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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I don't think I like Nicole, but someone should have told the girl before she made an ass of herself, that there is a difference between dancing and modeling.

At the risk of sounding mean, I can't stand Nicole and enjoyed the hell out of her making an ass of herself :)  I also liked seeing her face drop when she found out Carter knows Maya's secret.

  • Love 6

Considering that Taylor and Thomas are MIA and Ridge is preoccupied sticking his tongue down Caroline's mouth, what possible purpose would Steffy serve on the show? Even bland as dirt Maya is better at playing the "bad girl" than Steffy ever was, and I can't be the only person that thinks the only true love she had for Liam was just as a way to stick it to Hope, who Liam was not compatable with AT ALL.

If Liam gives up classy, drama-free Ivy for all the baggage that comes with Steffy, he'll be an even bigger idiot for "love" than Brooke for going back to Ridge so many times.

Which speaking of...and I never thought I'd ever get to say this...it really does looks like Bridge is finally dead. I wish someone had pulled the couple off life support back in the 90s, but I'll take it.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 5

I'm calling Brooke out on her hypocisy that Ridge is too old for Caroline.  Wasn't Eric too old for Brooke? Wasn't Brooke too old for Deacon? Wasn't Brooke older than Nick?  And surely Deacon was too old for Bridget?  


Brooke take some seats and sit the hell down  Maybe Ridge is too old for Caroline (he sort of, kind of, admitted that), but.... That's not *your* business Brooke.  Your Bridge has burned.  Get over it.


Oh... and FYI.... Ridge doesn't care what you think.

  • Love 10

At the risk of sounding mean, I can't stand Nicole and enjoyed the hell out of her making an ass of herself :)  I also liked seeing her face drop when she found out Carter knows Maya's secret.


I liked that Carter defended Maya to Nicole and that he treated her like the little girl she still is.  I think my biggest disappointment with Nicole (other than the stupid modeling/blackmail/not really at college thing) is that I had hoped she would be in Maya's corner. As a character she's so alone and that's a downer.  And I don't even like the character of Maya most days.

  • Love 5

Another, longer, possibly permanent return of Steffy?






Add that on to Waffling Deacon, I want to break off those snapping fingers Brooke, that trifling Deb clearance rack shopping heifer Nicole, HulkSmash Carter, and Lying about being a man to get a man who isn't worth it Maya and all I can say is what the hell is wrong with me that I keep.on.watching.

  • Love 9

I've been gone for about a week and was shocked to find out that Rick is CEO.


Speaking of... am I the only one who gets nauseous whenever Maya uses the phrase "My sexy CEO"



Yes, Liam has good reasons to be skeptical, but he also needs to get the fuck over it and move on.

I guess I'm more like Liam when someone tries to kill me with a sword. ;)

  • Love 14

I've been gone for about a week and was shocked to find out that Rick is CEO.


Speaking of... am I the only one who gets nauseous whenever Maya uses the phrase "My sexy CEO"


I guess I'm more like Liam when someone tries to kill me with a sword. ;)

Touché! I just flove Quinn, so I tend to overlook her penchant for attempted murder!
  • Love 5

Hey, Rick... the CEO... hates lies. And his paramour has a Big Secret!!! She'll tell him when he proposes, but not one second before.  Even though Rick. Hates. Lies. I am not kidding. 

And Liam has to protect his girlfriend while she's at work (in a place where he is NOT employed, although he seems to have the run of the place) Brooke learned how to snap last month, and now she's doing it all the time. My two year old learned how to imitate fart noises, and he does it during every conversation as well! It's a Month of Discovery!!

By the way, Quinn is or used to be KEERAZEEE! Just wanted to make sure you knew, it's being played so subtly.


On a more shallow note having Quinn and Ivy in the same room was almost too much beauty to process. Those two are just luminous. 

Nicole was was dressed like a regular person instead of a time traveller. She's still an entitled little shit though. 

  • Love 12

Watching Carter's and Nicole's conversation today was like watching a ping pong match with the way they were doing back and forth on accusing than defending Maya. Serve than volly than volly and serve. Now they both understand Maya's position? Nicole thinks that because Maya thinks she is a woman that it's not a lie. Well Maybe, but not to Rick. To Rick a half truth. like estrogen is needed to "regulate" me or a lie of omission like Caroline running to tell Rick that Ridge can't draw or he kissed me is an out and out lie. With Rick, if you went to the bathroom and took a crap and pissed, on company time, and didn't tell him, it would be grounds for immediate dismissal. I don't remember if the all knowing and powerful Rick told Caroline that Maya came on to him in the steamroom.

Maya said that when I look into those big sexy eyes I just melt I just had to laugh out loud because, in pausing my DVR, all I could see were Rick's squinty bearly open eyes with hardly any white showing. Than Maya delivers the mantra of the year that Rick is her strong CEO. In pausing my DVR, I noticed once again that in stop action Maya's jaw comes to a deep V which IMO makes her look very harsh as does when Maya has her head turned to the side and she is looking back, with her eyes, in the opposite direction. I do have to admit, though, that Maya has a very cute nose.

Liam, Quinn is 100% correct in reminding him that he's with Ivy because of her. Hope is gone and why would you think that Quinn has anymore interest in your life or is a threat to your entitled ass. I'm curious how the new love quadrangle of Liam/Hope/Steffy/Ivy is going to work out.

Once Brooke is through with the father of her children they cannot be in their lives. She forbids it. Decon was kept away from Hope and RJ is tucked away in boarding school. Ridge and Deacon should have a cup of coffee together and commiserate.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 5

I like Hope-less Wyatt. His defense of Quinn was perfectly rational. Yes, Liam has good reasons to be skeptical, but he also needs to get the fuck over it and move on.

I would ask how that's possible given her stunts, but this is the same show where a CEO fired shots at his employees; where said CEO was nearly blown up in his car by his nephew; where Stephanie has told Brooke to shoot herself and gave her a gun to do so and Pam's previous looney behavior has been entirely whitewashed.

And, yeah, Liam, if it weren't for Quinn, Hope would still be sucking the soul right out of you.

If it weren't for Quinn, we the viewers would have been treated to at least two more attempts down the aisle by now.

We should all be glad for her shoving Ivy into the Seine for that alone.


Liam, Quinn is 100% correct in reminding him that he's with Ivy because of her. Hope is gone and why would you think that Quinn has anymore interest in your life or is a threat to your entitled ass. 

All of this, but especially the first part.

And this sorry ass is gonna have Ivy, Steffy AND Hope all going for him? Please. Not even Ridge at the height of his playboy antics had that many serious love interests and he didn't have the personality of oatmeal.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 4

Hey, Rick... the CEO... hates lies. And his paramour has a Big Secret!!! She'll tell him when he proposes, but not one second before.  Even though Rick. Hates. Lies. I am not kidding. 

And Liam has to protect his girlfriend while she's at work (in a place where he is NOT employed, although he seems to have the run of the place) Brooke learned how to snap last month, and now she's doing it all the time. My two year old learned how to imitate fart noises, and he does it during every conversation as well! It's a Month of Discovery!!

By the way, Quinn is or used to be KEERAZEEE! Just wanted to make sure you knew, it's being played so subtly.


On a more shallow note having Quinn and Ivy in the same room was almost too much beauty to process. Those two are just luminous. 

Nicole was was dressed like a regular person instead of a time traveller. She's still an entitled little shit though. 

great post!

  • Love 1

I am finding this Mayron story interesting.  But it's getting a bit long in the tooth.  I have been screaming for days now at the TV, "JUST TELL HIM ALREADY".  It's the classic Bradley rehashing over and over to death.  Maya has a concerned look.  Rick mentions how much he loves her.  Maya has a concerned look.  Rick talks about how much he loves honesty.  Maya has a concerned look.  


I do kind of get where she's coming from.  She figures if she's not going to be with him, she doesn't need to tell him.  But unless she plans on leaving Bell A forever, even if she isn't with him, he's going to find out eventually from her sister and her ex.  Enough already.

  • Love 5

Hey did you know Rick is CEO and values Maya's honesty? And that Maya is the epitome of femininity and a true lady? Just in case you missed recently I don't want you to miss this breaking news.

Nicole wants to sing, model, blackmail, she wears many hats- some of which were purchased in the 80's. I was not impressed with her vocal runs and I'm sorry she doesn't look like a model to me. I've seen pics and she's not photogenic. Anyhow she's terrible "Maya, I only want you to be happy. You know that right?" Ugh shut the fuck up you manipulative blackmailing dreg.

Maya looked like she was going to shit her pants when she was talking to Rick. Maybe she's remembering his violent streak. I do think he loves her, but maybe he loves how she treats him and elevates him more if that makes sense?

I don't like Napoleon Rick's beard. Lol I don't get why he's suggestion the jewelry department go to the lead model for jewelry design supervision.

  • Love 12

Rick to Maya, "Nothing is going to change how I feel about you... I don't care what it is"... because I see the woman in front of me...doesn't matter because it made you the person who you are today, the person that I love." Hey Sharon, tell Maya how telling the truth worked out for you and Nick. Men like Rick don't know how to forgive. It seems to me that Nicole wasn't really being nice but trying to goat Maya into telling Rick. Oh, by the way did you know that Rick is responsible for the most successful quarter in years when he wasn't even in place the entire quarter, that there hasn't been a better leader than him in 5 years. Did you know that Maya is loyal, steadfast, trust worthy and Rick trusts her implicitly. Rick still thinks it's a joke to treat Ivy and Ally as servants and they have no sence of humor.

Othello eyeing Nicole up and down undressing her with his eyes is more than creepy. Nicole is a teenager and Othello is like in his 30's. Also with Nicole introducing herself to Othello and his response being yes you are said the spider to the fly.

Wyatt only heard that there is a secret that Maya is withholding not the secret itself so I'm sure Wyatt will turn detective. I'm wondering when Maya tells Rick will there be a coverup for Rick to save face. Even if Rick stands by Maya, will he be able to handle the ridicule he will receive to make him step down. You know how Rick handles being challenged. He even was a little cross with Maya, today, when she challenged his intentions.

  • Love 4

I'm bored with the CEO Rick story line, it's not even fun to root against him it's just tedious now.


I hope when the big reveal comes the writers remember that with "estrogen to regulate" Maya crossed over from omission to outright lying, and if memory serves I don't think Rick is in favor of lying. 


Rick deserves to be as lonely as his mom.

  • Love 11
I've become fixated on Maya's wig. It looks like a light wind will blow the whole damn thing off any second. It's just one big chunk of hair.

Ya think? To me it looks like they literally fastened a horse's tail to the back of her head, hot rollered it, and then flung it over her shoulder.


I do kind of get where she's coming from.  She figures if she's not going to be with him, she doesn't need to tell him.

I get that too. What I don't see is why she thinks being engaged will provide her some protection when she does (presumably) tell him. Rick had no problem dumping a wife for betraying his trust so it'll probably be easy peasy for him to dump a fiancee for the same reason. Maya should accept that there's just no guarantee how Rick will react and whether he'll still want to be with her after he knows--no matter when she tells him. Plus, the longer she waits the worse it'll be if he finds out from someone other than her.


cherry tree chopping confessor George Washington

"Okay, Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Washington, Mr. Woodward, Mr. Bernstein, Princess Cassandra, and all you notary publics, line up over here. Now, those of you who've cut down a cherry tree please leave the line. Um, Mr. Washingon, where do you think you're going?"


The first day in my first history class in college the professor told us that the cherry tree story never happened. It's a just fable that's ironically about the supposed honesty of our hallowed first president. A good portion of the class was amazed to realize that our teachers probably all the way back to first grade had been perpetuating that lie. Probably not unlike the way Rick will be amazed to find out how long Maya's been less than honest with him (and Carter) about a significant aspect of herself.

  • Love 3

While it was somewhat satisfying that Wyatt is now alerted to the fact that Maya is Rick's Achilles Heel, I wish they would've set this up as something more original other than a scenario from yet another overheard conversation, which they already did with Carter.  A different modus operandi would've been nice.
I guess though, this gives Wyatt something to do as he digs further.  When this all gets brought into the open, I hope B&B goes big and and splashy and I hope Bill and one of Spencer Publication's online newspapers will be involved. 

I liked the scenes with Maya and Nicole today and I liked the scenes with Nicole and Carter yesterday.  It seems as though they're tryng to soften Nicole's image, I don't mind a little passive aggressive attitude but I hope they back away from the blackmail angle.

Even though the scenes with the estrogen falling out of the purse had holes in it, KM played the anxiety really well.  I do think, though, that if the writers want to inspire more empathy for Maya the person, not just Maya the transgender person, they need to have her speak up the next time she hears Rick bully, taunt or tries to humiliate Ivy or Ally.  She cannot chastize Carter for trying to bully her in one moment and then stand idly by as Rick bullies Ally or Ivy, especially in their downtime at home.  Whether in the privacy of their bedroom, sequestered in the office or in front of others, it doesn't matter but Maya needs to raise the issue somehow-- it's a big discrepancy that I think prevents some from truly feeling for this character.

  • Love 11

smartyshorts quot

Hey, Rick... the CEO... hates lies. And his paramour has a Big Secret!!! She'll tell him when he proposes, but not one second before.  Even though Rick. Hates. Lies. I am not kidding.



Saint Maya is going to end up martyred for that equivocation now that Wyatt knows she's hiding something.


It's all over but the shouting.

  • Love 1

I'm bored with the CEO Rick story line, it's not even fun to root against him it's just tedious now.


Verily!  At this point I don't even feel bad for Ivy and Ally anymore.  Rick and Maya treat them like house servants?  Why not tell them to fuck off.  They treat them like shit at the office?  Again, why not tell tell them to fuck off.  




A room and a job?  They are both both grown-ass women with a lot of money and talent.  There is absolutely no believable reason for either of them to put up with Napoleon and his toady.  It's so stupid.  But apparently the writers are going to drag out this plot point until the living Bratz doll shows back up, which totally sucks.  It would have been so much more interesting if Ivy, Ally, Ollie, Pam, Wyatt, Carter, and Ridge had banded together to get rid of Rick ... or if they had left and started their own company ... or anything but this and the return of Steffy.


Ugh.  Still bitter about JMW coming back.

  • Love 10

Uh what? Rick is ok with Maya keeping things from him because they made her who she is today? I am so confused! After listening to Rick whine and bellyache for months about his terrible life, and everyone has always lied to me, and I don't like secrets, and I value honesty above all else, how can he be alright knowing Maya isn't being upfront about something? Hmmmm......this viewer calls a whole truck load of bullshit on that. I think Rick cares a whole lot, but can't go there in order to save face. I mean come on, he has put Maya on this pedestal as being a saint, and the most perfectist precious person in the whole wide world. He has preached her saving graces to all who will listen, and has made Maya's truthfulness and honesty key points in any conversation he has had with just about anyone. And now he finds out that girlie's outer shell is cracked and full of fissures, so of course he has to act like it is all good. Can't let the underlings and the domestics find out that Maya wasn't born in Sainthood. I hate them both, and I hope they both go down in a heap of burning hot flames of shame and embarrassment. 


You go Wyatt! I want you to not only get that dirt, but use it too. Actually, I hope he finds out all and tells his mom. I think it would be fitting for Quinn to spill the beans since Rick hired her back to aggravate his family. Talk about a decision backfiring. 


All of FC's design talent; Ridge, Caroline, Ivy, Quinn, Oliver, should just go on and do whatever Rick and Maya, the two experts in everything fashion, want. Then, when no one is buying, FC's real talent could come out in force and say that their designs had been overridden by management. See, at the end of the day, the best CEO isn't crap without marketable, sellable product. So Rick and Maya and Brooke and Eric can all stick a sock in it about the success at Forrester being all about The Prick. 


The combo of revisiting the "takeover" and the eminent return of Steffy scare the pants off of me. I dread her return because she chews up the scenery quicker than snot, and I dislike the character with the heat of a thousand suns. I really, really, really, don't want them to pair her with Wyatt. Hasn't the character been through enough being with Hope and dealing with his mom? 


Othello, you creep, get your much too old eyes back in your head; Nicole is only a teenager. 


Caroline.....Caroline......oh where are you Caroline! Please come back and give me something to look forward to!

  • Love 16

[Maya] cannot chastize Carter for trying to bully her in one moment 

 - while she was bullying him!


I am still holding out hope that the lead model's deep dark secret will be exposed to Rick on the runway during a fashion show. Couldn't you just picture it, with slides of Steve Urkel being projected behind her? 


Othello likes girls?

  • Love 11
What's with inviting Brooke to the wedding?  At least she didn't ask her to be matron of honor.

Quinn doesn't have 30-40 years worth of pent up resentment against Brooke so that wouldn't be a score she'd be trying to settle. But I don't see why she wants Brooke to come to the wedding. Hope is not a minor so the fact that Brooke is the mother of Deacon's kid is hardly a reason for Brooke to attend her ex's wedding. I imagine the only reason Brooke and/or Hope will show up will be to try to stop the ceremony. You'd think Quinn wouldn't want to risk that kind of "forever hold your peace" drama.


So when is someone  going to bug Rick's office? It seems like everybody and their brother (or sister) uses that room for personal gossiping and secret-telling. One well-placed bug could blow up several people's lives.


I can see it now: when the truth comes out, Maya's going to claim she didn't want to tell Rick for fear of the scandal it would cause FC. Of course by that point probably half of LA will know and the scandal will be way more uncontainable than if she just told him now.

  • Love 7

I would imagine that semi opened door is B&B's equivalent to bugging the office.

I loved Wyatt busting into Bill's office with a big smile on his face. It was like a dog wagging his tail, with a bone in his mouth, thinking I love the taste but I don't know what it is.

Brooke, you wicked witch, if Decon is full of kindness and goodness, than why did you keep Decon away from Hope for most of her life even when Decon wasn't in prison?

  • Love 7

Brooke, you wicked witch, if Decon is full of kindness and goodness, than why did you keep Decon away from Hope for most of her life even when Decon wasn't in prison?


I assume that him being the only guy she sees on her romantic horizon bumped him up a whole lot of kindness and goodness points.  If Ridge had gone for that finger snapping, Deacon would be coming in a lot lower on the Brooke Scale of Goodness and Light. 

  • Love 7

What is with Brooke? She has become nothing more than a wet blanket, a complete Debbie Downer. For someone who possesses one of the best smiles and cutest giggles in the business you would think we would see some of that. Instead, we are getting squinty eye's, and blank looks, and sourpuss faces. And the only people she seems to care about are Deacon and Rick. And all this forbidding, and snapping, and general air of disdain and nastiness; I am struggling to hold on to any liking I ever had for this character. 


And once again, we have Rick threatening people with their jobs because they don't agree with him. But Pam wasn't having any of it, and I wanted to kiss her for reminding Rick that people are entitled to their opinions. 


Quinn had me in stitches during her conversation with Carter:


Quinn "would you perform our marriage ceremony?"

Carter "I usually only do that for friends"

Quinn "oh, well you can make an exception this time"


Quinn "we will pay you for your gas or your fear"


Call me an idiot or call me a fool, but I love Quinn's enthusiasm, but more than that, I love how she is willing to put herself out there for everyone's scorn and derision. I think it would be awesome if some people actually showed up at Quinn and Deacon's nuptials. That might go a long way to keeping Quinn on the straight and narrow. More than anything though, I want Quinn to prove Brooke wrong. Yes, we all know that Brooke is in possession of the Golden Couter, and that men who check in there generally never check out, but this is a new era in Bell LA, and Quinn ain't no slouch in the hottness department, and she might not own the GC, but her Who Ha glitters just as brightly, albeit in an entirely different way. 


I am not sure if Nicole is backing off because she feels she has gotten what she wanted, or if she had a epiphany, and realized blowing Maya's cover would cost her too. No more big mansion, no more modeling, or singing, or high flying life style. And now Wyatt is on the case. Something tells me that Maya's secret is going to come out in a way that none of us expect. Would Bill, Katie and Liam be willing to blindside Rick with an in depth story in Eye On Fashion? Would the Hardy Boys be willing to take a trip to Maya's hometown and interview her parents? You know, to get the complete scoop? Somehow, I think that would be so friggin awesome. 


Shallow notes:


Loved Pam's red dress and dark blue sweater combo.

What the heck is up with Maya's hair? The more I try to understand it, the more confused I become.

Someone really, really needs to take Nicole under their wing and explain to her that this is 2015 not 1984. 

Outside of her oddly puffy face, Brooke is looking better than she has in long while. Her hair looks better, and it appears she may have gotten a trim, and she is out of those dreary, dowdy outfits she has been sporting. 

I love Quinn's nerdy glasses; I adore beautiful women who nerdify themselves. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 9
Quinn "we will pay you for your gas or your fear"

Quinn: "It's at Wyatt's house. Uh, we'll -- we'll pay for your gas or -- or your fee or we'll give you a big tip."


Source: http://tvmegasite.net/day/bb/transcripts/bb-trans-04-15-15.shtml


Geeze, Nicole dresses as if she crawled out of one of those clothes donation drop-off containers you see in parking lots of shopping centers.

It's really odd, isn't it? I wish the writers would explain what's going on there. Has she been homeless a long time or something? When she left wherever she and Maya came from did she have to go with just the clothes on her back? Whatever, you'd think Maya would hook her up with some remainders from the HFTF line. At least those clothes are from this decade. (And to clarify, I don't think there's anything wrong with classic, vintage clothing but that stuff Nicole's wearing is hardly classic or vintage.)

  • Love 2

What is with Brooke? [snip] I am struggling to hold on to any liking I ever had for this character. 

Brooke has been my favorite character from day one, and she is even getting on my nerves with how she's been behaving lately, especially with that "I forbid you to (fill in the blank)" nonsense.  I guess I'm not as loyal & steadfast as Maya :( 

  • Love 10
Quinn: "It's at Wyatt's house. Uh, we'll -- we'll pay for your gas or -- or your fee or we'll give you a big tip."



Ha! Thanks Joimiaroxeu, I really thought she said fear! Oh well, I still enjoyed that whole interaction. So much better than watching Rick and Maya suck face. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 3

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