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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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20 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

"I want to thank you for your support and your friendship. You've helped me see something that I've been having a hard time seeing. I feel like I'm this girl who walks around with this, like, embarrassed smile on her face because I'm the woman who lost her husband to her sister. Again. And my other ex is fighting over her, too, and I have to put on a happy face and try not to burst into tears.  Every time somebody asks me how I'm doing, like this.  I feel like people go through low times in their lives, and this... This might be a low time for me, but it doesn't have to be, and you're helping me see that. I can let Bill be Bill and Brooke be Brooke and we can all get along because they are who they are and they love me... the best way they can. I'm free. I can raise my -- my son the way I want to. I can live my life the way I want to. I'm free in every respect that matters. I can do this. I can buy this house. I can live my life the way I want to. I can send my son to a great school, thanks to you. I can live next door to a friend who's happy to see me. Thank you for getting me out of this echo chamber in my head. I can do this." 




And wow, just wow...turning on the waterworks and stroking Eric's ego and having her sole reason for being able to go on with her life tied to his presence in her life. 


WORD to your entire post but the bolded part did me in. Did they hire a new writer? Can we get dialogue like this everyday instead of the same old repetitive BS?

Edited by tricknasty
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Thurs. 11/17 recap:

Bill is boxing in his office and tells RJ it's his turn.

RJ scoffs at using his fists to defend himself. Well, his daddy always let his mommy defend him so continuity there, I guess. But he engages in punching the bag, which is something I guess.

Bill then shows RJ a private room, with money and weapons and I don't get it. First of all, how many secret rooms does he has? There's the boom-boom-Brooke room, this one, one with emergency supplies.

RJ doesn't appear impressed in the least and for once,  I can't blame the kid. I wasn't impressed and rolled my eyes for most of these scenes. If he's so busy with these secret rooms, he should have made one with video games and junk food. 

He talks about money like rich kid RJ should be impressed with it, who remarks:

RJ: "You're really into it." The understatement of the year.

Bill: "They don't call me "Dollar Bill" for nothing." Even RJ laughs at this this. I think it was good for them to spend some time together, but I don't see things thawing between them unless, I don't know, Bill rescues RJ from peril or something.

Katie tells Rick (who has seen more of her this past week than the rest of his life combined probably) she put an offer in on the house. Of course she did.

Rick: "And it's right next door to dad, and that's a plus." Eric is a model neighbor, I'm sure, but it's not like they'll be BFFs. He already HAS a wife.

Katie: "That is a plus. I mean, I can't think of anyone who wouldn't love a neighbor like Eric. There's only one downside. I'd also be living next to Quinn." I'm sure the feeling is mutual, LemonHeads.

Katie is dismayed to find out there are competing offers and oh no! I'm just biting my nails here, folks. How WILL this turn out? 

Eric finds Quinn upstairs in bed and she tells him she wanted to spend some time with him.

He praises Quinn for her many, many roles of late and she surprises him by modeling a new design for him and wowza, RS is rocking the hell out of that purple teddy.

Eric likes the way she thinks and they spend some time making time if you know what I mean and I think you do.

And we get yet another, you believed in me speech for Eric, this time from Quinn: "Well, I used to be one of those doubters. I didn't believe in my own potential until you -- your faith in me. I just want to make you proud all the time. Have you ever regretted any of the decisions you've made on my behalf?" How his head is going to fit through the door is anyone's guess.

Quinn tells him that, most of all, she just wants to spend their lives in their own private paradise on the hilltop...just as Katie remarks about her dream house being right at the top of the hill...anvil, anvil, anvil.

Eric tells Quinn what he was up to earlier today. I don't think she's gonna like it, Eric.

He drops the bomb that Katie is interested in the next door house. Quinn looks decidedly pissed.

Rumple shows up to Brooke's - again.

He is none too pleased to hear Slouchey and Bill are spending the day together, referring to Bill as "Lucifer." Strong talk there, Rumple.

He tells her it isn't necessary for Bill and RJ to get along. True, but wouldn't it be better if they did? And it still sticks in my craw that RJ was enthralled with Bill, who actually paid attention to him unlike his often-absentee father, and then comes back, hating Bill.

Brooke tells him it is because she's still wearing Bill's ring.

Ridge tells her she can take it off. Oh screw you, Ridge.

Brooke: "I'm still wearing it because I believe in him." You have an awfully funny way of showing that.

Ridge: "What about us? You believe in us?" WTF are you talking about, Ridge? There is no "us" anymore - you threw "us" away.

Brooke: "There are some old wounds there. We've had our issues in the past." That's putting it mildly.

Ridge: "I'm not sure why you would say, "Wounds." I think our...good times were better than the bad times." What is he smoking? 

But then Brooke starts to cross-examine him. Finally.

Brooke: "Yeah. But why now? Why are you doing this now? Is it because I'm engaged to somebody other than you?" He's done it before, it should be totally suspect now.

Ridge: "No. Uh... I think this whole thing with Bill Spencer made me realize that I don't want to lose you. I can't have that." You can't have her not sitting around waiting for you to drop by with ice cream when you're bored is what you really mean.

Brooke: "You need me now more than you ever have. I am a conquest because Forrester is in Eric and Quinn's hands." And I have been waiting years for this next line of questioning: "So, who's your next conquest? Who's gonna be prettier than me, younger than me? What is going to make you... walk away?" Nail his ass to the wall, Brooke.

Ridge: "I understand why you're guarded, but this time you're wrong." No, she's not, Ridge, and doesn't Dr. Phil always say that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. What would be so earth-shatteringly different about this time? 

Brooke: "You always want what you can't have." Spot-on.

Ridge: "Are you saying I can't have you? You -- oh, you are saying that. We have had a very complicated past, riddled with amazing moments." Read: I find you so irresistible now that you want nothing to do with me. We had a shitty past, riddled with moments where I left you crying in a heap on the floor.

Brooke: "Yes, we have. And I will always hold those moments deep in my heart." Yes, and those pieces of my heart will always be missing.

Ridge: "You think I'm messing with you? Come with me." Make Nancy Reagan proud, Brooke. Just say no.

Brooke: "Where? You have the press to talk to, and you have those incoming orders." A simple "no" would do, Brooke.

Ridge: "I don't care about the press. I don't care about the fashion show." Of course you don't, when Quinn did most of the work.  "I care about you. I want you to trust me. Come with me." Said the big bad wolf to Red Riding Hood.

So what lovely romantic spot does Ridge drag her off to, you might ask.

Oh, that's right, Satanie's grave. Nice, Ridge. It's bad enough I had to have him walk down revisionist history lane with his own past with Brooke, now I have to listen to this crap with Stephanie.

Brooke: "She fought me so hard for so many years. She almost did me in." You mean all those times she tried to undermine you, kill you, orchestrate your rape? 

Ridge: "But that has made you the amazing woman you are today, so there." Oh fuck you, Ridge. You condoned all of her crimes.

Brooke remarks how she wishes she was more like Stephanie and OMG...I cannot listen to anymore of this bullshit. 

Ridge: "She did love you. And I love you." Neither of you know the meaning of the word. "Always have... from the very first moment I saw you, when you were catering that party at my parents' house" Um, weren't you supposed to be in love with Caroline I then, Ridge, but the only person Stephanie ever loved ("more than any man") was Ridge and the only person Ridge has ever loved was Ridge... "till right now, when we're standing in front of my mother's grave." Do you hear yourself, Ridge?  "There's a lot of years in between, a lot of things that we accomplished." Brooke accomplished, you mean. You didn't accomplish shit that wasn't handed to you on a silver platter along with a silver spoon. "We helped build a family, raised a son." You destroyed the family you had with Brooke. She raised your son. "Lot of history, lot of memories." Lot of baggage Brooke will need the rest of her life in therapy to get over. "You're never gonna have that with anybody else." And thank God and the Baby Jesus for that. "You know what Stephanie would say if she were here right now?" She's burning in hell, probably there's nothing left of her so she can't say jack shit right now.

Brooke: "Before or after she'd slap me?" And both of them smile at this. So gross.

Ridge: "Oh, definitely after." Brooke laughs now and I just want to slap her silly. Because she is too damn old to be this damn dumb.

Ridge: "She'd say leave Bill... and come home with me." You know what, go ahead, Brooke, reunite with the man who has broken your heart and your spirit and your pride and your sanity time and again. Throw away the only good man you've ever had, who has never ever let you down, and reunite with this piece of shit. And when he leaves your ass - AGAIN - I'll cry one single tear for you, then laugh my ass off that fool that you are, you keep on trying to kick the football he's never, ever gonna allow you to touch.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Katie, do you know what should embarrass you the most about losing your husband to your sister?  The fact that it came after you set them up on a series of blind dates.  Or, maybe it should be the fact that, to deal with the loss, you did various things, including faking a heart attack at your sister's wedding to another man, because you'd decided that the best revenge would be to land her "soul mate" for yourself.  Or maybe it should be that ratty ass red string.  Or the multiple times you were perfectly content to be with Bill, knowing he wanted your sister more.  

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They are trying to make the house smaller than a mansion but they keep talking about the view. View's in Beverly Hills come with a pricier price and houses next to an estate are even pricier. If Katie took Eric's advice to offer 15% under asking, even at all cash, Katie would have to up her offer over $1 mil. She has the money, but, living next to Eric, I know is just a plot ploy but whose? 

I'm with Quinn and her concerns but did she have to sound like Steffy, "I won't allow it".  Once again I say, Katie has some nerve even to give a slight impropriety to another woman's husband after all the drama with Brooke. 

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Quinn is getting on my nerves. Why is she so insecure about Katie?  She speaks daily on how she’s changed, but clearly when threatened the old Quinn steps right up. And honey, that Forester mansion isn’t really your house because you’d never get it in a divorce settlement.

If Brooke accepts Ridge’s proposal she will deserve every bit of hurt and pain coming her way. He just wants something he can’t have.

I’m also extremely annoyed that it seems they’re gearing up for Quinn and Ridge to get together and Eric and Katie. So fucking gross. What is it with these writers and their fuck me and fuck all my relatives while you’re at it bullshit. Why can’t they hire new characters?

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Ridge: "I'm not sure why you would say, "Wounds." I think our...good times were better than the bad times." What is he smoking? 

California may have just legalized cannabis last week, but not even the medical grade stuff for terminal cancer patients will make anyone as delusional as Ridge was when he uttered that crap. What good times?  At least he and Taylor had St. Thomas and a marriage that lasted longer than the life cycle of an amoeba. 

Guess they'll always have Paris...Oh, wait. That was when Ridge went along with Satanie and the "Good" Doc to set her up, sending Thorne back to Macy...and we know how that ended.

I feel less sorry for Brooke and more pissed for KKL having virtually no character growth to work with.  Thomas' birth should have been a turning point and a definite bookend to Bridge even after Hunter Tylo left. Hell, I was fine with them staying together in 2006 even after Nick became the sacrificial lamb to prop them because it seemed like Ridge finally got it.

But after years of being out one another's orbits and four engagements between them? Even if TK was assed to put effort into his scenes with KKL, that would've been a hard sell.

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Am I the only one who was a little skeeved out by the way Rick leeringly referenced his father "borrowing a cup of sugar" from his aunt?  

Just say no, Brooke.  Then knee him in the nads.  And say no again.  

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Am I the only one who was a little skeeved out by the way Rick leeringly referenced his father "borrowing a cup of sugar" from his aunt?  

I wonder will Rick start calling his dad Uncle Eric when he finally does bang Katie. ;)

Edited by Anna Yolei
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14 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I wonder will Eric start calling his dad Uncle Eric when he finally does bang Katie. ;)

Maybe it will be like when the TayTots kept calling their grandfather "Eric Forrester" when he was banging their mom.  "Aunt Katie is dating Eric Forrester now."  

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Really, Ridge? How shameless can you get? Using your dead mother as a bargaining chip in this imaginary destiny. That was laid to rest along with Satanie's cold dead body. Please, Brooke, don't fall for his line of crap. This Ridge is el-cheapo.  I guess a decades old ring pried from a dead mother's finger is a step up from the raggedly red ribbon that inspires pomes of disillusion.

Shameless can a;sp be said for Quinn. SMH.  Katie is going to eventually start spreading the word that the cray-cray has been resurrected.  And considering the source ...

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I can't stand Katie, but I really don't think Katie staying to watch the fashion show with Eric was such a big deal. Eric has been her BIL twice. I wouldn't consider them besties, but they have known each other for a long time. Whatever.

The inside of that house looked awfully suburban to me . Not something that would be cheek by jowl with the Forrester Estate.

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On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 9:50 PM, LittleIggy said:

Considering last week's election, I don't want to see even a fictional rich guy bloviating about how much he loves money. Geeze, I was expecting Bill to start rubbing that stack of currency on his crotch! I wish RJ had asked him if he had stocked a supply of Just For Men (in Shoe Polish Black) and chest wax in his bunker.

A sad demonstration of pure ignorance by TIIC.

No amount of single-malt Scotch, Samurai/Bushido weaponry, and paper script is going to keep $Bill from becoming a bottom in a post-apocalyptic biker gang. His tight ass and toothless mouth will be traded for a case of SpaghettiOs and 500 count bottle of aspirin.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 1:26 PM, maisie said:

What is the deal with Rick and Katie?  As others have said, why doesn't Rick buy the house for himself?  If there is chemistry testing going on, I'm not smelling the fumes.

TIIC are manufacturing a close relationship between them to insert Katie as a disruptive influence into Eric and Quinn's marriage. Rick will concoct a plan with Ridge, Steffy and Pam to troll Quinn -- Katie and Eric are meandering into the California sunset, and Quinn has been side-lined in her marriage. Quinn goes nutz (Quinn's already making threatening noises over Katie buying the neighboring house), and it's Bye Bye Quinn. Like all good things on B&B, Eric and Quinn must be destroyed utterly.

My only hope is that Wyatt will catch the fumes of the Forrester Conspiracy against Quinn, and she and Wyatt will turn the tables on all of them, with Eric to witness the exposure of their latest coup.

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8 hours ago, grisgris said:

Really, Ridge? How shameless can you get? Using your dead mother as a bargaining chip in this imaginary destiny. That was laid to rest along with Satanie's cold dead body. Please, Brooke, don't fall for his line of crap. This Ridge is el-cheapo.  I guess a decades old ring pried from a dead mother's finger is a step up from the raggedly red ribbon that inspires pomes of disillusion.

He's so shameless that this is first time he bothered to show up at Stephanie's grave.

8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I can't stand Katie, but I really don't think Katie staying to watch the fashion show with Eric was such a big deal. Eric has been her BIL twice. I wouldn't consider them besties, but they have known each other for a long time. Whatever.

Other than this is a manufactured "issue" to create angst in Quinn's pants and escort Krazy Quinn back on the dance floor, while giving Katie something to poison by her very presence ... I wouldn't appreciate Mr.Stunt drinking wine with a single woman in our home, without anyone else in attendance. One of the few roads traveled to end a relationship on B&B is that the very behavior that would be hurtful or upsetting for someone, is immediately acted upon by that person.

8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

The inside of that house looked awfully suburban to me . Not something that would be cheek by jowl with the Forrester Estate.

There's a wide variety in lifestyles in Beverly Hills.

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Good point about Rumple finally visiting Stephanie's grave. He never directly answered Brooke's comment about him not being there for his mother at the end. I would have loved to have heard his answer plus that would have been a perfect opening for her to lambast him about dumping her over an innocuous text message to the father of her daughter.

Another missed opportunity by the writers and bonus that it would also char-broil Ridge. (He's already basted.)

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At the risk of sounding superficial - damn, that Rena Sofer is one good-looking woman! The combination of her black hair and blue eyes is pretty stunning. I've seen her on other shows before, but the lady has definitely come into her own.

I say a "hell, no!" to Ridge and Brooke.  I've only been watching the show since TK came on, but there are no sparks there whatsoever....just a friendly vibe.  Plus their kid is a dolt.

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On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 11:45 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Was Taylor a spoiler like that, though? The only time I remember her actively spoiling anyone's relationship was when she encouraged Ridge to get between Brooke and Thorne. Unless there was something prior to 1999 I'm missing. Oh, and the Brill 1.0 stuff, but that would've come to a head with or without her anyway.

Initially, Taylor was a fairly mature, well-rounded character; no obvious neuroses. She was written as a natural fit for marrying Ridge. For Stephanie, Taylor was the ideal, upstanding woman and wife for Ridge after Caroline's death. Stephanie and Taylor held similar views and attitudes, and had their own very close relationship. Stephanie supported and bolstered Taylor and Ridge's marriages, and encouraged Taylor to hang on in a death grip, because of the all-encompassing DESTINY Ridge and Brooke cultivated.

At some point, somewhere around Taylor's first "death," the writing for her started to change. She became more intrusive, more judgmental, meddling, treating family in her medical practice and using the information she learned to pursue her own agenda. She wasn't above manipulating others, with Stephanie's encouragement, to get back whatever she was convinced had been taken from her -- Storm, Whip, Darla, Aly, Thorne, James Warwick, Hector, Katie, $Bill, Ridge, Eric, Nick, Jack, Brooke, Rick, Bridget, Steffy, Phoebe, Thomas -- Taylor progressed to prying, intruding with everyone as her title of Paragon of Virtue was somewhat diminished for some viewers -- You can't manipulate, pot-stir, marry and/or schtupp, and not be graced with the same albatross as your mortal enemy and main competition. Not an issue for Taylor. As long as Taylor side-stepped her past liaisons or had a better insult to hurl, she operated with impunity. 

Stephanie was always there to polish off the accumulated tarnish on Taylor. Until Stephanie was diagnosed with lung cancer, Taylor thought she had a lock on Stephanie's eternal support after all those years of loyalty. But Stephanie chose Brooke; to be Ridge's wife, to lead the band at Forrester Creations, to guide the Forrester family. Taylor got her revenge by announcing that Brooke was having an affair with $Bill, ruining Brooke in front of the family and trashing Katie in one blow.  

Taylor's pious hypocrisy became her lasting characteristic; the commonality of Do as I say, not as I do lectures to whoever was stuck being hectored, the hideous FC Sister Wives evening gown experiment when she and Stephanie thought they could morally lift Forrester Creations out of the gutter by force, her constant availability if Ridge indicated interest but biding her time with available penises while he was occupied, avoiding blame and prosecution for killing Darla while driving drunk then pursuing a romantic relationship with Thorn, the dry-drunk holier-than-thou hair shirt she put on when it was convenient, all the times she inappropriately treated family or family-adjacent members, all the times she was inserted into relationships that needed her ham-handed assist to finish them off.

Taylor didn't start out as a Jonah, but she ended her tenure in Los Angeles trying to permanently poison Brooke's relationships out of her own resentment for being left out of Stephanie's last moments. After doing her worst, she made tracks for Paris.


Speaking of Brill, fuck Brooke. How many good men has she let Ridge ruin for her? Between Grant, Thorne and Nick and now Bill, who is far from perfect but at least he's been blatant about where his loyalties are.

Yeah, same place The Stallion keeps his ego ... in his pants.

Brooke manages to mangle every relationship she claims to not be able to live without or promises to protect. She never learns anything from her reckless behavior.

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I saw Taylor as a snake from much earlier on.

She was Caroline I's oncologist and made it her business to move right on in on the grieving widower, Ridge, knowing full well Caroline's dying wish was for him and Brooke to be together. All under the guise of "counseling" him. 

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Ridge and Brooke: Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Oh yeah, Ridge. Where WERE you when your beloved mother was dying and died? Oh, that's right. Nowhere to be seen. Royal Ass. This show is so damn boring which is the worst possible thing a soap can be in this day and time. At least, Y&R has rehired their good writers to try to resurrect that show. 

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I saw Taylor as a snake from much earlier on.

She was Caroline I's oncologist and made it her business to move right on in on the grieving widower, Ridge, knowing full well Caroline's dying wish was for him and Brooke to be together. All under the guise of "counseling" him. 

It can be interpreted that way.

Taylor was very attentive to Caroline and Ridge in her oncology practice. After Caroline died, Taylor was encouraged by Stephanie to pursue Ridge, because she didn't want Ridge to act on Caroline's final wish to be with Brooke. Stephanie manufactured opportunities and maneuvered those situations so that Ridge saw Taylor in a romantic light and he fell in love, shortly after his wife died, with his wife's doctor.

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On 11/18/2016 at 11:13 AM, CountryGirl said:

Brooke:  "So, who's your next conquest? Who's gonna be prettier than me, younger than me? What is going to make you... walk away?"

I have to say, this line annoyed me.  It implied ( well, more like out & out said) that Ridge is the one with all the power, and the thought that Rumple (tee hee) can have any power over a woman makes me ill.

53 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I thought Taylor was a psychiatrist. Was she also an oncologist?!

She was whatever the plot needed her to be :)

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

I thought Taylor was a psychiatrist. Was she also an oncologist?!

She was introduced as an oncologist, then made the unexplained switch to psychiatry. Another time, she was talking about how hard it was to go to medical school and double major in family practice and psychiatry.

Oh, well, Bridget started out as a pediatrician, then became a cardiology expert via the University of Google, then suddenly one day was working in infertility treatment.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

Oh, well, Bridget started out as a pediatrician, then became a cardiology expert via the University of Google, then suddenly one day was working in infertility treatment.

And a disguised and down-low dress designer for Sally Spectra.

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Going back to Cupid Stunt's post a while back about lifestyles in BH. We have some alternative lifestyles here in the Midwest, too.  Old hippie here and we can/still have some 'friends with benefits' (as they call it now...back then it was 'free love')....;-)

They are going to tank Quinn & Eric aren't they.  Dumb ass writers.  Don't they pay attention to we the viewers?  Anything we like they have to mess up....oh, nevermind.  I answered my own question.

I'm only a 2yr watcher and was Brooke always this vague/vacuous/indecisive?

Can you tell I'm pissed?

Damn election......

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Grisgris--thanks for your reply. That's just so stupid-you don't "double major" in medical school. Why in the world don't these writers consult with actual medical professionals? My son is a veterinarian so I have some idea of how this all works. In veterinary school, they are exposed to every discipline. Then by that exposure, they decide what animals they want to care for. Once they graduate, they apply for associate positions with established vets to learn how to actually practice, manage a business, interact with clients and patients, etc. He did that for 3 years before he bought his own practice which is enormously expensive and stressful. This ridiculous stuff about doctors being a psychiatrist, then an oncologist, then a fertility specialist, then a fashion designer is so misleading to the public most of whom have no idea what the medical profession actually involves. Sorry for the novel but this kind of thing makes me nuts knowing what my son has gone through for the past 20 years. These writers could at least make an ATTEMPT to educate their viewers!

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4 hours ago, OhioSongbird said:

I'm only a 2yr watcher and was Brooke always this vague/vacuous/indecisive?

Come to think of it, I don't think she was. Usually, she'd either "see the light" to be with Ridge, or in the case of the scrapped Bricky 3.0 used the most threadbare of excuse to go chase Nick, which has is what she wanted to do anyway. But this Liam Spencer game is pretty new for Brooke.

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Thank you so much for your comments. I am so tired of hearing how expensive veterinary care is now. My son has 16 employees and 3 other vets working in his hospital. His expenses with his building, land and taxes, employee salaries and health benefits, etc are enormous. He's often been in there on his days off, weekends, holidays and working late into the night doing surgery at midnight on a dog who's been hit by a car because his owners didn't keep him in the backyard. I could tell you volumes about this but every time I run into one of his clients, they are so complimentary and loving of him, it makes it worthwhile. Sort of. I won't even go into the sacrifices his wife and 7 year old son have had to make for him to be a vet. We try to make up the slack with our grandson but it's not the same when your daddy isn't home. Ok, enough. Everybody has their own problems. Sorry.

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6 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Come to think of it, I don't think she was. Usually, she'd either "see the light" to be with Ridge, or in the case of the scrapped Bricky 3.0 used the most threadbare of excuse to go chase Nick, which has is what she wanted to do anyway. But this Liam Spencer game is pretty new for Brooke.

Brooke was once a Force of Nature

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I have worked in the veterinary profession (business & medical journal publishing and licensing boards) and AMEN to Gam2's post and kudos to her son! Yes. It is a lot more difficult to get into veterinary school than human medical school. Veterinarians have to wear many hats: General practitioner, surgeon, dentist, optometrist, and the list goes on. I know that often they will go off and specialize in a specific area like dermatology, but the hours are long and the overhead is enormous.

Re Brooke: It seemed to me that she always had a clearly defined path to RIDGE which she followed with laser-beam focus, regardless of whatever obstacles were thrown in her path (e.g. Stephanie, Taylor, etc.) She took some detours with Eric, Deacon and Thorne, etc., but it wasn't until she met Nick that she ever was in the situation where she had two men vying for her love and attention.

I really don't understand what's going on with her right now. She seemed happy with Bill and had a solid future with him until THE SHARES became a factor in her relationship. That was totally unfair and created the "is she or isn't she" scenario which put unnecessary strain and doubt on the relationship. She seemed to be doing pretty well at keeping Rumple at arm's length until Slouchy showed up on the doorstep.  I wouldn't let a whiny kid dictate my future and if I were Bill, the mere fact that she delayed the wedding by indulging that shit Rumple would be enough for me to say "'Bye Felicia."  Why she's entertaining Ridge right now baffles me and it angers and sickens me that he's trading on his dead mother's "feelings" and wishes to try to persuade Brooke to marry him instead of Bill. You'd think that surely Brooke isn't that gullible and stupid, but sadly ... she is.  I think it's a case (as we've discussed before) that Ridge's brand of "love, commitment and security" is what she's used to and comfortable with, so it's natural (although SMH) that she'd gravitate back to him.

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Nothing surprises me about Brooke and her stupidity where Ridge is concerned. The only surprise in all of this it that it took Bradley Bell nearly three years to make an actual go at them as a pairing. 

Her smugness and Taylor Hayes game notwithstanding, Katie has every right to be pissed off at Brooke if she flakes out on Bill.

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On 11/19/2016 at 8:36 PM, drivethroo said:

Ridge should've been there with Stephanie for her last moments instead of asking Brooke about it. And that was a pitiful little tombstone for Stephanie Forrester.

Brooke looks beautiful in blue.

Right? It looks like the fake Halloween yard tombstones. Plus,where are the born / died dates? Get her a grand mausoleum,RIGHT NOW. No wonder she looks stern in her portrait.

Also yes Brooke is always beautiful

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Fri. 11/18/16 recrap...no, that is not a typo, folks...

Bill, sensing Slouchey's socks weren't knocked off by his "safe" room, sits him down in his chair so he can be mesmerized by the Spencer Publications spiel. 

He then offers him a wheatgrass "shot." That looks more like a full tumbler to me, Bill.

Liam shows up and Slouchey, wisely, dumps the drink when Bill isn't looking. 

Liam, showing he occasionally has a sense of humor, remarks: "I can't imagine how much fun you two are having."

In a moment alone with Slouchey, Liam tells him it's a pretty big deal, Bill showing him the room no one ever sees. And trust, none of us need to see that room full of whackado ever again.

Liam: "And he's not like anyone you've ever met, but maybe that's why your mom fell for him. And he fell for her, too. Just try to keep an open mind, 'cause they might surprise you."

RJ: "You really think my mom and your dad could last?

Liam: "Yes. I mean, you want your mom to be happy, right?"

RJ: "Of course.

Liam: "I don't mean, like, right now. I mean for the rest of her life."

RJ, reluctantly, "Yeah."

Liam: "Okay, 'cause from what I've seen, it hasn't happened with your dad." Hmm...I think I might like you today, Liam.

RJ: "Did you think it would happen with your dad?"

Liam: "At first, no. But I do actually. I really do." Slouchey looks like he might be taking this all in.

Rick fills Wyatt in on Katie possibly moving next door to Queric. 

Rick, showing I was right about his real motives all along, comments that "if Dad runs out of sugar, he could always borrow a cup from Katie." Fuck you, Rick.

Wyatt pretends to be totally okay with this latest development but you know the lambs are screaming inside his head.

We see Katie, upping her all-cash offer as she suddenly must have this house, which unless I am missing something, looks like a reject from House Hunters. Amy the realtor encourages her to write a letter to the sellers and that name-dropping Eric can't hurt. 

Amy also mentions (you get an anvil and you get an anvil everybody gets an anvil) "I have a feeling being connected to Eric Forrester could really work in your favor." and I just cannot with this shit. 

Quinn, who should be basking in the afterglow, is reeling from the news that Katie might just be moving next door and her husband is in full support of that.

Eric: "Sweetheart, we're talking about Katie here. I mean, I've -- I've known her forever. There's no reason for you to worry about her coming by for a visit, especially if she has a good reason to come here." I don't care how good of a reason she has. If your wife is uncomfortable, then you respect your wife. 

Quinn: "Yeah, well, she had a good reason once, okay? That was fine. But then she shows up the very next day with a bottle of champagne, and now she's buying the house next door, and you wonder -- you wonder why I'm suspicious?" I'd be suspicious, too, especially since Katie made it her business to break up not one, but two, couples, both of whom involved close female relatives. She would think absolutely nothing about stomping all over Quinn.

Eric tries to convince Quinn of his feelings: " I love you. You're my wife. I'm committed to you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And no other woman can come waltzing in here with an expensive bottle of champagne and -- and some naughty shade of red on her lips and do anything to change that. And I highly doubt that Katie is in cahoots with Rick and the rest of my family." I wouldn't be too sure about that, Eric. 

Quinn tells him she knows he's right and that " I am not gonna show you old shades of Quinn. I don't want to see old shades of Quinn. I made you a promise, and I'm gonna keep it. Being wary and suspicious is not who I am anymore." We all know how this is going to end.

She goes downstairs to get something to drink for the two of them and hears Eric's phone chime.

She takes a glance to find this text:

"Next door. Putting an offer on the house. Thank you so much. XO, Katie"



That's the final straw for Quinn who marches straight for Katie's home, still clad in her FC robe and slippers.

She tells Katie, who is so so smug and amused and proud of herself, that she's not buying this house. And of course, Quinn is going to be seen as the cray-cray, even though Katie is far more dangerous and predatory. I don't buy for two seconds that she is housegasming here. She sees an opportunity to meddle and fuck someone over and she's going to run with it, knowing she has the Stormy's heart perpetual get out of jail free card at her disposal. I wish it had been this bitch who died and that Stormy was still alive to counsel his other wayward sister.

Because Brooke needs some damn counsel. Hell, she needs an intervention. 

She and Ridge are still in the cemetery, waxing on about Stephanie and her last weeks and her death and it galls me beyond that we're supposed to get misty-eyed over that old battle-ax bitch who made it her life's mission to make Brooke's life a living hell until SF (who is a lovely actress) decided to retire and they wrote this whole bonding, I love you like a daughter bullshit. I didn't buy it then and I don't buy it now, no matter how many flashbacks of Irish eyes are smiling, roller coasters, or Skid Row babies they show.

Brooke: "I always wanted her to be proud of me. My second mother." And that just burns me up to read that. Beth was her mother. Her only mother. How delusional and sick for Brooke to call a woman who wanted her dead her second mother.

Ridge: "She very much saw you as her daughter."

Ridge: "We screwed it all up, didn't we? Right into our old patterns." No, you fucked it up, asshole, by continuing the horrible cycle of abuse on Brooke over and over again. But she kept taking you back, so I don't know what that says about her. "But it's not too late. We can fight right now for everything that matters, everything that we fought for before, convincing Stephanie to be on our side. We don't want to just throw all that away, do we? Do we, Logan?" Dude, you threw everything away countless times and you just expect her to take you back? But of course she will, because this is Brooke Doormat Logan you're talking to.

Brooke: "It seems like most of my life I dreamed of being with you, a happy marriage, raising a family. And I don't know if I can believe that anymore, if I believe you when you say we should be together." You can't believe him, Brooke. The man is a consummate liar. He's already stolen your youth, how much more will you allow him to steal?

Ridge: "Well, the good news is, you don't have to believe me. You can believe her. She always knew better than we did, anyway." Seriously, believe a woman who only wanted to harm you? 

Brooke: "I'm in love with Bill." Who?

Ridge: "Yeah, we've both tried that. We've tried finding happiness with other people. It never worked out." What's the common denominator there, Ridge? Oh that's right - YOU.

Brooke: "We never worked out." Ding, ding, ding! Go with that knowledge,  Brooke. 

Ridge: "Until now, maybe."

Brooke: "Why? Because you suddenly decree it?" I'm hanging by a moment here, guys. 

Ridge: "No, no. Because all these years have led us here." And next, he'll be saying all the years of heartbreak and hell that he put her through were WORTH it and she'll lap it up like a cat with cream. 

Brooke: "You know what Stephanie helped me realize is that I don't need anybody. I don't need you, I don't need Bill. I just need myself, and I need to be strong, a good mother, and do good in this world. And if there's some man out there that wants to join me on life's great adventure-" That's right, Brooke. You don't need anybody or anything. You can stand on your own two feet but it wasn't Stephanie who taught you that, it was Bill. 

Ridge: "I want you to have an adventure, but it's not balloon rides and camel rides, you know?" Oh how I hate you, Rumple. "Whatever Bill is offering you is -- it doesn't compare to the history we have." A history of Brooke being lied to, hurt, manipulated, abused, nearly killed half a dozen times, her children stolen, her family broken up time and again, her being raped, her being thrown out like so much garbage. "Look, we're at my mom's grave. She's watching us. She wants us to be happy." That bitch is too busy roasting to watch anybody or want anything but some ice water.

And then that fucker pulls out a box with a ring. Because of course he did. He would totally emotionally blackmail Brooke, using the memory of his dead mother, whom Brooke worshiped for God knows why, with her cheap-as-hell styrofoam tombstone in the background. Just when I think I can't hate this motherfucker anymore than I do, he sinks to a whole other level of lowdown dirty.

Brooke: "What are you saying? Stephanie's ring?"

Ridge: She's had it for years. Now I want you to have it.

Brooke: "Are you asking me to marry you?"

Between the impending destruction of Queric and resurrection of GarBridge, I think it's pretty clear TPTB are giving us all the middle finger. 

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On 11/19/2016 at 5:58 PM, ByTor said:

Brooke:  "So, who's your next conquest? Who's gonna be prettier than me, younger than me? What is going to make you... walk away?"

I have to say, this line annoyed me.  It implied ( well, more like out & out said) that Ridge is the one with all the power, and the thought that Rumple (tee hee) can have any power over a woman makes me ill. 

This line annoyed me too for different reasons.  Ridge is the original recipe waffle but he's never been so shallow as to leave Brooke because another woman was younger or prettier.  (Caroline II's extreme youth is, hopefully, a single, never-to-be-repeated aberration.)  Say what you will, there was always a compelling reason in his mind for making the change, e.g., kids, mother, whatever.  And, by the way, he's left other women for Brooke just as often as he's left Brooke for other women, so she's been the beneficiary of his waffleness as much as she's been the victim.

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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

This line annoyed me too for different reasons.  Ridge is the original recipe waffle but he's never been so shallow as to leave Brooke because another woman was younger or prettier.  (Caroline II's extreme youth is, hopefully, a single, never-to-be-repeated aberration.)  Say what you will, there was always a compelling reason in his mind for making the change, e.g., kids, mother, whatever.  And, by the way, he's left other women for Brooke just as often as he's left Brooke for other women, so she's been the beneficiary of his waffleness as much as she's been the victim.

It rankled me as well...and the bottom line is Rumple only has as much power over women as they allow him to have.

That's why as much as I hate on Ridge, Brooke has plenty to answer for. While she was not responsible for Ridge's actions of "loving" and leaving, she was/is responsible for how she chose to cope with them - which usually meant taking him back.

Over and over and over again.

It doesn't excuse his treatment of her, not in the least, but at some point, she needed to take some damn responsibility.

Add in the fact that she had children that she subjected to his waffling bullshit and that's where a lot of my sympathy ends.

If she wanted to be his whipping post, fine (well, not fine), but she let her kids be treated like dog shit by him, too, and her first priority, as their mother, should have been to her kids, not some soulmate she's been chasing like Icarus with the sun.

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What issues can Steffy still have with Quinn?  She got back the love of her life. Does Katie actually hear herself?  Quinn is 5 times more secure, in her marriage, than Katie ever was with Bill. Katie is more alike Brooke than she would admit. I defiantly think Katie, no matter what she says, is making moves on Eric because she needs a man more than a friend.  Why is Eric confiding in Steffy and giving her more of a reason to have issues with her.  I'm hopeful that my suspicions don't come to fruition. 

I hope Katie will redecorate for that multimillion dollar home looks like it was furnished by IKEA. 

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Eric: "Sweetheart, we're talking about Katie here. I mean, I've -- I've known her forever. There's no reason for you to worry about her coming by for a visit, especially if she has a good reason to come here." I don't care how good of a reason she has. If your wife is uncomfortable, then you respect your wife. 

I'm reminded of this meme (dunno if it's true, but still funny):


...but this has been a common theme in every one of Eric's marriages. He dismissed Stephanie's concerns about Brooke; dismissed Brooke's concerns about Stephanie; dismissed Donna's concerns about Pam, and dismissed everyone's concerns about Sheila.


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8 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

This line annoyed me too for different reasons.  Ridge is the original recipe waffle but he's never been so shallow as to leave Brooke because another woman was younger or prettier.  (Caroline II's extreme youth is, hopefully, a single, never-to-be-repeated aberration.)  Say what you will, there was always a compelling reason in his mind for making the change, e.g., kids, mother, whatever.  And, by the way, he's left other women for Brooke just as often as he's left Brooke for other women, so she's been the beneficiary of his waffleness as much as she's been the victim.

I missed this post earlier but I agree. He spent the better part of two decades shifting between Taylor and Brooke and got mixed up with Ashley for a couple of months, but dating girls young enough to be his daughter's age? Not so much.

It can't be said enough: Brooke owed nothing to Ridge and everything to her children. I mean, she took his ass back after the shit with Bridget.

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Slouchy Teen Boy can just STFU telling his mother to 'do what is right" and bringing up that Will needs 2 parents.  Will has 2 parents.  They are divorced.  Like probably 50% of the families in Beverly Hills.

Please Show, please, please, please **do not** let this be another instance where Brooke sacrifices her happiness and "takes herself out of the equation" and marries Ridge so Batie can reunite.  Bill doesn't want to be with Katie.  Katie doesn't want to be with Bill.  And I firmly believe that for all her waffling Brooke definitely doesn't want to be with Ridge.

Loved Bill calling RidgePen out for using Stephanie's grave site to coerce Brooke into marrying him.  Bill may be the King of Smug sometimes, but Ridge is an insufferable ass who still thinks he can get any woman, primarily his "Logan", whenever he snaps his fingers.  Floved it when Bill said "she's my Brooke".  I've always hated that Ridge calls Brooke "Logan" -- don't think it's sexy or sweet or cute or endearing.  Guys call each other by their last names., not usually the supposed DESTINY love of their life.

Nice scene with Quinn and Katie -- was that the beginning of a possible friendship?  I'm glad we seem to have averted the cray cray jealous insecure Quinn/ Katie battle.

However, I do think someone (RidgePen? Rick? Steffy?) is going to use Quinn's insecurity to gaslight her that Eric is having an affair/ is tired of her.  My hope is that Wyatt finds out, and lets Eric and Quinn know what is going on.  Think of the epic confrontation when Wyatt outs the perpetrator with undeniable proof in front of Queric.

Oh and Steffy, don't lie to your grandfather that everyone is sorry they boycotted his wedding, and know that they did wrong.  Ridge for one is **not** sorry and never will be.  Eric knows this. so stop with the lies.  Mmm....kay? Thanks Sweet Puffs -- and add some color to your wardrobe while you're at it. The all black Vampira funereal look isn't doing you any favors.

Edited by La di Diva
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What was perched on Steffy's head today? So right. Now that she's back with Waffles, she can afford to be magnanimous (so to speak) to her grandfather.  Eric is way too forgiving. No. No and NO! He should not have been telling Steffy about Quinn's jealousy snit over Katie. That's all the ammunition she needs to fire up round two at Quinn.

I don't know why Eric would look twice at Katie when he has Quinn. Quinn is far more attractive plus she an Eric share the bond of being creative spirits. Katie brings two divorces and a toddler. Speaking of, is Will going to be SOARSed or something? With all of the talk of him being able to walk to school.  I assumed Katie was referring to the tony prep school he just got accepted to, like when he's 11 or something not 3.

Both Slouchy and Will have two parents with the added bonus that they all live in the same zip code and interact with each other on a regular basis. That's a pretty weak argument, if you ask me.

I thought briefly that maybe hope beyond hope that we saw the beginning of a friendship between Katie and Quinn today but the split-screen shots at the closing of the show dashed those.  Is it so terrible to leave Ridge out in the cold for a change? I don't know what to be said about Katie. She will continue to whine and meddle and have pity parties for one until she's the center of somebody's orbit -- welcome or not.  I'm not convinced that being a mother to Will is enough for her.

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Just wow.

Maya: I had no idea that one little question could cause so much chaos.

Me: Rick, you might wanna grab her a dictionary for Christmas. Highlight "little", which is NOT defined as "asking your barely-legal sister to put her life on hold, yet again, for 10 months, so she can sire you a child, which is her biological child, just so that said-child contains DNA from both sides of the family, especially when she literally just did it a few months ago, & is now back together with the boyfriend she lost the first time she did this 'favor' for you." 

Also, if I was Wyatt, I'd say "choke on the turkey, bitch," & bolt outta there so fast her face moved. I'd also tip my brother off that my wife/his girlfriend said I was better in bed than him. 

I'm full of holiday cheer! However, I'm thankful I can be an unrepentant bitch on here & not take that behavior around my hubs & kids. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, whom I can always be myself around!

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Rick and Maya got some nerve to interrogate Zende. Why am I not surprised though.  At least, he did stand up for himself.  Get a clue Maya, Nicole is far from innocent. As far as I'm concerned, Nicole cheated on Zende first. Maybe not in physical contact but emotionally.  If it wasn't for last minute gilt pangs, she would have done it again.  Beside, did Rick and Maya really give a rats ass about Zende's feeling.  Zende came around once so they just took it for granted he would do it again.  

I guess Forrester men are not apposed to begging. Yesterday with Ridge and today with Zende. I also guess that Forrester woman don't even have a clue that they are insufferable bitches.

It's amazing how much the scene between Wyatt and Steffy was made slightly made more tolerable by the scene between Zende and Nicole.  

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