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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I might be at a table for one but I did not hate the Carter/Katie stuff. It was actually nice to see her smile. Of course if he is determined to have a family, she might not be the best choice given her age and health issues. But they could adopt.

I hate, hate, hate what the writers have done with Deacon. Hate. Why do they insist on wasting this actor and character? And when's the last time he even spent time with Hope? Whatever. I wish they let him have a real shot with Brooke or maybe explore the chemistry he had with Taylor, Instead we are left with a big fat nothing and he'll probably end up in prison again.

Speaking of things I hate, this sudden turn for Bill is stupid. I'm not saying I don't enjoy Bill getting up to shenanigans, I'm just saying this turn has been awfully fast. Plus that ridiculous necklace is back. Oh Bill ... what a romantic you are! Why, what woman wouldn't love to hear you say you were meant to end up with either Katie or Brooke?

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14 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Sheila will slip through Detective Stuffy's fingers.

Not a spoiler, but you know Sheila's gonna choose violence.  Probably has a gun or knife in her purse, and will take Steffy hostage.  Question is, who will save her, Deacon or Finn?

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17 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Yeah, that was a real quick wrap up by the family in the family office. A 30 second wrap up of a story line that made us insane every day for months. Who the hell writes this crap and insults our collective intelligence every damn day??!!!!!

Gam2, don't worry, this is only a break, the TOD will resume after TK's vacay. We'll be subjected to more once he returns. And it will probably be excruciating.

4 hours ago, Kimboweena said:

Not a spoiler, but you know Sheila's gonna choose violence.  Probably has a gun or knife in her purse, and will take Steffy hostage.  Question is, who will save her, Deacon or Finn?

Eventually, but I think the chase is going to take a little longer. I'm probably wrong. But with a cliffhanger like that they usually pull a switcheroo. Sheila will pretend to be whatever she's calling herself in this wig and fool Stuffy long enough to slip by, thus continuing the chase.

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On 12/9/2022 at 4:54 AM, RuntheTable said:

Why do all that chem testing with Li, then just send him back to the hunt with Brooke and Katie? It makes no sense, and is making Bill look far worse than Ridge, something I didn't think was possible

Seriously! At least Ridge waited a day in between running back between Taylor and Brooke! Due was begging Katie to take him back no sooner than Brooke dumped him! 

Dude can't say shit about Ridge or Liam ever again.

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Should I stay or should I go..........

My bets say Sheila is gonna go. I see a re-creation of Monte Carlo, except this time Steffy won't be chasing Quinn. I would love to see Sheila come flying into the restaurant with Steffy in hot pursuit, Steffy taking a flying leap in a last ditch effort to catch the surprisingly fleet of foot Sheila. They fall in a heap right in front of Finn, as Steffy manages to wrangle off Sheila's mask. I doubt it will go down that way though. Sheila will probably grab that glass of tea or whatever it was, throw it in Steffy's face and bolt. 

I guess Sheila could try to kidnap Steffy, that would certainly tie into this sudden change in Steffy's demeanor, but it would most definitely not help Sheila's case. 

I too, am waiting for the Thomas fall out. All we have had is some dressing down, done masterfully by Hope, but there needs to be more; much more. Both of his parents said he needed help, and instead of staying in town long enough to see that through, they both jumped planes to parts unknown to lick their wounds. So, is Eric expected to handle the Thomas affair? Fire him from the company? See that he gets into some deep therapy? Nothing is going to happen to Thomas that hasn't already. There will be no further consequences. Hope may kick him off her line, but he will just go back to couture with his father and grandfather. All in all, he will be scolded for his actions, and be turned loose on society once again. And they wonder why Thomas is the way he is. 

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Where is Li. Why spend so long on Hope/Liam talking about Sheila. When she has nothing to do with them. I would rather see Li involved in this story. 

Steffy having a PTSD attack seeing Sheila made sense. 

Finn does not trust Deacon. Good. 

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Deacon is so screwed. Security footage is gonna do him in if Hope's memory of his mysterious woman doesn't do him in first. Will she snitch on her dad or cover for him?  WTH couldn't he have done the right thing for once and not let his peen overrule common sense? Hope and Liam's talk should've been around her being indignant about Sinn questioning her father and then her realizing that he did have a mysterious new woman who she met and he and she were very cagey about her being seen. Instead it was just huggy time.

NOW Steffy gets PTSD to let Sheila slip through her fingers? Disappointing.

Li and Jack should both be in this story; Did Ted King piss in someone's cheerios over on B&B? How is Jack still persona non grata and MIA from the resurrection of his son, earning redemption (Maybe even falling for Taylor or Brooke) and meeting his grandson only to be tragically taken out by Sheila as he's getting his life back or being framed for her murder (by her as she skips off into hiding to return to fight another day) and being shipped off to prison? Huge missed opportunity with this actor and character which is just sad.

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Did Steffy get a fresh round of Botox injections. For a while, she was looking really good with a minimum of makeup and nice hair. Today she looked all puffy.  Was it because she can’t act manic for shit?  Maybe Finn and Steffy should do a Liberty Mutual commercial together. 

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30 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Did Steffy get a fresh round of Botox injections. For a while, she was looking really good with a minimum of makeup and nice hair. Today she looked all puffy.  Was it because she can’t act manic for shit?  Maybe Finn and Steffy should do a Liberty Mutual commercial together. 

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed her face was puffy again.

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Steffy having PTSD would've been a trillion times more interesting than her parent trapping and Thomas spiraling for the 15th time. Her having trouble sleeping, going into work, etc. Better potential for storytelling and a good way to make her sympathetic, without making it about stupid Bridge/Tridge. 

I guess the only reason we're seeing Hope/Liam react to this is because once Deacon is exposed Hope is gonna be shunned for insisting he be in her life. Other than that I'd rather see Li and Jack too. It was "easy" to defend Hope's  desire to have Deacon in her life last year since Ridge, Steffy, Liam, and even Brooke at first were being indignat as hell about him. But Deacon has not done himself any favors lately re his character assassination. That said his character post-assassination will be somewhat more tolerable than Bill's. I guess that's just how much I hate incels or whatever the hell B&B is turning Bill into. 

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I might be walking out on a really thin, tiny limb here, but I think Deacon is going to say the security footage didn't capture anything, then the police will want to have a look and will see Sheila leaving. They will then ask Deacon why he lied, just as Hope begins to remember about the mystery woman she met at her dad's apartment. She will then realize why the woman looked familiar and will question Deacon about it. He will tell the police that he is not a techy kind of guy, and somehow missed that piece of the recording, and he will tell Hope that it was not Sheila and will remind Hope that his friend had red hair. For once I think Sheila will keep her word and will not out Deacon. Maybe wishful thinking? I don't really know how I feel about Deacon anymore. I was so glad to have him back, but then they had to go and fuck him up again. And for what? Kinda really pisses me off. 

Sheila got away. 

Sure didn't see that coming........

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I haven't watched an episode in months.  I DVR every episode but wind up deleting all 5 of them on Saturday since I can't find anything with Ridge or Taylor even remotely watchable.  I do check in on this board and saw there was an actual plot development so I watched Monday's episode.  It was quite good.  Finn's medical degree came in handy when he figured out Sheila might just be alive without her middle toe.  Contrary to the police report a toe is not essential to life.  Something in that makeup made Sheila look even more menacing than she usually does.  The altercation scene was interesting with Steffi getting triggered by Sheila's open-toe shoe.  The best scenes were Sheila looking into the mirror.  I might even watch tomorrow's episode.  

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7 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I might even watch tomorrow's episode. 

Welcome back! I can't wait to see what Sheila is up to now.

17 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Steffy having PTSD would've been a trillion times more interesting than her parent trapping and Thomas spiraling for the 15th time. Her having trouble sleeping, going into work, etc. Better potential for storytelling and a good way to make her sympathetic, without making it about stupid Bridge/Tridge.

You are so right! That would have been very interesting. But I think they have given us all they are going to regarding her PTSD. I can't even imagine having any sympathy for her, but something like that might have changed my cold heart.

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What utter and complete 🐂💩. Deacon looks at the security footage knowing Deacon is Shiela’s “friend”, erases it with a lame excuse for it not being there, and within hours, runs off to Italy.  

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As always, Deacon is a self sabotaging idiot. He’s had a multitude of chances to make this right and he keeps choosing Sheila. 

And why do the writers insist on wasting this character and actor? SK is a good actor and he has strong chemistry with multiple actresses on this show! But he is basically written into yet another corner.  The folks in charge bring him back - build this whole thing with Hope and even Brooke and then? Blow it all up for Sheila! I mean seriously ... for Sheila?!?

I was really hoping Deacon might get a real shot with Brooke or maybe Taylor. Didn't he have some flirty scenes with Katie too? But nope. This dreck is what the audience gets.

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I was lost during the final scene with Deacon. So, was he just grasping at straws to try to get away or was he serious about buying Il Giardino? With what? 

I think Sheila's finally gone over the edge. Is she going to off herself?

Steffy had a good up-close look at Sheila. Why can't she give the police a better description of Sheila's disguise? 

I agree that exploring PTSD with Sinn would be a lot more interesting than ToD and Sheila. Steffy and Finn seem relatively unaffected by their respective ordeals. Also, I thought Finn had some type of back/spinal injury. He sure bounced back quickly. 

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13 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

You are so right! That would have been very interesting. But I think they have given us all they are going to regarding her PTSD. I can't even imagine having any sympathy for her, but something like that might have changed my cold heart.

I doubt I'd have too much, if any sympathy for her either, but I would welcome/respect the attempt if it were done correctly with some effort put into it. Because her wanting mommy and daddy back together at her age & life experience is just not it. That shit just made me feel less bad that Sheila plugged her and honestly hoping she'd try again. 

Well Deacon continues to step in it. Sheila has said goodbye to him how many times in the last 7 days? Why does he keep making contact with her to essentially give a heads up, its only making her panic and more desperate. So much for self preservation Deacon. I don't know why he bothered to tell Sheila she was caught on camera, and then delete the footage. At the very least he could've lied and said he got rid of it. Even if we've moved on from TOD for now the show is as predictable as ever. I feel like I know where it's going to the point I might as well post it in spoilers. 

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Deacon is in line to buy the restaurant? Where did that come from? 

I am utterly confused by what is going on. 

The police didn't find it suspicious that there was nothing on the film? They wouldn't want to double check. I think an IT like person could tell that footage was deleted. 

Deacon keeps doubling down on his mistakes, with listening to Sheila being his biggest one. 

I have this scenario forming in the back of my mind, where after having her epiphany about Ridge, Brooke starts a new romance with Deacon while Ridge is away, and then discovers Deacon's involvement with Sheila just as Ridge is set to return. It would be the perfect way to reunite Bridge, and I can just hear Ridge telling Brooke that he is totally committed to her; until he isn't, which we all know is a given. 

Sheila was looking hella demented in those last scenes. 

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5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The police didn't find it suspicious that there was nothing on the film?

This is the same police department that thought Sheila must be dead because they found her toe.

19 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Deacon is Shiela’s “friend”, erases it with a lame excuse for it not being there, and within hours, runs off to Italy.  

Has it been established that Deacon has friends in Italy with $$$?

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The priorities these people have is insane. Why talk about the triangle from hell for the 546476478569 time when Sheila is on the loose. Steffy/Brooke didn't even tell Taylor about it. Just ridiculous.

Please let Brooke & Taylor tell Ridge to stfu and choose themselves. 

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When did Steffy become a majorette?

I’m wondering why there is no cat food and a litter box in the Executive Office.  Brooke and Taylor should be hungry and they are full of pissing and vinegar. 

No Brooke, no Taylor it’s not a dream. It’s a nightmare.  If either one is chosen, how can they be sure how long it will last.

Would the monkeys with a keyboard have the balls for Brooke and Taylor to tell Ridge to fuck off and have a romantic relationship with themselves.  

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Most times, I barely watch this show. I may actually watch this episode again. It's past time for Brooke and Taylor to stand up for themselves. I just hope the writers don't mess this up going forward. 

I could have done without Steffy, Finn, Hope and Liam but I guess their conversation served the purpose. I would have loved for them to have opened the door to see their Mom's high-fiving.

Looking at Ridge smirking makes you wonder if he believes their decision won't last.

Edited by madfortv
Added comment about Ridge.
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How long will both ladies hold out and who will break first. 👀

The high five did very much feel like a sitcom thing. 

Could have done without the Steff/Hope pow wow about their grown ass parents. 

Edited by backhometome
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I mean, it’s 20+ years late, & Kelly Taylor chose herself first (& better, she had an actual tough choice), but I’m all in for this #GirlPower duo. Seriously, today was old school, good soap. By new years, he’ll be back in bed with 1, or both, of them, but today rocked!

When KA turned to the side, she looked so much like HT it scared me. I never notice a resemblance, but today, it was like OG Taylor growing a backbone.

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Excuse me Ridge but don’t you need a soul to go soul searching?  

No matter who Ridge chooses he will be a freeloader either living in Brooke’s house or Steffy’s house at the beach.  Ridge even freeloads at Eric’s house when he’s between wives. 

I thought Charlie was a security guard. Has he been promoted to the town cryer?  A guess, as town cryer, knocking on doors is no longer required as it would be as a security guard. 

I find it quite comical that Steffy and Hope are arguing about their mothers fighting over the same man when Steffy and Hope fought over the same man for many a year.  

Ridge reminds me of Elmer Fudd but instead of the word sucker over his head, Ridge has two words, looser and rejected. Now if only Taylor and Brooke hugged and kissed after saying “we chose us”, it would have made my day, my week, my month, my year. 

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I almost don’t even care if they go back to the same old shit next week. To have Brooke and Taylor Choo-choo-choosing themselves was amazing. One of the best moments in the show’s history. To have them give Ridge a dressing down with no anger or histrionics and calmly walk out, hand in hand, made me cheer and it’s the first time I truly saw Krista own the role. 

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I was genuinely stunned we actually got those scenes. What I really liked is how both actresses played it like "OK, we're going to say this stuff because he needs to hear it...but, I still love him," right up until they simultaneously hit the "no, wait, we really are going to be OK without him," moment of clarity. 

I really hope this sticks for a decent length of time. 

I want to see scenes of Steffy, Finn, Hope, and Liam hearing from their mothers what happened, and while Steffy and Hope are maybe stunned for a moment (Steffy more than Hope), all four are actually proud and supportive. Because on some level they probably hadn't previously accessed, it has to feel like a relief to know your mom has enough self-respect to jump off that shitty merry-go-round. Yeah, Steffy wanted her parents together, but maybe the thought that Brooke also doesn't have him and that her mother was standing up for herself and her own well-being might help her see that this is the best, healthiest thing her mother could do. 

Considering how at odds some Taylor and Brooke fans have been for decades, it will be kind of hilarious to see some of them break out of that mold and start writing Brooke and Taylor fan fics after today's episode. 

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