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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Taylor.Is.SUCH.A.Bitch. Seriously, I’m about to stroke-out, I’m so pissed at her.  So many layers…

1. First & foremost, this drama is over a Neanderthal, that most sane women wouldn’t take to the curb on trash day, let alone anything else. 

2. Taylor, did, in fact, break their pact, in 2 ways. First of all, the double-whammy of trying to get Deacon to circle back to Brooke, & later confessing her lingering feelings to Ridge (which Brooke overheard). But, she also trashed both Hope & Brooke, by calling them “Logan women”, which was supposed to be an insult. Friends don’t pull that shit.

3. Brooke was devastated (more on KKL later), absolutely devastated, crying with both eyes, telling Taylor how much she valued their friendship, & how deeply hurt she was. Devastated. Taylor, the mental health professional, seeing her supposed friend having an absolute mental breakdown, because of her (Taylor) actions, chooses to laugh in her face, repeatedly. Brooke was pouring out her heart, deeply emotional, & Taylor just smirked & laughed the entire show. Ugh, I’m livid just typing this. 

On the positive side, damn, KKL was absolutely on fire today. She was legit showcasing how very hurt Brooke was. I’ve not watched every single episode ever, but I can’t recall her acting ever being any better than it was today. She sold that pain & hurt to the highest degree. If they dare nominate JMW for lead actress, in next year’s Emmy’s, when they have this winning performance, I legit might give up the show. 

But, I do hope that Ridge chooses Taylor. Brooke deserves so much better, Deacon, single, whatever is better than Ridge.

*To be clear, I’m not at all a KKL worshipper, I’m usually fine with or without her, but, damn, she brought it all today.*

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My fervent hope is that NuTay and Ridge marry and move to another planet. I cannot stand that awful woman with her hand on her skinny hip and her pointed, fake nails in her face all of the time. Yeah, NuTay we see you in all of your fake glory.

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The pact was always unbelievable anyway. Brooke was really the only one bound by it...because Taylor wasn't the one Ridge wanted anyway. She was the one left at the altar for the third time...while Ridge ran to Brokke. He'd have moved back in with Brooke that very night if she'd let him.

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It was so nice seeing a genuine female friendship, though, or, so I thought it was genuine. Brooke was just devastated. She was truly happy with that friendship. 

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OMG! Taylor is such a snake. Why is Tay Tay going on about all of Brookes men? Taylor banged all the same dudes with the exception of Deacon and in addition to Brookes son Rick who had been with her own daughter. That sort of negates Brookes time with Deacon being such a scandal when old Taylor did very similar.  
I hope Brooke puts Taylor on speaker phone while she makes sweet love to Ridge and coos about her destiny while the wig is stuck listening. 

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8 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

OMG! Taylor is such a snake. Why is Tay Tay going on about all of Brookes men? Taylor banged all the same dudes with the exception of Deacon and in addition to Brookes son Rick who had been with her own daughter. That sort of negates Brookes time with Deacon being such a scandal when old Taylor did very similar.  
I hope Brooke puts Taylor on speaker phone while she makes sweet love to Ridge and coos about her destiny while the wig is stuck listening. 

Heck...Brooke could've brought up Taylor's adultery with Brooke's husband! Taylor is delusional.

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I'm surprised Brooke fell for that fake friendship in the first place.  Honestly, they should have been suspicious of each other still pining for Ridge, because they've  always acted like two high schoolers, scheming for the football star.  I don't care who "wins" and winds up with him.   


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It was so nice seeing a genuine female friendship

That's where I land on this. It was nice to see them being nice to each other for once! How often have either had a female friend? Was it often OTT? Sure. Were they perhaps a little too giggly etc? I will concede that's true too. But I loved seeing the relief of being free from Ridge and of being free from fighting each other for that waffle.

I'm actually hoping Thomas is drugging Hope and somehow Taylor ended up with a dose and that's why she's acting this way. Because honestly, the writers haven't laid a bit of groundwork for this sudden change. As a viewer am I supposed to just forget she realized all of his love talk the last time was a bunch of BS?


Why is Tay Tay going on about all of Brookes men? Taylor banged all the same dudes

Exactly. I mean at this point in time, any character bringing up this crap is a huge hypocrite. They've all basically banged the same people!

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36 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

Exactly. I mean at this point in time, any character bringing up this crap is a huge hypocrite. They've all basically banged the same people!

This is why it's bugged every time Steffy brings up Brooke's "sins." Like what has Brooke done that you haven't, Steffy?  Other than sleeping with your daughter's significant other, but, let's be real, that only hasn't happened because Kelly isn't old enough yet. 

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Wow!  Taylor can spin a good yarn in defending her actions. Why does their friendship hang on Brooke’s concern for Hope?  Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t Taylor had her share of men, over the years, also?  Can someone please tell me what Taylor did, while married to Ridge, that made Ridge go back to Taylor or was it Ridge just being Ridge?  Also, the son doesn’t fall far from the tree. Psycho Mother, psycho son. The womanizer comes from his father. 

Ridge actually doesn’t care about Brooke’s and Taylor’s friendship. He just wasn’t to have sex with either one of them. 

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I agree with everyone's comments:  Brooke was genuinely hurt by Taylor's cruelty and KKL played her pained betrayal wonderfully and I don't get why people feel the need to throw her affair with Deacon in her face and for Taylor to call her disgusting?  But it's somehow not disgusting that Taylor's own daughter had to verify the father of both of her children with paternity tests?

I think I'd understand Taylor's position more if it was completely based on Brooke's not believing Thomas has changed as opposed to wanting Ridge back.  I also have to give credit to KA because she really went for the kill with her deliberately mean comments and she didn't dial any of her vileness down in the face of KKL's tears.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

On the positive side, damn, KKL was absolutely on fire today. She was legit showcasing how very hurt Brooke was. I’ve not watched every single episode ever, but I can’t recall her acting ever being any better than it was today. 

So true.  KKL killed it today.  And KA held her own playing a smug, hypocritical, nasty bitch.

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Brooke was the one kissing and private dinner with no clothes with Ridge. Ridge did give away Brooke wasn't honoring the pack to Taylor. 

The trying to make Brooke the victim here was ridiculous today. 

Stick Brooke and Ridge back together, I think both women deserve better but if we can save one then run Taylor run.

Eric saying there's too many people I. His office all the time was hilarious and true. Katie, Carter, Hope, Zende.  

Edited by Artsda
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Of course they have Ridge show up at the end there, when it's not clear what's been going on. I was hoping he'd happen upon the partially open door and hear Brooke crying while Taylor smugged, smirked, and laughed all over her pain, and then see Taylor be the one to make it physical. I really want to see him show Taylor that same anger and contempt that he showed Brooke when he thought she made that call. 

And Taylor was all over the place. She couldn't even keep her story straight. First it was about trying to help Brooke and Hope have a family, then it was about Thomas, then it was about Brooke and Ridge not being right for each other, and then she'd just circle back to whatever excuse she wanted at any given time in the conversation. And how do you stand there and lecture Brooke about "transparency and honesty" while you went behind her back to push Deacon to make a play for her and then went running to Ridge to make a play for him, all without being "transparent" with Brooke about it?  That certainly outweighs Brooke not giving Taylor daily "by the way, I still don't trust your son after he kept my granddaughter from her parents and faked a CPS call from me to break up my marriage" updates. Taylor knew damn well that Brooke didn't trust Thomas and that she had concerns about Hope working closely with him. She just, rightly, didn't feel the need to bring their kids' issues into their friendship. Turns out that, while Brooke had good intentions and, I think, really grew to love Taylor as a friend in that short time, Taylor clearly just wanted to keep an eye on Brooke and make sure she didn't get back together with Ridge more than she wanted to be friends. 

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7 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

This is why it's bugged every time Steffy brings up Brooke's "sins." Like what has Brooke done that you haven't, Steffy?  Other than sleeping with your daughter's significant other, but, let's be real, that only hasn't happened because Kelly isn't old enough yet. 

Assuming the show will still be on in five years, I put money on either Kelly's boyfriend or Will Spencer once he's come of age.

But truly, Stephanie Forrester II has been more Brooke than Brooke ever was. It's been forgotten by time how truly out of character it was for Brooke to schlep Deacon because the one thing the show has hammered in was the fact that she was a good mom to her kids and family was a big thing for her, especially in the early years.

Meanwhile Steffy for all her big game about family didn't think twice about trashing her cousin's relationship with Liam, hiding her involvement in her other cousin's death and even throwing the brother she claims to love now under the bus because she didn't like his girlfriend. Banging Kelly's boyfriend would just be an extension of the she she already does.

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14 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

 I don't care who "wins" and winds up with him. 

The winner will be the one who walks away Ridgeless. 

I have been taking a time out. My dumbed down senses just couldn't take it anymore. But after reading the comments hear I watched yesterday's episode. 

This is the way Brooke has always been treated. Stephanie faked friended her all the time in the early years, and always to support her own agenda. Keeping Caroline away from Ridge, asking Brooke to move in with her while Brooke was engaged to Eric, demanding that Brooke become her friend in order to secure Stephanie's divorce from Eric, befriending her when Brooke and Eric were near the end of their marriage, going off to find Brooke after she married Nick and Ridge had his heart attack; the list just goes on and on. Constantly playing on Brooke's emotions, her goodness, and her generosity, and oftentimes downright gaslighting her. And this is the person that Taylor learned her tricks from, well, at least most of them. From the beginning Taylor was a manipulator and an opportunist, dancing all over Caroline's grave before the dirt was even over it. Then, after worming her way into Ridge's bed and his life, screwing over Storm and Blake simultaneously, she makes a career out of flapping her lips about how horrible Brooke is, and how she "wants my husband" and will do anything to get him. PFFT! Please, Brooke stayed away from Ridge after he chose Caroline, she was happily involved with Eric. And really, Taylor is the fool who married a man she knew had been heavily involved with someone else, someone he was planning on marrying. She knew Ridge's St. Thomas proposal was more about Eric's happiness than her, but she accepted anyway. 

Outside of that, she is the one who betrayed Ridge and let him down by having sex with James Warwick and keeping that secret for decades. Brooke has never stepped out on Ridge, she has always been loyal to him, and has tried to do the right thing and have other relationships. So, what, Taylor thinks Brooke should have just been alone her whole adult life? That she should not have moved on from Ridge? The fact that Ridge would never allow it not withstanding, Taylor's arguments are hollow and groundless. It is not a question of who is the bigger whore, it is a question of who is the bigger hypocrite. 

I also feel that a lot of Taylor's animosity has to do with Stephanie choosing to die in Brooke's arms and not hers. 

Taylor has always been a horrible, self absorbed character. 

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I mean, sleeping with your husband‘s father really isn’t better or worse than sleeping with your daughter’s husband, in the real scheme of things. Brooke vs Steffy, potato vs potahto. I’m sure that Saint Taylor would flip her lid if Brooke brought up Steffy’s indiscretions, or the fact that she has to have a paternity test for both of her children. Again, I haven’t seen every single episode, but when Brooke was pregnant with Hope, there wasn’t a question as to her paternity, correct? I’m calling Brooke the winner of that round. 

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5 hours ago, nkotb said:

 Again, I haven’t seen every single episode, but when Brooke was pregnant with Hope, there wasn’t a question as to her paternity, correct? I’m calling Brooke the winner of that round. 

Hope's paternity was never in doubt, although she had the marriage of convenience with Whip so some, Bridget included, thought that he was the father until the truth came out.

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Thomas: Have I done something to make you doubt me?

Me: This is a half-hour show my guy, we literally don’t have time for all that.

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Having listened to the Tridge Mafia today...I've come to the conclusion that I may have been to hard on them(not really😜). They may actually not be "liars" in the truest sense of the word...they're actually delusional psychopaths.

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What Taylor did to Brooke with the slut-shaming of her and her daughter (which WTAF did Hope have to do with any of this except got to get those digs in on behalf of her Two For Two Paternity Tests trollop daughter, I guess) as well as pretending to go along with the pact is textbook for:


It's no wonder Thomas and Steffy are so whackadoo as Mommy taught them everything they know about how to be a narcissistic, manipulative psychopath.

As far as Taylor insinuating that Brooke broke the pact, too. Um, first of all, Miss Heifer Hayes never had any intentions of keeping to said pact as she had Ridge in  her crosshairs the entire time and putting other men in Brooke's path to clear the playing field, so there never was an actual pact. But if there was, which I do not concede there was, not after recent events, Brooke being in lingerie in her own home and Ridge still being there after she told him to turn off the lights before he left as she was going to bed - alone - does not count. If Brooke wanted to be butt nekkid in her own home, that is her right and no one else's business. Did Brooke kiss him or sleep with him? Nope. Has she since said pact was made? Nope. Has she given any real indication that she was going back on her word to Taylor? Nope.

Yet we have Brooke fooled once more by conniving, scheming Taylor just as she was manipulated by Stephanie for decades. 

She gave her friendship and her heart and her commitment to the bonds of friendship and was so overjoyed to be friends with her long-time nemesis, the woman who recently waged war on her marriage to Ridge by sleeping with him when he was still very much married and when she knew that Brooke had done "something" to piss Ridge off and he ran to her on the rebound. And, of course, that something was her devil child faking a call to CPS and pinning it on Brooke. 


When Brooke called her out for the fake "saint" she has always been, I cheered and while I wish Brooke would forget about Ridge and move on - single or paired - in this case, I'll make an exception and say, I hope she does reunite with Ridge long enough to rub Taylor's snippy little nose in it and show her once again, that Brooke is Ridge's first choice and Taylor is the default. 

Then dump him and let the sniveling hag have him because after the shit she pulled yesterday, Taylor isn't too good for Ridge. In fact, he might be just a hair too good for her. 

On a positive note, KKL sold the hell out of those scenes - the anger and the fury but also the heartache and hurt of betrayal. It wasn't even about Ridge in those moments. It was about the destruction of a friendship she thought she had. KA played Taylor as the fake bitch she's always been to the hilt. 

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That dress, though ugly, is more in tune with what HFTF stands for.  Does Stuffy realize that having a dead animal, on your head, is not at all becoming 🤢🤮

Ridge is a dumb fuck but I didn’t realize how much of a dumb fuck he is. Ridge asked Taylor if what Brooke is saying is true. He knows it’s true because Taylor was just making a play for him and asking him to go to Rome. Brooke has much more of a reason to go to Rome than Taylor. After all Brooke works for FC and Taylor doesn’t. Her pretense for going, to Rome, was to support Lurch.  


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10 hours ago, nkotb said:

I mean, sleeping with your husband‘s father really isn’t better or worse than sleeping with your daughter’s husband, in the real scheme of things. Brooke vs Steffy, potato vs potahto. I’m sure that Saint Taylor would flip her lid if Brooke brought up Steffy’s indiscretions, or the fact that she has to have a paternity test for both of her children. Again, I haven’t seen every single episode, but when Brooke was pregnant with Hope, there wasn’t a question as to her paternity, correct? I’m calling Brooke the winner of that round. 

Truly I don't know how KKL does it.  She still remains on a show that allows her character to be dumped on time and time and time again. All of Brooke's sins are constantly thrown in her face by multiple characters, while Brooke is never ever allowed to call the kettle black - ever. KKL is truly an MVP for sticking with a show that treats her character so hypocritically.

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Somebody went to work, and, in exchange for money, said: “We should do another triangle with Ridge, Taylor, and Brooke!”

And instead of getting fired, they got paid.

All right then. 

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My IQ dropped about 20 points watching today's show and womanhood was regressed 60+ years. "Eternal love," "destiny?" No. No. No. No. Not again. What Brooke said came across that she now thought she was wrong or even selfish, to choose herself over her "destiny." I am SOooooo disappointed in her.

I still don't fully understand how Brooke "broke the pact." She never, ever told Taylor that she was 100% convinced that Thomas has "changed." At best, she said she would keep an open mind towards him. Brooke was dead right when she said Hope was overcompensating when she said those awful things about Thomas. To hide Hope's true feelings. Both Hope and Brooke have every right to be skeptical about Thomas and expecting them to just drop it, let bygones be bygones, and open their arms to Thomas is unrealistic and delusional.

And of course, not that Ridge realizes that Brooke wants him again, he's being cagey after just a few days ago, he was dropping hints that he wanted to reunite with her.  I guess if not, Eric is going to throw Ridge out of the Forrester mansion.

I just can't fathom why Brad Bell thinks that viewers want to see this pathetic, well-past-its-shelf-life triangle AGAIN. Maybe the overseas audience laps that shit up and wants more. I can't imagine what a new viewer (if there even are any) thinks when tuning in and seeing 50- and 60-year-old women shoving each other around in an office. 


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Let me just say upfront, I'm not a particular fan of either Taylor or Brooke. I liked Taylor way back in the beginning and my favorite Brooke pairing was Thorne.

But this storyline is just insulting. The only reason the writers have Taylor acting like this is so they don't have to do any real work to reunite Brooke and Ridge. Brooke can now get back with Ridge without any guilt. And sorry it's both lazy and stupid.The scenes where Taylor and Brooke finally, finally told Ridge the truth were pretty darn terrific. The actresses both sold the relief they felt and sold their friendship. And now this.


My IQ dropped about 20 points watching today's show and womanhood was regressed 60+ years. "Eternal love," "destiny?" No. No. No. No. Not again. What Brooke said came across that she now thought she was wrong or even selfish, to choose herself over her "destiny." I am SOooooo disappointed in her.

Exactly. And what work has Ridge done to show he understands what he put them both through? What acknowledgement of any of that exists which makes it okay to reunite with either (though come on of course it's Brooke)?

The writers take a short cut every single time.

In the end, Taylor will be the winner as far as I'm concerned because she will escape from that waffle. Unfortunately, Bell and the writers actually think Ridge is some kind of catch and rather than letting Taylor hook up with Deacon or Bill - she will continue to pine for that idiot.


Taylor & Brooke's pact was destined to be broken. Otherwise, no drama equals boring story.

Well I don't see how round 1 million of the Ridge, Brooke and Taylor triangle is interesting or dramatic. It's stale and boring. Sure the pact was bound to be broken but there are many many different ways to have written it rather than this ham fisted short cut route.

This show is soooo poorly written.

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Hope's been trying to get her parents back together for years? She's been nothing like Thomas and Steffy trying to put their parents back together. 

Ugh at Brooke and Ridge, just put them together and free Taylor she's got better Chem with everyone than Ridge. 

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I just realized that even Brooke and Taylor being friends was really fully and completely about Ridge. Here we got suckered thinking we were getting a real friendship, or even a potential love story between two mature women, but, no, it was never about the two of them. It was never intended to be anything. They needed story to cover TK's break, so with no Ridge to fight over, instead of giving either actress (or, Heaven forfend, both) a romantic storyline while TK was gone, they wrote this "we have no intention of taking this even a full year" friendship to keep them both in a holding pattern so they could go right back to fighting over Ridge when TK was back full time. They put two characters on ice for Ridge. 

Taylor certainly didn't want to admit to her kids everything she did, did she? And I don't know why she didn't just own it all. Neither one of her kids would do anything other than high-five her and then settle in for a good old-fashioned bitch session about Brooke. It would have been annoying, but at least it would have been honest. But, no, Saint Taylor will giggly admit that she's always wanted Ridge, but she won't admit that she shoved Deacon into heartbreak and sped over to FC to hit on Ridge and break her pact with her "best friend" ASAP. No, she was trying to help "cute" Brooke and Deacon, and, besides, she isn't so sure Brooke didn't already break the pact anyway, so help her polish that halo, kids! 

RIdge, do you remember telling Brooke you wish you had trusted her and talked to her? Well, time to put that into action if you meant it. Stop trying to minimize what Taylor just did. You know Brooke is telling the truth, because Taylor did come right to FC to beg you to take her back today. And she admits she encouraged Deacon. Where is Brooke exaggerating or overdramatizing a single thing? 

6 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Truly I don't know how KKL does it.  She still remains on a show that allows her character to be dumped on time and time and time again. All of Brooke's sins are constantly thrown in her face by multiple characters, while Brooke is never ever allowed to call the kettle black - ever. KKL is truly an MVP for sticking with a show that treats her character so hypocritically.

And it just occurred to me today - even Brooke's kids will call her on her shit (sometimes deserved, sometimes not so deserved).  Taylor's kids never call her on her shit. And you know why? Because Brooke's kids know she's there. For life. Taylor's kids have no such security. They need to kiss mommy's ass and push for daddy to take her back because her presence in their lives is constantly tenuous. They can't, in their minds, afford to push back on her at all, because they have no history showing that she'll stick around through thick and thin. Not that that realization makes it any better that everyone gets to throw everything she's ever done in her face constantly, though. Maybe that's why my favorite pairing for her has been Bill. He may have judged her when he was newer in town (I'm not sure to what extent, because I didn't watch then), but once he fell for her, he fully and completely believed in her. And that's never stopped. And Liam's one consistently redeeming quality is that he doesn't throw her shit in her face, either. They, along with Eric, are the only people in her life who never pull that crap on her. 

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Great acting aside, today was embarrassing, these women are grandmothers.  They are too mature for this foolishness . Ridge isn’t worth it!!!

I wish Brooke hadn’t gone back to destiny…

I also wish the friendship was real and lasted longer. Underlying motives aside, it was refreshing. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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Taylor's ranting is why I will never be Team Taylor and will always be Team Brooke.

Because neither she, her son, or her daughter ever own their shit. EVER!

It's always "someone else's fault."

But Brooke owns her shit constantly.

Just the other day, Taylor dared to throw Deacon in Brooke's face. The same Deacon that she thought it would be so nice for Brooke to reunite with and give Hope her parents back together. A thing that Hope has never even remotely attempted to push unlike her parent-trapping sometimes-stepsiblings.

But think of that - Taylor is still spouting the same "slut from the valley" nonsense that Stephanie first uttered over 30 years ago. And Hope is how old and Brooke is still being taken to task for Deacon, which is NONE of Taylor's business and never was and Bridget forgave her a long time ago and her opinion is the only one in the universe that matters.

Yet it's sunshine and rainbows shining out of Taylor's ass and those of her spawn forever and ever amen. I'm glad that for once, Brooke stopped mainlining the Saint Taylor Kool-Aid and read that sanctimonious harpy for filth and the fake saint she has always been from the moment she preyed on a vulnerable Ridge while Caroline I was still alive. 

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How much is Ridge loving, though, that he's fully back in the driver's seat with both women wanting him to pick them?  Way to shit all over giving these women any kind of spine and self-respect when it comes to him, show. It was all a mirage. 

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I forgot to mention that Steffy was back to channeling her Valley of the Dolls look yesterday.  When she boasted that she was CEO of a "multi-billion-dollar company" I kind of cringed. Zero experience and qualifications other than being a nepo baby.

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12 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I just realized that even Brooke and Taylor being friends was really fully and completely about Ridge. Here we got suckered thinking we were getting a real friendship, or even a potential love story between two mature women, but, no, it was never about the two of them. It was never intended to be anything. They needed story to cover TK's break, so with no Ridge to fight over, instead of giving either actress (or, Heaven forfend, both) a romantic storyline while TK was gone, they wrote this "we have no intention of taking this even a full year" friendship to keep them both in a holding pattern so they could go right back to fighting over Ridge when TK was back full time. They put two characters on ice for Ridge. 

It really felt like an acknowledgment that times had changed and that the audience didn’t want to watch two successful women fight over some man anymore. I was really proud of the show for evolving past that dumb trope and respecting viewers enough to have these 60-year-old characters grow past this stupid garbage, if for no other reason than that they’re just too old for this shit.

That’s what I get for believing this show can improve, I guess.

I hate to agree with Thomas about anything, but I loved him shutting Hope down when she came in charged up to wade into their parents’ bs. Just a firm and consistent “I don’t want to get involved” until she dropped it. Why, knowing Thomas’ history, would you come to him with some emotional take on Brooke, Ridge, and Taylor?? These people have no boundaries whatsoever.

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All of Taylor's whining about "mean mean Brooke" was a blatant attempt to get Steffy to start up the parent trap again. I'm surprise she hasn't gone the extra mile...and held a seance to call forth Stephanie's spirit from beyond to reunite Tridge.

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I can’t believe Taylor is a trained, mental health care professional. Her level of delusion is ridiculous, as is her complete denial of any fault, & her codependency on her adult children. Those are the 3 words I remember from college psych. 😆 


Really, though, to immediately go to her kids, leave out most of her faults in the current situation, & then to blame Brooke for everything. I’m no huge Brooke fan, but all she did was not blab to Taylor a suspicion about Hope, & run to Taylor to reign in Steffy (the reigning in Steffy was ridiculous, & I was Team Taylor for a few seconds, but that didn’t at all break their sacred pact, Taylor pushing Deacon to share his feelings with Brooke, while she tried to jump on Ridge, are what broke their pact). Her nutter kids will be ready to jump in & parent-trap Mommy & Daddy again, no matter what Steffy says. 

Poor Deacon, has anyone checked in him? 

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I wish the show had gone with a storyline that some great poster here came up with: that Ridge would have come back from his hiatus with a fabulous new woman in his life.  Maybe that would have forced Taylor, Brooke, and children to find something else to do with their time.

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KA lost her voice and should have called in sick FFS!  I could barely make out a word of what she was spouting today which mind you would have been repetitive anyway.  She should have been resting her voice and stayed off set.  

Did Steffy get a haircut or is that yet another sorry assed wig?  

Who is writing this shit if the writers are on strike??

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I’m old enough to remember when this show had many story lines going at the same time involving many people. This show has been a one trick pony for a very long time and no one cares anymore. No One

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1 hour ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

KA lost her voice and should have called in sick FFS!  I could barely make out a word of what she was spouting today which mind you would have been repetitive anyway.  She should have been resting her voice and stayed off set.

They could have just had her lip synch and dub in her lines from any of the past few episodes. 

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3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I also wonder if Steffy has hair issues because why is she wearing a dead animal on her head?

She's honoring her true screen father, Ronn Moss, who spent years stapling road kill to his head and hoping nobody would notice.

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Brooke thinks that love means you never have to say you’re sorry but she’s wrong. Occasionally it’s the right thing to do. 

Why does Taylor look like she just rolled out of bed after sleeping in her clothes. Maybe she did. With the monkeys with the keyboard’s writing is hard to tell what time of the day it is or the day of the week. To them time is irrelevant. 

What is Hope’s malfunction. In one breath she doesn’t want their mothers to come between her and Lurch’s working relationship but in the next breath she’s filling Lurch in on the gruesome details on why their mother’s “friendship” has ended. Maybe just maybe Hope was doing a preemptive strike against Taylor’s version of revisionist history. 

Was it necessary for Lurch to put his hand on Hope’s hand as they were looking at the sketch?  Lurch could have avoided that little encounter if he wanted to. 

Spencer Publications owns Eye on Fashion so it wouldn’t be a stretch for Liam to go to Rome and stay in Hope’s hotel room.  Too logical?  

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Does this show not have sick days? I give KA credit for her effort but she was really sick. 

Taylor go get better. There's nothing to adore he'll still choose Brooke over her and the kids. 

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1 minute ago, Artsda said:

he'll still choose Brooke over her and the kids. 

I don't think he's choosing Brooke over his kids. That's two entirely different relationships. His kids with Taylor are full grownass adults with their own kids. He's not walking out on toddlers. He can be married to Brooke (or any woman who isn't Taylor) and still have relationships with Steffy, Thomas, and their kids. And since he's never really had any kind of antagonistic divorced relationship with Taylor, the two of them can co-exist as a presence in their kids' and grandkids' lives without it being uncomfortable (except for when they make it uncomfortable by pressuring him to leave his wife). 

And, not for nothing, but Brooke also has a child with him, so, either way he goes, he'd be choosing one woman over the other and the kid(s). Steffy and Thomas don't somehow have more of a claim as his kids than RJ does. I mean, I know they think they do, and that they're his "real family" or some such shit, but he has a family with both women. 

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6 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

And, not for nothing, but Brooke also has a child with him

And for once, we actually are reminded of that! Typically we're lulled into a sense of amnesia because no one ever sees or mentions RJ.

And even now that he's back, they still don't talk about him. 😂 I honestly forget about him until he pops up on my screen!

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

I don't think he's choosing Brooke over his kids. That's two entirely different relationships. His kids with Taylor are full grownass adults with their own kids. He's not walking out on toddlers. He can be married to Brooke (or any woman who isn't Taylor) and still have relationships with Steffy, Thomas, and their kids. And since he's never really had any kind of antagonistic divorced relationship with Taylor, the two of them can co-exist as a presence in their kids' and grandkids' lives without it being uncomfortable (except for when they make it uncomfortable by pressuring him to leave his wife). 

And, not for nothing, but Brooke also has a child with him, so, either way he goes, he'd be choosing one woman over the other and the kid(s). Steffy and Thomas don't somehow have more of a claim as his kids than RJ does. I mean, I know they think they do, and that they're his "real family" or some such shit, but he has a family with both women. 

Thank you for pointing out that Ridge and Brooke have a child. The way Taylor and her spawn act, you’d think they were Ridge’s only children. And I can never forget that Ridge did abandon young kids when he walked out on his very young son, RJ, and young stepdaughter, Hope, who called him “dad,” to reunite with returned from Dirt Nap #2 Taylor and their basically grown kids. Years before, he did the same thing to a young Rick and Bridget, when he learned she wasn’t his daughter and she was all of six years old (he also learned Thomas was his son and blamed Brooke for not telling him the truth even though that responsibility rested solely with Taylor). So Taylor and her grown-ass brats can put a sock in it as she and they didn’t give two shits about the young children who were just collateral damage in the wake of their parent trap shenanigans. Ditto for their false narrative that Ridge abandoned them for Brooke when it’s been clearly shown to be the opposite time and time again. 

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