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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I'm ashamed to admit it but I'm also a viewer of Y&R. They've brought back the old writers and even after one day, I can see a difference. Writing better, characters acting more like themselves, settings being brought back to the old days, etc. Dare we hope for the same on B&B? This show has gone so far off the rails, it's unrecognizable. This Ridge is so badly written and acted, it's unwatchable for me. Also what the hell has happened to Brooke? Who is this woman?!

The only reason I would watch Y&R again is if Victurd was truly made to pay for all the evil he has done.

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On 12/6/2016 at 1:17 PM, CountryGirl said:

So, am I alone when I say that John MC Cook is the most formidable actor on show ?

Also Rena Sofer.

Guys, what's the fix for this Once Wonderful show? I'm flummoxed!

Edited by Nanu160
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OK, Lame and Sludge, Steffy is a grown-ass woman (even though she acts like a spoiled brat.)  She can determine whether or not the "ploy" to reunite her with Wyatt is successful or not; not Quinn, not Wyatt, m'kay?  Since it takes one to know one, I'm sure that deep down, she realizes the tiniest bit that maybe there's some manipulation going on there with the job offer. That's why she keeps vehemently insisting that she's "doing this for grandfather." My ass!  She's practically salivating at the prospect of being CEO of FC.  (BTW, I really love the idea of having Brooke mentor her. That would at least open up a semi-interesting SL of those two having to work together and Brooke would be a good buffer between Steffy and Quinn, but ain't happenin', I'm sure ...)

You'd think that by now, both Lame and even Steffy's  own father would understand that the more they push and persist, the harder she's going to resist and do just the opposite. Some folks just never outgrown their inner 2-year-old.

Bravo to Wyatt for reading Liam for filth regarding respecting marriage vows. Why either one of them want that skank heifer bewilders me, but I guess we're stuck with Botoxed Bitch as the shows femme fatale.  Wyatt needs to calm down and play it smart and cool and wait for Steam to evaporate. Once he starts acting indifferent towards Steffy, she'll be all but crawling back to him.  This viewer would be thrilled if he got permanently sidetracked by Sasha. For Steffy, well, it gets lonely at the top. Ask $Bill.

Liam threatening Quinn was pretty humorous. That final look in her eyes said it all. "Dead. Meat."

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When Liam was trying unsuccessfully to threaten Quinn, why didn't he mention their love affair in the cabin?  It's like that has all been swept under the rug.

I like Wyatt and Quinn's mother-son relationship.  It's a little twisty, for sure, but you can tell they both love each other.

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Recap for Wed. 12/7 and it's a LONG one, but this one was a VERY, VERY kick-ass show today.

We open with Liam and Steffy, still in the midst of their argument over the CEO position.

Liam: "You see what she's doing, right? You know how manipulative Quinn is being. She's trying to get you on her side."

Steffy, all but rolls her eyes and scoffs, "I'm NOT on Quinn's side."

Liam says that's not the point, she's automatically on Quinn's side the second she takes the position, and that she's using Eric to do it.

Steffy protests that Eric wouldn't go along with it if he didn't believe she was ready to take over. I wholeheartedly agree with this and I'm sick of the assertion that Eric is feeble/old/whatnot to make up his own mind. 

She tells him that by Quinn and Eric offering her the position, they can get past their hurt feelings. What's this, some growth and maturity?

Liam insists he has no issue with that and that Steffy would be amazing as CEO BUT (we all knew there was a "but) he does have an issue with Quinn (and I would be on Liam's side considering his past with Quinn, but he had HOW many chances to lock her up in either prison or the loony bin and balked each time, so no, he doesn't get much sympathy from me). He tells her Quinn is manipulating her and Steffy just glares at him as if to say, do you think I'm that stupid?

Liam, who is bordering on whining right about now, snots that he's just trying to protect her.

Liam: "I don't want Quinn getting inside your head." 

Steffy: "She hasn't." She is doing a slow boil right now.

She reminds him that Eric is the most important thing to her and he reminders her of how many people Quinn has hurt.

Steffy: "I know that. I know. But this is about my grandfather and the woman he knows me to be. I mean, I am like my namesake. Stephanie Forrester -- she was the epitome of leadership and strength, and most of all, she was a unifier heinous bitch. And that's exactly what my grandfather's asking me to be." 

Liam then almost steps in it, big time, when he insinuates Eric has hand-waved everything, then tries to backpedal, saying he's not disparaging Eric in any way. He questions whether the offer is Eric's way of getting her to accept Quinn.

Steffy tells him her feelings about Quinn should be crystal clear. Liam then argues it's a ploy to reunite her and Wyatt and I can see Steffy bristle at this.

Steffy: "I don't care about Quinn! I care about my grandfather and what he said. His offer -- he was sincere. And this whole matchmaker -- it's not gonna work. But the CEO position -- how could I possibly turn that down, especially if Quinn ends up running the company permanently if I don't? My granddad -- he could have gone to my father, to Rick, to Thorne. But his trust has been shaken, and he's looking at me to restore it. How can I -- how can I not do this? He has faith in me. What kind of granddaughter would I be?"

Steffy: Pissed-off frustration

Liam: Beady-eyed confusion

Me:  raw

Liam: "You're not hearing me." No, Waffles, she hears you loud and clear. She just doesn't agree with you. See the difference?

Steffy, to my points, says she hears him, but she can't turn her back on Eric. Liam insists he's not asking her to do that (he's not?). He reiterates the litany of Quinn's crimes and - again - he apparently didn't give a shit about any of this until now. Steffy says she's well-aware and that's why she hasn't said "yes" yet.

Liam wants to know what she wants. 

Steffy: "I want Quinn gone. I want my family whole again, the way our lives were before she infested all of it. But if I turn this down... she'll solidify her position at the company and in my grandfather's life, and maybe that was her intention. Maybe if I said no, it would just clear a path -- the point is... if she was the only person who came to me and offered this, I would say no. But listening to my grandfather... everyone says I'm exactly like my grandma. But I'm like my grandfather, too, and this is an incredible opportunity." And I think it means everything to Steffy, this opportunity, plus, we all know she loves being in the spotlight and calling all the shots.

Liam insists she deserves it but it doesn't change the fact that Quinn is behind it.

Steffy, starting to lose patience, "My eyes are WIDE OPEN. I know all about Quinn's ulterior motives." 

Liam tries a different - and dangerous - tact.

He accuses Eric of being manipulated by Quinn and then says this: "You can't know what he wants right now! He's still recovering!"


Steffy: "Seriously? Seriously? You're standing here, saying that you don't think my granddad can believe in me that way? Like, that's what he wants. I looked him in the eye. That's what he told me."

Liam, doubling-down: "He told you exactly what Quinn wanted him to tell you -- how much he trusts you, how you're the leader that Forrester has been waiting for. She's programming him, Steffy. She's programming him."


Steffy, looking as if she could burn him to the ground with her eyes alone, is stung: "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I had -- I had the most touching moment with my grandfather, and you're telling me they're just words that Quinn put in his mouth. You know, you can't degrade that." And I can't blame her here. He's not only trashing Eric, he's trashing Steffy and her capabilities in the process. With Wyatt, who IS still her husband, waiting in the wings to be her soft, supportive place to fall. Check and mate is only a matter of time.

Liam insists he's not degrading it (too late, dude!), he's just trying to get her to see the "poison apple" Quinn's offering her.

Steffy: "Unbelievable." She is almost in tears and Liam is too busy pontificating from his soapbox to notice.

Liam: "Steffy, Steffy, Quinn is in full manipulation mode -- full manipulation mode! How many times has she interfered in our lives, and how much damage has it done? How much suffering has it caused? You shouldn't be anywhere near that woman! Yes, yes, you deserve to be C.E.O. You should be. But not like this. Don't take the job." Steffy looks like she wants to belt him one and I can't say I blame her and OMG, I need someone to slap me out of it, Moonstruck-style, but I kind of like this Steffy. She's standing up for herself and what she believes in, including the fact that a  young woman can and should be capable of running a multi-billion dollar corporation. And ITA with those who referenced her working with Brooke, who was an amazing CEO at the same age. I'd love to see them reestablish the bond they had when Brooke helped to raise Thomas and the twins while Taylor was taking a dirt nap. Finally, I know I said let Steam be happy and boring and off-screen but this is far more interesting than I thought and it spares us from Zende/Nicole.

Quinn, Wyatt, and Eric are still discussing things, with Quinn of the belief that this could be a turning point for Steffy and Wyatt. I'm inclined to agree. 

Wyatt: "You realize she's already picturing it, right -- your granddaughter running Forrester Creations with me by her side?" Eric just grins. 

Wyatt remarks that it would be even more wonderful if Steffy started seeing Quinn differently (and I think we have the first inklings of that, which is why Liam is spazzing out). Because if Steffy's claim that Quinn was the sole reason for her walking away from her marriage to Wyatt is true and now, Steffy might be softening just a bit? We all know that spells doom for Steam.

Oh great, Rumple just strolls in like he owns the place.

He wants to speak to Eric alone and Quinn, who could not care less, quickly exits along with Wyatt.

They retreat to the kitchen and wish they could be flies on the wall in the living room right about now although it doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going to go down. Quinn quickly - and accurately - surmises: "If I had my guess, it would probably be about his never-ending quest to get me out of his father's life." 

I had to laugh at her imitation of Ridge's head exploding when he finds out about the offer of CEO to Steffy.

Rumple is all proud of himself and tells Eric how he broke up the Brill engagement and is back with Brooke.

Eric, as gracious and loving as always, tells him "that's wonderful."

Rumple, as subtle as always, immediately starts hinting around for the CEO position, but tries to finesse it first by talking about marrying Brooke, solidifying their family, how they should lead the family, the company, into the future. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, anvil, anvil and once again, Rumple is an opportunistic, self-serving pig who is pimping out Brooke yet again. He knew the shares were lost to him so now he's going to dangle Brooke like a carrot in front of Eric who has always loved her, and angle for the position he could have kept had he not tried to fuck his father over multiple times. Piss off, Ridge!

Eric just looks at him, knowing what he knows re Steffy/CEO, and lets him prattle on and dig a bigger hole for himself.

He reiterates that Brooke and he should lead the family forward.

Eric, setting the trap, "But only if Quinn steps aside, right? Well....she's about to."

Ridge's ears are perking up at this.

He assumes Eric's going to resume the position and Eric, smiling like the cat that ate the canary, tells him that he's not, but he's chosen someone."

Ridge smiles, his chest puffing out ever so slightly.

"Someone I love."

The smile grows bigger, the chest puffs out all the more.

"Someone I love very much who betrayed me..."

A slight falter in the smile, the chest.

"And whom I'm forgiven." Oh, it's full on preening by Ridge now. Ha, ha, motherfucker! Your self-inflated balloon is about to be busted.

Ridge: "I can't even tell you what that means to me. You're giving me a chance to regain your trust and to run this company. Thank you!"


(And for folks wondering who this hottie is, he's Brody on the deliciously trashy Tyler Perry show on TLC - Too Close to Home (you know, the one Y&R's Sage joined and she gets to be all up in this guy's business, lucky bitch).

Eric, deadpan: "It's not you."

Ridge's face:


Eric: "I've chosen Steffy to be CEO."


Back in the kitchen, Quinn is attempting to eavesdrop:

Wyatt: "Mom, will you stop?"

Quinn: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Wyatt: "Give Eric and Ridge some privacy." Oh, come off it, Wyatt, you are just as nosy.

Quinn: "No." She is so adorable here. "And miss Ridge's meltdown when he hears he's been passed over for CEO? Unh-unh. No!" Ha!

Wyatt: "Okay. Time to sit."

Quinn: "All right. Okay, fine, fine, fine. If the explosion is big enough, we should hear it in here." LOFL!

Wyatt: "Oh, my God. Ridge isn't going to explode. No, he's not gonna be doing cartwheels, but Steffy still is his daughter."  Who he would think diddly squat about stomping on to get what he want's. 

Quinn: "Yes, and the heir apparent to him -- I get it -- after he's had his chance to be C.E.O. Oh, how the tables have turned -- the privileged prodigal son being bypassed. (She laughs as did I.) You still think he's not going to explode? Ha! Oh, think again."

Back in the living room.

Ridge: "Steffy?" You heard him, bitch, and don't pretend you didn't.

Eric: "Steffy. I believe she has everything it takes to run the company to lead it into the future."

Ridge: "Sure. Sure, she does. And, what, I don't?" Nope - you stabbed your father in the back multiple times. Call me crazy, but I'd say that puts you out of the running. PERMANENTLY.

Eric: "You can't expect me to brush aside everything that's happened, Ridge -- everything you did to me. It was all very hurtful." It was a lot more than hurtful.

Ridge: "That was never my intention. (LIAR!) I really thought we've kind of-"

Eric: "I know what you thought." BURRRRN.

Ridge: "You just don't trust me, do you?" You've given him about ZERO reasons to trust you, Rumple.

Eric: "I have every confidence in my granddaughter. I've been watching her for years. She has terrific strength inside. She has all the intelligence and savvy she needs to be CEO of this company. You should know it was Quinn who suggested her. (ooh, twist that knife, Eric!) And I agree with my wife. (Twist it some more!) I think she'd be a terrific CEO if she accepts."

Ridge: "Steffy hasn't accepted?" No, jerk, because unlike insta-gratification you, she's going to take some time to think things over.

Eric: "No, not yet."

Ridge: "Because she's conflicted by a lot of things." Trying to work any angle he can.

Eric: "It's a big decision, Ridge. She wants to take some time to think about it. I respect that." So sit down and shut up, Ridge!

Ridge: "And maybe she doesn't want to be in bed with Quinn. Maybe she wouldn't do that to Liam." Does he really think that tact will work? 

Eric: "Well, if this is what Steffy wants, Liam's gonna have to get behind it. He's gonna have to support her in this." And when he doesn't, Wyatt will be there. Unconditional love, baby. 

Ridge: "And what about her loyalty to her father? (What kind of selfish asshole miserable excuse for a parent would put their child in that position?) She knows it's my turn to run this company and to run this family. She -- she'll have her turn, but not now. Brooke and I are back together. We're a team. We're a great team. I know you haven't forgotten what we've done for this company." Me, me, me. Whine, whine, whine. 

Eric: "No, I haven't forgotten. I haven't forgotten all the scandals that were caused, either -- all the problems in the press that came between the two of you." Testify, Eric! 

Ridge: "I know. I know there's still a strain between us, and I know that's why you're asking Steffy to do this. Can I ask you something? Can I ask you to remember... how much I love and respect you? We used to be so close, and I miss that. I really do. I did what I did -- for you, for this family, and for this company. I get it. I know I hurt you, Dad. But I'm not sure what do to now. What do I do? All I can do is, uh, be a better son and be -- be a better C.E.O. You groomed me for this all these years, and now I'm ready. And I now would like a chance to show you that I can run this company, that I can take it into the future with Brooke by my side. Appoint me CEO." Wow, he is begging and groveling and ever so thirsty...his words coming faster and faster as if by saying more, he can deflect from his actions that led to this moment. But it's a hill of sand that Eric is going to blow away like the smallest of breezes.

For as much as this show irritates me, today's show really brought it. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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I can't even put into words how much I want Brooke to find out exactly how soon after reuniting with "my Logan," Ridge went running to Eric to exploit their reunion as a means to get back in control at FC.  I want Eric to sit her down and tell her exactly how many times Ridge tried to play the "but I reunited with Brooke!  We can run the company together!" card, and ask her if she's one hundred percent sure that Ridge is with her for her or because his ploy to use her to get his hands on Bill's shares fell through, and his backup plan was to get back with her because he knows how much Eric loves, respects, and has faith in Brooke.  

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Ridge is truly the fucking worst. Indeed, his sole redeeming feature in the past was his relationship with his kids, particularly Steffy. At this point they may as well write Ridgeas a villain because no way will he be sympathetic to anyone if he throws his own daughter under the bus.

Oh, Liam. You're so incredibly worthless. 

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Steffy, looking as if she could burn him to the ground with her eyes alone, is stung: "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I had -- I had the most touching moment with my grandfather, and you're telling me they're just words that Quinn put in his mouth. You know, you can't degrade that." 

Wasn't it just a few months ago that Steffy believed Eric couldn't think for himself and he was merely being taken advantage of by Quinn?  But, I suppose if he's now offering her the CEO position, he must absolutely be of sound mind, right, Steffy?

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OK, that has to be a fantasy, right?  That is one hell of a Friday cliffhanger.

There I was just hoping Eric would walk in and hear Katie speaking to his wife that way and go off on her, and then....that happened.  I'm hoping it's a fantasy, though, just because I don't want Queric trashed like this.  But, it wouldn't be the first time in recent memory that this show pulled off a surprise death.  

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What the what?! I'm kind of hoping it's not a fantasy, but either way it goes, Quinn needs help if she's even thinking like that. I knew that sweet, I've changed spiel was some straight up bull. Kudos to Liam for calling her out. He knows that crazy is bubbling underneath the surface. The cracks are showing.

On the other hand, a surprise death/attempted murder would be...something that could breathe life back into the dullness.

ETA: Quinn and Eric are growing on me like a fungus, but the accelerated way they've built her up all these months means there's only one way to go from the pedestal: down just as fast. She has everything, and you know Bold has no problem taking everything away in a heartbeat. The exception seems to be Mya and Rick, and they're standing in the stairwell to the basement. So even if this is fantasy, I think they are laying the ground work for her to do something in the future.


Now, I have to wonder about Bell's spoiler that the Quinn/Katie rivalry will continue next year. What if that was all a rouse? I actually can't wait until Monday.

Edited by AussieBabe
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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

Wasn't it just a few months ago that Steffy believed Eric couldn't think for himself and he was merely being taken advantage of by Quinn?  But, I suppose if he's now offering her the CEO position, he must absolutely be of sound mind, right, Steffy?

Touche. LOL.

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Call me a prude, call me old school but I think that inviting Katie over any time she wants is extremely inappropriate. I don't care if Eric thinks she's family she's a single woman and Katie should only come over with Will in hand. Also, the kiss on the lips lasted a little too long and really should have been a kiss on the cheek.

The cliffhanger better be a dream because I really would be pissed off if they fuck up Eric and Quinn for the sake of Liam, Steffy, Ridge, Rick, and the rest of Quinn's detractors.  Fuck them all, fuck them all. 

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The cliffhanger better be a dream because I really would be pissed off if they fuck up Eric and Quinn for the sake of Liam, Steffy, Ridge, Rick, and the rest of Quinn's detractors.  Fuck them all, fuck them all. 

Wasn't it Quinn who took Liam prisoner and was raping him and not all that long ago? I'm sorry but I think the Quinn detractors have a point. I think Liam more than most has the right to not trust Quinn and to not want Steffy working with that Psycho.

Having said that, I do like Quinn/Eric. I prefer Steffy with Wyatt. And I would love to see Liam/Katie. Honestly, Liam has had more chemistry with Quinn and Katie than either Hope or Steffy.

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20 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Call me a prude, call me old school but I think that inviting Katie over any time she wants is extremely inappropriate. I don't care if Eric thinks she's family she's a single woman and Katie should only come over with Will in hand. Also, the kiss on the lips lasted a little too long and really should have been a kiss on the cheek.

I agree with you, Waldo13.

I would be reading Mr.Stunt the riot act on giving a recent divorcee a open door policy to our home. I don't care how long Eric has known Katie or how close the friendship, Quinn expressed her unease and reticence with her moving in next door and Eric should respect that. He should have put a "Call First" stipulation on visiting the mansion for Katie. Katie is well aware Quinn doesn't trust her motives (Not a bad policy with any of the Logan's) after Quinn dropped by in a tizzy about her too friendly communications with Eric.

They both should be taking a step back, not getting more involved with each other. Especially if they want to keep the new bride happy.

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29 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

Wasn't it Quinn who took Liam prisoner and was raping him and not all that long ago?

And had TIIC actually addressed it as such, I'd agree with that. But knowing these writers it will soon be all about him being pissed at Quinn trying to use her with Wyatt. Much like his moral high house about Brill was all about Bill telling him to respect Steffy and Wyatt's marriage.

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As if this year hasn't been shitty enough, Joe Mascolo passed away today:


I liked him as Massimo Marone and wish he'd been able to come back in some way after Nick literally showed him the door outta Marone industries. Le sigh. 

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And had TIIC actually addressed it as such, I'd agree with that.

I suppose mileage varies on these things, but I don't care if the folks in charge or the writers don't address it. Liam was raped by Quinn just as Caroline was by Thomas. TPTB can pretend otherwise, but I see both storylines as rape. I can get where Liam is coming from in those terms with not wanting Steffy to work with Quinn. Of course, he is never allowed to actually spell it out that way because ... reasons and/or 'we are going to pretend Quinn's obsession with Liam was twu love and he was totally into having sex with her.'

The thing is I like Quinn with Eric - the actors have sold it. However, when one gets down it, the pairing makes absolutely no sense. Quinn should be in prison and should be ostracized. But this is B&B, where no one seems to notice anything.

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This show is so inconsistently written that I decided a long time ago that you just gotta root for your favourites  (or the one who you can tolerate more than the other imbecilic harpies) or else you'll never be able to enjoy anything. This week, that happens to be Steffy. 

But I agree. They blitzed over all of that and jumped to Quinn being redeemed by love (or maybe not) way too damn fast. 

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I have a question:  Could someone please tell me what Stephanie would have done if Eric invited Katie or any other single woman to come over, to the mansion, anytime she wanted without calling first?  What about a lingering kiss, on the lips, by said woman?  

Edited by Waldo13
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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

I have a question:  Could someone please tell me what Stephanie would have done if Eric invited Katie or any other single woman to come over, to the mansion, anytime she wanted without calling first?  What about a lingering kiss, on the lips, by said woman?  

Eric had the good sense not to pull that shit around Stephanie.

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Last couple of episodes have been weirdly good. This is the kind of conflict that's fun to watch (no boring triangles).  I don't mind Liam freaking out about the CEO job because he's seen a lot of the stuff that happens there even under normal FC conditions and then add in all that unresolved cabin kidnapping/rape subtext.  (If the genders were reversed, would you want your guy to accept a job and work closely with the man who held you hostage and took advantage of you sexually?) Liam confronting Quinn was awesome too, because you could tell he was getting under her skin.  SC/RS were both bringing it.      

On a shallow note - all I could focus on with Steffy was her hair.  Or wig, I'm assuming it was.  TK's hair was worse though.  

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48 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Last couple of episodes have been weirdly good. This is the kind of conflict that's fun to watch (no boring triangles).  I don't mind Liam freaking out about the CEO job because he's seen a lot of the stuff that happens there even under normal FC conditions and then add in all that unresolved cabin kidnapping/rape subtext.  (If the genders were reversed, would you want your guy to accept a job and work closely with the man who held you hostage and took advantage of you sexually?) Liam confronting Quinn was awesome too, because you could tell he was getting under her skin.  SC/RS were both bringing it.      

Especially considering the rapist paid no price for it and in fact was rewarded with a loving husband and FC. Yes it would burn.

I am hoping the ending was Quinn's fantasy which signals a return to Quinsane and immediately makes her interesting again. IMO

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I forgot to mention Jacob Young also had a good moment - I totally bought his hurt at being passed over for the CEO job.  

I'm sure the writers didn't do it on purpose (because that would be awesome storytelling and we can't have that) but Steffy leapfrogging over her dad and uncle (?) mirrors some things I've seen in the real world lately.  I work for a (barely) Fortune 500 company and have noticed some tension as Millennials are getting promotions that the younger Boomers/older Gen-Xers expected to get.  Upper management seems to think the digital natives will bring some magic with them, and maybe they will, but in the meantime it can be tense. 

Edited by tessaray
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3 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

Pull anything on Stephanie, You would have had your ass handed to you in the most formidable and elegant way and it would scare the shit out of you, every time.

Thank you Anna and Nanu!  I didn't think Stephanie would be pleased at all.  The writers have inserted Katie, once again, as the turd in the punch bowl, to break up a couple with chemistry and excellent acting skills to us the crap fest that is Liam/Steffy and Zende/Nicole who can bore Richard Simmons to death. I'm leaving Ridge/Brooke out because their chemistry and acting skill are less subject to reproach.  I feel like Charlie Brown when Lucy keeps pulling the football away every time he goes to kick it. 

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On 12/9/2016 at 2:22 PM, Anna Yolei said:

And had TIIC actually addressed it as such, I'd agree with that. But knowing these writers it will soon be all about him being pissed at Quinn trying to use her with Wyatt. Much like his moral high house about Brill was all about Bill telling him to respect Steffy and Wyatt's marriage.

Damn, guess I spoke too soon with that! So Liam does go to Quinn and he does bring up the cabin thing and how he supposedly changed her. And they do still have great chemistry which makes me more pissed that it was wasted on Captive Cabin instead of a proper ONS/drunk sex story.

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Good job Show


Those were two entertaining episodes.

Ridge has no shame, once again using Brooke in his quest to be CEO. Telling Eric how much he loves him and respects him, with no comprehension of how much Eric mistrusts him. In all his rhetoric, I don't think I heard Ridge apologize once for any of his actions. I don't think I heard him apologize for pulling the entire family into his personal fucking vendetta. Why does Ridge wax on about this being "his time?" He acts as though he has never been CEO before. Has he forgotten how many times he has held the position? How many "his times" does Ridge expect to get? More importantly, how many times is Eric expected to forgive Ridge's betrayals? This isn't the first time Ridge has plotted against his father. Oh, Ridge must be thinking that Brooke forgave me again, so of course my dad will. He always does, and this time I get to dangle my new refucksionship with Brooke in front of him, just like he wanted when I first came back from Paris.

I honestly did feel a bit bad for Rick. He was a very good CEO outside of a few things like shooting loaded weapons and sabotaging lines, but of the two, I truly believe that Rick covets the spot for the right reasons, while Ridge covets it as a way to control and keep it away from Rick. I also think Rick is smarter than Ridge, but you wouldn't have been able to tell it with his performance about Quinn. The family may be right; Quinn may be playing a game, but at this time, I haven't seen anything to lead me to believe that. Quinn is laying low, staying home with Eric, and they are all acting like she is coming into the office making all their lives a living hell. Quinn has remained pleasant and even tempered in the face of their insults, their non-stop criticism, their snooty, elitist behavior, their constant attacks laced with accusations that just have no foundation whatsoever. Don't these dumbasses realize they are the ones coming off as nuts? And if Quinn is playing a game, well maybe that is it? To make them all look wack to Eric so he will turn on them and rely solely on Quinn?

Now Liam OTOH, has every right to hate Quinn, and every right to be suspicious of her. But dude has had ample opportunity to "get rid of her", or "have her put away", or "put her in jail", and has chosen to pass on every chance he was given. Now he wants to tell Steffy about her future because the offer was thought up by Quinn? Liam better start understanding that Quinn is going to be a part of Steffy's life no matter if she sees her at the office or not. That is unless Liam tells Steffy she must cut off relations with Eric until Quinn is out of his life. Own it Liam; it is about control. Your arguments sound stupid and shallow. And you are hella concerned about Wyatt, because you know that Wyatt only champions Steffy. He wants her to succeed, and be the star of the show. And deep, deep, down inside you know that Quinn didn't have a gun to Steffy's head when she walked across that sand to take Wyatt's hand in marriage.

Liam and Wyatt's encounter was hilarious. Liam had the swagger, pout and aggression of a full on Diva Bitch, and Wyatt just looked like John Wayne. His massive one two gut punch about who's wife Steffy was, and them not being divorced yet, should have sent a clear message about who has the upper hand here. Wyatt doesn't have to grant Steffy a divorce, and considering the situation, I think he is being more than fair and forgiving by giving Liam an audience of any type, when he should be knocking his lights out.

Ridge and Liam are going to keep running their mouths about what is right for Steffy, and they are going to push her right where they don't want her to be; firmly in Quinn's camp. And I will be rooting for her. Not because I like her, or because I want her to be BFFs with Quinn, but because they are treating her like she is an idiot and a possession. Ridge rambling on about "you will have your time." WTH? All the FC's CEO's have started out young. You were young when you first held the position. All the chances you have had and managed to screw up, and now your daughter has her chance and you want to piss on it because you and Brooke have constructed a new Bridge, and it is your time now? Go the fuck home Ridge. Go back and roll in rose petals with Brooke and leave your daughter alone. And Liam's tight ass jealousy, and lack of respect and trust, is so clearly apparent, that it emanates off of him like a vaporish cloud. Ridge and Liam's logic and stupid arguments remind me of this:

Katie should not be showing up at Eric's unannounced like that. Quinn is Eric's wife and has expressed her concerns to Katie. As an ex wife, and particularly after what she went through with Bill and Brooke, Katie should be able to understand and respect Quinn's wishes. But nope, Katie just shows up looking all hottie potatie, with a flippin gift for Eric, and some very intimate and personal conversation; all sealed up nicely with a kiss. So I must ask WTF? What is Katie about here? Is she after Eric? Or is there some other angle? Could she be trying to impress Ridge by being the one to oust Quinn? Being a betrayer and game player himself, I have no doubt Ridge would appreciate Katie's angle, and plan to attack from the backside. Katie got a truly pained expression when Eric told her how he no longer trusts Ridge, and her statements about being over Bill and Brooke rang very hollow. Could she ultimately be trying to win Ridge back to stick it to Brooke?

Count me in as one who thinks that was a fantasy sequence.

I absolutely love that off white sweater/blouse that JMW has been wearing. It looks so comfortable, and is really elegant but casual at the same time. It does wonders for her as well.

Edited by RuntheTable
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You know, Brooke, if it was Bill you'd just had a "romantic reunion" with, he wouldn't have hustled his ass directly from post-coital bliss in a rose covered bed to leverage your reunion for business gain.  For him, being with you was about being with you.  Is that how it is for Ridge? 

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On 12/7/2016 at 9:58 PM, grisgris said:

And the funniest of all was when Eric was talking about how he forgave somebody who betrayed him and Ridge thought it was HIM! 

The second funniest thing was Steffy thinking Thorne would be asked to be the new CEO.  Thorne???  Basement dwelling Thorne??? HAHAHAHA LDG has a better chance at being CEO than Thorne!

On 12/8/2016 at 1:16 AM, Cupid Stunt said:

She doesn't do anything significant at FC, and is hardly ever there, except to support Ridge while he plots against Eric and Quinn to take back the CEO title. She does occasionally carry folders, a tablet and attended the last fashion show in anticipation that Ridge's plan would end with Forrester Creations and Quinn's public humiliation. Brooke has no dicernable job at FC; she's not in charge of a department or fashion line.

Well, to be fair, none of them do anything there.  Pam making lemon bars is the most work any of those people do :)

On 12/8/2016 at 8:40 AM, CountryGirl said:

Katie: "But I'm just trying to figure out how I feel about my living situation, and I love my new house. I just don't love living alone, or without adult company." So much for loving her life and living on her own and being a strong, capable, independent woman.

You have no idea how much that pissed me off...and since you have no idea, I'll tell you :)  I have been divorced since 1998 at age 30 and living on my own ever since.  At this point, I don't know if I could even stand having someone else in my house (besides my Bichon-Shih Tzu Lilly!!!).  But I must be either really stupid or really depraved, because according to Katie, I most certainly should NOT be happy with the way things are.

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For that matter, what of those year between teenage Katie and HT!Katie showing up? As she reminds us every day she is on, Katie was the ugly duckling who couldn't keep a man. She had no choice BUT relying on herself, by that logic.

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Recap for Thurs. 12/8:

We open with Ridge, still whining and lying his ass off about how he will own what he did to Eric. When has he ever owned any of his actions?

He tells him they can work through this, that Eric is his dad (whom he treated so shabbily), that he was raised and groomed to take over. That it was ALWAYS his position to take. So much for owning his actions and being remorseful - nope, he's right back to being his entitled, egotistical self.

Liam and Steffy are still arguing about CEO and you can tell Steffy is getting really, really tired of this. 

Liam: "Okay, I'm sorry. I'm not saying you don't deserve it or that you wouldn't be fantastic at it or that your grandfather wouldn't offer you the position under normal circumstances. But it's Quinn we're talking about. Yes, your grandfather said the words, but they're her words."

Steffy: "I get your concerns. They're valid. And I don't trust Quinn any more than you do. But it's like you're acting like my grandfather can't think or speak for himself and I'm just suddenly too gullible to watch my own back. I mean, this is a major opportunity. Running Forrester Creations is huge."

Quinn and Wyatt are still chatting in the kitchen. She thinks that Steffy will accept and that it bodes well for her and Wyatt when she does. I'm inclined to agree.

Liam continues to rail away about Steffy, telling her how sick he is of her and that he's going to put a stop to it RIGHT NOW! Oh, this should be good. He takes off, presumably to hunt Quinn down. 

Ridge: "Put me back in charge. You won't regret it." I beg to differ, Ridge.

Eric: "I want you to understand how much I hate saying this. I don't trust you. You boycotted my wedding. You -- you lied to everybody about the -- about the power of attorney. It's just been one -- one betrayal after another. I've made the offer to Steffy, and I'm committed to that decision." It just doesn't get any clearer than that.

So Ridge tries the same tactic as Liam, arguing it wasn't Eric's decision, but Quinn dragging him kicking and screaming and Eric is having none of it.

Eric: "Wow, this is really hard for you, isn't it? I understand that it's very difficult, very difficult that when you don't get your way, it's hard to accept. You know what's hard for me to accept? How you turned your back on me and Quinn. I expect Steffy can unify us all. She's gonna be able to do it. I offered the job to her, and if she wants it, she can have it." Eviscerate him, Eric. Go scorched earth on him, he deserves it. Just be careful of a grease fire.

Ridge: "You're making a mistake." No, Ridge, a mistake would be him letting the fox in the hen house once again. He's had many chances to be CEO and has effed all of them, most especially this last go-round, royally. I'd say at least 3 strikes and he's out.

Eric: "Mine to make." Ha!

Ridge turns to storm out, almost knocking over Rick, who has arrived to visit with his father.

Eric doesn't waste any time telling Rick the unwelcome news that he's been passed over for CEO in favor of Steffy.

Ridge burns a fast trail over to Steffy's - I'm surprised Quinn and Wyatt don't emerge, given how loud he slammed the front door.

But no, they're still talking in the kitchen, with Quinn reiterating how if Eric wants to be at home, than that's where she wants to be. She smiles as she reminds Wyatt of how genius her CEO offer to Steffy is. Wyatt isn't as willing to get on the reunion bandwagon and is being cautious.

Rick has helped Eric upstairs and into bed. 

And unlike Ridge, Rick's first concern is why Eric would want to step down, given how invigorated he was before at work. So it's clear he wouldn't have minded at all, in fact, he would have welcomed, Eric coming back where Ridge was pissed when Eric came back in the first place.

Rick asks why he not Ridge for CEO and Eric tells him he can't trust him. Rick's look says he understands, but what he doesn't understand (and I can't blame Rick here) is why not him?

Steffy immediately knows Ridge knows what's up.

Ridge: "Not from you." Ass, she just found out a hot minute ago, but that's okay, you've got her defenses up even more than when Liam was whining at her. She just stands there while he gives the same song-and-dance about Brooke and his pimping her out to get CEO. 

She reminds him that she didn't campaign for this and was just as surprised as he was.

He then rubs salt in an already open wound by snarking that it wasn't Eric's offer, but Quinn's. Um, it was just as much, if not more Eric's offer since he's the one who's calling the shots, Rumple.

So we have Ridge storming over to Eric's, then Liam's, and now we have Liam storming over to Eric's. I guess TPTB needed to meet some confrontational entrances quota or something.

Wyatt's in the foyer, all deer in the headlights as Liam starts demanding to see Quinn.

Wyatt: "I am not bringing her down here until you calm down."

Liam then accuses Wyatt of being in on the CEO position and Wyatt (whom I love through their entire exchanges) asks "You're mad about THAT?"

Liam: "That surprises you?"

Wyatt: "Yes, because it's a big opportunity for Steffy! I think you'd be thrilled for her!"

Liam: "Why would I be thrilled about that?" 

Wyatt: "Because it means a lot to Steffy to know that Eric trusts her with such a huge opportunity!"

Liam: "It'd mean a whole lot more if it wasn't coming from your mother." Once again, the offer wouldn't exist if Eric hadn't backed Quinn. Full stop. The douche is strong with him and Ridge today but that's par for the course.

Back at Liam's, Ridge is busy patronizing Steffy and setting the women's movement back about a hundred years. 

Ridge: "You deserve it. And one day when you're ready, I'll be behind you 100%." You mean, when you decide she's ready. I don't believe him for a nanosecond.

Rick reminds Eric of how profitable his run as CEO was and he's right (the shooting blanks in the office notwithstanding). 

You can tell he's hurt here and you can see Eric is touched, even more so when Rick acknowledges how much he hurt him.

They get into it a little bit over Quinn and Quinn, hearing the commotion, rushes upstairs to essentially kick Rick out when she sees Eric in distress.

Eric: "What would I do without you?"

Quinn: "That's not something you ever have to worry about, because I will always be here holding you, protecting you, and loving you more than anything." Even if it means stepping over Katie's dead body but that's tomorrow's show. 

Downstairs, Wyatt tells Liam that he is way overreacting and it really is like a grown man schooling a punk-ass little kid. He's completely calm while Liam is doing his best bug-eyed banty rooster impression.

Liam: "Really? How? Tell me how. Tell me."

Wyatt: "What is so terrible about my mother wanting Steffy for CEO.? It's an amazing opportunity."

Liam: "It's an amazing opportunity for Quinn!"

Wyatt: "How could she gain from this? Like, she doesn't even want to be at Forrester! All she cares about is Eric!" Very true. If Quinn still wanted to run FC, she would be and everyone knows it.

Liam: "Yeah, and her son, who must have whatever he desires in any given moment." Oh screw you, Liam. His middle name should be insta-gratification, considering he gave one woman an engagement ring still warm from another woman's finger. 

Wyatt: "Uh, at some point, that might have been true. Right now it's not."

Liam: "Oh, don't -- don't even start in with the whole 'my mother has changed' crap!"

Wyatt: "She has! I barely even recognize my own mother! Everything she does is about Eric! It's to make Eric happy, okay?! And healing the family, that falls under that category! And she thinks Steffy is the only one who can actually pull that off! So if you think there's an ulterior motive there, then maybe that's it."

Liam: "That's just the benign reason that she's giving you, obviously, and you know this! There's something more sinister going on, more self-serving, more...son-serving! Your -- your mom is operating again, and she's doing it on your behalf. She's trying to play matchmaker between you and Steffy."

Wyatt: "Matchmaker?"

Liam: "Yes!"

Wyatt: "Fine! You're right! My mother wants to see me with Steffy, my wife! The nerve of that, right? We're not even divorced yet, yet she's living with you! A small, little problem us still being married, huh? Don't come in here morality policing my mother when you have zero respect for your brother's marriage!" I want to make out with Wyatt a little bit now because while Wyatt has been guilty of being thirsty a time or two, Liam, who is the good, noble, upstanding, white knight Spencer, is the one going on like the "morality police" when he has zero leg to stand on, much less straddle his double standards. Liam just stands there, his hypocritical mouth hanging open, ready to catch all sorts of flies while Wyatt storms out. (gotta meet that quota!)

Back at Liam's, Ridge is pissing his daughter off. A lot.

Ridge: "Quinn is up to something. Don't play into her hands."

Steffy: "You know, I'm really starting to resent the implication that I am so naive, I'm just gonna let Quinn roll right over me. You know, Liam thinks the exact same thing."

And of course, Ridge thinks Liam is brilliant. 

Steffy: "Okay, forget about what Quinn wants. Think about what we want and how hard we worked for it. I mean, we alienated Granddad. Look, I will be in charge. Quinn won't be a threat to the company anymore, and we won't need Bill's shares to get her out." All very, very reasonable thoughts.

Ridge: "Like it or not, if you accept this offer, you're gonna be Quinn's ally, and that's exactly what she wants so she can go after what she really wants in life, and that's Liam away from you for good." Well, you wouldn't be Quinn's ally, Ridge, if Eric had been dumb enough to offer CEO to you? Hmm??? As for Liam, well, something tells me Steffy wants CEO more than she wants Liam and Wyatt wants what Steffy wants, so there you go.

Having lost the battle of common sense to Wyatt, Liam goes in search of Quinn and finds her in the kitchen.

His banty-rooster schtick is back in full force and as laughable as it was with Wyatt, it's even more comical here with Quinn. You're an amateur, kid, don't try to mess with the big kids.

Quinn, restraining an eye roll, asks what he wants.

Liam: "Uh, I'm here to tell you that it's not gonna work, whatever scheme you're hatching right now. Steffy and I are back together. We're happy. She's moving in, and we're planning a future together, the future you almost stole from me and gave to Wyatt." People who are happy don't feel the need to say they're happy and he can huff and puff, but Quinn's house? Ain't falling down.

Quinn: "I am glad you were able to get that off your chest. Are we done now?" I love it.

Liam: "Steffy is not interested in any offer that comes, jointly or not, from you." Oh, I wish Steffy were here to hear this. She would be hella mad and also would disagree and how very 19th century of him that he speaks for the little woman. He is threatened, pure and simple, and Quinn knows it.

Quinn: "Then why do you feel so threatened? I'll tell you why. Steffy wants to be CEO. and you don't want her to. You want to keep her down so you can fool yourself into believing that you deserve her, stop her from becoming the woman that she was meant to be. See, Wyatt would never do that. Wyatt supports her, and he supports her ambition." Bingo! And that's what has him running scared. This isn't about his history with Quinn, it's about the fact that this move will put her in much closer proximity to Wyatt. Well if you're that damn scared of your relationship teetering, maybe you shouldn't have moved in on a still-married woman. Wyatt may have made overtures to an engaged Hope but never a married woman and this was after much waffling by Liam between her and Steffy. There's a HUGE difference (IMO).

Quinn, needling him because it's so easy, "You know what? It's not over until it's over. They're not divorced. Things could change. And I-I think they will. I think Steffy is going to be CEO., she is going to be the woman that she was always destined to be, and... I believe that Wyatt will be by her side."

Liam: "I'm warning you, Quinn. Stay away from Steffy." Quinn doesn't look the least bit scared but Liam should be.

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Recap for Fri. 12/9:

We open with Quinn asking Liam the obvious: "'Stay away from Steffy'? You realize I'm married to her grandfather and we work at the same company." Don't try to use logic with Liam, Quinn. It's a waste of your time - and our's.

Liam: "At the same company. Yeah, I know. And you'll nod and smile politely in the hallway and you'll say 'happy this or that holiday' or whatever when required. But that's it. I'm not gonna let you manipulate your way back into Steffy's life." Um, I think Steffy's a big girl and I'd say she can handle Quinn a lot better than Liam ever could.

Quinn: "This is a tremendous opportunity for Steffy. You should be so proud of her."

Liam: "I am proud of Steffy. I'm very proud of her. And she absolutely deserves to be CEO but having you attached to the offer is a huge red flag that I see even if she doesn't." Once again, he thinks Steffy is dumb as dirt and how much I wish she could be here to hear how clearly she's not capable of CEO since she's not capable of thinking for herself.

Quinn: "Oh, so that's why you're here puffing up your chest, making all these threats. She's not listening to all your dire warnings, is she? She's planning on taking the job." Love her calling him out on his banty rooster demeanor.

Ridge is still trying to work on Steffy, who is having none of it, telling him her eyes are "wide open."

Ridge: "I just don't know why you want to do anything to do with that woman."

Steffy: "Because like it or not, she's part of the equation. She's married to Granddad, and he -- he trusts her with his life. And he trusts me running this company. I mean, he really -- he really believes in me. I heard his praises, and it -- it helps me believe in myself." Steffy Forrester, the voice or reason. Whodathunkit?

Ridge tells Steffy she should believe in herself (well, thanks for giving her permission to have some self-confidence) but to never, ever, ever forget the offer came from Quinn. For the last time, it wouldn't have stuck if Eric had said "no." Moron.

Quinn, smiling like the cat with the canary, "Steffy's planning on taking the job, isn't she?" I'd say you're 99.99999% right, Quinn.

Liam insists she will...someday...when Quinn is no longer part of the company. Are those Steffy's terms or your's Liam? Dolt.

Quinn insists she wants to be CEO now and she's completely in the right. She realizes that's why Liam is in kitchen, bullying her.

Liam isn't buying her changed act (and again, I have said before that Liam above all others has a right to his feelings, but much of his arguments have lost momentum when he had how many opportunities to lock her up and walked away). 

Steffy is convinced that they can still get Quinn out of their lives and they can start by removing her from the CEO chair. But she doesn't back down from wanting her own behind in it.

Quinn tells Liam she wants to unify the family and making Steffy CEO will go a long way toward accomplishing that. 

Liam grouses about a plan to reunite her and Wyatt. Honey, you too were bound to implode - all on your own -  you've only broken up about a dozen times and that was long before Quinn or Wyatt were on the scene.

Quinn, having enough of this, asks what has she done since her time with Eric to make him question her, to name just one thing and...he can't do it.

She finally tells him to go and he agrees but not before insisting that she will hurt Eric in the end. Quinn insists otherwise.

Back at Liam's, Ridge is still trying to plead his case and continuing to show Steffy exactly how little faith he has in her. She thinks maybe, just maybe Quinn has changed because of Eric's belief that she has.

Of course, Ridge doesn't believe that to be possible, which is Liam's cue to storm in and tell her, once again, she can't take the job.

Steffy tries to reason with these nitwits that she can and will keep Quinn in check.

Liam insists that Quinn is dangerous and he wants Steffy to stay away from her and dun, dun, dun...

We cut back to the Forrester mansion and Get a Life Already! Katie just had to come up Eric's loonnggg driveway to give him a gift. And this is some kind of bullshit right there. Katie for just showing up when she knows Quinn isn't comfortable with it and Eric for entertaining it.

Count me (no shocker) among those who say, if she's not a friend of the marriage (which Katie clearly isn't), then she has no business cozying up to Eric and I would not be happy with some woman who kept hanging around my house and husband. 

Katie pretends she's all fine about Brooke reuniting with Ridge (liar!) and that would Brooke and Bill did didn't matter one whit to her (liar!). 

Katie: "Well, a lot has happened over the last couple of months, but I'm still standing, and I'm stronger than ever, and I'm really excited about the future, you know, what comes next. And I have to thank you because you have been instrumental in getting me to this point." Again, I don't believe a word of it. And what's this about Eric helping her on her journey to self-confidence? Um, that's a SOLO journey, baby cakes, and even if he wasn't, he made a phone call to a school and a realtor so this is seriously ridiculous. 

And in addition to the engraved drawing utensils, she also gives him a kiss - just shy of his lips - that lingers far too long to be anywhere even close to appropriate...and on the cheek for good measure.

With Quinn watching all of it...

And then we cut to what I have to think is some 180 fantasy crap.

I'll cut to the chase...

It was Mrs. Forrester, in the foyer, with the candlestick.


Although I have to admit, I laughed and laughed at Lemonheads being put in her place, quite literally. We should be so lucky as to get rid of her.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Slight spoiler from the trailer from tomorrow's episode:

Rick calls Ridge out for not being more happy for his daughter. It's been a long time since I've had a dog in that 100 year war between the both of them, but I'm glad someone said it. I'd be more glad of Steffy shallows her pride and turns to Brooke for advice instead of Dad, which would make for a far better reason for the Bridge to collapse than a revised paternity.

Also, from the lack of hospital scenes, I can surmise that Katie was just fine....at least for now.

Damn. :(

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And we start with Rick wining to mommy. Boo hoo.  Now, Brooke, the lioness, will have a stern talk with Eric and fight his battles, for him, like the little bitch he is.  Why was Nicole even on today?  Was it just so we can hear Rick doing even more moaning.  Instead of Liam's mantra, we were robbed we also had to listen to Rick's mantra of I was  robbed?  

Quinn Quinn Quinn by saying her name three times, Rick, Ridge, Liam and the rest of the ingrates,  think they have  conjured up Bloody Mary.

At first I thought it was a kiss on the lips but on review, it was on the cheek close to Eric's mouth. Still it lingering a bit too long to be appropriate. For that matter there were actually two kisses on the cheek. The second one was a lot more appropriate.  I don't for one second think that Katie gives a rats ass about Quinn's feelings. After all Katie has a great tutor for steeling men.  Quinn is trying but Katie might have to take up flying lessons when Quinn gives her a shove so she can have an aerial view of the Forrester Estate.  

Can someone please tell me why Quinn wanting Wyatt back with Steffy is even in the mix for not taking the CEO position?  Bottom line is that Steffy wants Liam not Wyatt but they can't see the Forrester for the trees. 

Edited by Waldo13
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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Can someone please tell me why Quinn wanting Wyatt back with Steffy is even in the mix for not taking the CEO position?  Bottom line is that Steffy wants Liam not Wyatt but they can't see the Forrester for the trees. 

Exactly.  If Liam and Steffy were confident in their love and commitment, it wouldn't matter if Quinn wants Steffy back with Wyatt, and it certainly shouldn't be a factor in Steffy's CEO decision.  Sleeping with Quinn's son isn't a requirement of the job.  I guess Liam just assumes that Steffy is a waffle like him?  

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I think it's Quinn more than Wyatt at this point,* but yeah. She was ready to go postal on Ivy last year for the same crap, but somehow gives Steffy a pass?.

*Notice how Wyatt has all the legal justification to run after Steffy and fight for her and tell her everything Bill said to Brooke about Original Recipe Waffles, but he chooses to keep that to himself and let her live in peace because she's happy? No whining and hoping for Liam to screw up to make himself look better in comparison. His thirst aside, Wyatt comes off as the more confident of the two by far. Hopefully, it won't take another girl to split up Dumb and Dumber this time.

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:


Steffy: "I get your concerns. They're valid. And I don't trust Quinn any more than you do. But it's like you're acting like my grandfather can't think or speak for himself 


Too funny. She said this with a straight face.     

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So Katie is seeing the old nutty Quinn returning and crapping in her pants. LOL!!! I thought Rena Sofer & Heather Tom did a great job with their dance. I am curious how long Quinn can hide her crazy from Eric. Will Katie distance herself from Eric? Will Eric keep popping up at Katie's not realizing what jeopardy it's putting Katie in? B&B is fast & easy 25 minutes. All soaps should be a half hour.

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Holy lack of diplomatic due diligence! Quinn truly is BSC again if she thinks that antagonizing and alienating Katie is going to sit quiet.  Katie may be complacent and stay away from visiting Eric, but that surely isn't going to stop her from passively-aggressively whining about "big bad Quinn" to anybody and everybody.  I can see it starting "innocently" if/when Liam asks her what it's like being neighbors with Eric and Quinn. Next, Brooke* will drop it into a conversation with Eric -- has he seen Katie lately? "Why, no? Come to think of it, Katie's been pretty scarce lately. " Hmmmm .... then they'll both agree that Katie's just busy settling in OR has a NEW MAN!!!!  /eyeroll.  Saving the *best* for last,  she'll fully unleash on Rumple, which will be like overturning a fully loaded fuel tanker into a bonfire.

*Speaking of ... why is Brooke allowed to drop by uninvited and unannounced? Or do you think that tomorrow, Quinn will return home from Katie's in time to find Brooke leaving and giving Eric a friendly goodbye hug and all hell will break loose?

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24 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Holy lack of diplomatic due diligence! Quinn truly is BSC again if she thinks that antagonizing and alienating Katie is going to sit quiet.  Katie may be complacent and stay away from visiting Eric, but that surely isn't going to stop her from passively-aggressively whining about "big bad Quinn" to anybody and everybody.  I can see it starting "innocently" if/when Liam asks her what it's like being neighbors with Eric and Quinn. Next, Brooke* will drop it into a conversation with Eric -- has he seen Katie lately? "Why, no? Come to think of it, Katie's been pretty scarce lately. " Hmmmm .... then they'll both agree that Katie's just busy settling in OR has a NEW MAN!!!!  /eyeroll.  Saving the *best* for last,  she'll fully unleash on Rumple, which will be like overturning a fully loaded fuel tanker into a bonfire.

*Speaking of ... why is Brooke allowed to drop by uninvited and unannounced? Or do you think that tomorrow, Quinn will return home from Katie's in time to find Brooke leaving and giving Eric a friendly goodbye hug and all hell will break loose?

It is like two different storylines with Eric/Brooke/Katie. Quinn is never around for the Eric & Brooke hug & love fest but there is a whole other crazy Single White Female/Basic Instinct/Fatal Attraction storyline with Eric & Katie. It's like two different worlds unless they eventually collide. 

Wait! Wasn't "like two different worlds" the theme for Another World back in the day? It sounds familiar. Maybe, I'm just tired. LOL!!!

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52 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Saving the *best* for last,  she'll fully unleash on Rumple, which will be like overturning a fully loaded fuel tanker into a bonfire.

Katie would just jump right to this option first, because that's the kind of classy broad she is.

Poor Hunter Tylo. No wonder Taylor was written out the show. Katie has the saint game to an art.

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*Speaking of ... why is Brooke allowed to drop by uninvited and unannounced? Or do you think that tomorrow, Quinn will return home from Katie's in time to find Brooke leaving and giving Eric a friendly goodbye hug and all hell will break loose?

It's Eric's house not Quinn's, he and Brooke got two babies and two grandkids together to Queric's zero (Yeah, they grown and got their own babies but that is a deep bond) and Brooke has a 20+ year history with Eric both personally and professionally while Quinn is barely closing in on 8 months curling Eric's toes and 4 months in that house. She's had one successful fashion show vs Brooke's Bedroom and BeLief shoring up FC for decades. 

Quinn can play the 'it makes me uncomfortable card' regarding Katie but then Eric can play the 'You don't trust me?' card as well. Eric so far has been conceding everything to Quinn so what reason does she have not to trust he'll keep his hands to himself? No matter what Katie does, it's up to Eric to honor his vows and not Katie's responsibility that he remain faithful. Quinn asking Katie to back off and seeing her as a threat is about Quinn's insecurities, not anything that Eric or even Katie has done to arouse suspicion of an affair or Katie gunning to become the next Eric Forrester unlike Brill where she confessed her love to Bill and Bill was ready to dump Katie twice for Brooke (although oh the irony that Katie is the Brooke to Quinn's mentally unstable Katie in this situation!) 

And as for Brooke, Quinn needs to watch herself in trying to wedge herself between Eric and Brooke. Quinn can take Katie, but I don't see her taking on Brooke and escaping unscathed. If Brooke can stand toe to toe with Stephanie and survive Sheila, she can take Quinn. If all else fails Brooke can duck behind someone for cover against whatever sword/vase Quinn throws at her like when Taylor took the bullet for her with Sheila. I nominate Maya or Steffy.

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