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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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22 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

She's also far kinder to Steffy than she has any business being considering all THAT history.

Has Steffy done worse to Hope than $Bill?  When Steffy committed most of her foulness, she, Hope and Liam were all young dopes.  Now this is not an excuse for Steffy's behavior because she did behave horribly.  But $Bill was a grown-ass man for whom immaturity is not an excuse.  He was ruthless and uncaring in his efforts to separate Liam and Hope.  Brooke has known Steffy since she was a baby.  In significant part, Brooke raised Steffy.  So, if Brooke can marry $Bill and forgive him all his misdeeds against Hope, she should certainly be able to be kind to Steffy.

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My reaction to Ridge passing judgement on Bill's sense of fashion:


This is a greasy slob that looks like he rolled out of bed in a suit. Are you kidding?! I wish Y&R had fired Diamont five years later so HE could've played Ridge!

This Sally/Wyatt fight seems to be coming out of nowhere, but definitely cements that Wyatt will be taking a page from Liam's book and waffing to Flo with Quinn's encouraging him.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

Has Steffy done worse to Hope than $Bill?  When Steffy committed most of her foulness, she, Hope and Liam were all young dopes. 

It wasn't just Hope Steffy fucked with. Remember, she was the one fucking with Ridge and Brooke's relationship months before Hope came back and right after Brooke stuck her neck out defending her and Rick to Ridge. still, that's a fair point, although I wish not everything got shuffled under the rug so soon 

And chemistry or not, I'm still salty that the shit Bill pulled on Hope wasn't addressed all that much. I mean, Bridget stopped speaking to her for a ridiculously short amount of time after Hope was born, and that was still longer than it took Hope to move past what Bill did to her.

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The reason Quinn likes Flo is because she’s easy to manipulate and is passive. Also she apparently got along with her mom very well (Quinn had a friend????) so that endears her too.

Yea Ridge talking shit about Bill’s style was ludicrous. What did he say, “he doesn’t know how to dress, he looks like a pirate superhero” Bruh. 

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I get Sally not appreciating getting low-key dissed by Quinn but I'm surprised she's now feeling a little insecure about Flo.

Meh, I'm still wondering whether Bill actually is Wyatt's father. Something seemed a little funny to me with Quinn when she said Wyatt's life changed when he met Bill. Was there ever a DNA test done or did Bill just take Quinn's word for it?

Uh Ridge, Bill dresses like a walking sex machine with fcuk you money. Especially since he chucked the mini letter opener necklace. You dress like you live in a gutter and look like the Pillsbury Doughboy's understudy. Get all the way over yourself.

Did Sally not sign a contract with Spencer?

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Sally better get a contact, a big salary, and a guaranteed budget if she is going to stay.  Ridge basically treats everyone even Hope as an employee. He cut HFTF’s budget to benefit Stuffy so why should Sally think he wouldn’t do the same to her. Designers other than Ridge and Eric get used and abused at FC.  Can anyone say Zende, Thomas, Thorne, Caroline, and the infamous Amber. 

The Bold and The Beautiful should change the show’s name to the Manipulators and The Manipulated.  It’s funny though how you can’t tell one from the other with each day that passes. 

Is Sally telling Wyatt that she couldn’t love him more and Wyatt telling Sally he will never let her go the Kiss of Death for their relationship?  Thomas and Flo are lurking in the wings for their turns at a bite of the apple. 

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I have the feeling Sally and Thomas won't be revisited just yet. The show's leaning into Hope bonding with Douglas and even for the presumed death of their child, Lope has never been together for this long continuously without drama. Which means a shake-up is long overdue, and if the inevitable Hope/Thomas get-together leaves Waffles free for Steffy after JMW's maternity leave, that's all the better for Brad Bell, ain't it? 

B&B means never having to say "too subtle" 😆

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Meh, I'm still wondering whether Bill actually is Wyatt's father. Something seemed a little funny to me with Quinn when she said Wyatt's life changed when he met Bill. Was there ever a DNA test done or did Bill just take Quinn's word for it?

Oh no. It was bad enough with all the shake-up in inappropriate relationships we got after Ridge's paternity was changed, do we really want to risk opening up the possibility of Wyatt/Kelly in ten years? 😂

In all seriousness, why *did* Bill take that at face value when he put Liam through the ringer over his paternity? I never did get that.

Maybe it'll be something stupid like the Cane Ashby thing where he was carrying a hair sample from Bill's real child all along...OR Wyatt is not related to him, but Sally is! 😮

On that tangent:

If Flo really is Deacon's child as the spoilers indicate, does that mean Sean K. will be making an appearance on the show, possibly? Because there's a lot of free ladies on the show ATM including Katie and Steffy. Just saying

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I seem to recall someone saying that Quinn was a virgin when she and Bill slept together, which is why he didn't question Wyatt. I wasn't watching then so I may not be remembering accurately.

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So was Sally working on stuff for her next gig on Forrester company time? Then she just leaves these prototypes lying around the office and the interns take it upon themselves to put them on and wear them around town where they happen to run into Ariana Grande or some such singer? Sounds totally normal. I’m surprised that Ridge didn’t say that since she had worked on these designs during her time at Forrester that they belonged to the company as intellectual property. Will Sally’s name be on this new line and will she share in the profits? Her new deal at Forrester will need to be more financially lucrative for her than her deal at Spencer or what she currently makes at Forrester as a designer. 

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1 hour ago, Angeleyes said:

So was Sally working on stuff for her next gig on Forrester company time? Then she just leaves these prototypes lying around the office and the interns take it upon themselves to put them on and wear them around town where they happen to run into Ariana Grande or some such singer? Sounds totally normal. I’m surprised that Ridge didn’t say that since she had worked on these designs during her time at Forrester that they belonged to the company as intellectual property. Will Sally’s name be on this new line and will she share in the profits? Her new deal at Forrester will need to be more financially lucrative for her than her deal at Spencer or what she currently makes at Forrester as a designer. 

If Sally worked on her designs while on the FC payroll, than it would only be intellectual property if Sally had an employment agreement with FC.  That employment agreement would also have a non compete clause. Since no employment agreement was mentioned, than the designs should belong to her. Wouldn’t you think that Sally needed Ridge’s or Eric’s approval to have samples made?  Again there is no mention about that. When Thorne left, Sally through her hat into the ring to be lead designer for HFTF when Ridge expanded their budget. Eric was very hesitant to give Sally that position. But now that the mysterious pop star wants Sally’s designs and  now she is a great active wear designer and is ready to compete with Lululemon, Beyond Yoga, Carbon 38 and others active wear companies who are only devoted to active wear. Sally was an afterthought until Ridge and Eric think they discovered a gold mind.  Watch your caboose Sally. 

Edited by Waldo13
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5 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

If Sally worked on her designs while on the FC payroll, than it would only be intellectual property if Sally had an employment agreement with FC.  That employment agreement would also have a non compete clause. Since no employment agreement was mentioned, than the designs should belong to her. Wouldn’t you think that Sally needed Ridge’s or Eric’s approval to have samples made?  Again there is no mention about that. When Thorne left, Sally through her hat into the ring to be lead designer for HFTF when Ridge expanded their budget. Eric was very hesitant to give Sally that position. But now that the mysterious pop star wants Sally’s designs and  now she is a great active wear designer and is ready to compete with Lululemon, Beyond Yoga, Carbon 38 and others active wear companies who are only devoted to active wear. Sally was an afterthought until Ridge and Eric think they discovered a gold mind.  Watch your caboose Sally. 

A large firm like Forrester would absolutely have a contract about such things with all designers. No mention of it just means poor writing, not that it doesn’t exist. I’m guessing the only clarification about a contract we will get on this show will come when Bill seeks retaliation for Sally jumping ship from their agreement on Spencer Fashions. 

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Agree with all of the above regarding an employment contract, design ownership, etc.

However, I think Bill would be pleased as punch to be free of Sally.  Even with all of Wyatt forcing the issue (which he really shouldn't have to) Bill seems like he's going through the motions at best.

I think that Bill will not only allow Sally to back out of any agreement with SP (handshake or otherwise), but he'll encourage her to stay at FC. 

But ... who knows in Bell-Air. 

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I seem to recall someone saying that Quinn was a virgin when she and Bill slept together, which is why he didn't question Wyatt.

What? And here I was thinking Quinn came out of the womb wearing a tiny little dominatrix outfit. 😑

Nah, I've watched enough Maury Povich "You are NOT the father" shows to know that Quinn's supposedly having been a virgin is no guarantee that a) she immediately got pregnant by Bill, or b) she didn't sleep with some other guy soon after she slept with Bill, or c) she wasn't a virgin and was in fact already pregnant when she slept with Bill. Bill should've gotten a DNA test to be certain before he handed over keys to the SP kingdom to Wyatt.

So now that Flo is questioning who her daddy is, maybe sending samples into one of those ancestry research companies will come up. Maybe on a lark Wyatt will send his in when Flo does hers, and he'll end up finding out the truth. (Meanwhile, as was noted above, the strong spumors still say


Deacon is Flo's daddy.)


I think that Bill will not only allow Sally to back out of any agreement with SP (handshake or otherwise), but he'll encourage her to stay at FC.  

Maybe not if he finds out a famous pop star wants to use some of Sally's designs. If Sally gets hooked up in the entertainment world that could be a lot of potential $$$$ coming his way. He'd be getting an excellent return on his investment with minimal effort on his part. At FC Sally will have to get in that messy sandbox where Steffy pushes her intimates line and Hope pushes HFTF. Ridge will be playing them against each other.


Please tell me they won't try to put Ridge and Sally together.......

Ugh, cue the projectile vomiting. 😧 I'd almost rather see Sally cheat on Wyatt with Bill than let Ridge have a go at her.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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14 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What? And here I was thinking Quinn came out of the womb wearing a tiny little dominatrix outfit. 😑

Nah, I've watched enough Maury Povich "You are NOT the father" shows to know that Quinn's supposedly having been a virgin is no guarantee that a) she immediately got pregnant by Bill, or b) she didn't sleep with some other guy soon after she slept with Bill, or c) she wasn't a virgin and was in fact already pregnant when she slept with Bill. Bill should've gotten a DNA test to be certain before he handed over keys to the SP kingdom to Wyatt.

So now that Flo is questioning who her daddy is, maybe sending samples into one of those ancestry research companies will come up. Maybe on a lark Wyatt will send his in when Flo does hers, and he'll end up finding out the truth. (Meanwhile, as was noted above, the strong spumors still say

  Reveal spoiler

Deacon is Flo's daddy.)

Well, yeah. So many possibilities. Again, I didn't see the actual story.  Maybe Justin did it on the sly?  

Still, having treated Quinn badly - giving her money for an abortion and then washing his hands of the situation - there may have been a residual feeling of guilt.  She was so volatile back then that I'm sure he would never have questioned her story directly. ☺️ 

It's funny, a few years back there was some discussion that Wyatt might not be Bill's son but most of the ideas involved crazy Quinn stealing a baby or things along that line. I doubt they would go there now after "redeeming" her.  

I like the brothers Spencer (when they aren't competing for the same woman).  The only way I can see the show messing with that is if the actors (DB/RS) leave.  

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9 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

A large firm like Forrester would absolutely have a contract about such things with all designers. No mention of it just means poor writing, not that it doesn’t exist. I’m guessing the only clarification about a contract we will get on this show will come when Bill seeks retaliation for Sally jumping ship from their agreement on Spencer Fashions. 

I agree that, in the real world, the employee contract would exist with proprietary property and a non complete clause. My point was just to the fact that it wasn’t mentioned when they tried to get Sally in the first place. It wasn’t even mentioned to make her stay when they found out she was a possible gold mine. 

Bill and Sally didn’t have a signed contract. I believe it was still being negotiated. 


Bill is as happy as a pig in shit that he doesn’t have to go into the “dressmaking” business. 

I don’t think that Donna’s blouse is appropriate for playing cards with Will unless she’s trying to distract him from winning.  That blouse will teach him more about woman’s anatomy than playing poker.  

TIIC want to push the story of Douglas bonding with Hope because of mutual grief and other not so hidden agendas but TIIC should also throw in a bond between Will and Douglas.

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Please, of course Thomas and Douglas will still be living at Brooke's come Halloween. These Forrester men always have to freeload off somebody. The only alternatives would be if Douglas and Thomas moved in with Katie, Eric, or Bill.

Will calls Justin by his first name? Oy, these kids out here running wild with no home training.

It'll be funny if it turns out to be Will who's been setting up these dates for Katie and Bill. He's probably the last person anyone would expect since he's a kid.

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10 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

A large firm like Forrester would absolutely have a contract about such things with all designers. No mention of it just means poor writing, not that it doesn’t exist. I’m guessing the only clarification about a contract we will get on this show will come when Bill seeks retaliation for Sally jumping ship from their agreement on Spencer Fashions. 

Especially after the turmoil that happened with the Belief Formula when Brooke owned it outright because she never signed anything with Forresters because she started it when married to Eric.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Will calls Justin by his first name? Oy, these kids out here running wild with no home training.

Will is probably mimicking Bill in the way his daddy treats Justin. While Liam and Wyatt showed up later in Bill's life as bastard heirs, Will is the beloved, wanted legitimate Prince and Justin's $Bill ass kissing more easily extends to the legit heir- not the bastard spares.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Will calls Justin by his first name? Oy, these kids out here running wild with no home training.

Having grown up in California, I can say that's the absolute norm, and that goes double for Southern California. Hell, at FTD (the parent company for ProFlowers and Personal Creations) we're instructed to use first name to be more "open". Which is crazy to me, given most of our business from PC comes from the Midwest and the South.

Me being a first generation Cali girl with family raised and forged in the South, I was never allowed to get away with that. Even though the parents all told me it was fine, I called them by the last name until told otherwise.

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On 3/28/2019 at 1:08 PM, Petunia13 said:

The reason Quinn likes Flo is because she’s easy to manipulate and is passive. Also she apparently got along with her mom very well (Quinn had a friend????) so that endears her too.

Yea Ridge talking shit about Bill’s style was ludicrous. What did he say, “he doesn’t know how to dress, he looks like a pirate superhero” Bruh. 

He wasn't wrong, tho. Pots and kettles are common on this show.

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Me being a first generation Cali girl with family raised and forged in the South, I was never allowed to get away with that. Even though the parents all told me it was fine, I called them by the last name until told otherwise.

I was thinking Will could've at least thrown a "Mr." in front of it. There is some tradition in using the first name preceded by an honorific like Mr. or the generic Miss/Miz. Ugh, I dunno, that moment just didn't sit right with me. I'd now like to see Will interact with Eric or Ridge or Brooke. Would he call them by their first names too or just avoid referring to them by name at all? (It also used to gall me when Steffy and Thomas would call Eric by his first name. He's their grandfather FGS, legally anyway. Ugh.)

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Steffy and Thomas did call Eric grandfather at one time.

I hate that Taylor still wants Ridge.  I wish she was only doing this to screw with Brooke.  I guess I prefer mean bitch to pathetic or crazy.

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Yup. Up until Taylor went after and banged Eric. It wasn’t subtle at all.

This is why I can’t fuck with Taylor or her brat. They shriek and ramble about Logan women (or Sally/Ivy/Ally) being slutty or conniving when they are the  worst offenders. Katie has pulled that moral authority card too and is as much as hypocrite. Honey you fucked your sister and nieces man and exaggerated health issues as well to keep the penis, and also banged your ex’s son and sisters other exes in row previously while acting like some role model. 

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It really doesn’t bother me what my kids call me.  Poppy, Old Dude, Grumps, or even by my first name but my kids always introduce me, to non family member, as my father.  My grandkids all call me Poppy and only Poppy.  

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2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Yup. Up until Taylor went after and banged Eric. It wasn’t subtle at all.

I'd almost forgotten about that. Steffy calling Eric "Granddad" forever then "Eric" suddenly one episode when Taylor was going after him. And then went back to "Granddad" again. 

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7 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Steffy and Thomas did call Eric grandfather at one time

Yeah, for the six weeks he dated Taylor, as if Brad Bell thought it reduced the squick factor of her dating their grandfather 😂

4 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

This is why I can’t fuck with Taylor or her brat. They shriek and ramble about Logan women (or Sally/Ivy/Ally) being slutty or conniving when they are the  worst offenders.

Steffy didn't even call Ivy a slut or even slam her as a person. She didn't have any excuse beyond "Liam was mine first, now my Easy Bake Oven got it's pilot fixed, so I'm back like I didn't skip off to Paris without telling Liam why" which was even worse.

Like, there was no reason she did that except her own sense of unearned entitlement to a boy to whom she was always a second choice.

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I have been watching soaps for far too many years than I care to admit.. but in all my viewing I have never seen a child like Douglas....I would love to know how old he is....I swear I can watch him and Hope just talking and they make more sense together than any of the adults around them...he is one of the most natural little actors I have ever seen and he is also very handsome...bravo !!

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That he is. He definitely clicks with Annika Noelle the way Jack Wagner always lit up with the Pace twins who played Hope and the Cassie/Mariah actress made the Newmans appear to be tolerable people. 

Definitely hope they take their time to SORAS this little guy!

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Sally’s line is athleisure so I’d say no. 

Beyonce style is either glam or body suits. And Taylor is a plank board who’s not known for her choreo or backup dancers. 

I thought maybe they wanted us to think Britney since she goes back and forth from LA and Vegas and is a fitness junky with elaborate dance team and she also uploads behind the scenes social media clips of her workouts and dance rehearsals. She’s on a break months long though. Her dad is very sick, I think colon cancer, and she cancelled everything to care for him daily which is so touching since he did the same when she had her nervous breakdown and bipolar diagnosis. Full circle when it comes to parents, am I right? 

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On 3/29/2019 at 6:23 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

It'll be funny if it turns out to be Will who's been setting up these dates for Katie and Bill. He's probably the last person anyone would expect since he's a kid.

I thought that was the joke they were going for when Bill and Katie kept saying the meal was paid for by William Spencer. 

I don't mind the idea of Batie 3.0 (I just like the way HT and DD play off of each other, whether that's in a relationship, co-parents who call each other on their shit, or out and out hatred... I'll take any of those options as long as they have scenes together) but I hate this bizarre way the show always reintroduces couples. Like, OK, Person A and Person B are both single now, so everyone and their brother will talk at them about how they need to reunite the family and accuse them of secretly still being in love with their ex, while Person A/B coyly doesn't answer. And then a week later, they're married and have absolutely no story, so the show throws Person A's sister/niece/cousin/enemy at Person B, who has magically fallen in love with that new person now and completely screws over Person A. Instead, Will could have some sort of issue that draws the two slowly back together, or, Katie, as the head of PR for FC, has to work with Bill on some media plan for Sally's new line in conjunction with the famous pop star's team, or whatever. Just any story where them falling back in love is a side effect of them being thrown back together for an unrelated reason.

Brooke's takedown of Taylor was fantastic, but I think my favorite part was when Ridge walked in all "WTH?" and Taylor immediately launched into her side of the story. And then, instead of giving Ridge her side and then sitting there with Taylor waiting in judgment for him to deem one of them correct the way she's done countless times, Brooke was just like, "Yeah, this is my house and I'm not justifying this BS. Conversation over."

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7 hours ago, Zoe116 said:

Brooke's takedown of Taylor was fantastic, but I think my favorite part was when Ridge walked in all "WTH?" and Taylor immediately launched into her side of the story. And then, instead of giving Ridge her side and then sitting there with Taylor waiting in judgment for him to deem one of them correct the way she's done countless times, Brooke was just like, "Yeah, this is my house and I'm not justifying this BS. Conversation over."

I loved that too, but my favorite part of that scene was when Taylor said "Ridge, do you want to know what she said to me?" and TK said "No, Ridge does NOT want to know."  His delivery was awesome!

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I thought that was the joke they were going for when Bill and Katie kept saying the meal was paid for by William Spencer. 

Whoosh, went right over my head! I guess I thought they were referring to Bill since William is his legal name.


I was thinking it was one of the Kartrashians. 

Except they said it was a singer. It also sounded like someone who lives in or near LA. I was thinking Katy Perry but others have suggested Britney Spears.

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On 3/28/2019 at 11:34 PM, Waldo13 said:

If Sally worked on her designs while on the FC payroll, than it would only be intellectual property if Sally had an employment agreement with FC.  That employment agreement would also have a non compete clause. Since no employment agreement was mentioned, than the designs should belong to her. 

If there was an employment contract, those designs would certainly be FC's intellectual property but covenants not to compete are void in California and Sally would be free to work for SP.

On 3/30/2019 at 7:22 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

I was thinking Will could've at least thrown a "Mr." in front of it. There is some tradition in using the first name preceded by an honorific like Mr. or the generic Miss/Miz. Ugh, I dunno, that moment just didn't sit right with me. I'd now like to see Will interact with Eric or Ridge or Brooke. Would he call them by their first names too or just avoid referring to them by name at all? 

"Home training".  I got you.  Yeah, in California especially, the Mr./Mrs./Miss/Miz thing is virtually non-existent.  I'm from the South but my kids are born and raised in CA and, while I tried to fight the first-name culture, I lost.  Always first names with friends of mine or their friends' parents.  In elementary school, it was Miss Julie but, thankfully, in HS, it became Mr. Jones.  Back to the show?  Since Ridge and Brooke are Will's uncle and aunt, I assume he'd call them Uncle Ridge and Aunt Brooke.

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I had to laugh when Douglas asked Hope if that was her in the picture. No Douglas, it was the other Hope.  

So TIIC, thinks it great that little boy is playing poker with adults.  What happened to Go Fish or may be Shoots and Ladders.  Are TIIC, trying to make Douglas resemble a Young Sheldon?  

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6 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Since Ridge and Brooke are Will's uncle and aunt, I assume he'd call them Uncle Ridge and Aunt Brooke.

My niece and nephew never called me "aunt."  It would be weird to me if they did, I never felt like Aunt ByTor 🙂

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Douglas is so sweet. But maybe Thomas and Hope need to put the brakes on his trying to turn Hope into a substitute mommy. That's not emotionally healthy for him or her.

How does Ridge defend Taylor's bizarre intentions wrt Thomas, Douglas, and Hope? How?

I can see it coming. Hope will leave Liam for Thomas and Douglas, and when the truth about Phoebeth comes out she'll decide to let Steffy keep her. That way Phoebe, Kelly, Steffy, and Liam can be a "real" family in her mind. KMN.

Will is too precocious for my tastes. Not cute.

Sorta hate to be that person but is HT pregnant again? I was suspicious weeks ago because of the change in her midsection area but today I noticed how much fuller her face has gotten too. Congrats to her if she is.

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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Douglas is so sweet. But maybe Thomas and Hope need to put the brakes on his trying to turn Hope into a substitute mommy. That's not emotionally healthy for him or her.

Yeah. Agreed. I'm thinking this is a bad bad idea. Have her be there as an aunt but yeah, totally put the brakes on the substitute Mommy deal. Kid is gonna be very confused & hurt at some point. This is where all the grandmothers should step in & step it up...

5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I can see it coming. Hope will leave Liam for Thomas and Douglas, and when the truth about Phoebeth comes out she'll decide to let Steffy keep her. That way Phoebe, Kelly, Steffy, and Liam can be a "real" family in her mind. KMN. 

I really really hope she is healed at that point & is ready to kick ass & fight tooth & nail to get her own "back from the dead never really dead" daughter back. Especially if it comes out that Steffy or anyone already knew that Phoebeth is actually Hope (& Liam's) child and kept quiet.

5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Will is too precocious for my tastes. Not cute.

Unfortunately I compare him to Douglas...now that kid is adorbs & very natural for such a little guy.

Edited by RedRockRosie
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Speaking of precocious Will (tagging for spoilers if it hasn't aired yet...)

can we at least wait till these brats have hit puberty before they're getting involved in their parents'love lives? Read somewhere he was the one who was setting up the dates and WTF? I didnt think it got worse than Forty year old Thorne and Felicia boohooing behind Eric marrying yet another trophy wife, but this? Ugh, no. If anything, he should be setting up a Pokemon Go raid for the rest of his 4th grade class 😐

7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Douglas is so sweet. But maybe Thomas and Hope need to put the brakes on his trying to turn Hope into a substitute mommy. That's not emotionally healthy for him or her.

1 hour ago, RedRockRosie said:

This is where all the grandmothers should step in & step it up...

Unfortunately, one of his three grandmothers is Taylor the quack and Show won't pay Joanna Johnson to play Karen to fly from NYC and slap a bitch for using her grandson as a pawn in Shipping Chess.

That Thomas and Hope act the way the way they do is of no surprise, considering who their mothers are and how they've both coddled and sheltered their kids. Especially Hope. It's been seven years and i'm still more shocked by Brooke sitting in talking over Hope at her therapy session than I am over her crying and wailing behind Bridget's deflowering. And while Steffy was always the favorite over Thomas, Taylor fed Thomas all those lies that he ate like brownies made by Snoop Dogg until recently.

But yeah, this is just...not good for this poor kid. 

Gee, if only Douglas had a cousin once removed who had also lost her mother at the same age and struggled with overcoming that grief that he could talk to who wasn't also killed by his aunt! 🤔👀😠 [/Sarcasm]

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Ah, I like Will. True, he acts like 8 going on 45, but I think his behavior is supposed to indicate that he's "Dollah's boy" through and through. 

But, I have to agree that he needs to stop interfering in his parents' love lives. I know that Bill is trying to make up for lost time, but the kid (TM) Sludge needs more than a lighthearted reprimand for stealing his father's credit card!

Both the little boys playing Will and Douglas are doing a great job (IMO). I usually don't care for babies and kids on soaps, but I haven't enjoyed kids on TV since the adorable Pace twins who played baby Hope.

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Just got caught up on the past few days…..

So, when Taylor asked Thomas if there was anything she could do to help Douglas, I jumped up from the couch and was like:


At least, not if you want to see your son again.

Taylor is going back into practice? How is that? And who is she gonna be doctoring? Given how she has branched out into gun play, shooting people, and human trafficking, I would suspect her patient list would be changing. Until her crimes have been addressed, and that includes raiding another doctor’s private patient files in order to get the goods on Brooke, and her many issues with alcohol, drinking and driving, and agenda’s older than time; Taylor should not be allowed to advise anyone. And certainly shouldn’t be allowed in anyone else’s head.

I wonder how long it will be before Flo is Wyatt’s new assistant.

Please Sally, don’t be mad at Wyatt over the stuff his mom was spewing. I really can’t believe that Quinn likes Flo, and was on board with her and Wyatt’s relationship. I guess being BFF’s with Flo’s mom sealed that deal. I don’t think I am looking forward to the introduction of Flo’s mom. I cannot stand DR and want to express how much I resent Show giving Quinn a real girlfriend to catch up with, while my favs have never had that. Well, maybe 25 years ago, but nothing in recent history. I have a bad feeling about all of it, particularly now that Sally is going to stay at Forrester.

Although, I think it is the right move. Working at SP’s would never be the same as working at FC’s. I have always wanted Sally to have her own fashion house, but not the way it would have been structured over at SP’s. Sally would have been under the guidance of Bill, who is a great businessman, but knows nothing about “dress making”. Then there is the whole Wyatt thing. Trouble in paradise would eventually spell trouble at work, and no doubt, Sally would be out on her ear once again. At least at Forrester, Sally will be able to make a name for herself, and if something happens there, she would be much better positioned to try to start out on her own. None of that changes the fact that I love Sally and Wyatt, and just know they are going to blow them up.

But Wyatt standing up to Quinn, and demanding she apologize to Sally? Maybe if Ridge had done that………..instead, all we ever got was “OH MOTTTHHHHERRR!

How are all these people going to feel when they find out what Flo is capable of? How will Quinn feel? This is her husband’s “granddaughter” that we are talking about. Well, actually both of them. Hope, who had her child stolen, and Steffy, who was duped by Dr. Dark. Will she be ok with it since it is her besties daughter?

Brooke has been looking so put together. Her black ensemble during the Taylor dressing down; then the light blue suit the past couple days.

Oh, Brooke’s yes/no headshake when Ridge dropped the bomb about Taylor talking. I mean, Brooke didn’t even have the facts and new it was going to be bad.

And Ridge, just when you were doing so well. You have been so empathetic, loving and supportive of both Brooke and Hope, you have been engaged in your scenes, you have been funny, and you have been smiling. And you cleaned up, and look so much better with your short hair and non-crumpled clothes. Then you go and blow all that hard work by defending Taylor’s remarks. Except, no Ridge, there is no defense or justification for that level of crazy. Taylor doesn’t get to go flitting around LA, waving her witch wand over the heads of those she thinks should be making insta families, just so her daughter can have her happily ever after with Liam. Making it worse is the fact that Steffy is not on board. At least she wasn’t before departing for the International Office.

Show, you can stop the Hope, Douglas and Thomas bonding scenes anytime. It was ok at first, but now it IS ALL THE TIME. And of course, Liam is never there, or conveniently has to leave just as Thomas and Douglas arrive.

Little Douglas’s legs though! He is so darn cute. I still find Will cute as well. He is just a little boy saying the lines he is given. And yes, that is a bit too twee, but that kid has chops, and holds his own with the vets in the scene. 

I suspect Katie and Bill will be remarried before Memorial Day.

I don’t have a problem with Will playing poker with Aunt Cleavage Donna; he is Bill Spencer’s son after all.

I think I am a bit pissed off that The Redemption of Bill Spencer isn’t so much about family and getting things right with his son’s, so much as it is about reuniting with Katie.

That caterer/chef was so beautiful, and showed more acting talent in her 10 minutes of air time than any of the interns we are forced to watch daily.

Since Sally is staying at Forrester, and Wyatt will be hooking up with Flo, does that mean a reprise of Liam/Sally when Hope hooks up with Thomas?

Edited by RuntheTable
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12 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I resent Show giving Quinn a real girlfriend to catch up with, while my favs have never had that.

If it makes you feel any better, I doubt that will last longer than two days once Flo's mom goes after Eric, because this is B&B and friendships are as mythical as unicorns. 😄

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9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Gee, if only Douglas had a cousin once removed who had also lost her mother at the same age and struggled with overcoming that grief that he could talk to who wasn't also killed by his aunt! 🤔👀😠 [/Sarcasm]

Well, he's got a father who lost his mother at the same age.  Or, are we supposed to forget Taylor's first "death" and years-long absence from her kids' lives?

(Although that revelation would likely prompt a "So, my Mommy will come back from heaven, too?", which would be a perfectly reasonable question to ask under the circumstances.)

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