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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'm not gonna lie, I watched Friday's episode again last night.... I just had to make sure it was finally OVER and it wasn't a dream.

I will admit, I do feel kinda bad for Steffy (and I HATE HER), none of this is her fault and she is pretty much losing a child because this adoption had to be super rushed, cause Taylor had to get her daughter a baby.  my wish is that she will be upset and a bit pissed, but in the end she will do the right thing, cause I'm sick and tired of Hope/Liam/Steffy. 

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It's a minor thing considering everything, but I'd like to see someone discover the ghost machine.

Maybe Brooke will find it. I don't think any parent on a soap has pulled something like that. Mr. Path of Destruction you are ovuh!  (Maybe.  They still don't punish enough on that show, they just disappear till it's safe to come out).

Edited by TessHarding2
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This whole storyline came about because Bell knew JMW would be gone for several months. So with Steffy's having to have a baby before JMW's maternity leave and Taylor's obsession with getting Liam back in Steffy's bed with the enticement of another "daughter" left us with this absolute horror of a storyline.  Bell couldn't think of another way for Steffy to exit temporarily without putting the entire audience in absolute misery for EIGHT MONTHS?

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so, what secretes of Thomas need to come to light? here is my list:

Him having the Nanny, call from Overseas and tell Liam Kelly wants to see her Daddy.

 drawing the picture "Douglas" drew for Hope

 Running Emma off the road

 Roofying Liam

basically abusing/terrifying Douglas

knowing about Beth and not even telling his sister/father/mother (I mean come on he has info that his mother was involved in Human Trafficking, he should have at least called her and warned her)

being a beady eyed asshole.

please feel free to add to the list :p

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Well, I’d like to see whatever happened to Caroline in New York investigated. The blood clot story gets more suspicious by the day.

If Bill turns out to be Kelly’s father, it will give him and Liam some amazing scenes to play. Well, it should, but I know who is writing this show. At least Bill would be front and center on the show again. I don’t want this to drive Bill and Brooke together, but I’d like to see him kicking some ass and taking some names on his sons’ behalf, not to mention Justin’s. Honestly, I just think Bill with a daughter might be kinda funny.

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Surprisingly, there was no blood, no torn skin, no bruising on either one of those guys after they beat the crap out of each other. And where in the devil was Tom running off to?

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The only thing that would’ve made the ending better is if after the initial realization/shock wore off is if Hope pushed Liam aside to run bat out of hell fast off the roof to go get Beth as fast as she could and left him behind.

It’s telling that Steffy didn’t call Flo/Wyatt to find out if Liam had arrived and what Flo’s excuse was for the birth certificate. Steffy said it: Liam doesn’t make stuff up or fly off the handle and must/would have a logical reason to believe Phoebe is Beth. Deep down she knows the adoption wasn’t legit and that she didn’t ask too many questions because she wanted a baby and now those bad decisions are coming home to roost.

Wyatt saying he doesn't know how he could be with/love someone so callous made me laugh- has he met his mother?  Also I really want to know how it would work if Flo had done what Wyatt advised and told Wyatt the truth early on. By the time she saw Wyatt, the deed was done and Flo was a paid accessory to the crime. Would he have kept her secret? Help expose Buckingham without implicating Flo? What exactly would have gone differently than how it’s happening now?

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After a few years of not seeing any episodes, I saw the show recently and gagged at the SL especially the writing for Hope's character. I saw no reason to tune in again. Last week, I visited elderly relatives who watch this show and was caught by the big reveal that is in progress. That Douglas is sure a cutie.  I turned on the show today.  It was a complete let down compared to last week.  If only Hope had picked up something and hit Thomas with it!  That would have been a much more satisfying conclusion.  The episode did not live up to expectations. 

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Our long international nightmare is over. 😭😌

28 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

And where in the devil was Tom running off to?

Where indeed?  Is he planning on leaving the country with Douglas?  How is that going to work?  Exiled to Forrester Creations in France? 🤨

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October or November 2018. That's when I stopped watching. Between Brooke sticking with that cretin Ridge, and the baby theft story line,... I was out once again. This isn't even the longest sabbatical that I have taken from the show. My aunt and uncle kept me updated and I watched all of last week to get caught up to today. I never would have stuck through all of the same scenes over and over about the secret. Kudos to all of you that have!

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3 hours ago, ChiefWiggum9-1-2 said:

This whole storyline came about because Bell knew JMW would be gone for several months. So with Steffy's having to have a baby before JMW's maternity leave and Taylor's obsession with getting Liam back in Steffy's bed with the enticement of another "daughter" left us with this absolute horror of a storyline.  Bell couldn't think of another way for Steffy to exit temporarily without putting the entire audience in absolute misery for EIGHT MONTHS?

Bell cold have simply written Steffy and Kelly going to Europe on a business trip.  There are a million other SLs he could have done with Liam and Hope and their baby.  He wrote this because he doesn't want to end the Steffy/Liam/Hope triangle no matter how tired the fans are of that SL.

43 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Wyatt saying he doesn't know how he could be with/love someone so callous made me laugh- has he met his mother?  Also I really want to know how it would work if Flo had done what Wyatt advised and told Wyatt the truth early on. By the time she saw Wyatt, the deed was done and Flo was a paid accessory to the crime. Would he have kept her secret? Help expose Buckingham without implicating Flo? What exactly would have gone differently than how it’s happening now?

Shhh.  You aren't supposed to ask questions like that.  For the most part, I don't like Steffy, Liam, and Hope.  Sometimes they have their moments, but there is to much dumb in between them.  However, none of them did anything to deserve this, and Zoe and Flo's constant excuses for why nothing is their fault make me want to beat them to death with a baseball bat.

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so, what secretes of Thomas need to come to light? here is my list:

Him having the Nanny, call from Overseas and tell Liam Kelly wants to see her Daddy.

 drawing the picture "Douglas" drew for Hope

 Running Emma off the road

 Roofying Liam

basically abusing/terrifying Douglas

knowing about Beth and not even telling his sister/father/mother (I mean come on he has info that his mother was involved in Human Trafficking, he should have at least called her and warned her)

being a beady eyed asshole.

please feel free to add to the list 😛 

practicing how to imitate like Caroline's handwriting so he could create that fake letter to make Hope think it was Caroline's wish that Hope become Douglas' replacement mommy.

Hope probably had no idea what Caroline's handwriting even looked like but Thomas thought ahead to cover his tracks in case someone else saw the letter who'd know whether it looked like Caroline's handwriting or not. (Like Ridge or Bill.) That's when I definitely gave up any possibility of a brain tumor redemption. That was a cold, calculated move which took at least a couple of days to carry out and considered possible future stumbles. Thomas wasn't helpless at the mercy of some physiological misfortune. He's just malevolent.

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5 hours ago, ChiefWiggum9-1-2 said:

This whole storyline came about because Bell knew JMW would be gone for several months. So with Steffy's having to have a baby before JMW's maternity leave and Taylor's obsession with getting Liam back in Steffy's bed with the enticement of another "daughter" left us with this absolute horror of a storyline.  Bell couldn't think of another way for Steffy to exit temporarily without putting the entire audience in absolute misery for EIGHT MONTHS?

IIRC, these stories get tossed about and planned as far out as  six to seven months out before anything is written. JMW likely wasn't even pregnant yet when they were planning this story around the time Liam and Hope (finally, at last) got married. I agree if this was a plot to writer her out the show for two months, it was a complete waste.

2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

It’s telling that Steffy didn’t call Flo/Wyatt to find out if Liam had arrived and what Flo’s excuse was for the birth certificate. Steffy said it: Liam doesn’t make stuff up or fly off the handle and must/would have a logical reason to believe Phoebe is Beth. Deep down she knows the adoption wasn’t legit and that she didn’t ask too many questions because she wanted a baby and now those bad decisions are coming home to roost.

You know, as stupid as Steffy is to not do her own homework--or to consider the idea of waiting a few years and giving Kelly some of her time and attention--im far more pissed at Taylor for all of this. She's the medical """""professional""""" and should have more sense to question this. But then, we're discussing a woman who had no problem breaking HIPPA and putting her career and her colleague's career at risk to humiliate Brooke with little regard to her "friend" Katie's health and shot a man on nothing but Ridge's highly biased word. Oh, and also her chomping at the bit to tell Liam about Eggo Mini #1 when Steffy specifically told her not to. Even if Steffy had been more forcefully against an adoption, Taylor would've pushed the issue anyway, I'm sure.

2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Wyatt saying he doesn't know how he could be with/love someone so callous made me laugh- has he met his mother?  

Right?! The only difference between Stephanie and Quinn is Quinn didn't use an third party to rape her enemy. ☹️😒

But she owed two people the truth and Wyatt is not either of them. Would he truly have kept the truth from Liam for ass? I'd like to think not. Nor am I crying any crocodile tears for him losing trust in Flo when he (finally!) had a woman that was 100 percent behind him but tossed it away over hurt pride. How much time did he waste on that slag Steffy waiting for her to move past Liam? Ivy didn't even pretend to be into him and he was always Hope's weapon to keep Liam in line.

What a maroon!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I worked a half day today so got to watch much earlier than usual and it was a doozy of a day, namely for the Liam-Thomas showdown at the FC Corral.

I'll dispense with the Ridge/Steffy and Wyatt/Felony scenes first because while DB continues to bring the goods, I just can't stomach that lying heifer, Flo. And Ridge/Steffy aren't far behind.

Suffice it to say that, unsurprisingly, Ridge is in total agreement with Steffy regarding Liam's thinking that Phoebe is actually Beth.

Steffy: "I'm sure Flo will explain everything and put it to rest and I'll never have to hear it again."

About that, Steffy....

She holds Beth, telling her "I'm your mommy and I love you" and you can tell she is shitting bricks right now. But I'm sorry, I just can't muster up any sympathy for her.


Her dumbassery and eagerness to buy a plaything for Kelly absolutely contributed to the situation at hand. She's reaping what she helped to sow.

Ridge agrees there will be a perfectly plausible explanation, although he does add that he doesn't blame Liam for his thoughts as he's been through a lot. And quite a bit of that at the hands of your precious daughter and psycho son.

Steffy admits that her stomach is in knots and I think she is starting to read the writing on the wall.

Ridge argues against that: "Beth is gone and Phoebe's asleep, right over there." No, they are one and the same.

Over at Wyatt's, he can barely look at Flo as she continues to try and cry her way out of this.

Flo: "You'll never know how much I hated keeping this secret."

Wyatt is having NONE of it: "But you DID. Every.single.day, you went merrily about your life but you were LYING to ALL of us!"

He wants to know what happened to make her the kind of person who could go along with kidnapping and selling a baby. 

She whines about how she didn't realize what Dr. Fuckingham wanted at first and then chalks it up to getting in "too deep, too fast."

Oh and this is rich, she actually has the nerve to say "it was agony watching Hope every day over this baby." As if she is the one who suffered.


Wyatt is quick to shut that shit down: "Then why didn't you STOP it?"

Flo: "I tried-" You didn't try shit, bitch.

Wyatt interjects: "Three little words. Beth. Is. Alive." 


Flo blathers on about how every time she tried, someone get in her way, but then she mentions the real reason - the possibility of prison. Then she tries to trot out the handy "Thomas came along and threatened my life" excuse. 

Wyatt, clearly thinking of all the days, weeks, and months before Thomas ever set foot in town, is just looking at her like gum on the bottom of his shoe.

Flo, sobbing: "Please forgive me. We can't end like this." Oh, I beg to differ and I'm thinking Wyatt feels the same. "It's ME. I'm still the same person you fell in love with." Does she even hear the words coming out of her mouth right now?

Wyatt isn't about to let her off the hook: "How many chances did you have, Flo? How many months did you let this travesty go on?"

He said that if she couldn't tell Liam and Hope, she could have come to him and told him the truth.

He looks truly devastated as he tells he can't wrap his head around her letting this happen and just going on with her life.

Flo, delusional as ever: "We can still that, we can. Maybe not now, maybe not soon but I hope that I can find a way to prove that you can trust me again." She honestly thinks they can still have a future  and she talks about a family when she robbed his brother of his for the better part of a year?

Wyatt: "How do I even do that? All these months, you've been smiling in our faces while withholding the most vital information imaginable." She sure did.

Flo sidesteps that to talk about herself - yet again - and how she was so "trapped and helpless." Heifer, you trapped yourself! And you were most certainly not helpless as you gaslit your own poor cousin and helped Thomas gaslight her as well. She then says how she's "glad it's out. I can finally breathe again." I seriously want someone, anyone to slap her into next week. 

Wyatt, in disbelief that this is whom he dumped Sally for, says: "You know what? This woman that's standing in front of me? This isn't the person that I've trusted. It's not the woman that I loved." I don't miss the past tense and neither does Flo. He turns away from her.

Moments later, he tells her "I could never be with someone so callous." And cold-hearted and consumed with the almighty dollar. "And yet there I was with you, I was all in with you." You can tell how absolutely horrific and guilt-stricken he feels.

Flo: "Please don't blame yourself." Well, he did dump Sally for you so he was definitely a dumb ass in his own right. She says she should have gone back to Vegas but she stayed because of him.

Wyatt: "You could have been a hero if you had come forward." I don't know about that, but it would have been far better if she had come clean months ago. Or you know, refused to be a party to kidnapping and human trafficking in the first place.

Flo: "I couldn't stand the thought of losing you." Then she goes full on, "feel sorry for me" sad sack, saying "I did anyway and I'll probably go to jail." All said looking up at him with big cow eyes but he's not buying what she's selling. She then sniffles about being glad Hope can finally be a mother to her child and Wyatt, kick her ass OUT already!

And now, it's on to the really good stuff.

At FC, Thomas is doing his best Fred Flintstone wailing away on the CEO office door and it will never not be funny.

Thomas: "Open the damn door!"

Liam continues to ignore him, telling Hope: "Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him again. Thomas knew."

Liam: "Not about Phoebe. About Beth. Our daughter never died, Hope. She's alive."

Hope: "Beth is...Phoebe?"

Liam: "Yes! Yes and Thomas KNEW. He knew and he KEPT it from you."

Hope, sobs, "No."

Liam: "YES! YES! He took advantage of your broken heart but here's the thing, Hope. Your heart doesn't have to be broken any more. Because we got our miracle. She's alive! Our daughter is alive. Why do you think you and I have felt this magical connection to Phoebe this whole time? Because she's OUR'S, Hope."

She is understandably shell-shocked by everything that is going on - I mean, it's A LOT - and Liam pleads for her to come with him to see their daughter, saying: "If you take just one look at her and trust me, you'll know."

Thomas bursts into the office not unlike the Kool-Aid man and the two men engage in a stare off.

That's momentary, however, as Thomas is soon screaming at Liam to get away from his wife, pushing him into the desk, and Hope steps between the two men.


She's clearly trying to calm Thomas down but Liam has no fucks to give and promptly calls Thomas: "you lying sonofabitch."

Hope grabs Thomas around the neck and damn, she looks like she's thisclose to choking him, telling him, "Thomas, look at me. Is what Liam is saying is true?"


Liam is right over her shoulder, eyeing Thomas, "Now's your chance, Thomas. To tell the truth for once in your life."

Thomas snarls: "I am warning you. Back off!"


Liam, calm as ever: "See, Hope? He's not denying it. He's using your grief to manipulate you. 'Cause that's what sick bastard like this thinks love is." Oh snap, Liam!

Thomas, to Hope: "Don't listen to him, okay? He's just trying to turn you against me with these ridiculous accusations."


He looks back at Liam, finger pointed and everything, "You are the lying sonofabitch."

Liam: "Tell that to your son."

Thomas decks him and knocks him to the floor.


 He then bodily drags a protesting Hope out the door to the roof.

Out on the roof, Thomas is charging off with Hope in tow, a man on a mission, but Hope pulls free, yelling "Thomas! Stop!"


Thomas breaks down in tears, telling Hope: "I can't! I won't lose you! I've been through too much."


And I have to say, MA really moved me here, as you can see the last vestiges of his sanity shatter.  "We have to go," he tearfully whispers. "Okay? And then you can see how much I love you."


Hope's heart is breaking as she realizes how truly far gone he is.


 He's not the man she thought she knew, she can't find any hint of the boy she grew up with. She sobs as she tells him, "This isn't love, Thomas."


Thomas: "I need to get you away from Liam."

Hope, her voice raw: "But what he said-"

Thomas hisses: "It's a lie! He's trying to sabotage us and I'll be damned if I let that happen."


Hope: "But why would he say that Beth is alive?"

Thomas: "It's outrageous. It's a lie. He's trying to screw up your head, all right?" Oh, the irony. "He's messing with you and I won't allow it."

Hope, angry: "You HIT him!"


Thomas: "He deserved it. Hope, you're my wife." No, she's not. "He can't lock you in a room and fill your head with lies."'

As if the final veil has finally been lifted, Hope shakes her head, backing away from him, asking "Who are you?"

Thomas grabs her and it's a very tense moment as he tells her he's her husband and begs her to believe him, not Liam.


He starts to break down again and apologize, his forehead against her's, telling her how much he loves her. In his own crazy, twisted way, I think he really does believe he loves her.


Hope can see the crazy in front of her but plunges in anyway, albeit gently, needing to know the truth, "Thomas, you say you love me...then you need to tell me the truth about Beth. I promise I won't get mad at you, I promise I won't leave you."


The tender, pitiful look on his face almost breaks my heart and MA is so, so good here. 


Because in a nanosecond, the mention of Liam, and his look vanishes in an instant as his eyes turn dark: "Forgot about Beth! Forgot about Liam!"



Liam shows up to knock Thomas right on his ass and it is glorious.

The two engage in a knockdown, dragout fight and it has just the right amount of action and suspenseful music and yes, a touch of campiness. When it appears Thomas might be getting the better of Liam, Hope joins in and helps pull him away. And I just look this look between Lope.


EBOpo40WwAAXlfp.jpgLike the little bitch baby he is, Thomas takes off running and is screaming at his pilot, who is still en route.

Liam catches up to him, quickly dispatching him as he holds him tight in a headlock and tries to force a confession from Thomas. I am liking bad-ass Liam.


Liam: "Tell her! Tell her how you've been keeping her daughter from her."


Hope, when Thomas remains uncharacteristically silent and closes his eyes, says: "Oh...my...God." And as Thomas runs away, you can literally see the moment Hope dares to believe Liam is telling the truth. 


Hope: "Liam...it's true? Beth is alive?"

Liam, gasping for air, especially after the one last elbow Thomas jabbed into his ribcage, "Yes!"

She's full on wailing now, her words coming faster and faster: "But how can that be I held her she was dead in my arms."

Liam: "That wasn't our Beth, Hope. Our Beth is alive. We KNOW her. We have from the beginning."


Hope: "She's alive!?!"


Liam, coming closer to her: "She's Phoebe. Steffy's had her this whole time. It's not Steffy's fault. None of this is on her. She didn't know but we're gonna have our family back."

It's almost too much for Hope as she starts to become unsteady on her feet, but Liam is there to catch her before she falls as the truth finally, finally sinks in as she repeats, "Our Beth is alive!"


And they just look into each other's face and no more words are necessary. They have been to hell and back and then some and they are still standing, still surviving, and with the greatest news, the greatest miracle of all time in their grasp. And Hope looks at him, really seeing him, this man who was the king of indecision for so many years but has finally shed that waffling little boy to let the man inside be fully born.


He fought for her, long after he would have normally given up hope, long after most men would have given up, because that's how much he loves, has always loved her, and why she is THE love of his life. And he sees her, the fog and the fugue being swept away in the face of the truth and his love and never forgot, she took back her life BEFORE he ever knocked on the CEO office door. 


And they are laughing and crying and a million other emotions as they cling to one another against an absolutely perfect summer sky. 


Just amazing stuff from Scott and Annika although Darin and Matthew absolutely brought their A-game as well.


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4 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Wyatt interjects: "Three little words. Beth. Is. Alive." 

That was the best moment! How hard is it, Flo, to say those three words?!

7 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Wyatt: "How do I even do that? All these months, you've been smiling in our faces while withholding the most vital information imaginable." She sure did.

Yup, she sure did.  He grasps what a horrible human being she is.

Excellent recap @CountryGirl 👏

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For sure someone on the B&B writing staff is trolling our beloved board, because I've seen several fellow posters say that Flo/Zoe/Xander/Shauna/Thomas "could end this whole thing with 3 little words: Beth is Phoebe" or some variation of that. Then, today, Wyatt basically said the exact same thing. 

I have to agree, MA/Thomas, is doing an excellent job. He is creepy & repugnant, & I don't think he can be redeemed, at least not without some major comeuppance, but MA is knocking it out of the park. He's perfectly believable as creepy/thinking he's in love/obsessed/scared/freaking out.

Everyone is doing a great job, but as good as everyone is, the reaction I'm waiting for is $Bill's. He & Justin should've been the ones to solve this case, even though no one knew there was a case. I still think Thomas could have to answer to Justin, as he most definitely should, but those 2 men have a personal stake in this story, they should be there. 

This past week+ has been must-see-TV for me. Good stuff.

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I gotta say everyone's brought their A Game the last week, including MA. I didn't have high expectations for him considering his best acting on Y&R involved lying still on his deathbed (hell, he wasn't even a part of the fallout from his affair with Abby!) but I felt the smallest twinge of sympathy for him today.

Scott Clifton's last Emmy win was a big iffy for me (I was rooting for Peter Bergman to win for the fallout over the Phyllis affair) but he's definitely earned his nomination this last year.

While I generally don't try to compare Noelle to KM since both actress have had dramatically different stories to the other's version of Hope, today was the one time I really couldn't imagine KM pulling this off better. Hope 1.0 rarely had chances to be vulnerable as AN's version has, but my heart broke for her in a way it hasn't since Beth initially "died", losing all respect for Thomas, then daring to believe that yes her baby is in fact alive and she can have the life she and Liam have been denied over and over again.

27 minutes ago, nkotb said:

For sure someone on the B&B writing staff is trolling our beloved board, because I've seen several fellow posters say that Flo/Zoe/Xander/Shauna/Thomas "could end this whole thing with 3 little words: Beth is Phoebe" or some variation of that. Then, today, Wyatt basically said the exact same thing. 

Oh, they've had spies here for a long while...remember when Eric dragged Liam and specifically called him a waffle? 😂 Between Twitter, Reddit and the scant few posts I see on Tumblr, I never see anyone use that term. It's a carryover term that TWoP often used when Ridge was flaking between Brooke and Taylor that was ported over to Liam when he became the new Ping-Pong Prince.

(Also for the spies: I live in driving distance of Burbank and currently seeking a career change. Can get a SAG card and relocate if needed. PM for more details and pay rates 🙃)

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I’m not afraid of heights but seeing SC & AN on the roof of CBS with no railings freaked me out. It was beautifully shot with the sunset but I kept looking for a railing. Of course, a helicopter needs a clear landing so I understand. Also, I hope Liam & Thomas have some bruises tomorrow because they looked like neither of them had a scratch. I did think it was funny when Thomas ran away like a scaredy cat. Too funny! 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:


I need this cat.

43 minutes ago, nkotb said:

For sure someone on the B&B writing staff is trolling our beloved board, because I've seen several fellow posters say that Flo/Zoe/Xander/Shauna/Thomas "could end this whole thing with 3 little words: Beth is Phoebe" or some variation of that. Then, today, Wyatt basically said the exact same thing. 

I agree.

Flo and Thomas need to shut it.

I kind of wish Hope had cared a little bit about Thomas.  I think it would make the betrayal even worse.  I wonder if Hope will get to express any anger at Flo.  Will Flo get a pass because she is a Logan, or will Brooke, Katie, and Donna fight Hope's battle for her.  It's time for Hope to step up, and handle this herself.  It would make the SL better than Hope constantly having to be rescued.

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I also thought everyone brought their A games today. Small voice: does Hope really have crossed eyes or is it the camera angle when they film her? I find that very distracting.

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I really hope they address the whole mess with Carter and the legality/legitimacy of the original adoption.  I see a lot of comments about Taylor buying a baby, and how Steffy should have known, but it brings up a question I've long had:

Are we supposed to think the adoption was clearly problematic?  Or are we supposed to think this is how private adoptions work in BellLA?  I mean, in RL it obviously would be the former.  Adoptions can be expensive, but not $250K.  The speed would be suspect as well.  But this is a show of quickie marriages, insta-annulments, and companies that change ownership at the drop of a hat.  So does Bell think he wrote a sketchy adoption, or does he think he just amped up the drama of a typical "rich and famous" adoption?

I guess time will tell if anyone throws any shade about it, or if it's treated in-show like it was a normal thing.

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4 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

I really hope they address the whole mess with Carter and the legality/legitimacy of the original adoption.  I see a lot of comments about Taylor buying a baby, and how Steffy should have known, but it brings up a question I've long had:

Are we supposed to think the adoption was clearly problematic?  Or are we supposed to think this is how private adoptions work in BellLA?  I mean, in RL it obviously would be the former.  Adoptions can be expensive, but not $250K.  The speed would be suspect as well.  But this is a show of quickie marriages, insta-annulments, and companies that change ownership at the drop of a hat.  So does Bell think he wrote a sketchy adoption, or does he think he just amped up the drama of a typical "rich and famous" adoption?

I guess time will tell if anyone throws any shade about it, or if it's treated in-show like it was a normal thing.

I don’t know the legalities of private adoption but IMO, that whole thing with Taylor, Reese and Steffy was the most improbable, ridiculous thing I’ve seen on a soap in a very long time and that’s saying a whole lot. Steffy: Oh, I’d like a sister for Kelly and as quickly as possible. Taylor: My daughter needs a baby ASAP and I have loads of money, Reese. Reese: Oh, look! I have a baby right here for $250,000. It’s a MIRACLE for all of us!! Praise The Lord!!

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31 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

kind of wish Hope had cared a little bit about Thomas.  I think it would make the betrayal even worse

And it would have been so, so easy to do. No one would have been surprised if Lope, the Break Up champions of B&B, drifted apart over this as Hope became jealous of the time Liam spent with Kelly and believing she couldn't compete. Thomas, a reformed Playboy sipping Respect Women Juice(tm) after Sally and co-parenting with Caroline, could truly respect her values this time around. 

They didn't have to completely trash Thomas to make this work.

18 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

I really hope they address the whole mess with Carter and the legality/legitimacy of the original adoption.  I see a lot of comments about Taylor buying a baby, and how Steffy should have known, but it brings up a question I've long had:

Are we supposed to think the adoption was clearly problematic?  Or are we supposed to think this is how private adoptions work in BellLA?  I mean, in RL it obviously would be the former.  Adoptions can be expensive, but not $250K.  The speed would be suspect as well.  But this is a show of quickie marriages, insta-annulments, and companies that change ownership at the drop of a hat.  So does Bell think he wrote a sketchy adoption, or does he think he just amped up the drama of a typical "rich and famous" adoption?

I guess time will tell if anyone throws any shade about it, or if it's treated in-show like it was a normal thing.

Quoted in full, because that's actully a good point. I'll conceed Taylor is not a lawyer so legally, nothing will happen to her no matter what her intentions were.

Celebrities may get head-of-line privileges,but even still, it takes years for approval. Sandra Bullock had to wait four years to adopt her first child through the foster care system, and that was for a  black child (that for a host of reason aren't as in demand for adoption as white male babies.) Private adoption may be quicker, but still takes vetting before an adoptee is matched to a birth family.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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9 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I don’t know the legalities of private adoption but IMO, that whole thing with Taylor, Reese and Steffy was the most improbable, ridiculous thing I’ve seen on a soap in a very long time and that’s saying a whole lot. Steffy: Oh, I’d like a sister for Kelly and as quickly as possible. Taylor: My daughter needs a baby ASAP and I have loads of money, Reese. Reese: Oh, look! I have a baby right here for $250,000. It’s a MIRACLE for all of us!! Praise The Lord!!

Oh, I totally agree!  But this show is written so badly, it just seems possible.  LOL

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14 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

I really hope they address the whole mess with Carter and the legality/legitimacy of the original adoption.  I see a lot of comments about Taylor buying a baby, and how Steffy should have known, but it brings up a question I've long had:

Are we supposed to think the adoption was clearly problematic?  Or are we supposed to think this is how private adoptions work in BellLA?  I mean, in RL it obviously would be the former.  Adoptions can be expensive, but not $250K.  The speed would be suspect as well.  But this is a show of quickie marriages, insta-annulments, and companies that change ownership at the drop of a hat.  So does Bell think he wrote a sketchy adoption, or does he think he just amped up the drama of a typical "rich and famous" adoption?

I guess time will tell if anyone throws any shade about it, or if it's treated in-show like it was a normal thing.

If Carter and the Court didn't notice anything wrong with the adoption papers, why would anyone else?

6 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I don’t know the legalities of private adoption but IMO, that whole thing with Taylor, Reese and Steffy was the most improbable, ridiculous thing I’ve seen on a soap in a very long time and that’s saying a whole lot. Steffy: Oh, I’d like a sister for Kelly and as quickly as possible. Taylor: My daughter needs a baby ASAP and I have loads of money, Reese. Reese: Oh, look! I have a baby right here for $250,000. It’s a MIRACLE for all of us!! Praise The Lord!!

Actually, the cost is accurate.  There are a lot of people who pay that kind of money for a private adoption, surrogacy, fertility treatments, etc.  It's one of the problems that people have with these things.  Are rich couples paying poor women to have babies for them?  Are people desperate for a baby getting taken advantage of by scam artists?  There have been lots of instances of bio-parents bargaining with three or four couples to see who will bid the highest for their baby.  There have also been instances of young girls being forced to give up their babies for adoption when they don't want to.  Unfortunately, Brad Bell is writing this, and I doubt he gave any more thought to this SL beyond, "Let's say Hope's baby died, and make everyone miserable in the process."

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11 hours ago, Cindylou said:

I will admit, I do feel kinda bad for Steffy (and I HATE HER), none of this is her fault and she is pretty much losing a child because this adoption had to be super rushed, cause Taylor had to get her daughter a baby. 

I don't feel sorry for Steffy, but I think for a different reason.  She will be losing Phoebe, and she loves her, I believe that is true.  But the revelation that Phoebe is Beth trumps any loss that Steffy will feel.  She should be thrilled that Beth is alive, thrilled for her new bestie Hope and for her soulmate Liam.  And while she loses Phoebe, Phoebe doesn't die.  She remains part of Steffy's family and world.  It is not comparable to the loss that Hope and Liam suffered.  If anything, Steffy should be feeling guilt for unwittingly having been party to keeping Beth away from her mother.

Same for Ridge.  He no doubt will rain on Hope and Brooke's parade because of his daughter's suffering, but he really should be elated that Brooke's granddaughter is alive!

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As little as Ridge is actually on this show and as nebulous as he is when he IS on, can we just be done with him? It’s time for Brooke to send him to “International” or somewhere, anywhere. Be gone with you, Ridge. 

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4 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

It’s telling that Steffy didn’t call Flo/Wyatt to find out if Liam had arrived and what Flo’s excuse was for the birth certificate. Steffy said it: Liam doesn’t make stuff up or fly off the handle and must/would have a logical reason to believe Phoebe is Beth. Deep down she knows the adoption wasn’t legit

100%. I will give JMW a little bit of props though. One reason why her Steffy has been infuriating over the years is that she usually plays Steffy with this smug confidence that she knows she’s hot shit and superior to all around her (she is her parents daughter) even when she SHOULD be portraying that Steffy has some insecurity over one thing or another (like, say, a guy who put another woman’s ring on her finger). But she played it right today. It was clear Steffy was just trying to talk herself into believing what Ridge was saying. 

Speaking of, I can’t decide whom I would prefer getting to wipe the smug off of Ridge’s face with the truth. Both Liam and Brooke deserve the honor, but I’m leaning toward Liam because he’s less likely to be nice about it. 


You know, as stupid as Steffy is to not do her own homework--or to consider the idea of waiting a few years and giving Kelly some of her time and attention--im far more pissed at Taylor for all of this.

Agreed. Plus, steffy’s Answers to Liam’s questions about the adoption (the half knowing, assuming this is how things are) were dumb when you considered she was adopting a child, but understandable when you consider that Taylor is her mom, she trusts her, and she wouldn’t think her mother was leading her astray when it came to something so important. 


don't feel sorry for Steffy, but I think for a different reason.  She will be losing Phoebe, and she loves her, I believe that is true.  But the revelation that Phoebe is Beth trumps any loss that Steffy will feel

Plus, Steffy can just get custody of Douglas, and we all know babies are purses, so they’re totally interchangeable and everyone should be fine. 

I am thoroughly glad that the show took an episode-long interlude to the constant drama for the worlds most ridiculous fight scene. MA did well, but he runs funny. 

But im a little bitter... doesn’t chekhov’s rule say if you introduce a rooftop in act one, someone should get thrown off it in the last act?

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The person I’m most worried for is Douglass. Who will have custody of this sweet child? What person in any of these horrible families is capable of being a good example for this wonderful boy?! I feel sorry for every single child born into this awful family from the beginning. 

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I am worried that Douglas and Beth are being left with a babysitter while Steffy is at the doctor with Kelly.  I hope he doesn't try to take Douglas on the run with him while Steffy is out.  Douglas will resist going with Thomas and I am afraid he could harm the boy.  Let's hope Thomas flees without Douglas.

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Heh, Beth was like, "Keep dreaming, Steffy. I'll be back with my real mommy real soon. Douglas is the GOAT!"

Thomas looked completely deranged when he broke into that office. "Heeeere's Tommy!"

No, Ridge, you're the one who's wrong and you have no idea how much you're wrong about. You gonna learn though.

Even though Flo deserves it, Wyatt can stop dragging her any time now AFAIC. His laundry ain't entirely clean either. Always stashing a woman in his back pocket for when he dumps the current one. Ugh.

Sometimes Hope is just worthless to me. She had to stand there and watch Liam get the crap kicked out of him before she accepted the truth. And she didn't even love Thomas. WTF?


Exiled to Forrester Creations in France

Pretty sure the US has an extradition treaty with France. Probably with all of the NATO countries. Thomas better head to FC's Siberia office.


Are rich couples paying poor women to have babies for them?

Of course they are. They just give it a fancy word now: surrogacy. The thing we usually don't hear about is how much the surrogate got paid. Somehow I doubt it's ever anywhere close to a quarter mil unless the mother is a celebrity and she's trying to pass off a fake pregnancy as real.

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3 hours ago, bannana said:

I don't feel sorry for Steffy, but I think for a different reason.  She will be losing Phoebe, and she loves her, I believe that is true.  But the revelation that Phoebe is Beth trumps any loss that Steffy will feel.  She should be thrilled that Beth is alive, thrilled for her new bestie Hope and for her soulmate Liam.  And while she loses Phoebe, Phoebe doesn't die.  She remains part of Steffy's family and world.  It is not comparable to the loss that Hope and Liam suffered.  If anything, Steffy should be feeling guilt for unwittingly having been party to keeping Beth away from her mother.

Same for Ridge.  He no doubt will rain on Hope and Brooke's parade because of his daughter's suffering, but he really should be elated that Brooke's granddaughter is alive!

With better writers, you could have Steffy glad that Beth is alive, while still sad that she is losing Phoebe.  Unfortunately, these people may give lip service to caring about each other, but their actions always say something different.  This is one of the reasons I really wish Steffy had returned from Europe with a new guy so the SL would really be about Steffy/Phoebe and Hope/Beth, and not Steffy/Liam/Hope.  There was an opportunity here for Steffy, Liam, and Hope to be united in their anger at Flo, Zoe, Xander, Thomas, etc.  Instead it will probably devolve into Steffy vs. Hope.  {face palm}

3 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

In B&B fashion, I do expect Wyatt to be knocking on Sally's door tomorrow, be in bed with her the next day and confess his love the following day.  Isn't that what OrigRidge would do for many years? 

If only Sally would be allowed to have a spine, laugh in Wyatt's face, say I told you so, and slam the door in Wyatt's face.

2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

As little as Ridge is actually on this show and as nebulous as he is when he IS on, can we just be done with him? It’s time for Brooke to send him to “International” or somewhere, anywhere. Be gone with you, Ridge. 

They had the perfect chance to kill Ridge off when RM left the show and didn't.  I would be fine with both Ridge and Brooke being written off.  I think Brad Bell's obsession with this couple, and the triangle from hell has ruined everything.

2 hours ago, Zoe116 said:

But im a little bitter... doesn’t chekhov’s rule say if you introduce a rooftop in act one, someone should get thrown off it in the last act?

It definitely does.  Besides if Thomas had been thrown off the roof, then we would know that like Ricks and Tiggers, Thomases bounce.


Of course they are. They just give it a fancy word now: surrogacy. The thing we usually don't hear about is how much the surrogate got paid. Somehow I doubt it's ever anywhere close to a quarter mil unless the mother is a celebrity and she's trying to pass off a fake pregnancy as real.

In California the fee for the surrogate can be as much as $150,000.  Then the couple also has to pay for insurance, medical expenses not paid by insurance, travel, etc.  One embryo implant procedure can cost as much as $10,000.  If none of the embryos take, the couple will have to pay another fee for the next implant.

There are a lot of couples and surrogacy agencies now that enlist poor women from third world countries because they can pay them less.  As is the case with most things, people who have money have choices.  People who don't have money have very little or no choice.

Edited by TigerLynx
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10 hours ago, Cindylou said:

so, what secretes of Thomas need to come to light? here is my list:

Him having the Nanny, call from Overseas and tell Liam Kelly wants to see her Daddy.

 drawing the picture "Douglas" drew for Hope

 Running Emma off the road

 Roofying Liam

basically abusing/terrifying Douglas

knowing about Beth and not even telling his sister/father/mother (I mean come on he has info that his mother was involved in Human Trafficking, he should have at least called her and warned her)

being a beady eyed asshole.

please feel free to add to the list 😛

Your list is awesome!  Hate Hate Hate is character!

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“Sometimes I wonder if anything is absolute anymore. Is there still right and wrong? Good and bad? Truth and lies? Or is everything negotiable, left to interpretation, gray? Sometimes were forced to bend the truth? to transform it because we are faced with things that are not of our own making. And sometimes, things simply catch up with us." -Lucas, One Tree Hill “The Runaway Found” S4 Ep 18 


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3 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

In California the fee for the surrogate can be as much as $150,000.  Then the couple also has to pay for insurance, medical expenses not paid by insurance, travel, etc.  One embryo implant procedure can cost as much as $10,000.  If none of the embryos take, the couple will have to pay another fee for the next implant.

And rightly so.  If a woman is going to carry your child, that seems kind of low, as a fee.

So Steffy paying $250K is not unreasonable, if you want a white newborn😞.  Apparently white newborn males go for more money, which kind of cracks me up 😠

We need to start a SAVE DOUGLAS hashtag.  

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I may be wrong, & I'm definitely embarrassing myself that I am using these people as a point of reference, but I thought I remember hearing that when Kim & Kanye were hiring their first surrogate, they could only pay her something like $45,000, legally, but had to provide all of the medical care, etc. It stuck out, because I thought it was super low, for 10 months of round-the-clock, never getting a break, work. I understand she could still function in most of her normal life, but if I was a surrogate, I'd be freaking out every time I sneezed, worried about the bio-parents' baby. I'm not sure $45,000 would be enough to make me say yes. Only saying that because, if true, Steffy could've hired 5 different surrogates for the amount Taylor paid for PhoeBeth. 

While I don't miss Taylor or Fuckingham, this story sorely needs them to be on-screen, read for filth, & held accountable, especially Fuckingham. I never gave 2 shits about the original TOD, but I wouldn't mind Brooke lighting into Taylor, for setting this whole thing in motion, buying a human being like a piece of furniture, TM Liam Spencer.

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So Steffy paying $250K is not unreasonable, if you want a white newborn😞.  Apparently white newborn males go for more money, which kind of cracks me up 😠

How is this not human trafficking? Taylor and Steffy bought a human being on the fly, not unlike going to a car dealership and buying a $250K car. At least cars are legally tracked via VIN numbers. A baby could be stolen or produced via the sexual assault of its mother for the specific purpose of being sold. Birth certificates are easily falsified apparently, especially if the baby's buyers aren't looking too closely because they just want that baby. Ugh, the whole concept--particularly the racial preference aspect--disgusts me.

I have no issue with surrogacy because that seems to me mostly like someone is providing a service and one would generally expect to paid for their work.

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16 hours ago, bannana said:

I don't feel sorry for Steffy, but I think for a different reason.  She will be losing Phoebe, and she loves her, I believe that is true.  But the revelation that Phoebe is Beth trumps any loss that Steffy will feel.  She should be thrilled that Beth is alive, thrilled for her new bestie Hope and for her soulmate Liam.  And while she loses Phoebe, Phoebe doesn't die.  She remains part of Steffy's family and world.  It is not comparable to the loss that Hope and Liam suffered.  If anything, Steffy should be feeling guilt for unwittingly having been party to keeping Beth away from her mother.

Same for Ridge.  He no doubt will rain on Hope and Brooke's parade because of his daughter's suffering, but he really should be elated that Brooke's granddaughter is alive!

QFT. Steffy's pain is a drop in the bucket compared to Hope and Liam's and yes, she should be thrilled for them and for Kelly that Beth is very much alive. 

If she dares to pitch a fit when Hope, who was not even three weeks out from "losing" Beth, had the graciousness to visit her with a baby gift and not flinch at seeing all the pink "Welcome Baby" flotsam, I will personally drive to LA to bitch-slap her myself. 

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Was anyone else getting the fear that during the rooftop/no railings scene between SC and AN, where they were standing apart and Liam was talking, that Thomas would come running out of nowhere, Wiley Coyote-style, and slam into Liam taking them both over the side of the building?  I knew in my rational mind that for storyline purposes alone it couldn't happen but that didn't make it any less anxiety-provoking.  I'll be glad when they're all back safely on the ground!

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5 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Why did Wyatt break up with Sally? Is she still on the show?

The given reason was because Thomas & Sally had a 2-day secret, which was something about Thomas' feelings for Hope, or something to do with that, but I can't remember the specifics. Wyatt couldn't trust her for keeping a secret about Hope & Liam for a few days, so he ditched her. 

The actual reason, was because Flo was waiting in the wings for him, & her grass was greener. I hope Sally spits in his face when he comes a groveling. 

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7 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Why did Wyatt break up with Sally? Is she still on the show?

He used the excuse that she kept a secret about Thomas (him using Douglas to manipulate Hope and this was WAY before his real machinations kicked in) for all of 2-3 days before coming clean for breaking up with her.

When in reality he was already screwing Flo. 

She still is - barely. She hasn't been seen for several weeks. I'm guessing Wyatt will make a beeline for her now that he knows what a trifling trick he's been with. I really want Sally to drop-kick him to the curb, but I'm sure she won't because it's some kind of B&B law that women must take their men, no matter how awful, back at all costs.

ETA: What @nkotb said.

Edited by CountryGirl
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