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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Well, since Bill ate all of the mushroom risotto Liam made for Steffy, I guess she will be stuck with soggy Waffles for dinner.  The risotto would have been ruined anyway as Liam just left it sitting on the stove to congeal into a tepid beige lump.

"Pa, I'm gonna get up in that big ol' airplane and fly way, way up in the sky where no one can find me ever, ever agin (Sniff! Sniff!) and eat me the biggest veal chop you ever seen!"

"That'll be right nice, Opie."

I'm seriously bummed. I was so waiting for Liam to fly off to points unknown.  Those two really don't deserve to have a happy ending.  But I suppose after a bouncy-trouncy night the morning after will be more of the same. Steffy will start to head off for work and Liam will plead with her to not go.  If he can't tempt her with a !FUN! day on the beach and in bed, he'll have to resort to the old saw of "working with Quinn and Wyatt." Really, the only thing that's changed is that she now can legally have Liam piss and moan legally now and she'll be stuck with it 24/7 as opposed to having the tiniest sliver of hours of peace. Loser-loser.

I kept interposing Jack Nicholson's leering insane face from "The Shining" onto Sludge's body when he and Quinn were conversing in the storage room.  I think it must have been the crazy camera angles.  He looked psychotic and she looked frightened. C'mon, QUINN!!!  Where's that fierce woman run off to? Yes, I am completely annoyed that she's handed all of the power over to Ridge in the equation.  Listening to the hollow ring of Ridge's words of "promise," have me guessing.  Since when has potential loss of Brooke, RJ's or Eric's affections, position at FC, etc., ever stood in Sludge's way of trying to get where/what he wanted? The maddening factor is that any setbacks for him are always temporary and he slides out, yet leaves behind an oil slick to rival the Exxon Valdez.

So is Katie now trying to poison Ivy (See what I did there? Hee!) against Quinn? Why would Ivy care whether or not Katie drops over to visit Eric? For a moment there she had a "well, duh," moment when Katie was trying to defend her dropping in on Eric unannounced when he was home alone. Huffily defending that she's know "Eric forever," isn't that good of an excuse for rude and disrespectful behavior towards Quinn.

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My disappointment knows no bounds.  Where was the distracted airport shuttle driver when Liam and Steffy were locked in their embrace.  It would have been poetic, instead of what we were subjected to,... pathetic.

and Quinn, you wanted it.  You should have gone for it.  Throw caution to the wind and get you lipstick smudged!

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5 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Then why is it his skills are so overcome by the dross he's been given, he is incapable of showing the viewer he deserves better?

5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

He's no Peter Bergman, but in the scenes he has with pretty much anyone else but Steffy and Hope, he has a pretty good vibe. Especially alongside DD and Heather Tom.

I dunno how much someone can wring outta the repetitive, tiresome dialogue on B&B. No one could argue Obba Babatundé's skills as Julius but by the last rendition of "Sasha is the devil for merely existing," I was just as sick of the character as I am of the current peanut gallery.


DD and HT carry SC, and he rises to the occasion because of their acting abilities. When he's with an actor of equal or lesser skills (JMW, PF, RE), it's annoying how mediocre he is. Like Obba Babatundé's ability to support Felisha Cooper when she first started, he helped her immeasurably and she improved quickly -- Too bad there are no SLs with the Julius and Vivienne, and TIIC sidelined Sasha (she made PF interesting and raised his acting skills).

B&B isn't a good Show for innovative story-telling (primarily retreading bald SLs from Bill Bell's files), but I believe a skilled and talented actor can make repetitive characterization/dialog work and then push TIIC for something more; see Susan Flannery.

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8 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Then why is it his skills are so overcome by the dross he's been given, he is incapable of showing the viewer he deserves better?

Eye of the beholder, I guess.  I'm not sure how any actor transcends the recent crap. 

ETA:  I was a fan from OLTL. He had some awful stories there too but not quite recent Liam bad.  

Edited by tessaray
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5 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Again, I must be slow but don't understand Petunia13's post. I know I'm old and past my prime but I don't get these past postings. Explain, please. Thanks!

I had never heard this expression either. (Midwestern US native with lots of southern relatives...) 

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6 hours ago, grisgris said:

Well, since Bill ate all of the mushroom risotto Liam made for Steffy, I guess she will be stuck with soggy Waffles for dinner.  The risotto would have been ruined anyway as Liam just left it sitting on the stove to congeal into a tepid beige lump.

"Pa, I'm gonna get up in that big ol' airplane and fly way, way up in the sky where no one can find me ever, ever agin (Sniff! Sniff!) and eat me the biggest veal chop you ever seen!"

"That'll be right nice, Opie."

I'm seriously bummed. I was so waiting for Liam to fly off to points unknown.  Those two really don't deserve to have a happy ending.  But I suppose after a bouncy-trouncy night the morning after will be more of the same. Steffy will start to head off for work and Liam will plead with her to not go.  If he can't tempt her with a !FUN! day on the beach and in bed, he'll have to resort to the old saw of "working with Quinn and Wyatt." Really, the only thing that's changed is that she now can legally have Liam piss and moan legally now and she'll be stuck with it 24/7 as opposed to having the tiniest sliver of hours of peace. Loser-loser.

I kept interposing Jack Nicholson's leering insane face from "The Shining" onto Sludge's body when he and Quinn were conversing in the storage room.  I think it must have been the crazy camera angles.  He looked psychotic and she looked frightened. C'mon, QUINN!!!  Where's that fierce woman run off to? Yes, I am completely annoyed that she's handed all of the power over to Ridge in the equation.  Listening to the hollow ring of Ridge's words of "promise," have me guessing.  Since when has potential loss of Brooke, RJ's or Eric's affections, position at FC, etc., ever stood in Sludge's way of trying to get where/what he wanted? The maddening factor is that any setbacks for him are always temporary and he slides out, yet leaves behind an oil slick to rival the Exxon Valdez.

So is Katie now trying to poison Ivy (See what I did there? Hee!) against Quinn? Why would Ivy care whether or not Katie drops over to visit Eric? For a moment there she had a "well, duh," moment when Katie was trying to defend her dropping in on Eric unannounced when he was home alone. Huffily defending that she's know "Eric forever," isn't that good of an excuse for rude and disrespectful behavior towards Quinn.

This is what I see.  I cannot even imagine how she thinks that is lust-worthy.  Not that old man Eric is, but come on!  Eric is classy, and elegant, and dresses well, and is well-groomed (he showers, heheh).  Never in a million years would I pick Ridge over Eric.  And I am not old.  Ridge is disgusting.

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I was home today and made the mistake of watching live. Ew, Liam is so the female of the relationship. If $Bill had filmed him in action and shown it to Steffy, the only Spencer man she would have run to is Wyatt.

And what happened to my beautiful fierce smart Quinn? Ridge is slime, greasy slime. Just, ugh. I'm barely watching Show now as it is. Oh well. Once TIIC wreck Queric  I'll be able to quit this show for good.

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Recap for Tues. 1/24/17:

We open with Ridge and Quinn backstage and what is with the crazy camera angles? TPTB are clearly trying for edgy but it comes off as Z grade horror movie levels of cheese and distraction at best.

And the dialogue?

Ridge: "What's going on with you?"

Quinn: "Nothing. I'm fine." 

Ridge: "You okay?"

Quinn: "Are you?"

Seriously, this is really terrible.

Ivy is working on jewelry when Katie walks in, asking if Ivy has seen Quinn. Can someone please find something for this woman to do besides pop up where she is neither wanted or needed? Ivy tells Katie she just left and Katie indicates she'll just text her. For what? Oh, duh, silly me, she wants details on San Fran.

Ivy then drops a bone that Katie is all too happy to gobble up. "Something's up. I'm worried about her."

Since when does these two talk, much less share insights?

Bill, who is far past frustrated, tells Liam, "She'll SHOW!"

Liam whines that Steffy should have shown up by now. Bill knows he wants her here NOW but he needs to give her a minute.

Liam: "Look, I told her how important this is to me, that these -- these games, these stupid games with Eric, Wyatt, and Quinn have to stop. She has to start focusing on us and she has to do it tonight." Is the world going to stop turning after tonight or something?

Bill, calling his bluff: "Or what? You're skipping town." Skip town, Liam. I double-dog-dare you!

Liam snots, "You know what? I sure as hell hope it doesn't come to that." Ooh, Liam is getting angwee.  Bill sighs and restrains from rolling his eyes.

Liam: "But maybe I will! Listen, they're already in the process of a divorce. If she really can't communicate to him that the relationship is over, if she really doesn't walk through that door" You'll what? Huff and puff and blow the beach house set down?

Bill: "You're done?" Bill knows better than that.

Liam: "Where the hell is she? She should have been here by now!" Bill is wondering how in the world he got such a whiny wanker for a son.

Wyatt and Steffy are looking at her finger, the tattoo is gone and then, to her surprise, he tells her he isn't done. It's his turn to get his tattoo removed. The doctor goes to work and Steffy laughs at Wyatt's discomfort. What a bitch.

Bill, desperate for a lifeline, asks what Liam's cooking. Mushroom risotto, Steffy's favorite. I don't see her as a mushroom risotto kind of girl. Liam keeps trying to call Steffy and it keeps going to voicemail. 

Bill, deadpan, "Leave.A.Message."

Liam starts to go into overdrive, saying how he has to get out of there, out of L.A., out of the country, can I borrow the jet, can I can I can I?

I wish Steffy could be here right now. Her lady bits would likely dry up seeing this. I know mine did.

Bill tells him to take a breath and relax.

Liam: "NO! I am so sick of waiting! That is all I do is I wait and I wait and I wait and for what? Either she wants to be with me or she doesn't?" What a petulant child.

Bill reminds him that she has to extricate herself from her marriage to Wyatt.

Liam, practically stroking out, "No, no, I can't do this! She's already late! She's not answering the damn phone! (Ooh, Liam is cussing a lot today!) And she knows I'm here waiting for her! So what do you think that means?"

Bill, over this shit, says he doesn't know.

Wyatt, wincing as the tattoo doctor continues to work. "This is a wedding band! Not a tramp stamp!" Hee!

Steffy is gleeful (and really, WTF, bitch!) and says it could take up to 5 more sessions and maybe more. Wyatt is not amused and hopefully, he's making a mental note to self. No more wedding band tattoos. Scratch that - no more weddings to Puffy.

Ivy tells Katie that Quinn left because she looked like she was going to be sick. Hey, I'd be clammy and nauseous thinking about Rumple, too. Ivy isn't sure if she's sick or it's stress. "But it was like she was burning up inside." Ugggggh...

We're back to Ridge and Quinn and the serial killer slasher movie camera angles.

Ridge: "Look at you. You're hot. You're worked up." It just makes my skin crawl, listening to him.

Quinn admits she can't stop thinking about what happened in San Francisco and he tells her to keep her voice down. So they can keep their dirty little secret?

And then there is some flirting:

Quinn: "You're so much trouble."

Ridge: "You like trouble."

Quinn: "No, not anymore. Now with you. We agreed. We were gonna behave, be respectful to each other. I want-"

Ridge: "You...want...what?" 


Whatever the opposite of hot is, that's what this is.

Steffy is still laughing at Wyatt and I'd like to point that laser on her stupid face. Then she says this little gem, "I know this sounds super strange but um, this was kind of fun." Fun??? AYFKM????????? 

Wyatt, deadpan like his daddy, "Finalizing my divorce, getting my wedding band burned off my skin. So fun." And yet nary a whine in sight.

Steffy: "Oh, I can say laughing was never our issue. We always had fun together." And real fun, not contrived parachutes and truffle fries fun. Why did you divorce this man again? And for whom? 



She does thank him for being so thoughtful and making things much less painful. Again, why is she choosing Liam again?

Wyatt tells her he enjoyed almost every minute of being married to her. Sad now, he remarks, "But you were never really mine to begin with. And I owe it to my brother that I'm finally able to man up and admit that." No, this is not about manning up because you are every inch a man while your brother is a spoiled little baby. 

Speaking of, Liam, practically foaming at the mouth, says that he told her to go and get the job done, then come back. In that order. Do not pass Go. Just follow his marching orders lock step. Liam is talking to the Spencer jet pilot and in some truly pathetic grousing (that I find hysterical), he tells him he doesn't want his usual order (of tofu, I'm assuming) but a rare steak, no, make that a big juicy veal chop. Better get him some big boy panties at this point.

Bill tells Liam to go ahead and let loose and let off some steam. Um, he'd have to take the giant stick of of his tightly wound ass in order for that to happen.

With that, Liam screams and throws something and I have church giggles. He's going for a big proud lion here and instead, it's:


He says he needs to move on with his life (that'll be the day). He's tired, guys, so tired, and he won't put up with it anymore. He's taking a stand and I'm cracking up as he flails some more and leaves the beach house.

Steffy's in her car, heading to Malibu, after getting some last laughs at Wyatt's expense and another hug. Liam is in his car, looking pissy. Drive off a cliff, you two. No one will miss you.

Katie is still with Ivy, trying to fish for details about Quinn and also gush about spending time with Eric while Quinn was out of town with Ridge.

We go backstage again and then there is some truly-awful star-crossed lover kind of dialogue that I can't even bring myself to recap fully. Suffice it to say that they're already talking about why they can't be together because of Eric and Brooke and the rest of the family and blah blah blah sacrifice cakes. And I have no fucks to give about any of it.

Steffy charges into the beach house, all apologetic (and seriously, the Steffy Forrester I know and loathe would never kowtow to anyone like that - the only one she grovels for is Liam. She should think long and hard about that).

She sees Bill, lounging on the couch, happily eating her risotto (ha!) and he tells her Liam went to the airport.

Steffy: "Oh my God, Bill! Oh, my God!"

Bill: "Yeah, you better run!" I just love him.

Katie continues to talk about how she goes over to see Eric every now and then when Quinn's not around (you mean every chance you get). And she is so smug and entitled about it, defending it to Ivy because they've known each other a long time. Katie can't understand why, if Quinn doesn't know about the time she stopped by because of the misdelivered letter or the soccer ball, what has Quinn so upset. Not everything is about you, Katie

Quinn and Ridge are talking about the plan for the future, supporting each other, seeing each other in a new light and seriously, TPTB, whoever came up with them as a pairing should be drawn and quartered because it is just the worst. They lie about not having thought about what happened in San Fran not once.

Ridge: "Yeah. No one's gonna know about it. And it's never gonna happen again."

Quinn: "Never."

Ridge: "Never." 

Oh why don't they just fuck each other and get it over already? I mean, to quote Liz Phair, they're already wet and we know they're gonna go swimming.

Liam is at the airport parking lot and flashes back to one of the worst scenes ever (which is saying something for this show) - that stupid Liam telling everyone and everything that Steffy's back. Puke...

And just in case we didn't get our cheese quota with Ridge and Quinn, we get this sequence of events:

Steffy arrives at the airport. She sees Liam's car and her face lights up as she dashes over in her stilt heels.

Oh noes! The car is EMPTY!

She sees a jet flying overhead.

Oh noes! She's too late!

She starts to cry.

She looks at the car and slams her divorce papers on it. What did his car do to you, heifer?

She turns around...

Can it be?

It is HIM...

She slowly walks toward him and then screeches out his name.


He immediately runs toward her. She clomps toward him.



She tells him the divorce is final and she's all his.

Liam asks if she's serious. No, she's yanking your easily-yanked chain, you putz. 

He picks her up in the air and spins her around and they kiss...and I seriously hate them.

And I hope Wyatt is like this:


Edited by CountryGirl
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This show is beyond dumb with Liam & Steffy. So the divorce is going through. Now what? Can they both be written off the show along with Wyatt?! Is it too much to ask for?! Also, that had to be the dumbest use of the CBS parking lot...EVER!!!!!! I just can't anymore with Liam, Steffy & Wyatt. Wait! Are Liam & Steffy going to have to get married again? Are we going to be victim to another wedding? OMG! I think my head will explode.

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32 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Of course there will be another wedding...and to prove it, here's a behind the scene photo of the blushing bride to be:


There is no way in hell she'll look that classy.  

I'm so confused by today's scenes.  Does the show think this is some grand romantic reunion of two star-crossed lovers?  Because, show?  I have a memory.  She was always second choice.  Always.  The only reason she's his "great love" now is because Hope isn't in town, and Waffles can't go without an adoring female for more than two seconds.  

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Nothing can stop us now. Really, Liam, except for you, you fucking idiot.  

I vote for Pam to be the chairman of the STFU club.  Her and Katie can take the midnight train to nowhere.  

Why is their a meeting at night without the CEO?  I guess, now like Liam, work just gets in the way. What's next?  Is Liam eventually going to get upset when Steffy calls out Wyatt's name during sex. Liam now has to know if Wyatt is better lover or If his dick bigger?  

Is Wyatt going on a souljourn in the desert or a walk-about with Ivy?

Ok, Liam and Steffy relationship seems to have come to a solution so TPTB are moving on to Ridge and Quinn. By fast tracking their overnight mutual admiration, I fear more and more the demise of Quinn and Eric. As much as Steffy and Liam deserve each other so does Eric and Quinn but at opposite ends of the totem pole. 

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Ok, Liam and Steffy relationship seems to have come to a solution so

the both of them ride off into the sunset on the horse Brooke crashed Ridge's last wedding to Taylor with. They have a honeymoon in Genoa City that is cut tragedly short when [Insert Newman of choice here] runs them over in front of Rexx Rugs.

The end. :)


3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

TPTB are moving on to Ridge and Quinn. By fast tracking their overnight mutual admiration, I fear more and more the demise of Quinn and Eric.

Classic B&B. Tossing good story to chase a bad one.

And for what? We already got this story, multiple times: first in 1992 when Brooke was married to Eric, then with Ridge and Caroline, and last year with Thomas and Caroline. We've also gotten the Ridge Leaves Brooke Because Reasons story far too many times to count. 

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The thing about running, is there are some who should and some who shouldn't. Take Liam and Steffy for instance. Now, Liam appears to have all the right moves; straight back, pumping arms, driving with the legs, all with a smooth gait and he is a speedy little sucker to boot:


Steffy on the other hand, should never run. Her clunky, clodhopper style is not flattering. At. All:


I do believe if I saw her galumphing after me, that it would give me a terrible fright!


When it comes to Liam and Steffy running in unison, that should only happen when they are running away from each other. But noooooooo, we were once again treated to these two running into each others arms, this time as if they hadn't been there for twenty years when it had only been twenty minutes. And OH! The lingo!!!! "She's back!" "She's better than ever!" "I'm all yours!" So, like, just gag me with a spoon ok?

Here's what I want to know; just where in tarnation was Liam going to go on the Spencer jet? My money is on Milan and Hope. Isn't that what Liam does when he is disappointed or angry with his current girl? Run back to the other girl that is the love of his life. They don't call him the Wafflenator for nothing.

So now the cosmic lovers are back together, but let us not forget how badly they feel for Wyatt. I mean it was so clearly evident as Steffy danced into Cliff House crowing about "Home Sweet Home" and Liam chortled "We're back baby!"

And another sex scene too! You know, I watched Brooke and Ridge have sex for more than twenty years, and even though they were dead for me as a couple, they could still bring it in the boudoir. KKL positively emanated with sex appeal, and made any romantic scene work on her sheer animal magnetism alone. Show can try and tell me that Liam and Steffy possess the same heat, but I won't be buying into that.

Am I a dolt for finding Eric and Quinn having a quite conversation far more scintillating than watching Liam and Steffy have sex?

What was that weirdness with Ridge and Quinn? Ridge was positively creepy. So was the dialog. I simply am completely and totally confused with what fuckery goes on here. I've got another little wiggly worm in the back of my head though, and it is telling me that Ridge hasn't given up on his plan, but that he has altered it. Some of that stuff yesterday pretty much sealed the deal for me. I think Ridge realized that seducing Quinn was not going to work on any level; no matter the outcome, he stands to lose too much. What I think he is doing is trying to convince Quinn that he is learning to accept her, and is willing to try and get along. After what happened in SF, he knows her vulnerabilities now; knows that she is afraid of being alone and is fearful that Ridge will tell Eric. By assuring her he won't he is winning her respect and her confidence and is using that to work in his favor. I think this comment from yesterday "So see me now. See where I am, my position here. My history and my future. You got to respect that", is what got me to thinking. Ridge no longer cares about bringing Quinn down, because he can achieve his ultimate goal, being CEO of FC's, by using her new found trust and friendship. He also thinks that she will go out of her way to get him back in, in order to keep him quite. Yes, the more I think about it, that seems to be right. BUT! At the same time, I think he is finding it difficult to resist Quinn. Ridge wants to tap that in the most desperate of ways, but he is clearly fighting those feelings. Whether it be to prevent himself from hurting Eric again or because he just can't believe he wants her is up for debate.

I was shocked yesterday when Ridge was talking to Quinn and she said they had to think about Eric, and Ridge said "And Brooke." Was that for effect?

OMG Katie! Take your Nosey Parker little ass home. Or at least leave your fishing pole at home. You were positively desperate to know if Quinn knew that you had been rubbing elbows with her husband again. And your disappointment that nothing had been mentioned was palpable. Poor Little Katie was just so let down that Eric didn't bum rush Quinn with news of her many, many visits. Because, of course, that deprives Poor Little Katie of the opportunity to make Quinn look crazy again, for being upset about one of Eric's oldest and dearest friends visiting. Katie was just busting at the seams to tell Quinn how off base she was. How she had no other choice but to hand deliver Ridge's thirty five year old soccer ball, and how she couldn't possibly not return the letter she took out of Eric's mailbox. It was all so innocent, and Poor Little Katie told Eric she shouldn't stay, but he is such a nice man and a gentleman, that he wouldn't hear of it.  And you know, Poor Little Katie may have even been able to help Quinn's son after he and Eric asked her opinion on Liam's state of mind and all that had happened since Captive Cabin. But bestest of all, was how clueless Poor Little Katie was about what could possibly have Quinn stressed if it wasn't her. Arrogant little LemonHead:


Edited by RuntheTable
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11 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

And I hope Wyatt is like this:


Wyatt isn't out of the woods yet with Steffy and Liam.

Wyatt still has to suffer through Liam sticking the knife in a little deeper, as a show of brotherly appreciation that Wyatt had graciously accepted that his divorce was finalized to Steffy, while Liam took on like a colicky infant; he skulked and falsely accused and attacked and interfered in business meetings and stewed in self-pity and begged and bitched and whined and pouted and complained and impotently broke home decor and exploded in nauseating hysterical outbursts and had temper tantrums and held his breath and repeated himself ad nauseum how he and Steffy had been cheated by Quinn and Quinn was dangerous and Quinn was manipulating everyone and Quinn bad juju and plotted against Quinn with Ridge and was disappointed Ridge didn't compromise Quinn when he had the chance and and and and and ... neglecting to mention Steffy and Wyatt married of their own free will (though woefully ignorant of their circumstances, but that never stopped a beach wedding on B&B).

Liam's the kind of bad winner that kicks a man when he's down with appreciative words and faint praise -- Thanks for handing over the wife you love to MEEEEE!!!!Oh and by the way ... Ridge and I plotted against Quinn to ruin her happy marriage to Eric and run her out of town ... I know you'd appreciate that we did it for our own selfish reasons, cuz that's the kind'a terrific guys we are. It's been swell getting together with you ... See ya', wouldn't want to be ya.'

Go pound sand, you fucking cretin.

6 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Ok, Liam and Steffy relationship seems to have come to a solution so TPTB are moving on to Ridge and Quinn. By fast tracking their overnight mutual admiration, I fear more and more the demise of Quinn and Eric. As much as Steffy and Liam deserve each other so does Eric and Quinn but at opposite ends of the totem pole. 

Of course TIIC have Quinn and Ridge agree repeatedly that we're not talking about how nothing happened in San Francisco and then both of them make statements about the other that are the complete opposite of what they said about each other before the symposium.

Ridge uses Quinn's jewelry in his most recent designs and Rick, Pam, Thomas, Nicole are surprised Ridge is incorporating Quinn's jewelry -- This is not a new thing for Forrester Creations; the jewelry line Quinn was originally hired to make under the FC brand, and the Hope For The Future Diamond Necklace were incorporated with the FC fashion designs. When questioned why, Ridge could have said Quinn's Jewelry Pass at the last fashion show was very successful and financially it made sense to use more of her work with FC gowns. But instead he says complimentary things about Quinn, glossing over the jewelry, and they are What The Hell? Rick and Pam know something is off and make a few snide remarks, Nicole comments about the symposium, and Thomas notices something is going on but the bag of hammers only grazes him and he decides to check his cuticles.

Quinn, in her disappointment for Wyatt's divorce and in an emotional scramble with her uncomfortable feelz over Ridge, makes a rookie mistake for someone who swore What happens in San Francisco, stays in San Francisco, er, the office, um ... the storage area ... She asks Eric if there's some way to split the CEO position and have Steffy and Ridge share it, because she thinks they may have been too harsh stripping Ridge of his title. Eric is What The Hell? Quinn explains her reasoning, but Eric is immediately suspicious ... And he should be suspicious. Eric was rudely betrayed by Ridge and family, and had just been in a huge row where Ridge promised to bring proof that Quinn was faithless and only with Eric for the money. Suddenly Quinn has had a total change of attitude about Ridge and his leadership at Forrester Creations after the San Francisco trip, while ignoring the PR nightmare of reinvesting Ridge as the designing half of the CEO position after just crowning Steffy; it undercuts her assumed authority and makes her look more like the Sexxy CEO-lite spokes model that she's being marketed.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Notice how Liam (and Steffy) are always magnanimous when they are the ones who came out ahead?  So Liam now "feels sorry" for Wyatt and "respects him more?" Now he loves his brother even more. GMAFB. Yeah. Absolutely, Country Girl, he deserves a kick in the nutsack. What a pompous ass.  If only Steffy had been just a hair later to the airport he would have been singing an entirely different tune, most likely "That's Amore," in Milan with Hope. 

I always ff through the Liam and Steffy bedroom scenes. There is nothing remotely sexy about those two.

Is there any glimmer that Rick will catch on to what "happens in San Francisco ... obviously doesn't stay in San Francisco?" Surely somebody is going to get the spidies that something is not right with Ridge's sudden dramatic change in attitude towards Quinn. C'mon, this Neanderthal is the one who mobilized the entire family to boycott Eric's wedding to Quinn and now he's suddenly singing her praises? Designing dresses around her jewelry? It's too bad that Charlie got dismissed from the meeting. Surely he would have picked up on it.

Sharing the CEO position is a bad idea and it has never worked in the past. Absolutely right, Cupid Stunt. Doing so will just undermine Steffy and make her look like a token woman air-head bimbo (which she actually already is.) How will Wyatt spin this? Dad and the Sexy CEO go to work is just creepy and gross, like CaRidge hubs and wife design team. ICK.  C'mon Eric, fire up those damaged brain cells and realize that all is not right with your wife and son.  I hope Eric vetoes the idea flat.

Is it too much to ask to bring the Avants back for a change of pace? I'm mighty sick and tired of this ridiculous retread. I said this: I would gladly WELCOME a few days of ZZende and Nicole than to see this "our secret"/ "STEFFY's HOME!!!" crap day-in and day-out.  Could Will go visit $Bill at SP for a few afternoons? ANYTHING!! Frankly, today's show seemed like bunch of boring filler until the writers can come up with something to move ahead.

Thinking back to yesterday. I always laugh when the couples who were married all of a month or so wax nostalgic about their "memories." Frankly, all I remember about the Weffy marriage was the next day after the nuptials, Quinn came over uninvited with a casserole or something and got into a row with Steffy. There was that brief afternoon of banter and photos on the beach in Monte Carlo with Sad Waffles hanging around the fringes, but that was about it. Next, it was the giant row in the Monte Carlo hotel room and Steffy left. That was really it.  Not even enough to discuss over a single glass of wine.

While Steffy was being sadistic when she called her getting dumped party "fun," I looked at it from a different perspective. She was relaxed and she and Wyatt were having a lot of natural banter and laughs over the tattoo removal. You don't see her that way at all with Liam.

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

While Steffy was being sadistic when she called her getting dumped party "fun," I looked at it from a different perspective. She was relaxed and she and Wyatt were having a lot of natural banter and laughs over the tattoo removal. You don't see her that way at all with Liam.

That's cuz they never *had* time to develop any kind of "relationship" before. Hope was always in the wings before and the only times she ever "won" was by manipulation or getting pregnant, to which Liam hustled back to Hope before Steffy's plane took off to Paris.  

And then, he was with Ivy, but her stupid ass couldn't leave well enough alone and be content with running her cousin out the country. Oh no. She had to go across town and rub it in as the girl was packing, setting this whole chain of events in motion.  

Steffy deserves her misery every bit as Liam. Much like I enjoyed Ridge having to actually work for Brooke's attention after Steph's manipulation years ago and I was a Bridge fan for all of ten minutes before we got the same old rubbish.

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12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

the both of them ride off into the sunset on the horse Brooke crashed Ridge's last wedding to Taylor with. They have a honeymoon in Genoa City that is cut tragedly short when [Insert Newman of choice here] runs them over in front of Rexx Rugs.

The end. :)


Classic B&B. Tossing good story to chase a bad one.

And for what? We already got this story, multiple times: first in 1992 when Brooke was married to Eric, then with Ridge and Caroline, and last year with Thomas and Caroline. We've also gotten the Ridge Leaves Brooke Because Reasons story far too many times to count. 

I guess this is Brad Bell's way of getting Brooke & Bill together again, too. It would be a stupid storyline if Ridge & Quinn hook up and Eric gets duped again by  his son and wife. Meanwhile, Maya parents are looking for a way to get out of that hotel room off camera.

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Recap for Wed. 1/25/17:

It's suddenly nighttime - wow, that must have been some long ride back from the airport. 

Liam is opening the front door and Steffy runs inside and starts dancing in the living room and blathering about "home sweet home."

Liam: "It is now. I can't believe it, we're back baby!" Um, what was that a few hours that you were apart? 

They are celebrating up a storm with Liam remarking, "And your marriage, your marriage to Wyatt. Oh my God. It's over. There is literally nothing stopping us now." And if they think I'm going to queue up Jefferson Starship's "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now", well, this is me right now:


Wyatt is sharing what is awful news for him (but hopefully, he rethink that someday soon), that the divorce is final. Quinn tells him how sorry she is and she's feel terrible.

Wyatt, always keeping a sense of humor, "Really? I have to comfort you now?"

Eric says he'll do the honors.

Pam and Charlie are heading down the hallway at FC, on their way to a meeting. They walk into Steffy's office where Ridge, Nicole, Rick and Thomas are waiting. They talk shop and then the subject of Quinn comes up. Much to everyone's surprise, Ridge has changed his tune with little statements like these: "She's part of our lives, and, uh, I can almost promise she's not gonna be a problem around here anymore" and "We tried everything to get her out of here, and everything's just blown up in our faces, so maybe it's time to make an effort to accept her around here."

No one's alarm bells are going off. It's just lots of this type of expression (which is not all that different from the norm for these folks).


Pam at least challenges whether or not he and Quinn are friends now, which, of course, Ridge denies. Now, if she had asked whether they were friends with benefits...well, yeah, he still would have lied.

Eric tells Wyatt to not beat himself up for trying to save his marriage and Wyatt observes the trick is knowing when to say "when." 

Wyatt: "I mean, Steffy's been gone ever since Liam came back." Very true. "I needed to let her go - for both of our sakes." I'm glad he stressed it was what was best for both, not just selfish Puffy and his dickhead brother.

OMG, so Waffles has Steffy back and he STILL isn't happy and is whining about not being able to get a hold of her and it went straight to voicemail and and and...


He has all these questions, namely what happened with Wyatt and he is so smug and so sure that Wyatt was down on his knees, begging her to come back.

Steffy takes the wind out of his sails when she tells him: "Quite the opposite. He let me go." That's right, Waffles. Because unlike you, Wyatt has decency and self-awareness and balls.

Liam asks if it was hard (he is just fishing for anything here) and Steffy assures him it wasn't like that at all. She tells him her tattoo is gone.

Liam: "It's true, you're not married to Wyatt any longer." And he laughs like it's so great that his brother's heart has been smashed into a million pieces.

She tells him yes, she's completely free to be with him.

And yet instead of enjoying this, he STILL wants to talk some more about Wyatt and what happened.

Steffy tells him that they reminisced a little bit and then Carter showed up with the divorce papers and that Wyatt told her he didn't want to come in second or stay with him because she was being pressure.

Liam: "Yeah, that, um... that sounds like him. You know, the truth is, as ecstatic as I am to have you back, I feel bad for my brother now." Oh NOW you feel bad? Not when you were fucking his wife or shacking up with her?  But NOW? When the marriage is over????


Yes, there will be many, many gifs like this one today, preverts. And there will be more cursing (breaking my resolution to try and cut back).

Steffy says that Wyatt's a good guy and deserves to be happy. Yes, he does and he will be happy now that he's done with your tired, silicone ass. She tells Liam she'll always care about Wyatt and hopes he's okay with that.

Liam: " Of course I am. It's what makes you you. I love my brother, too. (You have a shitty way of showing it). But after today, he made me respect him a whole lot more. I mean, I know what you mean to him, and yet still he stepped up and he did the right thing, and I... I'm gonna have to thank him for that."


Wyatt tells Quinn to stop blaming herself and thanks her again for inspiring him with her marriage to Eric. 

Wiser than anyone will give him credit for, he says this: " If Steffy and I were meant to be together, then we should have been able to work around you. And don't blame yourself, okay? You had every right to defend your happiness. I didn't know exactly what you were fighting for so hard at the time, but you guys have a real committed relationship, and -- and it's rare and special and great." And she's well on her way to throwing all of that away.

They all say their goodbyes, although it's not like he's going off to war. They wish him well in his new life.

Ridge is getting a little more questioning about his new attitude where Quinn is concerned. Well, that's more like it.

Ridge says he was prepared to watch Quinn fall at the summit and enjoy every moment of it. Rick points out that she didn’t and Ridge, somewhat tesdty, says he knows she didn't. Pam remarks that Quinn is one resourceful woman. Ridge thinks that Quinn brings out the best in Eric and helps mellow him (Eric) out. He actually then says maybe he needs to mellow out himself and why they aren't calling for medical assistance is beyond me. He claims he just wants peace but canoodling with his father's wife and keeping secrets is not what I'd call peace brokering.

Speaking of WTF moments, Quinn is taking a similar tack with Eric and ultimately suggests maybe they were too harsh and maybe they shouldn't have taken away the CEO role from him. First, Eric was not too harsh. Second, changing things were CEO is concerned is a terrible idea as it makes the company look unstable and Steffy incompetent if weeks into the new role, she relinquishes it to someone else. Eric looks stunned.

Steffy and Liam are reuniting in the most obvious way and I'm not recapping that because they have absolutely zero chemistry. Suffice it to say I hate them both.

Eric is standing there, waiting for Quinn to explain the unexplainable. Go ahead, Quinn. Try and explain this one.

Quinn: "I know. It's strange, me suggesting that we've been unfair to Ridge."

Eric: "I can't forget the things he's done, the way he's betrayed me, the way he's hurt us both." Exactly - the last thing she should be doing is defending Ridge to her husband, whom he hurt so terribly. But it's clear her loyalties have shifted to Ridge because of the secret.

Quinn: "I know, and I am never going to forget that, either. But I hate seeing the two of you at odds with each other because of me. And I know that he loves you. One of the things I learned about Ridge when we were on our trip is... underneath all that bluster, he's a sensitive guy. And maybe that's the reason for the bluster. You know, maybe that's just a layer of protection he puts on for himself." Ridge, a sensitive guy? Are you serious with this shit, Quinn?

Eric: "That's very perceptive of you. I'm glad you see that about him." Not you, too, Eric.

Quinn: "Well, I know a thing or two about building walls. The thing is, I think, in Ridge's mind, he felt hurt and betrayed, as well. And I'm not saying it's right, but, I mean, to Ridge, he was thinking that he needed to save you." Save him from what? Falling in love and being happy and reinvigorated again?

Eric: "From the woman I love." Exactly. Although this woman is betraying you.

Quinn: "Well, he thought his father was in danger, and he took action. And if you think about it, that -- that makes him a really good son. Wyatt would do the same thing for me if he thought that I was in trouble. He would do anything to protect me and think about the consequences later. And the point is, Ridge and I have been able to move past this, especially at work, and -- and I was hoping that maybe we can do the same thing as a family." Oh, she is getting to Eric with this, I can tell. He wants nothing more than to be a happy, united family, and will let bygones be bygones to do it. Even if it's to his own detriment.

Eric, clearly warming to the idea: "You have any suggestions about how we might be able to accomplish this lofty goal?"

Quinn: "Well, I thought maybe we could approach Steffy about her sharing the CEO position with Ridge." As I stated already - terrible, terrible idea.

Eric is certainly open to suggestion but doesn't look thrilled about this idea. At all.

Ridge is thinking about Quinn and the time he told her she was "amazing."

You'll be pleased to know our final scene features our very favorite couple, Steam.

Oh wait, Moist isn't your favorite couple?

There's a lot of complimenting of the other and sexy CEO and I'm never leaving you again and I love yous.

And I want to do this to both of them, over and over and over again until I'm satisfied or my arms give out.


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15 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

and how she couldn't possibly not return the letter she took out of Eric's mailbox

Smacks forehead. She so totally took it out of his mailbox.

14 hours ago, grisgris said:

token woman air-head bimbo (which she actually already is.)

LOL - a fitting description for Puffy.

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I think Liam and Fauxdiloks are going to find that they don't have a relationship if there isn't a third party involved.  They never have.  And that raccoon on Steffy's head must have gnawed it's way through what passes for her brain because she hasn't even bothered to ask exactly WHERE Liam was going on that jet.  Maybe it's because she knows.  The same person she called the second she thought that Liam had taken off.  

Waffles and Puffy will have to get out of bed eventually and when they do, they'll realize there's no there there in whatever it is that's going on between them.  It always has been and always will be just about fucking.

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Her hair hasn't been the same color all week.

Today, it looked like someone tried to bleach it blond, turned the ends bright orange and then had some dark root regrowth. Very trashy looking. 

Thomas in his tiny zoot suit fail wasn't much better.

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This past year has made me realize I've come to hate Steam more than I ever hated Brooke and Ridge, who have had actual moments of joy. You'll probably have to dig back to 1987 to find them, but they actually exist. What do Beavis and Butthead have other than Cha Cha Cha and truffle fries?

Plus, Bridge weren't so damn self-congradulatory when they got together. They didn't pretend to have any fucks to give about Taylor or Grant or Ashley or Nick. They just went about their fucking business.

That said:

3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

think Liam and Fauxdiloks are going to find that they don't have a relationship if there isn't a third party involved.  They never have. 

That right there is the defining feature of both these idiots and Bridge, so I suppose this does make them the latter's heir apparent to super-coupledom. 

3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

And that raccoon on Steffy's head must have gnawed it's way through what passes for her brain because she hasn't even bothered to ask exactly WHERE Liam was going on that jet.  Maybe it's because she knows.  The same person she called the second she thought that Liam had taken off. 


But damn, poor Ivy getting left in the frigging lurch. I could get behind Hope's appeal more than Steffy's, but I wouldn't say she and Liam had much of a solid relationship either. She rightfully and understandably wasn't very quick to push the past aside just because Puffy flew away to Paris. I just hated that she didn't ditch the guy entirely and not just because he was five minutes late to their wedding.

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Did you know that Katie is able to multi-task.  She can deliver the mail and the newspaper while being judgmental.  Next Katie will show up to polish the silverware or bring Eric ice cream in bed.  

Thomas has now reached a STFU status but it pails in comparison to his status as a rapist.  You can tell that Liam and Thomas are ass hole buddies as the are charter members of the weeny whiners club.  

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Color me shocked that Waffles let Steffy go to work by herself today.  Wasn't he worried that Quinn might try to manipulate her or that she'd have to talk to Wyatt about business.

Thomas STFU and quit whining about being passed over for CEO.  Steffy is right, you drop in and out of LA/ FC whenever you feel like it. 

And...did I mis-hear Thomas say that he was in NY trying to build a family in a house full of women who increasingly didn't want him there.  I could swear he said that as part of his rant to Steffy.

I'm mildly interested in how Show will have him and Caroline part ways.  Caroline sues for sole custody or re-unites with an old NY boyfriend? No matter what I see Thomas losing his son. The only thing about the CarTom pairing I liked was how crazy Thomas was about Douglas. I so wish they'd re-team him with Sasha -- she made him human

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No.  I heard Thomas say the same words. Wonder what that was all about?  Speaking of, why was he being all pouty and butt-hurt about being passed over for the CEO position? He wasn't even around and he is even less qualified than Steffy is for the job.  He's never shown any interest in managerial type work. Props to whichever one referred to her as opportunistic. (I think she actually called herself that. Anyway, if the Jimmy Choo fits ... ) Also, did she also imply that she isn't moody? I thought she said "CEOs aren't moody." Ha! Ha!  Ask Ivy about that.  Or Hope. Or Aly.

Otherwise ...

My major question surrounds the outta-left-field mention (and montage) about Spectra Fashions.  My initial thought was that finally, the show was going to give Sally (and Darlene Conley) the proper long-deserved closure of having Sally die despite the best CPR efforts by a cabana boy.  This "Sally is away on a beach" story is older than Sally would be herself.  So maybe the B&B board patrol have been reading our ideas about bringing back House of Spectra under the leadership of of Rick and Thomas?? Sludge and ????  SOoooo... WHY???

My other question was why was Steffy wearing a onesie in the office? I am wearing a garment just like that only mine is fuchsia fleece and I wear it around the house in the evenings after I take a shower/bath and before I change into my jammies for bed.  Whatever it was, it wasn't a good look; more like something to wear over a swimsuit or after you get out of the nude sauna.  Is Steffy now switching to wearing white since she's no longer the "Sinful CEO?"

Ridge is so totally playing Quinn. If I wasn't convinced, I sure was after today's show and the "opposites attract" necklace.  She's such an idiot to fall for it and how convenient that Eric's heading off to Y&R for a few days. Maybe he should pull a Lee Majors and ask Ridge to look after his wife while he's away. We older folks remember how well that worked out.

Edited by grisgris
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28 minutes ago, grisgris said:

No.  I heard Thomas say the same words. Wonder what that was all about?  Speaking of, why was he being all pouty and butt-hurt about being passed over for the CEO position? He wasn't even around and he is even less qualified than Steffy is for the job.  He's never shown any interest in managerial type work. Props to whichever one referred to her as opportunistic. (I think she actually called herself that. Anyway, if the Jimmy Choo fits ... ) Also, did she also imply that she isn't moody? I thought she said "CEOs aren't moody." Ha! Ha!  Ask Ivy about that.  Or Hope. Or Aly.

Otherwise ...

My major question surrounds the outta-left-field mention (and montage) about Spectra Fashions.  My initial thought was that finally, the show was going to give Sally (and Darlene Conley) the proper long-deserved closure of having Sally die despite the best CPR efforts by a cabana boy.  This "Sally is away on a beach" story is older than Sally would be herself.  So maybe the B&B board patrol have been reading our ideas about bringing back House of Spectra under the leadership of of Rick and Thomas?? Sludge and ????  SOoooo... WHY???

My other question was why was Steffy wearing a onesie in the office? I am wearing a garment just like that only mine is fuchsia fleece and I wear it around the house in the evenings after I take a shower/bath and before I change into my jammies for bed.  Whatever it was, it wasn't a good look; more like something to wear over a swimsuit or after you get out of the nude sauna.  Is Steffy now switching to wearing white since she's no longer the "Sinful CEO?"

Ridge is so totally playing Quinn. If I wasn't convinced, I sure was after today's show and the "opposites attract" necklace.  She's such an idiot to fall for it and how convenient that Eric's heading off to Y&R for a few days. Maybe he should pull a Lee Majors and ask Ridge to look after his wife while he's away. We older folks remember how well that worked out.

Yeah, Lee Majors asking Ryan O'Neil to watch his wife (Farrah) probably wasn't the smartest thing Lee Majors ever did. Of course, they were friends so it wasn't totally surprising he'd ask. In the end, it was sort of tragic for all. Ryan & Farrah were a train wreck with a very troubled son. It almost sounds like a soap opera but it actually happened for real. 

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12 hours ago, grisgris said:

My major question surrounds the outta-left-field mention (and montage) about Spectra Fashions.  My initial thought was that finally, the show was going to give Sally (and Darlene Conley) the proper long-deserved closure of having Sally die despite the best CPR efforts by a cabana boy.  This "Sally is away on a beach" story is older than Sally would be herself.  So maybe the B&B board patrol have been reading our ideas about bringing back House of Spectra under the leadership of of Rick and Thomas?? Sludge and ????  SOoooo... WHY???

1) It's well beyond time to let Sally die peacefully by the pool with her four favorite cabana boys being her pallbearers at the funeral. In retrospect as I type this, seeing as Clarke was still around, Darla had yet to be sacrificed at the Alter of Jack Wagner's Overblown Ego and Salary and the actor playing CJ has dropped in on occasion since going off contract at the time Darlene Conley passed on, it would've been a nice, fun send-off to such a flamboyant character and the best idea Maria Arena Bell ever had in her entire career.

That's not a joke, BTW. She created Sally Spectra and according the the Wiki page, she was inspired by her father to make Sally so over the top. 

2)If TIIC are gonna bring Spectra Fashions back, I wish they'd do it right. Granted, it's always been a springboard for disgruntled Forresters to jump ship to until their baby tantrum subsided, but Sally was always the brains of the operation. They can recast CJ if need be, but this show needs a new blood infusion STAT.

3)It pisses me off beyond belief that they kill Aly off and THEN toy with bringing the company back. With her mother being such an important part, she is the one true Forrester with a right to be there. Just......??

For that matter, Sasha, having had enough of Zende's Liam Spencer game and being blamed for everything from spilled milk to global warming by the Avants, could've pulled up stakes and model for them. Maybe snag CJ or his equally cute brother Mark. Fuck feeding her Chicken and Waffles. ;)

4) Now I'm reminded about how sexy as fuck that young gigolo Clarke was back in the day. I'm been a Original Thorne fangirl from the time I saw him, but good god is he a *very* close second.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Somebody please slow my gushing tears; a vintage Sally clip? Not only that, but vintage Sally and Eric? Man, that was sweet. And Eric mentioning Specta's old warehouse being demolished? That is just too many anvils in one scene to go unnoticed and not be parsed out. So, let's see; Steffy gets the CEO spot while big brother is away. He comes home and feels left out and is whining and bellyaching that he should have been chosen. Does this mean that Thomas will jump ship? On paper maybe, but I can't see him being able to pull it off. Thomas is too flighty, has about zero experience, and has only just started being a real designer. He would have to have some help. Would that come from Rick? Rick managing, Thomas designing, and Maya modeling? I hope not. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my over active brain there is an ugly seed of possibility growing. Eric is going out of town. Ridge and Quinn just had there strange conversation about misfits and necklaces, and engaged in some hand porn, something Ridge seems to like a lot. I have a feeling that when Quinn goes home Ridge will be there and she will not be able to resist. The next morning Nosey Parker is out and about taking a walk, snooping, and sees Ridge leaving. Now, she knows Eric is out of town and she knows that Quinn has gone to bat for Ridge. When Eric comes home Nosey, who has been watching and waiting, beelines over to Eric's on the pretense of welcoming him home and mentions seeing Ridge leaving the mansion. Eric wonders why Quinn hadn't said anything about it and asks her and she is unable to hide her fear and quilt and Eric starts putting two and two together. He is so angry and hurt, and feels so betrayed by Ridge, that he fires him from the company and from Eric's life. He then turns his wrath on Quinn and does the same. Finding themselves unemployed they buy the old Spectra warehouse and open a new fashion house. Hateful? Absolutely. But still makes more sense thanThomas. Ridge does have experience and is a designer. Quinn has a lot of business experience and is also a designer. So where would that leave Eric, Katie and Brooke? 

I am wondering if Show read and took to heart our comments on that survey. I can only speak for myself; I put them on full blast about the ridiculous triangles and lack of fashion centric SLs. I told them I didn't mind triangles, this is soap land after all, but at least give the triangle some gravitas and depth, and let one couple stay together for more than five minutes before one of them goes off in a huff to find the other apex of the trio. But I was really nasty about the lack of a competing fashion house and the lack of fashion shows. I also mentioned that they need to focus on the core characters more and give the veterans some good SLs instead of being their kids talking heads. So, maybe just maybe........

9 hours ago, grisgris said:

Also, did she also imply that she isn't moody? I thought she said "CEOs aren't moody."

Actually she said "Designers can be temperamental, CEO's can't", which makes absolutely no sense. Maybe she has forgotten Rick's reign? And the many times her dad has held the position. Eric also. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Does this mean that Thomas will jump ship? On paper maybe, but I can't see him being able to pull it off. Thomas is too flighty, has about zero experience, and has only just started being a real designer. He would have to have some help.

Not to nitpick, but his designing is one of the very few things to be consistent with his character. As a teen, he was adamant about wanting to design for the company. He ended up at Spectra after Taylor called immigration on his then wife Gabby, IIRC.

3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I am wondering if Show read and took to heart our comments on that survey. I can only speak for myself; I put them on full blast about the ridiculous triangles and lack of fashion centric SLs. I told them I didn't mind triangles, this is soap land after all, but at least give the triangle some gravitas and depth, and let one couple stay together for more than five minutes before one of them goes off in a huff to find the other apex of the trio. But I was really nasty about the lack of a competing fashion house and the lack of fashion shows. I also mentioned that they need to focus on the core characters more and give the veterans some good SLs instead of being their kids talking heads. So, maybe just maybe........

Me, too. The recent comments about Liam the waffle getting written into the show was a huge tell. I'm sure I used the term in my survey.

But yeah, the in-fighting over FC is more incestuous than the show's pairing possibilities. At this point, I'd even accept a resurgence of a Jackie M. Spectra existed to be another contrast to the Forresters, who had an established presence in the fashion world. That distinction between The haves and have-nots has gotten lost to the winds as Brooke's family was written out and the Spectras moved up but it's time for characters to have some ambition and goals again....and I don't mean starting foundations when your ladies have moved on to a far better man than you can hope to be, Liam.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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17 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Not to nitpick, but his designing is one of the very few things to be consistent with his character. As a teen, he was adamant about wanting to design for the company. He ended up at Spectra after Taylor called immigration on his then wife Gabby, IIRC.

Yes, I remember this well Anna Yolei. But I have always felt that Thomas was just playing at being a designer, but after returning this time he seems more focused. I just don't see him as leadership material. Particularly if he continues to dress in plum colored, ill fitting suits. He and Steffy looked like an overripe grape and a parsnip yesterday. 

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God, I miss Sally Spectra.  She just ate up the scenery and was one who could really act her way out of a paper bag.  Gone too soon.

I can't help but get the feeling that Ridge really is getting the big pants for Quinn. And CountryGirl you are so right with the photography.  Why are they using such bad camera angles and bouncy movement?  It's not like we're watching the original version of Phantom of the Opera from the 1930's.  And why, after all these years, is Katie hanging out with Eric so much?  I'm sorry, but if they put Katie with him, a man who could be her grandpa, I'm gonna puke.  Donna Honey Bear was bad enough, but for Eric to pootie scratch all three Logan sisters is not right.  

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Katie, get a job, get a life, find your own man.

Thomas, what happened between you and Caroline in NY? That came out of the blue as a throw away line and then, nothing? And in no way have you earned the job of CEO of FC. What are your qualifications? You're never even there! Not that your sister is qualified in any way but at least she shows up to the office so Liam can rush in and talk forever about Quinn. This guy is just too weird for me. And a rapist. Oh, yeah. The writers just screwed that up, didn't they? 

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Katie, get a job, get a life, find your own man.

Thomas, what happened between you and Caroline in NY? That came out of the blue as a throw away line and then, nothing? And in no way have you earned the job of CEO of FC. What are your qualifications? You're never even there! Not that your sister is qualified in any way but at least she shows up to the office so Liam can rush in and talk forever about Quinn. This guy is just too weird for me. And a rapist. Oh, yeah. The writers just screwed that up, didn't they? 

Thomas cracked me up with the whole "I'm Dad's first-born son," like that gave him business skills. WTF has he ever run? Steffy was president of the company and has shown prowess and acumen in the past. And hasn't she always worked on the business side? Thomas is an entitled brat.

This slow burn between Ridge and Quinn is going to end in tears. I hope RJ gets so mad at his father that he hightails it back to his European boarding school STAT. Cannot stand that kid and his interfering ways. Brooke deserves to experience some heartbreak for giving up a man she loves who without a doubt loves her to satisfy the yearnings of a petulant teenager who never or barely lived with his parents together ever. Maybe two tears will stream down her face.

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3 minutes ago, politichick said:

Brooke deserves to experience some heartbreak for giving up a man she loves who without a doubt loves her to satisfy the yearnings of a petulant teenager who never or barely lived with his parents together ever. Maybe two tears will stream down her face.


But if she hasn't learned this lesson by now after all the other men in her life who have never had divided loyalties and all the other shit Ridge has done with or without Stephanie, she never will. :(

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What are you doing to me here, show?  I eat lunch when you're on!  

Am I the only one who snarked "is that Hope's old ring" during the "romantic" proposal scene today?  

Don't do it, Quinn.  Don't fall for this shit.  And the cherry on the shit sundae was damn Katie barging in like she owns the place, all "am I interrupting something?"  Well, isn't that what you were hoping when you just decided to walk into someone else's house?  And you don't even come bearing the pathetic excuse of some little doo dad you just happened to "find" that belongs to Eric this time.  And, of course, now that Katie is going to be like a dog with a bone about there being something up with Ridge and Quinn (because we all know she will be), does anyone think that she'll spare a thought as to how this could all affect her sister?  Is she going to plan another little party where she can drop the bomb about her Quinn/Ridge suspicions in a way that is the most devastating to Eric and Brooke?  

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Just now, RuntheTable said:

Indeed tricknasty! What the fuck is that shit? Was that part of the show today? Oh, that looks funny as hell. Now I can't wait to get home and watch. 

That happened on today's episode and then


nosy ass Katie walked in


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How can Eric go flying off to Genoa City, when he told Quinn a few days ago he couldn't go on the business trip with her Ridge because he wasn't cleared to fly? I guess he suddenly got clearance.

where is Katie's child when she is sauntering over to Eric's house every five minutes?

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Pam and Katie colluding in the kitchen. Who would have thunk it?  But, instead of a cauldron, there were baking dishes. "Double double toil and trouble."  Fire burn and lemon bars bubble. As far as I'm concerned, Pam can stick those lemon bars where the sun don't shine and Katie can go back to the bottle of the day club. Hey Pam, where's the kitty litter, I have to drop a deuce.  For Katie is the  black cat; the symbol of bad luck and the harbinger of misfortune and death. I think I will call her Grizabella from now on. 

Steffy's engagement ring is as fuggly as the one Bill gave Brooke. Never boring!  I couldn't stop laughing.  

Yes you did Katie, now go fuck yourself and crawl back to the one bedroom bungalow posing as a mansion.  I'm on Katie's case because I'm sick and tired of her condescending judgmental bitch face which I find more annoying than Brooke's squint. Plus Katie goes out of her way to meddle in other people's business where Brooke just gets caught up in it. 

Is it a red herring that Hope's name has been mentioned more times in a week than over the past year?  Or is there going to be a another triangle reboot?  

Wyatt has more class in his hurt ring finger than Liam has in his entire body. 

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If there are two people on earth who should take a break from getting married, it's Liam and Fauxdiloks.  Even the late great Elizabeth Taylor would say 'gee, you two get married a lot' to this pathetic pair.  I know this is a soap opera (not just a soap opera but THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL) but someone could suggest that these two try to figure out just why they can't seem to make it work for more than a couple of months at a time. 

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