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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Yes, Liam is a waffling douchecanoe. No argument whatsoever. But those are the very last two people that I want to see reading him for filth. They have no room, no right to judge him after what they did.  I do wanted him to blast back at them but like the spineless wimp he is he just took it. I was disappointed.

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I could not take Bill seriously when he  spouted the word loyalty to Liam.

He insulted and belittled his son for years because Liam was nothing like him.

He almost ended up killing Liam when he blew up the building that he was in all because it was more important to build some stupid building.

And oh yeah, he slept with Liam's wife.

Finally, I give Steffy zero credits as she stands there like a lifeless wax figure as Bill tears down Liam for not being there for Steffy and Kelly and how Steffy and he will be deciding what will happen with Kelly. Waffling or not, Liam has been there for his daughter since she was born. He forgave his cheating ex-wife and move back into the house in order to be closer to his daughter. 

Spare me Bill and tell me the last time you saw your youngest son.

Edited by nilyank
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4 hours ago, nasir jones said:

She says she doesn't want to be her mother, but how is being with someone she doesn't want to be with an improvement?

Awfully bold of you to assume she ever truly got over Bill (or at least the fact that he walked away from her for an Evil Logan(tm) ) ?

Even more than seeing Steffy run right to Bill, I would've wanted to see Bill earn her love, as another poster highlighted last week. Cut the blackmail, actually *respect* when she says she doesn't want to see him and build from there. But I suppose seeing Steffy spite Waffles by marrying his father is the best possible outcome, and far preferrable to another five years of unabated Liam worship, so I can live with it.

4 hours ago, nasir jones said:

BTW, are they ever going to get to the complete hypocrisy that is Bill's objection to Katie and Wyatt raising Will while he raises Kelly?

There won't be hypocrisy for too much longer, methinks ;)

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Today's show was good!.  I didn't FF at all.  If they do it right (for once) this lays the ground work for everyone getting involved and kicking up

a storm with lots of individual agendas.  Everyone has an emotional part to play.  But then again I know this show and they never develop a story with depth. It's all surface.  Like the original "Dynasty" night time soap.

I feel badly for Scott Clifton because he only gets to show two facial expressions as his character only does two things.  He works the comedy 

really well with Wyatt.  He's just got to stop looking so surprised every time Steffy says you made out with Hope, bye bye.

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10 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Bill's a guy so in Brad Bell's world he can do whatever he wants while judging others - See Ridge and Liam. 

It's not a gender thing...se also Katie, Brooke, and Taylor.

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9 hours ago, nilyank said:

He forgave his cheating ex-wife and move back into the house in order to be closer to his daughter. 

Liam didn't forgive Steffy, and if Steffy was stupid enough to stay with Liam, for the next 100 years Liam would remind Steffy she cheated every time he does something Steffy doesn't like.  Liam did not have to go back to Steffy, and ask her to marry him.  Liam could have told Steffy Hope was pregnant, and he wanted to be with Hope.  Instead as usual, Liam can't make a decision.  Liam's living with Steffy and Kelly, and making out with Hope.  As bad and stupid as Steffy and Hope look, Liam is a thousand times worse.

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While Steffy is "trying to forgive herself" for putting up with Liam's waffling crap for so long, she needs to take a long hard trip down memory lane. (As well as reflecting on ruining her face) she needs to come to the stark realization that really all of this is her fault.  IF, some 10? years ago (seriously? it pained me to type that) she had been a decent person (right ... ) and respected Hope and Liam's relationship and butted the fuck out ... there would be no ToD. 

It's not like Steffy;s oblivious to the past (while she may be desperately trying to.) Hope has rubbed it in her face numerous times lately, as well as Brooke dishing out the little digs reminders of how Steffy interfered in Lope too many times to count.

Meanwhile, we might have had all that time watching decent, compelling stories spread over the entire cast. 

Wait ... what show am I talking about here?

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15 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

Yes, Liam is a waffling douchecanoe. No argument whatsoever. But those are the very last two people that I want to see reading him for filth. They have no room, no right to judge him after what they did.  I do wanted him to blast back at them but like the spineless wimp he is he just took it. I was disappointed.

And yet somehow, i hate Liam the most out of every single person on this show, with the exception of Ridge, and only because the latter had two decades of shit on his record.

Liam is basically what Sharon Newman used to be before last year. She too would ride her victim status, yet do nothing to own any of her shit. Like the Christian debacle: even if she didn't initially steal the baby, she sure was fine with keeping her trap shut because she benefitted from keeping Captain Plywood around. Kinda like how Liam is still keeping his trap shut about how Steffy busted up Tally.

But even she, finally, finally (in the one and only improvement Mal Young has made to Y&R, which is more than his other predecessors combined) stopped using Nick's infidelity and Cassie's death and her bipolar disorder as excuses and actually took some ownership of her situation. Even with the current debacle with JT, she seems more centered than I can remember since before Faith was born.

But the point is, she *does* shit now. Liam has not acted with any sense of agency or self-reflection aside from the few months he ran SP and even that has a asterisk because, again...he never said shit to Sally about Steffy and Caroline and their conspiring with Bill. Even now, he never made a choice to be with one or the other: in a very rare change of form for Bradley Bell, Steffy made the decision for him. It's just so frustrating to watch this useless sack of nothing get fought over when he does nothing to earn this loyalty.

I actually miss the days when Nick Marone was eating up the show because as terrible and Ridge-lite as he became after his marriage to Brooke, he actually did shit for himself. And I felt like he liked and respected women, his cheating notwithstanding. That wack ass prom he threw for Katie is still more romance than I've ever seen out of Liam. So was Zzzzzzzzende's "dates" in Eric's kitchen for that matter.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I agree that Steffy shouldn't have interfered in Liam/Hope's relationship 8 or 10 years ago.  However, Steffy eventually left town and Liam/Hope still didn't work out.  Hope married Wyatt.  Ultimately, Steffy couldn't have interfered in Liam/Hope's relationship, and Hope couldn't have interfered in Steffy/Liam's relationship if Liam hadn't let them.  Now Steffy just needs to stay the course, and end things with Liam for good.

I bet if Steffy had gone straight home, had been crying when Liam got there, and had immediately forgiven Liam, Liam would have waffled right back to Hope.  During his you have to forgive me Steffy, you did worse than me speech, Liam never once said he had made a decision, and wanted to be with Steffy or Hope for that matter.  Steffy made the decision for Liam, and told him to go be with Hope.  The reason Liam is upset is because Steffy is with Bill, and no longer begging for Liam's forgiveness, or asking him to be with her and Kelly.

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2 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Ultimately, Steffy couldn't have interfered in Liam/Hope's relationship, and Hope couldn't have interfered in Steffy/Liam's relationship if Liam hadn't let them.

Yep. Most of Hope's breakups after Steffy left could be boiled down to the fact that when all's said and done, Hope had no trust in him anymore. Breaking off a wedding after seeing Liam hug Steffy? Check. The Paris wedding to Wyatt? Check. I remember having a fight because Liam rather stupidly made a similar relationship momento video for Steffy as he'd recently done for Hope.

It all reminds me of my own idiot half-brother who, in trying to always be the Good Guy(tm) married his wife because they got pregnant on the first date, then has spent the last decade being pissed that the woman he married wasn't the image he had in his head. And like Liam, he was a fucking nerd who'd had maybe three years of limited sexual experience before marriage. And now he's got a baby mamma from fucking Oakland  who's willing to make his life miserable, yet he can't wrap around his head why his wife doesn't trust him around any woman that is less butch looking than Ellen DeGeneres or why she doesn't give a fuck about his "we've been friends since sixth grade and we never fucked" crap tabout the women he knew in his hometown like he peddled about said baby mamma. ?

Me, I'm sure the only reason she's there is because military housing allowance won't cover the true cost of rent in the San Diego housing market, because my brother truly does not deserve her. But I digress.

But my point is, there has to be a point where people shit or get off the pot in a relationship and move past it, and for Lope 1.0, I don't think Hope ever got there, truly. It was every bit as aggravating to sit through as the current Steffy Show, mostly because she'd use Wyatt's affection for her as her weapon of choice. 

All of that being said, they did, once in the way distant past, have some sort of foundation that Liam and Steffy never did. They once enjoyed each other's company and on the surface, they do seem to have things they are passionate about and support. Steamless has Cha Cha Cha and...that's about it. If I had a gun to my head and was forced to pick one I'd root for, Lope would be my pick. But I'm far more in favor of them both getting way out of his toxic bubble of suck before they become even more like their idiot mothers.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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15 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

Yes, Liam is a waffling douchecanoe. No argument whatsoever. But those are the very last two people that I want to see reading him for filth. They have no room, no right to judge him after what they did.  I do wanted him to blast back at them but like the spineless wimp he is he just took it. I was disappointed.



14 hours ago, nilyank said:

I could not take Bill seriously when he  spouted the word loyalty to Liam.

He insulted and belittled his son for years because Liam was nothing like him.

He almost ended up killing Liam when he blew up the building that he was in all because it was more important to build some stupid building.

And oh yeah, he slept with Liam's wife.

Finally, I give Steffy zero credits as she stands there like a lifeless wax figure as Bill tears down Liam for not being there for Steffy and Kelly and how Steffy and he will be deciding what will happen with Kelly. Waffling or not, Liam has been there for his daughter since she was born. He forgave his cheating ex-wife and move back into the house in order to be closer to his daughter. 

Spare me Bill and tell me the last time you saw your youngest son.




Yesterday's episode was a case of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I've always thought Steffy was a nasty, hateful piece of work.  She hurts people BECAUSE SHE CAN.  She's like her grandmother in that respect.  Everybody else is scum compared to the Great Stephanie Forrester and if they get in her way, she'll fuck them up.  That's why I also dislike $Bill and this version of Ridge.

I agree with @RuntheTable, TK's version of Ridge is a lowlife thug.  I was sooooo angry at Brooke for not throwing his filthy, swinish ass out of her house after the way he spoke to her daughter.  It better be because she's focusing on getting Hope with Liam and plans to deal with that piece of shit she's married to later.

Even though I loathe Steffy, I had to give her props for FINALLY telling Liam about himself.  But I don't know if she took credit for her part in the tale of infamy that was Liam and Steffy.  One of the main reasons Liam turned into the IHOP special was because Steffy inserted herself into Liam and Hope's relationship, offering her fool's gold cooter, no questions asked.  Every time Hope did something to upset Liam or flat out dumped his ass, Steffy was right there offering herself up as the alternative.  For her to throw all that waffling in Liam's face NOW is pretty rich under the circumstances.  Clearly thought that Kelly was the trump card and would tie Liam to her forever.  She didn't realize that Hope had a trump card of her own.

Why does Bell insist on writing Steffy fucking her father-in-law as a 'mistake'?  The only way it could be a mistake is if Steffy thought she was having sex with Liam when she was having sex with $Bill BY MISTAKE.  Or maybe she got drunk and passed out and $Bill had sex with her and she THOUGHT it was Liam (looking at you Ridge).  Steffy fucked her father in law because she was mad at Liam and wanted to hurt him.  Equating what happened in the dressing room to what happened between Steffy and $Bill is pure bullshit.  Liam is a total scumbag but he's a single scumbag who did tell Steffy that Hope's pregnancy changed things. Steffy just refused to hear him, as usual.  The only people who call what happened between $Bill and Steffy as what it really is are Hope and Brooke and they are shouted down EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I really wish Hope would stop worrying about how hurt Steffy is and how badly Steffy must feel.  The few hours that Hope has spent worrying about Steffy since Liam left is more time than Steffy has spent worrying about how ANYBODY feels her whole nasty life.  Maybe it's because Hope knows how Steffy feels because she's felt the same way but that was partly due to what Steffy did to her (Liam was there too).  Hope doesn't owe Steffy a fucking thing.  Hope should listen to her mother and start thinking about what SHE wants.  She doesn't have to worry about being a good person.  She IS a good person.

Whatever well-deserved home-truths Steffy was dishing out to Liam were negated the second $Bill walked in the door and went on his tirade while she stood there and watched.  Steffy isn't about protecting her daughter.  Steffy is about getting back at Liam and, as usual, she'll use her daughter to do it.  In what universe does $Bill get to tell Liam how Liam's daughter is raised?  Steffy said nothing while $Bill strutted and gloated around her home.  He's not only taken ownership of Steffy, he seems to think that Kelly is included in the purchase and Steffy seems okay with that.  Liam needs to get a good lawyer.  He'd have a good case for sole custody what with his wife cheating on him with his own father.  What kind of home can Steffy provide Kelly when she's calling her grandfather, 'daddy'?

Seeing Steffy and $Bill standing together was stomach-turning.  There's Steffy standing with the man who's paid good money for her.  The man she cheated on her husband with.  The man who arranged to have her father thrown out of a helicopter. I only wish Ridge had walked in and witnessed $Bill's performance.  He either would have killed $Bill or dropped dead of a stroke.  Either way, he would be out of Brooke's house and out of her life.

$Bill is feeling himself and Ms. Steffy is going to find out that he's not as easy man to play.  $Bill has no problem saying 'you're the only woman on earth for me' one day and then doing anything to ruin that woman's life the second she crosses him.  Ask Quinn.  Ask Katie.  Ask Brooke.  Why did two of his baby mommas disappear in order to protect their children from him?  Steffy's going to find out and it couldn't happen to a nicer girl.

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7 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

While Steffy is "trying to forgive herself" for putting up with Liam's waffling crap for so long, she needs to take a long hard trip down memory lane. (As well as reflecting on ruining her face) she needs to come to the stark realization that really all of this is her fault.  IF, some 10? years ago (seriously? it pained me to type that) she had been a decent person (right ... ) and respected Hope and Liam's relationship and butted the fuck out ... there would be no ToD. 

It's not like Steffy;s oblivious to the past (while she may be desperately trying to.) Hope has rubbed it in her face numerous times lately, as well as Brooke dishing out the little digs reminders of how Steffy interfered in Lope too many times to count.

Meanwhile, we might have had all that time watching decent, compelling stories spread over the entire cast. 

Wait ... what show am I talking about here?

Haven't you heard?  Steffy's a VICTIM.  A victim doesn't have to take any responsibility for her actions.  Steffy isn't even taking responsibility for walking out on her husband (in their home) and fucking his father.  It was a MISTAKE and she's SORRY!!!!

The time spent and the story lines destroyed and sidelined in order to make Steffy a heroine and JMW a leading lady is mind-boggling.

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I don't think Steffy will have a problem handling Bill because Steffy doesn't expect Bill to be a good guy.  Steffy pretty much told Bill he will eventually leave her like he has all his other women, and when he does, Steffy will have his FC shares.

Liam didn't forgive Steffy for having sex with Bill.  If he had, he wouldn't have used it against Steffy saying she had to forgive him because what Steffy did was worse.  Steffy isn't leaving Liam because he kissed Hope, or because he got Hope pregnant.  Steffy very clearly spelled it out for Liam.  Liam will never stop waffling.  Even now, Liam has not made a decision, and if Steffy and Hope are dumb enough to put up with it, Liam will continue to live with Steffy and Kelly while leading Hope to believe they have a future together.  Liam will tell Steffy she can't marry Bill, but he won't commit to her.  He will continue to flip flop all over the place while expecting Steffy and Hope to put up with it.  If Liam had walked in on Steffy or Hope with some other guy about to have sex, he would have gone crazy even though he does not consider himself to be committed to either of them.  In Liam's world, they have no claim on him because he is still trying to figure things out, but Liam believes he gets to dictate who Steffy can or cannot marry, or whether or not Steffy can wear Bill's necklace.  STFU Liam, and die.

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

He'd have a good case for sole custody what with his wife cheating on him with his own father.  

Steffy so far hasn't done anything to warrant losing physical custody of Kelly. A judge will side eye Steffy's affair with Bill but the judge will also side-eye Liam now expecting another child with another woman who happens to be his estranged wife's stepsister.

Steffy's history of violence (Aly, Ivy, shooting Sheila) is something to consider but Liam's neurological medical history and stupidly confessing to both Steffy and Bill his belief that he tried to kill Bill offsets that if Liam tried to go there.

Basically between Steffy's Forrester family weight and Bill backing her, Liam may indeed find himself on the outside looking in when it comes to Kelly. Rather than shared custody and enjoying those everyday cuddles, weekend dad seems like the punishment Steffy will mete out to him. It'll be worse if/when Hope loses her baby as I just can't see that kid living and Liam won't have the salve of the backup kid taking the dying away about Kelly. 

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Both Bill and Steffy kind of got what they think they wanted this week but if that body language is foreshadowing, I only see trouble ahead.  Steffy couldn't even make eye contact or kiss Bill and she never had any problems with that in the past.  $Bill settling for a loveless marriage?  Yeah, don't think so.  And Steffy thinks the FC shares will give her the power/protection she needs... good luck with that.  (Though I think she was smart to get the divorce settlement up front, history being what it is.) 

The one thing I don't want to see is a Scarlett/Rhett/Ashley ToD, the writers need to go all in with this or it's a waste of time. (Disclaimer: I don't like citing GWTW in this day and age but can't think of another example of this particular kind of triangle. Is there a better one?) 

Still (no pun intended), I was entertained this last week.  

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The FC papers, 2010.  They made a mistake by not keeping the Bill and Steffy flame burning on low thru the years because they are like robots now (compared to this chemistry).  Bill's current obsession always seems so out of left field.  She was coquette then, now she's a robot.


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If good writers had been writing this story, Bill wouldn't have been pressuring or blackmailing Steffy.  He would have simply been there for her when Liam wasn't.  Then when Steffy finally had enough of Liam and his waffling, once Bill and Steffy were married, Steffy would have fallen back in love with Bill.  The writers could still do this if they bothered to put any effort into it.

Hope would realize when Liam left her in the dressing room to go chasing after Steffy, that this would be her life if she continued to put up with it.  When Liam ping pongs back to Hope after Steffy tells him to drop dead, Hope would tell him to drop dead and go to hell and fry.

However, since Brad Bell is in charge, and Liam is one of his preferred characters, none of that will happen.

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My speculation is that Steffy will fall for Dolla and shortly afterwards will discover that this was Dolla "destroying" Liam by taking away everything he loves as he vowed to do when Liam kicked him out of SP.  Steffy's cha cha cha is just a bonus. Dolla loves only winning. And Dolla. 

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4 minutes ago, thewhiteowl said:

My speculation is that Steffy will fall for Dolla and shortly afterwards will discover that this was Dolla "destroying" Liam by taking away everything he loves as he vowed to do when Liam kicked him out of SP.  Steffy's cha cha cha is just a bonus. Dolla loves only winning. And Dolla. 

Which is why Bill has a framed picture of himself. See the clip above.

The only person that Bill loves is himself. He recognizes that same quality in Steffy. It is why they have always gotten along.

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2 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

My speculation is that Steffy will fall for Dolla and shortly afterwards will discover that this was Dolla "destroying" Liam by taking away everything he loves as he vowed to do when Liam kicked him out of SP.  Steffy's cha cha cha is just a bonus. Dolla loves only winning. And Dolla. 

Liam won't care.  Liam has Hope and her baby waiting in the wings.  If not Hope, then Sally or someone else.  Just like when Brooke dumped Ridge and ran to Nick wanting Nick to leave Taylor for her, and Ridge moved onto Ashley.  Liam might be angry that Steffy marries Bill, but his life won't be destroyed because Liam doesn't care that much.  Bill, Ridge and Liam love themselves first, foremost and always which is why they have no problem walking away and moving on two seconds later.

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24 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Liam won't care.  Liam has Hope and her baby waiting in the wings.  If not Hope, then Sally or someone else.  Just like when Brooke dumped Ridge and ran to Nick wanting Nick to leave Taylor for her, and Ridge moved onto Ashley.  Liam might be angry that Steffy marries Bill, but his life won't be destroyed because Liam doesn't care that much.  Bill, Ridge and Liam love themselves first, foremost and always which is why they have no problem walking away and moving on two seconds later.

Maybe you're right about Steffy and he won't care but I believe he loves Kelly.  He'll want desperately to keep Kelly out of Dolla's clutches. At least until Dolla says Kelly is his spawn but will that be true? Depends, I think on how long the PTB drag this out. If they want more drama it won't be true and it gives Steffy a path back to Liam in time for Hope to give birth.  If they want her to stay with Dolla for the foreseeable future it will be true. In either case drama. 

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22 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Whatever well-deserved home-truths Steffy was dishing out to Liam were negated the second $Bill walked in the door and went on his tirade while she stood there and watched.  Steffy isn't about protecting her daughter.  Steffy is about getting back at Liam and, as usual, she'll use her daughter to do it.  In what universe does $Bill get to tell Liam how Liam's daughter is raised?

So far, nothing I've seen from Liam indicates he's a danger or neglectful to Kelly. I have my doubts he'll have any kind of backbone once she becomes a teenager, but--

...what the fuck am I even saying? Kelly will be his sister by then and we all know it.

The point is, Liam is willing to make personal sacrifices for his kid and what's best for her. Did Bill really try *that* hard to stay with Katie for Will?

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Rather than being dangerous or neglectful, Liam is just dumb and selfish.  Liam's inability to make a decision and stick with it has resulted in Liam having two baby mamas, no home and no job.  Liam has given Steffy the upper hand by default.  Steffy owns the cliff house and has a job to return to.  Bill has no right to tell Liam how to parent Kelly, but Liam has no spine which means it will be easy for Bill to walk all over him.  Unless the writers are going to finally have Liam do more than stand around with a dumb look on his face while Ridge, Brooke, Steffy, Hope or Bill tell Liam what he should do.

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7 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Unless the writers are going to finally have Liam do more than stand around with a dumb look on his face while Ridge, Brooke, Steffy, Hope or Bill tell Liam what he should do.

And when Hope tells him to fuck off and die, please dear deity of all things soap opera holy and sacred, keep Liam the fuck away from Sally.  Amen!  Now where's the Tylenol?

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I can get behind Stone Cold Bitch Steffy, it's acting that doesn't use her face, so she's good there! 


I would have loved for Brooke or even Hope to tell Ridge to go F off and get the F out!  Who does this jackass think he's talking to, and WTG HOPE reminding him his own daughter slept with Bill, I would like for Brooke and Hope to keep reminding Ridge of this when his head explodes from learning his "virginal, sweetness and light" daughter is gonna be marrying Bill..... 


Great show on Friday!  that's all I got.

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I hope Steffy's choice is about more than just walking away from Liam.  I hope Steffy decided to take a good long look at Taylor and Stephanie, and decided she didn't want to end up like them.  Stephanie wasted her entire life trying to get and keep Eric.  Taylor has apparently gone crazy because Ridge left her.  I really hate Brad Bell, and the way he writes women.

The only thing that will happen if Brooke and Hope really stand up to Ridge is that Ridge will dump Brooke again, and if Brooke reminds Ridge to many times that Steffy had sex with Bill, Ridge will throw Deacon in her face because he has done it before, or maybe he'll remind Brooke about Nick.  I wish Bridget was still on the show.  Of course, Ridge conveniently forgets how he had sex with his brother's wife and his father's wife.  Yet, these pathetic hypocrites find time to criticize Steffy and Bill.  Since Katie also stabbed Bridget in the back, I was glad when karma paid her a visit.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Friday's show was so, so good. 

I mean, I feel like this right now:


We open with Ridge and Hope and he's apparently so disgusted by a little bit of making out by single, consenting adults, he can't even look at his stepdaughter. Yet contrast that with his consoling his daughter after learning she fucked her father-in-law, attempting to blame-shift and browbeat Liam into reconciling. 

He's quickly back to facing her though and continuing to berate her.

We see Brooke arrive, listening at the door. 

Hope: "I feel awful..." Again, why? She's done nothing wrong but I guess it shows that unlike Steffy, Hope actually has a conscience.

Ridge: "You feel wrong about what? Making out with Liam or getting caught?" Brooke has heard enough and bursts into the room.

Brooke: "Ridge...enough!!! Don't talk to my daughter like that!"

Ridge interjects like the asshole he is: "After what she did, I can talk to her any way I want." Unbefuckinglievable. 

How Brooke didn't knock his teeth out, I'll never know, but she gives him a look of disgust as does Hope.

Brooke, hands on hips, does say this: "I will give you exactly ten seconds to apologize." While I wish Brooke would stop championing a reunion between Hope and Liam as she should want better for her daughter, I don't disagree with her mama lioness defense of her child. Good luck with getting him to take you seriously though, Brooke. 

Ridge: "I'm apologizing, after what she did?" 

Brooke: "Five seconds."

Ridge just grins at that, like, aw, isn't she cute? He says: "Well, I guess I'll have to choose my words a little more carefully around here."


Notice he doesn't apologize. Smug sonofabitch.

Brooke lets it go because of course she does and reminds him that Hope wasn't being malicious and didn't set out to purposefully hurt Steffy.

Hope, defending Waffles, offers: "Liam didn't either."

Ridge, pissy, says they did hurt Steffy and Kelly and OMG, Kelly is an infant. She has no clue about any of this.

Brooke won't be swayed by this, telling him: "Then you should understand that Kelly's parents shouldn't be together after this. Liam's future is with Hope."

Ridge wants to know where that leaves Steffy and seriously, what is so wrong with Steffy being alone for a while? Of course, we all know that's a fate worse than death for these two women. 

Brooke shrugs: "With Bill."


I think she knows the stepdaughter she helped raise a lot better than her own father does.

She reminds Ridge that Steffy has turned to Bill before and OMG, Ridge puts all the blame for that on Liam and that it was all Liam's fault she turned to him before. While Liam does share in the blame for what's happening now, he was in no way, shape, or form responsible for her cheating on him before.

Brooke thinks instead of encouraging Steffy to hang onto something that isn't working, why doesn't he encourage her to let him go.

Ridge thinks she may have done just that after the latest, to which Brooke replies, hilariously: "Good!"

She says that it's for the best as "Hope and Liam can be together and Steffy-"

Ridge: "You gotta stop saying that stuff, "she's gonna be with Bill." That's not gonna happen."


Famous last words way back when with Rick and famous last words now.

He bolts from the room to "make sure of it." Now it's my turn to say, good luck with that, Ridge. Sludge - out. 

After he leaves, Brooke encourages her daughter to put her needs first, reasoning that the moment Liam kissed Hope, he made a decision (insinuating that Liam chose her) and that their family is "coming together." I wouldn't be so sure about that, especially considering him chasing after Steffy when she caught them.  

Elsewhere, Bill and Justin are chilling at the house with Justin thinking Bill has "lost it" over Steffy, especially where the Forrester shares are concerned.  I can't disagree there but they are interrupted when Wyatt shows up. 

He immediately senses something different about his father.

Bill: "Why? Do I look a little extra-handsome?"

Wyatt: "No." Hee!

He then notices his necklace is missing.

Justin: "He gave it away."

Wyatt: "What?"

Bill, beaming: "To my soon to be wife."

Wyatt blinks, "I'm sorry...wife?"


Bill grins: "Steffy."

He tells Wyatt that Steffy's finally given in to her feelings for him and Justin confirms "he's not lying."

Bill: "Liam let her down...again."

Wyatt: "How would he let her down?" Wyatt should be quicker on the uptake.

Bill can't believe he actually has to spell this out: "How do you think? Blonde, do-gooder...name rhymes with 'dope?'" Okay, that was funny.

Wyatt: "No." Dude, you of all people, should have seen this coming, given their history.

Bill catches Wyatt up on what went down in the dressing room, but Wyatt doesn't understand how that led Steffy back to Bill.

Bill: "The heart wants what the heart wants, Wyatt."

Justin gives Bill a look: "The heart wants shares of Forrester Creation." Bills sighs when Justin reveals the necklace isn't the only thing Bill gave her.

Wyatt is shocked: "You gave Steffy Forrester Creation shares???"

Bill, through gritted teeth: "Thank you, Justin. Don't you have to go shave your head or something?"

Justin, deadpan: "Yes, I do." He looks at Wyatt. "Make sure he tells you everything." Barber - out.

Bill defends his actions, saying Steffy's being hurt by Liam too many times but that he never will and his giving her the shares are proof of that. He reveals that the shares are her's the moment she becomes Mrs. William Spencer.

Wyatt: "Oh, so you bribed her?" No, she demanded them in her "it won't come cheap" speech.

Bill: "No. I closed the deal." He says that he and Steffy will be at the helm of Spencer Publications and raising Kelly.

Wyatt challenges that Liam isn't going to take this. As if it's Liam's choice re Steffy marrying Bill.

Bill shrugs saying he knows Liam is done with him. He reaches out for Wyatt's shoulder, telling him, "But I still have you."

Sadly for Wyatt, Bill is right.

Wyatt wants to know if Liam knows what's going on and Bill crows that Steffy is likely telling him right now.

Wyatt is concerned: "By herself?" Trust, this Steffy can handle herself.

But Bill decides he needs to head over to the cliff house for reinforcements, just in case. And to rub it in Liam's face, I'm sure.

Wyatt yells after him not to do this but Bill just throws over his shoulder, hilariously, "I love you, Wyatt. You're my favorite!" $ Bill - out.

Bill isn't gone two minutes before Ridge waltzes in like he owns the place. Well, once upon a time, I guess he did.

Ridge: "Hey, is your daddy home?"

Wyatt, drink in hand, is already over this little visit: "Nice to see you, too, Ridge. No...he just left."

Ridge demands to know where Bill is. As if it's any of his business.

Wyatt: "No idea. Is there something I can help you with?" I love that Wyatt has no fucks to give where Ridge is concerned.

Ridge: "Tell him to stay away from my daughter." Um, I think that's the other way around of late, Ridge.

Wyatt assumes Ridge knows about Hope and Liam's backstage moments. Ridge wants to know how he knows and Wyatt shares that Bill told him. 

Ridge: "And how did Bill find out?"

Wyatt: "Steffy went straight to him apparently, after it happened." Let the head-exploding begin.

Ridge is shaking his head: "So Liam and Hope make out and she went straight to Bill? I don't think so." Well, think again, asshole. He continues to insist she would have come to him, her mother (yeah, fat chance with that blubbering trainwreck) or Thomas (who?) or so-called "hundreds" of people she go to for comfort. Yeah, well, she didn't. Also, let the fact that she supposedly did have all of those people available to comfort her and yet, she runs right to Bill sink in.

Wyatt suggests maybe she wasn't looking for comfort and Ridge about has a heart attack right there.

Wyatt: "Forget it..." Oh, but you can't unring the bell now. Ridge knows he knows something.

Wyatt: "Steffy and Dad-"

Ridge: "Be very careful." Oh fuck you, Ridge. What is your slovenly ass gonna do? Punch Wyatt out for telling the truth? Hardly. He'll step to the side, drink still in hand, and watch you fall to the floor much as his father did not so long ago.

Wyatt lowers the boom: "It's happening. My father...your daughter...it's happening." 

Ridge begins to process that his sworn enemy is going to become his son-in-law. 


Finally, we arrive at the cliff house and it is fucking glorious as Steffy stares him down.

Liam is gaping at the necklace and states the obvious: "That's...my father's."

Steffy, cold as ice: "It is." 

Liam guppy mouths: "Explain....please."

Steffy, all nonchalant: "He gave it to me." She turns away, letting that little tidbit sink in.

Liam approaches her: "Steffyyyyy....I hurt you and I'm sorry, but what does that mean?" He points at the necklace. Man, he is dense as hell. Also, her back is towards him so she can't even see you pointing, so odd acting choice there, SC.

She wheels on him then: "You know, you accused me so many times of running to your father, even though it was never true. I was doing everything I possibly could to avoid him." Eh - I don't think so on that last one. "But after walking in on you and Hope...if you say it enough, if you believe it enough, you can make anything come true, Liam. So yeah...I went your father. Right to him." 

Liam: Steffy, what I did was wrong and I hate that you saw but you know that I would have told you. I would have come home and I would have told you." And I actually believe him here. He came clean within hours of the kiss before dying with Sally. " I would have explained what happened-"

She cuts him off here: "You would have walked in, seen me holding our baby and said 'hey, I'm sorry I'm late, I lost track of time, I was making out with Hope?'" Liam just stares at her, as if seeing her for the first time. "Don't forget who you're talking to, Liam. I know all about how guilt and shame can get in the way of the truth, but I finally got to see what everyone else has been telling me." She starts to tear up here. "Hope's been trying to tell me...Brooke's been trying to tell me. Your father most of all."

Liam: "If you're trying to hurt me, it's working. And I get it and I deserve it." Show of hands, who here thinks Liam gets it? Oh, no one? "But you made your point. Take the damn necklace off. Steffy...take the necklace off. You need to forgive me."

Does this look like the face of forgiveness to you?


Yeah, I didn't think so either.

Steffy scoffs: "You want my forgiveness? After all the time I spent pleading for your's?"

Liam agrees it's asking a lot but Steffy is just getting started: "I begged you. I humiliated myself. You walked away. You walked right to Hope." Umm, that's a bit of revisionist history. He was alone in the no-tell motel for weeks before Hope showed up.

Steffy: "I can't."

Liam: "You can."

Steffy: "I can't. Please hear me. I will always care about you...but I can't trust you. You don't know what you want. I can't handle the constant back and forth. One moment, you want to be with me and the next, you're cheating on me." I don't agree it was cheating since they're divorced but I do agree that he's a waffling waffler. Not that this excuses her part in encouraging said waffling when it was to her benefit all these years, but I can't help it if I'm down with her calling him on his shit now. Perhaps the fact that she's a mother now has provided her with some much-needed perspective. 

She proves me right with her next words: "I'm a mother now and I owe it to her to be stronger than my mother was."


She continues: "The way she believed and trusted that my father's little moments of monogamy would last." Oh, I wish Ridge were here to hear this right now. "If you think I would allow my daughter to be raised in a family like that, then you never knew me at all."


A shocked Liam tries to cut her off: "Whoa...hey...don't say that!" 

Steffy: "I have to protect my daughter and if that means giving up on love, then so be it." I wish Hope would take a page from Steffy's Bitch Boots Book. 

Liam tries to get her to listen but she's done: "Just go be with Hope." Whatever he was expecting her to say, that wasn't it.

Steffy: "You can have the life you always wanted. You can stop pretending a life with me is possible - it's not." Oooohhh boy. She tells him if that were true, he wouldn't have gotten caught up with Hope period, let alone with a baby at home. "But you're so starry-eyed, thinking about the one growing inside Hope...you couldn't keep your hands off of her!" He just stands there, all guppy mouthed as she hands his ass to him. "If our daughter isn't incentive enough to keep a promise to me, then I don't know what is."

Liam: "Okay, we have to talk about this."

Steffy: "I'm done talking. We're done talking, Liam. We're done trying. You made your choice. You might as well embrace. Because this? The two of us? Our family? It's not happening. I won't allow it."

Liam tells her he knows she's upset but he can't believe she really means this.

Steffy snaps: "You don't think I mean to protect my daughter." Hmm...interesting, the "my." 

Liam: "Our daughter." She gives him a look of disgust as if to say, oh, nice that you remember she exists. "I made a mistake-"

She cuts him off: "So did I. A huge one. And I begged you over and over to forgive me. Liam, you put me through hell, until you finally decided a life with me could work. And then what, Hope throws a fashion show and you start drooling and completely forget about your daughter and me?" She deserved to be put through hell after cheating with Bill. But when he said he forgave her and wanted to reconcile, well, I can kind of, maybe, sort of, see her point here. 

Liam just wants to explain things to her and she scoffs at that, telling him there's no need to explain that which she saw with her very own eyes.

Steffy: "I already know. You want Hope. You've always wanted Hope. I was an adequate stand in for Hope when she was in Europe. Even better when I was pregnant with your child. But now Hope's back. She's back in LA and she has a baby growing inside of her. Your dream family is within reach. Your dream life...so go! Go live it!"

Liam challenges that she doesn't know him if she thinks this was about fooling around and Steffy snaps at this: "I'm not my mother! I'm not gonna put up with your occasional commitments. You could have me... or you could have Hope. The choice has been made, Liam. You want Hope." Notice he doesn't deny any of this.

Instead, Liam attempts to deflect: "And your choice is my father. After months of denial? I mean, which is it? Either you're just doing this to hurt me or there has been something there all along, in which case, why have you been lying to me?" I think both points are correct.

Neither of them see Bill walk into the house but I do.

Steffy shrugs: "Well, it doesn't really matter now, does it? What matters now is that I have clarity. You were always gonna let me down, Liam. It's better we do this now. It's done, we're done. It's easier this way."

Liam tells her not to do this and to stop acting like this is his choice.

Steffy: "But it is. You made that choice in the dressing room."

Bill speaks up then, having heard enough: "She's right, Liam." He approaches the two of them. "Hope's the woman you want. Take her. Have a wonderful life. God knows Steffy will...with me." Steffy's face is all "yeah, you heard him."

She's all too happy to let him pick up what she just put down: "You were sitting up on that horse pretty high and mighty, Liam. Well, it's a long fall out of that self-righteous saddle. Judging Steffy and me." Steffy's eyes flick to Bill for a moment, then back to Liam, so very calm. "Well, look at you now..."

Liam gives Bill a look: "Yeah, I'm not sure what I did compares to what you two did." And he's right, it doesn't compare, especially when you consider Steffy and Liam have been divorced for weeks now and it was making out, not actually fucking while married. Very, very different. But he did forgive. He did say he wanted to marry her. They were engaged (for the nine hundredth time, but I digress). They were supposed to be married right away. So while Liam will always be the most injured party in all of this, he's no longer the victim here nor owner of the moral high ground. 

He reiterates that their actions aren't remotely comparable to what he and Hope did, telling her, "sleeping with my father is kind of unforgivable." Which, true, but he did forgive all the same. Or so he said and trust, if he had chosen not to and chosen to divorce her and not look back, I wouldn't have blamed him one iota, but all bets are off now. I mean, he's either all in or he's out. There's no in-between at this point and that's what Steffy is sick and tired of being sick and tired of. 

He then talks about how he did forgive her, he did, and all he's asking for is for her to do the same, to forgive him for getting caught in a moment with "the only other woman I've ever loved, who happens to be carrying my child."

Steffy looks him dead in the eye and spells it out for him: "It's not that. I can't forgive your indecision. Not anymore." Liam gulps. "I can barely forgive myself for putting up with it all of this time, not realizing it would never end." And there it is. True clarity for once. Clarity her mother never had. Clarity Brooke had for a few months after Sydney but quickly lost sight of in favor of so-called "destiny."

Bill: "Well, it has...because you ended it." 

Liam is frantic and desperate, telling Bill: "Do you mind? Nobody's talking to you right now. Nobody's talking to you. This is Steffy's decision." Steffy is clearly fine with Bill being here and doing a lot of the talking. 

Bill silences him: "And she's made it. She made a commitment...to me."

Liam tries to reason with Steffy and his tone is so condescending like she's some silly girl who doesn't know her own mind: "You know this is wrong, right? We have a daughter-"

Bill laughs at this: "Really?" Steffy's eyes move from Liam to Bill as if to say, "go on." "A daughter? So now you're worried about your daughter. Were you worried about your daughter after the fashion show? Because you didn't go home to her. You showed no concern for your daughter while you were making out with Hope."

Watching Liam's beady little eyes dart from a stone-cold Steffy to a telling it like it is Bill is oh-so-fun to watch.

Bill continues: "Well, the good news for Kelly is now she'll be raised in a home with stability. She'll never know the uncertainty she'd feel if you were the man in her house." 

Liam: "Give it a rest, will ya?" Oh, such a weak response and again, notice how he doesn't deny any of what Bill is saying. Because he can't.

Bill: "Of course, we will all look after her together, but you will answer to Steffy and me." 

Liam's mouth could catch a million flies right now as he gapes at his father: "How dare you? Who the hell do you think you are-"

Bill roars back: "No, Liam! How dare YOU? It is OVER. It's ov-er."

I swear I see the tiniest hint of a smile on Steffy's lips and her eyes are as alive as I've ever seen them.

Liam flails about and tries to argue but Bill cuts him off: "It's over because I am stepping in. I'm stepping in to give Steffy and Kelly the lives we deserve. Lives filled with love and loyalty and trust! Steffy will not question whether or not she comes first with me - EVER! "

As Bill is speaking a lot of truth, Liam keeps looking at Steffy and she, undaunted, looks right back, so calm and resolute. No hint of tears. Icily decisive. 

Bill: "Everything she wanted from you, that you couldn't give, she will get from me."

Liam, begging now, whispers: "Steffy."

She blinks back at him, as if to say, "Did he stutter?"

Liam, shakes her head, telling her: "You don't have to do this."

Steffy remains silent but her next actions speak volumes. She moves to stand right next to Bill, who seems the tiniest bit thrown (and pleased) at her actions. I only wish she had truly owned her newfound bad-assery and looked straight at Liam.


Also, I love that they are standing in front of the Steamless portrait. 


Bill: "You knew this was coming, Liam. Steffy and I are together. The way it was always meant to be."

Liam just stares while I smile with glee.

Still is rising like the bad-ass couple I always knew they could be and I am HERE for it.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Shut up Liam.  If Steffy wants to run to Bill or any other guy, she's free to do so.  You have no claim.  Steffy has no claim on you right?  That means you have no claim on her.

Die Ridge just die.

Keep rationalizing and making excuses Hope.  When you catch Liam with another woman, I hope you are this understanding of his actions.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Ridge begins to process that his sworn enemy is going to become his son-in-law. 

Bill Spencer Sr is looking up from whichever circle of Hell he landed in with complete glee from this karmic chain of events.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy scoffs: "You want my forgiveness? After all the time I spent pleading for your's?"

I think it's truly telling that for all their countless breakups that this is the first time I recall Steffy walking away willingly, ever. Because one of the very few (if only) points in Steam's favor is that unlike Hope who would understandably bolt at the first sign of trouble without asking questions, Steffy was at least willing to stay and figure out what happened.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

She continues: "The way she believed and trusted that my father's little moments of monogamy would last." Oh, I wish Ridge were here to hear this right now. "If you think I would allow my daughter to be raised in a family like that, then you never knew me at all."

I mean....she ain't wrong. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

59 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Keep rationalizing and making excuses Hope.  When you catch Liam with another woman, I hope you are this understanding of his actions.

I won't feel sad when Liam moves on to Zoe or Emma or a recast RJ if and when TIIC decide they want to try being Hip and Progressive(tm) again once anchorless Maya is shuffled off the show or God forbid Sally. As Countrygirl said, I wish Hope had as much dignity as Steffy has found at long last.

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@CountryGirl, I was SO wrong this winter, my deepest apologies. I swore, the recaps of the episodes when Liam found out about $Bill & Steffy were your very best writing. This recap ^^ takes the cake! Spot-on, my friend!

This is a Steffy I can like. This is the $Bill that I love. This is a show that can again become appointment TV. It's really good right now. 

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This is the best acting Stuffy has done in a longtime because acting like a piece of wood comes in in her wheelhouse.  ONE MISTAKE, Stuffy. ? Your mistakes are legendary.  Stuffy has traded love for lust. That's right Stuffy, riding the bucking bronco doesn't require love. 

Ridge, how many times has he said I'm not going to allow it and how many times it has happened. 

It's funny how Bill thought it would be an abomination if Katie married Wyatt; but now it's ok for him to marry Stuffy who will become Liam's stepmother and the stepfather of his granddaughter. ?

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bill Spencer Sr is looking up from whichever circle of Hell he landed in with complete glee from this karmic chain of events.

I think it's truly telling that for all their countless breakups that this is the first time I recall Steffy walking away willingly, ever. Because one of the very few (if only) points in Steam's favor is that unlike Hope who would understandably bolt at the first sign of trouble without asking questions, Steffy was at least willing to stay and figure out what happened.

I mean....she ain't wrong. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I won't feel sad when Liam moves on to Zoe or Emma or a recast RJ if and when TIIC decide they want to try being Hip and Progressive(tm) again once anchorless Maya is shuffled off the show or God forbid Sally. As Countrygirl said, I wish Hope had as much dignity as Steffy has found at long last.

Hee!!!  Taylor and Brooke had moments where they also walked away, but then they always relented.  I don't want that to happen with Steffy.

Liam left out a few things when he was talking to Hope.  Like the fact that Steffy told Liam to go be with Hope, but instead Liam went to Wyatt's.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Heh, wonder if $Bill will ask Carter to conduct the wedding? Steffy is a Forrester and Carter is apparently the official Forrester marriage officiant.

Wah, Steffy. Your life isn't zero sum and leaving Liam doesn't have to equal marrying Bill. Such screwed up logic. You know durn well it's all about being able to punish Liam and Hope.

Ridge's reaction to the news wasn't nearly as delicious as I hoped it would be. The teary eyes were a nice touch though.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

This is the best acting Stuffy has done in a longtime because acting like a piece of wood comes in in her wheelhouse.  ONE MISTAKE, Stuffy. ? Your mistakes are legendary.  Stuffy has traded love for lust. That's right Stuffy, riding the bucking bronco doesn't require love. 

This was kind of my problem. I think they're trying to split the difference, Steffy's turning badass bitch but also broken and sad bc she was sooooo betrayed, and... no. JMW can't do it. Just have her be happily heartless.

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Thanks for the stellar recap, CountryGirl!  Beautifully done and I really enjoyed reading it.

There were just too many anvils flying today pointing to Bill being Kelly's bio-dad to ignore.

I was disappointed by Sludge's overall reaction about Hauxdi's pending sale marriage.  I wanted for him to go berserk and throw things and scream and maybe burst a blood vessel in his brain in the process.  The only good thing was that he did admit that Steffy set this whole thing in motion by sleeping with Bill in the first place.

Well, of course, Liam feels relief. Once again, he escaped Scot-free and let the woman do all the dirty work/decision making for him. Of course, as it has been already stated, if Lame had stuck to his decision to ditch the bitch, it would have been all over months ago. To this day, I will never ever understand why he even considered getting back together with that slattern. (I know ... pressure and OPBG, but ... )

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8 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Friday's show was so, so good. 

I mean, I feel like this right now:


We open with Ridge and Hope and he's apparently so disgusted by a little bit of making out by single, consenting adults, he can't even look at his stepdaughter. Yet contrast that with his consoling his daughter after learning she fucked her father-in-law, attempting to blame-shift and browbeat Liam into reconciling. 

He's quickly back to facing her though and continuing to berate her.

We see Brooke arrive, listening at the door. 

Hope: "I feel awful..." Again, why? She's done nothing wrong but I guess it shows that unlike Steffy, Hope actually has a conscience.

Ridge: "You feel wrong about what? Making out with Liam or getting caught?" Brooke has heard enough and bursts into the room.

Brooke: "Ridge...enough!!! Don't talk to my daughter like that!"

Ridge interjects like the asshole he is: "After what she did, I can talk to her any way I want." Unbefuckinglievable. 

How Brooke didn't knock his teeth out, I'll never know, but she gives him a look of disgust as does Hope.

Brooke, hands on hips, does say this: "I will give you exactly ten seconds to apologize." While I wish Brooke would stop championing a reunion between Hope and Liam as she should want better for her daughter, I don't disagree with her mama lioness defense of her child. Good luck with getting him to take you seriously though, Brooke. 

Ridge: "I'm apologizing, after what she did?" 

Brooke: "Five seconds."

Ridge just grins at that, like, aw, isn't she cute? He says: "Well, I guess I'll have to choose my words a little more carefully around here."


Notice he doesn't apologize. Smug sonofabitch.

Brooke lets it go because of course she does and reminds him that Hope wasn't being malicious and didn't set out to purposefully hurt Steffy.

Hope, defending Waffles, offers: "Liam didn't either."

Ridge, pissy, says they did hurt Steffy and Kelly and OMG, Kelly is an infant. She has no clue about any of this.

Brooke won't be swayed by this, telling him: "Then you should understand that Kelly's parents shouldn't be together after this. Liam's future is with Hope."

Ridge wants to know where that leaves Steffy and seriously, what is so wrong with Steffy being alone for a while? Of course, we all know that's a fate worse than death for these two women. 

Brooke shrugs: "With Bill."


I think she knows the stepdaughter she helped raise a lot better than her own father does.

She reminds Ridge that Steffy has turned to Bill before and OMG, Ridge puts all the blame for that on Liam and that it was all Liam's fault she turned to him before. While Liam does share in the blame for what's happening now, he was in no way, shape, or form responsible for her cheating on him before.

Brooke thinks instead of encouraging Steffy to hang onto something that isn't working, why doesn't he encourage her to let him go.

Ridge thinks she may have done just that after the latest, to which Brooke replies, hilariously: "Good!"

She says that it's for the best as "Hope and Liam can be together and Steffy-"

Ridge: "You gotta stop saying that stuff, "she's gonna be with Bill." That's not gonna happen."


Famous last words way back when with Rick and famous last words now.

He bolts from the room to "make sure of it." Now it's my turn to say, good luck with that, Ridge. Sludge - out. 

After he leaves, Brooke encourages her daughter to put her needs first, reasoning that the moment Liam kissed Hope, he made a decision (insinuating that Liam chose her) and that their family is "coming together." I wouldn't be so sure about that, especially considering him chasing after Steffy when she caught them.  

Elsewhere, Bill and Justin are chilling at the house with Justin thinking Bill has "lost it" over Steffy, especially where the Forrester shares are concerned.  I can't disagree there but they are interrupted when Wyatt shows up. 

He immediately senses something different about his father.

Bill: "Why? Do I look a little extra-handsome?"

Wyatt: "No." Hee!

He then notices his necklace is missing.

Justin: "He gave it away."

Wyatt: "What?"

Bill, beaming: "To my soon to be wife."

Wyatt blinks, "I'm sorry...wife?"


Bill grins: "Steffy."

He tells Wyatt that Steffy's finally given in to her feelings for him and Justin confirms "he's not lying."

Bill: "Liam let her down...again."

Wyatt: "How would he let her down?" Wyatt should be quicker on the uptake.

Bill can't believe he actually has to spell this out: "How do you think? Blonde, do-gooder...name rhymes with 'dope?'" Okay, that was funny.

Wyatt: "No." Dude, you of all people, should have seen this coming, given their history.

Bill catches Wyatt up on what went down in the dressing room, but Wyatt doesn't understand how that led Steffy back to Bill.

Bill: "The heart wants what the heart wants, Wyatt."

Justin gives Bill a look: "The heart wants shares of Forrester Creation." Bills sighs when Justin reveals the necklace isn't the only thing Bill gave her.

Wyatt is shocked: "You gave Steffy Forrester Creation shares???"

Bill, through gritted teeth: "Thank you, Justin. Don't you have to go shave your head or something?"

Justin, deadpan: "Yes, I do." He looks at Wyatt. "Make sure he tells you everything." Barber - out.

Bill defends his actions, saying Steffy's being hurt by Liam too many times but that he never will and his giving her the shares are proof of that. He reveals that the shares are her's the moment she becomes Mrs. William Spencer.

Wyatt: "Oh, so you bribed her?" No, she demanded them in her "it won't come cheap" speech.

Bill: "No. I closed the deal." He says that he and Steffy will be at the helm of Spencer Publications and raising Kelly.

Wyatt challenges that Liam isn't going to take this. As if it's Liam's choice re Steffy marrying Bill.

Bill shrugs saying he knows Liam is done with him. He reaches out for Wyatt's shoulder, telling him, "But I still have you."

Sadly for Wyatt, Bill is right.

Wyatt wants to know if Liam knows what's going on and Bill crows that Steffy is likely telling him right now.

Wyatt is concerned: "By herself?" Trust, this Steffy can handle herself.

But Bill decides he needs to head over to the cliff house for reinforcements, just in case. And to rub it in Liam's face, I'm sure.

Wyatt yells after him not to do this but Bill just throws over his shoulder, hilariously, "I love you, Wyatt. You're my favorite!" $ Bill - out.

Bill isn't gone two minutes before Ridge waltzes in like he owns the place. Well, once upon a time, I guess he did.

Ridge: "Hey, is your daddy home?"

Wyatt, drink in hand, is already over this little visit: "Nice to see you, too, Ridge. No...he just left."

Ridge demands to know where Bill is. As if it's any of his business.

Wyatt: "No idea. Is there something I can help you with?" I love that Wyatt has no fucks to give where Ridge is concerned.

Ridge: "Tell him to stay away from my daughter." Um, I think that's the other way around of late, Ridge.

Wyatt assumes Ridge knows about Hope and Liam's backstage moments. Ridge wants to know how he knows and Wyatt shares that Bill told him. 

Ridge: "And how did Bill find out?"

Wyatt: "Steffy went straight to him apparently, after it happened." Let the head-exploding begin.

Ridge is shaking his head: "So Liam and Hope make out and she went straight to Bill? I don't think so." Well, think again, asshole. He continues to insist she would have come to him, her mother (yeah, fat chance with that blubbering trainwreck) or Thomas (who?) or so-called "hundreds" of people she go to for comfort. Yeah, well, she didn't. Also, let the fact that she supposedly did have all of those people available to comfort her and yet, she runs right to Bill sink in.

Wyatt suggests maybe she wasn't looking for comfort and Ridge about has a heart attack right there.

Wyatt: "Forget it..." Oh, but you can't unring the bell now. Ridge knows he knows something.

Wyatt: "Steffy and Dad-"

Ridge: "Be very careful." Oh fuck you, Ridge. What is your slovenly ass gonna do? Punch Wyatt out for telling the truth? Hardly. He'll step to the side, drink still in hand, and watch you fall to the floor much as his father did not so long ago.

Wyatt lowers the boom: "It's happening. My father...your daughter...it's happening." 

Ridge begins to process that his sworn enemy is going to become his son-in-law. 


Finally, we arrive at the cliff house and it is fucking glorious as Steffy stares him down.

Liam is gaping at the necklace and states the obvious: "That's...my father's."

Steffy, cold as ice: "It is." 

Liam guppy mouths: "Explain....please."

Steffy, all nonchalant: "He gave it to me." She turns away, letting that little tidbit sink in.

Liam approaches her: "Steffyyyyy....I hurt you and I'm sorry, but what does that mean?" He points at the necklace. Man, he is dense as hell. Also, her back is towards him so she can't even see you pointing, so odd acting choice there, SC.

She wheels on him then: "You know, you accused me so many times of running to your father, even though it was never true. I was doing everything I possibly could to avoid him." Eh - I don't think so on that last one. "But after walking in on you and Hope...if you say it enough, if you believe it enough, you can make anything come true, Liam. So yeah...I went your father. Right to him." 

Liam: Steffy, what I did was wrong and I hate that you saw but you know that I would have told you. I would have come home and I would have told you." And I actually believe him here. He came clean within hours of the kiss before dying with Sally. " I would have explained what happened-"

She cuts him off here: "You would have walked in, seen me holding our baby and said 'hey, I'm sorry I'm late, I lost track of time, I was making out with Hope?'" Liam just stares at her, as if seeing her for the first time. "Don't forget who you're talking to, Liam. I know all about how guilt and shame can get in the way of the truth, but I finally got to see what everyone else has been telling me." She starts to tear up here. "Hope's been trying to tell me...Brooke's been trying to tell me. Your father most of all."

Liam: "If you're trying to hurt me, it's working. And I get it and I deserve it." Show of hands, who here thinks Liam gets it? Oh, no one? "But you made your point. Take the damn necklace off. Steffy...take the necklace off. You need to forgive me."

Does this look like the face of forgiveness to you?


Yeah, I didn't think so either.

Steffy scoffs: "You want my forgiveness? After all the time I spent pleading for your's?"

Liam agrees it's asking a lot but Steffy is just getting started: "I begged you. I humiliated myself. You walked away. You walked right to Hope." Umm, that's a bit of revisionist history. He was alone in the no-tell motel for weeks before Hope showed up.

Steffy: "I can't."

Liam: "You can."

Steffy: "I can't. Please hear me. I will always care about you...but I can't trust you. You don't know what you want. I can't handle the constant back and forth. One moment, you want to be with me and the next, you're cheating on me." I don't agree it was cheating since they're divorced but I do agree that he's a waffling waffler. Not that this excuses her part in encouraging said waffling when it was to her benefit all these years, but I can't help it if I'm down with her calling him on his shit now. Perhaps the fact that she's a mother now has provided her with some much-needed perspective. 

She proves me right with her next words: "I'm a mother now and I owe it to her to be stronger than my mother was."


She continues: "The way she believed and trusted that my father's little moments of monogamy would last." Oh, I wish Ridge were here to hear this right now. "If you think I would allow my daughter to be raised in a family like that, then you never knew me at all."


A shocked Liam tries to cut her off: "Whoa...hey...don't say that!" 

Steffy: "I have to protect my daughter and if that means giving up on love, then so be it." I wish Hope would take a page from Steffy's Bitch Boots Book. 

Liam tries to get her to listen but she's done: "Just go be with Hope." Whatever he was expecting her to say, that wasn't it.

Steffy: "You can have the life you always wanted. You can stop pretending a life with me is possible - it's not." Oooohhh boy. She tells him if that were true, he wouldn't have gotten caught up with Hope period, let alone with a baby at home. "But you're so starry-eyed, thinking about the one growing inside Hope...you couldn't keep your hands off of her!" He just stands there, all guppy mouthed as she hands his ass to him. "If our daughter isn't incentive enough to keep a promise to me, then I don't know what is."

Liam: "Okay, we have to talk about this."

Steffy: "I'm done talking. We're done talking, Liam. We're done trying. You made your choice. You might as well embrace. Because this? The two of us? Our family? It's not happening. I won't allow it."

Liam tells her he knows she's upset but he can't believe she really means this.

Steffy snaps: "You don't think I mean to protect my daughter." Hmm...interesting, the "my." 

Liam: "Our daughter." She gives him a look of disgust as if to say, oh, nice that you remember she exists. "I made a mistake-"

She cuts him off: "So did I. A huge one. And I begged you over and over to forgive me. Liam, you put me through hell, until you finally decided a life with me could work. And then what, Hope throws a fashion show and you start drooling and completely forget about your daughter and me?" She deserved to be put through hell after cheating with Bill. But when he said he forgave her and wanted to reconcile, well, I can kind of, maybe, sort of, see her point here. 

Liam just wants to explain things to her and she scoffs at that, telling him there's no need to explain that which she saw with her very own eyes.

Steffy: "I already know. You want Hope. You've always wanted Hope. I was an adequate stand in for Hope when she was in Europe. Even better when I was pregnant with your child. But now Hope's back. She's back in LA and she has a baby growing inside of her. Your dream family is within reach. Your dream life...so go! Go live it!"

Liam challenges that she doesn't know him if she thinks this was about fooling around and Steffy snaps at this: "I'm not my mother! I'm not gonna put up with your occasional commitments. You could have me... or you could have Hope. The choice has been made, Liam. You want Hope." Notice he doesn't deny any of this.

Instead, Liam attempts to deflect: "And your choice is my father. After months of denial? I mean, which is it? Either you're just doing this to hurt me or there has been something there all along, in which case, why have you been lying to me?" I think both points are correct.

Neither of them see Bill walk into the house but I do.

Steffy shrugs: "Well, it doesn't really matter now, does it? What matters now is that I have clarity. You were always gonna let me down, Liam. It's better we do this now. It's done, we're done. It's easier this way."

Liam tells her not to do this and to stop acting like this is his choice.

Steffy: "But it is. You made that choice in the dressing room."

Bill speaks up then, having heard enough: "She's right, Liam." He approaches the two of them. "Hope's the woman you want. Take her. Have a wonderful life. God knows Steffy will...with me." Steffy's face is all "yeah, you heard him."

She's all too happy to let him pick up what she just put down: "You were sitting up on that horse pretty high and mighty, Liam. Well, it's a long fall out of that self-righteous saddle. Judging Steffy and me." Steffy's eyes flick to Bill for a moment, then back to Liam, so very calm. "Well, look at you now..."

Liam gives Bill a look: "Yeah, I'm not sure what I did compares to what you two did." And he's right, it doesn't compare, especially when you consider Steffy and Liam have been divorced for weeks now and it was making out, not actually fucking while married. Very, very different. But he did forgive. He did say he wanted to marry her. They were engaged (for the nine hundredth time, but I digress). They were supposed to be married right away. So while Liam will always be the most injured party in all of this, he's no longer the victim here nor owner of the moral high ground. 

He reiterates that their actions aren't remotely comparable to what he and Hope did, telling her, "sleeping with my father is kind of unforgivable." Which, true, but he did forgive all the same. Or so he said and trust, if he had chosen not to and chosen to divorce her and not look back, I wouldn't have blamed him one iota, but all bets are off now. I mean, he's either all in or he's out. There's no in-between at this point and that's what Steffy is sick and tired of being sick and tired of. 

He then talks about how he did forgive her, he did, and all he's asking for is for her to do the same, to forgive him for getting caught in a moment with "the only other woman I've ever loved, who happens to be carrying my child."

Steffy looks him dead in the eye and spells it out for him: "It's not that. I can't forgive your indecision. Not anymore." Liam gulps. "I can barely forgive myself for putting up with it all of this time, not realizing it would never end." And there it is. True clarity for once. Clarity her mother never had. Clarity Brooke had for a few months after Sydney but quickly lost sight of in favor of so-called "destiny."

Bill: "Well, it has...because you ended it." 

Liam is frantic and desperate, telling Bill: "Do you mind? Nobody's talking to you right now. Nobody's talking to you. This is Steffy's decision." Steffy is clearly fine with Bill being here and doing a lot of the talking. 

Bill silences him: "And she's made it. She made a commitment...to me."

Liam tries to reason with Steffy and his tone is so condescending like she's some silly girl who doesn't know her own mind: "You know this is wrong, right? We have a daughter-"

Bill laughs at this: "Really?" Steffy's eyes move from Liam to Bill as if to say, "go on." "A daughter? So now you're worried about your daughter. Were you worried about your daughter after the fashion show? Because you didn't go home to her. You showed no concern for your daughter while you were making out with Hope."

Watching Liam's beady little eyes dart from a stone-cold Steffy to a telling it like it is Bill is oh-so-fun to watch.

Bill continues: "Well, the good news for Kelly is now she'll be raised in a home with stability. She'll never know the uncertainty she'd feel if you were the man in her house." 

Liam: "Give it a rest, will ya?" Oh, such a weak response and again, notice how he doesn't deny any of what Bill is saying. Because he can't.

Bill: "Of course, we will all look after her together, but you will answer to Steffy and me." 

Liam's mouth could catch a million flies right now as he gapes at his father: "How dare you? Who the hell do you think you are-"

Bill roars back: "No, Liam! How dare YOU? It is OVER. It's ov-er."

I swear I see the tiniest hint of a smile on Steffy's lips and her eyes are as alive as I've ever seen them.

Liam flails about and tries to argue but Bill cuts him off: "It's over because I am stepping in. I'm stepping in to give Steffy and Kelly the lives we deserve. Lives filled with love and loyalty and trust! Steffy will not question whether or not she comes first with me - EVER! "

As Bill is speaking a lot of truth, Liam keeps looking at Steffy and she, undaunted, looks right back, so calm and resolute. No hint of tears. Icily decisive. 

Bill: "Everything she wanted from you, that you couldn't give, she will get from me."

Liam, begging now, whispers: "Steffy."

She blinks back at him, as if to say, "Did he stutter?"

Liam, shakes her head, telling her: "You don't have to do this."

Steffy remains silent but her next actions speak volumes. She moves to stand right next to Bill, who seems the tiniest bit thrown (and pleased) at her actions. I only wish she had truly owned her newfound bad-assery and looked straight at Liam.


Also, I love that they are standing in front of the Steamless portrait. 


Bill: "You knew this was coming, Liam. Steffy and I are together. The way it was always meant to be."

Liam just stares while I smile with glee.

Still is rising like the bad-ass couple I always knew they could be and I am HERE for it.

You outdid yourself with this one...just like you do every time you suit up.

Thank you!

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This show is either really good or really bad ... there is no in between. I honestly will never understand that.

I decided to catch up on these episodes on the CBS app and I have to say JMW hasn't been this good like ever as far as I'm concerned. And really she's looked pretty good too - they don't have makeup piled on her face.

What is up with Justin? He's standing there worrying about ethics and so forth? Hilarious. Also? I hate when he calls Bill 'dollar bill' - I think its super annoying.

Shut up Ridge. Just shut up. That can't be said enough.

Also shut up Liam you trifling waffle. Just shut up. That can't be said enough. Though nothing he did is as bad as Steffy sleeping with his father but still. Once again everyone else makes the choices for Liam because of course he cannot.

I liked a lot of what Steffy said to Liam about her mother and father. I wish Ridge, Brooke and Taylor had heard that. Oh and Hope too.

I really could have done without Bill coming to the Cliff House. He should have let her handle Liam on her own. Plus he has no right to be making declarations about Kelly. At least until he is revealed to be the actual father.

So let's see ... until Bill is named as Kelly's father ... he will be married to his former daughter in law and raising his grand daughter. And Steffy will be Liam's step mother. Yikes this show is so incestuous.

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Stuffy's interaction with Ridge today could have been much better had she told him to butt the fuck out.  I would have loved it if Stuffy would have told Ridge FORCEFULLY that she's not going to perpetuate the misery her mother went through with Ridge's waffling behavior.

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I gotta say, Steffy running to Bill with a draft of a document asking for 12.5% of Forrester shares and agreeing to marry him....well, that seems like she has been considering this for some time.  When Ridge confronted her, she was somewhat emotional but determined.  She is being a bit mercenary, which is okay, but then quit wailing about how put upon you are.

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3 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

Stuffy's interaction with Ridge today could have been much better had she told him to butt the fuck out.  I would have loved it if Stuffy would have told Ridge FORCEFULLY that she's not going to perpetuate the misery her mother went through with Ridge's waffling behavior.

All of this! Because the thing I hated back on the day with her Evil Logan crap is that Steffy put all the onus on Brooke and none on Ridge for whipping about in the first place. That, and the fact that he ever only chose Brooke when Taylor was out the picture, but that's a whole other thing entirely.

But yeah, between Ridge's waffles, their mothers' willingness to settle, and the whole chain of circumstances that led to Hope's conception as a result of not just the Breacon affair but how she utterly failed the other two kids, it's a wonder they aren't as fucked up as most of the Oakdale kids on ATWT were (Steffy's killing of Aly aside and UO, but homegirl was way off the rails by then). 

2 hours ago, bannana said:

She is being a bit mercenary, which is okay, but then quit wailing about how put upon you are.

Exactly. One Liam Spencer type of wanker is one too many. Suck it up and embrace you inner Jill Abbott.

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On 7/29/2018 at 1:25 AM, TessHarding2 said:

The FC papers, 2010.  They made a mistake by not keeping the Bill and Steffy flame burning on low thru the years because they are like robots now (compared to this chemistry).  Bill's current obsession always seems so out of left field.  She was coquette then, now she's a robot.


This was calculating and entertaining. Where the hell did this Steffy go?

Edited by bittersweet4149
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I wish Steffy had said this to Ridge:

"You know, Dad, the reason I will not be with Liam again is because he was too much like you. Remember how you would ping pong between Mom and Brooke? Yeah. Liam should have been your son because he's just like you. You want to wax poetic about me being with Bill, but it wasn't long ago you stole Rick's wife, who was half your age, and tried to steal my brother's child."

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8 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

I wish Steffy had said this to Ridge:

"You know, Dad, the reason I will not be with Liam again is because he was too much like you. Remember how you would ping pong between Mom and Brooke? Yeah. Liam should have been your son because he's just like you. You want to wax poetic about me being with Bill, but it wasn't long ago you stole Rick's wife, who was half your age, and tried to steal my brother's child."

If the characters did this it would be all they would ever have time to do and there wouldn't be a show. They have ALL done extremely shitty things to each other. I don't need to rehash it all the time. A few well placed barbs works better for me.

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33 minutes ago, thewhiteowl said:

If the characters did this it would be all they would ever have time to do and there wouldn't be a show. They have ALL done extremely shitty things to each other. I don't need to rehash it all the time. A few well placed barbs works better for me.

Since Ridge was lecturing Steffy about Liam and Bill, I believe Steffy would have been perfectly justified in reminding Ridge about just a few of his failings as a person, parent, and spouse.

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Liam:  "I'm tired of the uncertainty."

Me:  "Are you fucking kidding me?  Shut up you brain dead moron."

Okay, Ridge had a point about Liam's actions partially contributing to this mess, but other than that STFU Ridge.

Bill and Steffy need to stop yakking, and start taking action.

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On 7/28/2018 at 5:50 PM, mightysparrow said:






Yesterday's episode was a case of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I've always thought Steffy was a nasty, hateful piece of work.  She hurts people BECAUSE SHE CAN.  She's like her grandmother in that respect.  Everybody else is scum compared to the Great Stephanie Forrester and if they get in her way, she'll fuck them up.  That's why I also dislike $Bill and this version of Ridge.

I agree with @RuntheTable, TK's version of Ridge is a lowlife thug.  I was sooooo angry at Brooke for not throwing his filthy, swinish ass out of her house after the way he spoke to her daughter.  It better be because she's focusing on getting Hope with Liam and plans to deal with that piece of shit she's married to later.

Even though I loathe Steffy, I had to give her props for FINALLY telling Liam about himself.  But I don't know if she took credit for her part in the tale of infamy that was Liam and Steffy.  One of the main reasons Liam turned into the IHOP special was because Steffy inserted herself into Liam and Hope's relationship, offering her fool's gold cooter, no questions asked.  Every time Hope did something to upset Liam or flat out dumped his ass, Steffy was right there offering herself up as the alternative.  For her to throw all that waffling in Liam's face NOW is pretty rich under the circumstances.  Clearly thought that Kelly was the trump card and would tie Liam to her forever.  She didn't realize that Hope had a trump card of her own.

Why does Bell insist on writing Steffy fucking her father-in-law as a 'mistake'?  The only way it could be a mistake is if Steffy thought she was having sex with Liam when she was having sex with $Bill BY MISTAKE.  Or maybe she got drunk and passed out and $Bill had sex with her and she THOUGHT it was Liam (looking at you Ridge).  Steffy fucked her father in law because she was mad at Liam and wanted to hurt him.  Equating what happened in the dressing room to what happened between Steffy and $Bill is pure bullshit.  Liam is a total scumbag but he's a single scumbag who did tell Steffy that Hope's pregnancy changed things. Steffy just refused to hear him, as usual.  The only people who call what happened between $Bill and Steffy as what it really is are Hope and Brooke and they are shouted down EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I really wish Hope would stop worrying about how hurt Steffy is and how badly Steffy must feel.  The few hours that Hope has spent worrying about Steffy since Liam left is more time than Steffy has spent worrying about how ANYBODY feels her whole nasty life.  Maybe it's because Hope knows how Steffy feels because she's felt the same way but that was partly due to what Steffy did to her (Liam was there too).  Hope doesn't owe Steffy a fucking thing.  Hope should listen to her mother and start thinking about what SHE wants.  She doesn't have to worry about being a good person.  She IS a good person.

Whatever well-deserved home-truths Steffy was dishing out to Liam were negated the second $Bill walked in the door and went on his tirade while she stood there and watched.  Steffy isn't about protecting her daughter.  Steffy is about getting back at Liam and, as usual, she'll use her daughter to do it.  In what universe does $Bill get to tell Liam how Liam's daughter is raised?  Steffy said nothing while $Bill strutted and gloated around her home.  He's not only taken ownership of Steffy, he seems to think that Kelly is included in the purchase and Steffy seems okay with that.  Liam needs to get a good lawyer.  He'd have a good case for sole custody what with his wife cheating on him with his own father.  What kind of home can Steffy provide Kelly when she's calling her grandfather, 'daddy'?

Seeing Steffy and $Bill standing together was stomach-turning.  There's Steffy standing with the man who's paid good money for her.  The man she cheated on her husband with.  The man who arranged to have her father thrown out of a helicopter. I only wish Ridge had walked in and witnessed $Bill's performance.  He either would have killed $Bill or dropped dead of a stroke.  Either way, he would be out of Brooke's house and out of her life.

$Bill is feeling himself and Ms. Steffy is going to find out that he's not as easy man to play.  $Bill has no problem saying 'you're the only woman on earth for me' one day and then doing anything to ruin that woman's life the second she crosses him.  Ask Quinn.  Ask Katie.  Ask Brooke.  Why did two of his baby mommas disappear in order to protect their children from him?  Steffy's going to find out and it couldn't happen to a nicer girl.


BRAVA!  I thought it was just me.  How apropos that Bill put a dog collar on his latest acquisition:  the loose booty hoe who has finally decided on a price.  Bruh, wouldn't it have been cheaper to simply buy a dog?  Oh, wait... Well, at least they're loyal (which Bill likes to spout off about) and will love you forever until you kick them around one time too many.

Some folks here said months ago that Lame's dumb ass should have immediately retained the services of a good lawyer the moment his shitty wife couldn't be sure who her baby-daddy was.  I don't know of too many men who would have stood there and allowed (the operative word) Bill to dictate how Kelly (whose name should have been Phoebe) would be raised while his baby mama stood by and let it happen.  Instead, he stands there looking like a gigged frog.  When Hauxdi starts spouting her "how I got done wrong" nonsense, Lame should have responded, "Father-fucker, please," or something like that. 

See, I don't mind Hauxdi being an uber bitch and embracing it; it's who and what she always was.  But, this revisionist history that spouts from her surgically enhanced lips is simply mind-boggling.  Please wake me when Lame fucks Taylor after getting all up his feelings and flouncing off in a rage because Hauxdi kissed another man when they believed they were dying.  And, for all of her reading Lame's weak ass like a Hebrew Bible translated into English, all I could think was, "Y'all can say this; y'all can say that, but I still say that bitch ain't ALL THAT!"

On another note, it fascinates me that Bill, Lame and Wyatt have allowed (the operative word) Hauxdi to basically destroy their family.  Weren't all three of these motherfuckers basically propping up that piece of garbage last Thanksgiving?  In front of everybody while she grinned and preened like her booty had an "S" and a red cape?  Shouldn't it occur to one of them to remember all that praise and realize that maybe, hey--a bitch simply isn't worth it?  And, since Hauxdi's memory is obviously quite faulty, shouldn't one of them remember that ALL of this shit started because she maliciously set out to destroy her own brother's relationship?

I'm sorry.  I just can't do it.  No matter how good the show may seem now, I just can't do it because sooner or later, Bradley will find a way to fuck it up.  Plus, that whack ass "cast photo" (or, is it cast-offs?) told me everything I needed to know.  Nearly everyone seemed out of sorts and not placed properly.  The show's two remaining original cast members should have been front and center.  Instead, we get this so-called "leading lady" looking quite smug.  

As for that unkempt, pudgy slug called Sludge, all I can say is that whatever the merits of Brooke's unseemly advocating for a "Lope" reunion, if that jackass had spoken to my child that way and told me that he could speak to her anyway he'd like, he would STILL be looking for all 32 of his teeth on every continent!  Either that, or I would have served him a bowl of soup with some finely crushed glass in it and would have been planning the funeral for next Saturday.  As an added bonus, I would have specifically asked Gabriel Union to "play" me when my case was profiled on Snapped.  This is one of those rare occasions when I miss Deacon, who undoubtedly would have gotten in that ass.

For all of Sludge's waxing poetic about his "heartbreak," it just rings false to me.  At the end of the day, this is what happens when one's slutty daughter is merely a surrogate in his ongoing dick-measuring contest against another man.  If he truly had his daughter's best interests at heart, why would he want her with Lame?  At all?  Thomas and Dougie might as well have been figments of Sludge's imagination for all the thought and concern he has shown for either of them in the last year.  I'm still waiting for Stuffy to remind dear old dad of the "daddy abandonment" issues that have never been addressed by either of her parents.  But, I forgot.  There were always "extenuating circumstances" when daddy pulled his disappearing acts, i.e. text messages, faked heart attacks that necessitated remarrying mom on Grandma Dynamite's "death bed" and other nonsense.

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