuse to jump into bed with Luna because, if his large ego didn’t get in the way, he would see that she woke up from a deep sleep and wasn’t acting completely with it. Some of the side effects of Xanax are drowsiness, confusion, and blurred vision.  So here we get the misunderstanding night instead of rape night because Z thought that Luna wanted him but knew she was in love with RJ. So instead of being a gentleman, he had to prove he was the better man. 

As I said before, it’s just like Lurch and Caroline where instead of being a gentleman knowing that Caroline was in a diminished capacity, he had to prove he was a better man than Ridge.  

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Rape or sexual assault 

5 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

There is really no way of turning Z actions into a “misunderstanding” night. Z raped Luna under the California Penal Code.  Highlighted by being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, not having the ability to resist, and the kicker is that the person is known to the person but the person is someone other than, in this case RJ.  Luna believed it was RJ therefore there for Z committed a fraudulent act.   

Rape and sexual assault are not strict liability offenses, i.e., those crimes where there is no defense.  Statutory rape is strict liability so, even if the victim provided the unwitting perpetrator with a driver's license, birth certificate and sworn affidavits attesting to the fact that she was 18 years old, if she was actually 16?  You're done. 

Here, Zende has a defense, maybe not a super-strong one, but he does have a defense.  They'd both been drinking, Luna was in Zende's bed when he got home, she didn't appear hallucinatory, didn't call him "RJ" (so Z didn't commit fraud by pretending to be RJ), etc.  It's not a slam-dunk defense but it's something? 

What's beyond tedious is that this is the fifth (sixth?) time B&B has done this going all the way back to Ridge and Caroline I.  This conceit is lazy, unoriginal and gross.  Do better, Show.

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7 hours ago, Artsda said:

He didn't know she was on anything. He also didn't know she wasn't seeing him.  He came home to her in his bed, in his house saying she was waiting for him.  

She was clearly stoned. He knows Luna is committed to RJ. Like someone else said, Zende could have paused a moment to realize “hey, this shit ain’t right.” It’s just awful writing that accomplishes nothing but offending a broad spectrum of people due to everything from unimaginative writing to an infuriating refusal to understand consent. 

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He didn't know she was on anything. He also didn't know she wasn't seeing him.  He came home to her in his bed, in his house saying she was waiting for him.  

I think it was pretty obvious she was out of it. Additionally, he knows damn well she's with RJ and loves RJ. Plus in this age of #metoo, I would hope most of us are hyper aware of our actions in this regard.

But naturally #metoo isn't a thing here in BellLA and the writers keep going back to this same storyline. It's sick and gross.

The writing is also insulting in how this was all setup. As if anyone could take medication accidentally as a mint and not taste the difference! I mean sure I guess the writers expected us to believe Brooke couldn't tell the difference between Ridge and Oliver but come on medication and a mint aren't even close to tasting the same!

This show is just so exhausting in its dedication to stupid and insulting storylines.

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7 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

What's beyond tedious is that this is the fifth (sixth?) time B&B has done this going all the way back to Ridge and Caroline I. 

This. And audiences in 1987 weren't having it either because they worked overtime to clean that mess up, and it's only had diminishing returns ever since.

2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

It’s just awful writing that accomplishes nothing but offending a broad spectrum of people due to everything from unimaginative writing to an infuriating refusal to understand consent. 

Truly is a full line on the Bad B&B Story Bingo card:

-Bad Racial optics!

-Recycled story!

-a Forrester getting sacrificed to prop up a Logan (never mind that RJ is also a Forrester but that lot will use anything to piss on Brooke, even this)

-a victim being victim shamed!

-a probable WTD story where abortion will not be discussed or considered!

I just fucking can't even!


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Not to shame/blame Luna, but WTH did she just wander into a random house? Was she that out of it that she didn't know where she was? Also, if those "mints" are hallucinogenic, then how can Poppy even function if she's popping them throughout the day?

Is this going to lead to double WTD and rehab SLs? I don't like Li or Poppy. At least the actress playing Luna can act a little bit. /yawn

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I think this whole "mints" storyline is just dumb, dumb, dumb.  

I used to like Li, but now the writers have had her sink so low, I don't care about her anymore.  Luna is an ok actress, but I don't care about her either.  Poppy can just go down the drain, never to be seen or heard from again.  Ever.  

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I figured the mints were THC since Poppy gets all mellow when she takes them but now I wonder what they are. Ecstasy? 
Still I don’t see how that would cause Luna to think she was banging RJ and not Zende. Also what the hell is wrong with Zende? He is older than RJ and Luna and had no business hitting on his cousins girlfriend in the first place. I hope Luna and Poppy bring charges against him. He should have noticed she wasn’t in her right state of mind.

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7 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I hope Luna and Poppy bring charges against him. He should have noticed she wasn’t in her right state of mind.

Zende was stupid, but I don't think he would be charged because she came to his room and got in his bed.  She might have thought it was RJ, but Zende didn't know that.  She gave him a "come hither" look, and there was no struggle.  

So, I don't think he should be charged.  Poppy might be charged for taking illegal drugs. 

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As an aside:  Kim Matula played an FBI agent on last night’s NCIS. I didn’t recognize her at first since she had dark hair.  There was a connotation of Kim joining the cast as a NCIS as head of their cyber division. 

Yes yes yes, we are to believe this is another misunderstanding night because Luna and Z said it was consensual but not with Z because she thought it was RJ.  Z is a fucking ass hole in trying to convince Luna, that what they did was wonderful when Luna is freaked out about what happened.  Z wasn’t crying because of what he’s done.  He’s crying because Luna gave him the coupe de grace to his ego by telling him over and over again she thought it was RJ. 

It’s still my contention that Poppy is taking some kind of legal Perscription drug for anxiety. Who wouldn’t have anxiety since having Li for a sister who looks down on everything you do.  

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So Luna can climb into his bed, have consensual sex with him, even though she thought it was RJ.  Zende is crying because it's not him she thought it was.  It's also possible he was crying because he felt badly about how things ended with her crying because she thought it was RJ.  So, why is he the bad guy because of Luna's mistake? 

Do anxiety drugs make you hallucinate?

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

It’s still my contention that Poppy is taking some kind of legal Perscription drug for anxiety. Who wouldn’t have anxiety since having Li for a sister who looks down on everything you do.  

I didn’t pay close attention but I thought Poppy’s mints were in some little case. A prescription would be in a bottle and Luna would hopefully notice or be aware that mom has a prescription. 
My guess is still that the mints are a THC edible since it’s legal in California although it shouldn’t cause you to mistake your boyfriends cousin for your boyfriend. 


1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

So Luna can climb into his bed, have consensual sex with him, even though she thought it was RJ.  Zende is crying because it's not him she thought it was.  It's also possible he was crying because he felt badly about how things ended with her crying because she thought it was RJ.  So, why is he the bad guy because of Luna's mistake? 

Do anxiety drugs make you hallucinate?

I think he’s the bad guy for being a shitty cousin as well as taking advantage of a young lady at his family company even though it was technically consensual. It’s the modern twist on the man taking advantage of a drunk lady. I believe Ridge spent a night with a drunk Caroline and years later Thomas spent a night with a drunk mixed with pills Caroline Jr. Ridge better keep his sanctimonious mouth shut when the news hits the family.

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

I think he’s the bad guy for being a shitty cousin as well as taking advantage of a young lady at his family company even though it was technically consensual. It’s the modern twist on the man taking advantage of a drunk lady. I believe Ridge spent a night with a drunk Caroline and years later Thomas spent a night with a drunk mixed with pills Caroline Jr. Ridge better keep his sanctimonious mouth shut when the news hits the family.

But Luna didn't look drunk to me, and I don't think she looked drunk to Zende either. 

I wouldn't call Zende "shitty", but I would call him stupid and rather creepy for wanting to get involved with intern Luna in the first place.   But he is certainly no rapist, and I think comparing Zende's actions to what Thomas and Ridge did is false.

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