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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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So it's been forever (and a day - sniff) since I've done a full-blown recap but today's show was actually worth watching, although painful for Brill fans. 

Recap for Thurs. 10/12/2017:

At FC, Katie tells Ridge, who pulls a face, that Brooke has gone to see Bill to "clarify things."


Ridge: "Brooke isn't going back to Bill, is she?"

Katie: "Well, she's forgiven him before."

Ridge: "I'm under the impression that this time he went too far."

Katie shrugs: "Maybe."

Ridge: "Well, enough is enough."

Katie laughs at this: "Need I remind you that she has forgiven you on multiple occasions? So if you're keeping score..." She lets the thought linger and find its mark.

Ridge: "I'm not. I'm not keeping score. Bill and I both let her down." 

Katie can't argue with that: "Yeah, you both did."

Ridge asks again: "So you think she's gonna give him another chance?"

Katie: "Bill can be very persuasive, especially if you're in love with him." She knows that all too well. She studies him, seeing the glint of the old cockiness in his eyes: "Listen, I'm glad that you're confident, but..."

Ridge: "But what?"

Katie: "I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Ridge: "I don't want to see you be negative."

Katie: "I'm not being negative. I'm just -- I'm being realistic."

Ridge: "Brooke and Bill were never a realistic pair. Never." Yes, they were...until TPTB decided to make Bill more obsessed with a hunk of glass and metal than his own gorgeous wife, a woman he waited years for.

He pulls out his phone, telling her: "I'm gonna text Brooke."

Katie snickers at this: "Really? Really? You're gonna do that mid-breakup?" His timing is as shitty as always.

Ridge's ears perk up at this: "So you agree she's breaking up?"

Katie can't resist twisting the knife: "Or mid-reunion?"

Ridge gets an alert reminding him he has a meeting with Pam. 

Katie: tells him she doesn't mean to be such a downer than adds this little gem: "I'm rooting for you."


Why in the hell would she be rooting for the man she read for filth not so very long ago? She of all people know the hell he put her sister through. I guess all that Wyatt schlong is rotting her brain.

Over at SP, Fauxdi is flashing back to Bill's threats against Liam while her husband finishes up a phone call.

Wanna bet she's remembering this?


Liam finally hangs up: "Well, look at that. Talking to people like they're human beings instead of minions is actually working. Who knew? Are you Team Minion?"

Steffy: "I'm Team Liam." Oh really? 

Liam, sarcastic: "Oh, good! Good to know. That's, uh... what? Is Team Liam a depressing place to be?"

Steffy: "I can't help it, okay? I'm concerned."

Liam: "About what?"

Steffy: "About your father."

Liam is thinking, this? Again? And also, gee, it sure would be nice to have my wife concerned about her actual HUSBAND.

Steffy states the obvious: "You're in his office. You're sitting behind his desk while he's at home angry and he's plotting. Don't be naive. You have to be ready. Bill will fight back."

Liam: "Fight back? Well, that's an interesting choice of words." Very interesting...considering Bill has already used his fist against Liam.

Steffy: "He will."

Liam: "I'm not naive about that, Steffy. Fighting is how my father thinks. It's what he does. It changed our relationship permanently when he sucker-punched me, trust me."

Steffy: "A moment of anger doesn't have to change things forever. He regrets it." A moment of anger??? If Liam had been any one else's husband, Bill would have been lit on fire by now. And regret is not the same thing as remorse. Not even close.

Liam: "He regrets it, but he's also at home plotting his revenge."

Steffy:" Okay, because he's hurting. Look, I'm not excusing his behavior, but...you did hit him, too. Not physically, but you can't deny the damage is done." She is totally handwaving Bill's behavior and to say, Liam did it, too? She is so far from reality it isn't even funny.

Liam gives her a look: "What's going -- I thought you were Team Liam?"

Steffy, lying: "I am Team Liam.  I'm trying to have you see his point of view."

Liam cuts to the chase: "You're my wife. Shouldn't you be trying to see my point of view?"

Steffy: "I am trying. I really am. But I got to admit,  it's kind of weird seeing you behind your father's desk knowing that you blackmailed him to get here." And he wouldn't have had to do any of that had Bill not torched Sally's building.

Liam: "Yeah, because I'm righting all of his wrongs."

Steffy: "Look, I'm not on your father's side." Sure she's not. " I want you to see that he has a side. Yeah, there's black and white, but if you both choose to see the gray area, then maybe you'll be able to fix this instead of this family falling apart."

Liam speaking slowly and with small words so his dimwitted wife can understand: "Steffy, he had Spectra burnt to a crisp."

Steffy: "Yes, but-" But nothing!!!

Liam: "And his regret is false. He regrets getting caught. That's what he regrets. He regrets losing control." Agreed.

Steffy: "And if he loses Brooke, he's gonna blame you for that." Then his blame is misplaced.

Liam shrugs: "I can't be worrying about that." Bill is reaping what Bill sowed.

Steffy pouts: "Well, you should. Because if Brooke walks out on him, Bill's vowed to make you pay."

Apparently, Bill hires someone to get their hands on the recording so he can remove Liam's leverage over him. I don't know what that means for the copies he sent elsewhere - I'm certain he sent at least one copy to his personal email). So he'll take power back and bang Steffy to boot.

Steffy: "In his eyes, it's your fault." 

Liam is having none of it: "Steffy, this is on him. All of it. I didn't make his decisions for him. He did. I'm not gonna feel guilty if he loses his wife because of it. Look, if he left Spectra alone, he'd be sitting at his desk right now instead of wondering whether his marriage is over."

Steffy: "So you have no sympathy?"

Liam: "Should I?" Nope. Wake up, Liam, and see where your wife's sympathies lie.

Steffy: "He lost his company and his marriage." 

Liam: "All of which he set in motion. How about he faces some consequences like a big boy?" I'm sensing this is the first time in Bill's life that he's ever faced the repercussions of his actions. 

Over at the Spencer mansion, Bill is pleading with Brooke not to leave him and he looks down at her ring.


Bill: "I disappointed you. I went too far. Look in my eyes and you'll see regret. You'll see conviction that I will never do anything like that again. Tell me you see that, Brooke."

Brooke looks at him coolly but concedes: "I do."


Bill: "Then put this ring back on your finger and stay married to me. Do it. Let's get on with our lives."

Does he really think it's that simple?

Bill continues to plead with her: "This has been very difficult for all concerned. I understand that. I let you down. I let everyone down. If I could go back and change things, I would. But I can't. I can just swear to you that I have learned from this. I needed a wake-up call and I sure as hell got one." He places the ring in her hand and holds his hand atop hers. "Giving up on us is not an option, not with our connection, our passion for each other, our passion for life. Giving up will never be an option. We'll get through this, Brooke. We'll get through it together."


He takes her silence for softening, for being open to reconciliation. But I know that look in her eyes. That door is closed.

Bill: "I know that I'll be making up for what I've done for a long time to come. But I will make it right with everyone. With Liam, even with Sally. But, Brooke, it starts with you. I need my wife in my corner."

Brooke: "And if I can't?"

Bill: "You can. You have to." She doesn't have to do anything, Bill.

Brooke protests: "People could have died, Bill." That's the hugest of elephants in the room and he continues to ignore it.

Bill gets defensive now: "Look, I have told you over and over-" Don't you dare take that tone with her.

Brooke: "Because you just wanted what you wanted." As simple as that.

Bill: "I have apologized again and again!" He really thinks an "I'm sorry" is going to cover this? 

Brooke challenges him: "Yeah, because you got caught. You felt that you were losing something. I was slipping away. Liam was. Your business was. You didn't feel sorry for Sally or the fact that you committed a crime. You're just feeling sorry for yourself." She has him dead to rights here.

Bill: "That's not true." He seriously doesn't get what he's done or if he does, he doesn't give a shit. That is the issue here.

Brooke is tired, so damn tired: "I appreciate the time that we've had together. But as husband and wife-"

Bill: "No, Brooke. Don't say it. Put the ring back on your finger. Put it on now." He grabs her hand and not okay, Bill. Not okay.

Brooke: "Because you want me?"

Bill: "Of course I want you. You're my wife. I want us. I want our life together."

Brooke: "Right. The same way you wanted your building." Bill sighs, not wanting to hear it. But he needs to hear it - every last word. 

Brooke unloads both barrels here: "You didn't care about what I wanted, Bill. You didn't care about what anybody wanted. You just cared about what you wanted. And you always get what you want. Right, Bill? You take risks. You risk other people's lives. You risk going to jail. Well, I don't want to take those kinds of risks. I want to feel safe. Call it giving up if that's what you want to do, but I call it growing up. I want to stand up for myself and my life, and I want to do what's right."

Bill, on quicksand now, "Wwhat's right is honoring the vows that we said to each other right here in this very room, in this spot! You promised that you would love me as fiercely and ferociously as I love you!" 

Brooke is sad and wistful as she hears him recite part of her vows to him: "And I always will." A long look at him. "Just not as your wife."

Bill: "Then what? What? Those were just words? Words that sounded good on the day but that meant nothing? That were just empty?" So you shit all over your vows and you expect Brooke to uphold hers? He continues to rant: "Well, I don't believe that! No! And I'm not taking it." He shoves the ring at her.

Brooke refuses : "Yes. Take it!"

Bill: "I won't do it, Brooke! No! You're not leaving." 

Brooke sighs. 

Bill: "This is your home. This is your home. I'm your husband. You're coming back to it, and you're coming back to me. You're never walking out that door again."

She can do whatever she pleases. 

Bill: "You're not leaving."

Brooke: "Just try to understand." Bill doesn't understand the word "no."

Bill shoots back: "I need you to try and understand. I swear to you, I will never do anything like that again. I will never let you down."

Brooke: "I know that you regret what you did and you think that this is the first and last time that you will ever go this far."

Bill: "It is."

Brooke cuts him here: "Says the man who dumped Ridge into the ocean."

Bill: "Oh, come on. That's not fair. You can't talk about that like it happened in a vacuum. The guy crashed our wedding. He hits me in the face when I'm not looking and drags my bride down the beach? Yeah, I was gonna do whatever i had to, to get you back. I mean, that's a totally different set of circumstances." Always a justification. Always an excuse. 

Brooke: "No, not really. I mean, if you look closely, that is exactly the same kind of behavior."

Bill is annoyed now when he should be contrite, humble, groveling: "Oh, come on."

Brooke: "Yeah, no, you do something, and then you regret it, and then you say you will never, ever do it again. I want to believe you. I do. But this isn't the only incident. Okay, wait, maybe you won't order somebody to burn down a building or you won't throw somebody into the ocean again. But one thing I can guarantee you: you are going to take what you want whenever you want it and however you want to do it, and that scares me." He operates without a conscience or, even worse, expecting someone else, Brooke in this case, to be his conscience. And that just won't work.

Bill: "That's not fair." It's very fair. But again, he doesn't get it and that's the reason Brooke is leaving. 

Brooke: "You scare me, Bill."

Bill: "Tell me what I can do. How do I convince you?" Your actions convinced her, Bill. He seriously expects her to forget all of that and rugsweep because he said "I'm sorry?"

Brooke: "The fact that you could even hit your son like that." You can tell how much she is disgusted by that.

Bill: "He deserved it!"

Brooke: "What? Oh, my God!" This, right here, is exactly why she has to go. 

Bill: "I'm not saying that it was right. I'm just saying-" That's exactly what he's saying.

Brooke: "What if RJ does something like that to upset you?" It's a very valid question.

Bill: "What are you talking ab--he's your kid. He's not my son! Look, Liam blackmailed me. He betrayed me, and I reacted."

Brooke: "And that is exactly why I cannot put this ring on. Don't you understand? I trusted you. I fought to be with you, and your reactions just don't make me feel safe, Bill."

Bill: "Tell me what to do, Brooke. I'll do anything to make you feel safe. Just tell me what you want." He shouldn't have to be told what to do. He should know. Do. Be.

Brooke: "You were gonna give me a stable life and you didn't do it, Bill. So if I stay married to you, what does that mean? I have to explain away your behavior? I have to forgive you and accept your terrible choices? I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I have to end this marriage."

Bill: "You don't want to do that. I can see it in your eyes. You don't want this." Of course she didn't want this, not any of this. But he gave her no choice.

Brooke, her voice a whisper now: "I will always see the good in you, Bill. And I wish this could have lasted forever. But I will always have our memories."


She places the ring in his hand and this time, he takes it. 


Her voice breaks here, at the last. "You don't realize how hard this is for me." The tears are coming now as she sobs: "And how much I really loved you.


She is still sobbing as she walks away and he stands there, not watching as she walks through the door and closes it behind her, leaving Bill in tears. The tears he should have shed long before now when there was still a ghost of a chance of salvaging their relationship. 

He thinks back to when she proposed to him, to their wedding day when he shook his fist in triumph and it's  heartbreaking to see how close they came to having it all until he chose to throw it all away.

His thoughts then turn to what happened with Liam and Brooke's learning the truth and walking out on him.

If ever there is going to be a moment of realization and shame and remorse, it will be now. This is THE moment of all moments for Bill to choose who he is, who he will become.

He stands before the fireplace, contemplating, and in a very chilling moment, his tears and sorrow turn, on a dime, to thoughts of revenge. 


He has learned nothing. 

Some time later, Brooke arrives at FC and I agree with those who are thinking, really??? Of all places, you go to work where Rumple is sure to be there?

She looks around the CEO office, sadness etched all over her.

Ridge comes in a few moments later.

She wastes no time in telling him it's over between her and Bill.

Ridge: "Oh."

Brooke is quick to warn him: "That doesn't mean-"

Ridge: "I know it doesn't mean that. It does mean that I'm here for you. That's enough for right now. That's enough. I'm sorry." He moves to embrace her.

I am okay with him being there as a friend but that is where it needs to stay. Bill has done some truly awful things but Ridge is no better in comparison. I'd much rather she be alone for a while (and how refreshing a storyline where Brooke is on her own and happy and independent instead of being the unhealthy, I'm nothing without a man sad sack she's been for too many years to count).

Back at SP, Liam and Steffy are having a stare off when the phone rings and Liam is alerted that Bill is on his way up to the office. Some nice security they have there although to be fair, it would be hard for them to say no to the man they've always viewed as "boss."

Steffy: "Maybe this will be good for you two-" Her wig is smarter than her right about now.

Liam: "Doubtful."

Steffy: "Liam, please. Come on." She turns her cow eyes on full force.

Liam is pissed: "Don't look at me. He's the one showing up where he doesn't belong."

Bill struts in: "You satisfied yet? You couldn't just take my company? You had to take my wife, too?"


Look at the simpering look on that dumb heifer's face as she eyes her soon to be fuck buddy.

Steffy: "Oh, no. Did Brooke leave you?"


Bill: "Brooke's divorcing me."

Steffy, the waterworks already turned on full-force: "I'm so sorry, Bill." No, she's not!

Bill: "Yeah, so am I." He doesn't seem very sorry.

Liam: "You really surprised that Brooke doesn't want to stay married to a son-punching arsonist?" Give it to him, Liam!

Bill: "You got punched. You deserved it. Stop crying and get over it." That is truly rich - Bill never gets over anything, ever, and anyone who wrongs him will have hell to pay.

Liam is calm: "No, I don't think so. Actions have consequences."

Bill: "Truer words have never been spoken, you self-righteous son of a bitch. Consequences you can't even imagine."

Steffy: "Bill, please don't do this. Please don't." But she might as well be invisible right now as they have dagger eyes only for each other.

Bill: "You're everything I despise."

Liam: "Oh, you despise the truth?"

Bill getting right in Liam's face: "I despise hypocrisy, an extortionist who hides under the skirt of honesty and integrity and truth and doesn't understand that family comes first." He reaches out and rips the sword necklace off while Steffy gasps.


I was so hoping Liam would rip the necklace off himself as he fantasized about some weeks back.

But Bill's hypocrisy truly knows no bounds here. If family came first, how come he let the aforementioned hunk of glass and steal come before his flesh and blood family? His wife? His son?

Liam gulps nervously but stands his ground: "All right, is this where you hit me?" 

Bill: "No, bruises fade away. I'd prefer long-lasting damage.

Steffy whimpers "Oh, Bill, you don't mean that."

Bill: "Oh, but I do. I've lost Brooke. All the years I fought to be with her, and now she's gone. I hold you responsible. I blame you, Liam." The only person to point a finger at is himself.

Liam: "Blame yourself and then make some changes."

Bill: "There he is. Preacher Liam! Hallelujah! Today's sermon is about change. Well, there are changes coming, all right. Changes coming your way. You think burning down a rat-infested, old building was bad? Well, you think again. Your life is about to go up in flames."

Nice choice of words there, Bill.


Liam looks a little thrown.

Steffy looks at her husband with disgust. What a fucking bitch!


Bill just looks determined.


I hope Liam gets the last laugh and Bill truly hits rock bottom at last. And he can take Liam's whore wife with him.

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Alllll of your post was perfection. This line had me howling.

7 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "Maybe this will be good for you two-" Her wig is smarter than her right about now.

I hate Bill is being such an ass to Liam, but damned if DD and SC aren't bringing it and making this show Must See TV again.

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I would like it if Brooke became a mentor of sorts to Sally.  Obviously Brooke couldn't teach her all the ropes or anything because she's at Forrester but friendly advice from time to time.  Brooke's already familiar with Coco, she could pop in on Sally to see how she's doing.  But I still think Thorne will be the one to take Sally under his wing (another reason why I don't think Thomas is needed back anytime soon).

Steffy is disgusted at Liam being a boss because she just knows Liam as a Lap Dog, not as a Lion. Liam being a Lion throws their dynamic off balance.  If she's the one who controlled the relationship and now HE is running things, that's not what she signed up for.  Remember, she dumped Wyatt when he turned on his Lion tendencies and reported her & Ridge to Quinn instead of being a good little lap dog and letting her & Ridge deceive his mother.

Steffy's role in the Spectra saga still needs to be revealed.  She was just as important to the destruction of Spectra as Bill was.  Liam will probably expose that little factoid when he catches Bill & Steffy in bed together.

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On 10/13/2017 at 8:43 AM, CountryGirl said:

Liam cuts to the chase: "You're my wife. Shouldn't you be trying to see my point of view?"

Steffy: "I am trying. I really am. But I got to admit,  it's kind of weird seeing you behind your father's desk knowing that you blackmailed him to get here."

This from the same heaux who hired Liam to create the Pose boink video to expose Brooke with, who tried manipulating Hope into going to school on the East Coast to move in on Oliver and thinks nothing of using her body to destroy anyone life...including Liam's when it becomes convenient.

Sit down.

On 10/13/2017 at 8:43 AM, CountryGirl said:

But Bill's hypocrisy truly knows no bounds here. If family came first, how come he let the aforementioned hunk of glass and steal come before his flesh and blood family? His wife? His son?

If family came first, there would be no Brill of which to speak. 

But even back then, Bill gravitated to Brooke because Katie could not be there for him mentally or emotionally; she could barely support herself. And even after Katie got better, he went back to Brooke because she was more willing to enable his drinking problem (if you call the one glass of brandy he had each night a problem as Katie did, but I'll roll with it for the sake of argument). Now he's doing the same shit to Brooke with Steffy. I'd say karma is a true bitch, but Katie's smugness would run a better man that Bill off and Stephanie Forrester Spencer on her best day has all the compassion of the corpsman who removed my wisdom teeth in basic training.

God knows I've run Brooke down in the past, but I can't say she had all this coming, least of all from that sociopathic former stepdaughter of hers.

I can't say Bill is beyond redemption, however; very few characters in soapdom are (Victor Newman holds the top spot in my book). After all, we all wanted Thomas to take a long walk off a short pier after the shit with Caroline and he became a romantic lead the past year, first standing up for Sasha and then Sally. Who expected that?

But it's going to take a lot of work and probably some kind of story not unlike Stephanie's abusive childhood arc to even begin to pull back from all of this. Diamond has the chops to deliver on this if and when they go there.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I don't understand Quinn's outrage over Wyatt and Katie. Quinn's problem with Katie was her flirtation with Eric but Wyatt is now keeping Katie's mind off of Eric. 

I could just imagine Quinn calling Katie a whore and Wyatt answering "but gee mom, I didn't pay her."  

Mateo has become Sir Thomas Moore, the man for all seasons. 

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

But it's going to take a lot of work and probably some kind of story not unlike Stephanie's abusive childhood arc to even begin to pull back from all of this. Diamond has the chops to deliver on this if and when they go there.

I've definitely wanted $Bill's backstory. They already face abuive to Quinn; I'd rather they make him Gatsby or a Liam 1.0 who was just like Liam until he lost the woman he loved and was humiliated and so he then remade himself into the image of a 'real' man with Bill Sr. finally believing him to be ready to take the reins. The reason he loathes Liam is because he,used to be him; except where he failed to remain true to himself, Liam hasn't and it losses Bill off even more so that he's redirecting his self-loathing to Liam to crush him to 'prove' himself 'right' and that no man can be 'soft' and succeed.

16 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

I don't understand Quinn's outrage over Wyatt and Katie. Quinn's problem with Katie was her flirtation with Eric but Wyatt is now keeping Katie's mind off of Eric. 

I could just imagine Quinn calling Katie a whore and Wyatt answering "but gee mom, I didn't pay her."  

Mateo has become Sir Thomas Moore, the man for all seasons. 

I hope Katie says to Quinn when she threatens her that whatever 'injury' she's done to her precious baby boy actually grown ass man Wyatt who was of sound mind and body was nothing compared to what Quinn did to a brain damaged Liam. Bitch needs to back off and tend to her own crap.

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2 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I've definitely wanted $Bill's backstory. They already face abuive to Quinn; I'd rather they make him Gatsby or a Liam 1.0 who was just like Liam until he lost the woman he loved and was humiliated and so he then remade himself into the image of a 'real' man with Bill Sr. finally believing him to be ready to take the reins. The reason he loathes Liam is because he,used to be him; except where he failed to remain true to himself, Liam hasn't and it losses Bill off even more so that he's redirecting his self-loathing to Liam to crush him to 'prove' himself 'right' and that no man can be 'soft' and succeed.

I can get behind this, and it would explain why he’s been so hyper involved in his lowlife, insisting he needed to ditch the good girls Hope and Ivy (and probably Sally in the future).

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7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Well, the swords are off now! That was powerful, entertaining, disturbing and heartbreaking all at the same time. Don Diamont is on point, and although I hate the material, he is just bringing his A++++ game. I am with others lamenting the loss of Bill/Liam as dad, son and pals, but even though the dynamics of their relationship have changed, their chemistry is still there. I have to give Show credit; they are trying something entirely different; Liam as a Boss, Liam with Balls, Liam as a Force and at odds with his father, and for me it is working. It keeps Sheila and Nicole off my screen. It gives Scott Clifton something to do other than be Steffy’s little toy poodle, and is allowing him to sink his teeth into something meaty and different. And best of all; it is causing chaos and havoc in Steffy’s life, and is allowing one of the shows best, DD, to shine.

I am so proud of Brooke. The Brooke of twenty years ago would not have had the strength and courage to walk away. Hell, the Brooke of ten years ago wouldn’t have. Just look at how many times Ridge kicked her in the teeth, but she was always coming back to him, accepting his crumbs and considering herself lucky. She had no pride when it came to Ridge. So I see this as growth for the character, but only if she stays away from Ridge. And I want to applaud KKL here too. She is playing this as a woman who is just so fucking tired of the love game. A woman so fucking tired of loving and losing. When she went back to work and walked into the CEO office, she looked so dejected and alone. Come on Show, you have kicked Brooke around long enough. As an original player, and the character who was the nucleus of the show for more than twenty years, she deserves some peace, and some lasting happiness. And KKL has earned that with her commitment and loyalty to Show and TPTB.


Yes, I was hoping that Bradley Bell was going to let Brill have some happiness for awhile, and that Brooke would eventually become like Stephanie in that she could be the matriarch of the show, and that they wouldn't keep writing her trying to find twu luv or her destiny after all these years. Then after I read about the arson storyline, I was hoping that the show would just have Brooke and Eric end up together again especially after their nice scene in Australia together. This way the show could have gotten rid of Sheila, have Quiridge(?) happen since there was so much build up for it, and again keep Brooke in a long lasting relationship because it's about time. I can see why people hate Brooke especially after the Beacon, and I remember that at Television Without Pity, there was so much hatred around Brooke. I still loved her, but I get why that was always thrown in the faces of those that were fans of Brooke. That seems forever ago though, and it's just tiresome to have poor KKL still having to act in the same type of storylines despite being on the show for so long. 

Now with Thorn coming back, I'm down with Throoke happening again if it leads to long-lasting happiness for Brooke, and doesn't end up in another heaping of Gar-Bridge. I'm not going to hold my breath, but I hope that's why Thorne was recast and brought back since it's obvious Thorsten Kaye phones it in when he and KKL have a scene together. 

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13 minutes ago, mortonsalt said:

I can see why people hate Brooke especially after the Beacon, and I remember that at Television Without Pity, there was so much hatred around Brooke.

I think there was so much hate because Brooke (and especially Bridge) got so much focus and ate up so much screentime and I felt like so many characters had been propped to make Bridge work.

Of course, this was before YouTube had gotten big, so all I had were my own memories of the show, that began with the beginnings of Throoke and her cloying manner in which she tries to rush Macy into her divorce. Once I saw more of her history, I began to enjoy the character a lot more and understand why the character had a devoted fanbase, even after shit with Deacon and Nick.

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So Quinn just walks into Katie’s house after saying “The door is open!”. Then she walks upstairs and finds Wyatt and Katie in bed? Huh? She just walks into her hated neighbor’s house and goes upstairs? I’ve never lived in a soap opera nor have I ever just walked into a neighbor’s house, gone upstairs and found two people in bed having sex. This show just gets more ridiculous as the days go on. And this Matteo person and story is really insulting. The writers have lost their minds if they think we’ll buy into their latest round of total crap. Nope. No way.

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7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I think there was so much hate because Brooke (and especially Bridge) got so much focus and ate up so much screentime and I felt like so many characters had been propped to make Bridge work.

Of course, this was before YouTube had gotten big, so all I had were my own memories of the show, that began with the beginnings of Throoke and her cloying manner in which she tries to rush Macy into her divorce. Once I saw more of her history, I began to enjoy the character a lot more and understand why the character had a devoted fanbase, even after shit with Deacon and Nick.

I started watching from a long, long time ago. I wasn't a regular viewer at first, but I would watch it whenever I was over at a friend's house whose parent or grandparent watched the CBS soaps. The earliest thing I remember besides the characters was the BeLieF storyline. I guess just seeing that storyline and how Brooke was treated especially by Stephanie, who I never warmed up to, just made me a lifelong fan when I started watching it on a more regular basis. Plus, perhaps it's because I missed it when she first came on the show, but I never liked Taylor because Stephanie was always backing her up, and she'd act so holier than thou. I didn't even like Ridge that much either, and usually wanted anything besides Bridge because I usually thought that Brooke could do better than mamma's boy, Ridge, but at least Ronn Moss fit the character, and he and KKL had chemistry together. In fact, I think that for the most part KKL has had pretty good chemistry with most of the men that they've put with Brooke, which is another reason I'm a fan since I've seen a lot of chemistry tests to know that isn't always the case. 

I hated that they went there with Beacon even though I thought the scenes between KKL and Sean Kanan were excellent, but with the passing of Stephanie, with phasing Taylor out of the show, and all the ridiculous storylines they've gave to KKL over the years, I just wish that they'd let Brooke have some happiness and go into other storylines that aren't about her love life anymore. I think she's finally earned it, and I get the feeling that KKL is tired of the endless Garbridge reunions. 

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I've only been watching since 2009 and that's because Jack Wagner was on.  Then I got it into it, and began to enjoy some good Brooke screw ups and always loved watching Stephanie do anything.  I have watched some old shows on YT with Stephanie & Brooke's fights,  Brooke, Ridge, Taylor etc.  I recently watched some old Sheila to see what the fuss was about, but the Sheila thing is falling flat.  She used to be a very attractive, sophisticated and handsome woman, but now she looks very middle aged with no glamour.  Frumpy I'd say.   I look forward to Bill, and Steffy

getting it on but my feeling is that these writers can't find the drama they are looking for.  Sheila? Who cares? There's nothing there.  And why is Quinn so upset her son is in bed with Katie?  She was jealous of Katie for one day.  They never even explored Quinn's potential psychosis.  The show sure has changed since the days of Lesley Ann Down.  And they really stuffed down and packed away the hatred between Rick and Ridge.  Well, I don't even think of that guy as Ridge.  I miss Frankenstein Ridge ;-)

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Kim Matula used to get on my nerves because she basically was the show when I first started watching - who would have thought those would end up being the good old days?

I'll probably come back to see what they're giving Ingo for a storyline - though I kind of wish he were playing a new character.  Recasting Ridge didn't work out so well for them.  

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Will Ingo be allowed to keep his Australian accent - like Winsor kept his incongruous Texan accent? That would be a funny, sly nod. I could never understand why they let Winsor talk like a Texan. It took me right out of his early scenes. Then they undressed him and I forgave the accent. Throoke was my favorite Brooke-Forrester relationship, and I hated how they basically said Brooke was NEVER in love with Thorne but saw him as a second-rate Ridge substitute. Ouch. Theirs was the last well-attended wedding on the show; I remember all of Brooke's siblings, parents and even her Grandma Logan were present.  (Apparently her death was referenced onscreen when the actress passed in real life; but I can't remember that.)

Mateo is hot - a more than fitting successor to Mr Pecs and Zende. I heard he's only on for a limited run; that's a shame because it's been a long time since we had a Latino character (was the last one Lorenzo Lamas or Thomas's green-card bride?) and this actor is very easy on the eyes. Hopefully they promote him to a regular instead of making him full-on evil. I don't understand what they're doing with Sheila; wasn't she supposed to be rehabilitated? Instead she's having bloody fights with Quinn, blackmailing Charlie and James, and now hiring Mateo as a gigolo. He'd better pray he doesn't wind up like poor Lance, the last guy she hired in the same capacity!

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5 hours ago, Aymery said:

Mateo is hot - a more than fitting successor to Mr Pecs and Zende. I heard he's only on for a limited run; that's a shame because it's been a long time since we had a Latino character (was the last one Lorenzo Lamas or Thomas's green-card bride?) and this actor is very easy on the eyes.

Both were on the show concurrently, along with Dante, who was played by Mario Lopez.

But yes, I agree about keeping him around! He's a cutie, and I could totally see him with any of the non-Steffy young ladies on the show.

5 hours ago, Aymery said:

Theirs was the last well-attended wedding on the show; I remember all of Brooke's siblings, parents and even her Grandma Logan were present. 

Yep, and it was the last time all the original actors of Brooke's family (okay, I think it might have been Storm #2 in attendance) were together onscreen.

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On 10/12/2017 at 6:57 PM, La di Diva said:

Ya'll help me out here.  Bill is swearing hell fire, damnation and vengeance on Liam.  Ummm. ......... other than sexing up Steffy what exactly can he do to Liam?  Is ruining Steam the absolutely worst thing that could ever happen to Liam?

I suppose Bill could take away the beach house. Or have Liam kidnapped and imprisoned in South America somewhere. Or put out a contract and have him killed. Or burn down Spectra again, only this time with Sally in it.  Or fake his death and have Liam arrested for murder. Or have someone else killed and have Liam arrested for murder -- hit & run drunk driving anyone. Or do something horrible to Hope and/or Ivy.  There's always the Keyser Soze take out your whole family thing, But Liam has no family -- just Bill, Wyatt, and Will -- and we know Bill won't hurt his other sons.  All of these things are illegal and Bill might get caught.

Seriously, what can Bill do that will ruin Liam's life and put him in a world of hurt for a very long time?

Put Liam in a cage? ;)

PS - I'm the person enjoying this Sheila nonsense. In fact I'm loving it! I don't even care that the story is ridiculous and nothing makes any sense. It's fun.

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4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Put Liam in a cage? ;)

Well, Bill's portrayer knows all about being in a cage over on Y&R, so...

Is Wyatt 30 or 13? Having Mommy screaming at you for having consensual sex is not a good look. #but_it_sho_was_funny

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15 hours ago, Aymery said:

Will Ingo be allowed to keep his Australian accent - like Winsor kept his incongruous Texan accent? Th

I'm assuming no, unless they're going to say he's been in Australia since Allie died and deveolped a quick accent. lol

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On 10/13/2017 at 7:35 PM, Gam2 said:

o Quinn just walks into Katie’s house after saying “The door is open!”. Then she walks upstairs and finds Wyatt and Katie in bed? Huh? She just walks into her hated neighbor’s house and goes upstairs? I’ve never lived in a soap opera nor have I ever just walked into a neighbor’s house, gone upstairs and found two people in bed having sex. This show just gets more ridiculous as the days go on. And this Matteo person and story is really insulting. The writers have lost their minds if they think we’ll buy into their latest round of total crap. Nope. No way.

Katie has done the same.....  no one cares if there is an unlocked door, they all just feel they can go in at any moment...

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On 10/13/2017 at 6:40 PM, Waldo13 said:

I don't understand Quinn's outrage over Wyatt and Katie. Quinn's problem with Katie was her flirtation with Eric but Wyatt is now keeping Katie's mind off of Eric. 

I could just imagine Quinn calling Katie a whore and Wyatt answering "but gee mom, I didn't pay her."  

Mateo has become Sir Thomas Moore, the man for all seasons. 

This perfectly explain why I can't stand Quinn and never could.  Somebody should have busted a cap in her ass a long time ago.  The woman has absolutely no boundaries whatsoever.  It reminds me of when she walked into Brooke's house one day and marched upstairs to Brooke's bedroom to confront Bill about making their silly son an heir or some other such foolery.

Am I to understand it that this trick ass bitch was rolling around on a bed with Ridge in a guesthouse on her huzzzzbend's property just a few short months ago, flirting with Ridge, sharing "just a few kisses" with him, constantly regurgitating their stolen moments and clinging to him like a dying patient needing a new liver?  And, now she wants to act all extra?  Bitch, please.

I have no dog in this fight, but it's a shame that those knock-down-drag-out-wig-snatching-earring-removing cat fights were wasted on Quinn and Sheila.   I suppose the writers are setting up another pretext for Quinn and Eric to disagree about, since he already knew about Watie and didn't share that information with his beloved wife.  Plus, I've always gotten a creepy vibe from Quinn's unseemly over-involvement in her son's love life.  It will be like deja vu all over again for Eric.

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Plus, I've always gotten a creepy vibe from Quinn's unseemly over-involvement in her son's love life.  It will be like deja vu all over again for Eric.


But damn, people are either too involved in their kid's lives on this stupid show or they don't get involved enpugh to shut their stupid shit down (*squints in Brooke and RJ's direction*).

After holding Liam captive for months, that bitch has less reason to judge anyone's relationships than even Steffy has. I'm sure she'll get her chance to claw at Katie when her sourpuss nature resurfaces--and it will, because Katie Logan'-- But until then, she can go take every seat in the Chargers stadium for the rest of the season. I hear they have low attendance cuz no one wants them there and no one here in San Diego is driving three hours one way to watch them lose.

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22 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

But until then, she can go take every seat in the Chargers stadium for the rest of the season. I hear they have low attendance cuz no one wants them there and no one here in San Diego is driving three hours one way to watch them lose.

Hoo, I got a burn from how cold this is! Hee.

1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Plus, I've always gotten a creepy vibe from Quinn's unseemly over-involvement in her son's love life. 

In this way she IS the new Stephanie ;)

But the problem is they've set up loads of interesting potential for Quinn and Wyatt. On one hand like with Bill and Liam, Wyatt and Quinn have a great mother/son bond except sometimes you do get the feeling that Wyatt is weary and aware of how unhealthy it is and if the show wanted to dig deeper they could go for some serious examination of incestuous/sexually inappropriate familiarity with the reveal that Wyatt isn't really her son because she kidnapped a child to replace the child she aborted and really has problems recognizing boundaries because she sees Wyatt as an extension of herself.  Problem is that could only lead to the character of Quinn being committed or becoming the new Sheila of returning every few months to wreak havoc on Liam and Bill and Wyatt's lives.  They realized they edged too far that way with captive cabin and retreated rapidly to try to save the character because they like the actress and want the cahracter to remain viable for longer on canvas. Except now she's stagnated in the Queric/Quidge situation because they didn't have the balls to commit to the ultimate resolution of that story.

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Quinn was a little over the top today. But, of course, the new superhero in town, Mateo, is there to overhear Quinn's and Eric's argument.  Come on, another fantasy by Mateo?  Eric walks out, for Quinn to cool off, and she's afraid he's not coming back.  TIIC actually think that Quinn would immediately turn to Mateo and do it on the floor right under her portrait. 

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While I agree that from what I've read that Quinn is way over reacting, I can understand why she doesn't want Wyatt fucking Katie.

She is older and was previously his step-mother.

Katie's child is Wyatt's brother and it's kind of gross to be screwing around with your baby brother's mother.

Katie once very much wanted to hurt Quinn.

I think it's so not cool how Wyatt hasn't fucked anyone in LA that his brother and father haven't fucked first. 

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Agree that Quinn should be opposed but she actually stood in Katie's bedroom screaming at Katie, dragging her out of bed, calling her names, and threatening her.  Meanwhile she yelled at her son to get out of that bed, as if he was a 15 year old.

She can be upset, but her reaction is OTT, and doesn't really matter because they are fully grown adults.  Unless she decides to go back to her old ways and plots against Katie.

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She is older and was previously his step-mother.

Katie's child is Wyatt's brother and it's kind of gross to be screwing around with your baby brother's mother.

Katie once very much wanted to hurt Quinn.

Pfft. I don't care what Quinn thinks or says about Katie and Wyatt. She held Liam prisoner and raped him. That's much grosser than anything you listed as far as I'm concerned.

Okay except maybe the whole Katie wanting to hurt Quinn thing. And honestly I barely care about that either.

I like Katie and Wyatt. Despite the family ickiness.  This show is pretty terrible when it comes to this kind of thing!

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Oh, c'mon Quinn! GMAFB! You are one to lecture your spouse about lying and keeping secrets. Eric wasn't doing either. I respect him for keeping his mouth shut and waiting for Wyatt to be the one to break the news to Quinn.

WTF with Brooke being all concerned about Katie's reaction to Brill breaking up? That's being all kinds of ego-centric. How does Brooke know that Katie and Bill would have stayed together if Brooke hadn't been involved with Bill? Odds were not stacked in Batie's favor to begin with.  Get over yourself. Why is one moment Brooke talking like she's not completely sure she's divorcing Bill, then in the next breath stating that she needs "time" implying that she's seriously considering Sludge again.

I'm bored and hate Maya's new wig.

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I'm not even a huge Watie fan but they made me root for them yesterday with Quinn going all Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs again, reminding me why I have more of a hate than a love relationship with Quinn.

I'm going to have some fun with this shitfest and make up my own dialogue.


Quinn: "I am the Mama Lioness here to unleash my mighty wrath upon your fornicating form!"


Katie: "Is it morning?"


Wyatt (internally): "She is never, ever, ever gonna let me live my own life. Like ever."


Quinn: "Get out of this bed right now! I must know where you got these sexy skivvies!"


Quinn: "Ooh...these look even better from the back."


Quinn: "So...Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood?"


Katie: "Bitch, please, they're from Agent Provocateur."


Darin Brooks (inwardly): "Damn, Rena and Heather look kind of hot together."


Wyatt: "There, there...all better..."


Quinn: "Hello? I'm still HERE."


Wyatt/Katie: "Oh God...she's still here."


Quinn: "I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan...I mean, Katie."


Wyatt: "Awww...don't tie your robe! Dammit!"


Katie: "Your mom is just the worst."

Wyatt: "I know."

Back at the Forrester living room:


Quinn: "How dare you not tell me that Katie, the woman I loathe even though she saved my life, is having carnal relations with my baby boy?"

Me: "Why does this foyer look like blood is smeared all over the tile?"


Eric: "Shouldn't you be too busy making up for your penchant for trolling for hobos to care what Katie does...or whom?"


Quinn: "Yes, you're right of course, but this is the shitty storyline I'm forced to play right now."


Mateo: "Oh, I'm sensing an opportunity to massage more than Quinn's back."


Eric: "I'm out...and off to see Sheila, who seems slightly less unhinged than you do at the moment."


Quinn: "I can't believe my son is having sex and with a woman I didn't manipulate him into being with."


Mateo: "Let me have my way with you, right below your beautiful portrait...I mean, let me comfort you."


Quinn: "Okay. But your amazing muscles aren't doing a thing for me right now..."

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Quinn went full Stephanie.

Never go full Stephanie.?

The writers really are circling the drain to have Quinn on her high horse on this. As was mentioned earlier, they're adults. The only leg up on Katie is Lemonheads' psychosis from a few months ago...but given how many times she's nearly killed Liam for existing, even that leg is as unstable as Bridge. 

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Bravo @CountryGirl!  Those were amazing!  Here's my favorite: "Quinn: "Yes, you're right of course, but this is the shitty storyline I'm forced to play right now." with "Darin Brooks (inwardly): "Damn, Rena and Heather look kind of hot together."" a VERY close second :)

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I’m not sure if they were going for drama, comedy or dramedy, but that shit with Quinn, Wyatt and Katie was hilarious. However, there is no need to break it all down because @CountryGirl has already done a bang up job of that. I can only imagine the behind the scenes stuff with those three, and I would suspect there was more than one outtake. I can’t imagine Rena keeping it together as she pulled a scantily clad and very sexy Heather Tom out of bed. And I can only imagine what was going through Darin Brook’s head; dude probably pulled some stomach muscles in order to keep from busting out laughing.

Buttttt we all know that Quinn didn’t find it funny finding her son in bed with Katie. Nope. No fun to be had with that news. All the same, I am in agreement that Quinn’s reaction was over the top, and her reaction to Eric was shocking. Sorry Quinn, you don’t get to go there. Eric didn’t lie or deceive you; he did what Wyatt ask him to do. Outside of that, well, there is that little matter about you and Rumple kissing and all. And don’t let me forget how you managed to manufacture plenty of alone time with your SIL, and how those times turned into the time for more kissing. And of course there was that semi tryst on top of Rumple’s bed. AND OH YES! How could I forget you pledging your love for Rumple, not once, but twice. I know you told Eric about it, but here is my thing; you didn’t tell him everything. You left out some choice bits of information. So, long story short; take a seat and shut up about Eric lying to you. You are taking your anger out on him, and he is not your son and he was not in bed with Katie. Listen up Quinn; Eric doesn’t need this in his wife a second time. He doesn’t need a mother who wants to supervise her grown ass son’s sex life. More than that; he doesn’t need a wife who is mentally in bed with her son and not her husband.

The whole thing almost makes me feel bad for Katie. Looks like girlfriend finally has someone she enjoys, and someone she wants to be in bed with all the time, and now she has to deal with the Mighty Quinn.

Did ya’ll know that I go to work every day and spend my time talking about my marriage and my sister’s love life? Seriously? What the actual fuck was that all about. Brooke came off as an egomaniac. The whole thing with Rick and Maya was ridiculous.

Mateo! Mateo! Who are you Mateo? This character is proving a real conundrum. So, if I am following this correctly; Mateo’s family has money troubles, but he has somehow become a Master Gardner/Landscaper/Grounds keeper, received his certification in massage, is an electrician, and has managed all this while supporting his family? Well, the real test is yet to come. Is he or isn’t he a Master of the Schlong? That will be the real test.

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Shelia has made me a pepto bismol addict. I literally can't give a shit anymore.  Hey Katie, now you invoke Shelia's name. Quinn gave her a concussion. Please. In what world, in a high class resultant, a waitress is allowed to sit at a table, with a customer and chat.  And now tweedle dee seems to be buying into Shelia's bill shit. I don't believe I'm saying this but I'm really ready for this shit to be over even if it means Quinn's departure.  Quinn can be violent and unbalanced but she's still a hell of a lot better than Shelia.  So if TIIC think that Eric is better off without Quinn, so be it.  

Two things that bug me is Quinn's past is brought up more than Shelia's and Rick's and Maya's marriage is golden and the only issue was Lizzy calling Nicole mommy.  Yes Quinn gave Shelia a so call concussion but Shelia chocking Quinn is a non issue. How many times has Shelia let herself in without being invited or Katie for that matter. TIIC need to be an equal opportunist and give Rick and Maya a marriage issue. 

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Today was brought to you by the letter B, for bullshit.

Wyatt: Once Eric found out about Katie and Wyatt, Wyatt should have told Quinn. Wyatt's a grown ass man. He's grown enough to be fucking, but he's not grown enough to man up and tell his momma who he's fucking if for no better reason than to control Quinn's crazy? Bullshit.

Next up - Sheila, Charlie and Pam: Lions and tigers and bears, all lies! Charlie' should have told Eric a long time ago that Sheila's crazy ass was still in LA, but he's so bad at security he can barely secure his belt to his pants. Pam, are you that far off your damn meds that you'll talk to anyone about Stephanie, even OG McCrayCray? Nope. I call bullshit.

Mateo: Bruh, you fine and all, but naw. Bullshit.

Sheila = mega bullshit.

Katie: you have every right to be mad as hell at Quinn, but you live next door to her. If you're going to open your legs to her son, lock your damn door. Bullshit.

The rest of Show's bullshit just made me tired.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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This is all so true! Just when Quinn and Eric find their way back to each other and are happy, the writers have to screw it up once again. Matteo suddenly becoming the everything to E & Q? Huh? Eric is confiding in an employee about his wife? And Quinn is confiding in an employee about her husband? On what planet would that happen? I don’t have an estate or “estate manager” but I do have a housekeeper and never would I talk to her about my husband except in glowing terms. We all know that this is a soap opera but now the writers expect us to suspend all of our brain cells? Well, apparently I do because I’m still watching this absolute crap. Aarrgghh. 

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2 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

This is all so true! Just when Quinn and Eric find their way back to each other and are happy, the writers have to screw it up once again. Matteo suddenly becoming the everything to E & Q? Huh? Eric is confiding in an employee about his wife? And Quinn is confiding in an employee about her husband? On what planet would that happen? I don’t have an estate or “estate manager” but I do have a housekeeper and never would I talk to her about my husband except in glowing terms. We all know that this is a soap opera but now the writers expect us to suspend all of our brain cells? Well, apparently I do because I’m still watching this absolute crap. Aarrgghh. 

But does your housekeeper look like Mateo does when shirtless? I think he was short term but I bet he gets moved onto contract very soon. I don’t think Brad Bell is done with him. Oddly enough, casting was gonna hire Ingo Rademacher for the role of Mateo. I guess casting missed the part where Mateo is Mexican.  Never mind that Ingo is Australian and going to play nuThorne. Sometimes this show makes no sense. LOL!!!!

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16 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Shelia has made me a pepto bismol addict. I literally can't give a shit anymore.  


19 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Two things that bug me is Quinn's past is brought up more than Shelia's and Rick's and Maya's marriage is golden and the only issue was Lizzy calling Nicole mommy.  Yes Quinn gave Shelia a so call concussion but Shelia chocking Quinn is a non issue. How many times has Shelia let herself in without being invited or Katie for that matter. TIIC need to be an equal opportunist and give Rick and Maya a marriage issue. 

Regarding Raya...absolutely. Say what you will about the horrendous attempts on the P&G shows about their depictions of gay and lesbian relationships or the way Bianca' s story on AMC turned out, but at they were included as part of the show. Luke/Noah I can confirm got to be every bit as horribly written and eventually tiresome as Lily/Holden and Jack/Carly and Paul/Meg, which is the only reason i didn't join in the rumors that the studios were homophobes for the ridiculous stories they got...back then, anyway.

But compare the nothing Raya gets to Tridge, a pairing who the studio was forced to work around: absent the knowledge of Taylor's hypocritical past, I loved the pair when I started watching,  shortly before she contracted TB while pregnant with Phoebe and the slattern. They weren't shuttled off to the basement because TPTB couldn't have them divorce every six months.

There's so much to be done with Maya just by herself, but they've decided to place her on the shelf. Hell, we aren't even getting her cheating with Zzzzzzzende now that he's gone. WE WUZ WOBBED! ??

But shit, Mateo is all muscles.  He can stay :3

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I can't wait for the day CBS pulls the plug on this show.  I love The Bold and the Beautiful, but I swear, I cannot stand the utterly stupid writing.  With soaps continually circling the drain, just put it out of its and our fucking misery.  I know B & B is a worldwide phenomenon, but I'd love to know what our overseas compadres think of this shit show.

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So Quinn called Katie a "cougar" today. That's rich. "Adam" and "Eve" ring a bell, Toots?

I wanted to simultaneously laugh and throw something at the TV today when Sheila was waxing all nostalgic about Stephanie. You'd think they were bosom buddies. Pammie probably only knows the tip of the iceberg about what went on between those two.

I didn't like Eric's concentrating very very hard on furrowing his brow when Katie was planting the seed about "there has to be somebody else out there for you ... "

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10 hours ago, grisgris said:

So Quinn called Katie a "cougar" today. That's rich. "Adam" and "Eve" ring a bell, Toots?


Quinn 4.0's previous history files were sealed and to be forgiven and forgotten per the edict of her husband Eric who claims no previous acts should be held against his reformed bride -who then proceeded to have an emotional affair with his son.

She knows nothing of this Adam and Eve you're referring to nor does anyone else on the show.

10 hours ago, grisgris said:

I didn't like Eric's concentrating very very hard on furrowing his brow when Katie was planting the seed about "there has to be somebody else out there for you ... "

I loved that. Eric was like 'Well, I have been through a lot of women in this town...may have to bring in some outside blood.'

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