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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Ridge and Caroline connect on a different level than Ridge with either Brooke or Katie. Don't under estimate the heart, mind, or passion of artistic people.

I'm not surprised at all that Ridge can paint. It's not a far stretch from being able to draw and most probably been one of the courses he took in art school. Love his loft.

  • Love 6

Good point. It doesn't seem to me like this particular actor would be a huffy diva about their contract, especially when

she's in the current frontburner story

, but anything's possible.

I believe that actor renewed their contract last year and it may have been a multi year deal. And I've seen that casting call for at least 4 months.

  • Love 1

"No, are you dense Liam?" ...Yes Steffy he is. A thousand times yes. Honestly what the fuck is he on about with the share selling? Just ask for her proxy you bottom-feeding, back-stabbing, WaffleBill-in-training. Steffy, don't fall for it girl. Just don't.



I think the writers did a good enough job of making the whole situation a mess, with no real winners.


They most certainly did not do that in any way, shape or form. Everyone was Team CarRidge until Brooke and Steffy showed up, even Katie, Rick's own insipid Aunt, sided with Caroline and practically apologized to her and licked the tears off her face. There was absolutely no balance. Now with Steffy and Brooke back they are just now getting some.




You know, it can actually be a liberating experience when a woman reaches a certain age. And we can even have a pretty interesting life once the kids are older - although how old is RJ anyway?  These writers have no imagination.     

ETA:  Wasn't Brooke a chemist?  What is more current than STEM?  I would love to see her interact with Maya's tech-y sister.  Maybe Nicole (?) could reawaken her scientific side.



Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

I think the writers are making Brooke pay for being gone that long, her character has seldom been worse. 

Unwarrented brought up a good point that in the past, love (or her version of love anyway) has been her motivation to get into most of her relationships. She's never actively sought out to be a sex kitten; that came years and years later.


But now? She's acting like Steffy was when she first went after Liam and using her willingness to put out as bait. And while I've always disagreed with that line of reasoning as an excuse for hurting her sister and daughter twice over, it was consistent to what we know of Brooke. And now TIIC are even disregarding that.


What a shame.

  • Love 3

Brooke needs a makeover.  Her hair is straggly and she always rocked shoulder length or they can give her tons of extensions like Steffy.  Brooke couldn't have looked any more matronly wearing that gray jacket!  She looked like Helga from Hogan's Heroes!  She has a great body and after all that dancing she should be toned and ready to show off the results.   

  • Love 4

Turtle, on 06 Feb 2015 - 2:07 PM, said:


What in the world is going on with Brooke?  I don't get what her motivation is supposed to be here at all.  I can understand her wanting to protect Rick or get revenge for him, but if Rick is furious about his wife kissing Ridge, how is his *mother* getting with Ridge supposed to fix that?  Sure, maybe it gets Caroline hurt, but it doesn't really balance out.  And wasn't Brooke pretty clearly done with Ridge before she left?  I am just so confused.  And I think it's stupid.


PsychedelicTrip quote

I remember now why I loved having KKL gone.  Because anytime Brooke is around it's always about her having to have a man...and usually it's Ridge or she's breastfeeding Rick and trying to save him from someone...now it will big bad Caroline.  I think most of Brooke's Revenagenda is about her tired raggedy and surely by now menopausal ass being replaced by the young fresh nublile Caroline Spencer who is the niece of the biggest adversary she could never really compete with.  The thing is I love KKL, I think Brooke is a character who could be so much more than the sum of who is in her vagina.  I'm just no interested in seeing her chasing Ridge again, been there done that and mileage may vary for some around here but I see very tepid chemistry with TK and KKL; certainly not the five alarm heat that  TK and LG are bringing.

Rick needs to stop with his "I've been so wronged" act.  Ridge is not the big bad monster...most of Rick's issues are of his own complex and his mother's sexual nonsense being paraded under his nose.  That would warp any kid, but in terms of being wronged and in Ridge's shadow,  well try being Thorne.  The man has never been give a chance to do much of anything in that company, certainly not at the right hand of Eric's throne.


As several of the spoilers have speculated, Brooke's wheel grinds slowly and everything remains the same. No matter how many times the pendulum swings, Brooke's modus operandi is to fuck first and ask Was that a good idea? later, and historically that plan has worked some of the time with Ridge. With the return of Ridge 2.0, he has rejected her more often than he has embraced her (Because their screen chemistry is painful to watch?). 


Ridge stopped her last marriage attempt to $Bill, exposing him as a legitimately treacherous and disingenuous individual (helicopter ride into the Gulf): I felt that was more about keeping RJ out of $Bill's corrosive influence. When Ridge was found walking the beach with noggin bonk, he seemed even more distanced from Brooke. Ridge told Katie about not being able to draw because noggin bonk, eventually using Caroline for artistic support and emotional sustenance (to the degradation of her marriage to Rick and his engagement to Katie). Most of his recovery was happening while KKL was Dancing with the B-Squad.


Whatever "growing up" Brooke experienced while in Italy was a temporary anomaly if she's back to plotting Taking Back Ridge From Female Competition: Version 536.


This is going to be a barren source of amusement.

  • Love 6

St3phForrester Quote

I actually really like this new set - so masculine, so creative, so... Ridge! He really is a new man now, isn't he?


Cupid Stunt quote

If the same attitude and behavior with a new hobby and location make for a new man.


St3phForrester quote

Sorry, I should've put in one of these ;) at the end, I was being sarcastic.



No harm no foul, St3phForrester


; )

  • Love 1

My apologies to all you here who think they're hot, but I cringe whenever I see Caroline and Ridge getting it on.  It makes me FF as I just cannot see them as a couple.  To me, it's like some dirty old man trying to recapture his youth, and Caroline having daddy issues. It's one giant yuck-fest for me.


This show needs new blood.  Too much soap-incest going on because there are no new characters with which to pair people.  Unlike Y&R and their bloated cast, B&B has too few characters and it needs to bring on newbies for future interactions.

  • Love 5

My apologies to all you here who think they're hot, but I cringe whenever I see Caroline and Ridge getting it on.  It makes me FF as I just cannot see them as a couple.  To me, it's like some dirty old man trying to recapture his youth, and Caroline having daddy issues. It's one giant yuck-fest for me.


This show needs new blood.  Too much soap-incest going on because there are no new characters with which to pair people.  Unlike Y&R and their bloated cast, B&B has too few characters and it needs to bring on newbies for future interactions.


I agree!  I don't know why they don't use the other characters more like Oliver.  Why does Ridge have to be with anybody, same with Brooke.  Give it a rest.  

  • Love 2

1. a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.
synonyms: intruder, encroacher, trespasser, invader, infiltrator; More



This is the definition of “interloper” that I just found on Google. I’ve included the definition here simply for clarity, because I’ve never understood how Maya could be considered an “interloper” when it was Rick who pursued Maya and brought her into his life from the very beginning.  Wouldn’t Rick be the one to determine whether or not a person is wanted or considered to belong in HIS own life?


Rick is the one who pretended to be a waiter so that he could get to know Maya and so that Maya could get to know Rick for himself in return. After Rick met Maya the first time he volunteered at Dayzee’s, he spent time in his office at Forrester Creations simply staring at Maya’s picture. Rick is the one who started breaking dates with Caroline so that he could continue to volunteer at Dayzee’s simply in hopes of running into Maya, while also continuing to pretend to be a waiter so that Maya would continue to let her guard down around him.


Rick is the one who pretended to be without shelter or means of transportation so that Maya would feel sorry for him and let him sleep on her couch. Rick is the one who started missing important meetings at Forrester so that he could take Maya "window shopping" on Rodeo Drive and watch Maya try on clothes. Rick is the one who brought Maya to work at Forrester Creations so that he could continue to get to know her and explore a relationship with her right under Caroline’s nose. Also, Rick and Maya didn’t even sleep together the first time until after Rick officially broke up with Caroline.


There are many other examples, such as when after “outside efforts” finally succeeded in breaking Maya and Rick up, Rick rebounded back to Caroline, but also told Caroline right to her face that he couldn’t get Maya out of his mind. That’s when Rick went to Maya’s apartment to ask her to take him back, but saw Carter’s engagement ring on Maya’s finger. Once again, Rick is the one who begged Maya to reconsider, but Maya told Rick she had simply had enough of constantly battling with Caroline (and the rest of the world) over him.


Though I’m a Maya fan, I’m honestly not invested in her relationship with Rick, but I almost feel as though I have no choice if I want to watch her on this show because that’s who "the show" keeps putting her with.  In any case, I certainly understand posts that say that characters on the show seem to be trying to pretend as though Rick and Maya had no previous relationship before their current one.


I honestly could have NEVER cared less if Rick and Caroline stayed together and lived “happily ever after,” but Brad Bell is the one who suddenly broke them up “out of the blue” for Maya. When Maya came on the show and Rick immediately took an interest in her, I honestly thought at the time that Bell had specifically written Maya into the show for the purpose of being Rick’s love interest because the pairing with Caroline was such a dud.


When Rick finally married Caroline, I assumed Bell had changed his mind and simply gone back to his true and time-honored tradition of making sure that the blond one came out on top. After Bell did yet another 180-degree turn and put Rick and Maya back together again, I assumed that he had simply realized the error of his ways and was trying to rectify it.


Now, I simply assume that Bell just put "Raya" back together as the quickest and most effective way to prop his new shiny toy known as “CaRidge.”

Edited by Gemini
  • Love 11


I don't really see Ridge and Caroline's relationship working for the long-term.


Probably not because this is a soap and all that, but I'm going to disagree with this.


I think Bell and the writers were taken by surprise with the chemistry between these actors. Soaps these days tend to force couples rather than let things happen naturally. In this case, some scenes were written with Caroline helping Ridge and suddenly - boom - something was happening on screen.


For me, this pairing brings to mind Mac and Rachel from Another World. The head writer noticed chemistry between the actors, but went about a pairing slowly because he was concerned that the audience might not accept a younger woman/older man pairing. Mac also had a daughter about the same age as Rachel who was always jealous and scheming to split them up.


Does that mean Ridge and Caroline will make it? Who knows but I think there is potential there. Especially since it seems like the writers are changing Ridge from the RM days (not that doesn't mean the audience should forget all the crappy things he did in the past). I get the feeling the whole staying in Paris for a couple of years (was it 1 or 2 I can never remember) is supposed to be the catalyst for the changes. Will he be jealous of Caroline if she finds success away from him? Maybe but then again maybe not because he seems very proud of her talent at this stage.


I guess we'll see but for now? I am all in with Caroline and Ridge.

  • Love 14

My apologies to all you here who think they're hot, but I cringe whenever I see Caroline and Ridge getting it on.  It makes me FF as I just cannot see them as a couple.  To me, it's like some dirty old man trying to recapture his youth, and Caroline having daddy issues. It's one giant yuck-fest for me.

I agree! Except for the daddy issues. It's more like granddaddy issues.

  • Love 2

Probably not because this is a soap and all that, but I'm going to disagree with this.


I think Bell and the writers were taken by surprise with the chemistry between these actors. Soaps these days tend to force couples rather than let things happen naturally. In this case, some scenes were written with Caroline helping Ridge and suddenly - boom - something was happening on screen.


For me, this pairing brings to mind Mac and Rachel from Another World. The head writer noticed chemistry between the actors, but went about a pairing slowly because he was concerned that the audience might not accept a younger woman/older man pairing. Mac also had a daughter about the same age as Rachel who was always jealous and scheming to split them up.


Does that mean Ridge and Caroline will make it? Who knows but I think there is potential there. Especially since it seems like the writers are changing Ridge from the RM days (not that doesn't mean the audience should forget all the crappy things he did in the past). I get the feeling the whole staying in Paris for a couple of years (was it 1 or 2 I can never remember) is supposed to be the catalyst for the changes. Will he be jealous of Caroline if she finds success away from him? Maybe but then again maybe not because he seems very proud of her talent at this stage.


I guess we'll see but for now? I am all in with Caroline and Ridge.

This whole post is exactly how I feel, thank you for stating it so perfectly. 


Mileage may vary, but imo this is not the same Ridge,  not just because TK is playing him, but because he's actively being written as more than that spoiled shallow self indulgent playboy of years past.  Ridge will always have his flaws and history but I think Brad Bell really wants this to be a new Ridge,


I wish the hair and makeup department would glam up KKL a bit more.  If I'm supposed to believe she's this sexy hard to resist siren then I'm gonna need her to get some oomph in that lifeless hair then a bit more glam to the makeup and an outfit that showcases those assets of hers.   C'mon show..make me believe Brooke can be a true rival for Caroline, Quinn and anyone else;  because right now she looks tired and in need of some serious Estroven laced Fava beans chased down with a nice Chianti.  


Mr. Trip watched the episode on return from his travels and he commented how TK must really hate his job right now.  The guy must go home btichin everyday about what a tough time he's having opposite that unsexy, homely little LG. ;-)

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 10

Funny thing. In the past, Ridge never went after women who were considerably younger than he was. (Ignoring the quickly aborted Bridget pairing.) That type of behavior would have been perfectly in character for RM's Ridge.


When Caroline 2.0 first came on the show, there was a scene with Ridge in the guest house. They were getting very emotional in their talk about Caroline 1.0. At one point, Caroline lifted up her hair to show Ridge the cancer ribbon tattoo on the back of her neck. I thought he was going to kiss it. That skeeved me out just as much as LG with TK. I think it is because LG is so delicate and young looking. Just from a purely physical looks PoV, I thought that Caroline and Thomas made the best-looking couple. Too bad AG couldn't act.


ITA that Brooke needs a makeover. Eileen Davidson is about KKL's range (give or take a year either way) and she looks fantastic. Age-appropriate and sexy. Brooke needs to get back into those jewel toned form-fitting dresses she wore when Brill was first breaking. KKL's face and figure look great for her age, so I can't imagine why she wouldn't like to make the very most of what she has. Maybe Brad Bell dictates the character's hair, makeup and clothes??? Otherwise, I truly don't understand.

  • Love 3

One million likes to that post, Gemini.


Right back at 'cha, kia112, to all of your posts!


Gemini, that was a fantastic post! Thank you for citing the exact history of Rick and Maya. Appreciate it and fabulous job. 


My pleasure, venusnv80! I'm tired of Bell pulling this "bait and switch" on viewers and luring many of us in with beautiful love stories for couples, and then pretending that we're supposed to just come down with a severe case of amnesia whenever he picks up a shiny new toy.


While I’m on the subject of Rick and Maya’s “love story,” I also wanted to mention that I've seen many references to the theory that Maya is a “gold digger” and how she is such a slut for coming on to a married man in a steam room. However, I personally haven’t seen any references to that time Maya changed her mind about being with Rick once before, after Maya had realized that she couldn't get Rick off her mind. That's when Maya decided to swallow her pride and went to Rick's house to tell him she wanted him back 


Does anyone else remember that? That’s when Maya went to Rick’s house to talk to him, only to find out that Rick had already proposed to Caroline when she saw Rick’s engagement ring on Caroline’s finger. Dayzee had even encouraged Maya to go and talk to Rick once Dayzee realized how much Maya truly loved Rick, even though Dayzee herself had once been one of Caroline’s main accomplices in trying to keep Rick and Maya apart. 


In other words, this isn't the first time Bell has written Rick and Maya’s love story as coming back “full circle," and I for one won’t just pretend to forget all of their history just because Bell is trying to get as many viewers as he can on board for “CaRidge.” I'm not hating on CaRidge, I just feel like this is one place where Bell is unfair to many of his longtime viewers who do invest in the show's history (across the spectrum, not just in regards to "Raya" fans specifically). 

Edited by Gemini
  • Love 8

I can kind of see the Mac and Rachel comparison, but in their case, Rachel was not nearly as young as Caroline, and Mac really wasn't all that old, he just looked older because of the premature gray hair. And personally, I don't see the Caridge chemistry (I wouldn't see it with Ronn Moss either) that others do.

Unless I'm wrong, I don't think JMW isn't back for the long haul, so I'm not sure what's going to happen with regards to her takeover from Rick.

"I just want to ride this out and see what happens".

I wrote it out, thought about re-phrasing, and then left it as it was. ;)


My apologies to all you here who think they're hot, but I cringe whenever I see Caroline and Ridge getting it on.

Please don't apologise for your opinion, KLovestoShop (I sure as hell ain't gonna!). Different strokes for different folks. Personally I like CarRidge because it allows me to indulge in a particular fantasy of mine, as a younger woman with desires for older men, in the safety net of fiction - a bit like catharsis. I can also see why seeing it would make some people uncomfortable with the allusion to a paternal relationship given the age difference, and I understand that (there's a reason why it is and always will be a fantasy...)


I wonder whether the issue - greasy actors aside -  is Caroline's youth as opposed to Ridge's maturity? When Eric & Donna were becoming hot and heavy it was mostly Eric's advanced age that bothered people (in show as well as in the audience), whereas Donna was just labelled as a plastic, gold-digging bimbo, and there's arguably a greater age difference between Eric & Donna than there is Ridge & Caroline, except that Donna was closer to 40 (Jennifer Gareis was 37 when that storyline started). But like as grisgris said earlier, Caroline comes across as "delicate and young-looking". Steffy & Brooke both mentioned that Caroline is as young as Ridge's daughter(s); I don't think Eric ever mentioned it when he gave Ridge a hard time, only that she was Rick's wife. And going back to Brooke & Eric, Stephanie made a huge deal about Brooke being "just a girl", "Eric would never do such a thing" (ha!). But for me, I don't see Caroline as a girl, I see her as a woman - I'm six months older than LG, and I don't see myself as a girl. I guess we always think we're more mature than we are, particularly in our late teens/early 20s, but for me there's a big difference between 18 and 27.


Anyway, I'm not trying to justify my support for CarRidge or try to convert anyone, but just thought I'd throw it out there.

  • Love 12

I believe it would help if there was some frame of reference for how old these characters are actually supposed to be. Of course with SOARSing, that makes it nearly impossible. I'm one of those seemingly nasty (but innocent) people who always think that people are older than they actually are.


When Brooke got together with Eric, I'm guessing she was in her mid-20's and Eric was in his mid-to-late 40's. Donna, late 30's (I thought she looked older) and Eric early 60's? If Steffy and Caroline are the same age, mid-to-late 20's (based on out of college at 21-22 and having 5 or so years of work, travel, etc.) then Ridge would have to be at least 50. I know that May-December romances are very common, especially in the entertainment world, but aside from sex, what else would you have in common? We used to speculate about that with Steffy and Bill. I know that Caridge has some advantage with the artistic drive/design, but then what?


Back to the visuals...Caroline would look better and older (IMO) if she also got a haircut. From the neck up she looks like virgin Victorian romance and from the neck down she looks like hot young edgy designer. She'd totally rock one of those current tousled lop cuts.

  • Love 3
I can kind of see the Mac and Rachel comparison, but in their case, Rachel was not nearly as young as Caroline, and Mac really wasn't all that old, he just looked older because of the premature gray hair.

Yep, plus Rachel had a kid and--to put it kindly--had been around the block a few times, and IIRC Mac didn't have near the messy romantic past that Ridge does. IMO B&B seems to be repainting Caroline as an ingenue and Ridge as a recovering rogue who's perhaps being "cured" by her fawning adoration.


Now, I simply assume that Bell just put "Raya" back together as the quickest and most effective way to prop his new shiny toy known as “CaRidge.”

That's kind of the way I'm seeing it too. I think it'll be telling if a) one of the women gets pregnant--and fairly soon, and b) at least one of the couples gets married. Kids have a way of changing the relationship ballgame permanently and marriage usually comes with some legal and financial risk, especially if there's part of a family empire at stake.

Well, I needed a shower after the CaRidge scene but not because I was all hot and bothered. I needed to wash the ick off.


If that's what sexy is supposed to look like, TPTB, try harder next time. Maybe read some good old-fashioned bodice-rippers.


The fact that they they had to play a song called "Mad Chemistry" was so laughable, but yet so perfect for this travesty of a couple. A giant heart-shaped anvil dropping on their two heads would have been more subtle.


You have Ridge, the unkempt, overaged, oversexed, over-the-hill playboy who is suddenly a "painter" now. A painter, a poet, a pilot...oh, I get it, he's alliterative, too. 


And then then the fresh-faced Caroline doing her best Helen Hunt in As Good As It Gets impersonation. 


I spent most of that episode laughing myself silly as he tried to make sexy happen with painting his muse, all dolled up in a sheet, looking cute as the button she is. And it's not the age difference - even though the fact that he's old enough to be her daddy is not my cup of tea typically. It's the fact that they both seem like two teenagers around each other which, while initially, is cute and sweet, gets old fast. It's no wonder they don't seem that far apart in age because Ridge's maturity level hasn't progressed much since his mid-twenties.  


I can't get on board with the sheer ridiculousness of their relationship and when you add in the fact that their relationship started as an affair (an affair that for Ridge, in the beginning, was more about screwing Rick out of CEO than any real feelings for Caroline) , well, that sinks them for me. 

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 7

There are two qualities that I try to live by. The first being be nice to people you don't have to be nice to and the second be nice to people on your way up because you never know who you are going to meet on the way down. Rick and in-turn Maya don't express any desire to treat people with respect and continue to get great pleasure to humiliate them. Let them have their year but their ineverable crash (hopefully) will be epic. Speaking of humiliation, wether you like Steffy or not, what's up with her groveling at Liam's feet? Exit Steffy stage left.

Once again Eric is doing his best Ostridge impression. Eric your son shoots at your other son and you don't come running home. Also, what's with Aly's and Ivy's fathers. They are Foresters and don't have the wear-with-all to confront Rick on berating their daughters.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 9

Steffy is leaving now, right? And she'll be taking those dull montages with her when she fucks off?

Rick's and Maya's childish stunt with the ice cream...is this for real? Did I really see that? I don't care if Ally was gossipy or didn't support his ass enough or pestered him about her shoe line; that was petty, spiteful juvenile douchebaggery. The giggling was ugly.

I'm fine with Caroline and Ridge, and I think they can work, but I'm pretty much over the painting.

  • Love 10

Well, guess I only need one more episode to change my opinion to "Rick needs to go down!"  Everything left a bad taste my mouth today.


First of all, I didn't need to see Rick sweating it out between the sheets.  God knows what kind of new bacterial strain is festering in that fluid soaked bed.  Gave me the willies just thinking about it.  If I'm Aly and Ivy, I'm like, "Fuck that dude."  Doing your job is one thing, but ain't nobody got time to be treated like Cinderella in your own home.  Somebody needed to pop Maya in the mouth with her stupid giggling and draping herself all over Rick.  I did laugh when Rick cracked up telling Aly that he would think better with some ice cream in his stomach, only because of the way JY said it.


Caroline and Ridge are still gross.  Also didn't need to see his sweat beads and his naked leg.  Liam and Steffy were moronic.

  • Love 5

Okay, yes, the ice cream thing was terrible. But I couldn't stop giggling. As much this direction is disappointing, JY is clearly having a ball playing this Rick, and I'm having a ball watching him. 


Sexy finger painting? Whatever. Again, show ruined this for me. I think the actors have great chemistry but they're trying WAY too hard to remind me how hot and "artistic" they are together.


Is that the end of Steffy now? I almost hope not because that painful shot of JMW trying to move her frozen face was so bad. 

  • Love 3

Okay, yes, the ice cream thing was terrible. But I couldn't stop giggling. As much this direction is disappointing, JY is clearly having a ball playing this Rick, and I'm having a ball watching him.


Yes, JY really did make me laugh.  Glad he can have fun with the parade of buses his character is being thrown under.

  • Love 2

 Those two don't need all of the songs and gimmicks--close-ups of eyes and biting on lips. I could watch those two kissing all day long. That's a rare talent they've got, because sometimes I get skeeved out watching even good-looking people kiss. But there's something so comfortable about them--they just lean in and melt into each other. It's very seductive.


I think she seems older/more mature with him (none of the stupid tweeting and texting, less shrill) and he seems younger, but it's probably just because he's happier and more relaxed now. There is a great line in one of my favorite films, "Amelie": "Love is a great beautician." I thought he was handsome before her, but now he's off the charts for me. He lights right up. They're both glowing.


Your whole post was spot on for me, but especially these parts I've quoted.    They are extremely seductive and natural.  I believe them as a couple and so yeah, I don't need all that hokey music and painting.   I like the romance of it all, but small doses work better.  


I really like this Caroline.  I no longer see her as that silly girl as you said who was constantly seeking approval with her selfies and tweets.  This woman has just created a successful fashion line and that has to be very validating.  Ridge seems to bring out great qualities in her and it seems that she's finally comfortable with herself.    


ITA that Ridge is glowing,  the smile lights up his face and his eyes twinkle when she's around.  TK is doing a great job of portraying the comfortable place Ridge is in now.  He seems at peace in his new loft and at peace with Caroline.  


OTOH,  Maya and Rick imo, bring out the absolute worst in each other.  I don't see either of them as anything but insipid mean children who are thoroughly enjoying stomping all over anyone who dares to come into their playground and challenge their "meanness"   Both of them are on an ugly power trip.   There's nothing amusing about these two assholes mistreating Ally or anyone for that matter.


This all started because Caroline shared a kiss with Ridge.  Yeah..I get it...Rick is hurt but enough is enough.  Time to suck it up, grow up and move on already.  Maya is simply pathetic.  There's nothing grand about her on the arm of this punk. 

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 13

Oh, yeah.  Felt bad for Aly, disgusted by Rick, but still found JY hilarious.

 ITA with you that JY is taking this shit and running with it.  I won't hate on the actor..he's having fun.  It reminds me of my SC having that damn Sharon/Victor bipolar meltdown.  She turned that shit to gold and had me in stitches the whole way.  You gotta work with what you get! 

  • Love 3

Shira, thank you for the Boris & Natasha reference. (The mobile version doesn't allow for likes or I would have done so). I've thought of this same thing many times but I didn't want to insult Boris & Natasha with the comparison to Rick & Maya.

The writers most likely going for that Ghost moment between Patrick and Demi but failed. If they played "Unchained Melody" it would have been an epic fail. The scene failed, though, due to the finger painting more than the passion shown.

  • Love 2

Regarding Gemini's post above about the history of Rick & Maya, something just hit me.  Didn't Rick break things off with Maya because she "shared a couple kisses" with Carter?  I think I remember someone seeing Carter leave Maya's apartment building & squealing to Rick, which of course led Rick to assume they had sex.  I know Maya swore up & down that they didn't, and I'm fairly certain Rick believed her.  So my point is, I think the writers are trying to paint Rick as having a problem with Caroline & Ridge because it's Ridge, but I think maybe Rick really does consider kissing cheating & a deal breaker.


Count me as another who doesn't find Ridge & Caroline hot.  I think the fact that Caroline looks way younger than her age is what I find so bothersome, and I really don't see the chemistry that others do between them.

  • Love 4

ITA that Rick and Maya bring out the worst in each other, but I could say the same for Ridge and Caroline.


She acts like a smitten schoolgirl when she's around him, although I suppose that's perfect since he's an overaged schoolboy himself.


I disagree that she is secure in herself though - I thought she was far more secure pre-affair, standing by her husband's side as he worked to prove himself worthy of being CEO. My how times have changed for all parties involved.


Now, instead of getting validation from herself, which is where she should find it, she gets it from Ridge. Which is exactly the way he likes it and, if he put down the paintbrush, sonnets, or joystick (ahem) and thought about it long enough, he'd probably tell her "you complete me." 


She should complete HERSELF and two broken people who possess zero boundaries like these two have no business being in a relationship, but good luck to both of them trying to fill the bottomless bucket. Ditto for Rick/Maya.

Edited by CountryGirl
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 If they played "Unchained Melody" it would have been an epic fail. The scene failed, though, due to the finger painting more than the passion shown.

Ssssssh!  Don't give Brad any ideas!  


I love that they are finally together,  but that paints would have been better left next to the easel.    Now if they'd brought out some flavored body lotions and rubbed it on and let this viewer imagine where they were gonna paint...THEN I might have been all in with it.  


Still I love me some Ridge/Caroline.  I'm sitting at that buffet table for as long as it's open! 

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 7

Regarding Gemini's post above about the history of Rick & Maya, something just hit me.  Didn't Rick break things off with Maya because she "shared a couple kisses" with Carter?  I think I remember someone seeing Carter leave Maya's apartment building & squealing to Rick, which of course led Rick to assume they had sex.  I know Maya swore up & down that they didn't, and I'm fairly certain Rick believed her.  So my point is, I think the writers are trying to paint Rick as having a problem with Caroline & Ridge because it's Ridge, but I think maybe Rick really does consider kissing cheating & a deal breaker.


Count me as another who doesn't find Ridge & Caroline hot.  I think the fact that Caroline looks way younger than her age is what I find so bothersome, and I really don't see the chemistry that others do between them.

Caroline found out about Maya and Carter from Rafael and tattled right away to Rick, leading him to believe they had sex, when in fact, they had not but just shared "a few kisses!!!" She then proceeded to bed him. Wow, am I having deju vu right now or what?

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Well, guess I only need one more episode to change my opinion to "Rick needs to go down!" Everything left a bad taste my mouth today.

First of all, I didn't need to see Rick sweating it out between the sheets. God knows what kind of new bacterial strain is festering in that fluid soaked bed. Gave me the willies just thinking about it. If I'm Aly and Ivy, I'm like, "Fuck that dude." Doing your job is one thing, but ain't nobody got time to be treated like Cinderella in your own home. Somebody needed to pop Maya in the mouth with her stupid giggling and draping herself all over Rick. I did laugh when Rick cracked up telling Aly that he would think better with some ice cream in his stomach, only because of the way JY said it.

Caroline and Ridge are still gross. Also didn't need to see his sweat beads and his naked leg. Liam and Steffy were moronic.

Was a rough day for the non-shippers huh? OTOH the Raya fan in me (and I'm sure the CarRidge fans) is very excited to watch today's show. Edited by slayer2
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Caroline found out about Maya and Carter from Rafael and tattled right away to Rick, leading him to believe they had sex, when in fact, they had not but just shared "a few kisses!!!" She then proceeded to bed him. Wow, am I having deju vu right now or what?

You're right, I completely forgot about that! These writers don't have an original bone in their collective bodies!

Edited by ByTor
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THANK YOU. I think that's what bugged me the most. Anybody who has ever painted with oil paints knows: that stuff should NOT get onto/into your skin. So it took me out of the hotness and I just had to keep pretending it was watercolor. I shouldn't have to be having these conversations with myself about hazardous paints when two people I 'ship are trying to scorch it up. :) (That being said, they STILL scorched it up for me and I watched it a good four or five times. Let's hope they give the props a rest next time, though.)

As an aside, Ridge could have used an Acrylic paint. Although not easily removed it's easier than oil paint. Acrylic paint does look like oil.

Edited by Waldo13
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So basically every couple is equally disgusting, only Rick and Maya are just plain evil. What kind of storytelling...

But I have to add in that one thing that doesn't bother me about Ridge and Caroline is the age difference.

That's pretty much the gist.  I also agree about the age difference not being a reason for my disgust with those two.  It's not like LG looks like Ariana Grande.

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