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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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The glint in Hope's eyes as she was preparing for battle was a thing of beauty; much preferable to the looks of fear and dread she used to get when confronted with Steffy's shit. 

Taylor, I have but one request:


If Hope were playing Thomas, which I don't believe she is, it would be just a small fraction of the pain Thomas has caused her. Funny thing is, I don't remember you be all that worried about Hope's mental state, or her pain, when Thomas was rampaging and fucking up everyone's lives. OH! Wait, I forgot, you were out there saving the world from itself, doing great things as the WRP, and couldn't be bothered to mother your children. The fact that your delusions, jealousies, and vindictiveness about Brooke is what kept you away makes it all the more unforgivable. 

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11 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Get off your high horse Stuffy, how many times have you had sex in the office. I thought for sure Stuffy was going to punch Hope. It still may happen.  

I thought Hope's shorter hair looked super cute, I did however question the sexy evening wear dress she had on-Hope should have on a business outfit, not look like she's going to a nightclub.

And I would kill to see Steffy try and sucker punch Hope--Hope would just bust out one of her martial arts move and that would be the end to that :):)  

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On 11/6/2023 at 6:57 PM, KerleyQ said:

Eric is dying, but everyone must prioritize Ridge?

That's what truly gets my goat. Even in a poor attempt of selflessness (as much as Ridge is capable of it these days), he can't help but make it about himself. He is a grown ass adult man FFS. Hayes has better impulse control of his emotions than his grandad and he probably still sleeps with a security blanket.


On 11/7/2023 at 5:52 AM, kitmerlot1213 said:

have the feeling the show thinks we'd be cheering Steffy on.

I am ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I've said in the past that I wish Steffy could be a bit smarter in her dealings with Sheila, but the fact of the matter is this woman has terrorized her family since before she was born, was the reason she lost years with her mother and is only reaching out to her husband because he happened to marry her. A sucker punch is the very least of what she's owed, and I say this as someone who has no use for Steffy 95 percent of the time.

On 11/7/2023 at 12:54 PM, kitmerlot1213 said:

wonder, is this going to be Sheila's redemption storyline?  Where all the townsfolk keep ganging up on poor Sheila until everyone is forced to apologize?  Man, I would hate that--I hope that isn't what happens.

They've had plenty of better, more convincing opportunities to reform Sheila and never took them. I doubt they will now.

I will say that for as watered down as Sheila has been after 2002,.I do miss traditional irredeemable villains who continue to be terrible for decades on end and wish we had more of that in soaps.

On 11/7/2023 at 7:47 PM, CharlizeCat said:

I've had enough of Weazel Waffle. And then Bill sitting there nodding his head in agreement at Liam scheming to steal a happily married woman away from her husband. As if. 

I want to say this is out of character for Bill, but then I remember his own foolish ass behavior every time Katie begins to move on from him. I did think he was genuinely friends enough with Steffy and/or moved past his hate boner for Hope that he'd at least get Liam to think twice before pulling more of his weasel shit TBH.


19 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Since both Hope and Steffy are smelling themselves now, I wish they'd get together and devise a plan to finally get rid of Sheila for good.  

Honestly, this. They were able to put their heads together to expose Thomas at that wedding to Zoe, so why not let them team up on this now that Liam is no longer an issue coming between them? Women uniting to tear down another woman is a time honored tradition on this show and this would be the rare time that it's actually well deserved. 🤣

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When Hope said, "Thomas works for me" my first thought was "Yeah, he sure does, supplying you with all that D."  It does seem like Hope is just using sex with him to empower herself.  She talks about how hot they are together and how he makes her feel but I wonder, besides the hot sex, how she really feels about him.  Have they gone out and done things together besides fucking?

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2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

When Hope said, "Thomas works for me" my first thought was "Yeah, he sure does, supplying you with all that D."  It does seem like Hope is just using sex with him to empower herself.  She talks about how hot they are together and how he makes her feel but I wonder, besides the hot sex, how she really feels about him.  Have they gone out and done things together besides fucking?

She also says he pretty much reads her mind, they talk about everything, he's there for her  and he knows ALL of her..(lol and then some in my opinion 🤭)

I am glad Steffy corrected her on that line, Thomas works "WITH" you...

If I were Thomas I would get it in as much as possible because you just KNOW she is going to leave him once this "phase" has passed.

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7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I've said in the past that I wish Steffy could be a bit smarter in her dealings with Sheila, but the fact of the matter is this woman has terrorized her family since before she was born, was the reason she lost years with her mother and is only reaching out to her husband because he happened to marry her. A sucker punch is the very least of what she's owed, and I say this as someone who has no use for Steffy 95 percent of the time.

How much time did she actually lose with Taylor? I think in reality Hunter Tylo was only away for a couple of years but SORASing made the time much longer.

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First of all Lurch probably doesn’t know the meaning reciprocal and if he does, he doesn’t give 💩💩.  I take the meaning of reciprocal as Hope cums Lurch cums and they both bask in the glory of love ick.  Hope has been stalked by Lurch for years and years, gets what he wants, and they are all worried about that fragile little boy. Stuffy stop interfering by telling Hope who she can be with. Didn’t she get pissed off at Liam for telling her what to do with her “love life”. 

Yes Stuffy, Lurch and I are fuck buddies so get over it. You should be happy that your brother is getting laid.  Let’s count Stuffy. Who has more fuck buddies?  Hope has only fucked one 2 Spencer’s and Stuffy has completed a trifecta. Besides, Hope never needed a paternity test. 

Taylor go find yourself a large cucumber and have a fantastic orgasm and relive your sexual tension instead of lashing out a Shiela.  Stuffy didn’t have to leave because of Shiela.  She was just being overly dramatic which is her specialty. 

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UO coming up, but let it be known I do not condone anything Sheila has done in the past. But I also know without them constantly badgering and bringing it up, there would be no storyline.

To that end, why not just let Deacon deal with Sheila? It took great restraint for her not to fight back after wearing a plate of spaghetti, so let the woman at TRY to be a better person. Leave her alone with Deacon and see if what she claims is true or not. If their love is true, she will change for the better. Redemption can't happen if everyone in town is constantly in her face all the time.

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I wonder if there's going to be a "Who shot Sheila?" storyline coming up because Taylor's telling Sheila that justice will be coming for her seemed particularly ominous.

Ridge's "they're adults, leave them alone" regarding Thomas and Hope was fabulous--if the relationship implodes, then it implodes.  Taylor and Steffy's infantilizing Thomas and his feelings aren't doing anyone a favor and Thomas needs to make them stop coddling him.  He's a grown man, let him deal with the consequences of his actions.

I did love Hope's "You're not the center of the universe" comment to Steffy--just the right amount of condescension mixed with a desert dry tone to piss Steffy off.  Perfect, just perfect.  And I'd be done with the "You really are becoming your mother" as if it's the ultimate insult because Taylor as a role model is so much better then Brooke?

I'm also glad that Hope mentioned that it was Liam's refusal to forgive and Liam's refusal to fight for their relationship that led to the present circumstances.  Liam walked away from his family with Hope without a second glance and she's refused to be a second class citizen in her own life.  Good for her.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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We're those Steffy photos in the Liam office? Why is Ridge spending time discussing Steffy with him?

Even if Steffy went back to Liam, that takes Sheila out if their life how?  She's still Hayes grandmother,  she's still Hope's future step mommy.  

Is Forrester fabric supposed to be dumped on the floor where they all walk? 

Liam knocked this time, didn't use his key and asked to come in. Shocking. He's keeping Steffy safe how? Isn't he married still too begging Steffy back. 


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On 11/9/2023 at 4:19 PM, bluvelvet said:

If I were Thomas I would get it in as much as possible because you just KNOW she is going to leave him once this "phase" has passed.

Even if I wasn't painfully and repeatedly aware of how quick this show is about  going back to its status quo, it's glaringly obvious that there's no Thope for the Future here. She's back to the Hope 1.0 "Fuck everyone around me, I got mine" behavior from back in the day and If it were any other man but Thomas, I'd probably be more mad. As it stands, it's the longest she's ever gone without wasting energy on Liam, so I'll take that small victory.

That said, I don't wanna hear fuck shit from Taylor about how brokenhearted her precious widdle boy is when it falls apart. She couldn't be assed to come back to LA after the chain of events that SHE started by arranging an adoption without talking to Steffy because she was that hopping mad that she lost her proxy war with Brooke. She didn't care that her grandson was being abused--no one did, besides Hope--or that he was going to use another woman to make Hope jealous. Hell, she barely seemed to care when Steffy brought up that Thomas lied about CPS because she soooo close to getting Ridge.

I'll say this for Stephanie: she had no use for Brooke, but at least she was equally willing to drag the men in her life for being stupid about her too.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Even if Steffy went back to Liam, that takes Sheila out if their life how?  She's still Hayes grandmother,  she's still Hope's future step mommy.  

Since Liam found out about Sheila/Deacon, has he expressed a single ounce of concern about Hope and Beth being dragged into Sheila's life?  Or is it solely just another vehicle for him to try to break up Steffy's marriage because, dammit, it's been too long since he got laid? 

27 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

She didn't care that her grandson was being abused--no one did, besides Hope--

This is one of the main reasons I wanted to punch Taylor when she was whining about Hope having custody of Douglas. 

30 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Hell, she barely seemed to care when Steffy brought up that Thomas lied about CPS because she soooo close to getting Ridge.

I don't know if it was directed, or if it was how KA chose to play it, but those scenes really had an undercurrent of Taylor being angry with Steffy for spilling the beans before they got married. 

I've never been able to understand the whole "Saint Taylor" thing.  I wasn't around for much of her early years, but everything I've seen since I started watching the show flies right in the face of the idea that she's some pure and good character. It's just that all of her sins get swept under the rug, with nobody ever allowed to bring them up or call her on them. And if anybody dares to try, she just gets all condescending and projects her own bullshit onto them. 

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Shiela is not the boogeyman. She’s not even the bride of Chucky. Shiela is unbalanced but can be somewhat normal until she is provoked. So stop provoking her. 

Luna’s mother is quite attractive. I can see why a married doctor pursued her.  Li must be drinking a lot of water for the amount of piss she’s using to mark her territory.  Stuffy is worried about Shiela but she’s surrounded by her shrew mother, Taylor and mother-in-law Li. 

Why couldn’t the monkeys with a keyboard fire Liam that whinny little baby and keep Wyatt. Wyatt is a lot more personable and upbeat than Liam. 

Li demands Poppy and Luna out of LA TODAY!  Or what Li, what are you going to do if they don’t leave. Li holding a grudge is making in the Shiela territory of Bonkers!  

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Liam is the new Thomas...*le sigh*

I guess we will see Steffy set boundaries AGAIN...

RUN Steffy RUN...

Is this the longest Liam has gone without getting laid??

That's all I got....

Edited by bluvelvet
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Please bring Wyatt back so he can use Liam’s backside as a foot warmer. I can’t with Liam. I just cannot. I actually pitied Ridge for having to listen to that delusional claptrap. Then, like a miniature cocaine bear, Liam speed runs over to Steffy’s house with another goddamn toy in hand and makes a smarmy elevator pitch for her heart. Think about what kind of creep you have to be to beeline over to the home your dream girl shares with her husband to beg her to leave said husband. The same husband she chose to come home to, mind you.

I don’t particularly like Steffy, but Liam has that special kind of magic where I now pity her any time Waffle is up in her business like a yappy little dog. Instead of worrying about Sheila’s obsession, Liam should maybe take a long, hard look in the mirror at his own. If Steffy were to pick him up by the scruff of his neck and the waistband of his underoos, toss him out the front door and leave him laying on the pavement with an atomic wedgie, I would join her fan club so fast.

Li bullying and berating her sister was hard to watch. I am confused about something though, and maybe someone can help me out here. Is Finn married to the co-CEO of Forrester Creations? Does Luna have a job at the company owned by the family Finn married into? I’m sure most viewers need clarity on this one…

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17 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I've never been able to understand the whole "Saint Taylor" thing.  I wasn't around for much of her early years, but everything I've seen since I started watching the show flies right in the face of the idea that she's some pure and good character. 

To be quite honest, I'm midway through the Season 6 playlist and that Saint Taylor narrative was a lie from day one. Caroline was barely in the ground before she started moving on Ridge and she was pretty willing to accept Ridge after that Saint Thomas stunt knowing full well what his feelings were for Brooke. Hell, she could barely tolerate being in the same room as baby Bridget. I dunno, I'm no therapist but I would say that a stepmother who can't tolerate her husband's child has no business being married to that man and is gonna do irreparable damage to that child.

I can't seem to find the clip, but there was one where Ridge, rightfully angry that she knew about Brooke's dad lying about a heart attack, had left and Taylor spends the whole scene screaming at Stephanie that Ridge no longer believed in her "virtue" anymore, without one single thought about the pain Brooke had gone through. There is honest no better scene that so highlights who Taylor Hayes Hamilton is at her core than that.

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15 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Liam is the new Thomas...*le sigh*

He really is. "I can keep you safe" is the new "you're the only woman I love." 

I'm kind of dying for someone to point out to him that he's acting just like Thomas. 

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On 11/9/2023 at 8:22 PM, FancyRhubarb said:

How much time did she actually lose with Taylor? I think in reality Hunter Tylo was only away for a couple of years but SORASing made the time much longer.

It would be about eight years, I think. I remember when the twins, Steffy and Phoebe, sang at their mother's funeral. I think they were about seven years old. That was the worst singing I ever heard on tv. I don't know why they had those little girls do that. No matter how good of an idea someone thought they had, once they heard that wretched caterwauling they should have pulled the plug on that scene. And those little girls weren't that good at acting either. But that singing. Jeezaloo. It was bad.

Then Brooke raised the girls. Steffy was the one who liked Brooke. Which was ironic because of who she was named after. But they seem to have forgotten all about that.

Then Taylor came back from the dead. Then the twins went to boarding school in Europe to finish high school. Which made no sense since they just got their mother back.

The twins graduated over there and Phoebe came home first, had a musical career with some bad singer called Constant-stink and then had a triangle with Rick and Taylor the saint. Steffy finally came home. The twins were no longer identical. Then Phoebe died.


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On 11/11/2023 at 1:25 PM, Anna Yolei said:

To be quite honest, I'm midway through the Season 6 playlist and that Saint Taylor narrative was a lie from day one. Caroline was barely in the ground before she started moving on Ridge and she was pretty willing to accept Ridge after that Saint Thomas stunt knowing full well what his feelings were for Brooke. Hell, she could barely tolerate being in the same room as baby Bridget. I dunno, I'm no therapist but I would say that a stepmother who can't tolerate her husband's child has no business being married to that man and is gonna do irreparable damage to that child.

I can't seem to find the clip, but there was one where Ridge, rightfully angry that she knew about Brooke's dad lying about a heart attack, had left and Taylor spends the whole scene screaming at Stephanie that Ridge no longer believed in her "virtue" anymore, without one single thought about the pain Brooke had gone through. There is honest no better scene that so highlights who Taylor Hayes Hamilton is at her core than that.

I figured the Saint Taylor nonsense was a coping mechanism for Stephanie because she hated Brooke that much and she could never completely be rid of her. It's not about what equally shitty things(or worse) that Taylor has done/said, or about the blood on her hands. It only matters that she's not Brooke. And that is the only bar Taylor has ever had to pass since her character was introduced. Both for Stephanie and viewers alike.

The idea was so prolific, that it unfortunately imprinted on Steffy and Hope despite the dynamics/traits that made Brooke hateable back in the day got passed to Steffy moreso than Hope. But Steffy, being saint Taylor's child, gets far less grief. 

In speaking of Steffy I will more or less always side with her against Sheila....But outside of that I'm not happy she's back & she and Taylor can both shove their infantilization of Thomas where the sun don't shine. Especially Taylor, because apparently Thomas has made sooo much progress, that he can't even be held accountable for being a consenting adult in a relationship with another consenting adult....🙃

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49 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

Wait a second..Did Steffy say Liam called every day to check in about Kelly while she was away...what??? - you know those calls weren't just about Kelly lol

Has he been calling Beth every day??

Of course not because Beth’s mom is a character the writers/producers love to sh*t on. Only the kids of Steffy matter, dontcha know?  

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5 hours ago, Skarzero said:

I figured the Saint Taylor nonsense was a coping mechanism for Stephanie because she hated Brooke that much and she could never completely be rid of her. It's not about what equally shitty things(or worse) that Taylor has done/said, or about the blood on her hands. It only matters that she's not Brooke. And that is the only bar Taylor has ever had to pass since her character was introduced. Both for Stephanie and viewers alike.

The idea was so prolific, that it unfortunately imprinted on Steffy and Hope despite the dynamics/traits that made Brooke hateable back in the day got passed to Steffy moreso than Hope. But Steffy, being saint Taylor's child, gets far less grief. 

In speaking of Steffy I will more or less always side with her against Sheila....But outside of that I'm not happy she's back & she and Taylor can both shove their infantilization of Thomas where the sun don't shine. Especially Taylor, because apparently Thomas has made sooo much progress, that he can't even be held accountable for being a consenting adult in a relationship with another consenting adult....🙃

What gets me is how much every character buys fully into it. The main thing that pissed me off about this most recent Bridge reunion was Ridge allowing Taylor to spew her lies about Brooke, while hiding her own culpability in nuking their friendship, without calling her out on it or standing up for Brooke. Ridge knew damn well that, before Brooke even thought about going after him, Taylor had already thrown herself at him without even an ounce of subtlety. I get that Taylor is always going to be a big part of his life, and he's always going to have some level of affection for her, but if he's truly choosing Brooke, and only Brooke now, then he needs to have her back. 

I may hate everything about Hope letting Thomas into her life, but I really loved when Steffy, thinking she was playing some trump card to shame Hope, said "I guess you're turning into your mother after all," and Hope had zero fucks to give about that and said she realizes there's nothing wrong with that after all. After who knows how long of Hope always thinking she had to do some kind of karmic good girl routine to atone for her birth, and Brooke thinking that Hope is better than her, with Steffy/Taylor happily helping that bullshit along, it's nice to see Hope take that bullet out of their guns. You could see how much at a loss Steffy was when it happened. 

5 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Has he been calling Beth every day??

Liam: "Um, who?" 

Related, if Liam ever tells Steffy how much he loved living with her and raising Kelly and "Phoebe," I'm going to have a rage blackout. Sadly, I feel like that's not something that is out of the question for who Liam is now. 

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11 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

The twins graduated over there and Phoebe came home first, had a musical career with some bad singer called Constant-stink and then had a triangle with Rick and Taylor the saint. 

Oh, God, I remember that. Rick randomly became an opera singer competing in contests with Phoebe because the actor was a trained opera singer in real life. It's not the most absurd plot point this show has done but it's up there.

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So, in Li's narrow mind, a person is not even allowed to have a nickname? Geez, isn't that what makes a family unique? All the little "family" things? But, wait.....isn't "Finn" short for Finnegan? Wouldn't that be a nickname? 

Poppy only has one option; take a page out of her daughter's book and stop allowing Li to bully her. Whatever happened, happened a long time ago, and Li seems to have overcome whatever temporary setback it caused her. Moreover, Poppy needs to let Li know that Luna has never done a thing to deserve Li's hatred, and she needs to step way, way, away from her daughter. 

One thing that hasn't been made clear, and I do want to know, is if Luna was the child born from that affair? From Poppy's reaction, I would guess there is much, much more to the story. I have a feeling that Poppy was a victim far more that the "dignified" doctor. 

Well, Liam is just gonna make everyone's decisions then? How could Ridge sit there and listen to that? My dad would have smacked the taste right out of Liam's mouth for daring to assume his daughter would leave her husband. And can someone, ANYONE, please ask Liam how he is going to keep Steffy safe? You were terrified of Quinn, who was admittedly a bit off, but who doesn't even come close to Sheila in the world of crazy. Oh, and if there is any doubt about that, I have the receipts:

And if it weren't enough to say such things to Steffy's father, you then have the temerity to take your ass over to Steffy and Finn's home and tell her to leave her husband for you. Now, I don't like Steffy, but she could win some major brownie points with me if she shuts Liam's shit down once and for all. Tell him straight up that there is no way she if walking away from her husband to resume a life with a waffling little wussy. This is one time I wish Sheila had been lurking at the sliding door. 

Hope's smack down of Steffy was a wonder to behold. Hope is in charge and in control, and no one is going to rain on her parade. As much as Steffy wants to believe it; Brooke was never with a guy just for sex. Her relationships were always very real, maybe inappropriate, but there were always feelings there. I have no problem with Hope getting her groove on, and I actually like that it is Thomas because it puts a bee in Steffy and Taylor's bonnets. I would be far more concerned if Hope was telling Thomas she loved him, but it is clear what Hope wants and needs from Thomas, and I find it refreshing that someone is being allowed to have a non-committed relationship, with no talk of marriage or the altar. If Steffy and Taylor want or need to slut shame Hope for stepping out of her safe zone one time in her life? Then fuck both of them because their respective closets are full of slutty little skeletons. 

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I’m waiting to hear Liam’s plans to keep Beth safe from her grandfather’s fiancee. Don’t worry! I’m not holding my breath.

17 hours ago, Skarzero said:

don't shine. Especially Taylor, because apparently Thomas has made sooo much progress, that he can't even be held accountable for being a consenting adult in a relationship with another consenting adult....🙃

You know that’s right. I find Hope and Thomas repellent, problematic and hard to watch, but Steffy and Taylor need to piss off with coddling him and slut shaming Hope for having sex with an unattached adult. They act like Thomas is an innocent lamb who will be corrupted by the seductive wiles of a fallen harlot. If Thomas reverts to form, that’s on him. It’s 2023, show. It’s okay to portray women who enjoy sex as something other than grasping succubi.


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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I find it refreshing that someone is being allowed to have a non-committed relationship, with no talk of marriage or the altar.

Especially coming from a character who spent her entire 20s trying to be married at live life "right" as karmic retribution for existing. Brooke and Deacon's sins were never hers to atone for. I've often said the sister she should've been butting heads with or been estranged from was Bridget  but that ship has long since sailed.

1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

If Steffy and Taylor want or need to slut shame Hope for stepping out of her safe zone one time in her life? Then fuck both of them because their respective closets are full of slutty little skeletons. 

Didn't Taylor throw a shit fit about Hope using her "virtue" to win back Liam one time? After that shit, I had no use for her, since that was quite literally the only thing of value she ever brought to the table. I may not have been a fan of old Hope at the end but I could never see her being so cruel as to let Steffy thing her father was dying to hold onto a guy.

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5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I would be far more concerned if Hope was telling Thomas she loved him, but it is clear what Hope wants and needs from Thomas, and I find it refreshing that someone is being allowed to have a non-committed relationship, with no talk of marriage or the altar. 

I like this too.  Hope is just having a good time.  Enjoying a very sexually-charged physical relationship with Thomas without the prerequisite "feelings" that usually accompanies sex on this show.  This show where people literally turn on a dime and get married, e.g., Hope marrying immediately Wyatt because Liam showed up five minutes late.

On the other hand, I know a guy who has been involved with a woman for years, they live together, etc., but he is not in love with her and has told her that multiple times.  And she's accepted that.  That and the fact that he dates other women.  He is very upfront and honest about his feelings (or lack thereof).  And of course this woman has her own agency and is responsible for her own happiness and all that but, at a certain point, if you're this guy, or Hope, despite your transparency, you do become the asshole taking advantage of another person's feelings.

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You'd think that working in a fashion house, RJ would be able to find a shirt that fits?

So all of this "run them out of town on a RAIL" attitude that Li has toward Poppy and Luna is because she's pissed that Poppy could have a bio kid and she couldn't? THAT is the huge 'secret'? I mean, isn't that something that you hash out decades ago? Why does it mean that Luna has to quit a job in a field that neither Li nor Finn are in? And Li is such a horrible actress that she's starting to drag Poppy down with her. Poppy is so beautiful and I wish she'd get screen time and that Li effs off already. 🙄

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5 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

And Li is such a horrible actress that she's starting to drag Poppy down with her. Poppy is so beautiful and I wish she'd get screen time and that Li effs off already.

OMG, I agree! I liked Li at first, but the actress is awful. I totally witnessed how the actress playing Poppy suddenly matched her cadence to Li's and she sounded ridiculous. It was like two schoolgirls fighting on the playground.

Steffy really needs to put a stop to Liam. Stop letting him in the house if Kelly isn't home. Stop indulging him, giving him confused expressions and doe eyes, and for f*ck's sake, stop telling him how much you love him. Steffy means love like being good co-parents, caring about Liam's well-being, and fond memories. Liam is in a completely different lane. 

However, I doubt she will mention Liam's drop-by to Finn. 

Liam's solution to keeping Steffy safe from Sheila is for Liam to pick up the phone and whine to $Daddy to fix it. Too bad Justin still isn't around SP.

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Steffy is allowing Liam's disrespect of her marriage, she's hiding the kisses and his visits.  

She needs to give Finn the truth before Liam does. 

Liam speaking to the photo, yet still not filed divorce papers?  Maybe start there. 

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I do think Steffy now need to tell Finn about Liam's declarations.  However I think she is trying to keep the peace and see's Liam as harmless..

Liam's pea brain can't seem to compute that Steffy has NO interest in reuniting with him.

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Poppy needs to learn boundaries. Who the hell randomly shows up at their daughter's place of internship, (in a different city, if not state, too), uninvited and unannounced, and also who the hell let her in the building and told her what office Luna would be in, or did she just go from office to office looking for her? Why are Poppyseed and Li having a heated conversation at FC? Neither one of them should be there.

How the hell did RJ get that tight, tiny shirt over his pumped arms? Does he have to go all Hulk to out of his clothes?

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Hey Li, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.  Tell me, what can Luna do that affects Finn in anyway. Is Luna going to have an affair with her cousin and drive a wedge between Stuffy and Finn.  Liam seems to be trying to do that more than Luna could. 

Li, I got I news for, you’re still a doctor and now working at the same hospital as your son. So the real truth is out. Li is pissed at Poppy because of her husband cheating on her with Shiela and Li couldn’t carry a baby. What a vindictive bitch.  

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6 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

You'd think that working in a fashion house, RJ would be able to find a shirt that fits?

Are you talking about his sleeves?  That seems to be the style among guys in his age range who have muscles like that. It's an intentional choice to show them off. 

I can kind of get Steffy initially being patient (again) with Liam and explaining to him (again) that she is committed to Finn and not leaving him, but once he responded to all of that with "I'm not going to stop, though," she should have gone off on him. How extremely disrespectful can you get to have her stand there and tell you "I don't want you. Our time is over. I love my husband and won't leave him for you or anyone else," and that's your response?  He is definitely starting to sink into Thomas's territory. He's not there yet, with no body count to his name, but he's headed in that direction. 

Thomas had his mannequin, Liam has his framed photo. 

This storyline is already shitty, but it's going to suffer even more for the absence of Wyatt attempting to be some kind of voice of reason to his idiot brother. 

I really became done with Li when she said that she loves Finn, but it's not the same as having a bio child. Talk about voicing every adopted kid's worst fear. And, for fuck's sake, why is anyone, Luna, Poppy, RJ, even giving Li's "Luna can't work here" ranting the time of day?  She has no say in that.  At this point, they've all indulged her enough. The only response to her declarations that Luna needs to stop working there right this second should be laughter. If Luna is really concerned Li might have any kind of pull, she should just talk directly to Eric. He clearly likes and trusts her. And I'd love to see Eric put Li in her place over this. And Poppy needs to be done with this. Just tell her "I love you, but I will not spend the rest of my life apologizing to you over this," and walk away. I also want to see Finn and Steffy start welcoming Luna and Poppy into their lives, just because I know it will eat away at Li, and she deserves it. 

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15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I really became done with Li when she said that she loves Finn, but it's not the same as having a bio child. Talk about voicing every adopted kid's worst fear.

EVERY, and I mean EVERY parent with an adoptee should give the B&B producers/writers hellfire for this. Wow - what an insult to all adoptive parents. They should put it on full blast in all media sources that B&B actually had a character hold such a disgraceful attitude. 

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I like how Ridge started with basically first of all I didn't lose before the Eric is sick part.  

Brooke was in the room while Ridge told his children and hugged his children why? She has no right there and trying to be on their hug, she hates Thomas and Steffy.  Ridge should have either called Taylor or spoke to them alone. 

Everyone just takes the he's dying comments and nobody asks with what? What is he dying of?

Love Steffy asking about Thorne and rest of  the family.  Brookes Katie, Donna and Hope response was not what was needed.  Hope is nothing to Eric, Katie too. But yes those people are higher priority than all his children or Zende who is probably in the building somewhere and they care about telling Hope first? 

I really wish someone would tell Eric he lost. I really don't care for his boasting how he won every five minutes instead of caring to spend time with his kids. 

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What a putz. Ridge couldn’t leave well enough alone and just had to tell Stuffy and Lurch he won but he told Eric that he won because he’s dying. 

I ask again, what can Li do if Luna doesn’t leave FC?  Both the Foresters and Pseudo Foresters want her there. Even Finn is on Luna’s side.  

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Well, lookey there, they remembered that Eric has some other kids besides Ridge! 

Imma bout sick to death of watching Brooke grieve for Ridge and not Eric. It seems her role is not only to be his doormat, but his sounding board, and his supporter, always there telling him he isn't alone. While Ridge, not one fucking single time, has asked Brooke how she is doing with this? She is Eric's longest running friend, they share a deep bond that has weathered many storms over the years, but it is like she can't feel a thing for Eric because her manboy is the only one allowed to grieve. 

So, I am liking Poppy. She is fresh and sweet. As someone who does have an older sister who is a bully, I can feel Poppy's pain. It is hard to get that backbone. And it seems that this feud goes way deeper than an affair; Li's remarks made it seem like she has held jealousy for her sister since they were young. My take was the sister who tried too hard to be perfect, and is driven, cold, and largely unlikable, and the sister who takes life as it comes, who is friendly and warm, and liked by everyone. Li has no say in what Luna does or where she works. Luna is in a hot little romance with the prodigal son. If she keeps this up, she will only hurt herself as everyone will be side eyeing her hatred of a young girl who has never done a fucking thing to her. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Brooke was in the room while Ridge told his children and hugged his children why? She has no right there and trying to be on their hug, she hates Thomas and Steffy.  Ridge should have either called Taylor or spoke to them alone. 

Huh? Aren't Ridge and Brooke in a relationship? She also has history with Eric. 

It doesn't matter that Brooke has animus against Steffy and Thomas. Right now, that should be set aside.

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On 11/13/2023 at 1:29 PM, bluvelvet said:

Sooo…..umm…Scared Look Around GIF by Fuse


Am I the only one creeped out with Liam talking and winking at Steffy’s photo ..”Hey Steffy”..**cue creepy music **

It’s the prequel to him making out with a Steffy mannequin. 

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