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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Whitley Trillbert, I think we were soulmates in another life! Every time I see Mama Avant, I can't help thinking about how much I loved "Amen"! Then I realize that Nicole wasn't even alive when it was airing (character and actor, I would assume), and I feel old and irrelevant, and wish I was "FUN" like Steffy.

Lmao come have a seat on the soulmates bus there is plenty of room 

  • Love 4

Maya's father's switch around to accept Maya happened in a span of minutes between the lunch at the restaurant to going to the house. Happened way too fast. It makes me not trust it because he's out of a job, Nicole said she doesn't know how they're affording to stay in LA and then he saw the rich mansion she was living in.

  • Love 6

Terrific. Instead of offering a different, rational perspective on Maya's transgender status, i.e., a parent who cannot reconcile having a son for twenty years who is now a daughter, we get a simple golddigging story. Obba Babatunde was killing it in the coffee shop scene with his confusion and grief at the loss of the child he knew. If they had continued with that, it would have been a really great story. Now, it's just anyone who disagrees with Maya is "bad". Should have known better than to expect nuance from this show.

I know, right?

Look, I'm glad we've moved beyond the bad old days of Bianca, Otalia, Nuke and the way those stories were told (or written around when fan protesting wouldn't allow a firing for "story direction"), but this shit is getting to be Saint Gay of Lima Kurt Hummel levels of untouchable. It's normal to need an adjustment to a revelation like this. Even many parents that are liberal minded and accept LGTB communities need at least a weekend to process. That doesn't make them bigots.

OTOH, gold digging parents would explain quite a bit about her entitlement complex about deserving the Forrester lifestyle.

  • Love 4

OTOH, gold digging parents would explain quite a bit about her entitlement complex about deserving the Forrester lifestyle.


I came in to that story late but I thought one reason Maya broke up with Rick (Raya 1.0) because she didn't want to be perceived as a gold digger? But then after giving him up and trying to move on, she reconsidered because she still loved Rick and was now regretful about not being honest that being in with the Forresters was kind of nice and yes, the finer things in life + the guy you loved wasn't a bad thing? IMO, it didn't justify skulking in hallways looking for ways to torpedo Rick and Caroline but I never thought Maya was primarily a gold digger... 


Of course that was before the trans thing came in to the equation, so now we retcon that fear of being outed or of having to disclose was also part of breaking it off with Rick the first time around.

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 6
Of course that was before the trans thing came in to the equation, so now we retcon that fear of being outed or of having to disclose was also part of breaking it off with Rick the first time around.



There's another kind of glaring thing that makes it clear that Maya wasn't always supposed to be transgender.  When Caroline and Bill started digging around in her past back then, she should have been worried they'd find this, not just dig up the guy she went to prison for. 


Of course, even after the decision had been made, she didn't seem to have any fear that pissing people off, people with deep pockets and resources, was going to end up with someone getting pissed enough to dig into her background and find out all her secrets. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 7

Being in the public eye as lead model of Forrester, you would think that some of the less high minded members of the trans community would have targeted her for blackmail at the least.  That might have actually been a more fun way to find out Maya was trans, rather than being blackmailed by the little sister.


I think we should have at least gotten a murder mystery out of it, complete with public outing on the witness stand.  :-)




(first part - the second part is the high point)



** Not that being trans is in any way to be compared to being a hooker. 

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 3

I came in to that story late but I thought one reason Maya broke up with Rick (Raya 1.0) because she didn't want to be perceived as a gold digger? But then after giving him up and trying to move on, she reconsidered because she still loved Rick and was now regretful about not being honest that being in with the Forresters was kind of nice and yes, the finer things in life + the guy you loved wasn't a bad thing? IMO, it didn't justify skulking in hallways looking for ways to torpedo Rick and Caroline but I never thought Maya was primarily a gold digger...

Of course that was before the trans thing came in to the equation, so now we retcon that fear of being outed or of having to disclose was also part of breaking it off with Rick the first time around.

Like Caroline,Maya's golddigging entitlement complex was a retconn,thrown in months after the last time she and Rick had been in the same room as one another and just as out the blue as her trans reveal.

Whatever. I guess we can dub Maya the second coming of Saint Taylor now. :/

  • Love 4

Or would that be Aly's new room. (Assuming Nicole is still in Aly's original bedroom.)

Nope.  Aly didn't get a new room.  She was sent to share a bedroom with Ivy.  So Nicole is in Aly's original bedroom, the Avants are in Ivy's original room, and Ivy and Aly......?????  Do they move down onto those two couches in the walk-in living room or do they have to use sleeping bags in Grandad's guest cottage?

  • Love 1

That mansion should be frigging huge! All Eric's kids with Steph had their own room, plus the guest room (s?). I realize budget cuts have necessitated the removal of the upstairs hallway, but why say that Ally and Ivy share a room? I won't bother asking why two girls with boyfriends and loads of their own money would be living in their granddad's place when their bully uncle is having them wait hand and foot.

  • Love 2

Thanks, Tessaray, one of my favorite moments on my favorite soap ever.

As for today's scenes, I could make no sense of what Maya's father was saying, one minute he seemed sincere in saying he would try to understand things from her point if view, another he was feeling sorry for himself, and another he still seemed to have no empathy at all...so there I guess we're supposed to think he's still confused and processing.

Edited by tantrumette
  • Love 4

Anna Maria Horsford was playing all her scenes perfectly. There wasn't a hint of sincerity in the final scene (on Julius side). However, I thought the discussion Maya and Julius had prior to the end was grounded and realistic. (OK, let's be real, there'd be a lot of screaming and shouting. :)) B&B is following through and producing compelling human/family drama. Also, even though she has repeated it three or four times during the past two weeks, I like that they had Nicole own up to her treatment of Maya and WHY she behaved that way. 

  • Love 4

Thanks, Tessaray, one of my favorite moments on my favorite soap ever.

As for today's scenes, I could make no sense of what Maya's father was saying, one minute he seemed sincere in saying he would try to understand things from her point if view, another he was feeling sorry for himself, and another he still seemed to have no empathy at all...so there I guess we're supposed to think he's still confused and processing.

That may be the show's intent, but all I could see was Papa Avant flipping it to "Fish don't fry in the kitchen, beans don't burn on the grill..." Not that he couldn't change his POV, but like others said, dayam, that was quick!

  • Love 2

That mansion should be frigging huge! All Eric's kids with Steph had their own room, plus the guest room (s?). I realize budget cuts have necessitated the removal of the upstairs hallway, but why say that Ally and Ivy share a room? I won't bother asking why two girls with boyfriends and loads of their own money would be living in their granddad's place when their bully uncle is having them wait hand and foot.


Maybe we could get a throwaway line that the repairs/renovations/asbestos removal were finally done in the mansion?  Because of course, they were done when the guest house was being done... 


Or maybe Eric's house is really a malfunctioning Tardis and he's a long lost renegade Timelord?  I'd watch that. 

  • Love 2

I like the idea of Maya's transgenderness being only one facet of an otherwise soapy story about a soap vixen with dysfunctional, possibly golddigging parents. It's much more engaging (and, imo, productive in terms of changing perceptions) to tell a story about people rather than a story about issues.

Edited by Greta
  • Love 7

I get that on TV, children often don't look like their parents. When Nicole first appeared, I thought that Bradley didn't even try to remotely cast someone who looked like she could be Maya's sister. She has light eyes, lighter skin, different eye shape, etc. And brown hair, although that could be explained as being dyed. I handwaved it and thought maybe she favours one of their parents instead.

Having now seen the parents.... I'm thinking perhaps she was adopted, because she doesn't even remotely look like she could be either of their kids.

  • Love 2

I get that on TV, children often don't look like their parents. When Nicole first appeared, I thought that Bradley didn't even try to remotely cast someone who looked like she could be Maya's sister. She has light eyes, lighter skin, different eye shape, etc. And brown hair, although that could be explained as being dyed. I handwaved it and thought maybe she favours one of their parents instead.

Having now seen the parents.... I'm thinking perhaps she was adopted, because she doesn't even remotely look like she could be either of their kids.

You should've seen Jessica's daughter on ATWT (I forgot her name)--Jessica was a lighter complexion black woman who had a baby with an Irish guy and the SORASed daughter was cast with an actress with lovely ebony looks but in no way could pass for having any Caucasian blood.

Adopted...after she was given up for adoption by Myron's erstwhile babymama...Amber! Nicole also has a fivehead, so obviously the groundwork has been laid.

What if Nicole was the baby she switched with her cousin's?! Like that Unabortion story on AMC? Hey, if Taylor can rise from the dead twice....
  • Love 3

I get that on TV, children often don't look like their parents. When Nicole first appeared, I thought that Bradley didn't even try to remotely cast someone who looked like she could be Maya's sister. She has light eyes, lighter skin, different eye shape, etc. And brown hair, although that could be explained as being dyed. I handwaved it and thought maybe she favours one of their parents instead.

Having now seen the parents.... I'm thinking perhaps she was adopted, because she doesn't even remotely look like she could be either of their kids.

Genetics are interesting. I think of Victoria Rowell's daughter (who is not adopted), Maya. Her father is Caucasian. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She does not look even remotely African-American. I remember reading stories in Soap Opera Weekly (remember that?!) from when Maya was a child and how people refused to believe that Maya was VR's biological child.

  • Love 2

After finding Friday's show as dull as dishwater and ending on a confusing, and possibly annoying note, I was so pleased to find yesterday very entertaining. A show of nothing but dialog and viewpoints, but so critical in building Maya's background and personality. Being an open minded, forward thinking person, I have never understood those who judge, or try to control, and make people feel bad for what they need to be fulfilled and happy. But listening to Papa A went a long way to making me understand some things. Small town life and mentalities can be hard, not to mention harsh, so I tried to imagine how that must have been for him to deal with the judgement and looks and comments. Of course you can live your life with the "I don't care what they think" attitude, but that doesn't take away the hurt and pain. Obba Babatunde did some good work yesterday. I found him totally convincing as an old fashioned man, struggling with new concepts that have given him a daughter. I liked that he pointed out how it was for him, trying to understand, and grapple with the concept that his son wanted to be a woman, and how hard it was to loose a son. I think it is important to hear all sides of the story; even though it is about Maya, it doesn't stop there, and I like that Papa A pointed out that Maya wasn't the only one who was/has been hurt and confused. I also found it believable that he wants to try to have a relationship with Maya. It didn't come off as trite, or whitewashed, it came off as a father who loves and has missed his child. Again, I owe all that to Obba Babatunde. When Maya said "Oh Daddy"? I was completely undone, because that wasn't Maya the bully, or Maya the gold digger, that was just a girl wanting her father's love and acceptance; something I think we all want and can relate too. So, once again, my best friend this morning was the box of Kleenex. 


My goodness, but I am so impressed with Rome Flynn; this young man can bring the layers and nuances to his words and mannerisms. And I absolutely love how they are writing this character! So darn sweet, but has that little sharp edge that he brings out sometimes. I think it is great that we are hearing Kristen and Tony's name; I loved it when Rick was talking about them in such a positive way. And Reign Edwards simply lights up around him. I am a firm believer that a good actor can raise the game of a mediocre one, and that is what I see happening here. There is a real positive energy between the two of them; I hope the show recognizes this, and doesn't miss out on a good opportunity. 


Rick's lines were so funny; when Nicole was talking about her parents coming to drag her home "Oh, that would be perfectly fine. Big family scenes are our specialty". When Nicole was talking about her parents dreams and nightmares, and how her dad felt like everyone was against them "I am too familiar with that state of mind to criticize them". When Nicole was talking about how she had treated Maya, but that Maya's influence had made her a better person "Wow, you know, I had thought about bugging this place". I really enjoyed Rick's turn in the dark side, but I am enjoying happy Rick too. 


To end on a shallow note: loved Rick's hair slicked back that way. He looks mature, and like he belongs in an office and not a classroom.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 9

True. I have a co-worker like that. She is Asian, her husband is white. The kids look 98% white. When she goes out with her kids and without her husband, more than a few people have assumed that she is the nanny. This upsets her so much to the point that she went to therapy. But in her case and Victoria Rowell's case, the kids at least look like one of their parents. No different than any other couple where one kid is a mini-me of one of the parents and doesn't resemble the other one at all.

In Nicole's case, she doesn't look like either parent or her sister. I suppose there could be some recessive genes in both parents that somehow combined to explain how she looks so different, but still. I think Dayzee looks more like an Avant than Nicole. Maybe they can bring her back. Dayzee is actually the sister and was switched at birth with Nicole, who.... wait for it... is actually a Forrester.

  • Love 2

Anyone else think we here at PreviouslyTV got a $Bill shoutout today?? First of all, he called Liam "wishy-washy", which I know several of us have called him (although, I was on the edge-of-my-seat waiting for $Bill to call Waffles "Waffles"). Then, he said that Ivy (paraphrasing) "looks like Elizabeth Taylor", which we've all commented on. I'll take that as a shout-out from the snarkiest snarker on B&B!

  • Love 17

Anyone else think we here at PreviouslyTV got a $Bill shoutout today?? First of all, he called Liam "wishy-washy", which I know several of us have called him (although, I was on the edge-of-my-seat waiting for $Bill to call Waffles "Waffles"). Then, he said that Ivy (paraphrasing) "looks like Elizabeth Taylor", which we've all commented on. I'll take that as a shout-out from the snarkiest snarker on B&B!


I was wondering if someone from here stormed the offices and wrote those Bill/Liam/Katie scenes today.  It had to be a shoutout.  I loved it. 

  • Love 7

Anyone else think we here at PreviouslyTV got a $Bill shoutout today?? First of all, he called Liam "wishy-washy", which I know several of us have called him (although, I was on the edge-of-my-seat waiting for $Bill to call Waffles "Waffles"). Then, he said that Ivy (paraphrasing) "looks like Elizabeth Taylor", which we've all commented on. I'll take that as a shout-out from the snarkiest snarker on B&B!

If he calls Wyatt Chickenhead my life will be complete.

  • Love 12

Here's what's confusing me today. Floating Head Darla appeared to Aly today as a talking magazine clipping. Okay. But it looked like she was wearing a mens suit and tie, as though she was transgendered or at least a transvestite. But in her message to Aly to do something about Steffy and Maya, isn't part of her problem, (okay, Aly's problem), with Maya the fact that she's transgendered? Why then was Darla dressed as a man?

  • Love 2

Liam, as Vice President, should have been at the meeting today instead of having shade thrown in his direction by Bill and Katie. For that fact, Quinn and Brooke should have been at the meeting because it was strategizing for California Freedom. I guess Aly now out trumps Quinn for the poster person for manic behavior.

For me, the jury is still out on Maya's father. I completely understand his point of view but is he looking to capitalize on Maya's success. Even then I wouldn't ble him because a child should help their parents if they can. The only way I would hold him in contempt, if he accepts Maya's generosity and say terrible things behind her back.

I almost forgot, the look Liam has, on his face, when Katie talks about Wyatt and Ivy is priceless.

Once again he looks like he pissed his pants.

  • Love 4

I feel like a spectator in the stands at Wimbledon when it comes to Julius. This is his third episode, and he's made about as many conflicting statements as Liam has in the past three years. I'm completely confused about how he feels and what his motives are. Maybe he is, too, and that's the point?

Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 3

Thanks, Tessaray, one of my favorite moments on my favorite soap ever.

As for today's scenes, I could make no sense of what Maya's father was saying, one minute he seemed sincere in saying he would try to understand things from her point if view, another he was feeling sorry for himself, and another he still seemed to have no empathy at all...so there I guess we're supposed to think he's still confused and processing.


Mr.Avant: "This is how I get repaid?"


After today's episode I think Mr. Avant has processed plenty and it adds up to reparations for the perceived social stigma of having a transgender child, resentment for losing his job for not wanting to be identified as Maya Avant's father, and the loss of his son/namesake/bloodline.

  • Love 5
In Nicole's case, she doesn't look like either parent or her sister.

Similarly, I don't think Wyatt looks like either parent or his brother. In fact, I'm still betting it'll eventually come out that he's not really Bill's kid.


If he calls Wyatt Chickenhead my life will be complete.

That word has an unsavory meaning in the hip hop/rap music realm. If the writers did a simple Google search before trying to insert it into a script they'd back away with a quickness. I doubt it'll ever be heard except perhaps in a clear and direct reference to actual chickens.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 4

Bill should have taken his shot to fuck Steffy when he had it, because he is transparent as Saran Wrap when he talks to Liam about choosing Steffy. Good Lord, I wouldn't be surprised if Bill didn't ask for a ticket, or front row seating, to watch the first time Liam takes Steffy to bed. As a wife, I can't imagine listening to my spouse go on and on about the virtues and allure of a girl half his age, and Katie knows that Bill only wants Liam to choose Steffy because he can then engage in sexual intercourse with her through his son. I can imagine the morning after; Liam all smiles, as he and Bill share a cup of morning coffee, Bill pumping (yes, pun intended) him for details as his eyes light up, and his pants grow tighter, and he sighs with pleasure with closed eyes and raised head (yes, pun intended again). Thank you Katie, for smacking Bill back to reality with his Steffy love, and thank you again, for reminding Liam that Ivy doesn't have to wait around for him. Liam looked so confused with this concept. You know what would be great? If Ivy and Steffy both decided they can't be bothered. Being a Waffle is a lonely business when both of your condiments: Ivy (syrup) and Steffy (butter), have turned their backs on you. Might force a lonely, dry Waffle to make some dietary changes and dress himself in some fresh fruit and honey instead. 


I will remain in the middle of the road until Papa A picks a lane (thanks Wyatt!). Talk about wishy washy! He and Liam should get together and compare crib notes on the finer art of being indecisive. It was good to see Nicole have her sister's back that way, and to go to bat for her. Even so, I can get with most of what Julius had to say, the only part that bugged was that stuff about friends turning their backs on the Avants; real friends wouldn't do that, so maybe they should get some new friends. 


I loved that laid back FC's meeting. 


I find a smiling "off kilter" person far more menacing than a glowering one, and Ally was all smiles and agreement with the rest of the FC's clan. And superimposing Darla's head on Rick's body was genius, not to mention hilarious. So, we have an angry Floaty Darla Head, replete with Steffy's dark hair, Rick's suit, and an agenda. What on earth is Ally gonna do, and will it happen at the upcoming show? 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 11
Bill should have taken his shot to fuck Steffy when he had it, because he is transparent as Saran Wrap when he talks to Liam about choosing Steffy. Good Lord, I wouldn't be surprised if Bill didn't ask for a ticket, or front row seating, to watch the first time Liam takes Steffy to bed.



"I'll warm her up for you son.  Or do you need some guidance to help get in there? I'll direct you. At least strap this GoPro on before you start." 


Wyatt stated at the 4th of July party that the four of them would be dating each other. No one contradicted him so apparently it's an understanding they all have.



Well, going by that, at least we have the Liam/Wyatt dates to look forward to. 

  • Love 3
I didn't realize that that was Rick's body, considering the suit and tie were purple and he usually wears pink.



I just made that assumption. They show that "collage" so quickly it is hard to make out the faces with all the....er......um.......red markings on them. But the only male I have seen in them is Rick, so I just assumed that was him. I am going to watch again now and freeze frame that scene. Inquiring minds gotta know!

  • Love 2

I just made that assumption. They show that "collage" so quickly it is hard to make out the faces with all the....er......um.......red markings on them. But the only male I have seen in them is Rick, so I just assumed that was him. I am going to watch again now and freeze frame that scene. Inquiring minds gotta know!

Please report back with your findings.

Oh yeah....we Preverts totally got a shout out from $Bill/B&B.  Any writer on anything who says they don't read here are lying liars who lie.  I'm looking at you Ron Carlivati.  Chuck Pratt is another.  I watch GH, B&B and Y&R (I know...I need a life).  If those yahoos would take our advice those soaps would be sooooo much better.  I think B&B is the pick of the litter.  RC tanked OLTL and Pratt AMC (I think I got that right.  I'm still so pissed my mind is fuzzy).  Hell my 10yr old niece could write better stuff.


I run scenarios thru my head while watching and I would love to see a Zende/Ivy hook-up.  Talk about bringing the pretty!


I thought that was Steffy in Aly's mind in the collage.  Heads are going to roll and I hope hers is the first.

  • Love 4

Even so, I can get with most of what Julius had to say, the only part that bugged was that stuff about friends turning their backs on the Avants; real friends wouldn't do that, so maybe they should get some new friends. 

If they live in a small rural town, reputation is everything and they're likely just as ignorant as the Avants were. It doesn't excuse them, but this is sadly common in these circumstances.

That reminds me of a letter I saw reposted on FB of a woman writing Dear Abby about her son being gay and thinking he was only "being gay" to act out because she skipped his birthday for work and she feared being laughed at in her church. Abby told her in so many words to take several seats and grow a pair (figuratively).


From the CBS website:

PROGRAMMING ALERT: Today's full episode of The Bold and the Beautiful will air tomorrow, Thursday, July 16 due to today's preemption for CBS News coverage of the Presidential News Conference.

I like that better than when they air the episode overnight at 1:36 AM or some other convoluted time like that. Today's episode wasn't even available on the site. One more day we have to wait to see what Aly does.

Edited by SweePea59
  • Love 1

I was so confused by today's episode, somehow Maya made Iran stop pursuing nuclear weapons? 


I think she got an assist from Steffy.  She went over there with her parachute army men and cha cha cha.  When faced with the inspiration of Maya and Steffy's FUN!!!!, they were ready to agree to anything the ladies requested. 

  • Love 6

It would be interesting to write Julius in a way that we don't know whether he is genuinely struggling to accept Maya or whether he's looking to use her as a cash cow.  It reminded me a little of early B&B with Brooke Logan entering the Forrester Mansion for the first time and zeroing in on Ridge.  It was written in such a way where you weren't quite sure whether Brooke was looking at Ridge for just his looks or as part of the total package of all the trappings of wealth.  It would make Julian a much more interesting character if he started out with some complexity.

As for Zende and his dutiful son declaration-- I can see what B&B is trying to do.  It seems as though the writing is setting up some future possibility of a difference of opinion between Zende and Kristen and Tony in some way?  Perhaps he goes against their wishes somewhere down the road?  The writing, direction and acting were all awkward in delivery.  Instead of making it an issue of gratitude, why not have Zende express his deep love for his parents and the need for him to honor them in his actions and words?  Even mention Zende's upbringing in South Africa and how strong the traditions of honoring your parents and your elders runs in the culture?

When you look at old clips of kid Zende, he was a very polite, accommodating child-- it's not inconceivable that he'd carry that into adulthood but at some point the character would and should rebel, even if it is a difference of opinion on some future issue.


I doubt that B&B would put this scene in there if they didn't plan to explore it later on down the road.

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
  • Love 6

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