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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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3 hours ago, norcalgal said:

@RuntheTable please be the head writer of this stupid ass show, already!  Puh-leeeeze, sanity demands you be in charge of the scripts from now on. 

Well, gosh, that is mighty nice of you to say! But I think our little B&B community has lots of potential head writers. 

And really, when it comes to this SL, almost any idea or theory to bring resolution would look genius. Bill so butt hurt over Katie and Brooke not wanting him anymore reminds me of this:


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13 hours ago, Artsda said:


This Bill story disgusts me. Let Sheila kill one of the sons, he will deserve it. 


Please not Wyatt! He’s one of the few likable characters on this show! And the actor has good chemistry with everybody.

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On 1/12/2023 at 11:15 AM, Crashcourse said:

Mike seems deranged over Sheila, so I hope he busts out of jail and stalks her and terrorizes her and causes her to run away into the forest and get mauled by a bear.

Honestly, I think Mike will be Sheila’s fate where he is as obsessively deranged and stubborn and kidnaps her to lock her away for her own good and protection from herself where he can ‘love’ her with all his attention and they can be ‘together forever’. Sheila’s end has to have some irony. It’ll either be Mike or her children banding together to take her out with them all protecting each other in a sibling pact.

Sheila is such an infuriating repetitive contradicting bore now that I can’t stand people talking to her. In the same damn conversation she says ‘ no one gave her a chance’ but then says Taylor gave her a chance once and believed in her. Which is it, witch? Did you also conveniently forget that moment in the Forrester living room when you pulled a gun on everyone and held it to you head and that family - to their eternal regret- talked you out of killing yourself? They gave you chance after chance and all you did was serve up more crazy to them to get them to ‘love’ you. 

There is no talking to, appealing to, managing , or rationally reasoning with this woman. She said it herself - she sees herself as the victim in everything- and all her deranged actions as justified to her as self-defense. James tried to manage her and she manipulated him into knocking her up and destroying his marriage. Upon her most recent return, Taylor tried the honey vs vinegar approach to try to keep Sheila happy and calm and Sheila still managed to back into shooting Finn and Steffy due to the her inability to laugh off Brooke flapping her jaws with threats she couldn’t back up and setting her up with alcoholic champagne at NY Eve which Steffy discovered and confronted her about.  Wouldn’t say this for the real world but for fictional soap world of B&B there are some people that need killing/to be put down and Sheila is one of them. There is no redeeming quality in her worth saving and she brings nothing but misery to the world. Take some of her bone marrow for back-up in case Finn or Hayes gets sick and need a bone marrow transplant but the rest of her can be dropped into a volcano.

I’m holding out that Bill is running a con on Sheila. I think he’s sick of the inept authorities and thinks that taking on/down Sheila himself is the only way to protect everyone he loves. He’s going all in and sacrificing himself to take down Sheila. He’s made sure to distance himself from Katie, Brooke, Liam, and Wyatt by acting like a sad sack desperate man and then embracing the sword to give cover for his ruthless actions. This may go all the way to a wedding (done by a fake officiant) where Bill will take Sheila away and she’ll have an accident where Bill reports she’s dead;  we’ll see her wake up locked in a dungeon or some mental facility in another country where Bill and Li (maybe even Jack!) let her know this is her new home and this will be the end of Sheila for a while. A long while one would hope. 


Edited by TobinAlbers
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When Sheila’s face comes on my screen, I immediately mute. I cannot stand to hear any more of her delusional bullshit. And I’m really sick of seeing her blink-blink-blink-blink way of “acting”.



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Katie did some pretty good acting today with her impassioned plea to Bill to come to his senses. 

On the other side, it must be nice to be getting paid to just silently stand there looking like a zombie like Bill is doing.  

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It's good to think that $Bill is running a long con on Sheila, but when did he start and why? If he was aware of her being in town he could have just called the authorities. And when exactly did he first start acting weird? It seems like he started when Sheila was still in hiding, holed up at Deacon's. I'd like to think that he's running the long con, pretending to give her the love she's always wanted, but it just doesn't seem to fit. And why exactly would he want to as opposed to just getting her sent back to jail again? There would've been the additional charges for her escaping. It still isn't making any sense.

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It's good to think that $Bill is running a long con on Sheila, but when did he start and why?

I want to believe it's a long con. I do but it just doesn't make much sense, like you said. Turn Sheila in to the cops and done. The long con just prolongs this nonsense. So then I have to hope for necklace poison which is equal dumb but at least has some history with Sheila and would explain Zombie!Bill.

Whatever is going on, it's boring and stupid (I realize I've typed that more than a few times and so have the rest of you but it needs to be repeated if anyone from the show is reading). This mess is starting to make me a bit nostalgic for the Bill obsessed with a building story line!

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Whatever Bill is doing, he knows exactly what buttons to push with Sheila: unconditional love, acceptance, a second chance, believing her "victim mentality" nonsense, etc., etc., so he's saying all the right words to play on her vulnerabilities and to gain her trust. Otherwise, he looks like he can barely stand her.

If we could get even a glimmer of insight that he's playing her, it would make this ridiculous SL more palatable and give us someone to root for. And I also can't believe that Sheila is so desperate and gullible that she's falling for all of this without question and no ulterior motive. A Bill vs. Sheila cat-and-mouse game might be intriguing but only if we were in on the joke. 

This is where I miss the Bill-Justin bromance. You just know that whatever kind of con Bill is running on Sheila would involve Justin. It was so ridiculous of the TIIC to destroy that friendship to redeem Thomas. Look how long that lasted. 


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Finn doesn’t know the details of why Bill is blackmailing him and Steffy and Katie and Carter stand there with their thumbs up their ass and accept Finn’s explanation. 

Katie, the biggest busybody in LA, is not asking anymore questions?  That’s 😂.  That’s right Katie, specifics don’t matter but it does matter when Katie questions Bill. 

These interactions are nothing but tripe tripe tripe.  

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Bill definitely seems under the influence of something. He’s usually so animated and now he’s dull and without passion. I just really hope he gets saved soon.

I hope so or is that DD's way of rebelling against this stupid storyline? 

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4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

It's good to think that $Bill is running a long con on Sheila, but when did he start and why? If he was aware of her being in town he could have just called the authorities. And when exactly did he first start acting weird? It seems like he started when Sheila was still in hiding, holed up at Deacon's. I'd like to think that he's running the long con, pretending to give her the love she's always wanted, but it just doesn't seem to fit. And why exactly would he want to as opposed to just getting her sent back to jail again? There would've been the additional charges for her escaping. It still isn't making any sense.

Exactly...just when I think I have it figured out, there's another piece that doest't fit.  Sheila just happened upon Bill at the beach, and she approached him and they started commiserating, and that's how the relationship began.  So that kind of rules out the long-con theory (because Bill didn't initiate contact) and the poisoned necklace theory (did Sheila have a poisoned sword necklace at the ready just in case she stumbled across Bill?). 

So I guess we have to believe that everything is as it appears.  But Bill is oddly quiet, so that doesn't fit, either.  Classic $Bill stands his ground without apology, a quality that some may accurately call arrogance.  And he's loud about it.  But with Taylor, Steffy, and Katie, his eyes were looking down, like he was ashamed.   As for Sheila, when Bill said he loved her in front of Taylor and Steffy, she hugged Bill and had that smug self-satisfied look on her face, as if sticking it to Taylor and Steffy meant more to her than Bill's declaration of love.

Ughhh, I'm so confuzzed.  But I have to hand it to them...this curve ball does have us all talking.   

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Could the real Bill be imprisoned somewhere and this Bill be a reanimated Brad Carlton? 

Or maybe Sheila had a Bill mask made. Apparently she found out where Kristen (from Days) buys her masks and immediately went to the same store.

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I just finished season 6 on YouTube and started season 7. It is right after Eric divorced Brooke and proposed to Sheila, which he wanted to do that night, but she said she wanted the big wedding and all that. Of course, it was about going back to Genoia City and getting things "straight" with Lauren. While she was away, Stephanie ran her usually interference, and helped convince Eric to wait till after the upcoming show to marry Sheila. When Sheila got back to LA she was ready to run to the alter, but Eric told her they had to wait, that he told her they only had that small window, and if they didn't use it they would have to wait till after the show. Later that day, Sheils overhears Eric and Stephanie, and he admits that Stephanie had something to do with his decision to wait. They were supposed to have dinner that night to discuss Ridge/Taylor/Brooke and Thorne/Macy/Karen, but Sheila wasn't having it. So, she drugged Eric that night, with some type of aphrodisiac. She came to his office when he was getting ready to leave and ask him to have a glass of wine with her, and she put it in his glass. I had completely forgotten about this. The stuff made him wild for her, and he forgot all about his dinner with Stephanie. I wonder if she could be giving Bill the same stuff? I mean, he isn't wild for her, but he is acting like her personal slave, so maybe she tempered it with something else? With the absolute stupidity of this SL, I would not be surprised by anything. 

It occurred to me that this would be a perfect time to start Thomas's redemption. He could go see the dark duo, lamenting the treatment he had received by his family. How he had been ostracized over what he did to Brooke. Sheila would be eating that shit up like a rich chocolate cake, and I can see her and Thomas branching off to pull their on scheme against their common enemy. This is where Thomas could use the phone app for something good and set it up for Sheila to hear Bill saying something he shouldn't, and for Bill to hear Sheila saying something she shouldn't. Or, he could just hit on Sheila, something I think she would be on board for because it would stick it to Taylor and the family, and Thomas could make sure Bill found out about it. 

In any event, Katie's impassioned plea will fall on the same deaf ears as everyone else's. 

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Katie, the biggest busybody in LA, is not asking anymore questions?

I tend to like Katie a lot more than most around here but this? This so true! She's Mrs Kravitz about nearly every other thing but now she's going to ... not?!? That's darn close to the most unrealistic thing about this entire mess!

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So some are still pinning their hopes on all of this (waves hands in the air) being the Steffy's been in a coma this whole time storyline. Because of this one line from Bill:

I just don't see it. If Steffy is still in a coma, that means Finn is a tertiary character, at best, as one of her doctors, but there's no relationship, no wedding for Sheila to crash, no Hayes, etc. 

Trust, I would love to hang my hat on something, anything, that explains BizarroBill, but I got nothing.

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Where is Deacon? I`m sure he would love to know about Sheila professing her love to Bill. 

I hate this undertone that its all the women's fault that Bill turned to Sheila. That they abandoned him. 🙄 Poor misunderstood woobie Bill. Does he even speak anymore. 

I am already sick of people begging Bill. 

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36 minutes ago, backhometome said:

I am already sick of people begging Bill. 

Me too.

I want Katie to go right back to Bill and say, "Ok, Bill.  I've thought about things. You can fuck off.  Stay with Sheila.  I'll come back to identify your carcass after Sheila kills your sorry ass."  I'd love to see his expression after that.

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

So some are still pinning their hopes on all of this (waves hands in the air) being the Steffy's been in a coma this whole time storyline. Because of this one line from Bill:

I just don't see it. If Steffy is still in a coma, that means Finn is a tertiary character, at best, as one of her doctors, but there's no relationship, no wedding for Sheila to crash, no Hayes, etc. 

Trust, I would love to hang my hat on something, anything, that explains BizarroBill, but I got nothing.

Could the two year mystery be referring to Taylor shooting him?

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Such a catch-22. I love having DD on-screen, but the RoboBill nonsense has gone on long enough, bring back my beloved $Bill. I don’t care if she’s drugged him, hypnotized him, or is doing some kind of mind-control, or, if Bill is the one running a con, give us a hint, so the audience knows what’s up, & that there’s an end-in-sight to the madness. DD is playing the shit outta this, though. His charm leaps off the screen, typically, & he’s basically a hot-looking houseplant, at this point. 

HT gave a master class in soap opera acting today, & the end of yesterday. She hit every emotion & commanded the screen. Kudos to her, she’s most definitely still got it.

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HT was on fire today! I muted every time I saw Sheila moving her lips. She was just repeating everything she’s already said ad nauseum. I cannot figure out what is going on with Bill nor do I care any longer.

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As maddening as this story is, I am really enjoying the looks of disgust on everyone's face when they think about Sheila + Bill.  Steffy and Liam in particular nailed the look of someone who is about to vomit.  

Ok, now today I'm back to thinking Sheila has done something to Bill.  Why is she doing all the talking?  

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

HT gave a master class in soap opera acting today, & the end of yesterday. She hit every emotion & commanded the screen

OMG! So agree. She was fantastic!  Sadly we had to go over to the Liam, Hope, Steffy, Finn meeting of the so-called minds and those actors looked horrid in comparison to HT.

Bill standing there mute was ridiculous. Sheila and her usual snarling was tiresome. Katie touched the necklace today, so if it's poisoned will she start defending Sheila too?!?

I really don't know what is going on at this moment but I can say I'm pretty much over Zombie!Bill and Sheila's reign of terror.

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I floved today's episode. The Katie, Sheila and $Bill scenes were great. Well played scenes. And the Steffy and pals scenes were like comic relief. They were the epitome of a soap opera spoof. Hysterical. A classic episode.

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11 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

And the Steffy and pals scenes were like comic relief.

Scott Clifton's overacting, handwaving and tics were a wonder to behold.  It was a nice complement to Tanner Novlan's minimalist acting style.

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5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Scott Clifton's overacting, handwaving and tics were a wonder to behold.  It was a nice complement to Tanner Novlan's minimalist acting style.

Overacting is putting it mildly. Seeing that close-up reaction shot of Liam - all I could think was that since he hasn't been on much he'd really been saving it up.

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Barge right in LI. If you waited a few minutes you could have watched Finn and Steffy playing hide the wiener.  


Could Bill’s and Shiela’s small talk be any more putrid?  🤢🤢🤮.  Bill if you need someone to give you unconditional love, dump Shiela and get a German Shepard or maybe a sheep 😜

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There was another mention of the sword necklace today, & at least 1 close-up of it. I think that’s how Sheila is controlling Bill. Just a guess, I haven’t seen anything, but they keep calling attention to it. That means something, right?

I feel like Flo & Sheila might enjoy high tea the afternoon they meet. They’re both awful criminals, who think nothing of stealing a baby, & both belong behind bars, surely they’ll bond them. 

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24 minutes ago, nkotb said:

There was another mention of the sword necklace today, & at least 1 close-up of it. I think that’s how Sheila is controlling Bill. Just a guess, I haven’t seen anything, but they keep calling attention to it. That means something, right?

I feel like Flo & Sheila might enjoy high tea the afternoon they meet. They’re both awful criminals, who think nothing if stealing a baby, & both belong behind bars, surely they’ll bond them. 

Yeah, it has to be the necklace.  Subtlety is not this show's strong-suit.  The necklace is getting as many mentions as the voice app.  Add in the close-ups and that's a major hint.  The question of how remains.

Someone mentioned Thomas being involved somehow.  He has been mysteriously absent through all of this.    

Bill's flashbacks were strange in the context, like they were supposed to draw comparisons to Sheila's crimes.  Even Bill's worst misdeeds pale in comparison to Sheila's more minor transgressions, though.  Sheila was talking about the Spectra building implosion as if she were there and she knew who Sally was (the current Sally, that is).   

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Exactly how many of the exact same scene of Sheila gushing over how now she knows what it's like to have someone truly love her, and how she truly loves Bill, etc, etc, etc, are we going to get? Yeah, sure, they sometimes throw in a flashback or something, but all the Bill/Sheila scenes have been the exact same thing. The only way this is acceptable is if we find out Sheila has him hypnotized, and this is just her repeating things over and over to him to keep reinforcing this whole disaster. 

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Why did Bill look like he was on the verge of tears when he wasn't in a zombie state? She has to be controlling him somehow with this defeated, kicked puppy look of his, or threatening those he loves. 

This is getting weirder by the day and I'm annoyed at myself because I should have deleted the recording off my DVR, yet here I am, still watching, and waiting, like Charlie Brown wanting to kick the football, for some reasonable explanation.

Where is Deacon? I want to see his face when he realizes he risked so much (and still could be at risk) for a woman who clearly never had feelings for him, he was being used the entire time, as Bill is.

The only bright spots in the storyline of late have been HT's acting tour de force. Katie can grate at times, but I was cheering her when she was pleading with Bill and telling Sheila to basically GFY. The other is watching SC's Liam doing a full body dry heave at the realization of his father being involved with Sheila. 

Speaking of vomiting, the less said about Swill doing the deed the better. Thank goodness for the quick cutaway to the fire. And what was with the demonic sounding music playing? I guess it's appropriate as this is a horror movie/nightmare playing out before our eyes. 

Steffy was amusing with her "nobody threatens my family and gets away with it." Psst, they already did.

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On 1/16/2023 at 2:07 PM, Crashcourse said:

On the other side, it must be nice to be getting paid to just silently stand there looking like a zombie like Bill is doing.  

On 1/16/2023 at 4:04 PM, KnightStorm said:

Bill is either drugged...or constipated. He looks like he can't stomach this nonsense.

On 1/16/2023 at 5:18 PM, Chatty Cake said:

Bill definitely seems under the influence of something. He’s usually so animated and now he’s dull and without passion. I just really hope he gets saved soon.

Can't wait to see DD's Emmy reel this year. 😑😑😑

On 1/17/2023 at 2:00 PM, backhometome said:

I hate this undertone that its all the women's fault that Bill turned to Sheila. That they abandoned him. 🙄 Poor misunderstood woobie Bill. Does he even speak anymore. 

Seriously. It's like an incel's fantasy.

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There is simply not enough UGH!!! in the world........

I have hated Sheila for decades, but I was finding her tolerable with Deacon. The pair had a certain chemistry, and KB and SK seemed to truly be enjoying their parts. But this ish with Bill? There is nothing AT. ALL. appealing or compelling about them. I can look at them and just see the fetid fumes of rotting sewer nastiness emanating up into the air. Green fumes of stinking, fucking grossness. 

Bill is acting like he has been lobotomized. I wouldn't put it past Sheila, but I don't see any scars on his forehead. Oh, but this is Bell LA, Sheila might have found a way to do a lobotomy up Bill's ass. 

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1 hour ago, TVForever said:

Seriously. It's like an incel's fantasy.

That whole scene earlier this week where Sheila was saying that Bill did everything right, and he was still rejected by Brooke and Katie was basically the incel mission statement - "I was nice, you owe me sex." 

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