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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Wow!  Getting married at Eric’s house. Who would of thought?  That just goes to show you that TIIC, have no imagination and now have labeled Stuffy as boring as Finn. Maybe to spice things up, Stuffy and Finn with get married in motorcycle leathers. Stuffy rather have a motorcycle between her legs than Finn because it’s more orgasmic. Hopefully, for a change of pace they can have the wedding outside instead of the living room. You would think that the living room would be taboo since that’s where Eric marriage Quinn. Bad Juju!!  

I had to laugh when Stuffy wanted Stephanie’s portrait to be over the mantle piece at her wedding. Even Stephanie’s portrait will be more exciting than Finn. Yes Finn, your jokes are dependable, dependably boring.  

What a surprise. I actually though that Stuffy wasn’t going to invite Liam and Hope. But, I guess to have a new start, Stuffy had to have them at the wedding so they can see for themselves that Stuffy is over Liam for now.  Hope will get even a closer view, of the nuptials, because she’s going to be made of honor. 

Is Stuffy and Finn going to blow up because of Paris?  Is Stuffy going to get drunk and seek out Liam. Maybe Stuffy will get Liam pregnant. Turnabout is fair play. 

Finn just had to bastardized Liam to his parents. Finn doesn’t know Stuffy’s and Liam’s true history so he can just STFU about Liam. There’s one thing that Finn doesn’t know about Liam. That Liam is less boring than him.  A smooth serine drama free life Finn?  That’s not in Stuffy’s DNA with a family of Spencers, Foresters, and Finnegans.   

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This was actual a nice moment between the two women, who are, after all, stepsisters.


Wouldn't it be nice if we could see these two as allies (or, my secret wish, that they'd chuck their men and be with each other and their babies)?

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2 hours ago, backhometome said:

Is Hope going to ask Liam how he feels about Steffy every time she makes a life decision. Its pathetic she has to ask how he feels.

I will say what I did seven years ago as she was holding Wyatt on a string to punish Liam for being an ass: shit or get off the pot. And also--when someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them.

4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I must say that Brad Bell must really like KB over HT. Man! Can he be any more obvious?! LOL!!!!

I don't know about that, considering Bridget's whole paternity was re-written to accommodate Tylo's Born Again Christianity (that she's since left). I've heard rumors of her being in poor health but again...her absence is SUCH a hole on the show. Denise Richards' salary could be used towards a recast, as could Flo's.

Sheila....*sigh* aside from her RL politics, her last appearance went over like a fart in church and fizzled out just as quickly.  I don't know what she could add beyond being an overbearing mother to her grown ass child, and we have no shortage of those. And one of them even has a presumed body count! Like like her! So she doesn't even the whole femme fatale thing going for her!

Unless she goes through with that threat to off Thomas she made in '98, I'm not interested.

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16 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I will say what I did seven years ago as she was holding Wyatt on a string to punish Liam for being an ass: shit or get off the pot. And also--when someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them.

I don't know about that, considering Bridget's whole paternity was re-written to accommodate Tylo's Born Again Christianity (that she's since left). I've heard rumors of her being in poor health but again...her absence is SUCH a hole on the show. Denise Richards' salary could be used towards a recast, as could Flo's.

Sheila....*sigh* aside from her RL politics, her last appearance went over like a fart in church and fizzled out just as quickly.  I don't know what she could add beyond being an overbearing mother to her grown ass child, and we have no shortage of those. And one of them even has a presumed body count! Like like her! So she doesn't even the whole femme fatale thing going for her!

Unless she goes through with that threat to off Thomas she made in '98, I'm not interested.

Shelia & KB played the best nut job villain ever in daytime but the character has really overstayed her welcome. Some villains thrive and some don’t. Her last visits were awful. She just doesn’t fit into the show or the 2020’s. Also, the storyline is soooo dumb. First, not saying he was adopted is stupid. Even, Thorsten Kaye had a look on his face like WTF? Secondly, Sheila is shown one day hunting Finn down & a day later she’s gonna show up. Thirdly, Finn is so boring that I don’t even care about 1 & 2. LOL!!!!

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Steffy: What’s that, Grandad? You’re offering to have our wedding in your living room? Really?! So you really mean that? It would mean so much to me since you’ve never offered to do that before to anyone even family members or friends or neighbors! Oh! Could I have Grandma’s portrait over the fireplace so she’ll be there with us?! Huh? Grandad?! Can we please??!! Oh! You’re just the best Grandad ever!!

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Shelia & KB played the best nut job villain ever in daytime but the character has really overstayed her welcome. Some villains thrive and some don’t. Her last visits were awful. She just doesn’t fit into the show or the 2020’s. Also, the storyline is soooo dumb. First, not saying he was adopted is stupid. Even, Thorsten Kaye had a look on his face like WTF? Secondly, Sheila is shown one day hunting Finn down & a day later she’s gonna show up. Thirdly, Finn is so boring that I don’t even care about 1 & 2. LOL!!!!

It does make me chuckle a little to think that Finn (and Sinn by proxy) is so dang boring that Shelia was brought in to try to make them even the faintest bit interesting. 

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Interesting perspective that Finn has on "Sinn." The way he presented the 'ship to his parents made is sound like he rescued Steffy from "big, bad Liam" and by golly, he put an end to the waffling once and for all. Not exactly ...

That gave me the thought that maybe Finn is going to turn into a possessive control freak with Steffy. That might be more interesting than seeing what shakes out by throwing Paris and Sheila into the mix. 

The final scene with Steffy and Hope did make me smile. I know that AN and JWM are friends IRL, so it was probably a welcome change for them to play friends. You could tell the joy was real. 

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48 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

That gave me the thought that maybe Finn is going to turn into a possessive control freak with Steffy. That might be more interesting than seeing what shakes out by throwing Paris and Sheila into the mix. 

I am vehemently against that because I want nothing that can be used to prop up Liam's stock. I have my issues w Steffy, but he is a fuckboy who only started looking at her after all these years because she'd finally moved on. Period.

I don't expect Sinn to last, but if they have to break up and they do the inevitable "Steffy wakes up in love with Liam" shit that there's no Finnsane malarkey like they pulled with Nick pushing her in that direction.

52 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

The final scene with Steffy and Hope did make me smile. I know that AN and JWM are friends IRL, so it was probably a welcome change for them to play friends. You could tell the joy was real. 

Oh look, here's an idea for the writers: a real story arc in which Steffy and Hope can truly move forward, put the past behind them and do better by their daughters than was done for them by theirs.

Knowing Show, Waffles McPongPong III will just run ramshot over Liam and talk shit like everyone else does as Steffy and Hope sling mud at one another and use those prescious babies as proxies.

Hopefully, the mud slinging will only be metaphorical. I don't need James getting off playing referee for another "therapy session" again.

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

The final scene with Steffy and Hope did make me smile. I know that AN and JWM are friends IRL, so it was probably a welcome change for them to play friends. You could tell the joy was real. 


Same, I loved this.  It's especially tough on this go because it's particularly over the top, but good stories and entertainment don't always have to come from conflict.  At least, it can stop the same stupid (uninteresting) feuds from happening for the umpteenth time.  

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I do miss big events on soaps, where people could call truce and put on the air of civility, at least. I think the last wedding that really had that classic feel for me was Nick and Bridget's first attempt that Taylor interrupted. There was a lot of good moments that shows Ridge trying to make peace with Nick for Bridget's same, Nick and Brooke making peace with their past (RJ was in diapers still so this was a very recent past); Mossimo being happy about his wedding while Jackie...not so much. The wedding was also the first episode vwe got teenage Steffy and Phoebe helping w decorations.

Great times, man.

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Steffy having a more traditional wedding is cutting edge, and quite daring, because it is not who she is. Could wanting the whole white wedding experience signal a true change in Steffy? I guess we can only hope. 

Also count me in on the turn of events with Hope. I really don't care how Steffy and Liam get on, but considering the history of H/S, and the history of their mother's, it would be nice to see that kind of growth from both the characters. Having said that; I have serious doubts about these writers being able to pull off, and sustain, any kind of growth story arc. 

They are clearly going all out to make this a big event, and also to be a big, crushing blow to Steffy's new found happiness. So I guess my burning question is how does Daddy Finnegan factor into Sheila being Finn's mommy? His wife clearly is unaware; so did they have an affair? How would that have worked with an adoption? "Hi honey, here is my illegitimate child; do you want to adopt him?" How will Steffy feel about Daddy Finnegan when she discovers he knew all along about Sheila, but didn't disclose it even though he also knew about her history with Steffy's family? Having Sheila for a mom isn't going to change Finn, except to make him even more pitiful. I would feel sorry for anyone saddled with Sheila as a mother, but it certainly isn't going to make Finn interesting or dynamic. 

Finn, borderline throwing someone under the bus is still throwing them under the bus. You don't get to do that unless you include Steffy in the argument, because she was a major driver in Liam's waffling, and she certainly didn't put the brakes on when he most recently visited her motor lodge. So, please, don't make it out like Steffy has been some hapless victim of Evil Liam, and you had to step in to right the ship. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Steffy having a more traditional wedding is cutting edge, and quite daring, because it is not who she is. Could wanting the whole white wedding experience signal a true change in Steffy? I guess we can only hope. 

On a shallow note, the dress for this wedding is the best one she's ever had by several orders of magnitude. Her other attire just reeked of trying too hard.

1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Finn, borderline throwing someone under the bus is still throwing them under the bus. You don't get to do that unless you include Steffy in the argument, because she was a major driver in Liam's waffling, and she certainly didn't put the brakes on when he most recently visited her motor lodge. So, please, don't make it out like Steffy has been some hapless victim of Evil Liam, and you had to step in to right the ship. 

Also a side tangent, but this is why Nick is still one of my favorite leading men ever for the show, even with his character assassination. He made it clear Brooke could do better but he wasn't a complete doormat and once he moved on to Taylor, he closed that door firmly in her face and never once led her on or even teased the idea of a reunion.

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Oh, please, there is nothing Liam could do to make Brooke dislike him. She is obsessed with him. He can do no wrong.

I would hate having my mother walk in unannounced to my house. IDK why Hope lives in such a small house in her mothers yard.

Quinn/Carter are getting a little repetitive. They need to do more than just have sex all the time.

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Oh golly gee! What a great day! Steffy and Hope and Liam are going to be bestest best friends and the ladies can forget all the times they had to share Liam!
Brooke is obviously over the moon. What mom wouldn’t be happy! Her daughter won first prize of Liam!!!!

Ewww Finn being sexy. Make it stop! Thank god for dvr and fast forward.

Eeeeewwww Now Liam’s being sexy PLEASE STOP

At least Quinn’s having a good time. Those saggy nether regions of Eric’s are a distant memory.

Edited by Chatty Cake
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23 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I had to laugh when Stuffy wanted Stephanie’s portrait to be over the mantle piece at her wedding. Even Stephanie’s portrait will be more exciting than Finn. Yes Finn, your jokes are dependable, dependably boring.  

At least Stephanie will be able to stare down Sheila once she arrives at the FC mansion for the wedding.

23 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Finn just had to bastardized Liam to his parents. Finn doesn’t know Stuffy’s and Liam’s true history so he can just STFU about Liam. There’s one thing that Finn doesn’t know about Liam. That Liam is less boring than him.  A smooth serine drama free life Finn?  That’s not in Stuffy’s DNA with a family of Spencers, Foresters, and Finnegans. 

Amen. Finn just has to be the damn hero.  I'm still livid that no one has really put Steffy's feet to the fire over sleeping with Liam when she was oh so happy with Finn. She actually proved that she contributes to her own drama by making poor decisions but Liam was the one getting the brunt of the blame because of his waffling and cheating on Hope because he thought she was a mannequin (okay, yeah, he deserves heat for that, LOL).

Finn's gonna learn. Steffy isn't the farting rainbows princess he thinks she is.

21 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

It does make me chuckle a little to think that Finn (and Sinn by proxy) is so dang boring that Shelia was brought in to try to make them even the faintest bit interesting. 

And thing is....she doesn't make them that much more interesting.  Taylor is the key here for me.

19 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I am vehemently against that because I want nothing that can be used to prop up Liam's stock. I have my issues w Steffy, but he is a fuckboy who only started looking at her after all these years because she'd finally moved on. Period.

Okay, but honestly, anything that knocks Finn is gonna be seen as propping up Liam by Waffle's haters, LOL.  Same as when Vinny was revealed to have killed himself many saw it as a retcon save for Liam when from jump Vinny's demise smelled funky and you knew there was more to the story. Finn would come by his crazy genes honestly because Sheila is bonkers. But honestly I see Sheila accidentally killing Finn in a recreation of the Brooke/Taylor shooting with her trying to kill Liam or Wyatt or whoever she feels is a threat to Sinn's happiness and him in the roll of Taylor and getting shot and killed. It'll finally do her in to have killed her own child and could possibly be her swan song finally.


5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Finn, borderline throwing someone under the bus is still throwing them under the bus. You don't get to do that unless you include Steffy in the argument, because she was a major driver in Liam's waffling, and she certainly didn't put the brakes on when he most recently visited her motor lodge. So, please, don't make it out like Steffy has been some hapless victim of Evil Liam, and you had to step in to right the ship. 


You can't have it both ways; Steffy can't be a strong, independent willful spirited woman and yet be controlled/cowed by the weenie that is Liam. Liam can find his spine and stand up to her on occasion, but he's not an abusive bully like some fans want to pant him and Steffy's declared her womanhood a number of times and then turned around to hump Liam when she's feeling it and he's drunk enough to do it.


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Common people, can anyone say that Quinn looks at Eric the way she looks at Carter. 

Liam, a perfect mother-in-law would knock unless she’s trying to catch you in an intimate moment and get a peak at your wiener.  Maybe Brooke wants to see if Hope is getting enough “inches” or is sizing you up to take the “inches” herself. 

Isn’t there some traditional about playing hide the Salami the night before the wedding?  In any case, candle light is not very friendly to Stuffy. 

Is a shirtless Finn and Stuffy trying to compete with a shirtless Carter and Quinn, Carter and Quinn would take the Gold and Finn and Stuffy wouldn’t even get through the preliminaries. 

Quinn is 18 years older than Stuffy but when I see Quinn, I see a beautiful woman with great hair and fantastic eyes and has aged exceptionally well. When I see Stuffy, all I see a dead animal on her head, puffy cheeks and lips, a “roaming”nose and a woman that is not so good at trying not to age.  

Between a shirtless Liam and a shirtless Finn, Liam wins but Carter is still King. 

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Okay, but honestly, anything that knocks Finn is gonna be seen as propping up Liam by Waffle's haters, LOL. 

Fandom's gonna fandom, sure,but the writing  team need not give a reason on a silver platter to them, is all I'm saying. If you have to have to trash one character entirely to prop up another, then you're doing it wrong. Even if the character is a human Ken doll.

1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

f the Brooke/Taylor shooting with her trying to kill Liam or Wyatt or whoever she feels is a threat to Sinn's happiness and him in the roll of Taylor and getting shot and killed. It'll finally do her in to have killed her own child and could possibly be her swan song finally

That would be a far better use than making him the Keith to Steffy's Lily Walsh* because that kind of story is truly played out.

*ATWT used to do this ALLLLLLLL the time and this was one where the guy flipped a switch in mid-scene. It was ridiculous and it was done to prop Holden, who I hate more than Ridge, Liam, and every Newman man not named Noah and Billy Abbott combined!!! 😠

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5 hours ago, backhometome said:Oh, please, there is nothing Liam could do to make Brooke dislike him. She is obsessed with him. He can do no wrong.

I would hate having my mother walk in unannounced to my house. IDK why Hope lives in such a small house in her mothers yard.

Quinn/Carter are getting a little repetitive. They need to do more than just have sex all the time.

It’d be nice if Carter could take Quinn to El Jardino for a meal but since he’s on the down low cause of Eric’s Stay Away From Quinn clause they have to stay close at home, I’m sure Ridge or Brooke will do a home visit fairly soon to “check on Carter” or they’ll be overcome with passion at Forrester and get caught.

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Another snoozer of an episode. Couldn't Finn's parents take him out for dinner or something on the night before the wedding of the century? I thought Steffy has soooooo much to do. And isn't Hope supposed to be helping her? 

Doesn't Finn have any buddies at the hospital to throw a bachelor party for him? Wait. Don't answer that. Even Thomas, Zende and Liam taking Finn out for drinks would have been an improvement ... Maybe?

OK, so we will get another Sinn baby, Lope baby or a Quarter baby out of today's episode!


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Yesterday's show featuring:

The Battle of the Bare Chested 

And the winner is:

Carter, with Liam (when did SC get so buff?) capturing second place and Finn is still:

I can't help but wonder how all this is going to play out. TK is going to be taking an extended holiday, so I guess that is why we have been hearing rumblings of Brooke wanting to get back in the CEO chair, but I don't see Ridge leaving his little Princess once he learns who her new mother-in-law is. So maybe Sheila's visit will be short lived? I somehow doubt that, given her son marrying Steffy gets her back into the Forrester family fold; welcome or not. I understand that Sheila won't appear until after the ceremony, so there won't be any canceling of the wedding. Will Brooke and Hope become Steffy's champions and protectors? I do find these aspects of the SL interesting, but nothing, and I mean nothing they do, will ever spark my interest in regards to Finn. 

Quinn and Carter are so beautiful together, and make each other so happy. They need to tell Eric what he can do with his employment mandates. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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If the spoilers are true, is it possible for Finn to become less boring if he has a psycho for a mom? Could he be in on it? Will Brooke push to get Steffy out of Forrester if she is now related to the crazy one?

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6 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

If the spoilers are true, is it possible for Finn to become less boring if he has a psycho for a mom? Could he be in on it? Will Brooke push to get Steffy out of Forrester if she is now related to the crazy one?

See, this is when I think back to how Hope should've come back from Europe engaged to a new guy who was already primed to hate Liam and realize Finn would've been perfect as that guy AND Sheila being his mother would've been relevant as you'd have Brooke's horrified reaction to play off of her daughter being caught in Sheila's web and see the drama play out. With his being with Steffy and there being no Taylor, it doesn't hit the same. Brooke could just shrug it off and say 'At least Finn's not with my kid' and let it ride, LOL.

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I've watched the show since it's inception, but I have given up on it many times for huge chunks of time.  In those self-imposed exiles I've tried to keep up with crazy plotlines via websites like Primetimer.  The last episode I watched was the reunion of baby Beth with Hope.  Now that I hear it's possible an old favorite might be coming back, I decided to check out the happenings at Forrester Creations.  I had read about the character of Finn but I only saw him for the first time this past Monday.  I was surprised by what I saw.  Fair skin, chiseled cheek bones, dark hair, questionable acting talent.  I thought I was looking at Ronn Moss Jr.!  This actor should've been cast as Thomas!

I am looking forward to seeing Kimberlin Brown's arched eyebrow.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

With his being with Steffy and there being no Taylor, it doesn't hit the same.


Outside of the fact that a mother should be at her daughter's wedding, is the fact that Taylor is an integral part of Show's history, and was married to Ridge during the Sheila years. And of course, Taylor "died" by Sheila's hand. If they wanted this to work they should have fleshed it out completely, and recast the role of Taylor if HT doesn't want to come back. There are plenty of competent actresses available; I agree with other's that Colleen Zenk would be amazing. Having Brooke, Eric and Ridge's reaction to Sheila becoming part of the Forrester clan again will be sweet, but Taylor would cap that off. Just like with Ridge; Steffy has always been her prized princess, and seeing her married off to Sheila? Then there are all the other aspects of this wedding, with Steffy and Hope retiring the gauntlet, and Steffy asking Hope to be her Matron of Honor. And what about the new family addition? 

If Show had any sense they would get rid of dead weight like Charlie, Shauna and Flo, and recast the role of Taylor. 

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Did Finn and Steffy hang a necktie on the front door to keep Paris away while they made out in the living room? I wasn’t paying much attention, but I assume they didn’t go to their bedroom because nobody on this show has sex there.

Edited by LittleIggy
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A few observations after a few minutes of today’s show: What the hell is Brooke wearing? I hate the long sleeve-no sleeve look. Hope’s ugly dress and those hanks of hair hanging down her face. Steffy’s dead road kill on her head. Why can’t they give her a decent hair do for once? And I have no words for those earrings that Paris is wearing. I’m sure there’s more coming!

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FFS, Ridge, why don't YOU just marry Steffy. Sheesh.


My cable info says "tensions arrive when a mystery woman arrives at the Forrester Mansion"

That's Pam?!?!?



Also, "the Forrester wedding of the century commences".


images (1).jpeg

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Hope’s dress?!  Paris’ earrings??!!  Wasn’t a fan of Paris’ dress either!  Glad all these guys have tuxes at the ready too.  Loved Brooke’s hair today and didn’t mind her dress.  

Ridge must have felt he had to say A LOT today so his hiatus must be coming soon.

Nice to see Alley Mills (Pam) back on the show.  She was off screen for a long time and I assume due to her husband’s accident and death then covid.



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10 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Hope’s dress?!  Paris’ earrings??!!  Wasn’t a fan of Paris’ dress either!  Glad all these guys have tuxes at the ready too.  Loved Brooke’s hair today and didn’t mind her dress.  

Ridge must have felt he had to say A LOT today so his hiatus must be coming soon.

Nice to see Alley Mills (Pam) back on the show.  She was off screen for a long time and I assume due to her husband’s accident and death then covid.



Hopes dress was awful! How do they dress such a pretty lady so blah? 

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When I saw Hope in that ugly dress I prayed it was a bathrobe but I knew in my heart it wasn’t...the color was ugly and overall it made her look six months pregnant 

Even though I am totally not a fan of no sleeve/one sleeve, I thought Brooke looked very pretty and her hair looked wonderful

Ridge did make me laugh when he came into the bedroom and Steffy said how nice he looked and he joked that he thought the tuxedo would make him look fat but no it’s just the fat that makes him look fat and I thought that was all Thorsten and I thought it was cute 

Of course, the beekeeper showed up just so they could throw a red herring in there but it actually wasn’t too bad seeing Pam today and I also thought that Finn’s mother looked very nice but oh my God with Steffy’s dress ...and where did she get those enormous bosoms ?

I guess tomorrow the fun will hit the fan !!


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4 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Mind you, she did just have a baby recently, so nursing probably helps with that.

This is true...honestly I did forget that, thanks AY 👍🏽


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Hopes dress was awful. So unflattering for her body. Is the actress pregnant in RL or something.

Also awful was the earrings Paris was wearing.

Didn't like the one long sleeve on Brooke.

I liked Steffys dress. It was nice and not ugly like her previous wedding dresses. Didnt mind her hair.

Kelly was cute. Her bouncing out before the vows was funny. She was like my job is done, see ya. 

Edited by backhometome
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Welcome back, Pam.  Wish it was for Aly and Oliver's medieval themed wedding that you returned for but still good to see you!

I mean...Finn dumped all over Liam to his parents yesterday and then they have to face him at the wedding when he rolls in with Kelly and Hope. Way to set up the awkwardness.

In a sense the relative 'bigness' of Steffy's wedding is a return to pre-Covid times and a kind of getting back to normal with the additional requisite of the big.shocking.wedding.crasher!

You know who we need to see? Bill sipping alone in his office on a tumbler of scotch, Vesta Williams's song 'Congratulations' playing in the background as he looks longingly at a photo of Steffy.

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Brooke in that silvery gown and wavy hair was absolutely gorgeous.


Finn’s mom was also beautiful. 


The men looked sharp, even Ridge, but tuxes have that effect. Oh hi, Zende. Guess no lines for him today.

Kelly was adorable in a sweet mauve lace dress and pigtails. Her interactions with the adults were precious.

And that’s where the fashion kudos ended. 

Hope should have known better than to be Steffy’s MOH.


I think they were going for Bridgerton, but the gown, a green monstrosity Mrs. Roper would have had in her closet, was beyond unflattering. It did make her look pregnant.

Cute wink from Liam to her though.

As for Paris, pure circus tent and no bra. Lift those girls up, Paris.


It was nice to see Pam (and Alley Mills) back but was she coming from a Mary Poppins revival? 


And epic fail on trying to fool us into thinking she was Sheila. We know she shows her evil self on Friday.

Steffy…if she had lost the gold straps, ginormous gold hoops, and too-long veil that looked like it was going to get caught on the staircase (was thus the same one from her Aspen wedding with Liam?), I could have liked this. I did like the sexiness of seeing her legs and glittery shoes. The hair was boring, too. JMW has a rocking bod, period, let alone a mom of two who had her second child in February.



Dad Ridge, brother Thomas, grandfather Eric, and MIL Li tearing up was sweet.

Edited to add pictures of the attire as well as a picture of Finn and his bio-mom. I have to say, they could pass for mother and son.


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It ain’t over.

I have three sisters. Our dad made a short speech at all three of our receptions. We’d have died of embarrassment if he’d talked about us like Ridge did about Steffy today. Can we call that wishful incest? I didn’t even recognize the human being he was describing. Yuck!!

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With all that smoke Ridge has been blowing up Finn’s ass you would expect for the smoke to come out of his nose and ears. Doesn’t it sound like Ridge would rather be married to Finn than Brooke. Who wouldn’t?  Can Brooke ever speak without sounding catty 😼

For me, Finn’s mother looks a hell of a lot classier than Brooke. Finn’s mother looks beautiful but Paris looks like she’s attending Circus Olay instead of a wedding. Paris can’t afford an apartment but she sure can afford ugly cloths. I hope Paris is wearing 6 inch heals because she towers over Stuffy who’s 5’8”.  TIIC must have correct Paris’ height since she is now about the same height as Hope as it should be. Of the three girls, Stuffy is an inch taller.  

Ridge knocks on the bedroom door but didn’t hear come in before he enters. 

I didn’t know Lady GaGa was invited to the wedding but it turned out to be Pam. 

There is a few things wrong today. First Pam is there but where is Katie and Donna?  Second Kelly is there but where is Beth?  Third is that speeches are usually after the wedding not before the ceremony.  Fourth no matter who gets married in Eric’s living room the flowers are always the same.  Fifth Stuffy and Finn getting married without Carter officiating is not a legal Forester marriage. 

Edited by Waldo13
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Brookes happiness for this wedding is so fake. It's all so Steffy won't be near Liam. 

Kelly was the cutest.

Steffy's wedding dresses are always interesting. 

So glad they didn't force more Logans on this wedding.

Edited by Artsda
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18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

With all that smoke Ridge has been blowing up Finn’s ass you would expect for the smoke to come out of his nose and ears. Doesn’t it sound like Ridge would rather be married to Finn than Brooke. Who wouldn’t?  Can Brooke ever speak without sounding catty 😼

For me, Finn’s mother looks a hell of a lot classier than Brooke. Finn’s mother looks beautiful but Paris looks like she’s attending Circus Olay instead of a wedding. Paris can’t afford an apartment but she sure can afford ugly cloths. I hope Paris is wearing 6 inch heals because she towers over Stuffy who’s 5’8”.  TIIC must have correct Paris’ height since she is now about the same height as Hope as it should be. Of the three girls, Stuffy is an inch taller.  

Ridge knocks on the bedroom door but didn’t hear come in before he enters. 

I didn’t know Lady GaGa was invited to the wedding but it turned out to be Pam. 

There is a few things wrong today. First Pam is there but where is Katie and Donna?  Second Kelly is there but where is Beth?  Third is that speeches are usually after the wedding not before the ceremony.  Fourth no matter who gets married in Eric’s living room the flowers are always the same.  Fifth Stuffy and Finn getting married without Carter officiating is not a legal Forester marriage. 

I was fast forwarding because I can’t take another wedding in the Forrester living room. At least, Carter isn’t officiating. Anyway, it was nice to see Pam back. I always liked Alley Mills. Unless, I’m wrong she hasn’t been on the show in a long time. At first, I think it was because she was taken off contract and then her husband Orson Bean had died. Has she been on before or have I just missed it? Also, WTH was Hope wearing? It was all sorts of ugly. 

Edited by ByaNose
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23 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

It ain’t over.

I have three sisters. Our dad made a short speech at all three of our receptions. We’d have died of embarrassment if he’d talked about us like Ridge did about Steffy today. Can we call that wishful incest? I didn’t even recognize the human being he was describing. Yuck!!

That was…a LOT. And yes, squicky. 

But mostly, the most smoke I’ve seen blown up Steffy’s skirt since SF was blown up. 

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Wish Judge Judy had come with Byrd to the wedding. She could have told the assembled lot that beauty is fleeting but stupid is forever.

BTW, I don’t like “sexy” wedding dresses. I find them tacky.

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On 8/4/2021 at 6:38 PM, lgprimes said:

Today’s show was ridiculous!! What is with all the half-dressed people talking and talking and talking? Get laid already!

Then it would just be a porn flick 😜

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