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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Carter demanding answers about the stupid fashion challenge is so inappropriate. Ridge (as head of the company and Eric's son) made a decision to "give" his father the win. His reasons are his own, and he should just say so. I get that Carter is supposed to be Ridge's friend, but sometimes you just have to know when something doesn't concern you, and back off.


Btw, why is Donna being styled like a 50-year-old Barbie doll? She was a sex kitten 20 years ago-isn't it time for her look to grow up a bit?

Edited by TVForever
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Please someone tell me, when anyone is ready to loose a loved one?  Doesn’t  anyone understand that Eric doesn’t want pity.  Pity is negative energy.  

Please tell me when Carter became a pompous ass hat?  He’s not the CFO, he’s the COO and he’s not in charge of anything but carrying out the policies of the CEO. 

Finally they spoke the truth. RJ was not the designer, he was just Eric’s hands. 


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With all the comments about how Liam is now turning into an obsessive like Thomas-I noticed that when he was telling Steffy to break her vows/end her marriage, and that they “would” get back together, does she shut him down? No. Yes, she told him she would never leave Finn, but she gave him a little smile as if indulging Liam, but at the same time, her expression-with a twinkle in her eyes-came off to me her giving him the impression of maybee? Or “oh! Go on!” Which is just as bad. 

Oh Carter, do please STFU.

As stated previously, it’s been YEARS since I watched, but when did Donna turn into a blonde? I loved her original portrayer, who was the great Robert Mitchum’s granddaughter. And a brunette. Katie must be the only Logan Eric hasn’t boinked. It’s pretty skeevy, actually.

What is going on with the Logan sisters and Hope? The unnatural and five second pauses between each word as Brooke tells Hope about Eric? It’s as if they’re reading off cue cards verrrryyyyy slowlyyyyyyyyy.

Mad Looney Tunes GIF by MOODMAN

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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So Donna not liking Ridge told Eric's grandchildren, but has no issues with Brooke telling Hope.  So Hope knows but Zende and all Eric's kids still don't? 

10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Huh? Aren't Ridge and Brooke in a relationship? She also has history with Eric. 

It doesn't matter that Brooke has animus against Steffy and Thomas. Right now, that should be set aside.

This was about Ridge telling his children their grandfather was dying. It had nothing to do with her and had no reason being there. They are nothing to her. They even cut her out of the end scene of her trying to hug them. 

  She thinks Thomas is evil and dangerous, he needs her support as family? She hates Steffy too.  She could care less about either of them and Ridge knows it. Her being there was just ridiculous as much as Hope knowing before all the other real family of Erics. This Eric dying is more about Brooke, Donna and Katie than Erics family. 


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Well, at least Steffy asked about Donna.

Isn't Eric going to pick up on the sudden change in everybody's demeanor? Ridge suddenly acting kind and respectful? Thomas and Steffy crying and talking about old memories?  I guess Eric is so blinded by his "victory," that he's not reading the room. 

I also think that Bridget is going to run an advanced Google search and come up with a cure for Eri. 

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Oh, Waffles, you never disappoint. 

Um, Brooke, I know this was decades ago, but at least Hope isn’t sleeping with Beth’s husband. I get that Thomas is bad news, but that glass house you’ve placed yourself in is not without cracks.

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Lol at Hope saying it's called lingerie.  

Like new Hope a lot, she needs to keep this new hate Liam attitude.  

Now Liam loves Hope, when he was just declaring love to Steffy.  Hope better not fall for it. 

And there's Brooke. Acting like she cares about Ridges kids when Ridge told them about Eric and hours later attacking Thomas. 

Thomas needs to not even tolerate Brooke at this point.  

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I love this Zero Fucks-giving version of Hope!  But she was looking all wistful when Liam said he still loves her and always will.  Don't fall for it, Hope!  He literally just said those exact same words to Steffy.

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Why would Hope have Lurch to her house instead of Lurch’s apt where there would be more privacy. If I didn’t know better Hope was setting Liam up for a rude awakening being pretty sure Liam would show up. 


Yes Liam, I’m waiting for Lurch to come over and have me for dinner 😉. Yes Liam, he does give me the big “O” because he’s not a “minute man” like you. 


Li’s goose is cooked now that Luna is in the good graces of Stuffy.  


When was the last time Stuffy cooked?  I guess it was the last time she warmed up left overs from Thanksgiving or Christmas. 


Give it up Liam. I’ll love you forever doesn’t mean 💩 to you. It’s like Lurch saying, to Hope, I only love you and nobody else only gives you a pathway to you and Hope swapping bodily fluids. For me, Lurch isn’t cable of love just lust. 

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Liam is so gross. Even when he’s right about Thomas, I still wish someone would slap him with a partially thawed salmon. He’s a compulsive waffle, like waffling is an involuntary bodily function. I can’t believe, yet I somehow completely believe that he’s still trying to keep both Hope and Steffy on the hook while they’re both with someone else. Get help, dude. Not from Taylor.

Thomas’ suit gets a big ol’ no from me. 

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It is called reality Liam. 

The reality that your wonderful, loving, forgiving, beautiful, soon to be ex-wife has no fucks to give about you or what you think. 

"It's called lingerie".......snerk! 

Brooke, you sound more like Stephanie every day. Of all people you should know how it feels to be told to back off by your lover's mother. Let Hope have her fun, the girl has certainly earned her right to experiment with life. It will flame out eventually, but that doesn't mean she will go running back to Waffle man. At least, I hope it doesn't. 

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Brooke, I love you, but stop meddling in your grown daughter's love life. 

And Liam. I don't even know where to start with this asshole. Did he go over there with a thin pretense just to sniff around Hope and try to get an ego boost because Steffy hasn't kicked Finn to the curb and fallen into his arms yet?  And, I mean, he's right about Thomas - if it wasn't for Douglas blowing that shit up, if Thomas had his way, Hope still wouldn't have Beth. And, in Hope's shoes, Thomas is the one guy who I would forever consider a no-go.  But, Liam is such a dick that I'm tired of hearing him say it. 

The hair team was not on their A-game for this episode, with the biggest offense being whatever the fuck they did to RJ's hair. 

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

soon to be ex-wife has no fucks to give about you or what you think. 

Wait. I thought they were already divorced? Hope had the papers and they both signed. Did she not file them with the court? Eh?

30 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Did he go over there with a thin pretense just to sniff around Hope and try to get an ego boost because Steffy hasn't kicked Finn to the curb and fallen into his arms yet? 

He absolutely did! Didn't you catch the weasely way his eyes were shifting from side-to-side when he told Hope he still loved her? Almost gauging to see if she believed him.

But yeah, he can take several thousand gazillions SEATS.

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So Liam and his little wiffle stick are now reduced to peeping through the window watching Hope and Thomas have sex?  Watch 'em, Liam.  Maybe Thomas will give you some pointers on how to really make love if you ever meet another woman.

I know Luna and RJ are being set up to be the cute young couple, but I have no interest whatsoever in them.  

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54 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

So Liam and his little wiffle stick are now reduced to peeping through the window watching Hope and Thomas have sex? 

And someone correct me if I’m wrong, but this is the first time Liam learned about Hope and Thomas being in a relationship, right? Maybe Waffle Boy will finally get it through his skull that Hope is done with him.

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On 11/16/2023 at 11:05 AM, nkotb said:

Um, Brooke, I know this was decades ago, but at least Hope isn’t sleeping with Beth’s husband. I get that Thomas is bad news, but that glass house you’ve placed yourself in is not without cracks.

God, this. I want to side with Brooke on principle but much like her and Ridge's incessant squaking about Eric and Quinn a while ago, she doesn't know when to just STFU. Stephanie knew how to move in secret and get a task done without flapping her jaws every moment. 

Either Brooke starts working on a Plan B to break up Thope by contacting Oliver or Liam or ressurect Caroline somehow or she lets her daughter literally fuck around and find out, because if abusing her son and KEEPING HER DAUGHTER AWAY FROM HER wasn't a deal breaker to Hope, Mommy's nagging won't move the needle much either.

As for Liam, I have to say that even for this show cs track record with waffling men, this is so ridiculously selfish and unhinged that it has to be intentional. He's always been a worthless waffling bint who flips loyalties on a dime and usually has to be pushed into deciding to be with one or the other but I could believe it was due to genuine laziness at worst. This OTOH is worse than any of the shit Ridge did to get in the way of Brooke's relationships and that's truly saying a lot. Granted Ronn Moss overall got more compelling writing but even through the selfishness you could feel a real concern if you squint.

But Liam flip flops so damn fast that you can't tell which way he's coming or going. The reason why people really don't mention anything about Steam or Lope prior to AN's casting is because neither pairing was ever allowed to stay together long enough for anyone to form an opinion one way or the other to care who the hell Liam chose got saddled with him. And with the spoilers I've read about the guy...let's just say that THIS being the first time he decides to take action on something without being pushed or pulled into it isn't helping him beat the allegation that he's a bigger menace to women than Thomas.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Ok now onto my favorites - Eggplant and Lingerie (oops I mean Thomas and Hope)

They were on for such a short time but they gave me ALL the feels...

🥰🥰💕💕 --> I was going to do a line of these emojis but too much effort - use your imagination

It's like Hope realized in that moment what her feelings were and the way she walked over to Thomas with that look of awe and then they touched foreheads..**sigh** and when Thomas hugged her from behind and she got the look of such bliss on her face...

B&B you surprised me, this is not where I thought this story was going...

Btw was I the only one who caught a butt cheek flash when Eggplant and Lingerie were kissing? I think the hem came up a bit..

Edited by bluvelvet
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Oh, dear. I think Hope said the "L"-word in a moment of emotion in trying to get through to dense waffle. I don't think she meant that she loves Thomas, she loves how he makes her feel when she is with him.

Big. Difference. She even seemed to backtrack a bit when he repeated it back to her.

I don't have a good feeling about where this will head. Let me guess. Re-obsessed Thomas puts Hope in peril and Indignant Sanctimonious Waffle will rescue her. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. 

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Do not put the idea of a Thomas/Hope baby out into the universe, show. Do not. 

I wish Liam would just admit he was an unforgiving asshole when it came to Hope’s transgression even though she forgave him repeatedly for his Steffy bullshit. Own the wrongness, you little ratfuck.

Thomas is obsessed with the idea that Hope could possibly fall in love with him, and Hope seems obsessed with the idea that Thomas is laser focused on her. So romantic.

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I'm surprised Hope isn't already pregnant and having a WTD crisis over the child's paternity. But I'm glad it seems to be off the table because it's been months since she slept with Liam so there's no way he could be a contender for the baby daddy. Unless, of course, they pull another retcon and reveal Hope did fall back into bed with Liam offscreen at some point recently, or have a surprise reveal that she's actually halfway through her pregnancy without having noticed she was expecting.

If this really is the end of the road for Eric, I simply cannot fathom why they would have an unnamed, mystery ailment what kills him. Is it that hard to come up with a proper medical reason - maybe even raise awareness on some lesser-known disease?

RJ and Luna are uninteresting and drawing them into her mother and aunt's drama which is already a nonstarter isn't going to help jazz them up. At this point I don't know what will unless the show finally bites the bullet and has RJ's ex from Paris show up - his male ex, that is. A bisexual guy would actually be novel. But the show just doesn't have the cojones to do that. So instead we get this tired, low-stakes romance between two forgettable characters - all the more egregious when you consider that one of them is the only child of the Unforgettable union.

I will say this though - less really is more with RJ. The actor's attractiveness went up exponentially when he returned from surfing with less clothes, less product in his hair and less manscaping. Kinda funny how the youngest actor on the cast is the only one with hair on his chest. Pretty sure the last time he was shirtless on the show, they'd made him wax. Seriously though, having Luna giggle about RJ's muscles with his SISTER is beyond inappropriate - but then again, totally on brand for the quasi-incest vibe they always have going with the Forrester-Marones.

Edited by Aymery
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12 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Oh, dear. I think Hope said the "L"-word in a moment of emotion in trying to get through to dense waffle. I don't think she meant that she loves Thomas, she loves how he makes her feel when she is with him.

Big. Difference. She even seemed to backtrack a bit when he repeated it back to her.

I don't have a good feeling about where this will head. Let me guess. Re-obsessed Thomas puts Hope in peril and Indignant Sanctimonious Waffle will rescue her. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. 

In a perfect world, Hope would be done with Thomas once the crazy came out yet again, Liam plays hero and Hope will still dismiss him afterwards. Maybe if John McCook is actually retiring with this story, they'll have money to hire a new live interest for Hope. Maybe have her give Oliver another shot or something, I dunno.

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10 hours ago, Aymery said:

If this really is the end of the road for Eric, I simply cannot fathom why they would have an unnamed, mystery ailment what kills him. Is it that hard to come up with a proper medical reason - maybe even raise awareness on some lesser-known disease?

I'm totally okay with unnamed soap diseases. We get invested in the characters on soaps, watching them longer than we know some of our friends. When a character succumbs to a disease, and someone watching also has that disease, it can be very emotionally upsetting, even devastating for that viewer. I find it very responsible for soaps to have their characters die due to unnamed soap diseases. And in fact, I swing the other way, I don't like it when any show gives a character a disease and then treats it very unrealistically or the writers even forget about it all together. And when a disease is non-life threatening and they follow through with it, I agree with you that it is a good thing when they raise awareness.

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Is it just an old wives tales that you shouldn't go swimming right after eating? I always heard that growing up.

RJ and Fibberty Jibberty sure came back quickly after that swim in the ocean. They didn't even have time to climb down that cliff and stick their toes in. I think they just hosed each other off on the patio.

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Why don't Liam and Sheila just hook up, and they can wander around town peering into people's windows?  

Thomas getting mad at Liam for stopping by when Beth isn't even there was basically game recognizing game. Thomas pulled that exact same shit all the time, using Douglas living there as his pretext. 

When Thomas showed up outside the door and heard Hope saying she'd always love Liam, I was hoping we'd get a completely unexpected twist, and that Thomas would be affected by the combination of just hearing Brooke predict Hope would break his heart and now hearing Hope telling Liam she'd always love him, and he would just up and walk away without even making his presence known. I might have more trust in his "reformation" if he was able to truly walk away, without plotting anything, when he believed Hope would never be over Liam enough to love him the way he wants her to. 

Also, I agree that Hope didn't mean that "love" the way he took it. She loves that he is devoted to her. But, now she's opened that door for him, and he thinks they're on the same page, which is only going to lead to psycho Thomas emerging at some point, when he realizes she doesn't feel the same way. 

Given that Steffy and Thomas have turned Ridge and Brooke's relationship into this huge tortured history that traumatized their very existence, I think it's really kind of sweet how much Steffy seems to adore RJ. Hating him for simply existing as a result of that union would be on brand for how they write her when it comes to Brooke, so I like that the show didn't go that way. 

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19 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Stephanie knew how to move 8n secret and get a task done without flapping her jaws every moment. 

Well you know how the saying goes, "Real G's move in silence". I never liked Stephanie, but damned if I didn't respect her ability to engage in silent, under the table warfare. Of course there are times she went too far or got ahead of herself like Andy, her fake heart attack, and just about anything regarding Beth. But all in all, there was a reason no one was ever able to get rid of her either. 

14 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Do not put the idea of a Thomas/Hope baby out into the universe, show. Do not. 

They already have 💀 and I'm calling it now....whatever the hell comes out of Hope & Thomas is gonna be the sibling, (likely the sister named after Eric) Beth is gonna have to worry about when she get's SORAed instead of Kelly. 

Unpopular opinion, but I don't really mind R.J and Luna. As boring as they are right now, I'll take it over him worrying about his parents getting married or some other dumb shit. Plus it was actually nice to see Steffy continue to exceed my expectations with her loving behavior towards R.J. Hopefully she keeps it up. 

2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

In a perfect world, Hope would be done with Thomas once the crazy came out yet again, Liam plays hero and Hope will still dismiss him afterwards. Maybe if John McCook is actually retiring with this story, they'll have money to hire a new live interest for Hope. Maybe have her give Oliver another shot or something, I dunno.

This outcome would be for the best in every way imaginable. Which is precisely why Bradley won't let it happen.....smh

Edited by Skarzero
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15 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Oh, dear. I think Hope said the "L"-word in a moment of emotion in trying to get through to dense waffle. I don't think she meant that she loves Thomas, she loves how he makes her feel when she is with him.

Big. Difference. She even seemed to backtrack a bit when he repeated it back to her.

Yep, that’s how I totally read it too.

6 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Given that Steffy and Thomas have turned Ridge and Brooke's relationship into this huge tortured history that traumatized their very existence, I think it's really kind of sweet how much Steffy seems to adore RJ. Hating him for simply existing as a result of that union would be on brand for how they write her when it comes to Brooke, so I like that the show didn't go that way. 

Except for maybe the Logan sisters and Spencer brothers, I don’t buy any other sibling relationship on this show. We really haven’t seen enough interaction between/among the various iterations of siblings (step, half, full) to make me believe any of them really and truly have a close sibling relationship. 
And not a sibling thing, but miss me HARD with Luna’s declaration that she and Finn were close as kids. Yup, that’s why he mentioned her lots of times prior to her being on the show.   🙄

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46 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

RJ is now Luna's boyfriend? When did this happen, isn't this their first date?

Mind you, RJ is the only one of his maternal half-siblings who wasn't married before he could legally drink (technically, Hope never was either, but not for a lack of trying), so I find this to be progress 🥴

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I’m always going to care and never stop loving  you Hope I mean Stuffy I mean Hope.  The only problem with Liam delivering his redundant lines is remembering who he’s talking to 😉

Talking about redundant lines, Lurch is at the top of the list.  

Hope tells Liam where it’s at and his pea brain is not comprehending what Hope is saying but Hope is blinded by the fact that Lurch loves her because he puts her first. I have to say that when Hope is glorifying Lurch, it’s seems she is trying to justify her relationship with Lurch. Hope, Liam did know you up until a few months ago when the monkeys with a keyboard turned you into a cat in heat.  

It’s clear that Hope “loves” Lurch for loving her with his whole heart (🐂💩) but Lurch, in his own brain, takes it as Hope loves him.  No Lurch, Hope only loves what you do and how you “do” it.  As far as the “cheek” slip goes, I’m a little surprised that it wasn’t edited out. 

Finn must have been working out since the last time we saw him without his shirt. RJ is all upper body. I don’t think he works out on his core since there isn’t a six pack. 

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2 hours ago, Skarzero said:

They already have 💀 and I'm calling it now....whatever the hell comes out of Hope & Thomas is gonna be the sibling, (likely the sister named after Eric) Beth is gonna have to worry about when she get's SORAed instead of Kelly. 

Beth deserves better than being tormented by a product of the man who went to extremes to hide her from her parents. Plus, I would bet cash money that Brad Bell has an intern replacing the names Steffy and Hope in years of scripts with Beth and Kelly. He’s original like that.

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7 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

I'm totally okay with unnamed soap diseases. We get invested in the characters on soaps, watching them longer than we know some of our friends. When a character succumbs to a disease, and someone watching also has that disease, it can be very emotionally upsetting, even devastating for that viewer.

That's true. Either keep it vague or come up with a disease that would never exist in reality. Case in point, Jungle Madness on DAYS. That remains my favorite soap illness and I'm bitter to this day that it's not a real thing. I would love to be able to tell someone, in all serious, that I was suffering from "Jungle Madness".

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2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Plus, I would bet cash money that Brad Bell has an intern replacing the names Steffy and Hope in years of scripts with Beth and Kelly. He’s original like that.

I'm surprised he hasn't gotten on top of creating a male Forrester baby who isn't biologically related to Beth or Kelly. Because we all know he's only interested in writing for the Forresters, Logans, and (sometimes) Spencers. And among those three families, the only shot of a boy who isn't genetically related to Beth and Kelly is a Forrester who isn't descended from Ridge, Rick, or Bridget. It's going to kill Brad to have to make the linchpin of his next generation eternal triangle someone from some other family. (Please don't be related to Sheila. Please don't be related to Sheila. Please don't be related to Sheila.) When they SORAS the girls, they're going to need Thorne to pop back in with some teenage son he never told anyone about. 

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1 hour ago, FancyRhubarb said:

I would love to be able to tell someone, in all serious, that I was suffering from "Jungle Madness".

Was it anything like Ren & Stimpy's "Space Madness"? LOL. Just be grateful you don't have SORAS.

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Holy hot ass lingerie Batman! Hope just ran over Liam like a ten ton freight train!

I don't care what Hope meant with the "I love you for it", all I care about is that Liam heard it. Punk ass bitch dumped Hope and ran straight to Steffy, declaring his love, and is now urging her to leave her husband for him. No way does he get to just show up at Hope's trying to dictate her life and her future. 

Although, this shifty eyed Liam that talks to pictures is giving me stalker creeps. 

On 11/18/2023 at 2:40 PM, Skarzero said:

Unpopular opinion, but I don't really mind R.J and Luna. As boring as they are right now, I'll take it over him worrying about his parents getting married or some other dumb shit. Plus it was actually nice to see Steffy continue to exceed my expectations with her loving behavior towards R.J. Hopefully she keeps it up. 

Not unpopular with me. I think they are both cute as buttons, if a little rough around the edges. But that is always the case; if you go back to the beginning and watch the episodes from season 1, they were all a bit stilted. These two are babies, and need to learn how to act, and flesh out these characters. What I also like about Luna is her mom. I think Poppy could be a good addition to the case. I would love to see her replace Sheila in Deacon's life, or maybe meet Bill and give him a purpose. 

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Li hated Poppy [ PENELOPE !!] with the fire of a thousand suns after the infamous affair, so how did their children become so "close" as young-uns ?? Supposedly the sisters were estranged. Why would Li allow her precious son to be in the orbit of the harlot and her illegitimate spawn ?? 

Another failure to read your own scripts, SHOW.

B&B gets shorter each day...I know to hit the FF button when the characters get that vacant look and start staring into space.  Overcome with lust, or confusion, or despair, or idiocy they just stare until the commercial break. 

BTW, I'm tired of wracking my brain trying to figure out which former character fathered Luna. Could it be that we get an entirely new actor on stage ?? 👏

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Anyone else sweating that $Bill is going to turn out to be Luna’s dad? Maybe the doctor Poppy was sleeping with just one of the potential dads, but it’s actually $Bill. He was certainly mesmerized. If that’s the case, good writing would have Li & Bill dating before he sees Poppy & Luna. 

On a personal note, ‘tis the season of showing gratitude, so here I go. This year has been super tough for me, & I absolutely can’t wait to flip that calendar to a new year (not a pity post). But, I just wanted to say that I’m so thankful for this forum, & all of you that post far better writing than what we see every day. I never come to this group without chuckling multiple times, & I so appreciate that, more than I ever have before. So, thanks to all of you for helping me smile & laugh through some tough times, I genuinely appreciate you. Wishing all of you a blessed Thanksgiving.

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I hate to beat a dead horse but the RJ/Luna "relationship", with its instant familiarity and ease (qualities that take months to develop) is just not true to life in any way.  These are people barely into their twenties and they behave the way their hormonally-challenged parents would.  At their age, they should be all over each other all the time.  But there's no physical desire, no spark, no lust, nothing.

I call shenanigans.

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WTF!  HFTF is being benched in favor of Eric’s new line. Please tell me how the wonderful fantastic profitable line, that Lurch single handily resurrected, has to be benched unless it’s not really making that much of a profit not to be self sustaining. 

Zende, you are 100% correct about Ridge pushing everyone aside for his children.  Zende you are lucky you are family because you would be out the door for confronting Ridge with a hissy fit.  Beside Zende, you had your chance to collaborate with Eric on for HFTF and you came up short. 

Ok so Bill comes over to Poppy and Luna asking if he knows her.  They were not in a cone of silence where Bill couldn’t hear Poppy’s and Luna’s conversation about Luna meeting Stuffy and Li being Poppy’s sister.  


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Team Zende! He was awesome speaking up about how RJ never picked up a pencil and avoided them and appointed one.  

Why doesn't anyone tell Zende the truth?  Hope gets to be told but not Zende?  They think lying to Zende isn't any better? 

Please hope Bill isn't Poppy's dad.  Maybe he just sees sister resemblance with Li? 

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I too am side eyeing this possibility of Luna being Bill's. I know B&B is not especially inventive in its story beats but adding Liam and Wyatt served a bigger narrative purpose than "Everyone has to be connected to the same three families." With Liam, Bill has to learn how to be a parent and have some sensitivity (as much as Bill Spencer is capable of such a thing) and Wyatt gave Liam a taste of his syrupy maple medicine.

 It's bad enough that Hope was the last legacy child that wasn't related to everyone else in the canvas and she was born in '02, but certainly there's some other way they could invve Bill in a story to keep his SAG card benefits 

I mean, Kelly is RIGHT THERE.

2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Why doesn't anyone tell Zende the truth?  Hope gets to be told but not Zende?  They think lying to Zende isn't any better? 

This. Eric has always considered the Logans a 2nd family so I'm not bother Hope knows but as Kristen's son, he absolutely should've been looped in too. He's also more than right to call bullshit on RJ's fast tracking into a career he quote literally had to be shoved into versus the craft that he and even Thomas have put effort into.

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