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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

And as the original Brooke/Eric pairing was one of the first "incestuous" relationships, my ire was always fixed on Eric.  Who the hell marries his son's former fiancee?

IKR? It's made all the worse after I found out the history with Beth, who he had an emotional affair with not long before he banged Brooke. And then twenty years later, he gets with Donna a WEEK after her failed attempt at revenge-marrying Thorne!

1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

Thorne did it too with Caroline I.  It's commonplace on this show now, but those were the first instances.  Ridge slept with your wife?  No, you married his fiancee!

It's far harder for me to be pissed at that, tbh. Ridge treated Caroline like shit and got engaged to her the first time just to stick it to Bill Sr. He'd have likely gotten bored and dumped her if Bill hadn't stepped in. And they were long broken up before Thorne ever made a move.

But it does highlight the double standard that somehow, only Brooke is the biggest, whoriest whore who ever whored for doing what every character on the show has been guilty of doing.

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9 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Brooke won't forgive him. Remembering her own assault

She won't.

I was genuinely surprised they referenced it at all when the Rapey McCreepypuff photographer drugged Hope that one time. But after it served the purpose of reuniting Bridge, it was swept under the rug and Stephanie's role all glossed over.

13 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

want Liam to lose Steffy because she's disgusted with him, and when he goes sniffing around Ivy for a shoulder to cry on she reads him for filth. And while we're at it a smack down from $Bill, who doesn't care about Quinn, but would never condone Rump's plan.

All of this.

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I can understand Liam up to a point.  I mean, what do they want to portray when it comes to Steffi being President of an international fashion house, that she's young and understands the fashion sense of that generation or that she's thinking of expanding the family business by starting a new subsidiary called "Naughty/Trashy CEO's For A New Generation".   I highly doubt that you'd see any serious CEO of a worldwide company doing Playboy-type photo shoots, even if that CEO is young and good looking.  

There is one thing that hacks me off about Eric and his passion for Quinn.  When he makes comments like "I've never loved anyone like I love you. " or "No one has made me feel this happy.", it denigrates his relationships with Stephanie and even Brooke, women who he apparently loved very much, and who loved him.  

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My thing with Liam is, yes, he gets to have concerns, and some of his points are valid - what Quinn did to him was awful, and, in general, I think that a significant other is within their rights to express if they're not comfortable with the notion of you posing in lingerie.  But, a few things:  One, you get to express your concern/discomfort, you don't get to keep harping or try to make the decision for your significant other, it's ultimately her call if she chooses to pose for and post those pictures.  Two, regardless of your concerns, you don't get to just keep showing up at her place of employment to bitch about it.  Three, it's rather rich to talk about how the sight of Steffy in her lingerie is "supposed to be only for me," when she's married to your brother.  You're doing all kinds of things with Steffy that are supposed to be "only for" her husband, asshat.  And, four, as has been stated so many times over the past few months or so - when he had a chance to see Quinn punished for her actions towards him, when Steffy urged him to have her punished, Liam took a pass.  He can't think she's that big of a danger to anyone when he took a pass on having her prosecuted when he had the chance.  Not to mention, his issue with Quinn has zero to do with what she did to him.  Zero.  He has no problem showing up and getting in her face without fearing that she's going to kidnap him again, and he doesn't think Steffy is in any physical danger from working with Quinn.  His entire issue is that he's afraid that, despite the fact that he's pissed all over Steffy's leg, she might decide, if she's around Wyatt enough, to stay with her husband.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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2 hours ago, politichick said:

Even if you're not fans of the Steffy/Liam duo, as I am, and/or believe Liam does not to stop constantly whinging, as I do, if you were him, would you want your lover hanging out with your kidnapper/captor?

First of all it's Liam's fault for not pressing charges against Quinn. Second of all, he does not want his "love interest" hanging out anywhere or with anyone but him. He had problems with Hope's career also. The only one he sort of didn't have problems with was Ivy because was mostly a homebody also.  

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On 1/4/2017 at 5:44 PM, Anna Yolei said:

True as that may be, what does it say that the women in his life see him as being so completely gullible? None of those people force him to tear up the annulment papers to Steffy and not tell Hope about it before the wedding. No one forced him to go through with the Aspen wedding in the first place. And not one person manipulated him into dumping Ivy for Steffy after shutting the latter's bullshit 1990s Brooke Logan game down just six months earlier.

But that does highlight the problem I've had with the character in that he has no agency in his life. And it's gotten old and stale to sit through.

This, exactly.

Yes, Steffy and Bill (with help from Othello) caged Hope in the gondola but no one held a gun to his head and forced him to marry that harpy in the worst wedding get-up attire ever.

I mean, who stands on a mountain top, sees the bride from hell walking toward him in combat boots, no less, toilet paper draped over her head, and says, "Why not?"

Liam, that's who.

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20 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

His entire issue is that he's afraid that, despite the fact that he's pissed all over Steffy's leg, she might decide, if she's around Wyatt enough, to stay with her husband.

Yes. And that's all it is. I was pissed as hell that Quinn was given a free pass for Captive Cabin, but as written right now, that is usually an afterthought to all of the insecurity of working with Wyatt.

And gee, with all the pissiness of a litter box, why would !!!Fun!!! Steffy want to stick around?

12 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

This, exactly.

Yes, Steffy and Bill (with help from Othello) caged Hope in the gondola but no one held a gun to his head and forced him to marry that harpy in the worst wedding get-up attire ever.

I mean, who stands on a mountain top, sees the bride from hell walking toward him in combat boots, no less, toilet paper draped over her head, and says, "Why not?"

Liam, that's who.

Oh yeah, and didn't he stay in that joke of a marriage for months after he found out about the gondola thing?

Yeah. He can sit down. 

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17 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

This, exactly.

Yes, Steffy and Bill (with help from Othello) caged Hope in the gondola but no one held a gun to his head and forced him to marry that harpy in the worst wedding get-up attire ever.

I mean, who stands on a mountain top, sees the bride from hell walking toward him in combat boots, no less, toilet paper draped over her head, and says, "Why not?"

Liam, that's who.

I laughed so hard at Steffy's bridal outfit.  Apparently she's the 'cool' one but she's just tacky as hell.  If just figured that the air was so thin up there in mountains that Liam couldn't think straight and married Steffy instead of calling 'What Not to Wear'.

I never understood why Liam stayed with Steffy.  Especially since he spent so much time of that first marriage telling Hope how much he loved her.  And I never understood why Steffy was so desperate to be with a man who didn't want to be with her. 

Bell just keeps repeating the same vicious cycle over and over and over again.

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3 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Othello wasn't helping Bill and Steffy in Aspen. He was Rick's friend, IIRC.

Indeed, he helped in ruining on of Liam's other wedding attempts. I forgot what exactly happened, just that Rick was a part of that for reasons that had fuck all to do with caring about his sister and all to do with getting into Caroline's panties, and that I had to hear the same WE WUZ ROBBED bullshit for nearly six months afterwards.

I just know some incriminating pics of Liam got to Hope, she assumed he'd fucked Steffy and called it off, as any person with a medocum of sanity would do with the extra wide pallet that  passes for their relationship baggage.

1 minute ago, mightysparrow said:

I never understood why Liam stayed with Steffy.  Especially since he spent so much time of that first marriage telling Hope how much he loved her. 

Because Steffy put out.

(I'm being mostly snarky here, but they really did do a poor job of explaining ANY of Waffles' motivations in all of that. At all. But he was very clearly in love with Hope, fighting to get the annulment and then just rips it up for...reasons :/)

1 minute ago, mightysparrow said:

And I never understood why Steffy was so desperate to be with a man who didn't want to be with her. 

Because Ridge Forrester the Waffle Crown Prince was her father, she wanted to make any Logan "pay" for the damage done to her family, or Bill was not sick of Katie's sanctimonious bullshit just yet and Liam was the next best thing.

Most likely, a combination of all three.

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5 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Indeed, he helped in ruining on of Liam's other wedding attempts. I forgot what exactly happened, just that Rick was a part of that for reasons that had fuck all to do with caring about his sister and all to do with getting into Caroline's panties, and that I had to hear the same WE WUZ ROBBED bullshit for nearly six months afterwards.

I just know some incriminating pics of Liam got to Hope, she assumed he'd fucked Steffy and called it off, as any person with a medocum of sanity would do with the extra wide pallet that  passes for their relationship baggage.

Because Steffy put out.

(I'm being mostly snarky here, but they really did do a poor job of explaining ANY of Waffles' motivations in all of that. At all. But he was very clearly in love with Hope, fighting to get the annulment and then just rips it up for...reasons :/)

Because Ridge Forrester the Waffle Crown Prince was her father, she wanted to make any Logan "pay" for the damage done to her family, or Bill was not sick of Katie's sanctimonious bullshit just yet and Liam was the next best thing.

Most likely, a combination of all three.

You said it!

We're told over and over again that Steffy and Liam are the love story of the century when all evidence is decidedly to the contrary.

When Liam walks in on Steffy and Wyatt in his bed, he doesn't ask what's going on.  He instantly reads Steffy for filth, even exhuming the corpse of their dead baby.  He just ASSUMED Steffy fucked his brother because he knows what a loose booty ho she is.  And who does Steffy call when Liam turns  up missing?  Not Malibu PD.   Hope.  Because she knows deep down in that shriveled organ that passes for her heart, that when the chips are down, Liam will always choose Hope. The only reason this latest Triangle-of-Doom isn't a Square-of-Doom is because Hope's not there.  Eric knew exactly what he was talking about.  

Liam is with Steffy because Bell Jr. has removed all the competition.  Ivy is too busy snooping around the steam room and Sasha and Nicole have disappeared.  Steffy is the only one on offer.

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I realize this is a soap opera, but holy cow. Any one of us could writer better scripts, make these characters more interesting and current and remember past history. This is just sad for long time viewers who remember when this was must see viewing every day. No wonders the soaps are on their way out. Y&R is just as bad.

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1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

Sasha and Nicole have disappeared. 

Sasha for sure has. It's a shame because Cooper has improved leaps and bounds this past year and even made Thomas palpable.

I suspect that if Nicole hooks up with anyone on canvas, it will be Rick. I'd normally be pissed, but she and Zende are a complete dud and Rick/Maya are treated with kid gloves because of misplaced political correctness. 

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I had issues with Wyatt's "Sexy CEO" social media campaign when it first started because I agree with Waffles (can you BELIEVE it?) that it objectifies Steffy and I also thought it would alienate FCs long-time customers. The writers have kind of neatly tied up the latter complaint by a few well-placed comments from Pam and Nicole that the older clients are coming around and that FC is getting a lot of new buzz from younger potential market base, plus sales are up.  I just laughed at Steffy's ridiculous poses, especially with the black reading glasses.  From that aspect, I think the show's just kind of having fun with it by making it so campy; like it's a nudge-nudge wink-wink to the audience.  If I were Wyatt, I would have punched Liam for his "lingerie for his eyes only," remark. Excuse me? Who is the one still married to Sexy CEO? It also works my last nerve when the men stand around and talk about the women in the room like they aren't present. Steffy isn't the only one they do it to.  I'd like for one day for one of them to actually stand up and dress them down.

Liam really does need a woman who will be content to stay at home and do whatever and let him be in the limelight, whatever that is, because even after all of these years, we really have no idea as to what Liam does in the way of a career.  I guess his career is running interference in the career of the current woman in his life. He also followed Hope to work every day like a little guard chihuahua to make sure she wasn't getting too much attention or being too successful.  Doing anything that went against the grain of his fragile ego. With Hope I can sort of understand because she was so passive-aggressive, but I don't get at all why very blunt and direct Steffy doesn't tell him to stay the fuck away from her during work hours. He's really like a broken record with the "Don't you see? Quinn's behind all of this!" mantra 24/7.  I'd think that Steffy would be thrilled to have at least a few hours of peace each day to not have to listen to that rant.  I'd like to see Liam go stark raving mad over all of this. There's his jealousy with Wyatt, frustration with Ridge, "betrayal" by Eric and I think the person he's the least happy with is himself because I'm sure he's having mega-regrets now that he didn't press on with filing charges against Quinn when he had the opportunity Too late, now.

I could not believe the way Ridge just barged in and spoke to Eric in the manner that he did today. He's another one who's about to become completely unhinged.  Why is being CEO that important to him? I thought his passion was designing.  Do you think Eric is going to tell Quinn about Ridge's throw-down? I think that Quinn sees through Ridge, but she still seems uncertain about him. It's beginning to scare/worry me.

Speaking of Eric ... As we've all agreed on, he's ruled by his "little head," which I guess influences his heart. I actually think that he truly believes that whomever he is presently married to is making him "the happiest he's ever been in his life." I don't think he means disrespect to any of his former wives, it's just that he truly lives in the romantic (sexual) moment.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:


I had issues with Wyatt's "Sexy CEO" social media campaign when it first started because I agree with Waffles (can you BELIEVE it?) that it objectifies Steffy and I also thought it would alienate FCs long-time customers.


Do "long time customers" include the ones who followed Brooke's Bedroom line, by chance?

FC  has been through so frigging much that any normal company would have long ago taken a hit for, Rick's most recent instability being one example. Plus, they had Brooke modeling the lingerie of her own line ad CEO back in the day. Putting aside the fact that Stephanie II is no Brooke Logan....it *is* the fashion business. It's not like Steffy runs, say, Marone Industry or something. So it doesn't bug me too much.

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5 hours ago, tessaray said:

It may be due to PC but I think Rick/Maya is the longest relationship I've seen on B&B. 

In my memory, I had think that goes to Katie and Bill. Even accounting for Brooke, they were together for the better part of seven years, almost from the time Don Diamond was cast in the role.its probably hard for someone who came onboard after Brill to imagine this, but Batie were....well, Eric and Quinn, orbit with development. Katie was the ugly duckling, who lost what she never really had with Nick anyway, Bill had never been much respectful of women before meter her, and Y&R fans were upset that no one capitalized on their chemistry to test out Victoria and Brad four years before they did ;)

Rudge and Taylor get second prize with four years until Taylor was shot by Sheila. That was mandated by Tylo's religious beliefs that she not be seen as getting divorced even on TV because she was a born again Christian (who would later divorce Michael Tylo in her three year absence from the show), but there were some genuinely good stories to come out the that which probably wouldn't have happened if bouncing to Brooke was still an option.

Honorable mention is a tie for Eric/Donna and Thorne/Macy that both had some damn sketchy as fuck beginnings but somehow became the show's more stable, loving pairings. 

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Does Katie and Bill's 7 years include the last go-round after Brooke pretty much forced them back together because of how scarred Will would be because his aunt would also be his stepmother (and then broke them up right after)?  

I never saw any of the other pairings but I'm pretty sure the show was better then because some of them lasted long enough for viewers to actually care.  I've been watching almost 3 years now and it's sad that all of the couples I rooted for are - or soon will be - toast.  ETA:  Amsterdam Liam/Ivy, Quinn/Deacon, Caroline/Ridge, Sasha/Thomas (oh, the potential...) and Quinn/Eric. I think Queric's impending demise will do me in. 

Edited by tessaray
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i really cannot take Liam whiney anymore, how can Stephie want to stay with THAT?   UGHHH and dirty ass Ridge better keep his mitts off Quinn, I really hope she over hears  him and his whiney bitch Liam talking about their "master plan" and turns it around on them.  I was hoping she'd come clean to Eric about Ridge flirting with her.  But who am I kidding this is B&B no one is going to  actually talk to someone about what is going on.  I DO NOT want Ridge to WIN  or Liam for that matter, I swear if Liam would just be a man  and have some confidence he'd be ok.  I mean dude, you GOT the girl, back down if you got to throw it in their faces,  mack up on her when they are around pee on her to claim her as yours! but stop the whining that someone is going to take her away!  if you think they can they will you dumb ass!  Heck if I was Stephie I'd run from your dumb ass, I'd be sick of listening to you put me down.

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On the very first episode I ever saw (it's on in the office break room every day) newly-judgmental Eric Forrester was stark naked on the ledge outside Donna Logan's window, or balcony, being photographed by the paparazzi, because the love of his life, Stephanie was banging on the front door.

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I watched Wed's episode, and it was scary to see Liam as the voice of reason with Ridge, bringing up the very good point that this,would destroy his relationship with Eric. And then the very first scene of yesterday's show, when Ridge says he was right, then Waffles was like "OMG URL LETTING HER GET AWAY WAAAAAAAAH!"


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ITA Liam was speaking truth to Ridge about his plaaaannnnn.  It makes no sense whatsoever.  It will implode (explode?) everything Forrester.  I don't like that Quinn *seems*  to be falling for this.  Even tho I have to admit they would have mad chem......but I love my Queric, dammit!!!

Quinn's dress from Eric was awesome!  Very 1930-40's.  Sold one last month (black velvet w/ beads and rhinestones at the waist and neckline) very similar.

I still have a ton of pork and sauerkraut from NYE.  Any takers?

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In my opinion, Eric is now kind of acting like the doddering old fool the family accused him of being when he first hooked up with Quinn. I understand he loves her very much but if she ordered him to jump out of a window he bloody well would. She can do no wrong in his eyes and that is just--wrong. I get he would like to see Wyatt and Steffy reunite but it's none of his fucking business and he needs to chill. Before Quinn he would never in a million years have interfered like that. The Foolers also have learned nothing. If Quinn really has changed she would stay out of her son's second-hand love life since it always ends in tears--mostly his. And for the nth time, if you were Liam would you see Quinn differently? 

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10 minutes ago, politichick said:

In my opinion, Eric is now kind of acting like the doddering old fool the family accused him of being when he first hooked up with Quinn. I understand he loves her very much but if she ordered him to jump out of a window he bloody well would. She can do no wrong in his eyes and that is just--wrong. I get he would like to see Wyatt and Steffy reunite but it's none of his fucking business and he needs to chill. Before Quinn he would never in a million years have interfered like that. The Foolers also have learned nothing. If Quinn really has changed she would stay out of her son's second-hand love life since it always ends in tears--mostly his. And for the nth time, if you were Liam would you see Quinn differently? 

Personally, I don't think he's acting like a doddering old fool, but if he is, it's not Quinn's doing - it's his family.  They've pushed back so hard against his marriage, including being very hurtful towards him (which Ridge seems intent on upping), that he's now pushing back.  That's on them, not Quinn. 

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Also, this is nothing new. Eric has long used the company as a carrot to get his family to sleep with who he wants them to, and a stick to punish them when they don't. Quinn's just the latest woman whispering in his ear to help control her child's sex life. Brooke's done it (most recently during the Rick/Caroline/Ridge nonsense), Stephanie perfected it. 

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Eric's thinking with his dick is nothing new. This level of interference however is another thing entirely (has Quinn done anything to push those two together since suggesting she be made CEO?). Yes, stick it to Ridge by all means, but Steffy was more than accommodating by moving in with Thomas. She doesn't need to live under the same roof as Wyatt and Eric is too pissed at Ridge and Rick to a lesser extent to give either of them the reigns if she did choose Bell Boy, so he'd be wise to stop cribbing from Stephanie....because this is getting well into her realm of controlling BS that he rightfully fought her over.

20 hours ago, politichick said:

If Quinn really has changed she would stay out of her son's second-hand love life since it always ends in tears--mostly his. And for the nth time, if you were Liam would you see Quinn differently? 

I agree. But the writing on this show makes it difficult to sympathise because the "Quinn violated me" stuff has taken a third row backseat to the "Wyatt wants to be with you and he's manipulating you to get back with him!"

As she has proven far too many times to count, Stephanie II does whatever the fuck Stephanie II wants to do and no one stops her. She didn't let her biological and non-evil  Logan blood having cousin stop her from throwing herself at Waffles two years ago. 

For me, my issue is why Waffles has no trust in Steffy not to fall for the OMG MANIPULATION LOL. Kinda like how sick and tired I eventually got of seeing Hope bolt on Waffles at every hiccup, from a story POV I wish they'd directly address their shaky past and Liam struggling to accept that it's real this time and move on from this. I can tune into Y&R if I want to watch twenty minutes of wheels spinning in a snowbank.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Hats off to Wyatt, I just realized he always wants his ladies to show the merchandise, whether it's trying to make Hope the Bedroom Line model, convincing Ivy to pay the pizza guy in her undies, or Steffy in sexy CEO pictures he doesn't believe in "just for me" like his brother.

By the way I don't think this trait of Wyatt's was planned, it's what I call "Accidental Continuity". They recycle story beats so often that it becomes a pattern. 

I used to work for a small company and I was sitting in the office one time while the owner was interviewing people for an office position. This one woman came in for her interview and was clearly the best candidate that had applied. When she left the owner said to me, " I can't hire her, she's too good she'll just leave the company". I believe the show is using that same logic for picking who will be featured or not.

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I've seen moments when SC could act if given decent material. It must embarrass the hell out of him to keep repeating ad nauseum this complete dreck. But he has a family to support and I guess some job is better than no job. Poor soul. 

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That's the other frustrating part. I came across a clip of Clifton from 2011 and my God was he stilted in this. This was back when he thought he'd gotten Amber knocked up, before he had any scenes with Steffy. I'd forgotten how utterly not impressed I was. But he, like Felisha Cooper, has gotten so much better.

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At least Liam put a suit on like he was actually going to work today. But it was a fake out. He just wanted to look like a more professional little bitch. 

Steffy of Beverly Hills is going to give Jabot and Brash & Sassy a run for there life. ? I'm going to laugh until I cry when I watch Liam's reaction about Steffy's perfume line.  Steffy rip up the check for a million dollars because Quinn is just using you. It will be like him not wanting Hope to accept a multi million dollar diamond because it came from Wyatt. 

 Think that portrait of Steffy was very flattering. She looks a hell of a lot better in 2D than 3D. 

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Some guy told me once that "a stiff d*** has no conscience," so say what you will about Liam, Eric and Ridge getting a boner over a naked Quinn, regardless of the circumstances.  I truly believe that even if Liam had been in full mental capacity he'd have done Quinn when the opportunity arose and now Ridge obviously wants to, despite what he says. 

Talk about MAN-IP-U-LATION? Lay on thick why don't you Wyatt with a beaming Quinn and Eric cheering from the sofa sidelines. How could Quinn and Wyatt have been developing a full prototype cosmetics line on the sly? Wyatt and his cell phone have been in Steffy's face every waking moment and Quinn's been too busy playing cat and mouse with Ridge.  I was fully expecting Wyatt to also reveal that Brooke was the chemist on the sly. That, and the portrait and another $1,000,000 check (what was that additional money for BTW?)

Personally, I wouldn't be able to stand to live with people I worked with and be in their orbit 24/7. I know that's the way it rolls on this show, but c'mon. Supposedly *cough* Quinn was the reason why Steffy left Wyatt (we all know that's not true, but anyway) so now she's going to consider living under the same roof with the woman? Makes no sense.

Enough of this continuous loop footage of Liam and Ridge. We get it.

I really can't bear it that it looks like Steffy is going to be the front and center leading lady.  Since CBS pre-empted my recording due to coverage of the Florida airport shooting I had to watch on CBS.com.  Seeing that much of JMW very close up and in HD was more than I could stomach. I just kept pausing the computer and trying to figure out just WFT she did to her face. I seems smaller now and less harsh and angular. I think maybe she's trying to go from her naturally oval-shaped face to something that resembles a heart shape. Also, has she always had that mole/beauty mark on the right side of her face or is that a new addition?

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11 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Some guy told me once that "a stiff d*** has no conscience," so say what you will about Liam, Eric and Ridge getting a boner over a naked Quinn, regardless of the circumstances.  I truly believe that even if Liam had been in full mental capacity he'd have done Quinn when the opportunity arose and now Ridge obviously wants to, despite what he says. 

Yeah. I'd have been fine with a Liam/Quinn drunk hookup. It seems such an obvious direction to have taken.

15 minutes ago, grisgris said:

was fully expecting Wyatt to also reveal that Brooke was the chemist on the sly

...as was this.

The lack of Brooke, who until last season has never been backburnered apart from when everyone played second fiddle to the ToD, is glaring. Plus, you'd get a chance to do what TIIC are obviously attempt and have Stffy acknowledge what a hateful shit she'd been to Brooke especially when she was never as batshit as Quinn has been. And Brooke can do what characters of her age used to do by giving support and advice to the younger set of kids. Might as well mentor Steffy since Rick is a lost cause, RJ sucks and Hope and Bridget are far away from this stupidity.

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It is interesting that KKL is in storyline limbo. Usually, Brad Bell has her front and center. Of course, it's only and half hour show and now it's (always) Liam, Wyatt & Steffy & (happily) Eric & Quinn who are front burner. KKL is on the back burner along with DD even though they are shown somewhat. Heather Tom is apart of the Quinn story, too. There are ebbs and flows in daytime and KKL could be front and center soon. Especially, with the 30th Anniversary in March.

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These past few weeks made me wish that it really was Liam that Quinn pushed off the cliff, but she just had to fall "in love".

As much as I like the QuinnxEric pairing, I miss Old Quinn. She at least had a backbone.

Funny, Ridge is plotting and scheming for a job he would've had if he hadn't seduced his brother's wife. His ideas always backfire. It was an one-sided battle between him and Quinn and he still lost. Now, with this current scheme he only wins if he loses.

Steffy's portrait is the best one I've seen so far. I found Quinn's to be the least flattering.

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Yes, on Quinn's portrait. The white dress with a white background....there's no contrast.  She looks so beautiful in blacks, greys, jewel tones (the emerald green they have been putting her in lately makes her eyes pop).

Stephanie & Steffy's have a black background which makes everything stand out more. 

Hey.....it works for Charlie Rose......;-)

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On 1/6/2017 at 6:02 PM, Gudzilla said:

By the way I don't think this trait of Wyatt's was planned, it's what I call "Accidental Continuity". They recycle story beats so often that it becomes a pattern. 

That's brilliant. And I think it hits the nail on the head here.

Watching Friday's episode, oddly my biggest take away was Steffy sitting on the couch and her legs didn't reach the floor.

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Where is Deacon?  Caroline? Sasha (thought I read somewhere that she was being taken off contract?) Thomas?

The show needs more people in more storylines.  As much as I love me some TK, the scenes with he and SC where Liam asks about "the plan" and Ridge says "I'm working on it" are getting really old really fast. 

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8 hours ago, OhioSongbird said:

Yes, on Quinn's portrait. The white dress with a white background....there's no contrast.  She looks so beautiful in blacks, greys, jewel tones (the emerald green they have been putting her in lately makes her eyes pop).

Stephanie & Steffy's have a black background which makes everything stand out more. 

Hey.....it works for Charlie Rose......;-)

IMO, Quinn's white on white portrait is to portray her as coming into the light but not quite there due to the severity of her hair. As for Steffy and Stephanie's dark background, it's portraying their authority with a a touch of cynicism.  Please don't ask me to pontificate on Maya's portrait. 

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3 hours ago, maisie said:

Where is Deacon?  Caroline? Sasha (thought I read somewhere that she was being taken off contract?) Thomas?

The show needs more people in more storylines.  As much as I love me some TK, the scenes with he and SC where Liam asks about "the plan" and Ridge says "I'm working on it" are getting really old really fast. 

Sasha and Caroline are off-contract. PF should be coming back off the movie he was doing by next week's episodes. 

But it is getting a bit tight casting-wise, even for B&B, and the characters they choose to keep around are baffling.  I love Ally Mills, but Pam served her purpose after she tied Donna up in the cabin and left her for the bears IMO. Maya too was drifting in the winds for months before they decided to make her an entitled gold digger. 

This show is headed right into Beverly Hillbilly territory with how intermarried everyone is. In under five years, Caroline achieved a Forrester trifecta that it took Brooke more than twice as long to pull off. I dunno, we're gonna need Little Eric to show up in town or CJ to have an offscreen Clarke Garrison III like Caroline II was to inject the show with new genes.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

 Maya too was drifting in the winds for months before they decided to make her an entitled gold digger. 

This show is headed right into Beverly Hillbilly territory with how intermarried everyone is. In under five years, Caroline achieved a Forrester trifecta that it took Brooke more than twice as long to pull off. I dunno, we're gonna need Little Eric to show up in town or CJ to have an offscreen Clarke Garrison III like Caroline II was to inject the show with new genes.

IMO Maya was never portrayed as a gold digger. She and Caroline started out as sweethearts who underwent personality transplants by the hacks. They turned both Caroline and Maya into assholes and now they're both good girls. PLOT

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On 1/6/2017 at 4:36 PM, Anna Yolei said:

the writing on this show makes it difficult to sympathise because the "Quinn violated me" stuff has taken a third row backseat to the "Wyatt wants to be with you and he's manipulating you to get back with him!"

Much like Katie.  I'd imagine most people would sympathize with a woman whose husband cheated on her with her sister, but the writing (or the acting or a combination of both) made Katie, who truly was the victim, such a hateful lemonhead that I rolled my eyes at her more than I felt sorry for her.

On 1/8/2017 at 0:18 AM, Zevim said:

Steffy's portrait is the best one I've seen so far. I found Quinn's to be the least flattering.


17 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

 Please don't ask me to pontificate on Maya's portrait. 

While Quinn's isn't the greatest, I have to say Maya's "madame from a brothel" portrait was the worst of the worst.

13 hours ago, tricknasty said:

IMO Maya was never portrayed as a gold digger. She and Caroline started out as sweethearts who underwent personality transplants by the hacks. They turned both Caroline and Maya into assholes and now they're both good girls. PLOT

Maya's personality transplant, though, did have her come across as a gold digger, with all of her "I deserve this" blathering over all things Forrester (or as she used to say Farrester".

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Tricknasty's point about the sudden switch for both is valid, however. Lindsay Godfrey's own talent saved that out-of-the-blue change to an even bigger spoiled brat than all the Forrester spawn combined from being the disaster it should have been.

but these sudden whiplash changes are nothing new to B&B. Ask any Brooke/Thorne fan.

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Sasha and Caroline are off-contract. PF should be coming back off the movie he was doing by next week's episodes. 

This sucks. This show is so fucking stupid. The people involved clearly never read anything about their stupid asses, otherwise they'd know, for example, that we'd much rather see Sasha than Sour Face Nicole. And that we're tired of all of the fucking each other's relatives BS. I was in line at the supermarket and looked at a Soap Opera Digest and the comments section for the show agreed. After many decades, my soap watching days may soon come to an end.

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I would much rather see fiesty Sasha as well.

Buttoning up my flame-retardant red power suit, but Nicole is actually tolerable when she's not in scenes with Zende or talking about Zende or having flashbacks of Zende or...

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The incredible Forrester Mansion which belongs in the Twilight Zone. It grows and shrinks depending on the story line. With Aly, she had to live in the maids quarters so Nicole could move in but today there are plenty of room to have Steffy move. 

If I can believe that Steffy will turn down a product line and a million dollars for Liam, than I can believe in unicorns, a goose that lays golden eggs, and a talking teddy bear. 

IMO is not a red herring that Brooke is going to see Hope on a lark. This is a forerunner of Hope's return either by KM or a recast. 

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3 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

If I can believe that Steffy will turn down a product line and a million dollars for Liam, than I can believe in unicorns, a goose that lays golden eggs, and a talking teddy bear. 

Awww, c'mon Steffy. Really?! You're choosing Eggo over the money and the line? :(

5 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

IMO is not a red herring that Brooke is going to see Hope on a lark. This is a forerunner of Hope's return either by KM or a recast. 

I hope it's a recast, because Matula and Clifton were Zicole level of boring. I also hope that if TIIC start up with fucking godawful ToD again that they at least try to show Hope as having a glimmer of maturity. Remember that scene last year when Steffy called Hope looking for Eggo McWaffles and they were almost like sisters for two seconds? More of that, please. At least don't have Hope throwing herself on him immediately after she returns.

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Tricknasty's point about the sudden switch for both is valid, however.

I think I misunderstood the comment to be that Maya was never a gold-digger, but yeah, I think what @tricknasty meant is that she wasn't portrayed as one prior to the personality transplant.  In fact, Maya was SO not a gold-digger originally that she broke up with Rick when she found out he lied about his identity.

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