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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I have boycotted all things Bill and Sheila, so I only watched the Brooke and Taylor stuff. There for a minute at the end, when they were all touchy and feely as they were trying on the dresses? Oh, I really thought they were gonna go there. I really did. I think it is only a matter of time. 

@CountryGirlI got a duffle bag of half dollars together for good measure. My plan is to beat Sheila senseless with them.

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12 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

Why was Li not testifying against Sheila as well considering what Sheila did to her? I could go on and on. This was bad even by soap opera standards. 

This is what I kept wondering. The judge (and everyone else in the scene) acted like the only things Sheila had done were shooting Steffy and Finn and breaking out of jail. She assaulted Li multiple times (knocking her out at the apartment and then chasing her down and running her off the road). Since Finn and Steffy aren't allowed to tell Li what's going on, there is zero reason she wouldn't press charges to protect her son and grandson. (Not that I think she'd risk letting Sheila wander around free to protect Taylor from her own stupidity even if she did know what's going on). 

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Is this the same judge that Ridge bribed or blackmailed in a custody case? Or something like that long ago?

Thank you! I knew we'd seen him before but I just couldn't remember the deets.

I loved the Mike Guthrie flashbacks.

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Of course Bill knows the judge but it Steffy and Finn testified that wouldn’t matter. It seem though that Bill provided the video that shows Shiela being abducted from her jail cell which in all probability was faked. Mike, who was the one who got Shiela out, seemed to know nothing about the video. 

Steffy’s torment is music to my ears. Payback is a bitch.  

Why do all the men fall for Shiela 🤔. She is not overly attractive so it must be 🤯 sex. 

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So Mike is thrilled that Sheila is free while he has to remain in prison BECAUSE OF SHEILA.  WTF?  In what universe?  How did Bill convince him to confess to forcing Sheila out prison?  In a story full of holes, this is one of the more ridiculous ones. 

Bill bought off Judge Lando pretty cheaply.  He has to pay for the Stella Maris whether or not it's being used.  It's interesting that Ridge and Bill, who hate each other passionately, have him as a mutual friend.  Didn't Ridge pay for his law school tuition or something?

Now Steffy and Finn are at Sheila's mercy forever.  She can demand regular access to Hays, to be invited to weekly dinners, holidays, every family function.  Unless Taylor comes clean... 

Edited by Snaporaz
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What even was that kiss scene? I honestly cannot tell what the show was going for there. DD and KB have anti-chemistry. 

Did Steffy and Finn honestly not figure out ahead of time that Bill likely had the other charges against Sheila taken care of? His plan was clearly for her to go free, so leaving other charges dangling over her head wouldn't have made sense. And that whole weird private hearing with no prosecutor should have raised a red flag for them, too, that the fix was in. 

Mike is just pathetic beyond words. How many times has she fucked him over? He's in jail right now because she fucked him over. 

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So, I broke down and watched Bill and the judge; I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Bill bought him off. But the complete lack of legal reality is just going beyond the pale. Bill introduces new evidence that no one has seen, not the police, or the DA's office, and it is just taken into evidence as fact? 

This is such a ham fisted approach to a SL. Anything to cram it down our throats, regardless of the stupidity of it all. 

Hopefully, once Taylor has time to process the enormity of the situation, she will go and lawyer up and plead her case. She will probably get 3 months and some probation. Six months ago I would not have been happy with that, but if it means it will remove that mother fucking smug ass smile off of Sheila's face, and bring Bill back from his psychotic break, then I am all for it. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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So the same judge Ridge bribed/threatened with blackmail to allow Katie to get full custody of Will during the nanosecond that was the Thatie marriage is the one Bill is able to bribe.

Somewhere, Byron Sully is glowering with disapproval.

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15 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Now Steffy and Finn are at Sheila's mercy forever. 

Right, the possibilities are endless.  Sheila can force these two morons to give her mani-pedis every weekend. (Finn does the mani, Steff the pedi).

This of course, is a callback to a blackmailing Katharine Chancellor forcing Jill Abbott to give her a pedicure back in the glory days of Y&R.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Even if Taylor did confess Sheila would still walk free. Since Bill paid the judge off. 🙄 I hate this story so much. 

Not that I miss Hope or Liam but they haven't been on in a while. Meanwhile forever absent Katie is on like everyday it seems. 

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8 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

So, I broke down and watched Bill and the judge; I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Bill bought him off. But the complete lack of legal reality is just going beyond the pale. Bill introduces new evidence that no one has seen, not the police, or the DA's office, and it is just taken into evidence as fact? 

B&B has never been a show that dabbled in the supernatural (Satan possession, talking/walking dolls) but at this point, it might as well introduce oooh, spooky supernatural stuff if Show wants viewers to buy all the legal stupidity!  
I double dare B&B to say witch potions and incantations/spells have been at work this whole time. 
In fact, it’d be fun to play “find the Grimoire”.

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Why do they act like Shiela is the Devil Incarnate. She’s crazy as a loon but she will not harm Hayes nor Finn and would be stupid to harm anyone else.  

It could be said that Lurch is almost as harmful as Shiela. 

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54 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

B&B has never been a show that dabbled in the supernatural (Satan possession, talking/walking dolls) but at this point, it might as well introduce oooh, spooky supernatural stuff if Show wants viewers to buy all the legal stupidity!  
I double dare B&B to say witch potions and incantations/spells have been at work this whole time. 
In fact, it’d be fun to play “find the Grimoire”.

Bill being possessed by Satan would at least be a good explanation for his batshitcrazy behavior. 

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29 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Why do they act like Shiela is the Devil Incarnate. She’s crazy as a loon but she will not harm Hayes nor Finn and would be stupid to harm anyone else.  

It could be said that Lurch is almost as harmful as Shiela. 

She shot Finn and then held him hostage. She could snap at anytime and go after anyone that defies her. 

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Why do they act like Shiela is the Devil Incarnate. She’s crazy as a loon but she will not harm Hayes nor Finn and would be stupid to harm anyone else.  

I will admit to not being the most attentive viewer of this show (the FF button tends to be my friend) but didn't Sheila shoot Finn and Steffy? Run Li off the road and try to kill her? Held Finn prisoner? I mean those things all seem pretty bad and worthy of keeping someone from a child!


But the complete lack of legal reality is just going beyond the pale. Bill introduces new evidence that no one has seen, not the police, or the DA's office, and it is just taken into evidence as fact? 

Right? I'm not involved in the legal profession at all and still know this isn't how any of this works. Do these writers not realize that most of us have at least some knowledge of the legal system in this country? Or in the very least legal knowledge from watching Law and Order?!?

The thing is the writers could have avoided this nonsense if they wanted Sheila to stick around. Just don't have the character attempt to murder people. So simple! Instead here we are again watching (or in my case semi-watching) an absolutely stupid storyline that doesn't make a lick of sense.

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Things I would prefer over this Bill and Shelia horseshit:

  1. Thomas and his voice app.
  2. Thomas and the Hope mannequin making it Instagram official.
  3. A Zende and Paris story
  4. A Donna pregnancy 
  5. Brooke and Taylor starting a book club.
  6. Ridge attending the book club.

Thats just to name a few. I skipped yesterday’s Mike Guthrie episode because I can’t take any more of this. I should have skipped today too.

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Why do they act like Shiela is the Devil Incarnate. She’s crazy as a loon but she will not harm Hayes nor Finn and would be stupid to harm anyone else.  


So she claims, but at the end of the day, Sheila Carter is only out for Sheila Carter and even when she "accidentally" shoots seone, she always can rationalize and justify her shit behavior.

If Steffy allowed that woman anywhere near Hayes, I'd be right there supporting Liam getting full custody of Kelly to ensure she didn't get in the crossfire of whatever chaos she'd inevitably bring.

It could be said that Lurch is almost as harmful as Shiela.

He's killed/attempted to kill about half as many people as she has and no one says he should be anywhere around Beth and especially Douglas.

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Sheila tried to kill her own mother (she set fire to the house where she had Lauren and her mom tied up). Sheila will absolutely harm anyone if it suits her purpose and allows her to live another day. She may claim to love someone, but she’ll turn on them on a dime. I’m sure that would include her grandkid or her son.

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Yeah, and she also has a history of stealing babies, so Hays is probably in the most danger from an obsessive Sheila.  

I really cannot believe they are doing this to Bill.  At first, the seemingly totally vacant look on his face had me thinking that he was taking one for the team, giving Sheila a false sense of security, waiting to have her killed or disappeared for good.  My only hope now is that we get a Bobby Ewing Stepping Out Of The Shower explanation.  And we even have Patrick Duffy on deck just waiting to do it!

Edited by Snaporaz
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Sheila tried to kill her own mother (she set fire to the house where she had Lauren and her mom tied up). Sheila will absolutely harm anyone if it suits her purpose and allows her to live another day.

Great point! Honestly, I've probably forgotten a lot of the crap Sheila pulled on Y&R, much less this show. I am way over her at this point.

Plus, I didn't even think it was possible for a pairing to have less chemistry than TK and KKL - who have negative chemistry but show is setting out to prove me wrong. DD and KB have negative negative chemistry. I think Thomas and that mannequin managed more chemistry. And watching them kiss? Ugggh. Just awful.

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

If Steffy allowed that woman anywhere near Hayes, I'd be right there supporting Liam getting full custody of Kelly to ensure she didn't get in the crossfire of whatever chaos she'd inevitably bring.

$Bill is also Kelly's grandparent and, given his horrifically bad judgment hooking up with Sheila, he should be banned from seeing Kelly too.  That little girl isn't safe anywhere.

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I know that Steffy isn't supposed to tell anyone about Bill's blackmail, but she's already told Taylor. And even if she doesn't tell Liam, he's going to, soon enough, discover that his dad is romantically involved 🤢with Sheila. Even that should be enough, I'd hope, for Liam and Hope to cut Bill off from the kids. 

OK, now Taylor knows (like I thought she did last week for some reason). There is no excuse, no matter what Steffy says, for her to not go turn herself in. Or, at least, she should tell Finn and Steffy to go ahead and testify, and she'll deal with Bill's blackmail threat if he goes through with it. (And then Steffy and Finn can also testify that Bill blackmailed them and appeared to have some kind of relationship with the judge, getting him potentially tossed in jail, too). 

I had one moment of hope today, knowing that's the judge that Ridge bribed to go against Bill in the custody fight with Katie, that this whole thing is Bill setting people up to bring them down. He plays being all in with Sheila, so she trusts him and doesn't enact any of her own schemes to stay safe or silence Steffy and Finn, and then he bribes that same judge who worked for Ridge so he can ultimately expose him for revenge.  Sadly, I do not think that's how any of this is going to go. 

Why did Sheila look alarmed after her kiss with Bill (at the end of yesterday and early this episode)? Did KB think she was doing a sexy face with that? It was such an odd choice, given what was going on in the scene. Or was she just reacting to how much of a passionless, limp fish kiss that mess appeared to be?  And I did at least get a laugh when she listed, among all the reasons she appreciates him, that he doesn't see her as a monster. I mean, he kind of does, Sheila. He told Finn and Steffy, multiple times in front of you, that after all of his mistakes and the pain he caused Steffy, Brooke, and Katie, he knows he can't hurt Sheila. That didn't mean that he loves you so much he would never do anything to hurt you, dummy. It means he thinks you're largely a monster incapable of being hurt by the same kind of antics that hurt the women he actually loved. 

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Taylor saw the big picture and wants to do the right thing; props to her. Sheila will absolutely use this new found "power" to leverage time with Hayes. Steffy and Finn can call Bill's bluff, and if he does go to the police, then Taylor will be prepared. But I think it would sting a lot more for Taylor to take the power away from the dark duo and go confess. 

Sheila is the devil incarnate. Her crimes span decades, and her list of victims is long:

Stealing Lauren Fenmore's baby and interfering in her marriage

Setting fire to her mother's home, with her mother and Lauren tied up inside, and faking her own death for the first time

Coming to LA and starting a relationship with Eric, who knew Lauren, and devising her jigsaw puzzle scheme to keep Lauren quite about their past

Messing with Bridget's paternity test

Deleting the BeLief formula right before the big show, causing a very pregnant Brooke a lot of undue stress

Slowly poisoning Stephanie with Mercury

Killing Dr. Garvin

Killing Shawn

Holding everyone hostage after the truth about her past was revealed

Threatening to harm baby Thomas

Shooting Stephanie and stealing baby Mary

Shooting Taylor and Brooke

Kidnapping Ridge and Nick

Using her daughter to get close to Rick

Shooting Finn and Steffy

Trying to kill Li

Holding Finn hostage

And that is only what she did to her enemies. From the beginning she has used and abused Mike, who was just a gung ho security guard at the hospital where Bridget's paternity test was being run. She used her wiles on Mike so he would get her into the forensics lab so she could fuck with the test results. And this was even before Mike knew who and what Sheila really was. But he fell hard for her and became her accomplice in many of her crimes. And she has turned on him time and again and continues to do so today. 

Once everyone finds out about RoboBill, and Katie refuses to let him see Will, and Brooke reads him for filth, and Liam and Wyatt cut ties, and maybe even walk away from or try to take SP's from him, Bill will truly know what being isolated means. Sure, he laid voice to it at one point, telling Sheila how he would lose everyone he cares about, but that reality is going to be a very bitter pill to swallow. And what is he going to be left with? A non-relationship with a psychopath that he cannot trust, and who will turn on him in a hot minute. Living with a woman he doesn't love, and who he knows is incapable of true, romantic love, but one he feels he cannot hurt? Wow, talk about a shallow, meaningless life. 

So, Ridge is traveling? You keep on going buddy, you just keep on going. Watching Taylor and Brooke hang out is far more enjoyable than watching you with either of them. 

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12 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

Great point! Honestly, I've probably forgotten a lot of the crap Sheila pulled on Y&R, much less this show. I am way over her at this point.

Plus, I didn't even think it was possible for a pairing to have less chemistry than TK and KKL - who have negative chemistry but show is setting out to prove me wrong. DD and KB have negative negative chemistry. I think Thomas and that mannequin managed more chemistry. And watching them kiss? Ugggh. Just awful.

They even looked like they wanted to immediately wipe their mouths with their hands and go swish with mouthwash.

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And what's to stop Sheila, through RoboBill, from continuing to use the threat of turning Taylor in to get her time with Hayes? 

I mean, the entire storyline is ridiculous, what with Sheila never truly being brought to trial for the attempted murder of two people (on top of all of her other crimes) but I would have called Bill's bluff and let him out Taylor. Her actions didn't negate Sheila's actions. 

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8 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Killing Shawn

Was that the guy Sheila killed with bees?

There really is a lot more that she's done, including wearing a disguise and using a bad fake accent (that horrible accent was perhaps her worst crime of all), when she gave Lauren a necklace that she had painted with poison and tried to get her to jump off a building and when that didn't kill her Sheila then attempted to kill Lauren by blowing up a ship. And she previously used the jigsaw puzzle device to blackmail Brad and Lauren. Hey, remember how she kept James Warwick tied up and hanging by his wrists in a cage in Houdini's basement? There's more, but these were a few highlights I just wanted to add. And didn't she fake-kill Ridge in a foundry, before sher really kidnapped him?

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41 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

The list of Sheila's crimes and other misdeeds almost needs its own thread. 

Who cares!??  Lol  Will this character ever die either on this soap or Y&R?!  Can’t stand this Bill turnaround with her and his glowering face all the time now.  

Taylor had some good lines today….she was saying out loud what I was saying in my mind.  



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I saw a fan theory on some other site that Bill and Li are running a con on Sheila and it’s the first theory that makes sense and that I would really enjoy watching. I can see each of them being petty enough to want Sheila dead (really truly) rather than merely behind bars.

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3 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

when she gave Lauren a necklace that she had painted with poison and tried to get her to jump off a building 


Is this what's going on with Bill right now? So much was made of him wearing that dang necklace again, and I've spent the past few weeks trying to decide if he's been drugged, hypnotized, or lobotomized.

The necklace being poisoned would explain so much, although Show would have to do some big time retconning to explain how Sheila ever got ahold of the thing.

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Yes I know my opinion about Shiela is very bias.  Even with all the extremely nefarious acts Shiela has done, my disdain for the pseudo Foresters out weighs her actions.  As far as I’m concerned, Shiela is their payback for being uncaring elitist snobbish tyrannical ass holes.  The more angst Shiela creates the better in my book.  

Now that Taylor and Brooke are friends, Taylor has picked up one of Brooke’s tag lines. “I will not allow that”.


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Oh Bill, your mouth is saying, "I love you, Sheila", but your face and your eyes are saying, "Why did I eat that sushi that had been sitting in a hot car for four days?" 

2 hours ago, TVForever said:


Is this what's going on with Bill right now? So much was made of him wearing that dang necklace again, and I've spent the past few weeks trying to decide if he's been drugged, hypnotized, or lobotomized.

The necklace being poisoned would explain so much, although Show would have to do some big time retconning to explain how Sheila ever got ahold of the thing.

Okay, this is the most plausible scenario suggested so far.  I mean, it is in Passions territory, but I'd still take it.

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Hey remember when we were complaining about "where's Bill" and why is barely involved in any storylines?

If only we knew that we would get this.

And I thought lusting after a building and almost blowing his own son was bad. 

Edited by nilyank
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Bill's words and the way he was speaking them makes me really believe he's playing Sheila. He knows her weak spot, her neediness and desire to be loved. 

Does Brooke know that Taylor was the one who shot Bill? Taylor is really going to need her new friend to lean on, but I am not sure how Brooke will react when she finds out.

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10 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Bill's words and the way he was speaking them makes me really believe he's playing Sheila. He knows her weak spot, her neediness and desire to be loved. 

Does Brooke know that Taylor was the one who shot Bill? Taylor is really going to need her new friend to lean on, but I am not sure how Brooke will react when she finds out.

Yep...Brooke knows. There's even a scene where she's on her knees begging Brooke not to turn her in. It's one of the reasons last year was so absurd with Taylor and her brats Brooke bashing. Brooke could've annihilated Taylor over the Bill shooting...but she just took their abuse.


Edited by KnightStorm
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Bill pulling a con just doesn't make sense; what would be the point? Sheila was guilty, everyone, including the police, knew she was guilty, so all Bill had to do was turn her in. There were Steffy and Finn's statements as well as Sheila's own confession from that day at Cliff House when Steffy regained her memory. 

I like the poisoned necklace theory a lot, and it would play perfectly into the SL. But what kind of poison would turn someone into a walking, talking, robotosized slave? I don't know much about drugs, but is there one out there that would do that to a person? Well, in Bell LA anything is possible. 

As a WRP, Taylor should know that trying to reason with a psychopath is never a sure bet, and more often than not is a total fail. That is because psychopath's have no conscious, they feel they are always the victim and are only trying to protect themselves. No, everyone needs to stop with the head on attempts at logic, because Bill has clearly had some sort of mental break and has become one with the devil. Instead, all the forces need to gather and put their collective heads together and come up with a plan of attack that comes from the rear. Something Bill and Sheila don't see coming and don't suspect. Taylor needs to go to the police and confess to shooting Bill. It won't put Sheila "behind bars" for the rest of her life, because in this alternate universe a person's guilt is decided by corrupt judges in private hearings with no DA, and the introduction of uncorroborated statements and evidence, but it will remove any power the dark duo have and will assure they cannot use any blackmail as leverage to see Hayes or Kelly. It will also allow Taylor to live without the cloud of fear and anxiety she will have with Bill's threats looming over her. It will also clear Taylor's conscious of one of her darkest moments. Taylor won't do any real time and will probably get off with a slap on the wrist and a black spot on her reputation. In the meantime, the rest of the group needs to be working the plan. The only way to diffuse this ridiculous situation, is to make Bill turn on Sheila and make Sheila turn on Bill. All they need to do is plant one seed of doubt in Sheila's head, and she will start suspecting Bill. So, send a fake text, pull out the voice app and put it to good use by faking Bill's voice. Photoshop a picture of Bill kissing Katie or Brooke or hanging with Will and Katie as a happy family. At the same time, be undermining Bill's love and devotion. Use Mike, or even Deacon. 

At lease make this interesting by giving us hope that this mess will end sooner rather than later. 

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I didn't know about Sheila's history using a poisoned necklace, but now that I do, I think there is potential for that to be the story. They've made such a big deal about Bill putting that stupid necklace back on. And they've been making a point to use a lot of old Sheila clips to revisit her history. So it makes sense to me that they would dive back into her history for the current story.  I'm also not sure exactly what drug would allow her to control Bill like this, but soap writers could always just make one up that doesn't really exist. It would certainly explain Bill's rather flat demeanor in 99 percent of his scenes the past couple weeks. 

I completely agree that Taylor needs to go turn herself in. Otherwise, Bill and Sheila will just use that for everything Sheila wants. Pretty soon it would be "let Hayes spend the weekend with us, or I'll tell the police your mother shot me." Taylor will probably get a slap on the wrist. Maybe they can give her a storyline where she's providing therapy to inmates as a community service. 

I had hoped that Bill was conning Sheila somehow, to ensure she actually got arrested and didn't manage to slither away without being brought in. But, once she was in jail, there was no need for him to continue conning her. I don't get what the plan would be at this point if he wasn't working with her. 

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:


As a WRP, Taylor should know that trying to reason with a psychopath is never a sure bet, and more often than not is a total fail. That is because psychopath's have no conscious, they feel they are always the victim and are only trying to protect themselves. No, everyone needs to stop with the head on attempts at logic, because Bill has clearly had some sort of mental break and has become one with the devil. Instead, all the forces need to gather and put their collective heads together and come up with a plan of attack that comes from the rear. Something Bill and Sheila don't see coming and don't suspect. Taylor needs to go to the police and confess to shooting Bill. It won't put Sheila "behind bars" for the rest of her life, because in this alternate universe a person's guilt is decided by corrupt judges in private hearings with no DA, and the introduction of uncorroborated statements and evidence, but it will remove any power the dark duo have and will assure they cannot use any blackmail as leverage to see Hayes or Kelly. It will also allow Taylor to live without the cloud of fear and anxiety she will have with Bill's threats looming over her. It will also clear Taylor's conscious of one of her darkest moments. Taylor won't do any real time and will probably get off with a slap on the wrist and a black spot on her reputation. In the meantime, the rest of the group needs to be working the plan. The only way to diffuse this ridiculous situation, is to make Bill turn on Sheila and make Sheila turn on Bill. All they need to do is plant one seed of doubt in Sheila's head, and she will start suspecting Bill. So, send a fake text, pull out the voice app and put it to good use by faking Bill's voice. Photoshop a picture of Bill kissing Katie or Brooke or hanging with Will and Katie as a happy family. At the same time, be undermining Bill's love and devotion. Use Mike, or even Deacon. 

At lease make this interesting by giving us hope that this mess will end sooner rather than later. 

@RuntheTable please be the head writer of this stupid ass show, already!  Puh-leeeeze, sanity demands you be in charge of the scripts from now on. 

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20 hours ago, TVForever said:


Is this what's going on with Bill right now? So much was made of him wearing that dang necklace again, and I've spent the past few weeks trying to decide if he's been drugged, hypnotized, or lobotomized.

The necklace being poisoned would explain so much, although Show would have to do some big time retconning to explain how Sheila ever got ahold of the thing.

I thought that for a while until Sheila pricked her finger with the tiny sword. I believe they had her do that to eliminate that theory amongst the viewers.

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