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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I wish Hope would grab a backbone. Tell Thomas "that's fine, Douglas and Kelly can work on an art project at our house. Liam would love to spend some time with his daughter, and all three of us miss Douglas." Than tell Douglas it's time to come home, and he can visit dad another time. Or, just say "how about we alternate? He can do a week here, then a week back home, and then back and forth as long as it keeps going well." 

I wanted to scream when Ridge and Taylor were talking about Douglas being good motivation for Thomas to be good, and then added "so is Hope." 

1) It is not on Douglas to keep his creepy ass criminal father from going off the rails yet again.

2) If you think Thomas is using Hope as some kind of motivation, that should set off every single alarm bell possible. Him focusing on Hope has never been healthy. But those two dumbasses are probably thinking "hey, if he gets Hope back, it will be her responsibility to keep him on an even keel. And, as a bonus, Liam will be there as Steffy's backup man, just in case she ever needs to be without Finn again."  And, let's face it, that second part is probably a bigger motivation to the two of them. Steffy is their favorite little princess. 

I need Finn to get really fucking tired of his wife's shit. First, Finn has always liked Hope. Second, and a bigger deal, Steffy's complete disregard of Hope as Douglas's adoptive mother. 

I'm starting to get nervous about how much time they're throwing Brooke and Liam together. I know I've seen an article from earlier this year about how the actors absolutely do not want to go there and like the two of them solely as friends, but just the fact that it even needed to be said... If Ridge goes back to Dr. Halter Top (love that!), and Thomas manages to break up Hope and Liam, who else is on the canvas for either of them? I know Deacon is there, but with how tied up he is with Sheila, he's not a realistic option for Brooke. And there is nobody for Liam, unless they kill Finn off again. 

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm starting to get nervous about how much time they're throwing Brooke and Liam together

Honestly, same. I know KKL said a firm no to a Brick reunion in part because of the character assassination done to Brooke's character of having her steal another one of her daughter's husbands and I would hope she threatens to call out sick for the next 13 weeks if they even dare hint at this shit, even if this might be the one thing to kill Lope for good.

Besides the obvious reason not to do this, they don't have heat like that to make this worth anyone's while the way Breacon did or even the previous goodwill that Brick has going into 2005. Nope, nope, nope, I'd rather see Jill Fuckup Phelps take over for EP and have her fave Steve Burton take over the show after he's replaced TK as Ridge than sit through that.

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Oh Thomas, my little man, I really need you to go pound miles and miles of gritty beach sand right up your ass. You are such an annoying TayTot! You sit there in your grandfather's home, on your grandfather's couch, pontificating about who is family? No dear, our beloved Queen may have died yesterday, but that did not elevate you to kingly status, but there you sat, bestowing your blessings on those you deem family worthy. The only thing missing were the royal accoutrements. Just to set the record straight; Hope knows who she is and has been a member of your vaunted family since the day of her birth. So hows about you shut the hell up? 

It was nice to see Eric acknowledge the slight to his longest and dearest friend, but of course not a word about how rude it was of Steffy to not invite Brooke. And Finn, you have been on screen for about a minute, and you think you are qualified to dive into the dark and turbulent waters of Ridge's relationships with Brooke and Taylor? Instead of being angry with your nasty assed wife for excluding her father's wife from a family gathering, you instead prop her nonsense by talking smack about Ridge and Brooke's marriage? I mean did you really ask, "Would she really want to be? I am the new guy, I'm learning all the dynamics, the ins and outs, but this is the family you made with someone else, someone that your kids would very much like you to be with again".  What, did Finn follow his wife upstairs and retrieve his jewels from her purse? Cause that was some kahuna sized talking right there. And here is a news flash you raging idiot; these two families have interacted for years, at home and at work, so I think they would be more than capable of getting through one little get together. Geesh. 

Taylor is so over the top, I simply can't with her. Her coy and girlish behavior at Eric's was bad enough, but then we had her and Steffy acting like two 16 year old's once they got back to Cliff House, with their "mother and daughter code". And then Steffy's remark, "she does some late night snacking when she is thinking about something". Seriously? Just absolute EWWWW!! The best though was "I know dad going home with Brooke hurt you on some level, but you have to remember all of the amazing things he said about you". And topping it off with "I'm right; it's only a matter of time before you and dad are back together". Wow, just wow. There is so much wrong with all of that. First off, married men generally go home to their wives, instead of going to someone else's bed, even an ex-wife's. Further, Ridge always talks nice and sweet to your Mommy; nothing new there and pushing so hard for Ridge to leave Brooke is just tacky and mean. You are not a little kid, you are not a tween, you are a grown up person with a husband and two children. What difference in all the world would it make for your Mommy and Daddy to be reunited? Would you all cohabitate, and have happy fambly dinners together? Swap stories about your "nightly" activities? No, this has nothing to do with wanting a family reunion, and has everything to do with hurting Brooke, and by extension, hurting Hope. It is all just too ridiculous; I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly started seismic activity. 

Hope needs to go get a really, really, big stick and draw a deep line in the sand. She is either going to get legal, or she is just going to hand Douglas over to Thomas. 

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It was refreshing to see Li and Finn together today. She lit up the room. Finn is much better without Steffy. Tanner Nolan can actually act. This needs to be Finn and  Li's last discussion about Sheila. Since they are both doctors, why not have them working on some project together.  There could even be another character brought in to cause problems related to their research.

There has to be so many, many creative story lines for bringing people together on the show. Instead we get a poorly written show with repetitive dialogue. That is the reason I've not watched the show this week. I checked in today to see the Logan sisters together. I was sorry once I heard the conversation. Should have expected it. Having Finn,  Li, and Hayes was a nice surprise.

Completely agree with the comments about the Taylor character. What a waste of space!

At this point the only reason I'm watching is to see where they take Li's character. I can work around the show by keeping it on mute while I do other things looking up occasionally to catch the parts I want to see.

Edited by madfortv
Removed blank space and double post. Can't type today. Lol.
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Question:  If Donna is living at Eric’s, where was she at the last gathering?  

I guess Amelia is back to a full time nanny since Aunt Donna is not babysitting anymore. 

Paris is a fill in model for Venessa? Say what?  If the dress was designed for the model, than how did Paris’ ample boobs fit into the dress?  

Once again Lurch, who so desperately wants to be with Douglas, gives up time with him so Aunt Stuffy can take Douglas and Kelly to a pottery class. 

If Shiela has access to a lot of money, than why doesn’t she get facial reconstruction?  

I really dislike Brooke giggling like a teenager but is not half the dislike I have for Taylor and her phoniness. 

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Taylor talking about how Brooke doesn't have any say over "my grandson." Bitch, guess who else's grandson he is. And "Douglas is a Forrester." Yeah, so is Brooke. You know who isn't a Forrester, Taylor? You. 

So, Taylor is a "world renown psychiatrist," and Steffy is the co-CEO of an international fashion house, along with very recently being reunited with her believed dead husband. So, what do the two of them do with their days? Taylor moons around FC, hoping to run into Ridge so she can glom onto him like he's the quarterback and she's the head cheerleader. And Steffy is spending the day pulling her shift in their family's conspiracy to keep Douglas away from his mother. The best part was, after Thomas saying Douglas was out with Steffy and Kelly, Taylor beaming and saying how happy she is that Thomas is getting to spend so much time with his son. Amelia and Steffy are spending time with him, Taylor. 

The only person I'm really going to feel that bad for when Sheila inevitably kidnaps Hayes is Li. The rest of them can kick rocks. I hope the kidnapping leads Liam and Hope to swoop in and take Douglas and Kelly to protect them from whatever Forrester enemy is popping up this time. But, did I hear Finn say he was so content with Li and Jack that he never gave much thought to his birth mother? Because that was not the tune he was singing when Sheila first showed up. He was just so torn, because, on the one hand, she's a psychopath who has tried to kill numerous members of his wife's family. But, on the other hand, he'd always wanted to know his birth mother. 

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5 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

1.)  Question:  If Donna is living at Eric’s, where was she at the last gathering?  

2.)  If Shiela has access to a lot of money, than why doesn’t she get facial reconstruction?  

1.)  It was an impromptu gathering thrown together quickly after Princess Steffy decided she wanted to host another party at somebody else's house.   Brooke said that Donna already had plans with Katie for the evening (dinner and theater, I think?)

2.)  Sheila already had facial reconstruction to look like Phyllis, and then I guess had it un-done to get her giant melon-head back.   It would be hilarious if she did try to have another surgery only to have the surgeon carve "ATTEMPTED KILLER" in her forehead.

26 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

But, did I hear Finn say he was so content with Li and Jack that he never gave much thought to his birth mother? Because that was not the tune he was singing when Sheila first showed up. He was just so torn, because, on the one hand, she's a psychopath who has tried to kill numerous members of his wife's family. But, on the other hand, he'd always wanted to know his birth mother. 

That jumped out at me, too.  When Finn first told Steffy he was adopted, he said he'd always been curious about his birth parents.

It's funny how paranoid Brooke sounds when she talks about Taylor's and Steffy's "big picture" plan regarding Douglas, but she's 100% accurate about all of it.  Sometimes everyone really is out to get you!

Edited by Snaporaz
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It may fall on a lot of deaf ears but can we lose the "Fauxrrester" tag?  Ridge's last name is Forrester.  That's because he is a Forrester.  As Eric's and Stephanie's oldest and by far most favored child, he's much more "Forrester" than any of his siblings.  The ridiculous SL that made him Massimo's bio-kid happened when Ridge was in his forties.  In the decades prior, there'd been no inkling he was anything other than Eric's son.  And in all ways that matter, Ridge is Eric's son.

I know this was already addressed but I haven't been able to take a moment to type until now. In theory this is why I'd hate being a Forrester fan lol, the blood relatives are off screen & my onscreen faves are the ones whining about biology constantly and they're not even biologically tied to the name they feel makes them better. If Ridge & the tots were better people/better written characters I'd agree with this more. But they're not. I never thought the nickname Fauxrrester would be that bad considering it's not even canon the way "Slut from the Valley" or "Ho for the Future" is.  As in their true status has never really been properly or publicly rubbed in their faces, and isn't constantly being thrown in their faces today. I guess we could all go the Gen Z route and start calling them "mid" because regardless Tridge and their hellspawns will always be mid. The Midrresters anyone? 

Edited by Skarzero
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I don't have much to say about this week other than Tomass must be equally stupid & crazy because why would he want Hope to be with knowing what a bitch his sister is to her. If Steffy was a crappy step-sister to her then she'll sure as shit be an awful SIL too. Not  mention his passive aggressive quack doctor mother. Is she just supposed to stfu deal with those C U Next Tuesdays forever? Liam is still a lame ass but no "one woman man" is worth dealing with those 2 smug, insecure, immature bitches.

Why can't they just dead Thope altogether? It's boring as fuck now, and even if they do hookup they won't last. Hope will be dragged(again) I guess at least this time the dragging will be semi legitimate & deserved. Because Tomass doesn't deserve to have Hope after what he's done to her & family. 

What's also boring is Hope once again playing nice & pussyfooting. I don't know why she has to be so weepy at times, like hasn't she been through enough to bitch up by now? She's a mother for crying out loud how does she expect to protect her children specifically, her daughter, from Steffy, Taylor, & likely Kelly or whoever comes for her if her first & only response to adversary is "be nice" & "wait it out"?

Deacon I had such high hopes for but in true Brad Bell fashion decent characters/ development get sacrificed for pure nonesense. In this case more Forrester nonesense because that's all Sheila's about these days. Bill & Li are the only good idea the writers have come up with so far. Hopefully they'll do better with them than they did with Quarter. 

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9 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

What's also boring is Hope once again playing nice & pussyfooting. I don't know why she has to be so weepy at times, like hasn't she been through enough to bitch up by now? She's a mother for crying out loud how does she expect to protect her children specifically, her daughter, from Steffy, Taylor, & likely Kelly or whoever comes for her if her first & only response to adversary is "be nice" & "wait it out"?

In real life, everyone has their limit to “when they go low, we go high”. It’s too bad the writers/producers have a mandate that Hope absolutely, positively must be a doormat until the end of time. 

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I'm tired of it. I don't want to watch two grown women slinging shit at each other over a worthless waffle anymore. It is old. More importantly it is ridiculous. 

Brooke is misdirecting her anger; she is correct of course, but Ridge is her husband and is the one betraying her. Until that tool forcefully and firmly shuts Taylor and Steffy down, they will continue with their current campaign to break up his marriage. All Brooke should feel for Taylor is disgust, and maybe some pity. 

And so, we get Finn backpedaling on wanting to know his birth mother. Why can we never get any continuity? It was nice to see Li, but come on, it has been weeks since she has been in Bill's orbit. After getting hammered over the head with all this Forrester family nonsense, and Sheila's 475, 968,199th return from the dead, I am ready for something new and fresh. 

Thomas keeps saying how much he wants to spend time with Douglas, but yet again, the boy is off in someone else's care. Why is no one connecting the dots? 

Edited by RuntheTable
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On 9/9/2022 at 10:38 PM, Snaporaz said:

2.)  Sheila already had facial reconstruction to look like Phyllis, and then I guess had it un-done to get her giant melon-head back. 

Don't want to nitpick, but that did happen on another show.  It's not part of B&B canon.

On 9/10/2022 at 12:05 AM, Skarzero said:

What's also boring is Hope once again playing nice & pussyfooting. I don't know why she has to be so weepy at times, like hasn't she been through enough to bitch up by now?

It's time for Hope to fully embrace her father's side of the family.  Start drinking JD, wear a leather jacket, insult Ridge at every juncture, and generally be a thorn in the side of Thomas's family.

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Has Liam even seen Kelly since she came back from Monaco. 

I am so sick of Sheila and her delusions. 

You would think Steffy/Finn would be more vigilant in locking their doors. 

So Douglas can spend years in the cabin with Hope but not a few days with Thomas. Thats not how shared custody works!

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Today the character of Zende interacted with Finn. For the first time I saw potential in the actor. It was a major change. Maybe most of the Forester characters should be dropped and new characters hired with refreshing story lines. He has been mostly working with the Foresters, and seemed dull until now. After the episode today I would like to see him still on the show but with a new direction, that is working with different actors. The show also had lots of repetition from Brooke/Taylor, Deacon/Sheila, and Thomas/ Liam with the same scene of Sheila and Hayes on today for the first time, reshown two more times in the SAME episode. 

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Lurch Lurch Lurch, I call 🐂💩. If you want to be with Douglas than be with Douglas. Just because Douglas is with Stuffy and Kelly it doesn’t preclude you from being with them. Instead you rather do swimming in the Forester swimming pool. 

Finn are you that stupid?  Of course he is. Leaving Hayes alone in his playpen, unsupervised, and the door unlocked where he can choke on a toy or anybody could walk in beside Shiela. 

Fucking Lurch.  If Liam comes between him and his son, there will be bell to pay?  How about you and Stuffy coming between Liam and his daughter. Maybe Liam wants to pay more time with Kelly. I’m sure Lurch would have to say quite a bit about that. 

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12 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Don't want to nitpick, but that did happen on another show.  It's not part of B&B canon.

I'm aware of that.  Sheila was created on Y&R, and her history there has always informed her character on B&B.  The sense of dread viewers were intended to feel today as she was holding Hays is proof of that.   

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7 hours ago, Blondie said:

Did I imagine just a little bit of chemistry between Thomas and Liam today.  It kinda crossed my mind for some reason.  That's a couple I'd like to see 

As much as I'd like to see some queer rep on this show, Liam absolutely should not be it because the world doesn't need another fickle bisexual stereotype that can't decide who to be with 😂

2 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Sheila was created on Y&R, and her history there has always informed her character on B&B.

Hope referenced Sheila having multiple children, and I assume she wasn't just talking about Diana. Hayes has a half-cousin in Genoa City, and I'm sure that's had to have come up in conversation during Lauren's visits to LA and/or Eric's visits over there.

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Not much to see yesterday, except for Liam taking on Thomas. Finally, someone who is willing to lay voice to it, and tell Thomas about himself. It felt like the ship tipped just the tiniest bit from the Marone/Hamiltons. If Liam has to be the tough one because Hope doesn't have it in her, then so be it, but someone needs to step in and get the situation under control. 

I watched the first scene between Brooke and Taylor, and just nope. Don't need to see that retread again. Although I will say Taylor's exuberance and her over confidence will be her downfall. Taylor is many things, none of them good, but I have never known the character to gloat and preen. I feel like I am watching Big, and there is a little girl inside of Taylor masquerading as an adult. 

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7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

It felt like the ship tipped just the tiniest bit from the Marone/Hamiltons. If Liam has to be the tough one because Hope doesn't have it in her, then so be it, but someone needs to step in and get the situation under control. 

I watched the first scene between Brooke and Taylor, and just nope. Don't need to see that retread again. Although I will say Taylor's exuberance and her over confidence will be her downfall. 

Of course the Forresters are going to "lose".  They almost always do when it comes to the Logan family.  The Logans may be put-upon, with "Ho for the Future" and "Slut from the Valley" and all that but, ultimately, Steffy was fired by her own father for that stunt and Stephanie saw every man in her life marry Brooke and adore her forever. 

So, even though Taylor had some very good points (amidst all the unnecessary gloating and "Douglas is a Forrester" talk), e.g., questioning Douglas living full-time with Hope; supposed to be "shared custody", etc., Thomas will become loony again very soon and Liam, Brooke, et al, will be vindicated, Ridge, Taylor and Steffy will be proven wrong, and Douglas will remain with Hope. 

ETA, I have to say I did enjoy Brooke being the incredulous, screechy one this time instead of HT's Taylor.  I don't think KA has "screech" in her so I'm thankful for small favors.

Edited by Cool Breeze
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Come on, am I to believe that Paris is now a fit model?  Paris is not tall enough or flat chested enough to be a model let alone to be a fit model.  When did Xende stop being a designer for HFTF. Was Hope’s line discontinued once again?  

Do Hope and Brooke actually realize that trying to keep the peace is actually feeding the Psudo Foresters egos and make them more embolden.

I’m so rooting for Shiela to bring the rain upon the psudo Foresters  

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Taylor was complaining that she had issues with Thomas signing documents to allow Hope to adopt Douglas. Meanwhile, she’s the one that brought Dr. Shady into her daughter’s life. She pressured Steffy into pursuing adoption when Steffy clearly said she was in no hurry to do so and to signing the documents to adopt PhoeBeth. 

Now today Thomas is somehow trying to recreate a fantasy version of his broken childhood by having Ridge move back into Eric’s house. Most people in America don’t continue to live with their families as an adult. (Unless culturally appropriate, of course). These people have plenty of money. They can all visit each other at home or work all the time. There’s no need to live together. Plus, I still don’t understand why the Taytots blame Brooke for their parents not being together for chunks of their childhood. Most of that is on Taylor, but they’ve never blamed her for her absences. 

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Steffy and Thomas are beyond deranged.  It's actually uncomfortable to watch.  It must be nice living in that glass house, Steffy, especially considering that Taylor also worked her way through the Forrester men, and had a few indiscretions of her own while married to Ridge.  If Taylor is sooooo embarrassed every time she walks in on her daughter and son-in-law making out, why doesn't she get her own place, or at least move into Steffy's guest house?  

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19 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

Steffy and Thomas are beyond deranged.  It's actually uncomfortable to watch.  It must be nice living in that glass house, Steffy, especially considering that Taylor also worked her way through the Forrester men, and had a few indiscretions of her own while married to Ridge.  If Taylor is sooooo embarrassed every time she walks in on her daughter and son-in-law making out, why doesn't she get her own place, or at least move into Steffy's guest house?  

Apparently it doesn’t have air conditioning. 😂 Although Ridge lived out there for a while recently. 

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Steffy looked so cheap and tacky today. That outfit was horrible, too short and too tight. And don't get me started on the horrendous wig. She doesn't look like the co-CEO of an international fashion house or a doctor's wife. She looks like she belongs on a street corner. I've noticed her wardrobe has gotten so much tackier since Finn returned. Maybe he's one of those guys who likes for his wife to dress like a $5 hooker. 

Please don't tell me Paris is going to become the next big model for FC. For starters, she's too short. 

Thomas wanting for Ridge to move in with Eric was just pathetic. I am glad that Ridge at least made some attempt to defend Brooke and shoot down the silly idea. Maybe Douglas would enjoy hearing some of the "historic" estate events like people being shoved over the balcony, or drowned in the pool, or shot on the grounds. Tell 'em, Gramps!

Edited by CharlizeCat
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See, Ridge is simply not stern enough with Steffy. Yes, he did try to defend his wife and his marriage, but it is never enough to make Steffy shut her trap. I realize that she is Ridge’s special little Princess and all, and that he feels obligated to humor her, but the whole entitlement thing is not a good look.

Poor Steffy, one could almost feel sorry for her, except…..NOT. She tries so hard to make Ridge remember his life the way she needs him too; desperately trying to make Brooke the horrible wanton, and her mother the paragon of virtue. But it’s ok, Ridge knows his history, and while Steffy may be in the dark about some things, there are plenty she is choosing to rewrite, and others she is choosing to flat out ignore. She probably doesn’t know how her dad walked out on Brooke and their family when her mother returned from the dead the first time. How him choosing Thomas over the life and family he had built with Brooke left Bridget and Rick broken, and Brooke devasted. So, I am willing to give the confused soul a pass on that one. But she sure as heck knows how it went down when her mother came back from the dead round two. With Ridge once again choosing to leave Brooke and their family. Of course, there was some manipulation from Stephanie to spur that action along, but none the less, Ridge chose to leave Brooke. And even after finding out what his mother had done, he chose to stay married to Taylor. So, no passes on that one sweetheart. I would suspect she also doesn’t know why her dad finally made the decision to leave Taylor. I mean, that would illuminate how her mom is a betraying, lying, manipulator, and we certainly can’t have that. I wonder if little confused Steffy would find it funny that her dad wasn’t all that upset that Taylor had stepped out on their marriage? Being far more concerned with seeing Taylor for what she really is; a raging hypocrite, who made it her life’s work to try and destroy any happiness Brooke ever had. No, I don’t think the precious Princess would much appreciate that her dad had called her mom out for her terrible and unforgivable treatment of Brooke, when she was actually the one who had been heauxing around.

Oh, and before I forget, Steffy hon, there is street corner out there waiting for you. Taaaaacky. Just saying.

And then we have Thomas; just as confused and desperate as his sister, but as the oldest Tot, he certainly remembers more. What does it say about a person who would suggest to their father that they leave their wife, and come live at his granddad’s house? I guess the burning question would be has this idea been run by the man of the house? Maybe I missed when Eric gave Thomas carte blanche on inviting people to live in his house, but then again, Thomas has anointed himself the Family gatekeeper, declaring who is and who isn’t allowed in. So, it would fall into place that he thinks he oversees Eric’s home as well. All the same, I think Thomas’s obsessive need to have his daddy living with him says plenty about his mental state. He isn’t a child, or a tween, he is grown up, who for whatever reason can’t be alone. And this is the guy whose parents pronounce as all better, and just about the best, most loving dad in the whole wide world! Yet, it does appear that Douglas hasn’t really been with his dad all that much. Sure, he is at Eric’s, and his dad is around and all, but what are they actually doing together? Why couldn’t Thomas be part of Douglas’s outing with Steffy and Amelia? Oh, that’s right, he needed to take a dip in Eric’s pool.

It is like the cardinal rule of writing; Show, don’t tell.

Edited by RuntheTable
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12 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

Taylor was complaining that she had issues with Thomas signing documents to allow Hope to adopt Douglas.

If Taylor had issues then maybe she should have voiced it when the adoption happened. Three years ago.

She should also take it up with Thomas licensed therapist who told everyone that he was getting all the treatment that he needed and he was getting better. That Thomas didn’t need to get a conservator to make all his major decisions and he could continue to work in a high demanding job and live independently or get married. During weekly zoom meetings.

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9 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

What does it say about a person who would suggest to their father that they leave their wife, and come live at his granddad’s house?

I don't get it. I know logistically there's no budget for new sets but why not at least pretend Thomas has his own digs somewhere else?  Neither Thorne or Felicia had their own home after 2006, but even when they were the Parent Trappers of their day, they weren't this pathetic about it.

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Steffy's motto : What have you done for me lately?  Has Steffy already forgotten the reason she confronted Sheila in the alley?  Because she learned that Brooke had let Sheila know in no uncertain terms that she would be standing on that wall to keep Sheila away from Steffy and her family, and that's the reason Sheila targeted Brooke.  Because Brooke had Steffy's back.  Meanwhile, Taylor was inviting Sheila over for Christmas and convincing Steffy to let her hold the baby.  Steffy is such an ungrateful entitled sweathog, and it's making me crazy!

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Thomas, it's really not a coincidence that you and Steffy were each talking to a parent about them getting back together at the same time. It's literally all Steffy talks about. You'd think she'd be too focused on her back from the dead husband, her two children, or her career, but, nope. It's all mommy and daddy all the time. She's so far up their asses, she's started dressing just like mommy. 

It's kind of sad that, having both dealt with major waffling for years, neither Taylor nor Steffy seems to want better for each other. Sure, Taylor is currently happy that Finn keeps Steffy happy, but, as we've already witnessed, the moment Finn is out of the picture, Taylor jumps right past letting her daughter grieve to pushing her back at a waffle. 

Thomas and Steffy trying to act like mommy is not doing exactly what she's doing - going after another woman's husband - is absurd. "You would never steal another woman's husband, but Brooke would."  Asshole, you're sitting there trying to encourage your mother to go after Brooke's husband (which, spoiler alert, mommy is already working overtime at). 

And, Thomas, your father doesn't live very far from your grandpa's house. He could be over for breakfast with Douglas any day of the week. You know, if you ever spend that much time with Douglas instead of swimming and plotting. 

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23 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

It's kind of sad that, having both dealt with major waffling for years, neither Taylor nor Steffy seems to want better for each other. Sure, Taylor is currently happy that Finn keeps Steffy happy, but, as we've already witnessed, the moment Finn is out of the picture, Taylor jumps right past letting her daughter grieve to pushing her back at a waffle.

I would love for somebody (looking at you, Hope!) to tell Finn how Ridge and Taylor were pushing Liam onto Steffy five minutes after Finn "died". 

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Sorry Steffy, St.Taylor did cheat, she also slept with all the same relatives Brooke did. You yourself slept with Liam and cheated on Finn on top of cheating on Liam with Bill. Taylor went nutsand shot Bill and we're supposed to forget ALL this because it's a new Taylor?

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Taylor went nutsand shot Bill and we're supposed to forget ALL this because it's a new Taylor?

One of the many reasons I want to see Bill get more involved in this story as the custody issue persists. Douglas is his family both through Liam being his stepfather and through Caroline.  I really want to see him butt his nose in and remind Taylor that he's let her get away with shooting him...so far. And I would pay cash money to see both Liam and Bill teamed up against Steffy on Brooke's behalf. Nothing would hit her harder than seeing two of her backup men siding against her for Brooke, of all people. 

I can't remember which website it was now, but I saw some soap site doing a writeup on this whole thing that was very decidedly pro-Marones. At one point, I had to rage quit reading any further when I saw "and, as always, Hope is stealing from Steffy. She stole Liam, and she stole Phoebe right out from under her." Yeah, Hope is with the man she was supposed to marry before Steffy imprinted on him like a baby duckling and fucked around in their relationship. And Hope's got her baby who was stolen from her and sold to Taylor to aid in trying to reel Liam back in for Steffy. Steffy has her own man and her own new baby now.  And Hope doesn't need or want either one of them. So, what, exactly, would she be "stealing" from Steffy? Steffy is the one trying to interfere in Hope's custody of her son, because she wants to use her own nephew, who has been through more than enough bullshit in his life, to drive a wedge between her father and his wife. 

(Side note: FFS, there is no "Phoebe." She is Beth. Phoebe was essentially imaginary. Also, Steffy should have been just as mad at her mother over that whole thing as she was at Thomas. Taylor should be trained to report signs of human trafficking, but she blew right past all the red flags because she wanted to buy a baby to get Liam to fuck her daughter again. She set her daughter up for that pain.) 

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EGADS! The way Taylor flirts with her son gives me a raging case of the sticky icks! 

What can you say about Steffy and Thomas, except.........well.........they are Steffy and Thomas. 

The dichotomy between Steffy, Thomas and Taylor's conversations and Liam and Hope's was jarring. One sounded like grade schoolers in wonderland, and the other sounded like grown adults trying to work out real, grown up people issues.

You go Hope, Brooke has always had your back, so it is nice to see you going to bat for her. I was glad to hear you tell Liam what you witnessed at Eric's and shouted out loud when you said Taylor was almost in Ridge's lap. What I am liking even more, is how Liam seems to be getting a clue about who Steffy really is. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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The revisionist history has reached epic levels. Even Bill got in on it today. He needs to stop looking backwards at his former relationships and move on to Li. As for the rest, the writers are obviously pro Taylor and Taytots at the moment. I’d prefer a more balanced approach while respecting the actual history and moving on to better storytelling instead of this retread whiny mess. 

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Not Bill/Brooke again. I want Bill/Li. I thought Bill was already done with never seen Katie anyway. Why did he rush to Brooke for help. 

Brooke has never respected anyone's marriage, Hope. 

I really wish the men would get the blame over the women. Why are Ridge/Liam never held accountable for their merry go rounds between 2 women. Its always the women that are blamed. Brooke had more anger towards Steffy when Liam cheated last time. Now Hope and her are just blaming Taylor for kissing Ridge. When it takes 2 to kiss.

BB is really not good right now. Its a chore to watch.

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FFS, Brooke deserves any verbal abuse she gets from anyyone who ever said “she will do it again!”    And of course Ridge walked in the door at exactly the right time.  So sick of this f’ing merry go round with Brooke and Ridge.  

Love Hope’s hair like that, she is much better looking than fakety-fake JMW!

Loved the red sundress on Brooke, very flattering to her colouring.

Thomas trying to play the middle between Hope and Steffy, he so wants into Hope’s pants!

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Stuffy get off your high horse because you are just as much a whore as you think Brooke is. Let’s count the times you tried to steel Liam away from Brooke?  How many times did you need a paternity test to determine who is the father?  To think about it, Taylor has been around the block quite a few times. 

Ridge has finally 😤😤🤯. Not two seconds ago he’s hugging Taylor, telling Taylor he will always love her, and is very very close to smelling Taylor’s crotch. He sees Brooke and Bill hugging and he thinks he is betrayed. 

This episode is the prelude to swapping partners. Ridge/Taylor and Bill/Brooke. 

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2 hours ago, backhometome said:

I really wish the men would get the blame over the women. Why are Ridge/Liam never held accountable for their merry go rounds between 2 women. Its always the women that are blamed.

There has been a long streak of misogyny on this soap. Not sure if Bell Sr. and Jr. are the ones to dictate that, or if the writers just choose to do that. Anyhoo, it is weird that soaps - primarily geared toward women - are so blatant in their misogyny.  Maybe they think women will tune in no matter what.  

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Ridge is coming home to his wife, fresh from telling his ex-wife that he still loves her, and hugging her, and he probably still smells like Taylor's Love's Baby Soft body spray. But, I'm betting he's still going to throw a temper tantrum over Brooke hugging her ex (who she hasn't been kissing, cuddling, and declaring her love to over the past few months or so). 

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40 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Ridge is coming home to his wife, fresh from telling his ex-wife that he still loves her, and hugging her, and he probably still smells like Taylor's Love's Baby Soft body spray. But, I'm betting he's still going to throw a temper tantrum over Brooke hugging her ex (who she hasn't been kissing, cuddling, and declaring her love to over the past few months or so). 

ITA. If Ridge says one word to Brooke, I hope she throws *THIS* right back in that greasy, hypocritical hobo's face. But she won't. She will grovel and apologize. Yawn. And let me guess ... that will be the tipping point for Ridge to move back into Eric's house. 

BTW, I don't feel like anything is going to rekindle between Brooke and Bill. Simply a plot device to stir up more Bridge conflict and hopefully, a way to explain why Bill is suddenly free to pursue Li. I thought it seemed pretty clear from Bill's remarks that Katie was finally done with him. Regardless of how much Brooke pleads Bill's case. 

If I had to choose between Katie and Li, is there even anything to think about? I believe that Li would accept Bill as he is and not try to change him. Bill is definitely an upgrade from Jack.

I so wished that Hope had slapped the taste out of Steffy's mouth today. What a (insert Ericka Jayne's favorite word here)! Her condescending circular "logic" and smug expression made my blood boil!

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23 hours ago, norcalgal said:

There has been a long streak of misogyny on this soap. Not sure if Bell Sr. and Jr. are the ones to dictate that, or if the writers just choose to do that. Anyhoo, it is weird that soaps - primarily geared toward women - are so blatant in their misogyny.  Maybe they think women will tune in no matter what.  

I always thought that was strange too but it all makes sense when you realize the unfortunately reality that many women, even in the West, have internalized misogyny & sexist views. And it effects how women consume media, even if we aren't consciously aware of it. The overwhelming amount slut shamers in the B&B fandom is proof of that. I guess the weird part is how hyper focused it is on Brooke(maybe it's her blonde hair? idk lmao) when Taylor is canonically the bigger slut by the fandoms/narrative own standard. I.e. sleeping with the men in a family, plus randos, being unfaithful. That's why this website as a whole is so refreshing and I always come back even after a hiatus. While not perfect there is definitely a more sensible/rational feel to this space, even if we disagree, than other places on the internet general, but certainly among other soap forums. 

I've said this before but I'll say again, that deep I could really care less about a woman's body count, certainly not that of a fictional woman, but if Logan haters want to play that card as if their faves are better and unfairly revise history on top of that. Then fine, fans on the other side can come through with the same energy then. Without needing to revise history or deny canon facts. 

Getting back on track, the rectons by the narrative does not help matters within the minds of fans both new and old. Like this Taylor has never cheated on Ridge bullshit for instance. Really Brad? You let someone write that and then aired it? Lol ok. Just wait guys next thing we know, Taylor will have been a virgin when she met Ridge and to this day the only man she's ever screwed in her entire life. 🙃 

Also pretty sure that Brooke cheated on Eric(& sometimes other men) for/with Ridge and not the other way around. So what the was Midrrester princess on about exactly? Too bad the writers don't let expand on biased & untrue Steffy's version of history really is. Because Taylor has had her fair share of scandals on all on her own. But no one is allowed to talk about that on this shit show longer than a fleeting 2 seconds every 6 months. Maybe...😒

19 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

BTW, I don't feel like anything is going to rekindle between Brooke and Bill. Simply a plot device to stir up more Bridge conflict and hopefully, a way to explain why Bill is suddenly free to pursue Li.

I agree, here's hoping though because we've been burned before lol and I'm 1000% on board with Bill/Li as a couple. I don't think Li will try to change him either & I think Bill will respect her more than he has any of his other love interests but I'm getting ahead of myself. They won't hurt each other but I don't see them taking any crap either. 

Edited by Skarzero
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