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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, Nanu160 said:

Brooke is Eric's Best Friend

Brooke is no one's friend, least of all Eric's; she was in on the conspiracy to disenfranchise him of control of Forrester Creations after he married Quinn and knew Ridge was going to ruin the fashion show. Sorry, friends don't treat their friends like that, though son's do that to their father.

Brooke already knew why Ridge was out of the running for CEO, but she went to Eric to squeeze him for why he didn't choose Rick as CEO and try to convince him otherwise. I was glad Eric pointed out he had worked under Ridge and Brooke when they were just getting started.

The only time Brooke talks to Eric is because she wants something or it's a holiday.

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9 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Quinn can take Katie, but I don't see her taking on Brooke and escaping unscathed.

Quinn already issued threats to Brooke back when Brooke was drinking & out of the blue became interested in Deacon.  Brooke did hold her own just fine, but I don't see Quinn getting upset about Brooke now, mainly because she's back with Rumple; Katie is ruffling Quinn's feathers because she's single.

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Recap for Mon. 12/12:

At the Forrester mansion, we see Quinn standing there in the foyer, still envisioning that she's murdered Katie, but alas, Lemonheads is alive and well. Quinn snaps out of it when Katie calls out to her. When Quinn asks what Katie is doing there, Katie is all casual, talking about how she just came by to say hello to Eric. Well, it was a lot more than hello from my POV and Quinn's.

She tells Quinn she's heading out and then invites her to come over and check out what she's done to her new house. She tells her the view is "to die for" as Quinn fixates on the candlestick.

At FC, Rick fills Brooke in on Eric offering the CEO position to Steffy and says he deserves the chance to be CEO again. It's the same old song and dance about Eric not being in his right mind and essentially, Quinn's puppet. 

Brooke is pissed that it appears to be all Quinn's idea and doesn't understand what Quinn's goal is. 

Rick tells her he thinks it's all about reuniting Steffy and Wyatt and that Eric just goes along with whatever Quinn wants and with that kind of set up, Brooke is in full mama bear mode and storms off to confront Eric (again with the storming off on this show), not even seeing Nicole as she walks into the office, still in the same lacey romper she was wearing last we saw her (at least it looked that way to me).

Eric is happy to see Brooke and remarks that it's been a while. He also lets her know that he knows her good news, that she and Ridge are back together (well, I'm glad you think it's good news, Eric, you might be the only one).

They chat about how happy RJ is and how they're keeping it low-key for now with everything going on. 

But Eric makes it clear that despite their reunion, he and Ridge are "not good right now." I wish he would tell Brooke how Ridge essentially reunited with Brooke as another angle to work towards regaining CEO but Eric's above that.

But he tells her how good she is for Ridge (too bad it's not a two-way street). 

Brooke: "I appreciate your support. I really do."

Eric: "Good."

Brooke: "I just wish you showed a little more of that support for Rick." And I'm willing to hear Brooke out (which is not to say I don't think mothers should let their grown sons fight their own battles). 

Brooke makes a case for Rick, reminding him how exceptional he was as CEO, how he's run International, how he's far more qualified (and I agree with her) and that Eric just passed him right over for Steffy.

Eric: "And you want to know why."

Brooke: "No. I know why. Rick told me. And he's very upset about it. So am I."

Nicole and Rick chat about Quinn and honestly, what is the point of this? And where is his ultimate sounding board, Maya? I can't wait to see her cracked face when she learns about Rick being passed over.

Katie is showing Quinn around her new home and it's all very pleasant for a few minutes and I have to say, how refreshing it would have been for Quinn and Katie to become allies and friends instead of having a stereotypical sexist cat fight over Eric. Because I don't really think Katie is after Eric, but she'll play along to screw with Quinn (which is almost worse in some ways).

But then Quinn decides to confront Katie (yet again) by telling her she saw what she did, Katie kissing her husband, and while the quick peck on the check was perfectly appropriate, that kiss just shy of his lips, the one that lingered for a few seconds...nope, not okay in my book.

Katie chalks it up to being a little peck on the cheek and points out that she and Eric have a friendship. A friendship that needs to take a backseat if Quinn is uncomfortable with it. Quinn questions her about her motivation and how she finds it hard to believe all the visits, etc., are just a "coincidence."

Katie insists she's "sorry" if Quinn found the kiss to be inappropriate and I don't believe her for one nanosecond.

Quinn: "So you're here by yourself. You must feel so alone." Okay, she is starting to sound a little unhinged here.

Katie: "Are you trying to make me feel uneasy? Because that sounds a little bit like a threat." A little bit? But I do have to wonder, how many warnings is it going to take and why is this a bone Katie doesn't seem to want to let go of?

But we all know Katie has zero boundaries (remember Ridge's doctor?). 

Eric and Brooke are still chatting about Rick's disappointment. Brooke fears Steffy's appointment as CEO will only cause more tension.

Brooke: "Rick is going to be answering to somebody way less qualified than he is. And Ridge is gonna be taking orders from his daughter."

Eric: Well, that's gonna take some getting used to, isn't it? (Notice he doesn't argue that Rick is far more qualified). But it can be done. I worked under my sons for many years, and I recall once upon a time that I actually had to answer to you. You were giving me orders. It's not a punishment, Brooke. Forrester is a family business. We all have a stake in its success, and it's all our responsibility to get it done."

Eric insists everything will be fine and Brooke backs off and they then move on to discuss how proud they are of Katie - for what, exactly? Managing to walk and chew gum at the same time?

Brooke tells Eric that Katie deserves to be happy and I'm sure Katie feels the same about you, Brooke.

Eric: "Well, happiness is what she's working on, isn't it? She has a beautiful new permanent home and a wonderful school for her son."

Brooke: "And she has the best next-door neighbor ever."

Eric: "Thank you for that." And see, these two have always been close and always will be, IMO. 

Katie asks Quinn if she's trying to make her feel uncomfortable. Well, I think Katie should have the good sense to look back at her actions and feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. While I agree Eric own's the lion's share of ensuring his wife knows she is his number one priority, Katie is well-aware how Quinn feels about her spending time - alone - with her husband and yet she continues to overstep. 

Katie tells Quinn that she's sorry if she overstepped. If??? And again, I don't sense that she's sorry at all. 

Quinn tells her how disappointed she is in her: "I told you how much I admired you, and I was hoping  that we could, you know, be friendly. You said that you would respect my home, but as soon as you moved in here, you went over there to spend time alone with my husband. I'm just wondering what else is going on."

She questions whether now that Eric isn't taking advice from his own family if Katie decided to throw her hat in the ring and give him "just a little kiss on the cheek to soften him up."

Katie: "Oh, my god. You have this so wrong, okay? It meant nothing. And it certainly wasn't a come-on or a manipulation. I don't really know what more you want me to say." 

Quinn: "I want you to say... that you understand. You know, I'm trying to support my husband, and if it looks like I'm being overprotective, well, I am. Eric's family has put him through the wringer, and I won't let that happen again. And if it looks like I'm overreacting, well, maybe this seems crazy to you. You know, 'Crazy Quinn' -- that's what your whole family calls me. You don't have to worry... 'cause if I ever have those urges again... I know how to handle them... because I'm not that person anymore. I am very grateful... for the life I have now, for the love I have with Eric... the commitment that we made to each other. I'm not gonna jeopardize that for anyone. Have I made myself clear? Katie?"

Katie: "Yes, Quinn. You've made yourself perfectly clear." And I think Katie is going to make it her mission to stir the pot and drive a wedge just because she can.

All in all, a pretty ho-hum episode after the fireworks of last week.

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Eric was right about having to answer to others. Brooke didn't care about family when she was kicking them out of their own company. It was Steffy who got the company back to begin with. With that REST deal.

I kind of see Quinn's reaction. Why is Katie dropping over and kissing a married man like that on the cheek? 

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A quick question for you all.  I was watching clips online and came across one of those extended B&B scenes from yesterday. (2 boring minutes of Nicole and Rick, which I thought was an odd choice.) How often do they put up extended scenes?  I remember someone used to post them here but it's been quite a long time and I guess I thought they didn't do them anymore. 

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Slight correction:  Rick's reign as CEO was "successful" because he deliberately over-priced Ridge's designs, hoping the line would fail miserably.  He was sure the exaggerated prices would sink Ridge.  Instead, the line sold like gangbusters.  Rick was completely surprised by, and unprepared for, that success.  He's like the Donald Trump of fashion CEOs.

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Liam giving Steffy a smoothie, for breakfast, is par for the course. Did he pack her a Tofu lunch?  The only time Liam should open his mouth is to change feet. He's doing more to bring Wyatt and Steffy back together than Quinn. Waffling and hissy fits are his biggest assets. But his hissy fits are not quite in the same league as with Ridge and Rick.  Ridge and Rick; but we apologize is a day late and a dollar short. 

Once again Pam has no business being in this meeting.  I don't care if she makes lemon bars. That doesn't give her a pass. Pam should just keep a lemon bar stuffed in her mouth. 

Wyatt has proven he's plenty capable of being the head of public relations.  Rick, you fucking idiot, Wyatt doesn't look like executive material while your standing next to Raggedy Andy.  To me, Rick, you look like a metrosexual momma's boy.  Eric has the only truly executive look.  

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3 hours ago, Artsda said:

Eric was right about having to answer to others. Brooke didn't care about family when she was kicking them out of their own company. It was Steffy who got the company back to begin with. With that REST deal.

I kind of see Quinn's reaction. Why is Katie dropping over and kissing a married man like that on the cheek? 

Agreed on both accounts. Brooke is hands down the best things that happened to FC but she's in no position to throw stones from that glass house.

And count me as someone that does not think a single woman has any business chilling with a married man alone.i don't care if he's Billy from the Block and you grew up together, it gets cleared by the wife first. And given her history, Quinn has every right to be suspicious.

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Since I saw nothing bold nor beautiful about today's show, a few suggestions for new titles:

The Whiny and the Entitled

The Ridiculous and the Idiotic

The Amazing Steffy is Awesome (and Not At All Vomit-Inducing) Super-Funtime Show

The Neverending Triangles of Doom Show

The How Can the Actors Say This Shit With a Straight Face Show

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14 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

My highlight was "You get to keep your jobs." Oh, snap! Eric for the win! :-)

That goes double for Pam, Zende, Maya, Charlie and Thomas too. Ridge and Rick are the worst of the bitchy, duplicitous has-beens begging to hang on to jobs created and graced on them by Eric's hard work.

I laughed when Liam was trying to talk Steffy into starting Spencer Fashions ... Really? You think Steffy wants an opportunity to start at zero when she can be CEO of an already established business. Neither of them are creative, have never had to start from the bottom of any career ladder or made anything from scratch, don't have enough money between them to start a manufacturing business (Don't count on $Bill for the dosh; if it isn't his idea, it ain't gonna happen and dressmaking isn't his idea of a legitimate business), Ridge isn't going to give up his "time" and cozy venue at FC for showing off his schmatta when he can be easily replaced at FC.

Liam is a thorough moron if he thinks he can talk Steffy's prodigious ego out of choosing to be CEO of Forrester Creations.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Well that was a show chock full of WTF moments.

There was something off with Bill and Wyatt’s conversation. Bill’s demeanor and relationship has always been different with Wyatt, but Bill seemed almost antagonistic. Call me stupid, naïve, or just an idiot, but I am growing tired of Wyatt being beat up about supporting his mother. Everyone else is entitled to feel the way they do about her, so why can’t Wyatt? He is her son, he should support and love his mother, no matter how wack she is. But this ish with folks throwing shade on him for it is just wrong. This is the show where everyone supports their mothers, does their bidding, and forgives them. Ridge dealt with Stephanie, Rick with Brooke, and Bill with whoever. So everyone can just shut up about Wyatt’s devotion to his mother.

Liam my man! Just forget the shovel and go get a backhoe, cause every time you open your mouth you dig yourself in deeper. And seriously? Telling Steffy to leave FCs and to come work at SP’s? When did Bill die and leave you in charge? Come to think about it, you aren’t even working there anymore right? But you feel you can offer folks positions there? Steffy’s business acumen is limited to begin with, and it all revolves around “dress making” something your dad doesn’t think too highly of. Even so, I am sure Bill would take Steffy on, if for nothing else to just fantasize about tapping that. So, when this brilliant idea falls flat, you pull out the really big guns, and start talking about starting something new. Is this gonna be on Bill’s dime? You better go check with him first. That is unless you think you and Steffy can come up with the funds it would take to start a new fashion house. Steffy didn’t seem to thrilled about any of your ideas attempted manipulations though, as she sailed right on over to FC’s without a backward glance at you.

Then we get Liam and Bill commiserating over Scotch about Wyatt and Steffy being Quinn’s endgame. I noticed Liam didn’t broach any of his earlier ideas to dear old dad.

And the Forrester’s are lining up as if they are sheep going to slaughter cause there is a new CEO in the house. Oh, my dear God, how sweet were those scenes. Rick really needs to learn how to read………well everything. I don’t think it was the proper time to start ragging on Wyatt, who is Eric’s new favorite. He might have made you President and Ridge Vice President if you had kept your chops closed. But nooooooooo, Rick wasn’t able to do that, so now he and Ridge “get to keep their jobs.” I must have rewound and rewatched that at least ten times. Watching Rick and Ridge’s dual face cracking was so momentous for me it was nearly cathartic. Eric is really responsible for these two; he and Brooke for Rick and he and Stephanie for Ridge. They created these monsters, so maybe Eric is a little late coming with the tough love, but man, it was just so damn good. Could this be the thing that actually heals Ridge and Rick? Swearing allegiance to each other over a common enemy? If so, I will be interested to see them acting like brothers with brains. Who knows, it might be the best thing that has ever happened to them. Poor Brooke, I feel for her right now. She will have Ridge whining all night and Rick whining all day.

Why was Pam at this meeting? I so miss the old days when only the proper people were allowed to attend board meetings. And why were there refreshments? I don’t think anyone but Quinn and Wyatt felt like celebrating. And maybe Steffy.

Regarding Monday’s show:

What the hell is Katie’s angle here? Is she doing this to piss Quinn off just because she can? I’m in the camp that Katie is in the wrong. I know Eric has left that open door policy with her, but Quinn has also expressed her desire for Katie to not be spending time alone with Eric. I would be less annoyed about this if I had actually seen this close friendship Eric and Katie have had. As a from day one viewer, I can’t remember them interacting much outside of things regarding Brooke and when Katie was with Ridge. But now I am expected to believe these two have been courting this lifelong friendship? Humbug! And I don’t believe Katie wants Eric; I think she just wants to irritate Quinn. Such a bitch.

People can also shut up about Quinn “playing matchmaker.” Morons need to remember that Steffy and Wyatt are still married. They are not dating, or romancing, or friends with benefits. They are fucking husband and wife. How do you matchmake a married couple? Liam is acting like he took the vows with Steffy on that beach. Go Wyatt. I really wanted you to notice Sasha, but you are the only one who makes Steffy tolerable. And if it means sticking Liam up the ass? Well, that is just a bonus.

I  am pissed that Quinn's understandable distrust of Katie means she is reverting to crazy. Any other wife expressing concern about a young woman hanging with her husband would be seen as perfectly reasonable. But Quinn's reaction is being coaxed in darkness and is being portrayed as sinister. Outside of the "other woman" factor, Quinn is also suspicious that Katie is working for the enemy. But that will be seen as just more craziness. Those scenes with HT and RS though? Pure awesomeness. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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39 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Could this be the thing that actually heals Ridge and Rick? Swearing allegiance to each other over a common enemy? If so, I will be interested to see them acting like brothers with brains. Who knows, it might be the best thing that has ever happened to them.

Didn't they kinda already do that when it came out about Queric? 

But OMG I might actually see this episode to see this. I've had enough of their pissing contests that have been going on over ten years now going back to Gorrillick. And while Rick doesn't have the long rap sheet that Sludge has, he's pulled some truly heinous backstabbing shit too. And unlike Ridge, Rick's got a whole trail of collateral damage (ie, Steffy, selling designs to Jackie M with embarrassed Eric and the whole of FC).

But as obnoxious as their sense of entitlement is, we've been shown exactly why that is and how Ridge especially has become the way he has. I don't get how Liam, who was a regular guy and has worked outside of his newly discovered family business for a significant part of his adult life has become one of the worst trust fund babies on the show. Does he not know Bill? The guy shut down Wyatt's whiny bullshit when he demanded to move into the house Liam lives in and deep sixed his and Ivy's fashion house idea LAST BLOODY YEAR. Oh, and he told Liam to kick rocks with that foundation idea unless he wanted to use his own income for it.

For everything else that can be said of Bill favoring Liam, he's been pretty consistent in not funding every one of his sons' pet projects and making them work for something. Well, Liam doesn't work ATM, but I don't see him bankrolling as fashion house in any event, not even for the spank bank factor of working with Steffy.

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OMG! A pair of four year olds couldn't have been brattier than Ridgey and Ricky! Someone hand them their sippy cups and put them down for a nap. And STFU Pam! Eric's wife and stepson are family. They are as much family as Rick's wife and sister-in-law. Pam shouldn't have been in that meeting in the first place.

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I can actually understand why Rick is pissed.  There's literally no difference between what he did and what Steffy did (she even assaulted Quinn), yet Eric is insistent that he cannot be trusted.  Despite all evidence to the contrary, Steffy somehow can be trusted and is the CEO now, while he's a VP answering to Quinn.  Ridge is a piece of crap who couldn't even pretend to be sorry about his actions and how they affected Eric, Quinn, and the company.  I don't get lumping Rick in with him since Rick was actually remorseful.  Rick shooting up the office is a better excuse for not making him CEO than the one currently being given.

I really wish Rick would stop whining though.  I would love for him to quit the company, buy the Spectre name, and start stealing designs like the good ol' days.

Edited by nasir jones
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I think a large part of Rick's entitlement is that he is Eric Forrester, Jr.  Even though he's the 3rd son ( 2nd biological son) he's Eric's namesake and the namesake is usually first in line to run the family company. So by virtue of name alone Rick thinks he's entitled to leapfrog over Ridge and Thorne.  Although everyone leapfrogs over Thorne.

I'm somewhat surprised Rick hasn't brought up that Steffy isn't a Forrester by blood, but an evil Marrone by way of Ridge. I think he will eventually.

I've always thought the Eric/Massimo WTD story would have been that must better if Ridge was Eric Jr.  Not only would there have been the "I'm not a Forrester' drama, but the added angst of, 'I have no right to my name'.

Pam, take a seat and STFU for now.  You are only "family" because you're Stephanie's sister. Not saying you're not part of the extended family, but you don't get a voice in who Eric appoints to the Executive team. His company. His decision. His rules.

Had to smile at Eric telling the Office Call Dr. that Steffy was unable to keep her tattoo removal appt.  Quinn isn't the only one who can play "matchmaker".

And one tiny rant -- people please -- enough with the "matchmaker".  Matchmaker is when you get 2 unmarried people together.  Wyatt and Steffy are **married**.  A small fact Liam likes to ignore.  Quinn hopes to "reunite" the couple.  Loved that Bill reminded Liam there is a big difference between getting a divorce and a divorce is final.  Lately several people have been reminding Liam that Wyatt and Steffy are still hitched, so I'd say the anvils are falling.

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I'll give the show this: lately people are actually being consistent to their personalities and history. As annoying as Liam is, I'm fine with him being near-hysterical about Quinn, he's earned it. And her fighting her instincts works too. Much better than just pretending it never happened (Thomas). 

And, of course, Rick and Ridge are being petulant. Although, their shock is a little silly. Eric tosses control of the company around like lemon bars. Whoever happens to be pleasing him at the moment gets to be in charge. Wait five minutes, he'll change his mind, boys. 

I still wish they'd made JMW take an acting class before giving her such a big storyline because it's really painful to watch her blink acting. 

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Wyatt couldn't have said it better putting the ingrates on blast. Steffy, the only votes of confidence are coming from Wyatt, Quinn, and Eric. Shouldn't that tell you something. Pam, eat lemon bars and die.  I find her to be very inappropriate especially sitting on the CEO's desk with her skanky ass.  She gets more on my nerves than Rick or Ridge but not as much as Liam.  Liam should not be paid for his work the last couple of weeks because he hasn't had any additional lines to remember. He just shows up and bitches to anyone and everyone within ear shot.  I'm going to be a Liam right now and repeat myself. Wyatt supports Steffy whole heartedly while Liam thinks he's more important than her. Quinn is just an excuse for his insecurity.  In fact, the rest of the ingrates can't accept the consequences for their actions either. They all think like they are Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

I'm going to be a Liam right now and repeat myself. Wyatt supports Steffy whole heartedly while Liam thinks he's more important than her.

God knows why he thinks that, or why he thinks he's owed a damn thing from her or any of the women he's fucked over. Yes, I'm repeating myself too, because seriously. This whole chain of events with Wyatt began because when Steffy heard Waffles took off to Sydney with Ivy, she jumped to the conclusion that he was gone for good with her...and who wouldn't, given all the shit with Hope? Hell, she actually *calls* her first when no one could figure out what happened to him. That speaks more volumes than the Encyclopedia Britannica, read Z to A, in Esperanto.

In any event, regardless of Steffy's....*cough* shortcomings as a human being, I don't blame her one bit for choosing her career over him. She'll still have a place at FC a year from now. Who knows how many times they'll have broken up by then. They are a less rapey Brooke/Ridge.

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Although I have no idea and no evidence that Steffy is in any way qualified to be the CEO of a multinational corporation (HA!), just to say something nice for a change, her makeup looked much better today. Hair-ick. Clothes-Ick. Well, at least I said one thing nice about her. It would be more believable if one woman on one of the few remaining soaps would dress like the professionals they're supposed to be. 

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My favorite, favorite things from the last few days came from Rick:

Monday (maybe Tuesday, my week is all screwed up)-Rick saying Wyatt can't be an executive because, well, just look at him, he doesn't look like an executive...as he is standing next to Rumple wearing a suit that looked like he slept in it.

Yesterday-Rick saying "But Daaaaaaaaad!!!!"  Geez, he could give Lizzie a run for her money in the whining department!  Maybe he can borrow her pacifier and blankie while he's at it.

Edited by ByTor
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Wyatt and Steffy have no chemistry. She looked pained the entire time during their marriage. Not to mention she was thinking about the waffle during post-coital bliss. I'm pretty sure they'll get back together and probably even renew their vows before May sweeps. I'm trying to understand why the CEO needs to be out there and in the limelight with the help of a head of PR. This inane foolishness makes no sense. I don't see Fortune 500 CEOs plastered on social media. Even in major fashion houses, you'll notice that you don't see the CEO, CFO, or any executive team members all over IG and Snapchat. They have teams who run their social media, and you might catch a glimpse of them during an event.

Who was doing their PR before? I remember it was such a big to do when Thomas was revealed as the father of Caroline's baby, and Eric was afraid of scandal. Seriously, what experience does she have running a multinational corporation? She couldn't even show up to be the President. As much as I like Quinn, being named President is just as silly. One hit wonder fashion show and suddenly she's executive team ready. Welp, her being at the office leaves an opening for Katie to slide in and keep him company.

I have to question Eric's decisions. Steffy was right there plotting with Ridge and begging and pleading with Wyatt and Carter to keep quiet about the POA. If she's that easily swayed and under Ridge's thumb, WTF is she doing running a company? Yet, somehow Eric can overlook her part because she was following after Ridge. The hell? I get the feeling she'll be CEO in name only. It shows just by him appointing the executive team. As the majority shareholder, yeah, you have a say, but if you're putting your entire trust and faith in this newly appointed person, maybe they should have some say in who works beside and with them to bring the company into the future.

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That's a good point, actually. Steffy was just as adamant about this a Ridge. Now, she's shown actual remorse when he was thought to be dying, and that's way more than Ridge had going for him, but how does he trust that Rumple won't be trying to pull her strings? Ivy would've been a logical choice here.

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I have to question Eric's decisions. Steffy was right there plotting with Ridge and begging and pleading with Wyatt and Carter to keep quiet about the POA. If she's that easily swayed and under Ridge's thumb, WTF is she doing running a company? Yet, somehow Eric can overlook her part because she was following after Ridge. The hell?

Exactly! I don't get how Eric is forgetting Steffy was more a ring leader than Rick. Rick was the follower, Steffy was Queen lead in charge of the get rid of Quinn plans. She was dictating ultimatums even, Rick was not part of any of this.

I did like Wyatt standing up for Steffy, he has a back bone and so much better than his brother. Who just paced and whined all episode in his daddy's office. Does Liam work anymore?

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21 hours ago, nasir jones said:

I can actually understand why Rick is pissed.  There's literally no difference between what he did and what Steffy did (she even assaulted Quinn), yet Eric is insistent that he cannot be trusted.  Despite all evidence to the contrary, Steffy somehow can be trusted and is the CEO now, while he's a VP answering to Quinn.  

Because, didn't you hear?  Steffy is the great unifier and is, in fact, the ONLY ONE who can bring this family back together!  *eyeroll*

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12 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Exactly! I don't get how Eric is forgetting Steffy was more a ring leader than Rick. Rick was the follower, Steffy was Queen lead in charge of the get rid of Quinn plans. She was dictating ultimatums even, Rick was not part of any of this.

I did like Wyatt standing up for Steffy, he has a back bone and so much better than his brother. Who just paced and whined all episode in his daddy's office. Does Liam work anymore?

He quit FC after their break up and left Spencer over Daddy supporting Wyatt's marriage Brill, so.....no.

But then, it's not like anyone does work at their jobs either.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Poor Maya, having to raise two babies at once.

At least Lizzie will grow up ten years from now.

If Lizzie was on Y&R, she would be old enough to date RJ in a year.

As a PR exec, Wyatt would be incharge of all things to do with keeping FC favorable in the public eye as to press releases, social media, client relations, etc. and not just Steffy or HFTF as he's done in the past. 

The only true chemistry that Steffy could have would be with Pinocchio. Liam is a close second because, instead of strings, he has a stick up his ass. 

Eric probably forgives Steffy more because he feels less betrayed by her. I also think, that he views Ridge and Rick as a personal failure.  

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12 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

OMG! Eric is killing it lately! The way he handled that pathetic punk Waffles was straight out awesome!

Eric cracked his face so hard I almost felt sorry for Waffles. Let me stop lying. I laughed and laughed. Excuse me while I go watch it again

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Liam looked like he wanted to crash the meeting. He probably wanted to get his buck and a quarter in because his 2 cents wouldn't do.  Why in the world would they invite you to the meeting?  Your not family. Your just shacking up with his married granddaughter. Yes Liam, it is about sending a message to you. Yeah right. Did you really think that barging in on Eric and acting irate was a good idea?  This segment was brought to you by Craftsman because Liam is a lifetime guaranteed tool.  

I was guessing that Liam was going to blow it with Steffy until we got Wyatt and Nicole today. Nicole, taking a picture, today, without someone's permission is the rule and not the exception.  Nicole, I think that you have taken more exception to Maya posting a blow by blow description of you being inseminated by a turkey baster. 

Eric and Quinn are so natural together. It shows how good JC and RS are with really stupid dialog. 

Lastly Eric hit the nail on the head with "I'm just sorry you are a man incapable of happiness for himself and really why would I want that for my granddaughter"?  

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Recap for Tues. 12/13:

Liam makes Steffy a smoothie for the drive into work (in a glass glass, no less, hardly a potable option). He is oh-so-subtle as he says it "helps you make good decisions."

He continues to work on her while you can see she's about ready to chew through the drywall. She insists that while she's not comfortable with Quinn's involvement, she's thinking about her grandfather and that he wants her to run FC.

Liam warns her not to underestimate Quinn. We get it, Liam, and I think that Steffy, who knocked Quinn to the ground, can hold her own.

Quinn admires Eric outside the CEO office, who is looking very silver fox in his sharp new suit. He laughs about being able to "goof off" and I have to say, it's so nice to see him relaxed and enjoying life.

Rick and Ridge, looking like two little brats who should have been sent to the time out corner, permanently, are doing what they do best - whining.

They both rag on Steffy not being CEO material and while I can't disagree that Rick is more qualified (Ridge would be, except he cannot be trusted), the fact that both create division is reason enough not to choose them. Eric knows good and well they aren't willing to let bygones be bygones, take the high road, and do what's best for the company and Steffy seems to be willing to put her own nonsense aside.

Wyatt and Bill are catching up and Bill fills him on Ridge brainwashing Brooke. He gives GarBridge Reunion #666 two weeks. About right, I'd say.

Wyatt gets a text from Eric, summoning him to FC. 

Wyatt tells Bill that Steffy's been offered the CEO position and Bill quickly zeroes in on Quinn's ulterior motive (reuniting Wyatt and Steffy). But a million thank yous to everyone who has astutely pointed out that it's NOT matchmaking when the couple is STILL MARRIED!

Quinn is happy to see Eric including Wyatt in the meeting, smiling when Eric reminds her he's "family now."

She and Eric have a nice moment before they walk into the lion's den and he tells her "The only reason I'm standing here right now is because of you. The wonderful care and attention you gave me. I only wish that they could all see it -- the whole family. Especially Steffy. Come on."

OMG, Liam is STILL hassling Steffy about Quinn and get this, he comes up with this ridiculous idea that she can leave FC and start up a BRAND-NEW FASHION HOUSE at Spencer Publications. Because that'll happen overnight. Andplusalso, Liam, do you ever even WORK? Bill has shown a lot more restraint than I because son or no, I would have fired him a long time ago.

I'm impressed that Steffy restrains herself from laughing in his beady-eyed little face. 

He tells her he'd be willing to do anything to keep her away from Quinn and she is clearly over it and tells him that she's gonna be late and all but flees the beach house.

Bill warns Wyatt against getting his hopes up and funny how he's back on Liam's side where Steffy is concerned. I do think Bill is (mostly) balanced towards his sons these days, after a lot of favortism toward Liam but again, Wyatt is still married to Steffy. 

I love how Wyatt calls him out about why should he have to move on from his still-alive marriage to Steffy when Bill is clearly not giving up on Brooke. But it's $ Bill, so of course, he's going to call the situations apples to oranges.

Wyatt, exasperated that Bill is only seeing Liam's side in this, tells him that they'll just see how it all plays out. "Good talk. Thank you." Love sarcastic Wyatt.

In the CEO's office, Pam is gushing over Eric's return. ITA that she has zero business being there. Go bake some lemon bars and fuck off, Pam!

Rick gives Eric one last plug to return as CEO in his own right, then even offers to share responsibilities with Ridge. Funny how they get along so well when they want to.

Eric is having none of it and is thrilled to see Steffy, who likes quite professional, walk through the door. Love her understated makeup but the hair? Ick. She looks excited yet scared all at the same time. I'd say that's about right.

Liam shows up at Bill's office and at least Bill teases him about dragging his butt off the beach and joining the rest of the working world and how special that is.

Bill cuts to the chase about Liam's bad mood being all about Steffy's new job offer. 

Steffy asks Eric one more time if he's sure he doesn't want to come back and Pam pipes up that everyone would love it. Again, shut up, Pam!

Rick continues to beg for one more chance and whining about being punished, with Ridge egging his anger and disappointment and little bitch baby feelings on.

Wyatt enters and Rick is OTT offended: "What's HE doing here?" Shut up, Rick! Your dad can invite whomever he wants.

Eric announces that he wants to make some changes to the executive team and one of those changes is to have Wyatt join the team.

We have some mixed reactions to say the least.

Rick: "Say what?" Did he stutter?

Wyatt: "Seriously?" Awww...

Quinn: "Eric, really?" And it's completely obvious she knew nothing about this.

Ridge: "What are you doing, Dad?" Oh shut up, Ridge. God forbid the sun doesn't revolve around you at all times, even when you're a completely undeserving ass.

Rick scoffs that Wyatt isn't even executive material. Um, you shot off a gun, stole designs from the company, among other sabotage attempts, and you want to throw stones at Wyatt? I'm embarrassed for him.

Bill tells Liam not to underestimate the power of the CEO offer in Steffy's eyes and then we have this exchange which made me laugh.

Liam: "I know. I know. But if Steffy gets in bed with Quinn, there's no telling what would happen."

Bill: "I know EXACTLY what would happen."

Never change, $ Bill.

Liam insists that he's laid down the law with Steffy (that'll be the day): "I told her what my feeling are. She can't -- she can't take the job."

Wanna bet?

Back at FC, Pam is even bitching about Wyatt's promotion. God, can someone drop a truck of lemon bars on her?

Rick who is pouting more than his infant daughter right about now: "Wow. Wyatt gets to run a whole department. Steffy gets offered the CEO position. Hey, Dad, what do your two sons get left with?" Instead of lemon bars, Pam should have served a cheese platter.

Eric: "You get to keep your jobs." Zing! 

He reminds them YET AGAIN of all he and Ridge did to try and undermine him. "I'm well aware of your qualifications and your résumé, Rick. You stay as head of International. And Ridge continues to design. I don't want this to be contentious. It's been decided. There's no discussion. You betrayed me. You let me down." Preach, Eric! Though I suspect you'll have to tell them about 50 more times.

Rick: "And we apologized for that, Dad. We admitted to our mistakes." So?

Ridge: "What else do you need?" A helluva lot more than some half-assed, lame apology that we all know they're only saying to try and get what they want. Well, too little and too late.

Eric: "I need people running this company I can trust. Wyatt qualifies." Yes, he does. He is loyal and steadfast and committed. All things Rick and Ridge aren't and neither is Liam.

Quinn asks if she can speak then and thank goodness she's putting a pin in all the whining. Eric says, of course, and that if Steffy declines, she will STILL be CEO. And the look on Rick and Ridge's cracked faces is awesome.

Quinn: "Eric has been so kind to me. And to my son. We really do make each other very happy, and I wish you all could see that. And it breaks my heart to know that Wyatt's marriage was sacrificed as a result of it. Now, I had absolutely no idea that Eric was gonna ask Wyatt to join the executive team, and obviously I'm thrilled, especially because I know how well Wyatt and Steffy will work together. This family has been fractured for too long. Eric loves each and every one of you. He just wants peace and harmony, and I know that when Steffy steps into this leadership role that she will also heal the family as a result. I just wish we could all put our differences behind us and not allow them to affect the people that we care about anymore. Steffy. I have so much admiration for you. And I believe that you can succeed at anything if you're willing to give it a chance. And I think you will. I believe in you, Steffy. I think we all do." 

You can see her words sinking in and Eric adds a final flourish: " I absolutely agree with everything you said. Steffy, you're as brave and as gifted as your namesake. If your grandmother were alive today, she would be so proud of the woman you've become. And if she could see you behind that desk, it would give her such joy. The same would be true for Quinn and me. So what do you say? Are you gonna accept the offer? Are you gonna become the new CEO of Forrester Creations?"

And I'm sure we all know her answer is going to be "yes."

Edited by CountryGirl
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OMG! Liam honey, take a couple of Valium, a few deep breaths. and sit the hell down.  Seriously dude, you thought pounding on Eric's front door, forcing your way into his house, haranguing him about making Steffy CEO, telling him he's out of his mind, and insulting Quinn -- who is standing right there -- was a good idea?

Liam, you're acting a little cray cray lately.

If he keeps up this behavior I predict he and Steffy will be quits by New Year's.

And Rick --STFU with your snide insulting comments to and about Wyatt, Quinn, Steffy.... basically anyone who isn't you or the sainted Maya.  You are just showing us all too clearly why Eric was 100% correct in not making you CEO or President,

If I were Steffy, I'd watch my back around Ridge. If he'd attempt to sabotage a fashion show featuring his designs, he won't hesitate to stab Steffy in the back to make her look incompetent and get the CEO job for himself.  His obsession with being CEO is going to make Bridge fall down again

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1 minute ago, La di Diva said:

OMG! Liam honey, take a couple of Valium, a few deep breaths. and sit the hell down.  Seriously dude, you thought pounding on Eric's front door, forcing your way into his house, haranguing him about making Steffy CEO, telling him he's out of his mind, and insulting Quinn -- who is standing right there -- was a good idea?

Liam, you're acting a little cray cray lately.

If he keeps up this behavior I predict he and Steffy will be quits by New Year's.

And Rick --STFU with your snide insulting comments to and about Wyatt, Quinn, Steffy.... basically anyone who isn't you or the sainted Maya.  You are just showing us all too clearly why Eric was 100% correct in not making you CEO or President,

If I were Steffy, I'd watch my back around Ridge. If he'd attempt to sabotage a fashion show featuring his designs, he won't hesitate to stab Steffy in the back to make her look incompetent and get the CEO job for himself.  His obsession with being CEO is going to make Bridge fall down again

The way he was looking at her, pure venom and disgust. It was almost pathological and you know he won't let the fact that she's his child get in the way of what he wants. Father of the Year material right there. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam insists that he's laid down the law with Steffy


That's cute. Like when I see my chiweenie trying to drag a bone that's almost a long as he is so that the Husky puppy can't have it.

It's a shameLiam's never put half as much energy on keeping a woman happy as he has with this "protecting" the Phyllis Summers of Los Angeles.


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Yeah, I had to laugh about Liam handing Steffy that smoothie in the glass. She carried it around and finally put it down on the table without having taken even a sip. Liam is such a doofus. What exactly does he do for a living? Do we know?

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4 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Who does Liam think he is just showing up at Eric's house? And then to start yelling and insulting Eric and his wife? Call the police and have him arrested for trespassing!

Right??  How dare he hold the door open and walk right in AFTER he was told it wasn't a good time!  I wanted to slap him in the beady-eyed face for that!

1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Yeah, I had to laugh about Liam handing Steffy that smoothie in the glass. ?

Plus, Liam told Steffy it was "for the road" on her way to work.  How the hell was she supposed to hold a regular drinking glass & drive?  Although, mercifully she'd be wearing the smoothie instead of drinking it.

Edited by ByTor
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Great closing scene today with JM and SC.  I had to watch it at least three times. Eric putting that weasel in his place was priceless and a long time in coming! You go, Silver Fox!

I so want for Wyatt to haul off and smack Rick in his smug entitled face.  Talk about a sore loser who can't buy happiness either. Shut the fuck up little man.

I hope the coital sofa has had a good steam-cleaning and sanitation treatment application. I thought that as Steffy plopped down on it to have her little daydream. I was sort of hoping that she was going to flash back to that time when she was kidnapped by Morgan and have a freakout.

I didn't think Steffy looked all that great today. I hated her hairstyle and she certainly wasn't dressed the part. She should have traded outfits with Quinn. Did Steffy really instruct Wyatt to "take the sexy" out of any photos of her? /eyeroll.

All in all, a great show. SC can be really good when he's given decent material and is playing in scenes with accomplished performers (which ain't often as he's always with Puffer face.)

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Liam's nuts. Eric doesn't have amnesia. He knows who he is and who Quinn is/was. He shows up at the sick guy who says he's had a hard day, barges in and throws a tantrum. Good for Eric for telling the waffler off.

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8 hours ago, grisgris said:

I so want for Wyatt to haul off and smack Rick in his smug entitled face. 

I wondered if Wyatt even took Rick seriously with that stupid haircut.

Edited by ByTor
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Man, that Liam/Eric exchange was worth the price of admission! Especially that last line "I'm just sad that you're a man who can't fine happiness for himself....and Why would I want that for my granddaughter?" Why indeed, Eric. And why did it take six years of marriage-go-rounds and waffling and nine failed engagements/weddings between Steffy and Hope for anyone to say this? 

Shut your trap, Rick. Or at least buy a muffler the next time you try to take out the CEO.

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Recap for Wed. 12/14:

We open with Liam still ranting to Bill about how Quinn's plan to manipulate Steffy (and reunite Wyvvy) isn't going to work. Bill isn't so sure.

Back at FC, Eric presses Steffy for an answer.

Steffy: "If I don't?"

Eric: "Quinn will continue to be interim CEO." Her eyes bug a little at that.

Quinn cheerleads a little bit and Steffy makes one last plug for her father, but Eric has long since moved on.

Ridge, charming as ever, wants to just get on with it and I seriously want to punch him and Rick right now. I mean, have you ever seen two more punchable faces?


He and Rick whine about how this is all Quinn's plan and Eric tells them it's irrelevant because it's a good plan. 

Ridge, proving his assholery with every passing moment, snots: "It is a good plan, for Quinn, because now her son is in the executive wing in his own office next to Steffy. And that's what this is all about."

Wyatt, having had enough of this, fires back: "You are insulting everyone here. You know that, right? Especially Steffy. She has just been offered a position that she is more than capable of handling, and everyone in this room knows that. Instead, you choose to focus on these conspiracy theories that are based in no fact. Yes, Eric gave me a position in PR. But my mother and I had nothing to do with that. And Steffy will not be manipulated. You should know that by now. Whoever she chooses to spend the rest of her life with is exactly that - her choice. Not mine. Not Liam's. Not Mom's. Her's." That finally shuts them all up. I'm sure it won't last.

With that, Eric asks, yet again, if she'll accept and that he needs an answer now. 

And to no one's surprise, except, perhaps, Liam, she accepts. Eric, Quinn, and Wyatt are thrilled.

Ridge and Rick?


Steffy brushes aside her well-wishers to soothe poor widdle Daddy's wounded ego.

He tells her, "Not now, honey." What a dismissive jerk!

Steffy tries to reason with him, saying surely this is better than Quinn being CEO and Rick is immediately dismissive of that line of thinking.

It's clear neither of them think Steffy (who need I remind everyone, sacked Quinn in broad daylight) can handle Quinn.

Liam is staring at his phone, willing Steffy to text him but she doesn't. Shouldn't that tell him everything he needs to know?

Bill tries to get Liam to look at the bright side - Steffy takes over and Quinn's out as interim CEO, but we all know Liam.

Quinn gives her congratulations to Wyatt and is clearly thrilled that he'll be working more closely with Steffy. Wyatt is non-committal.

Rick is still bitching to Eric (dude, the train has left the station) and keeps on with the insults to Wyatt: "And sluggo, the amazing mama's boy, has no business making executive decisions. What are you doing, dad? What are you doing to the company?" Maybe if you had been there for Eric, instead of stabbing him in the back and siding with archenemy Ridge, you'd be in the CEO seat right now, Rick.

Even Pam has to make a crack about this being a family business. Yes and that's the only reason your cuckoo for cocoa puffs behind has a job.

Eric shuts that noise down by reminding them that Quinn and Wyatt are family.

Ridge, a champion of feminists everywhere, has to state once again, that Steffy is the CEO of the future, but not today. 


Eric reminds him that he doesn't trust him or Rick and gives the floor to Steffy who makes a very CEO-ish statement: "As CEO of this company, I insist we put all of this behind us. I can't do my job if we are constantly arguing. Dad, I know you want me to succeed, so I'll be leaning on you. As for you, Rick... I'll always be fair and forthright, and I trust you'll do the same for me." I recommend she keep a cushion handy and watch for knives in her back.

Rick wastes no time in seeing what else might be up for grabs and once again, Eric brings him and Ridge to heel by making them co-vice presidents. 

As for president, he's naming - wait for it - Quinn, who is stunned.

Ridge/Rick are kind of like this right now:


And it's glorious.

Steffy views it as a bait and switch but Eric ensures it was his decision all along.

Pam, Rick, and Ridge all start whining and pouting and it should be lots of coal in their stockings this year so Eric has to resort to shouting at these so-called grown ups: "Stop it! Stop it right now! I've heard enough. I appointed Quinn interim CEO of this company, and how did that work out?"

Wyatt helpfully responds: "A very successful fashion show, enhanced jewelry and accessory lines, and a very healthy balance sheet, if I'm not mistaken.

Eric nods thoughtfully and shows he will brook no more nonsense: "That's right. Quinn has proven that she can deliver, and I know that she will deliver as president of this company, too. Especially with this dream team that's been assembled here. Either one of you doubt this? After all these months of undermining Quinn and me, how could either one of you believe that I would assign one of you as president of this company? Now, we all have a job to do. And we're all gonna do it. I believe in everybody, and i believe that we will succeed. And we will if we act as a team. This is our team. Steffy, I know this is a lot to ask, but you and Quinn are gonna work together. You have to work together. Everybody's gonna be looking at the two of you for guidance and leadership. Everybody in this company. Everybody in the industry. I know you can do it. I know I'm asking a lot, but I know you can do it. Congratulations. Congratulations, everyone. This meeting's adjourned." And he and Quinn exit with Quinn practically giddy as they leave the office.

Liam is pacing a hole through Bill's carpet right about now, his beady-little eyes working a mile a minute.

Bill tells him to go get some work done. Fat chance of that ever happening, Bill.

Bill believes Steffy will have a hard time turning CEO down. 

Liam then takes a moment to whine about Wyatt rooting for Quinn conniving to reunite him with Steffy and no, no, no, no, no, mister. He's rooting for Queric and of course he wants to get back with Steffy but he is not in on any shenanigans. And even if he were, if Steffy falls for it, then that should tell Liam all he needs to know. No one manipulates Steffy into anything and if she reunites with Wyatt, it's because she WANTS to just like she married him because she wanted to.

Bill reminds Liam that Wyatt loves Steffy and that they are still husband and wife. Yet Mr. Noble and Upstanding White Knight Captain Save a Ho has no trouble committing adultery with Steffy on a daily basis.

Steffy and Wyatt are alone in the CEO office, with Steffy trying out her new chair.

Wyatt teases her about how she'll be bossing them around and she laughs. See, she is just so easy and comfortable with Wyatt and he knows exactly what she's feeling and thinking, which is one of many reasons why he's a much better match.

Wyatt: "Don't let it go to your head, all right? Look, I know Ridge and Rick have been giving you some flak about this whole thing. You do deserve this position."

Steffy: "Do I?" Some hint of doubt in her eyes.

Wyatt: "Of course. I mean, your grandfather believes in you. Plus, hey, when fortune follows you, you have to accept it as the way it should be. You're gonna be an awesome CEO. And I'm just, you know, proud of you." He beams and she smiles. That's what she's needed to hear since the offer was made and so very different from Liam's reaction.

Liam tries to dish out some reality to Bill about how he and  Steffy would have been married "a long time ago" except for Quinn messing with them. Let's revisit the pre-kidnapping shall we? Oh, that's right, Liam had broken up with Steffy over the Ivy incidents, played Captain Save a Ho to the tune of escorting Ivy all the way back to Aussie land, and came home to find Steffy in bed with his brother. Sure, they would have been married. Sure...

Eric and Quinn savor her being named president with Eric assuring her the company needs her. Quinn agrees to accept but only on the condition that his health continues to improve. He teases her about ordering out for burgers and fries while she's at work and they are so damn cute, I can't stand it.

He tells her he thinks he's seeing a slight shift in Steffy's POV where Quinn is concerned. What might that mean for her future with Wyatt if her MIL is no longer an obstacle?

They are interrupted by the tattoo removal doctor and LMAO, Eric tells him Steffy can't make the appointment. Eric, you naughty, naughty boy!

Wyatt and Steffy are still talking and how refreshing to see the ease and comfort they have with one another.

He tells her she's earned CEO and that she's exactly what the company needs right now. 

She tells him one person who's not thrilled (beside Ridge and Rick) and Wyatt immediately guesses (correctly) that it's Liam.

She confides that he's worried about Quinn, that she's worried about Quinn but Wyatt says what I think Steffy is already thinking, "Yeah, but less and less with each passing day, am I right? She has turned a corner, Stef (I love that he calls her "Stef.") Look, I know you're skeptical of the lady and her motives, but, trust me, no one is more skeptical than I am. But living with those two  they're cute together. (That's what I said). They're fun. They're truly good for each other, and, I don't know, I kind of like being around them. In a way, they're inspiring. Can you imagine that?" Even though Wyatt has a father in Bill, I think he feels much closer to Eric these days (and I can't blame him considering Bill's favortism of Liam for a long time) and he feels like he has a real family for the first time in his life.

Steffy: "It wasn't that long ago, and the thought of Quinn being my mother-in-law really-"

Wyatt: "Scared you to death. I know. The thought of her being my mom scares me to death. Look, the caterpillar turned into a butterfly. Or at least a half-decent moth." An apt description of Quinn and I think what really scares Steffy is that she is starting to believe Quinn and if she believes in Quinn, then she can believe in her marriage to Wyatt, and it's buh-bye Liam.

Steffy: "She won't be my mother-in-law much longer." Uh huh.

Wyatt, looking at her hand. "Let me see. It's fading. It's not gone. My mom has changed, Steffy, and so have you. She still could be your mother-in-law." Time will tell, but something I've been thinking about of late is I have to wonder if a lot of why Steffy is with Liam is over guilt over falling for Wyatt while Liam was kidnapped and if she's with him out of obligation and history. Yet all of that is holding her back, making her question herself and second-guess her every decision, including her capabilities as a business professional. Meanwhile, here is Wyatt, believing in her no matter what because he understands what unconditional love is all about. She doesn't have to explain herself or defend or justify - she can just BE with him. So very, very unlike Liam.

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