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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Brad, the boy genius, should have done this story two years ago when RM left.  Ridge and Brooke are off on their honeymoon and the Forrester yacht blows up, has mechanical problems, hits an iceberg or whatever and Ridge is lost at sea.  Brooke returns home and the whole family is further devastated when Stephanie dies. 


Fast forward and somehow Ridge is found but has amnesia or is brain damaged ala "Jason, the High Holy Hitman" on GH.  (Some nice fisherman, who was fond of poetry, found him).  He wants nothing to do with the Forresters cause he doesn't know any of them and finds he doesn't particularly like any of them.  He could have bonded with Katie because she wasn't pressuring him to remember anything and because Brill had still happend.  Then when Brill were going to run off and get married, Ridge followed them because "reasons!" and then fell into the gulf and now remembers everything.


As it is, I have no idea where Brad is going with any of this story nor do I care...

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Seriously??  That was it?  He had "not really amnesia, but why the hell is Brooke's little sister getting all hands-y with me??" memory problems for like 15 minutes until Katie recited some damn poetry?  So what was the point?


I'm thinking to prove what an awesome love for the ages Ridge and Katie have.  In the past, it would have been Brooke to say something and bring all his memories back.  But now it's Katie.  We've moved on.  I just wish the two of them would move away, then all would be perfect.

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Brad, the boy genius, should have done this story two years ago when RM left.  Ridge and Brooke are off on their honeymoon and the Forrester yacht blows up, has mechanical problems, hits an iceberg or whatever and Ridge is lost at sea.  Brooke returns home and the whole family is further devastated when Stephanie dies. 


Fast forward and somehow Ridge is found but has amnesia or is brain damaged ala "Jason, the High Holy Hitman" on GH.  (Some nice fisherman, who was fond of poetry, found him).  He wants nothing to do with the Forresters cause he doesn't know any of them and finds he doesn't particularly like any of them.  He could have bonded with Katie because she wasn't pressuring him to remember anything and because Brill had still happend.  Then when Brill were going to run off and get married, Ridge followed them because "reasons!" and then fell into the gulf and now remembers everything.


As it is, I have no idea where Brad is going with any of this story nor do I care...


LuLu123, do you have any room on that simply don't care train?  My interest in B&B just plummeted.  Ridge being feted as if he did 5 tours of duty in Afghanistan, and the distinct feeling that Brill will take a backseat to Kringe's grand romance does not make me a happy camper.


I really like the scenario you laid out.  It's certainly a lot better than having Ridge dump Brooke over a text message to Deacon--Hope's father.  Although Ridge has always had a "Get Out of Marriage Free" card to play just in case, even this was just too stupid to fathom.  Your scenario would also go a long way toward explaining why a guy who was still connected to his mother's umbilical cord did not show up while she was transitioning or for her memorial.  Nu-Ridge's back story has more holes than Swiss cheese and I honestly didn't think anything could top Taylor's nonsensical return from the dead for a second time.  


I just have a quick question:  Where is RJ?  You know, the kid for whom Ridge engaged in all of his stalkerish foolishness?  Is he off at soccer or tennis camp for preteen boys?  Did anyone get a chance to tell him that his daddy was missing for all of 2-3 days?  Or, does it really matter since daddy has a history of flitting in and out of RJ's life anyway?

Edited by MulletorHater
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I wonder if...I mean, Ridge is still looking like he doesn't know what's going on, who's who or what day it is.  But he's talking like he remembers everyone.  I wonder if he's just faking it to keep everyone happy.


I have a feeling something's about to come up with Rick and Maya.  The way they've framed some shots looks suspicious, plus they're in a promo clip for that location sweepstakes.  Which...I mean...I'm just mad about the way their relationship ended, so I wouldn't mind revisiting them.  I know it's just me, though, so I'll sit at my table for one.

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Did I hear someone say that Thomas and Steffy would be flying in? Understandable given the circumstances, but I wonder if Hope is going to cut and run when she sees Liam and Steffy talking or hugging?


I noticed Bill was not at the gathering. Odd, the fact that he gave Justin the order to "cool him off" not withstanding; Bill is a victim of Quinn too, and is still Brooke's fiancee.


Katie grates my last friggin nerve; she couldn't get Ridge out of there quick enough. Then going on to Ridge about how all she could think about was how their fairy tale may be ending. Of course she didn't give a thought to RJ, or Eric, or Thomas, or Steffy, or Thorne, or Rick. Nope. And again today, not one word about how happy she was for Ridge's family. Katie needs to keep it close with Ridge. She needs to keep their love affair uppermost in his befuddled mind. She is like a hawk circling her prey; constantly reminding Ridge how he persued her, and how he had become a different man, and about the Red Ribbon of Commitment.


I actually glimpsed Carolyn's pregnant belly today. Adorable! I so wish they had written LG's pregnancy into the SL.


Brooke looked especially beautiful today. Is there any color she doesn't rock?


Katie and Ridge looked their normal frumpy selves. I hate HT in that dark auburn shade; it is not flattering to her at all.


Brad, the boy genius, should have done this story two years ago when RM left.  Ridge and Brooke are off on their honeymoon and the Forrester yacht blows up, has mechanical problems, hits an iceberg or whatever and Ridge is lost at sea.  Brooke returns home and the whole family is further devastated when Stephanie dies.

Fast forward and somehow Ridge is found but has amnesia or is brain damaged ala "Jason, the High Holy Hitman" on GH.  (Some nice fisherman, who was fond of poetry, found him).  He wants nothing to do with the Forresters cause he doesn't know any of them and finds he doesn't particularly like any of them.  He could have bonded with Katie because she wasn't pressuring him to remember anything and because Brill had still happend.  Then when Brill were going to run off and get

married, Ridge followed them because "reasons!" and then fell into the gulf and now remembers everything.



I really like the scenario you laid out.  It's certainly a lot better than having Ridge dump Brooke over a text message to Deacon--Hope's father.



Ditto to both.


I'm thinking to prove what an awesome love for the ages Ridge and Katie have.  In the past, it would have been Brooke to say something and bring all his memories back.  But now it's Katie.  We've moved on.  I just wish the two of them would move away, then all would be perfect



I'm thinking you are absolutely correct; and I am fine with that. Bridge broke for me a long time ago, and I am ready for Brooke to move on and have a real romance and not a destiny. I honestly could care less what Ridge does. I am hoping the point of all this was to demonstrate to Ridge how ridiculous he is about Brooke, and that his tomfoolery about her must stop. So I am good as long as.........


and the distinct feeling that Brill will take a backseat to Kringe's grand romance



this doesn't happen. Brooke and Ridge have been the pivotal couple on B&B for most of it's run; if they are going to allow them to move on, then both of their relationship's should be equally highlighted. I will be extremely peeved if they try to sideline Brooke and Bill's romance for Ridge and Katie. I admit that I love KKL; if you go back and watch those early shows, you can really see how she has taken Brooke and molded her, and defined her. She is so effortless in the role now that it appears she isn't doing anything at all. I know we all snark on the squinty eye stare, and single tear, but that is her trademark, and for me, part of her charm. And her charisma, and sex appeal are palpable, as is her chemistry with just about anyone. I hope they don't think HT can fill her shoes as the show's leading lady and heroine. I know she is regarded as soap opera gold, but she has always been hit and miss for me. I think her constant blubbering on Y&R left a sour taste in my mouth. And the Katie character has never been written as leading lady material; far too high strung, insecure, given to histronics, and outbursts for that role.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I have a feeling something's about to come up with Rick and Maya.  The way they've framed some shots looks suspicious, plus they're in a promo clip for that location sweepstakes.  Which...I mean...I'm just mad about the way their relationship ended, so I wouldn't mind revisiting them.  I know it's just me, though, so I'll sit at my table for one.

*Pulls up a chair* I loved Rick and Maya and felt their story ended abruptly just like his flirtation with Beverly...

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I admit that I love KKL; if you go back and watch those early shows, you can really see how she has taken Brooke and molded her, and defined her. She is so effortless in the role now that it appears she isn't doing anything at all.

KKL always fills out the role, and lets others fill out theirs, never oversteps, is always appropriate, and takes care of the nuances.  If you see something on her face, you can take it to the bank, it means something.  When she was originally chosen to be Brooke, it was partly because she came up with changes that would make the scene better, not just what would make her look better.  She works for the whole, and the support she gets is earned.      

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Katie grates my last friggin nerve; she couldn't get Ridge out of there quick enough. Then going on to Ridge about how all she could think about was how their fairy tale may be ending. Of course she didn't give a thought to RJ, or Eric, or Thomas, or Steffy, or Thorne, or Rick. Nope. And again today, not one word about how happy she was for Ridge's family. Katie needs to keep it close with Ridge. She needs to keep their love affair uppermost in his befuddled mind. She is like a hawk circling her prey; constantly reminding Ridge how he persued her, and how he had become a different man, and about the Red Ribbon of Commitment.

And don't forget the POETRY!! OMG, she was insufferable clinging to Ridge like a leech and asking him every 5 minutes if he wanted to leave.

Ridge is still acting weird. Maybe our worst dreams -- a front burner Kringe relationship--won't come true.

Edited by LittleIggy
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I love that grey-blue/tan combo Eric/JMC was wearing in today's show, very stylish/sophisticated older gentlemanly. So nice to see him dressed in something other than a dark suit & tie. Also couldn't help but notice he was telling some sort of sordid story to Aly/AP & Thorne/WH in the background while Ridge & Katie were whispering by the front door; AP all of a sudden made this shocked "oh my God" face and the little attention I was paying to the scene in the first place just disappeared. And the little exchange Eric & Pam had looking up at Stephanie's portrait, without any words being said, was so sweet. Oh! And that "I think we better leave these two alone" look Brooke shot Eric after talking to Hope and Liam, that was good too. It appears I got more out of this episode than I had anticipated. Hooray!


Let's hope Ridge & Carter play strip poker and that Carter is very bad at poker.


One thing that has annoyed me more than most in this storyline is that characters have been saying "I don't know what I'd do without Ridge", when he was supposedly MIA in Europe not all that long ago. I had assumed that he didn't contact anyone in L.A. but maybe I'm wrong? Because you just spent about 18 months without the guy in your lives and most of you have survived to some degree or another. I mean, I know being dead and being in self-exile are two different things, but the effects are the same for both. 


All these wonderful attributes being thrown Ridge's way--just because he nearly died and came back dressed in white.

I was wondering as I watched Hope's love in, if this is the writers way of reinventing New Ridge?

So I must ask; what was the point? What was the point of Ridge falling into the PG, and disappearing for days, and being found with memory issues?


Everyone else here has already said it upthread, bu basically, in a word, it's about redemption. Someone mentioned Stephanie's shooting earlier, which did the same thing, but even before that Stephanie also had an amnesia storyline which served to a) redeem her character as a nice, forgiving, gentler person than she had been over the previous 4-5 years, and b) reintroduce her as a spoiler for Brooke/Eric by having her rediscover her feelings for Eric and capitalise on Brooke's wandering eye for Ridge, et cetera. I see this as the same thing, but not being done to the same quality or pace as previously, which is a shame.


I was also disappointed and frustrated by today's turn of events. I'm growing tired of how quickly these SLs evaporate.

Me too, and I've wondered about this for a long time - is it because now we live in an entertainment/information culture where we constantly need instant gratification? Moving storylines along at lightening speed allows us to find out what's going on to our favourite characters without making us wait too long to find out, but at the expense of quality storytelling. There was enormous potential to build up Aly vs Taylor and that all seemed to resolve itself within a week. Why? There's definitely a fan base for those two characters and they are definitely vocal, so it can't be because the idea is unpopular. Even the infamous Angela/Deveny Dixon storyline lasted a long time before it went for the proverbial roll down Ocean Avenue. There's just not enough suspense in these storylines.


Brad, the boy genius, should have done this story two years ago when RM left.  Ridge and Brooke are off on their honeymoon and the Forrester yacht blows up, has mechanical problems, hits an iceberg or whatever and Ridge is lost at sea.  Brooke returns home and the whole family is further devastated when Stephanie dies.

I loved this idea the first time I read it and I still love it now. Stephanie dies without knowing whether the prodigal son is alive, Brooke doesn't know if she should allow herself to move on or if she should cling to hope that Ridge will return... If us ordinary folk can come up with scenarios like this, why can't the head writers who are meant to be professional storytellers? Very irritating. I always wonder what a fan-written show would be like, like if CBS had a competition to select the new storyline for November sweeps or whatever, or you could win a workshop session with the writers or something. 


Did I hear someone say that Thomas and Steffy would be flying in?

Eric mentioned it after Thorne announced Felicia and Kristen would be visiting to check on Ridge. No word on whether Taylor was invited -

if memory serves, Eric was meant to call Taylor at some point this week but that didn't happen either. Hmm.


I noticed Bill was not at the gathering. Odd, the fact that he gave Justin the order to "cool him off" not withstanding; Bill is a victim of Quinn too, and is still Brooke's fiancee.

Bill who? Don't be silly; the only man who matters here is Ridge.

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Me too, and I've wondered about this for a long time - is it because now we live in an entertainment/information culture where we constantly need instant gratification? Moving storylines along at lightening speed allows us to find out what's going on to our favourite characters without making us wait too long to find out, but at the expense of quality storytelling.

I keep thinking about the ABC Family show Pretty Little Liars. That show is geared to young folks and while nothing ever seems to happen on the show wrt the main premise (the 4 main characters trying to find out who has been terrorizing them for years) there is something interesting and dramatic that happens in every episode. Every episode ends with a cliff hanger of some sort. The characters are well developed. I guess what I'm wondering is why won't soap writers pay attention to how successful shows that take into account our fast paced lives do their thing? There's gotta be a middle ground between being true to the soap opera genre (story lines and characters that go on for years) while advancing plots in a timely manner that works for today's tv viewers. Just some random thoughts.

I loved this idea the first time I read it and I still love it now. Stephanie dies without knowing whether the prodigal son is alive, Brooke doesn't know if she should allow herself to move on or if she should cling to hope that Ridge will return... If us ordinary folk can come up with scenarios like this, why can't the head writers who are meant to be professional storytellers? Very irritating.

I've always felt that RM leaving completely blindsided the writers. I don't think they really thought he would walk away. I think Brad went out of his way to be all "the show will go on" about it all but the way they wrote Ridge's exit really seemed like they both scrambled to come up with it and also wanted to spite the Ridge character a bit in retaliation. They were doing all of this build up to Stephanie dying and I can't see how Ridge wasn't supposed to be a big part of that. I think cooler heads would have taken a breath and written a better explanation for his abrupt exit but I just don't think the writers were capable of doing that at the time. Ridge's exit looked petty and I think that was intentional. They wanted us to feel negatively towards that character and that actor.
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I'm curious about the doctor and his family that picked up Ridge and dressed him in white and kept him for two days, was it? Then released him back into the wild. Is that just a cover story for what really happened to Ridge? Was perhaps the only part of Ridge that was actually washed - his brain? Will Ridge be on a nefarious mission now? And is Deacon somehow tied to the bad guys? Will Ridge start doing bad designs in order to bring down the house of Forrester?

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There is a promo clip on the CBS website showing

a towel clad Maya ambushing Rick in the FC's steam room. Also in the clip, they show Maya talking to someone, saying how she is "tired of Caroline Forrester" living her life.

WTF? Couple that with this non-stop agitation of Ally and Oliver, and her refusal to set a wedding date, and I am about ready to start kicking Miss Maya to the curb. And I say, if that does come to fruition, then that is exactly what the very patient, very sweet, very easy on the eye's Carter should do. Actually, I was mulling over a scenario that I would like to see play out:


A Carter and Donna hookup. For some reason I can see these two together in a hot steamy mess of a relationship. At the same time, it may prove to show Eric that he still harbors feelings for Donna, and get him back into a front burner SL, and allow the writers to ease off the peddle of Hope/Liam. I don't really mind H/L, but I don't feel they are strong enough to carry the show like Ridge and Brooke did for years, and hope the writers are not going to make them the dominate SL. However, if they balance it with Bill and Brooke (PLEASE!), Katie and Ridge (WHO FRIGGIN CARES!), Carter and Donna (SMOKIN!), Oliver and Ally (CUTENESS!), Rick and Carolyn (LOVE THEM!), Wyatt and Ivy (I am assuming since she is a jewelry designer of some sort), Quinn and Deacon (TWO LOOSE CANNONS!), Pam and Charlie (GREAT IN SMALL DOSES!), along with a reawaking of Eric's libidio, Ridge's continued befuddledness, the ongoing questions about who was piloting the plane, Bill and Justin's fear that they will be discovered, the introduction of the before mentioned Ivy Forrester; I think the show would continue to steam along.


KKL always fills out the role, and lets others fill out theirs, never oversteps, is always appropriate, and takes care of the nuances.  If you see something on her face, you can take it to the bank, it means something.  When she was originally chosen to be Brooke, it was partly because she came up with changes that would make the scene better, not just what would make her look better.  She works for the whole, and the support she gets is earned.



Love this!


And don't forget the POETRY!!



You are right; how could I leave out POETRY, the new wonder drug!


And the little exchange Eric & Pam had looking up at Stephanie's portrait, without any words being said, was so sweet.



Yes it was, and reminded me how much I miss Stephanie.


One thing that has annoyed me more than most in this storyline is that characters have been saying "I don't know what I'd do without Ridge", when he was supposedly MIA in Europe not all that long ago. I had assumed that he didn't contact anyone in L.A. but maybe I'm wrong? Because you just spent about 18 months without the guy in your lives and most of you have survived to some degree or another. I mean, I know being dead and being in self-exile are two different things, but the effects are the same for both.



This crossed my mind too St3phForrester, but I put it down to the difference of being angry and annoyed at someone for disappearing from you life, and being terrified that someone you love has died in a terrible accident. And I do remember a scene where Brooke was saying the only contact she had with Ridge over that year was periodic phone calls about RJ; so he was in touch with the family in some compacity. That is the only explanation I can come up with.


They wanted us to feel negatively towards that character and that actor.



Agreed, and I have always thought it kind of petty. I'll allow that Brad Bell, and the show at large, was blindsided by RM's departure, and if they wanted to get a dig in here and there, that would have been ok. But they have gone to extremes with reinventing a core character, that flies in the face of what RM created over nearly thirty years on the show.


I'm curious about the doctor and his family that picked up Ridge and dressed him in white and kept him for two days, was it? Then released him back into the wild.



You owe me a fresh cup of Sunday morning coffee!

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You owe me a fresh cup of Sunday morning coffee!

Heh, heh. Light roast? Dark roast? One lump or two?


My other thought about this Ridge business is more mundane. His partial amnesia and befuddlement may just be that. This just may be a way to make Ridge fall in love with Brooke all over again.


I was thinking that at first, and thinking that he was just picking up cues and faking remembering everybody, but it seems like he does actually remember everyone, especially the way he remembered Thorne.


But something is off, like he knows who they all are but doesn't feel anything towards any of them. So then that's lead me to other thoughts that it is not really Ridge, but a look alike. And that brings me to ImpostorRidge on a nefarious mission. And if that is the case, then ImpostorRidge will fall in love with Brooke. And then when RealRidge, (preferably played by Ronnn Mosss), is rescued, he can fall in love with Brooke all over again.

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Just want to chime in before I go to bed (yes, it's bedtime for me):


if that does come to fruition, then that is exactly what the very patient, very sweet, very easy on the eye's Carter should do.

Seriously. Does Carter smell? Is that maybe why he and Ridge are friends?


A Carter and Donna hookup.

Nooooooooo Eric & Donna 4evaaaaaa!!!


One of the things I really liked about Eric & Donna Part 1 was the fact that Donna dug Eric because of who he is as a man, rather than his money or his social status, despite what everyone else said about her (and him, for that matter). And I like that this thread continues in the (little) dialogue that Donna has had lately; talking about Eric being different to the guys she used to go after to Katie when Kridge was just beginning, considering the possibility of pursuing him again when the girls were planning Bridge wedding #645... I'd like to see them give their relationship another try, but do it slowly, and from an emotional place rather than a sexual one, to give a bit of depth to these backburner characters. I like to think that Eric still has feelings for Donna but isn't sure what to do with them, and if I were writing Bold that's what I would be exploring.


But you're right, RuntheTable, it could work your way. Also, for extra soapy bonus points, don't forget that Carter is Marcus' adoptive brother. Messy!

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I'm curious about the doctor and his family that picked up Ridge and dressed him in white and kept him for two days, was it? Then released him back into the wild. Is that just a cover story for what really happened to Ridge? Was perhaps the only part of Ridge that was actually washed - his brain? Will Ridge be on a nefarious mission now? And is Deacon somehow tied to the bad guys? Will Ridge start doing bad designs in order to bring down the house of Forrester?

It's not brainwashing. The doc said he has a concussion. I can't see him bringing down FC either. Deacon had no idea what happened to Ridge until Hope told him.

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{qoute]Another stellar moment was when Taylor checked out when they thought Steffy had been eaten by a shark.{/quote]

What the...? when the hell did this happen?


I just wish TPTB remembered that Phoebe had two parents.  Instead, most of the focus was on Ridge and his grief.

This storyline took place a year after the real life drowning of Tylo's son, and she asked for limited involvement in the SL. Which begs the questions of why these idiots went through with killing her off when the two newly-franternal twins shared exactly TWO scenes together before Phoebe bit the dust.


As fdor current events, Lulu's scenario upthread seems liek the way more logical way to have dealt with a recast Ridge than...this mess. No one's asked him any hard questions about where he was for Stephanie's death or Steffy's miscarriage.


Regarding the spoiler that Runthetable mentioned:

Goddamn, WHY after all this time is Maya going after Rick AGAIN? Regardless of what I thought of Caroline to the post-cranial trauma socialite snob, MAYA was the interloper in CAROLINE'S relationship. Good grief, even Hope isn't that delusional.

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For those keeping score at home, Bold & Beautiful won 0 awards at the Daytime Emmys - KKL won a producers award for Venice: The Series with Crystal Chapelle, and Hair & Makeup and Costume won at the Creative Arts Emmys on Friday, but zilch for Bell & Co in the main race. Apparently the red carpet show was a complete mess. Not overly disappointed that I missed it. 


ETA: Also, Linsey Godfrey had her baby last week, a little girl named Aleda Seren Adamson (here's their instagram pic).

Edited by St3phForrester
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Another stellar moment was when Taylor checked out when they thought Steffy had been eaten by a shark.


What the...? when the hell did this happen?



Steffi was kidnapped by Morgan DeWitt, fell overboard and was presumed dead.  Steffi was of course alive with a new red hairdo going by the name of Stacy.  This could explain some of Steffi's psychological problems.

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While I've always liked Eileen Davidson, it's disappointing to me that in a year when voters finally appear to have decided enough is enough for Chipmunk Cheeks, that Katherine Kelly Lang still can't win.  I hope one of these days she gets recognised.   And while I don't think Kim Matula and Lindsey Godfrey are master thespians, I can't believe they both got beat by the twit who plays Summer on Y&R, as that girl is possibly one of the worst actresses ever to appear on the show.


Here is a particularly appealing red carpet photo of Windsor Harmon.  Well, appealing if you are into cadavers.  1) Hasn't the whole blonde frosted hair on guys fad passed?  and 2) When you're 50 years old, shouldn't it have passed for you ages ago?  http://www.trbimg.com/img-53a765c9/turbine/la-et-daytime-emmy-awards-2014-20140622-008/500

Edited by blackwing
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Brooke was precious today.  Ridge's speech was dumb and it was really awkward how at the end, he went in to kiss Katie and then immediately pulled back to hug her instead.

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Now, just imagine if the situation was reversed and it was Bill who went missing.  Katie wouldn't spare two tears on the guy but will ensure that everyone knows how she has somehow been deprived because, you know, Will doesn't have his father.  But, oh well!  Bill was a horrible dad anyway and Ridge can step in and play daddy, which was something Katie alluded to a few weeks ago when Ridge moved in and started grousing about Brooke and Bill.  Of course, Brooke would have to suck it up since Brill wasn't a serious relationship anyway.  After all, it's not serious unless Eric designs the gown and bestows his blessing!  There would be no tears for Brooke, no comforting words or sisterly hugs (from Donna maybe), much less any joy if Bill was later found alive.  That smirking cow would walk around with a perpetual sneer on her face and make everything all about her.


Has Katie expressed relief that RJ got his daddy back?  That Eric got his son back?  Did she express any sympathy for Thorne when he commiserated with her about losing someone he loved also?  Nope!  It was all about her fairy tale romance being halted.  Now, she can finally hustle Ridge home and make sure he doesn't forget their "love."  Hopefully, they will stop at a jewelry store--after Ridge showers.


I just can't with Quinsane.  This bitch.  She's like a broken record!  Tired, exhausting and redundant.  Hello, you soulless cypher!  Why in the world would Bill help you with anything after you deliberately set out to mess up his wedding?  Lame has got to be stopped?  From what, pray tell?  Breathing fresh air?  Heifer, please go somewhere and take several seats and take your tin foil hat with you.

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He sure did, can u believe it? IMO he only wants to be brothers so he can be close to Hope and try to get her back. Why, oh why, can he never give Lope time? Liam gave Wype time but he has never respected Lope and gave them space, ever. Gawd I HATE HIM!!

Edited by meow
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I don't understand why Wyatt even still wants Hope when she chose Liam, just like I didn't understand why Liam still wanted Hope when she chose Wyatt, just like I didn't understand why Hope wanted Liam when he chose Steffy, just like I didn't understand why Steffy wanted Liam when he chose Hope...

When someone chooses to be with someone else, GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND MOVE ON, ALREADY!  Have some self-respect, people.  My Gods, this was old the first fifty times they did it.

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At the party, when Katie was going on and on about Kridge, I bet she could hardly be heard over everyone's internal monologue  saying," Yeah, yeah girl. Ridge will be going back to Brooke before the year is over!" 


I loved the nuances that KKL brought to her scenes today: Happy for herself and everyone else that Ridge was found, happy that her sister, Katie, was so happy, watching Kridge canoodle- a painful reminder that their happiness came at the expense of her and RJ's family, and acceptance. 


But one question: Did Ridge stop the wedding or is another Brill wedding being planned?

Edited by ariesman3
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Now, just imagine if the situation was reversed and it was Bill who went missing.  Katie wouldn't spare two tears on the guy but will ensure that everyone knows how she has somehow been deprived because, you know, Will doesn't have his father.  But, oh well!  Bill was a horrible dad anyway and Ridge can step in and play daddy, which was something Katie alluded to a few weeks ago when Ridge moved in and started grousing about Brooke and Bill.  Of course, Brooke would have to suck it up since Brill wasn't a serious relationship anyway.  After all, it's not serious unless Eric designs the gown and bestows his blessing!  There would be no tears for Brooke, no comforting words or sisterly hugs (from Donna maybe), much less any joy if Bill was later found alive.  That smirking cow would walk around with a perpetual sneer on her face and make everything all about her.

I don't see that at all.  I don't think Katie would emote like Brooke does (because she's not Brooke, and everyone keeps telling her that), but I think that she would try to comfort her sister as best she could.  Honestly, why should Katie give two shits about Bill except for the fact that he's her son's father?  He cheated on her with her sister and then tricked her thinking that their relationship was reconciled only so he could get control of company.  And we're only coming up on a year since the shit hit the fan.


Katie can't win.  I saw that people were saying that what Katie did was way worse than what Brooke did because Brooke has had a 25+ relationship with Ridge and Katie had only been with Bill for 4 years.  So in a fictional scenario where Bill went missing, Katie is now supposed to act like Brooke did with the person that she had a 25+ year relationship with?  Fuck Bill.

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While I've always liked Eileen Davidson, it's disappointing to me that in a year when voters finally appear to have decided enough is enough for Chipmunk Cheeks, that Katherine Kelly Lang still can't win. I hope one of these days she gets recognised. And while I don't think Kim Matula and Lindsey Godfrey are master thespians, I can't believe they both got beat by the twit who plays Summer on Y&R, as that girl is possibly one of the worst actresses ever to appear on the show.

Here is a particularly appealing red carpet photo of Windsor Harmon. Well, appealing if you are into cadavers. 1) Hasn't the whole blonde frosted hair on guys fad passed? and 2) When you're 50 years old, shouldn't it have passed for you ages ago? http://www.trbimg.com/img-53a765c9/turbine/la-et-daytime-emmy-awards-2014-20140622-008/500

How disgusting!! I like Hunter King and think she's a very good actress but to each their own.

I don't understand why Wyatt even still wants Hope when she chose Liam, just like I didn't understand why Liam still wanted Hope when she chose Wyatt, just like I didn't understand why Hope wanted Liam when he chose Steffy, just like I didn't understand why Steffy wanted Liam when he chose Hope...

When someone chooses to be with someone else, GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND MOVE ON, ALREADY! Have some self-respect, people. My Gods, this was old the first fifty times they did it.

That's a soap for ya!! Gotta have the drama but that's not what I call it, SMH.
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Wyatt and his mum continue to annoy in today's show.  $Bill tells off Quinn, but she apparently has a cognitive disorder

I'm getting sick of her smirking, mugging, and head bobbing. She and chicken head should open up a motel on a rural highway.

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It's fascinating how we are all watching the same show but getting a variety of different readings out of it - I thought Rena Sofer did another great job in her scenes with Don Diamont and I'm seeing more and more of early/mid-90s Susan Flannery in her performance, which will always put a smile on my face (replace "Liam" with "Brooke", "Hope" with "Taylor" and Wyatt with "Ridge" in those scenes today and you've got dialogue between Stephanie & Eric from 20 years ago). I guess it depends on what you want to get out of it, whose performances you follow more closely than others, which storylines you like over others, how much previous history of the show you have, etc. and I'm so glad this forum exists so I can read opinions from intelligent and coherent fellow humanoids, unlike some other places that I won't mention... *cough*facebook&twitter*cough*


Loved that blue polo top Bill had on today, I don't know what it was about it but Don Diamont looked great in it. Does anyone know if there's a story behind his mangled right pinkie finger? That thing is all over the place.


Also loved TK's acting in that speech at the end even if it was all pretty cheesy; gotta give props to a man who's not afraid to well up a little. (I spied a chin wobble from John McCook, too - what a SNAG!). I wonder if Ridge was meant to wipe Katie's tears away or if it was a reflex action on TK's part? It looked a lot like he stopped himself from doing it. And another meltingly loving look from Ridge at his aunt Pam... I don't know. I don't care if he looks like a barrel, he's got my vote.


I do wish Liam would let Hope speak for herself and stop trying to dominate the situation, though. It's not a good look. 


it's disappointing to me that in a year when voters finally appear to have decided enough is enough for Chipmunk Cheeks, that Katherine Kelly Lang still can't win.  I hope one of these days she gets recognised. 

Me too. I wonder what it's going to take for her to win one. Does anyone know what Eileen Davidson's work was like/what stories she was in? I hope and pray that B&B missing out on all the gongs this year will wake TPTB up and get them going on some quality stuff to rebound for next year's awards - if they exist next year. Given the tanking form of the Daytime Emmys over the years, there are some calling for the show to be included with the Primetime awards. Heather Tom tweeted today that one of the red carpet girls called her "Jane" - whether you rate her as an actress or not, that's still pretty disrespectful. And let's not get onto what happened with Lawrence St Victor...


Has Katie expressed relief that RJ got his daddy back?  That Eric got his son back?  Did she express any sympathy for Thorne when he commiserated with her about losing someone he loved also?  Nope!

She even said something today that caught my ear in this regard, something along the lines of "that really means a lot to me - to us" (emphasis added) - I think it was after Brooke said her little speech in support of Kridge. Add to that the constant clinging onto Ridge, the awkward PDAs in front of slightly disgusted family members... I'd love to know if this self-centeredness is scripted or if this is how Heather Tom is choosing to play Katie. There's being deliriously happy, and then there's being delusional.


At the party, when Katie was going on and on about Kridge, I bet she could hardly be heard over everyone's internal monologue  saying," Yeah, yeah girl. Ridge will be going back to Brooke before the year is over!"

Too right - I saw quite a few times cuts to the supporting cast who had skeptical looks on their faces. There was an especially sour one from Donna at one point when everyone else was smiling, looking like she hadn't got the "Support Kridge" memo. Poor Donna.

Edited by St3phForrester
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I felt like I was watching the passing of the torch yesterday, and that Brooke's acceptance and acknowledgment of Katie and Ridge is our signal that they are now the "it" couple, and the shows new Grand Romance. Well, not for this viewer; I have a lot of issues with Katie and Ridge, and they start all the way back at the beginning when Ridge returned as an unregonizable character, who couldn't get past Bill and Brooke because Katie "is your sister" and Bill is "a despicable human being". Real Ridge would not have cared who Brooke was with, only that she had been with someone else. He wouldn't have given a thought to Katie either; it would have been more like "Katie made the choice to marry that loser!" History has proven this over and over again; with Eric, with Thorne, and of course the mother of them all, Deacon. Ridge didn't have a lot of problem getting past Brooke having a full blown affair, and child, with her son-in-law, the man married to BROOKE"S DAUGHTER, you know, the girl Ridge raised as is own child. And there was no doubt that he despised Deacon, but for some reason, Bill and Brooke knotted up his knickers tighter than a drum, and he was so beset with angst and confusion, that he turned to the only person her could; Katie. I call bullshit on all of it. It was all a plot device to give Ronn Moss a collective bitch slap from Brad Bell and the show, and in so doing, they ruined a core character.


Outside of that is the foundation of K/R, which was built on their mutual dismay and disgust for Brooke. They did not come together because they suddenly "found" each other, or out of any great love. They came together because of a great need; the need to grind Brooke into the ground, and make her the bad guy that betrayed her sister. I won't deny that Brooke behaved badly, but for Brooke, she exercised incredable restraint in regards to Bill. She didn't jump right into bed with him once she realized she had feelings for him; in fact, they both fought their feelings for months, until Spycamgate, and Bill had had enough. Yet Katie played it off to Ridge as if Brooke and Bill woke up one morning and said "hey, I think I am going to have an affair with my brother/sister-in-law just because I can!". I understand why Katie had to downplay her actions, and make out like Bill had been a terrible husband who took advantage of her, and abused her. Then in comes Brooke, heaping on and causing more hurt for poor little Katie. Indeed, Katie painted a very bleak picture for Ridge, because he had to understand the extint of the betrayal and what had been done to her. Again, I call bullshit on all of it. Katie played Ridge's disbelief, anger and confusion like a fiddle, because she had her own agenda. She was after revenge, and getting one up on Brooke, and a pound of flesh from Bill.


Outside of that was how Katie held Brooke's feet to the fire for nearly a year because Brooke had developed feelings for Bill. At least Brooke and Bill had an adult relationship outside of their feelings, and they came together in the first place out of worry and concern for Katie. And their feelings developed over many months, and really started as a friendship. Katie and Ridge OTOH, had three fireside chats, two days in the park, one of those with soccer, and about two poetry reading sessions before they declared their undying love for each other. Then, to rub salt in Brooke's wounds, Katie goes around spouting to anyone that would listen, that she and Ridge were in love, and that she wasn't going to apologize for her feelings. Oh no. Not Katie. Katie had earned the right to fall in love with her sister's destiny, and eveyone else be damned.


Outside of all that is the fact that these two don't have what it takes to be the "it" couple. There is no chemistry between the actors. They are a frumpy couple, who always appear dour, and unhappy. They spend far too much time discussing Brooke and Bill. Katie's rampant insecurities are dominating the landscape with her need to rush Ridge to the alter. Katie didn't appear too happy with Brooke's speach yesterday. She smiled her fake smile, but it didn't reach her eye's. Katie doesn't care about Brooke's blessing, because that means Brooke has accepted her and Ridge. And that is the one thing Katie doesn't want, because Ridge is her last weapon. If everyone is on board, and Brooke moves on with Bill and is happy and content, then what will Katie have left to hurt Brooke with?


In other news, there really are no words for Quinn.


When will Hope tell Brooke that daddy is back in town?


TK didn't sell me yesterday, but KKL did. Actually, I was wondering if the pain I saw in her face was her saying goodbye to Bridge, and maybe to RM?

Edited by RuntheTable
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I hated when Brooke was giving her speech about having Ridge back...I don't remember the exact words, but Brooke said something about Ridge coming back to "us," when Katie made her usual snotty face & Brooke had to add "and Katie." What, Katie didn't think she counted as part of "us"?  In real life insecurities have been known to kill relationships, I wonder how much longer before Ridge is at the "bitch please" phase of this thing.


Also, did I heard Katie say that SHE never gave up on looking for Ridge? I was wondering if I missed when she joined the search party.

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What I don't understand is what is was ok for Liam to ALWAYS be there for any Wyatt and Hope celebration/ personal time / alone time / or whatever, but he's not allowed to come tell Hope he's happy Ridge is alive, and he needs to respect Liam and Hope's relationship?


when did Liam ever show this respect?  I didn't really take it as disrespect yesterday, I took it as a , hey I'm happy he's back, I'm sorry, my mom screwed up, I hope I can somehow still be part of your life in some way.......

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I don't see that at all.  I don't think Katie would emote like Brooke does (because she's not Brooke, and everyone keeps telling her that), but I think that she would try to comfort her sister as best she could.  Honestly, why should Katie give two shits about Bill except for the fact that he's her son's father?  He cheated on her with her sister and then tricked her thinking that their relationship was reconciled only so he could get control of company.  And we're only coming up on a year since the shit hit the fan.


Katie can't win.  I saw that people were saying that what Katie did was way worse than what Brooke did because Brooke has had a 25+ relationship with Ridge and Katie had only been with Bill for 4 years.  So in a fictional scenario where Bill went missing, Katie is now supposed to act like Brooke did with the person that she had a 25+ year relationship with?  Fuck Bill.


Kia, you raise some very valid points.  However, Katie has admitted by her own words and actions that she wants Brooke and Bill to pay for betraying her--in perpetuity.  She wants them miserable and guilt ridden.  Meanwhile, she gets to openly lay up with Ridge's facsimile and to assign the purest of motives for her falling in love with him.  The way Brooke and Bill got together was all kinds of wrong; however, it's downright hysterical watching Katie and Ridge acting like their own shit doesn't stink when it comes to betrayals of the heart.  Katie also copped to knowing that she's being a hypocrite about Brooke and Bill but dammit, that's the way she feels!  Now, I don't know if this is the way that HTom is being directed to play her scenes, or if it is her own acting choices (the smirks, over-the-top histrionics, redundant sarcasm, sneering, etc.--all of which have lost their punch).  


Katie has been hung up on "winning" over Brooke.  She was intoxicated by the fact that Bill chose her over her prettier, "sluttier" sisters and found her to be the "good Logan" who had what it took to be Mrs. Bill Spencer.  However, Katie saw Bill as a fixer upper, with herself as the contractor.  I'm sure it stung that Bill didn't come beating down her door in the middle of the night the moment he found out about Kringe so her little victory has been a hollow one especially since Bill was determined to start a life with Brooke.  The worst thing that could happen for Katie's supercilious psyche is for Brooke and Bill to be happy--especially if Brooke has effectively moved on and isn't pining for Ridge.  That would mean that the "prize" Katie won isn't really a prize at all, and she just can't have that.  Hopefully, Katie won't repeat Taylor's pattern by pathologically choosing men who are/were in love with Brooke and then twisting herself into a pretzel of angst and tears because she's insecure and has to look over her shoulder.  

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What I don't understand is what is was ok for Liam to ALWAYS be there for any Wyatt and Hope celebration/ personal time / alone time / or whatever, but he's not allowed to come tell Hope he's happy Ridge is alive, and he needs to respect Liam and Hope's relationship?


when did Liam ever show this respect?  I didn't really take it as disrespect yesterday, I took it as a , hey I'm happy he's back, I'm sorry, my mom screwed up, I hope I can somehow still be part of your life in some way.......



See, this is the problem with the repetitive, unrealistic relationship storytelling for this show. In a vacuum, in the real world, or even on a show where the storylines weren't so repetitive, Wyatt approaching Hope after she broke up with him yesterday would be a problem or something to be irritated/upset about. She's decided she wants to be with his brother (yuck) and dumped him. They weren't married and they don't have kids. Nothing good can come from him trying to spend alone time with her. Dude, just send her a text. It's the whole "you just dumped me/broke my heart but I'm suddenly, totally okay with us being friends now" thing. You don't want to be friends, you want to hang around so that she doesn't forget about you and maybe she'll want to date you again if (when) she hits a rough patch with Liam. Real world Liam would be totally justified in saying "you need to give this some space so that you can get over her and get comfortable with the fact that she and i are together now. Once that has happened, then you guys can figure out if there's enough there to make a friendship work."


However, this isn't the real world. This is BellA and the Liam we've been given doesn't have any right to ask for that space. As Snaporaz pointed out above, these triangles just don't give anyone the power to request that anyone respect their relationship. Every single relationship on this show has some level of inappropriateness or lack of respect for boundaries. People fall in and out of love in a matter of days. It's hard to respect any dialogue like this that would be perfectly justified in the real world, because the majority of times these folks don't act like real people.

Edited by luvlee2003
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I thought Rena Sofer did another great job in her scenes with Don Diamont

And I thought I was alone in my love for Quinn, St3phForrester!  On one hand I can see what you're saying about her similarities to Stephanie, and on the other hand, she's unlike any character I've ever seen.  I love that I can't predict what she'll do, and I just can't get enough of her.  I hope she and Deacon are around to cause a lot of trouble for a long time.

(I also agree with you about that very cool shirt Bill was wearing yesterday!)


Ridge may have reaffirmed his love and commitment to Katie, but, to me, it looked like he meant those words for Brooke.

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Can I join the Quinn lovefest?  There are only a few actors I'll stop FFing for:  KKL, DD, the actress who plays Aly and the actors who play Wyatt and Quinn.  Mainly it's because the remaining actors are either in a B or C storyline (JMcC, AM, JY or LG)  or just can't act to save their lives (the actors who play Hope, Carter, Maya).  I like when actors go the extra mile and I feel these 5 take what's written and try to play the hell out of it.

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I'm just going to say this and then go sit in a corner.  TK is not as charismatic or compelling a presence (at least in this role) as RM was.  All the attention and focus on Ridge as the center of the Forrester family, angst over his possible demise, etc. just rang hollow.  I kept thinking, "all that over this guy?"  And then his speech yesterday just highlighted for me that TK's "Ridge" is not the leader of this family as RM's Ridge.  RM very likely wouldn't have been able to hit the same emotional beats as TK, but this is a soap opera.  To fully inhabit a role, acting chops are only part of the equation.  And with TK as "Ridge", that equation doesn't add up.

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Yes, Ridge and Katie are a "frumpy couple." Just compare them to hot, attractive Brooke and Bill.

Aside from being obsessed with her son's love life, I don't think Quinn is like Stephanie. She is a flat-out nut job. Liam needs to lock his doors, get a Rottweiler, and get a gun!

Edited by LittleIggy
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 And let's not get onto what happened with Lawrence St Victor...

What happened?


Katie didn't appear too happy with Brooke's speech yesterday. She smiled her fake smile, but it didn't reach her eye's. Katie doesn't care about Brooke's blessing, because that means Brooke has accepted her and Ridge. And that is the one thing Katie doesn't want, because Ridge is her last weapon. If everyone is on board, and Brooke moves on with Bill and is happy and content, then what will Katie have left to hurt Brooke with?

I also don't see that (yet).  Did you hear what Brooke said?  "I just knew that when the coast guard said that they were giving up that you were still out there.  I knew that you had to come back to me, to RJ....and to Katie...and the rest of us."  I wouldn't be smizing either if I heard that.

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I'm just going to say this and then go sit in a corner.  TK is not as charismatic or compelling a presence (at least in this role) as RM was.  All the attention and focus on Ridge as the center of the Forrester family, angst over his possible demise, etc. just rang hollow.  I kept thinking, "all that over this guy?"  And then his speech yesterday just highlighted for me that TK's "Ridge" is not the leader of this family as RM's Ridge.  RM very likely wouldn't have been able to hit the same emotional beats as TK, but this is a soap opera.  To fully inhabit a role, acting chops are only part of the equation.  And with TK as "Ridge", that equation doesn't add up.


This is why I really wish they had brought TK on as another character instead.  As atrocious an actor as RM was, even have to concede that his character was iconic, and he was a member of the Core Four.  As a day one viewer, I feel as if I am being asked to ignore Ridge's history and to accept several things that are just not in his character.  Ridge's new-found love for poetry is the most glaring example.  As a totally new character, TK could have worked with HTom's Katie.  Even if Ridge supposedly evolved in his taste of women, I still don't see him being attracted to Katie.  Certainly not attracted enough to propose to her barely 3 months after getting into a relationship with her.  Plus, given the timing of this proposal, I am still not convinced that it wasn't in reaction to Kringe's mutual enmity for Brooke and Bill.


When TK's Ridge calls Brooke, "Logan," it just doesn't invoke the same emotional response that it normally would.  Ridge will always object to Brooke moving on, but his reaction to Brill's engagement and wedding plans should have resulted in his arrest and a request for a temporary restraining order.  Snatching Brooke's engagement ring and marching over to Bill's office to return the ring and announcing that Brooke would not be marrying him was one of several WTF?! moments for me.  The only thing that was in character was his trying to sucker punch Bill.  Nor, do the Bridge wedding flashbacks work anymore and hopefully Brad Bell & Co. will have sense enough to retire Bridge's signature song, "Unforgettable."  

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What I don't understand is what is was ok for Liam to ALWAYS be there for any Wyatt and Hope celebration/ personal time / alone time / or whatever, but he's not allowed to come tell Hope he's happy Ridge is alive, and he needs to respect Liam and Hope's relationship?


when did Liam ever show this respect?  I didn't really take it as disrespect yesterday, I took it as a , hey I'm happy he's back, I'm sorry, my mom screwed up, I hope I can somehow still be part of your life in some way.......


This.  When Liam found out Hope might be pregnant (with Wyatt's baby), he busted his ass over there to involve himself in their conversation and waited for the test results to come back, complete with celebratory fist pump when she said the test was negative.  By comparison, Wyatt wanting 10 seconds to tell Hope he's happy for her that Ridge is alive and he's sorry his mother put all of that in motion is nothing.  

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This.  When Liam found out Hope might be pregnant (with Wyatt's baby), he busted his ass over there to involve himself in their conversation and waited for the test results to come back, complete with celebratory fist pump when she said the test was negative.  By comparison, Wyatt wanting 10 seconds to tell Hope he's happy for her that Ridge is alive and he's sorry his mother put all of that in motion is nothing.
Yes, and there was the "I'm not leaving.  I'm not going anywhere."  But Wyatt didn't seem to insist that Liam leave.  And Hope actually even said "you can stay".  Why, exactly?  Liam is an ass.  The best thing about the whole Brooke/Bill/Ridge Dubai fiasco was that we didn't have to see Liam and his beady beady beady eyes on the show every single day.


Wyatt deserves better.  Wasn't Ally interested in him when she first came back to town?  He needs to move on.

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I think Wyatt is the ass. I remember when Liam invited Hope to his house for lunch (when they were engaged), and Liam crashed the lunch on the pretext of having a work document for her to sign. He was incredibly rude and wouldn't leave. Of course, Hope ate it up.

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I agree with all of you, all three of them are asses!  Hope and Liam seem like brother and sister, Scott Clifton has absolutely zero testosterone.  The actor who plays Wyatt is good, he can actually act, but his character is such a doofus.  And Hope, where do I begin, I cannot imagine any brothers fighting over her.  I hope this Ivy Forrester heats things up.

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Both of those losers, Lame and Wynutt, are notorious for monopolizing Hope's time.  It's a wonder they allow her to use the bathroom by herself or to breathe without holding an oxygen mask under her nose.  My own parents would have been alarmed that any boyfriend was monopolizing so much of my time.  But, this is all on Hope who won't form her lips to tell them either of them to back off.  Why was it necessary for Wynutt to hop aboard the plane with Brooke and Hope after the failed Bridge #666 wedding?  Why does Lame act as if he doesn't have a job at Spencer Publications--one where Bill expressly left him in charge during his absence?  Both of these losers are like gnats--a couple of irritants you angrily swat away, but they just won't leave.


Under the guise of being all-sacrificing and wanting to do the right thing, Hope is incredibly self-absorbed.  She was so busy with Wynutt, she couldn't be there for Brooke during her time of need.  Don't even get me started on how she made Ridge's "rescue" all about her and Lame's resurrected duller-than-dishwater relationship.


As my late grandmother used to say, none one of them is "worth a huss!"


Where and with whom is Bill living now? Brooke? Liam?




Where and with whom, indeed!  Since everything has been all Ridge, all the time, along with the "Perils and Romances of St. Hopeless," Brill has taken a backseat.  Have they even had a discussion about the fact that they were supposed to have been married and whether or not they will try again?

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