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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 3/8/2018 at 5:52 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Pffft. Bridget forgave Brooke for a far deeper, more prolonged betrayal. Twice. I'll be schocked if this shooting didn't bring them closer together.

Yuck. Eeek! Dear Charming admins, can you please marry these posts?

Edited by slayer2
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Either Sally or Ridge will be arrested but it won't be either one of them.

Maybe Rick did it.  He did shoot up Forrester Creations' office a year or two ago.

Sally and Thomas should go back to NYC to start a new line and take Coco with them.  Coco can enroll in Parsons and Grams can go back to the bakery and that will be the end of the Spectras (for now).

Pam should go on medical leave and they hire Darlita as her temporary replacement.

Saul and Aly would've been cute but Stupid Show.

Edited by drivethroo
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Sorry Girls the Bullet went all the way through!!!  Nasty scar after exiting, especially after the surgery to repair damage.  My money is on Saul. 

Detective Sanchez has more of a Colombo style of investigating and about the same height, just needs a parrot.

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10 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Saul and Aly would've been cute but Stupid Show.

Awwww, now I'm sad we didn't have this.

Still think Liam is going to end up being the culprit or have something to do with it. It's just way too weird that he's not being presented as a primary suspect. I mean Pam and Sheila are being pushed before him. That's just not right.

My guess is 'Adam' was resurrected as an alternate identity who is Liam's gatekeeper/protector the reasoning being that Liam has had no one to look out for him or protect him with Bill and Steffy's betrayal and since Liam has been the weak one, Adam has become the strong one to protect (and now avenge him) since no one else will. Everyone else (Liam/Adam feels) is either using Liam as their pawn or running over him to do what they want. Liam will vow to uncover the truth and as the clues are put together he'll realize he did it as the walls between identities come down. Think Ed and Riddler on Gotham.

However the only way this show goes there with Liam is if SC is on his way out. Once you introduce an alternate identity to a character, you're always wondering when they'll pop up and can never trust them again.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

However the only way this show goes there with Liam is if SC is on his way out. Once you introduce an alternate identity to a character, you're always wondering when they'll pop up and can never trust them again.

Why would he be on his way out?  Erika Slezak of OLTL got 25 years of story line with her DID.  Remember Quinn kidnapped and raped Liam?  Remember when some posters were worried how the BB writers were going to write Quinn out of that particular corner?  Remember when some posters thought Quinn was a goner?  Well, Quinn's portrait is up in the Forrester mansion living room.  

I am intrigued by the DID speculation though @TobinAlbers, I could never fathom why all these attractive young women found Liam irresistible.  He's sweet natured and cute in a sexless puppy dog kind of way, although I find him to be quite the milquetoast, virtually testosterone-free.  He just screams small penis to me.  Adding some alters might spice things up.

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1 minute ago, sugarbaker design said:

Why would he be on his way out?  Erika Slezak of OLTL got 25 years of story line with her DID.  Remember Quinn kidnapped and raped Liam?  Remember when some posters were worried how the BB writers were going to write Quinn out of that particular corner?  Remember when some posters thought Quinn was a goner?  Well, Quinn's portrait is up in the Forrester mansion living room.  

I am intrigued by the DID speculation though @TobinAlbers, I could never fathom why all these attractive young women found Liam irresistible.  He's sweet natured and cute in a sexless puppy dog kind of way, although I find him to be quite the milquetoast, virtually testosterone-free.  He just screams small penis to me.  Adding some alters might spice things up.

I love SC but he's no Erika Slezak.  Susan Flannery was the only one on this show who could get a showcase like that and remain on the cast.  Quinn got a rushed white wash but I wouldn't miss her if she was dropped out of a helicopter.

Also the stigma for mental illness in men is less kind.  Liam was more vilified for his anger towards Quinn and he was her victim. Also Liam is already seen as weak for being a waffling nice guy, his having a mental illness will just add fuel to the fire of his being easily broken by the people around him. I don't trust the writing or the show to do SC or Liam justice.

And as for Liam's attractiveness? Sweet-natured, cute non-threatening men may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they are the perfect tea for some women. And as for small penis, it's not the size but how you use it ;)

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Hah.  I was just going to mention OLTL.  I personally dislike DID storylines but early on, OLTL was occasionally compelling.  Later on it just became a cheap gimmick connected to some sordid retcons and shoddy storytelling.   

But is Liam that fragile?  Just because someone is fundamentally a good person doesn't mean they are weak. In fact, it's been so nice seeing Liam stand up for himself and draw some lines against $Bill and Steffy.  (Unfortunately, with Steffy he has to come to terms because of the baby.) It was nice while it lasted anyway. 

I'd rather see Liam with an evil doppelganger/twin.  But that seems a little complicated for B&B. 

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1 minute ago, tessaray said:

Hah.  I was just going to mention OLTL.  I personally dislike DID storylines but early on, OLTL was occasionally compelling.  Later on it just became a cheap gimmick connected to some sordid retcons and shoddy storytelling.   

But is Liam that fragile?  Just because someone is fundamentally a good person doesn't mean they are weak. In fact, it's been so nice seeing Liam stand up for himself and draw some lines against $Bill and Steffy.  (Unfortunately, with Steffy he has to come to terms because of the baby.) It was nice while it lasted anyway. 

I'd rather see Liam with an evil doppelganger/twin.  But that seems a little complicated for B&B. 

No, I don't believe Liam is fragile but preEricPeenQuinn and Bill have both labeled him as being weak and less than a man and both have played some serious emotional and psychological assaults on him that honestly could undermine a person's psyche. There was a beat where Liam questioned how even as Adam he could allow himself to be played by Quinn/Eve and in his confrontation with Steffy he asked again if Steffy and Bill both through he was weak and stupid. It's been a thread they've carried through that others see Liam as weak because he wasn't like Bill (i.e. he was nice and considerate and not ruthless) so I could see if the show wanted to go this route of DID with Liam that his alter would be a version of Liam that Bill wants as a son who has all the repressed anger and resentment and rage that Liam never lets himself feel or act on.

In any case, Liam, thankfully, was raised by his mother who obviously instilled a healthy sense of identity and raised him right. He's been able to stand up to Bill and not be irrevocably be compromised and retain his basic human decency and goodness. He makes bad decisions and questions them (hence the waffling) but he's not a bad person. So far.

DID got played out on OLTL ( Jessica, Tessica, Messica, etc.) and now Ron is pulling that same stuff over on DOOL (although I conceded he's doing it with the right character and in a soapy way).

ITA that Liam should have an evil twin. I could totally believe Kelly had twins but gave up one child because she couldn't care for them both and the given up twin didn't make it to a loving family, but sees Bill parading his dopple Liam around and has serious resentment towards Liam and Bill.  Liam's twin I could totally believe hooking up with Quinn and the two of them messing up Liam's life for shits and giggles.

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So, I actually do know someone from another fandom of mine with this disorder, and she has been adament that this is almost exclusively a disorder brought on by childhood trauma, and not for adults who had a few years of being around jackasses. Plus, I don't trust this show to do justice on this anyway.

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11 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

So, I actually do know someone from another fandom of mine with this disorder, and she has been adament that this is almost exclusively a disorder brought on by childhood trauma, and not for adults who had a few years of being around jackasses. Plus, I don't trust this show to do justice on this anyway.

And almost completely associated with sexual abuse, so I'd rather they didn't go there either. 

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9 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Please, no evil twin, one SC is more than enough!

If the dopple was killed off in the end, would that make it more palatable? ;)

7 minutes ago, tessaray said:

And almost completely associated with sexual abuse, so I'd rather they didn't go there either. 

Ugh, no, forget I said anything. I do not want the repressed memory childhood assault.  Evil twin or just random doppleganger if they decide to go there.

23 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

 Plus, I don't trust this show to do justice on this anyway.

If they're anything like TPTB handling of Sharon's disorder over on Y&R, then yes, B&B needs to steer far clear of DID on this show.

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7 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:
21 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Please, no evil twin, one SC is more than enough!

If the dopple was killed off in the end, would that make it more palatable? ;)

LOL maybe :) 

Actually, if they did want to go with Liam shooting Bill, I guess it could be explained that Liam gets rage blackouts as a result from his untreated brain injury.

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2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Actually, if they did want to go with Liam shooting Bill, I guess it could be explained that Liam gets rage blackouts as a result from his untreated brain injury.

So simple and obvious. That'd totally work in this storyline. No need for DID or dopples.

And from now on anytime Bill starts in on Liam, he can say 'Remember the time I shot you in a rage blackout because you were being a dick? Yeah, you might want to back off because I feel one of those coming on again.'

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23 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

My money is on Shirley or Coco. Shirley has shown that she can be downright evil and mean.

Hmm, thinking about it. It may be a parting gift to the actress playing Shirley. 

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4 hours ago, Chuck Roast said:

Sorry Girls the Bullet went all the way through!!!  Nasty scar after exiting, especially after the surgery to repair damage.  My money is on Saul. 

Detective Sanchez has more of a Colombo style of investigating and about the same height, just needs a parrot.

Columbo didn’t have a parrot. Are you thinking of Barreta and his cockatoo?

I wish Saul would get a job at Forrester.

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Shooting someone in the back is often seen as the cowardly move.

Quinn would want Bill to know she shot him. She'd shoot him point blank in the chest looking him dead in the eye IMO.

Sheila and Shirley would've shot him again to make sure the deed was done.

Wyatt was supposed to be black out drunk so can't see him having a steady hand at that distance to plug Bill.

Sally IS a crack shot so I could see her thinking one shot would do it.

Thomas would've confronted Bill and then gone to fisticuffs. Or bash his head in.

Caroline, Darlita and/or Saul I could see shooting from a distance because they were afraid to approach directly and shooting only once.

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My Tally babies are back...


I might need a moment. 


As much as I liked CH/SC and could have easily been on the Lally ship, they don't hold a candle to Tally.

I know, I know, CH is leaving but it looks like my girl is going out with her man, but so help me...that bitch Carowhine better be coming back to get rid for filth. Bill may have kickstarted the lie about her dying, but she most certainly picked up where he left off and kept it going and going and going. I want them both to blast her but good.

Also, I am loving PF's haircut.

Elsewhere, we have Justin showing his true colors where his BFF Bill is concerned and wonder what he'll do when he learns Bill didn't sign the papers. And since Bill didn't sign the papers, doesn't that mean Liam and Wyatt are in charge?

Someone tried to kill Bill and yet, no guard at his hospital door. Hmmm....

As much as it pains me to admit, I was in agreement with Hauxid's "bish please" when Hope showed up at the hospital. She has zero business being there. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Loved the shade that Hauxdi threw her with her eyes alone although just look at Katie giving Hauxdi the same look. Hee!


I have a feeling they are going to drag out "Who Killed Bill?" for a while but I've got plenty of popcorn in the meantime.

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A small detail I wish the show would do is slowly one by one the pictures of Bill's kids disappear from the shelf behind Bill's desk for Justin to then put up a pictures of Marcus, Marcus and Dayzee, Marcus and Rosie, Donna and Justin, and Bill and Justin to replace them.

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17 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

A small detail I wish the show would do is slowly one by one the pictures of Bill's kids disappear from the shelf behind Bill's desk for Justin to then put up a pictures of Marcus, Marcus and Dayzee, Marcus and Rosie, Donna and Justin, and Bill and Justin to replace them.

Ha! Justin should have done that before he even put his feet up on the desk. That would have been priceless. But after today I don't think he'll be sitting there much longer.

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Why is the Detective discussing the case with Justin. He should only listen to Justin, not tell him who he has or not talked to. Hey Justin, you need probable cause for a warrant not hearsay.  Maybe swabbing for gun shot residue when he had a chance. 
How about a lie detector test for the usual suspects?  Too obvious?  


Reign Edwards (Nicole) is on MacGyver and Courtney Grosbeck (Coco) is on Homeland.  

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Catching up from last week-

The show should've locked in the actress that plays Alison for this story for six weeks and had her be the one to find Bill and be protective of him and suspicious of everyone including Justin. Katie just felt a little wrong considering the circumstances as well as Liam vowing justice for Bill. Both feeling bad he got got? Sure, they're decent human beings. But they both had plenty to be pissed of about to be a bit cooler in their worry about Bill.

Is Justin going to pay for coma$Bill's hair to stay black and gelled up or will DD let it go flat and gray? ?

I buy Liam not wanting his dad to die. He lost him mom to cancer. As shitty as Bill was to him and as much as he said he never wanted to lay eyes on Bill ever again, Liam also knows dead is dead and you never ever ever get to have that person back. As bad as it is to be estranged from your father due to his betrayal, it's worse for them to be dead with unfinished business.

Brooke: Someone shot Bill! 

Ridge: (smirking) You don't say?

Brooke invoking spousal privilege to get Ridge to confess to her was hi-larious.

Having every other person wonder aloud ' Who could've done this?!' was so stupid. I wish someone would have always answered with 'Let's start with who didn't have motive. Loading dock guy and.....'

Cackled when Eric and Katie both asked Quinn and Wyatt if they shot Bill. Katie and Eric know the Fullers don't fuck around. When Thomas asked Sally if she did it, it was less accusatory and more ' Baby, you can tell me. I got your back.'

I'm mad we don't get Det. Hot Dog mixing it up with the cast. I'd love to have seen him with off balance Pam. They always had a good rapport.

When Hope showed up at the hospital I had to laugh that Wyatt had bedded all three women. Only one missing was Ivy.

PF you are a mensch for dipping back into this mess to give closure to the Tally fans. CH looks ah-mazing.

We were manipulated! = We were robbed! 

Ridge, your Aunt Pam looks like hell. Be a good nephew and pay attention.

Unconscious Bill struggling when Liam was talking to him was interesting. Could be he was trying to come out if it or could be he was reacting to the voice of the person that tried to kill him....

Justin, you really could've carried your ass to the hospital to peek in on your ride or die boy! 

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6 hours ago, ByTor said:

Please, no evil twin, one SC is more than enough!

Agreed. I've been anti-evil twins since Robert Barr got shafted for that loser Quinn on Santa Barbara and my favourite coupling Kelly and Robert was destroyed. I've been anti-DID since someone gave that asshat from OLTL the keys to the kingdom on GH and he turned Connie Falconeri (a former alias) into an ACTUAL separate identity. I don't fuck with DIDs, just make the person blackout if anything, I don't need another personality in a character, all the characters have too much personality already. Besides Bell can barely write for the one personality they do have, I'm not trying to see what he attempts with two or three. Hard pass. Also, Katie I love you but shut up. The man just threatened to take away your child after he threw you away for the second time (this time for your SISTER) like yesterday's garbage, the tears can stop any-fucking-time now. Not to cite Nicole Walker again but honestly, it's legit. Have some fucking dignity, please.



The show should've locked in the actress that plays Alison for this story for six weeks and had her be the one to find Bill and be protective of him and suspicious of everyone including Justin. Katie just felt a little wrong considering the circumstances as well as Liam vowing justice for Bill. Both feeling bad he got got? Sure, they're decent human beings. But they both had plenty to be pissed of about to be a bit cooler in their worry about Bill.


Edited by slayer2
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DID is so much more than a mere incovenience. The fandom friend of mine has had weeks where her alters as they're known have taken over and recently was hospitalized over it. From what I can tell, even bipolar disorder (when treated correctly) is less disruptive.They can just do the evil twin story that got scuttled for Owen back in the day if they need to contrast Liam's personality.

Or better yet, let the experience actually harden the guy for a little while until he realizes that this doesn't work for him and moves to being a more centered person.Anyone remember when soap characters were allowed to grow and morph? Jill Chancellor wasn't born a bitch on Y&R.

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36 minutes ago, slayer2 said:

Bell can barely write for the one personality they do have, I'm not trying to see what he attempts with two or three.

LOL you got that straight!

1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

The show should've locked in the actress that plays Alison for this story for six weeks and had her be the one to find Bill and be protective of him and suspicious of everyone including Justin.

Or maybe they could have even made her a suspect. 

I have to ask...is it really necessary for Justin to say "Dollar Bill" all the damn time?  I thought when he called the hospital he was going to ask about Dollar Bill Spencer's condition.

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Det. Sanchez is such a joke. I actually laughed out loud today. My husband was a detective in the Army for 20 years so I do know a bit about how to interview a witness or suspect. You never, never tell someone you’re interviewing what you know and what you don’t. Can these writers do any research at all to at least try to make something realistic?! They should be embarrassed to be writing this crap. 

Forgot to add, no one at the hospital would give Justin any information about Bill’s condition. This just gets more stupid by the day. 

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And now today's show.

Wyatt vs Justin isn't a scene you see everyday and it was nice. Also Justin showed he gives no shits about Liam or Wyatt. Threw them both up as offerings to Det. Sanchez and told Wyatt to kick rocks. He just went along with it because Bill was trying to play dad, but really, Justin is protecting the only child Bill cares about- Spencer Publishing. The question is now that Justin has adopted it, will he give it up once Bill recovers.

I like DB. There are moments I like Wyatt.

And then he does crap like today. 

1. He lets Quinn go into Bill's room knowing she hates him and is spitting nails.

2. Wyatt hears his wack mother talking shit to a comatose Bill, taunting him and and does nothing but back off to let her continue and leaves her alone with him.

3. Once she comes outside he confronts her and asks her did you try to kill Bill?

Let me get this straight. You suspect your mom tried to kill your father (and know damn well she's capable) but you let her stay in his room alone and witnessed her taunting him? What if she had pulled the plug? Smothered him with a pillow? Oh, well, I didn't really think she'd do that (even though I thought she might've shot him). 

Like with Liam, Wyatt was willing to turn a blind eye and leave Quinn to Quinn and do her damage and then try to step up to her after the fact. The reality is, he's okay with Quinn doing dirty work on his behalf. He let her screw over Liam always positioning himself to have plausible deniability to her actions. If Bill had suddenly flatlined with Quinn in the room, well, he didn't see her do anything but she said a lot of threatening stuff and besides Bill was dirty to Katie and he deserved it. Wyatt can always justify how a victim of Quinn's played into whatever comes to them, but never puts the blame where it belongs. And he's complicit every damn time.

Quinn had absolutely no place in Bill's room. None. It's insane she was allowed to come and go as she pleased. Katie is reasonable because she is the mother of Bill's minor child. Wyatt's an adult. Quinn is nothing to Bill but a threat.

And the D.C. Podcast made a good point Quinn can bitch all she wants about Bill disowning Wyatt but she has no right to demand that he be included in Bill's will or be given any of his money or company. Bill's assets are his to do with. Wyatt, Liam, and Will aren't entitled to poop. Well, Will is entitled to the child support Bill should be paying but beyond that? Bubkus.  

BTW, Bill has an enemy that tried to kill him. If the cops won't post a guard outside his door, Bill's BFF Justin should be playing his part better and pitching a damn fit and hire guards to post outside Bill's hospital room to 'protect him' and not be so damn obvious that he's all about bring a permanent replacement in Bill's chair.  

Next we'll have Justin bringing Donna up to the office to christen Bill's 'weight room' and drafting up his will to leave Spencer Publishing to Rosie.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Wyatt was supposed to be black out drunk so can't see him having a steady hand at that distance to plug Bill.

Getting drunk might've been his reaction to having just shot his father. However, I don't think Wyatt did it.

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I think Liam would have had to be in some sort of altered mental state in order to be the shooter because nothing in his character has ever indicated that he would even consider shooting anyone. It would sure be a cheap and easy way to wrap this up but I don't think TIIC are planning on putting a bow on this any time soon. Which is too bad because I already don't have a crap to give about who shot Dolla. He needed shooting. Too bad he didn't die.

I thought it would be Quinn but I'm not feeling that anymore. She's more sly and too smart to be acting this way,  whatever it is. Like with Montemayor,  if she was guilty they'd never be able to prove it.  Could be Pam, she's forgivable being off her meds.

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Isn't it more likely to be a recurring character we don't see that often like Saul?

I remember Y&R's Who Shot Jill Abbott from way back.  The suspects were major characters John Abbott, Jack Abbott and Katharine Chancellor.  Oh, and Sven the massuer!  Can you guess who shot Jill Abbott?

The only daytime drama that excelled in whodunnits was The Edge of Night, and they don't make them like that anymore.

4 hours ago, Chuck Roast said:

What is DID?


Edited by sugarbaker design
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Justin has moved up from a school bus driver to driving a Greyhound bus. 

There is a reason for Sally's prints to be on the gun but how would Sally know Bill took the gun home?  Most likely, if anyone knew, it would be Justin.  Sally's exit story is not that bad having her going to NYC with Thomas and the gang  reserecting Spectra.  Darlita was not mentioned but hopefully they have a place for her at FC. Maybe Pam would be the shooter and Darlita takes over as receptionist. 

Stuffy and Hope holding each other close and drooling over Liam is as dumb as shit. 

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What the fuck is Bell playing at?  Are we supposed to feel sorry for $Bill and pray for his recovery?  Like someone said earlier, I hope it hurt when he got shot.

It's sooooooooo nice to have Thomas and Sally back together.  I think they're the best couple on this show.  Losing PF ruined EVERYTHING and this show is still messed up.  I liked Sally and Liam but they were never more than good friends.  Sally and Thomas are just magic!

I almost threw up when Hope put her arm around Hauxdilox.  And could Hauxdi be a bigger opportunist?!?!?  Her latest lover is lying in intensive care and she's giving her estranged husband the old cha-cha-cha.  Hauxdi, Liam is feeling differently about his father because  his father got shot.  Maybe you should get your Auntie Pam to bust a cap in your ass if you want your man back.  At least Hauxdi admitted that having Hope around helped keep Liam from puking every time he looks at her. 

Bell needs to give Justin a storyline.  Now that the $Bill Follies are no longer swallowing up the show, some much more interesting characters are getting a chance.  The cat and mouse game between Justin and Det. Sanchez was very entertaining.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:


Stuffy and Hope holding each other close and drooling over Liam is as dumb as shit. 

Yes, and yet this is how GL's Otalia got started. Rivals for Gus, bonded by his death, helping each other through their grief only to realize...they've fallen in love. I know some were angling for Hope to hook up with Sally or Ivy but the swerve of it being Steffy would be something. Although does Hope deserve a mess like Steffy?

I kid, I kid. Mostly. But yeah, it's funny that the show thinks that Hope and Steffy trying to do what's right for Liam is supposed to be moving and show growth on both their parts. For one thing it infantilizes Liam that he has two women worried about his welfare. He's a grown man. And another, Steffy needs to be focused on her health and taking care of the baby since it is her 'miracle child'. And lastly, Hope needs to back off both of them and focus or HFtF and let Steam sort their mess out.

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36 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

What the hell was Hope wearing today? Her clothes have been awful for a young woman in the fashion business.

Has RJ now become a fashion designer or she's wearing Chelsea 2.0?

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Waldo13, I know! Just terrible.

Petunia13, I’m not surprised at all that Hope doesn’t have a European lover. She’s so milktoast, who would want her?

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I'm having a hard time understanding why Det. Sanchez is taking his cues from Justin. Just because someone says they're not a suspect that doesn't mean they aren't. Is Sanchez that gullible or is he pulling a Columbo on Justin?

AYFKMWTS? Hope is comforting Steffy? Make it stop!

Ditto comments upthread, of course Steffy would see Liam's concern about Bill's critical condition as a potential opening for her. It seems real iffy to me that she's even there given what happened but now she's acting like having ridden Bill's joystick is water under the bridge. Feh, stay strong, Liam.


What the hell was Hope wearing today? Her clothes have been awful for a young woman in the fashion business.

My theory is that she's not allowed to dress better than Steffy, especially when they're in scenes together.

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NuHope has a big head. Just saying. 

Are we supposed to feel bad that Bill got shot? I don’t. That said, Liam is a bigger fool then I thought with all his crying and we’ll get the person who shot you crap. Jeez! Don’t you have any nads, Liam? Your father slept with your wife. WTF? 

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ITA with Waldo13 and Gam2.

I guess, based on Hope's sad recap to Liam about her life in Europe, that she just sat around and pined away the entire time for Liam. He must be really really special, if there are -- not only in L.A., but the entire continent of Europe -- any men that hold a candle to his waffle-ness. SMH.

Believe it or not, those weird wide-leg gaucho pants that Hope had on today have come back in style. I've seen them in a few magazines and on websites. The problem with what she was wearing was that it was just all-wrong. The pants weren't that bad but they needed a cute colorful top and different shoes. (Just MHO, I am no fashionista!) The prim dowdy white top and short booties (I really couldn't tell when she finally sat down) made the whole outfit look frumpy and washed out. By contrast, Haudxi in her "signature" black maternity top and jeggings looked comfortable.

What a heifer to take advantage of Liam's grief (probably guilt), fear and shock to try to turn this around to be about HER! Haudxi don't use your softer voice and baby bump to try to manipulate Liam into coming back home to you. Baby aside, now more than ever, she needs to back the f*** off and let Liam process his feelings.  There really is no reason for Hauxdi to hang around the hospital. I know it's just to prey on Liam. Why doesn't somebody suggest that it's not good for her and the baby to be exposed to all of the germs that are present in a hospital environment? (I doubt that it's a risk factor but it sounds good.)

I think Wyatt did it. First of all, Bill has done far worse to Liam and Liam is the one holding a near-bedside vigil. Wyatt asks like, "I don't GAF." I can see him going off in a rage (maybe fueled with "Dutch courage") and shooting Bill over the Will/custody papers. Secondly, if Thorne is supposed to be for Katie now, where does that leave Thorne now that Katie has accepted Wyatt's marriage proposal -- which Thorne apparently isn't taking very seriously. I can't see Brad Bell firing WH and luring IR in just to have him become Ridge's "yes man" and work for Hope. If Wyatt is the shooter, then it makes sense to send him away to prison or a mental hospital. Not saying that I want to see DB go anywhere but there are too many men again on the canvas and you know how nobody can be single and have a fulfilling life. Wyatt definitely does better on his own than Thorne obviously has with his equally woebegone tale of his life abroad.*

I detest Justin as much as I do Ridge. Lord, help me if I had to listen to those two talk to each other for any length of time. Justin's rasp is about as bad as TK's. Where as Ridge sounds like nails on a chalkboard, the guy who plays Justin sounds like he smokes 4-5 packs a day. (I'm sure that IRL that is not the case, but still ... my ears bleed.)

*Something must be very wrong with me. When I was in college, I did a study abroad for six weeks in France (mainly Paris) I had the time of my life. I met so many people from not only France, but all over Europe. I had no trouble meeting men and even went out on a date with a guy who was going into the Foreign Legion. We had a very hard time talking to each other but we went to a discotheque. (Picture Roger Daltrey back in 1970s The Who.) I didn't want to come back home and I didn't have any dismal tales to share of my miserable lonely time.

P.S.: I didn't improve my French worth a crap, but who cares? LOL!

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I have a feeling @Joimiaroxeu might have a point.  We know that Hope can look good; remember that red dress and the camel coat.  I thought the coat was a bit heavy for LA but she looked great in that dress.  JMW probably has a rider in her contract that whoever plays Hope can't look better than her.  Which lowers the bar A LOT when one considers just how tacky Haudilox is.

I know what you mean about Justin's voice @grisgris, but I like a little rasp.  I can't stand listening to Ridge but I can't stand looking at him either.  Maybe it's because I think that the actor who plays Justin is attractive.

I can't believe that Hope doesn't have some stories to tell about her time in Milan.  A tall, blonde American girl like her would have received the key to the city as soon as her plane landed.  She would have been made an honourary citizen after a week.  Sowing some wild oats wouldn't mean she's the whore of Babylon.  Bell doesn't have any imagination.  What would have been wrong with Hope to come back home, over Liam and ready to move on with her life as his friend?  Hauxdi fucks her father in law and Hope is there for Liam AS HIS FRIEND.  Let's not forget that they were friends before they fell in love.  They work together on HFTF and fall in love again.  Over time and after he's rid himself of the slattern.  I think that would be more interesting than what we have now.  Hope is stuck in her 'nicest girl in the world' routine and Steffy is back in cha-cha-cha mode.

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4 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Yes, and yet this is how GL's Otalia got started. Rivals for Gus, bonded by his death, helping each other through their grief only to realize...they've fallen in love. I know some were angling for Hope to hook up with Sally or Ivy but the swerve of it being Steffy would be something. Although does Hope deserve a mess like Steffy?

Hope briefly dated Thomas during Steam's first marriage, so she'd just be following in her mom's footsteps to get involved with two Forresters.

But I agree with why that should not happen for these two. They don't need to bond in support of a shit ass waffle who has fucked both of them over and Hope doesn't need to put aside anything with Steffy to support Liam. And I would've rather have seen that with Brooke and Taylor anyway :p

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I was looking something up and saw that Katie and Ridge were a thing a few years ago? I wasn't watching when that was happening.  Does anyone remember who Brooke was with at that time?  

Katie and Bill's marriage looks like a B&B record.  They were married from 2009 to 2013 the first time.

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5 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

I was looking something up and saw that Katie and Ridge were a thing a few years ago? I wasn't watching when that was happening.  Does anyone remember who Brooke was with at that time?  

Katie and Bill's marriage looks like a B&B record.  They were married from 2009 to 2013 the first time.

Brooke was with Ridge - well, until Katie faked a heart attack at their wedding to ensure they wouldn't get hitched since she had fallen for Ridge and his pomes and soccer skills and he for her for some reason - but I chalk that whole Kridge debacle, complete with the red ribbon of true wuv, to revenge for Brill 1.0. 

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