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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I think I misunderstood the comment to be that Maya was never a gold-digger, but yeah, I think what @tricknasty meant is that she wasn't portrayed as one prior to the personality transplant.  In fact, Maya was SO not a gold-digger originally that she broke up with Rick when she found out he lied about his identity.

Oh, absolutely agree on that. Maya was a good girl from the wrong side of the tracks and Caroline became a socialite snob following her fall off the balcony to fit that. Then one day as Caroline and Ridge drift towards one another, Maya went into "we wuz robbed" mode and decided she was entitled to be with Rick because reasons.

The whole change was so completely bizarre and completely plot driven.

57 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

Liam and Ridge are in a groundhog day loop, right ?

I support Liam/Ridge being the first gay couple on B&B. They already spend their time jerking the other one off and it would spare any more women being ruined by them.

....okay, I'm mostly joking there because not even Liam Waffles Spencer deserves to be saddled with the Sludgemaster. But gawd, the two of them together make more unnecessary yapping and howling than my roommate's Husky. At least Kodiak is capable of learning new tricks, unlike the two stooges.

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

The incredible Forrester Mansion which belongs in the Twilight Zone. It grows and shrinks depending on the story line. With Aly, she had to live in the maids quarters so Nicole could move in but today there are plenty of room to have Steffy move. 

If I can believe that Steffy will turn down a product line and a million dollars for Liam, than I can believe in unicorns, a goose that lays golden eggs, and a talking teddy bear. 

IMO is not a red herring that Brooke is going to see Hope on a lark. This is a forerunner of Hope's return either by KM or a recast. 

When she turned them down and cracked Keith Sweats' face AGAIN! I felt some respect towards her. I will never forget or forgive how he always goes after Liam's leftovers. And the random mention of Hope made me smile. Sounds like Botox Queen is about to get a healthy dose of competition.

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What do you do so you don't always get your previous comments restored? That's driving me mad and I don't see what the benefit is.

OK, I'm no fan of Liam's by a long run, but I don't blame Steffy from walking away from "Deal or No Deal." C'mon ... What was left to offer her? A first-born son that Queric might produce? Trust me, if that's what it would take, I'm sure Quinn could come up with something, even stealing a baby from a hospital.  Anyway, my point is that they should have stopped when they were ahead. Steffy seemed pretty ready to bite with the tempting product line and that would have been enough. It actually made sense for everybody, especially increased profits for FC. As soon as the $1,000,000 check, portrait and bequest of the estate were rolled out, I could see her eyes start to glaze over and withdrawal. So Eric "overdid it a bit," you THINK??? They needed to dole out the rewards in little bits, like you do when training an animal. Oh, well ...

The writer-spies must be back here again because I liked the smooth continuity when Quinn explained that Steffy was buzz-worthy because she's one of the youngest CEOs outside of Silicon Valley. That was a nice touch. Filled in some WTFs.  I still don't buy that she's going to become some type of huge celebrity, but Brad Bell did state in that interview that Steffy was going to become B&B's "Kardashian ..."

I laughed and laughed at KKL hacking away at those onions. Did you see the way she was holding that knife? She was holding it with her right hand and had her left fingers on top of the blade. She could have badly cut herself.  It's pretty obvious that she doesn't cook for herself. She certainly didn't look like the spawn of a caterer or even a caterer's assistant.  LOL!

I don't see Hope coming back.  I was wondering if KKL is due for some time off. Maybe she's signed up for another triathlon or equestrian event.  I also haven't read any press about upcoming remotes.

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On 1/8/2017 at 8:43 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Sasha and Caroline are off-contract. PF should be coming back off the movie he was doing by next week's episodes. 

But it is getting a bit tight casting-wise, even for B&B, and the characters they choose to keep around are baffling.  I love Ally Mills, but Pam served her purpose after she tied Donna up in the cabin and left her for the bears IMO. Maya too was drifting in the winds for months before they decided to make her an entitled gold digger. 

This show is headed right into Beverly Hillbilly territory with how intermarried everyone is. In under five years, Caroline achieved a Forrester trifecta that it took Brooke more than twice as long to pull off. I dunno, we're gonna need Little Eric to show up in town or CJ to have an offscreen Clarke Garrison III like Caroline II was to inject the show with new genes.

I think every show needs the kind of role she could fill (and has filled to some degree at times) - the older motherly figure who offers advice.  She's the only woman in her age range on the canvas, so I don't want to see her disappear.  They should just be smarter about how (and how often) they use her.  

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I turned off today's episode when Puffy dropped by Waffle's house. I just couldn't take anymore.

BTW, I just wanted to slap the crap out of Brooke when she simpered about all that Quinn had put our family through. WTF, lady, what has Quinn done to you or your son? Liam is the one who has legit grievances (which he should STFU about since he didn't press charges), and he isn't part of your family.

Edited by LittleIggy
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38 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I think every show needs the kind of role she could fill (and has filled to some degree at times) - the older motherly figure who offers advice.  She's the only woman in her age range on the canvas, so I don't want to see her disappear.  They should just be smarter about how (and how often) they use her.  


B&B is a bit disadvantaged since it's a relatively young show and a lot of its older characters got phased out early on, ie Bill Sr, Beth, Stephen and Jack Hamilton , and they never bother to build up any others. 

Brooke seems the obvious choice to be the matronly, motherly figure, since she's been mom, stepmother or mother-in-law (or almost in Liam's case) to everyone under the age of 35. 

17 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I turned off today's episode when Puffy dropped by Waffle's house. I just couldn't take anymore.

BTW, I just wanted to slap the crap out of Brooke when she simpered about all that Quinn had put our family through. WTF, lady, what has Quinn done to you or your son? Liam is the one who has legit grievances (which he should STFU about since he didn't press charges), and he isn't part of your family.

I'm assuming she meant her being the cause of Hope's miscarriage, but I think her brilliant decision to chase Quinn in six inch stilettos  on a hill with a fifteen percent incline was a bigger factor. Because other than that, I'm at a loss.

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28 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Brooke seems the obvious choice to be the matronly, motherly figure, since she's been mom, stepmother or mother-in-law (or almost in Liam's case) to everyone under the age of 35.

This show is definitely not ready to move her into that kind of role.  Not to the extent of being an Alice from Days, Myrtle from AMC kind of character.  She's still more Erica Kane.  

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Brooke, go see Hope.  Bring her home!  let Steffie's head explode.  if she starts sniffing around either Wyatt or Liam Steffie will say NO, they are MINE!  whatever toy Hope has Steffie will want.  And then bring back Daddy Deacon in to help with Hope's schemes, Let her be who she should be, the true daughter of Deacon and Brooke!

and please oh, please don't let Ridge win!  let Eric or Quinn catch him  setting up his plan  and shut him down like Negan with Lucille.

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Ya'll help me out here because I can't believe the deja vu all over again I'm seeing.

For a over a week now every damn day Liam gets up, puts on a suit, drives over to FC and hangs out with Ridge, They have the same endless conversation about the evil Quinn and her manipulation of everyone and everything.  Liam tells the Big Rump to get on the stick and Rump brags he's on it and Quinn. Is. Going. Down.

 Liam then whines and whines to Big Rump that Quinn is manipulating Steffy by making her CEO and that Steffy can't see it.  He stops just short of saying she's too stupid or naive to see it (words I'd never use to describe Steffy) but I feel he's thinking it.  Sometimes he enlivens his day by interrupting a meeting Steffy is having, usually with Wyatt, and whining to Steffy that Quinn is manipulating her by making her CEO.

He usually then marks his territory with  Wyatt by claiming Steffy is his because Quinn manipul ,,,,,, you get the drift.

He then leaves -- presumable to go home, grill tofu for dinner, sleep in his lonely bed -- and then repeats the pattern for tomorrow.

Show, I beg you -- Move this along or find something for Liam to do besides hang out with Rump,  If Liam doesn't have a job, Rump supposedly does,  I've seen very little designing going on with him lately.  Rump spends more time with Liam than with Brooke.  He'd better watch out because $Bill is out to tear the Bridge down.

I will give a tiny, tiny, tiny prop to Liam from yesterday when he told Rump that if he exposes Quinn he won't be CEO. Finally a rational statement in the midst of this plotting nonsense.  Rump seemed to hand wave it off though.  I think he truly believes Eric will make him CEO because he exposed Quinn and blew Queric to bits.

Edited by La di Diva
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I can see Quinn and Ridge doing the nasty and then getting preggers but they won't know if it's Eric's or Ridge's.  OK, I know some might think Quinn is too old, but hell, didn't they try and get Brooke preggers when she was supposed to be in her 50's?  

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Objectively speaking, Quinn's constant references to "my house", "my property", "our company", "we think" and "the family" are grating.  She's been a Forrester for literally five minutes.  The property didn't become hers upon marriage.  It's Eric's.  Period.  Unless he put her on the deed which, God knows he's dumb enough to have done, it's his separate property.  And Quinn can consider herself part of "the family" all she wants but no actual family members have to accept that.  And they haven't.  you have to earn the right to be embraced as "family", something Quinn has yet to do.  Overstepping her bounds and antagonizing Eric's family seems the wrong way to go about that.  

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Quinn is a bit younger than Brooke, IIRC. Wasn't she a teen mom or a very, yery early 20-something when she had Wyatt?

Stranger things have happen, but neither Eric nor Ridge need another child. They were both snipped anyway, right? The family freaked over him being with Donna cuz of her age and pondering if she'd want a kid that they'd have to split their inheritance even further with . And then, there was all of 2015 with Ridge and Caroline.

But even if there wasn't any of that..no. 

29 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Show, I beg you -- Move this along or find something for Liam to do besides hang out with Rump,

I say move Scott Clifton over to Y&R. He's a capable actor to stand with the vets over there, and Liam would be a better crossover fit than Amber ever could be. 

Because unless Hope is coming back, he's just spinning his wheels. 

Speaking of, I had a knee jerk reaction to the idea of Hope returning, but once I thought about it, the thing that pissed me off most about Steffy versus Hope 1.0 wasn't so much them as much as the over-involvement of nearly the entire cast in their drama. I often felt they were mere proxies for the dumb ass Forrester/Logan rubbish. Without everyone fighting their battles for them, Steam 2.0 is a lot more tolerable. Which is like saying I'd rather drive a Ford Pinto than a Yugo but still.

KKL has been missing in action for a lot of last year, and I doubt that would change much now, so in theory a Triangle of Doom ( or possibly Quad of Doom with Wyatt) might not suck as hard.

Random thought: where's RJ? Did TIIC really hire this guy for a month just to cheerleader for his idiot parents?

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46 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Show, I beg you -- Move this along or find something for Liam to do besides hang out with Rump,  If Liam doesn't have a job, Rump supposedly does,  I've seen very little designing going on with him lately.  Rump spends more time with Liam than with Brooke.  He'd better watch out because $Bill is out to tear the Bridge down.

I can easily foresee a situation where Liam eventually brags to Bill about how he and Ridge are going to take Quinn down.  Bill gets more details out of him, realizes that Ridge is playing this flirting game with Quinn, and he ends up taking down Ridge.  I just hope that it doesn't end up written as Bill somehow being the "bad guy who hurt Brooke" by busting Ridge's little game wide open.  

14 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

Objectively speaking, Quinn's constant references to "my house", "my property", "our company", "we think" and "the family" are grating.  She's been a Forrester for literally five minutes.  The property didn't become hers upon marriage.  It's Eric's.  Period.  Unless he put her on the deed which, God knows he's dumb enough to have done, it's his separate property.  And Quinn can consider herself part of "the family" all she wants but no actual family members have to accept that.  And they haven't.  you have to earn the right to be embraced as "family", something Quinn has yet to do.  Overstepping her bounds and antagonizing Eric's family seems the wrong way to go about that.  

But she's not overstepping her bounds, really.  Eric has put her in a position to make decisions at the company, so the stuff she does there is in the boundaries Eric has established.  He's also told her that his home is her home, and he's invited her son to live there, calling him part of their family.  And, she's married to the guy, in a community property state.  For all intents and purposes, what's his is hers.  So, legally, and according to what Eric has said to her, requested of her, and given to her, she's not overstepping her bounds.  She's exactly within the boundaries that Eric has willingly established.  I also don't see her actively trying to antagonize his family.  She has asked, multiple times, that they accept her place in his life, a request he's also made to his family multiple times.  I admittedly miss an episode here and there, but, from what I've seen, the antagonism has come from his family towards her, not the other way around.  

5 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Speaking of, I had a knee jerk reaction to the idea of Hope returning, but once I thought about it, the thing that pissed me off most about Steffy versus Hope 1.0 wasn't so much them as much as the over-involvement of nearly the entire cast in their drama. I often felt they were mere proxies for the dumb ass Forrester/Logan rubbish. Without everyone fighting their battles for them, Steam 2.0 is a lot more tolerable. Which is like saying I'd rather drive a Ford Pinto than a Yugo but still.

I think they were more proxies in Taylor vs. Brooke.  Those two were just rehashing their Ridge bullshit via their daughters instead of taking a step back and saying "wait, do I want my daughter to be in the same shitty back and forth with a waffler that I've spent decades suffering through?" 

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Just too much gross sex today. That is all. If I'm going to see sex during lunch, I'd prefer to see $Bill. Even $Bill in solitary sex, if you know what I mean, & I think that you do, would be far preferable to the sex from today. 

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If and I realize this is a big if, we get the Hope (and KM) we saw in Paris when Puffy called her - calm and mature and poised and sounding like the (step) sister she is to Puffy, I would be all for that.

Even better if she sidesteps both Waffles and Chicken for someone else, perhaps her newly arrived boyfriend from viva la France (but their going ga-ga over her return is enough to completely demolish Puffy's interest in either Spencer man).

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Yes Steffy, Liam does offer you something that nobody else does and that is boysenberry syrup on your waffle.  Liam wins but he's not happy about it. It's like a baseball fan whose team wins by a run but it should have been 5 runs.  Liam is so romantic. After bumping uglies, his pillow talk is Quinn blah blah Quinn blah blah Wyatt blah blah.  For that matter, Ridge's pillow talk is practically the same.  Can someone tell me why Brooke only has a double bed. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

If and I realize this is a big if, we get the Hope (and KM) we saw in Paris when Puffy called her - calm and mature and poised and sounding like the (step) sister she is to Puffy, I would be all for that.

Even better if she sidesteps both Waffles and Chicken for someone else, perhaps her newly arrived boyfriend from viva la France (but their going ga-ga over her return is enough to completely demolish Puffy's interest in either Spencer man).

Not a French boyfriend! He would probably be as unwashed and greasy as Ridge! ;-)

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3 hours ago, nkotb said:

Just too much gross sex today. That is all. If I'm going to see sex during lunch, I'd prefer to see $Bill. Even $Bill in solitary sex, if you know what I mean, & I think that you do, would be far preferable to the sex from today. 

I just don't see the appeal of TK.  I remember him from his brown penny days on OLTL, and didn't think much of him them.  But this greasy surly mess he is now, kind of repulses me.  Those scenes of him with Quinn in the steam room, especially in flash back mode, are seriously creepy.  And this is not about his physique, it is about his demeanour and his actions.  He's a horror.  How are they going to convince us that Quinn is into that?

And Liam and Steffy having sex?  It's like an adolescent Ken doll having sex with a blow up doll. 

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

think they were more proxies in Taylor vs. Brooke.  Those two were just rehashing their Ridge bullshit via their daughters instead of taking a step back and saying "wait, do I want my daughter to be in the same shitty back and forth with a waffler that I've spent decades suffering through?" 

That too, but I remember a whole TON of scenes with Rick, Katie, Thomas and Stephanie defending either one's honor as Waffles sat there staring off into space and having less dialogue in a week on screen than Charlie gets in his two scenes a month. And then, there was Bill's meddling, Brooke's lack of boundaries to include going to therapy WITH Hope and Taylor all but chomping at the bit to tell Waffles about the Eggo Mini in Steffy's toaster over against Steffy's wishes and ignoring all her own history with Thomas. Because, hypocrisy.

I can honestly say no story or character in B&B's history so completely ate up the show like that stupidity did, infesting every aspect like a particularly stubborn English ivy plant encroaching on the side of your house. Not Nick. Not Amber. God, not even Ridge and Brooke, FFS, but they at least had nostalgia working in their favor.

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I wonder if Scott Clifton hates saying the word Quinn as much as I hate having to hear it?!? OMG! This is the same storyline that went on for years with Hope. I know Bill Bell did the triangle with Brooke, Ridge & Caroline and then later Taylor but they seemed like adults compared to Liam, Steffy, Wyatt , Ivy & Hope. And, now Brad Bell is carrying on the tradition but it really has been played to death. I can't take SC or DB seriously as leading men on this show. They are the worst.

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56 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I wonder if Scott Clifton hates saying the word Quinn as much as I hate having to hear it?!? OMG! This is the same storyline that went on for years with Hope. I know Bill Bell did the triangle with Brooke, Ridge & Caroline and then later Taylor but they seemed like adults compared to Liam, Steffy, Wyatt , Ivy & Hope. And, now Brad Bell is carrying on the tradition but it really has been played to death. I can't take SC or DB seriously as leading men on this show. They are the worst.

DB needs to take it easy on the crescent rolls. I don't see any female on this show who has been allowed to let themselves indulge as much as he has...Eric has been rocking his jeans, Wyatt not so much....

Edited by tricknasty
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43 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

DB needs to take it easy on the crescent rolls. I don't see any female on this show who has been allowed to let themselves indulge as much as he has...Eric has been rocking his jeans, Wyatt not so much....

Too funny! Dough boy, it is! LOL!!!! I would say at least he has talent if he's not in soap opera shape but he's horrible as an actor, too. The raised eyebrows, the open mouth and hoo owl hair & face. Epic fail.

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When did Brooke become a Stepford Wife? She just sits there and blithely smiles at Rumple as he tells her he has “a plan” to bring Quinn down? No questions? Not one single inquiry about what this “plan” entails? Not a single word about how this “plan” will effect Eric, her oldest and dearest friend? I understand that characters must change over time, and that Brooke could not forever be Show’s resident sex kitten/vixen, but as a from day one Brooke supporter, I can unequivocally say I hate what Brooke has become. May lightning strike me down, but I cannot adequately express how much I miss this girl:

And this girl:

And this girl:

This one too:


I don’t care what you call Brooke; whore, home wrecker, “Slut from the Valley”, because it all becomes moot for me given how much I was entertained by the Brooke character. She is what kept me tuning in, along with her never ending battles with Stephanie and Taylor. I simply do not recognize this simpering, whispery voiced, door mat Brooke has become. I never wanted to see Brooke morph into Stephanie and I don’t think she is, or should ever be, Show’s Matriarch. The Brooke character is unique, a standalone, and should stay that way. It’s ok for her to want a more settled life with less drama, but for goodness sake, don’t take away everything that made her stand out. I simply cannot stomach this mealy mouthed, weepy, automaton, that just stands there and listens with squinty eyes. This whole Bridge reunion nonsense has got me so fired up! Bill was the only thing breathing any life into Brooke, so of course Show decides to deflate that shit for some more Bridge work. And I am even more angry about it now that I know Rumple will never marry Brooke. Whatever is going to happen while Brooke is away will destroy this newfound romance, and will probably completely destroy Brooke and she will not want to return to Bill. Such a stupid, stupid move show.

They can keep telling me that Liam/Steffy have the same screen presence and gravitas as Ridge/Brooke, but I ain’t buying it. The former are half the age of the latter, and already have more engagements and marriages between them than Brooke and Ridge in their thirty year relationship. And Liam is the wimpiest leading man in soap history. He spent the entire week with Ridge, his new BFF, and even though they think they are Sherlock and Watson, they come off more like Abbott and Costello doing the “Who’s On First” routine. Liam’s neediness and hypocrisy make him so unlikable. You are on board with this grossest of plans, a son once again betraying his father by seducing his father’s wife, if it means you get what you want. Never mind the fallout, which would be big, and would touch many others. It just doesn’t matter. If Ridge is game then so is Liam. Yet, you are trotting all over LA telling everyone that Steffy was tricked into marrying Wyatt by Quinn. You also like to point out to everyone that Quinn is manipulating everything and everyone to get Steffy in her good graces and back with Wyatt. You little Waffling Prick! You can shut it about manipulating.

 I hate Steffy, and I hate that they seem to be positioning the character to be the center of the show; all the same, I hope she finds out how involved Liam was in Rumple’s plan. How he was the biggest cheerleader, and how he encouraged Ridge to go forward with it all. I know they are trying to make her blind to Liam’s faults, just like they made Brooke blind to Ridge’s, but it just doesn’t work. How long is Steffy just going to stand there while Liam insults her abilities as a businesswoman, and a person that can act professionally and work with her enemies? Not to mention a woman who can make her own decisions, and doing so doesn’t mean she was manipulated. I wish Steffy would pick up some crusty, still smoking hot fried Tofu, and shove in Liam’s mouth. That, or tell him to go write a friggin novel about it all because from what I can see he doesn’t do any type of visible work except for working his mouth.

There is making an offer and there is overkill. As another poster said, Steffy’s eye’s glazed over as Eric kept piling it on. And they are trying to buy Steffy and fuck Liam for being correct about that. If it were me, I would tell them all to step back, get the heck outta my face and let me think about all this. Instead, we have Steffy leaving one high pressure situation and walking right into another. It is only just beginning and I am sick to death of it already.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Mr. Diva will be the first one to tell you he doesn't watch soaps.  Nevertheless he faithfully watches B&B with me in the evenings (on POP).

Big Rump's plot to take down Quinn has him vastly entertained.  He commented yesterday that Rump looks like he should be standing at the top of the interstate off ramp with a sign "Will Sew for Food."

His opinion is that no man who looks as if he smells bad, needs a bath, hair wash, and to brush his teeth is going to have women -- i.e., Quinn -- just fall into his bed.  And that Rump's delusional to think that his visible anger and frustration is in any way seductive.  He also can't understand why Brooke would even touch him, much less get in bed.  I tried to explain DESTINY but he said "nope. not with this guy."

When I described RM to him he said that's what a famous couture designer/international playboy should look like and doesn't understand why they cast TK.

His hope is that Quinn is on to Rump's plan and is going to play him and expose all to Eric and Brooke, although he thinks B&B is going dark with Rump and will have Quinn rebuff him and Rump will physically attack Quinn in order to make it look like she's unfaithful to Eric.

He loves how well Queric work together, but says they moved Quinn too fast from crazy to normal.  He also thinks it doesn't look odd that Eric, a 70-something silver fox, has a younger wife because it's LA,  Quinn has re-energized him and it just works.

He think Liam is a twerp, that Waffles is a perfect name for him and says it's obvious that Liam doesn't want Steffy to succeed at FC.  Mr. Diva opined that Liam is jealous of Steffy's success and wants her to fail -- going as far as to undermine her confidence or actually somehow undermine her at work.

For a guy who doesn't watch soaps, he has alot of thoughts   : )

Edited by La di Diva
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22 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

He's also told her that his home is her home, and he's invited her son to live there, calling him part of their family.  And, she's married to the guy, in a community property state.  For all intents and purposes, what's his is hers.

As I'm sure the monkeys writing this are aware, community property is only that property that was acquired during the marriage.  Eric's house, etc., was all his before he married Quinn.  She gets none of it if they divorce.  That's why I mentioned Eric putting Quinn on the deed to the house.  That would be a way she could get a piece of that.  If FC goes from a market value of $2B to $3B during the course of their marriage, Quinn may be entitled to half of that $1B in increased value, maybe, but just getting married doesn't automatically entitle a spouse to half.

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

don’t care what you call Brooke; whore, home wrecker, “Slut from the Valley”, because it all becomes moot for me given how much I was entertained by the Brooke character. She is what kept me tuning in, along with her never ending battles with Stephanie and Taylor. I simply do not recognize this simpering, whispery voiced, door mat Brooke has become.

As a sci-fi nerd who has a bunch of DC/Marvel comic fans on FB, I've seen a quote that goes "Childhood is when you idolize Batman. Adulthood is when you realize the Joker makes more sense." Replace that with Taylor and Brooke respectively, and that sums up my viewing experience with this show.

Because I honestly can't say I was ever a Brooke fan, and the writing for her didn't paint her in the most flattering light in 1999 with her supposedly the reason Thorne and Macy split up (she wasn't) and the thing with Deacon was inexcusable. 

But with the invention of YouTube, I've gotten to fill in a few holes and see for myself why Brooke was so beloved. And oddly, despite enjoying Ridge andTaylor's marriage, I find myself all but falling asleep when I tried sitting through their early years (is there anyone here that actually ships TRidge, BTW? I think I'm the only one who ever liked them at any point). 

It's a long way of saying I enjoy Brooke and appreciate the character a LOT more now than I ever have before, warts and all. 

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45 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

As I'm sure the monkeys writing this are aware, community property is only that property that was acquired during the marriage.  Eric's house, etc., was all his before he married Quinn.  She gets none of it if they divorce.  That's why I mentioned Eric putting Quinn on the deed to the house.  That would be a way she could get a piece of that.  If FC goes from a market value of $2B to $3B during the course of their marriage, Quinn may be entitled to half of that $1B in increased value, maybe, but just getting married doesn't automatically entitle a spouse to half.

Fair enough.  The rest of my points stand.  She's not overstepping the bounds that Eric has established.  

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4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

When did Brooke become a Stepford Wife? She just sits there and blithely smiles at Rumple as he tells her he has “a plan” to bring Quinn down? No questions? Not one single inquiry about what this “plan” entails? Not a single word about how this “plan” will effect Eric, her oldest and dearest friend? I understand that characters must change over time, and that Brooke could not forever be Show’s resident sex kitten/vixen, but as a from day one Brooke supporter, I can unequivocally say I hate what Brooke has become. May lightning strike me down, but I cannot adequately express how much I miss this girl:

And this girl:

And this girl:

This one too:


I don’t care what you call Brooke; whore, home wrecker, “Slut from the Valley”, because it all becomes moot for me given how much I was entertained by the Brooke character. She is what kept me tuning in, along with her never ending battles with Stephanie and Taylor. I simply do not recognize this simpering, whispery voiced, door mat Brooke has become. I never wanted to see Brooke morph into Stephanie and I don’t think she is, or should ever be, Show’s Matriarch. The Brooke character is unique, a standalone, and should stay that way. It’s ok for her to want a more settled life with less drama, but for goodness sake, don’t take away everything that made her stand out. I simply cannot stomach this mealy mouthed, weepy, automaton, that just stands there and listens with squinty eyes. This whole Bridge reunion nonsense has got me so fired up! Bill was the only thing breathing any life into Brooke, so of course Show decides to deflate that shit for some more Bridge work. And I am even more angry about it now that I know Rumple will never marry Brooke. Whatever is going to happen while Brooke is away will destroy this newfound romance, and will probably completely destroy Brooke and she will not want to return to Bill. Such a stupid, stupid move show.

They can keep telling me that Liam/Steffy have the same screen presence and gravitas as Ridge/Brooke, but I ain’t buying it. The former are half the age of the latter, and already have more engagements and marriages between them than Brooke and Ridge in their thirty year relationship. And Liam is the wimpiest leading man in soap history. He spent the entire week with Ridge, his new BFF, and even though they think they are Sherlock and Watson, they come off more like Abbott and Costello doing the “Who’s On First” routine. Liam’s neediness and hypocrisy make him so unlikable. You are on board with this grossest of plans, a son once again betraying his father by seducing his father’s wife, if it means you get what you want. Never mind the fallout, which would be big, and would touch many others. It just doesn’t matter. If Ridge is game then so is Liam. Yet, you are trotting all over LA telling everyone that Steffy was tricked into marrying Wyatt by Quinn. You also like to point out to everyone that Quinn is manipulating everything and everyone to get Steffy in her good graces and back with Wyatt. You little Waffling Prick! You can shut it about manipulating.

 I hate Steffy, and I hate that they seem to be positioning the character to be the center of the show; all the same, I hope she finds out how involved Liam was in Rumple’s plan. How he was the biggest cheerleader, and how he encouraged Ridge to go forward with it all. I know they are trying to make her blind to Liam’s faults, just like they made Brooke blind to Ridge’s, but it just doesn’t work. How long is Steffy just going to stand there while Liam insults her abilities as a businesswoman, and a person that can act professionally and work with her enemies? Not to mention a woman who can make her own decisions, and doing so doesn’t mean she was manipulated. I wish Steffy would pick up some crusty, still smoking hot fried Tofu, and shove in Liam’s mouth. That, or tell him to go write a friggin novel about it all because from what I can see he doesn’t do any type of visible work except for working his mouth.

There is making an offer and there is overkill. As another poster said, Steffy’s eye’s glazed over as Eric kept piling it on. And they are trying to buy Steffy and fuck Liam for being correct about that. If it were me, I would tell them all to step back, get the heck outta my face and let me think about all this. Instead, we have Steffy leaving one high pressure situation and walking right into another. It is only just beginning and I am sick to death of it already.

Preach that shit!

It was nice to be reminded of when Brooke was fun.  KKL could still be that woman.  It's not about age.  Unfortunately, she has absolutely no chemistry with TK.  Ron Moss is a BAD actor but he and KKL burned up the screen in their day.  It appears that TK likes his co-stars to be little waifs that he can play the he-man with.  KKL isn't a waif.

The funny thing is that Steffy was supposed to be Brooke 2.0.  Some of her scenes with Liam are practically re-writes of some of Brooke's scene's with Ridge.  The problem is that Steffy and Liam just don't have IT.  Scott Clifton is an ACTOR not a hunk.  He doesn't have to rely on his six-pack because he can actually act.  Unfortunately, he's trapped with JMW who's not only NOT a actor; she's not a convincing sex kitten either.  SC and KM were so much better because they had that 'first-love' sweetness about them.  And it always seemed like Hope and Liam LIKED each other.  Liam might 'love' Steffy (I have my doubts) but I don't believe he likes her that much.  What's to like?

Trying to make Steffy the heroine that drives not one but two men crazy is a huge mistake.  $Bill didn't give her a second thought after he dumped her.  The 'Steffy show' is 100% worse than the 'triangle of doom'.  And sidelining a fantastic character like Brooke for someone like Steffy is a huge mistake.  Put Brooke with $Bill again, and see how things improve!

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Liam STFU and GET A JOB!!  To me, Liam is a pimple on Steffy's ass.  You don't always see it but you know it's there.  Don't get me wrong, I'm much more of a Liam detractor than a fan of Steffy but he's a fucking idiot and I have a very low tolerance of fucking idiots. Regular idiots I can tolerate.  Hey Liam, aren't you living in your father's house. Hey Liam, aren't you supposed to be employed by your father.  

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That clip of Brooke and Thorne had me reliving the swooney-ness/ prettiness that was Throoke.  Oh my but they were hot -- and fun.  KKL and WH played so well together. They always looked like they enjoyed being in scenes together.  I cannot help contrasting how KKL looks now with TK.

And damn I want to know WH's fountain of youth secret. He doesn't seem to have aged at all.  As pretty as RM was, I always thought WH was handsomer.  

I wish there was an SL to bring him back from Paris for an extended stay.

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25 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

That clip of Brooke and Thorne had me reliving the swooney-ness/ prettiness that was Throoke.  Oh my but they were hot -- and fun.  KKL and WH played so well together. They always looked like they enjoyed being in scenes together.  I cannot help contrasting how KKL looks now with TK.

And damn I want to know WH's fountain of youth secret. He doesn't seem to have aged at all.  As pretty as RM was, I always thought WH was handsomer.  

I wish there was an SL to bring him back from Paris for an extended stay.

Killing off Thorne's daughter to give Steffy a storyline was a damn shame.  Ally was a legacy character, related to practically everyone on the show.  Steffy is a Marone.  I say that, not because I don't have any respect for adoption, but because Ridge is a Forrester only when it's convenient to him.  No matter how much he hates Quinn, Eric is his father.  Ridge isn't going after Quinn for his father's sake.  He's going after Quinn to get what he wants and he'd doing it in the sleaziest most disgusting way possible.  If he actually does have sex with Quinn and then runs triumphantly to his father, I hope Eric calls him a 'Marone bastard' and banishes him from the family.

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They must be planning to reunite Brooke and Bill.  Otherwise, they're insane to keep showing them together.  That moment between them outside her door, before he walked away?  There was WAY more chemistry in that moment than anything Brooke and Ridge have done.  If Bridge is their endgame, then they're really shooting themselves in the foot to allow us to keep seeing the superior chemistry in Brill.  

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OMG, put Brooke with Greasy or with Bill. This woman is in her 50's, has run a successful company, born children, been married multiple times. And she has no spine? No opinion? Doesn't know who she loves and wants to "spend the rest of her life with" (HA!)? Put her and us out of our misery. This writing is the absolute worst dreck. KKL must want to run away from this show. This is not the 1960's.

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There seem to be a lot of negative comments on this board about the appearance/weight of the male actors on the show.

Does this mean that's okay to post opinions on the weightlooks of the female actors on the show?

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Here's why I think that Steffy/Liam/Wyatt don't work vs. why Taylor/Ridge/Brooke did. Comparatively speaking, today's ToD has more acting talent. I personally think that SC and DB are good actors, when they are given good material to work with. Team them together or separately with DD or SC with HT and you see a completely pleasantly surprising contrast to the daily litany of "Quinn's manipulations" and "Baby, come back ... " (OK!) DB's and SC's average Joe looks also make them more versatile actors for hopefully more lucrative roles down the road. JMW is the boil on the butt in that triangle.  (I often wonder if she was intended for a short-term transition role until the character could be SOARSED again with a different actress, then Brad Bell was stuck with her.)  RM, KKL and HT (pre-surgery) were all breathtaking to look at, but except for KKL, thespian duds.  Well, I take that back, before all of the Aaron Spelling, born-again Christian, crazy feud with Kimberlin Brown BSC-iness that ensued, HT wasn't that bad when she had something more to work with than being Stephanie's lapdog.  She and KKL played well off each other. That trio lived up to the show's title and kept viewers riveted. They embodied the OTT soapiness one expected and were the epitome of L.A. chic and fashion world royalty.

With this current bunch, I think that Brad Bell jumped on departures from other soaps and made a crazed grab with little thought as to how the actors would fit into the mix and high hopes that loyal audiences (and ratings) would follow. I realize that today he is trying to keep a dying genre on life support, but the fitting square pegs into round holes is not always the wisest gamble, IMO. Ridge and Brooke were established characters and Taylor was eased in so the audience had time to invest in her. Brad Bell acquired SC and DB and I don't think he had the faintest idea what to do with them, so he pulled out the old "WTD" theme, not once, but TWICE and with the SAME father. (I guess lightning really does strike twice in Bell-Air.) The way to force them to fit onto the canvas was to mix them up with Hope and Steffy -- legacy characters who luckily were female. TK was apparently another fire-sale acquisition which, to many viewers, appears to be a bad case of buyer's remorse. I'm not saying he's a bad actor. He can act rings around RM with his eyes closed. I'm just saying that he is a very poor fit as Ridge Forrester. He could have easily been brought on as a completely new character.

Anyway, those are my thoughts ... on the ToD ... past and present

Otherwise, I was again bored with and disappointed in today's show.  Liam needs to STFU and stay away from FC.  I don't why Steffy by now hasn't lit into him about the way he is constantly undermining  and denigrating her.  I also don't know how Wyatt can stand to be in the same room with her after the way constantly humiliates him by making out with Liam in the office and throwing their relationship in Wyatt's face at every opportunity.  Steffy's slightly bowed head of faux contrition is exactly that.  I'm also having none of this meek complacent Brooke. What happened to her?

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21 hours ago, grisgris said:

JMW is the boil on the butt in that triangle.  (I often wonder if she was intended for a short-term transition role until the character could be SOARSED again with a different actress, then Brad Bell was stuck with her.)  

When Steffy was brought on, her twin sister Phoebe had been on the show and SORASed for going on two years. The Phoebe actress was on a break at the time to pursue her music when they brought Steffy on. I always wondered what the point of creating twin legacy children was if they were going to do fuck all with that premise upon adulthood, but whatever.

Bell doesn't put much thought into any of his stories, and he hasn't well before any of these idiot kids were a factor on the show. for me, 2005 was around the time the show started it's ever increasing decline. That was the season that saw TIIC trying to drag Ridge/Bridget from the grave, that gave us Taylor returning from the dead and Brooke/Nick/Bridget as the big triangle. Bell obviously had no plan if he set up Brooke to be the home wrecker in another one of her daughter's marriages, previous history with Nick be damned.

Then there was the glaringly obvious issue of not setting up anything for the younger legacy children at ALL. I will forever be pissed at the mountain of lost opportunity with Hope, given that she and Ashley Jones were on the show together for nearly a year and shared all of three scenes together. Thomas? Three fucking recasts and he's still as much of a blank as Liam. A creepy, psycho, obsessive blank. Aly got the Colleen Carlton treatment, and no one even acknowledges that she ever existed now.

like you said, I think giving Bill not one, but two long lost sons just did not work. I think TPTB were trying to recreate the dynamics of Ridge and Nick, but that didn't even work there either. 

21 hours ago, grisgris said:

I realize that today he is trying to keep a dying genre on life support, but the fitting square pegs into round holes is not always the wisest gamble, IMO

This guy needs to sit in on what's been going on at Y&R the last month or so. If anyone has tuned out over the last few years, I recommend giving it a shot next week. The new head writer hasn't jumped in with a bunch of tricks and gimmicks to grab attention as she took over, but is doing the hard work of reestablishing The relationships that far too many HWs have tossed to the side over the last decade since William Bell's passing to push their agendas. And I won't lie, sometime it's been T E D I O U S to sit through at spots. But the interlocking relationships is the core of what makes a show like this worth watching, and Sally Sussman is dedicated to making the stories work around the characters instead of the other way around.

And too often, we've had way too much of the latter: Caroline and Maya; Rick suddenly becoming anothe rRidge cheerleader; Steffy' s sanity. There's not much of a sense of history with this show that's been on for going on three decades.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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3 hours ago, grisgris said:

Brooke and Quinn must be sharing the same hairstylist this week with the pumped up wavy extensions.  And Steffy's back to the Slutty CEO wardrobe.

It seems to be a soap opera trend. Lauren, of Y&R has been featuring her boobs all week. 

On Jeopardy, yesterday, In a category called The Bold and The Beautiful, cast members where featured asking the question. It was filmed on the set.   

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On 1/11/2017 at 9:43 AM, ByaNose said:

Too funny! Dough boy, it is! LOL!!!! I would say at least he has talent if he's not in soap opera shape but he's horrible as an actor, too. The raised eyebrows, the open mouth and hoo owl hair & face. Epic fail.

Be careful. Stitch 'Pillsbury Dough Boy' over on Y&R will be jealous if he hears has a rival dough boy in the Bellverse.

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On Wed Jan 11 2017 at 7:04 AM, RuntheTable said:

don’t care what you call Brooke; whore, home wrecker, “Slut from the Valley”, because it all becomes moot for me given how much I was entertained by the Brooke character. She is what kept me tuning in, along with her never ending battles with Stephanie and Taylor. I simply do not recognize this simpering, whispery voiced, door mat Brooke has become.

I actually typed this yesterday, but thought I'd posted. This is one of those times I'm thankful for the autosave update here! Anyway:

As a sci-fi nerd who has a bunch of DC/Marvel comic fans on FB, I've seen a quote that goes "Childhood is when you idolize Batman. Adulthood is when you realize the Joker makes more sense." Replace that with Taylor and Brooke respectively, and that sums up my viewing experience with this show.

Because I honestly can't say I was ever a Brooke fan, and the writing for her didn't paint her in the most flattering light in 1999 with her supposedly the reason Thorne and Macy split up (she wasn't) and the thing with Deacon was inexcusable. 

But with the invention of YouTube, I've gotten to fill in a few holes and see for myself why Brooke was so beloved. And oddly, despite enjoying Ridge andTaylor's marriage, I find myself all but falling asleep when I tried sitting through their early years (is there anyone here that actually ships TRidge, BTW? I think I'm the only one who ever liked them at any point). 

It's a long way of saying I enjoy Brooke and appreciate the character a LOT more now than I ever have before, warts and all. 

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Wyatt: Get a hint. You keep harping on Liam not supporting her choices yet you won't accept the fact that she has clearly chosen to be with him. You bum-rushed her down the aisle even after knowing that he'd passed out in front of your devious mother's car and blindly accepting her lie that she took him to the airport or wherever, She's not turning to you for anything unrelated to business like she did all the time with Liam after his return. You're not getting any longing looks. Have some pride, man. She's fucking your brother, not you. Try finding someone he hasn't fucked already. That would be a change.

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22 minutes ago, politichick said:

Wyatt: Get a hint. You keep harping on Liam not supporting her choices yet you won't accept the fact that she has clearly chosen to be with him. You bum-rushed her down the aisle even after knowing that he'd passed out in front of your devious mother's car and blindly accepting her lie that she took him to the airport or wherever, She's not turning to you for anything unrelated to business like she did all the time with Liam after his return. You're not getting any longing looks. Have some pride, man. She's fucking your brother, not you. Try finding someone he hasn't fucked already. That would be a change.

His thirst knows no bounds (and also his love of crescent rolls). He is the most pathetic character in soaps, ever...

Edited by tricknasty
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Not even 2 minutes into the show and Liam needs to STFU.  He answers questions, for Steffy, and probably wipes her ass too.  He probably buys her feminine napkins and flushable wipe.  No vi poo needed because her shit doesn't stink  

It's a one hour flight so why does it have to be an overnight?  There is no mention of a two day symposium. I'm not sold on Ridge's plan working but what if it does?  What than?  Quinn is out, Wyatt is out, and Eric sulks.  Than we have two of the best actors on the shelf to elevate the self entitled ass hats.  Could you imagine that Liam would actually have to memorize new lines?  How about having to watch Ridge plant his flag in Eric's ass?  If Quinn is out, the only thing that will keep me tuning in would be Hope's return and the havoc that it would create.  The show might still include the bold but the beautiful would become mundane. 

Could Quinn be anymore beautiful?  That's how a corporate executive should look. Quinn covered to the neck is sexier than well the rest in their undies. 

Edited by Waldo13
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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

The show might still include the bold but the beautiful would become mundane. 

There's been nothing bold about The Bold and the Beautiful since God knows when.

But yeah, RS is gorgeous and it would be a shame if she got shuffled off.

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4 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Be careful. Stitch 'Pillsbury Dough Boy' over on Y&R will be jealous if he hears has a rival dough boy in the Bellverse.

True. That said, I think Stitch is in much better shape then DB. If he didn't have that stupid tattoo on his chest he'd pretty perfect. He still wouldn't be able to act but he'd better looking then DB by a mile. IMO!

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I really don't care what shape anyone on this show is-the script is so repetitive and boring. Liam, Wyatt, Steffy, Ridge, Brook, Bill--shut the hell up and move on! Zzzzzzzzzz. And if they show Quinn and Ridge having sex in their only hotel room tomorrow, d.o.n.e. Quinn and Eric has been the only interesting story line this show has had in ages. If they screw this up, they just need to shut it down for good. 

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