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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Kitty Redstone, ICAM with your points about not being interested if there is no comeuppance for Ridge-Pen and Puffy. 

If they get away with this or worse, get control of FC (Brooke, don't you do it!), I will be hard-pressed to watch. 

What I'd like to see is Eric wake up (and boy doesn't he almost look like he's smiling and maybe pretending while he lets his vile offspring dig their graves deeper) and his first action is to ensure the marriage license is signed, sealed, delivered.

Then he fires all their ungrateful asses (well, maybe not everyone who isn't Puffy or Ridge-Pen if they grovel hard enough and stand united against P and R=P). Heck, I'd even be interested in R/P starting a new fashion house - we need some rivalry like the good old days with Spectra.

Wyatt reclaims his balls and dignity and dumps Puffy and she and soggy Waffles are blissfully happy for about two days, then realize they are completed bored out of their minds - parachutes and truffle fries notwithstanding...and Ivy is back, the definition of fresh and spunky and fun.

Brooke finally marries Bill and uses her shares to help Eric and he makes her president of FC. She and team knock their scruffy competitors (Designs by Ridge) out of the water. She and Quinn become friends. 

RJ is recast with someone who looks like he came from the luminous KKL. He remembers how much he liked Bill just a short 2 years ago so Ridge-Pen is totally left out in the cold. Even better, Thorne returns and Ridge/Steffy fly off to Paris, never to be seen or heard from again.

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I'm feeling hopeful, there is no way TIIC can write this story, this way, and think anyone would find Steffy (and HoboDad) to be heroes.

Carter, I hope you realize the only (realistic) way you don't lose your job is if Eric dies.

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I had forgotten about Aly...(sad). If she were alive, I could absolutely see her having a legitimate issue but unfortunately, she's gone and none of the ass-clowns, even if they did know, would give two figs about Quinn's interactions with Aly. Not even Thorne, who took up with her mother's killer several times. So that leaves her out.

And to your point, the only other Forrester who has a reel beef with Quinn is Ivy, who is letting bygones be bygones. And LOL that Steffy would ever even stop to care about Quinn dumping Ivy in the Seine when she's tried to kill Ivy herself. 

It'd be rich if Steffy was indignant on Aly's behalf, too.  Speaking of Steffy/Aly/Ivy, does Steffy not remember that, not long ago, say, shortly before she got involved with Quinn's son, she was running around getting in the face of someone who she had caused physical harm to, who actually had a valid restraining order against her?  But now she thinks she gets to dictate whether Quinn, who has never physically harmed a member of Steffy's family, gets to be around?  Bitch, take every single seat.  I wish more than Eric would call her entitled ass out on the fact that all of her anger and "fear" is based on her belief that, if not for Quinn, she'd be with Liam now instead of the man she willingly married five minutes after she got a text from Liam blowing her off.  Specifically, I wish Wyatt would call her out on it as he's tossing her packed suitcase out on the front lawn. 

1 hour ago, nkotb said:

I love LG & Caroline, but until she returned & beelined for Thomas (I know, it was so "Douglas" could see him), I'd really started to enjoy him, especially him with Sasha. As soon as I saw Thomas & Caroline together with Douglas, I thought of Douglas' conception & how icky that made Thomas to me. I also hated that Sasha was sort of relegated to being an interloper because Caroline is back. I wish they'd built the Sasha/Thomas romance a little more in LGs absence.

Mrs. Arnold really sold Pam's grief today, especially when she said that Eric is her only family now that her mother & Stephanie are gone. I know the f-ing lemon bars, tm JMcC, but she's really good when she's given the material.

I'm finding that neither Caroline nor Ridge hold any real interest for me apart.  Loved them together, but actively loathe Ridge now, while being grossed out by Caroline/Thomas.  And, yes, Thomas went from enjoyable with Sasha to skeeving me out again the second he and Caroline shared screen time today.  

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I had to laugh when Caroline said that all "Dougie" could talk about all the way from the airport was seeing his daddy. He's what--5 months old? He must be a genius to be talking at that age. What a bunch of morons.

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12 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I had to laugh when Caroline said that all "Dougie" could talk about all the way from the airport was seeing his daddy. He's what--5 months old? He must be a genius to be talking at that age. What a bunch of morons.

I howled at that too!  And Caroline's hair....does it ever move?  I know roots are in but please, go blonde all the way or go home!  

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I always want to grab a brush and drag it through her hair. Of course, I feel that way about a lot of actresses on TV. And I'd give anything to take a pair of scissors to Thomas' hanging hair on the side of his head. I don't care if that's the "new do" for metrosexuals. It looks stupid.

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As I surmised, Ridge will tell everyone that he has the power of attorney and of course no one will question it. In the B&B world, even the hospital not banks would not ask for a copy, of the POA, which is required by law for them to have on file.  

To me, the whole family apologizing to Eric is just verbal diarrhea and complete menusha. 

Caroline is back putting another "love triangle" in play.  I never thought I would say this but I'm glad that Caroline is looking for a relationship with a rapist and has forgone her feelings for an absolute piece of shit.  

Quinn mentioned to Wyatt to contact their lawyer.  I sure hope it's not Michael Baldwin. 

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25 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

I never thought I would say this but I'm glad that Caroline is looking for a relationship with a rapist and has forgone her feelings for an absolute piece of shit.  

Only in soapdom would such a sentence be uttered.

But yeah, apart from the Thomas worship I've hardly lost sleep over the dissolution of CaRidge.

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Ditto. I'll give them that. They destroyed anything good about that relationship in record time. It's something. Something terrible, but something. 

I also can't say I missed Caroline's babyvoice. But I'd listen to her 24-7 on headphones before having to watch Ridge and Steffy being disgusting. 

Eric better live and disown them all. And get Carter disbarred. 

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58 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

As I surmised, Ridge will tell everyone that he has the power of attorney and of course no one will question it. In the B&B world, even the hospital not banks would not ask for a copy, of the POA, which is required by law for them to have on file. 

I swear I had a rage blackout when the hospital employees were physically dragging Quinn out of Eric's room just because a filthy, greasy bully and his puffy, plastic daughter ordered them to.  Those three pieces of shit (yeah, I'm including you, Carter, how can you be so stupid???) better be shown for what they are soon, because I'm not so sure the blood vessels in my brain can take much more.  Also, I loved Ridge with his "When Dad gets better we're taking him back to his home."  Hey Ridge-Pen, maybe all dust cloud that follows you wherever you go seeped into your brain, but don't you remember that Eric got mad in the first place for him being treated like a doddering old fool?  Is Ridge hoping he has amnesia?  Or perhaps he called Genoa City & Victor Newman gave him a crash course in Gaslighting 101. 

Edited by ByTor
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Caroline, Thomas raped you when you had no capacity to say "no". You had a baby by your rapist. And now you want him to be a father to the baby that resulted from that assault? I don't fault the actors in this story line but now that Caroline has showed up again, it reignites the rage I felt over this storyline before she left town. Who do these writers think we are? Forgetful, stupid, ignorant, forgiving the bad writing? I cannot watch this dreck if they continue with this "couple" loving on "their" baby. And has anyone held a baby as awkwardly as Thomas did today with that little boy? Oh, give me a break. 

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The summary for Wednesday's episode mentioned Ridge being conflicted between doing right by Eric or doing right by the family. Ridge seemed quite decisive. He chose to do what's right for himself. And he wondered why he didn't have Eric's POA.

Sasha better watch out. Caroline just came back and was already somewhat antagonistic towards her.

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Ugh. I felt like a balloon with the air let out as soon as Caroline and "Dougie" walked into that office.  She was not missed by me at all.  How on earth do you face-time with an infant eight times a day? I've moved on with "misunderstanding night," but don't like the way Caroline just switched gears and is ready to jump into whatever with Thomas and the kid. I wonder if she even noticed the way Sasha was hovering around pretty close to Thomas and the casual forearm on the upper part of his back? Did Sasha also ruffle his hair or something on the way out? Those gestures, while subtle, seemed pretty territorial to me.  I was pretty certain that once Sasha closed the door behind her that Caroline was going to start asking questions.

Is there a remote possibility that Caroline might be able to talk some sense into Ridge? At the very least, get him to back off a bit. They parted on friendly terms. However, I keep forgetting that Eggo is her cousin. So I guess not ...

While Eric is in a coma and Ridge-Pen and Puffy are continuing their reign or terror at the hospital the Forrester manse, who is running the company?  After reading other comments, I understand that the writers are going to have to eventually decide what to do with Eric. What I really don't want is for the writers to send him off on an endless voyage with his brother, ala Sally Spectra island-hopping now for decades.  I just don't know if killing him off right now is good timing. The Forrester clan will blame Quinn and it will be an eternal battle that everybody's going to get sick of watching real quick. I don't see how much lower they can take Ridge. He's dog shit on the bottom of a shoe right now AFAIC. His daughter is no better.

There's gotta be some just desserts out of all of this.  I just can't fathom Ridge and Steffy skating by and nothing happening to Carter.  Or, he will be the one to go down for all of this and end up permanently losing his license to practice anywhere. The unrealistic optimist in me hopes that TPTB read our comments on that survey and took them to heart. So the twist would be that instead of Eric dying and Quinn suffering, this is the big exit for R-P and Stuffy.  Bill Spencer will get his grimy hands on the whole story and splash it world-wide (with Brooke's blessing.) The disgraced father-daughter duo will be permanently blacklisted in the fashion industry and have to relocate and try to start over somewhere far off our screens.  Either way, Carter loses his license.

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

 And I'd give anything to take a pair of scissors to Thomas' hanging hair on the side of his head. I don't care if that's the "new do" for metrosexuals. It looks stupid.

Maybe TIIC think it makes him look more like his ogre-daddy, Shrek. It's stupid and wrong.

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I'm pretty sure I hate most all of these people...except for Quinn & Eric.

How did that happen you ask??? Crappy writing & characters...and certain actors that  seem to be either puffy, greasy or bad hair (how does he get that stupid wave hanging in his face??) ...among other things.


My poor little FF button has all it's arrows worn off & is smoking a lot with this show. Too bad, it was good for like about 3 minutes.....

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As others have noted, Pig Pen can't just tell people he has the POA. The signed, witnessed document has to be produced before anyone with a lick of sense would agree to let Skid Marks take charge. Ugh! This f*cking story is driving me crazy!

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1 hour ago, RedRockRosie said:

I'm pretty sure I hate most all of these people...except for Quinn & Eric.

How did that happen you ask??? Crappy writing & characters...and certain actors that  seem to be either puffy, greasy or bad hair (how does he get that stupid wave hanging in his face??) ...among other things.


My poor little FF button has all it's arrows worn off & is smoking a lot with this show. Too bad, it was good for like about 3 minutes.....

Indeed, one bright point of B&B is there is on 22 minutes of stupid compared with the other daytime shows that runs from 38 to 42.

Somehow, certain stories still feel like they've dragged out way too long.

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I have a question for longtime viewers.  I understand that Ridge has been quite the prick to his father and done many things that are unforgivable.  

Is his behaviour here the same or worse than what a Ron Moss Ridge would have done?  I am just wondering if it is the way TK is playing it that makes all of us ragey.  Cause I quite frankly loathe TK Ridge so much right now, that I am forgiving all of the Quinn insanity, even though I loathed her before this.

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If, as doctors surmised, comatose patients can hear and are aware of things around them --- hence the idea we should talk to the patient -- wouldn't it occur to the boycotters that Eric hears and knows everything that is going on?  And that he'll remember all of it when he wakes up, especially Quinn being dragged out of his room?

Doesn't Ridge-Pen think that when Eric wakes up he might tell everyone that R-P did not and never will have the DPOA?  Exactly how do Ridge-Pen and Puffy think they are going to keep Eric away from Quinn once he's home?  

I think R-P intends to have Eric declared incompetent once he's awake. Then I think Quinn will somehow break him out of where ever Ridge has stashed him.  Then the big trial where Ridge tries to prove Eric has dementia and Eric has to defend himself with Quinn's help -- possibly a surprise ally, maybe Brooke.

I also think that Puffy in a fit of something (gloating maybe) lets slip to Wyatt about the DPOA.  Wyatt has to decide whether to tell Quinn or support this wife.  I have no doubt Ridge-Pen will destroy the POA he has in hand.  But he will forget that Carter said there was a signed notarized copy in Eric's safe.  Only Eric has the combination and somehow he has given Quinn the combination without her realizing the significance of it. 

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TK's portrayal doesn't help at all, no. But in the past, the only time Ridge came off as this big of a douche was back when Massimo bought Spectra for him and Brooke, and he was railing at Darla for existing and Amber for deflowering barely legal Thomas, and I can hardly hold his feet to that fire. 

I think back to where he proclaimed Donna not being good enough for Eric and a lot of the same arguments he's made about Quinn, but the difference then was that the company aspect was more or less in terms background. The writers focused on the extremely recent failed wedding to Thorne and the fact that she was considerably younger than Eric. And while I can't get behind the rationale of two, 40 year olds coming up with the types of juvenile pranks as Felicia and Thorne did, I'll take that over this crass power grab being spearheaded by the Marone scions.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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3 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

I'm pretty sure I hate most all of these people...except for Quinn & Eric.

How did that happen you ask??? Crappy writing & characters...and certain actors that  seem to be either puffy, greasy or bad hair (how does he get that stupid wave hanging in his face??) ...among other things.


My poor little FF button has all it's arrows worn off & is smoking a lot with this show. Too bad, it was good for like about 3 minutes.....

I have been watching this show for 20 years now, and this ridiculous storyline is the only time in two decades that I've actually used my FF button. If I didn't love Rena (Quinn) so much, I'd just stop watching and ask everyone to wake me up when it's all over...which can't come soon enough for me.

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

I have a question for longtime viewers.  I understand that Ridge has been quite the prick to his father and done many things that are unforgivable.  

Is his behaviour here the same or worse than what a Ron Moss Ridge would have done?  I am just wondering if it is the way TK is playing it that makes all of us ragey.  Cause I quite frankly loathe TK Ridge so much right now, that I am forgiving all of the Quinn insanity, even though I loathed her before this.

I've only been watching since right before the Pose boink, so I missed most of Ridge's total douchebaggery.  But still, I try to picture RM doing and saying some of the things TK is doing and saying ... and can't do it.  While I never cared for RM's Ridge, I can't stand TK's Ridge and think the character is vile and repulsive.  It is more than the writing, at least for me. 

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4 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I've only been watching since right before the Pose boink, so I missed most of Ridge's total douchebaggery.  But still, I try to picture RM doing and saying some of the things TK is doing and saying ... and can't do it.  While I never cared for RM's Ridge, I can't stand TK's Ridge and think the character is vile and repulsive.  It is more than the writing, at least for me. 

Totally agree...and it doesn't help that most of the time I can hardly understand what heck TK is saying as he "slurs" through his dialogue.

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Okay, Caroline: I hate her. It's not surprising she went from "I love your Dad" to "We need to talk" the minute she saw someone else up in his grill. Caroline has always been about one person, Caroline and that doesn't look like it will change any time soon. Also, hate the baby voice, always have and relished in Maya making gleeful fun of it.

Two: Steffy and Daddio need to STFU, chickens gonna come home to roost then it's going to leave and come back and roost again because mofos, you are wrong and strong. I only hope the sound of the cavalry trumpets blaring doesn't deafen my eardrums.

Third: Rena Sofer looks mahvelous dahling. Why doesn't she age? Asking for a friend.

Finally, Fourth: Sasha and Thomas!! They exist!! I agree with whomever upthread said that it would have been nice to catch more of their relationship together before the inevitable triangle of death. 

Edited by slayer2
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10 hours ago, Zevim said:

The summary for Wednesday's episode mentioned Ridge being conflicted between doing right by Eric or doing right by the family. Ridge seemed quite decisive. He chose to do what's right for himself. And he wondered why he didn't have Eric's POA.

This is exactly why I don't think TK is a good actor.  He only seemed conflicted between being an asshole or being a huge asshole.

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11 hours ago, Zevim said:

The summary for Wednesday's episode mentioned Ridge being conflicted between doing right by Eric or doing right by the family. Ridge seemed quite decisive. He chose to do what's right for himself. And he wondered why he didn't have Eric's POA.

Sasha better watch out. Caroline just came back and was already somewhat antagonistic towards her.

The only thing Ridge-Pen is conflicted about is whether or not to wash his hair or bathe...and we can easily see that "I'm too sexy to worry about cleanliness" side easily wins out.

Caroline can take her awful helmet, black roots hairstyle and Sharpie eyebrows and get the hell away from my Tasha. 

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7 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I've only been watching since right before the Pose boink, so I missed most of Ridge's total douchebaggery.  But still, I try to picture RM doing and saying some of the things TK is doing and saying ... and can't do it.  While I never cared for RM's Ridge, I can't stand TK's Ridge and think the character is vile and repulsive.  It is more than the writing, at least for me. 

I've been watching from day 1...and by the way I never chimed in on a previous discussion, the reason I started watching is because Capitol went off the air & it was something to watch between Y&R and ATWT...and I can't picture RM being this way at all.  Of course Ridge is what the writers say he is, so certainly if RM were given these lines he'd say them, but I can't imagine him delivering them like TK is.  I could see RM growling "It's not gonna happen, Quinn!!!" but I really think that in the scenes with Carter, he'd make (or attempt to make, bless his heart) a guilty "am I doing the right thing" face over the POA.  To JMW's credit, even she tried her best to have that facial expression in that scene.  TK, however, defaulted to his favored expression...smug.

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This show has given me an idea.  If anything ever happens to incapacitate the owners of the Bulls or Bears, I'm showing up at the hospital and telling everyone I have their POA so I can take over running the team.  Who'd ask to actually see something like that, after all?  

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Great idea, @KerleyQ!  Then you can run around shrieking about how their spouses are insane & have them thrown out of their houses, have all their belongings removed, and move in yourself!  Oh, the possibilities!

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13 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Caroline, Thomas raped you when you had no capacity to say "no". You had a baby by your rapist. And now you want him to be a father to the baby that resulted from that assault? I don't fault the actors in this story line but now that Caroline has showed up again, it reignites the rage I felt over this storyline before she left town. Who do these writers think we are? Forgetful, stupid, ignorant, forgiving the bad writing? I cannot watch this dreck if they continue with this "couple" loving on "their" baby. And has anyone held a baby as awkwardly as Thomas did today with that little boy? Oh, give me a break. 


Ridge and Original Recipe Caroline...Ridge and Brooke...I only cite these two supercouples because this show has a history of using an aggravated sexual assault to promote a love story.  "It wasn't exactly consensual," is the most that could have been expected to acknowledge that a rape actually occurred.  In both instances, each lady was too incapacitated to give her consent.  Caroline had every reason to believe that it was Thorne--her husband--who was in her bed.  Brooke (engaged to Cap'n Nick) had every expectation of going to her bed and being left alone especially after she told Ridge to leave.  But, what does he do?  He had to "seal the deal" per his sperm donor, Massimo," to ensure that he got to bed Brooke before Nick did.  Both ladies were devastated and humiliated in the aftermath.  It was much later that the writers prettied up Ridge's rape of Caroline by having her claim that she knew it was him all along.  We were supposed to forget out lying eyes.  I won't even touch on what happened to Brooke, with the aftermath being she still considered her rapist her "soulmate," only to have him shit on her repeatedly.

I get enraged all over again when I remember how Brad Bell and the administrator of the show's official message board literally censored any discussion whatsoever about Ridge's rape of Brooke.  I kid you not.  The threads were either closed, or the content was replaced by some innocuous B.S. about how it was closed for discussion because it was an "old storyline," which infuriated everyone.  Meanwhile, we could discuss any and everything else from 20 years before.  You know--old storylines.  It was maddening!  Evidently, the writers bit off more than they could chew and had not anticipated the fallout.  Ronn Moss was quite upset about having his character branded a rapist and even indicated in an interview that the rape was supposed to have been more violent but had been toned down to make it more palatable to the viewers.  Too bad the mysogynistic Brad still cannot grasp the concept that not all rapes occur in dark alleys and that not all rapists are strangers.  They sometimes come with smiles, a glass of wine, a neck massage, or an invitation for a nightcap.

I've always thought ThomAss was a little creep ever since Drew Tyler Bell stepped into the role.  It was bad enough that the show cast the role with someone who didn't look as if he could have been RM and HT's kid, but it made absolutely no sense that his only love interests were Gobby, the housekeeper's granddaughter, and Amber.  Wouldn't a young man of ThomAss' wealth have had his pick of the ladies?  He inherited none of his father's (as embodied by RM) charm or finesse with the ladies.  However, he did inherit his father's propensity for keeping it in the fambly.  

Too bad about him and Sasha though; there was some potential there but now that the Twitter Princess is back with a beh-beh in tow, Sasha might as well forget that.  Even if she lifted her leg and peed on ThomAss, the mantra on this show is that the supposed father has to be with his baby-mama come hell or high water.  Even if the genesis of the relationship was an aggravated sexual assault.

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Was flipping channels yesterday morning and the Decades channel was running "Leona Helmsley...The Queen of Mean"  (Suzanne Pleshette nailed it) and there was a scene where her son dies of a heart attack and Leona rails:  "It's all her fault! (DIL)  I want her gone!  Move her out of the house and repossess everything!  I want no trace left of her!"  Paraphrasing but you get my drift.  Ridge is channeling his inner Leona.

Caroline coming back and cozying up to Thomas just sucked all the air out of the room.  Dougie is cute, tho....

You're right about coma patients hearing.  Good friend was in a coma for 4 days...medical reaction.  Not responsive at all but when he woke up he remembered us being there and talking to him.  I hope Eric is taking all kinds of mental notes and goes all scorched earth on their sorry asses.

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2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:


I've always thought ThomAss was a little creep ever since Drew Tyler Bell stepped into the role.  It was bad enough that the show cast the role with someone who didn't look as if he could have been RM and HT's kid, but it made absolutely no sense that his only love interests were Gobby, the housekeeper's granddaughter, and Amber

I have no idea, either, but the young adult scene was virtually non-existant for the latter half of the 2000s once Amber and Deacon were written out and Rick was aged up a few more years to be closer to 30. He barely interacted with Phoebe back then.

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Just a venting post.  I've restarted watching again after three years so I don't know about the things that Quinn did nor why Steffy came back or what Caroline is about, but it doesn't matter.  I just find Ridge completely unappealing.  I'd welcome back Frankenstein Ridge Moss rather than this guy.  Steffy's line delivery seems different - sounds like she's doing a combo of bourbon and cigarettes.  Not sure what the point of Wyatt is either.  Is he supposed to appeal to anyone? What's with the porn stache? Why's he always yelling? He's surely not romantic with his wife.  Thanks for the vent.

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Gah, Wyatt! Not every woman will make you settle for mere morsels of her time, love & affection! Please, please run far away from that wife of yours. You deserve so much better. Cut your losses, let your brother have her, she's just not worth it. 

Him being so happy & smitten that she's agreed to grace him with her presence in their shared home just made me sad for him. I know it's a setup for when he finds out that she knew about the POA, but it is just gross.

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Wyatt is such a pathetic wanker.  Seriously, the guy is an embarrassment.  He could get more affection from a blow-up doll than he will ever get from Puffy.

So what is Ridge going to do?  Bring Eric home and keep him like an aging heiress holed away from the world by a greedy servant?  Thorne and Rick should be chilled by Ridge's warning that he's going to move into the family home and "take care" of Eric. 

And why is Rick standing for this anyway?  If there was ever a time to break out his special brand of entitled-boy crazy, this is it.  Why is he not using this situation to drive a giant wedge between Eric and Ridge?  So stupid.

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Yeah, WTF happened to the power hungry, scheming Ricky? That Rick would have sided with Eric to become the favored son. At the very least, that Rick would demand to see the POA not take Pig Pen's word for it.

And, yes, Wyatt is a pathetic douche excuse for a son.

Where does Stuffy get off wailing "I knew she would hurt my grandfather!"? Quinn didn't hurt Eric. His family did.

Thomas didn't look thrilled that Caroline has decided to plant her flag on him. He needs to tell her that while she was off finding herself, he found someone else.

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Oh Ridge's gears are turning. If and when Eric wakes he'll probably be "evaluated" by a doc of Ridge's choosing and found incompetent so Slugworth and his plastic spawn can rule the house, the company and the family without dissent or empathy. 

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TK was really clean cut for the most part on AMC - short hair, shaved.  I don't know why the powers that be have him looking like a lonely goatherd.

I did enjoy his scene with Rena Sofer today.  Two older soap veterans showing their stuff.

Then there's Thomas and Caroline.  I fast-forwarded through them.  She is annoying, his hair is annoying, and I want him with Sasha.

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I also thought that Thomas didn't looked all that thrilled to have Caroline wanting to play house with him.  I still think that Thomas putting it to Caroline was more putting another notch on his bedpost in true 'lounge lizard" fashion.  Steffy didn't look to happy about moving back in with Wyatt.  I might be wrong though, because it's hard to tell what emotion she is feeling since her face doesn't really change expressions.  I think that I'm going to change Steffy's name to Hoover.  She just reminds me of that scene in "Spaceballs" where the giant vacuum sucks all the air out of the earth.  

Is Eric turning into a whimp and letting Ridge run roughshod over the family and especially himself.  Her's another person that should make Ridge produce the POA.  I also agree that Ridge will lock Eric away, in his house, or put him in a locked room, in an institution, using his fake POA.  What I would love to see, now that Brooke doesn't really have to marry Bill anymore, is Bill going scorched earth, on Ridge, with Quinn by his side.  Ridge thinks that you can't mess around with a Forester but a Spencer is no shrinking violet.  

Ridge thinks that Quinn doesn't listen but it's him and Steffy that are deaf, blind, and dumb.  

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2 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

Just a venting post.  I've restarted watching again after three years so I don't know about the things that Quinn did nor why Steffy came back or what Caroline is about, but it doesn't matter.  I just find Ridge completely unappealing.  I'd welcome back Frankenstein Ridge Moss rather than this guy.  Steffy's line delivery seems different - sounds like she's doing a combo of bourbon and cigarettes.  Not sure what the point of Wyatt is either.  Is he supposed to appeal to anyone? What's with the porn stache? Why's he always yelling? He's surely not romantic with his wife.  Thanks for the vent.

Welcome back....I think ;)

Wyatt was an addition to the cast when JMW/Steffy left the show and TIIC wanted to continue another triangle with Hope and Liam. But for some context, of the four women he's had relationships with, three were on the rebound from Liam.

This Ridge is godawful. I don't need Ronn Moss back, but it's been close to three years and if this board is any indication Kaye for whatever reason hasn't gelled on this show. The only time he was not complete awful was the beginning of CaRidge 2.0 and not even Thomas's creepy stalker behavior made Ridge Pen's controlling any more tolerable. He needs to go.

Possible replacement: Jon Hensley...the right age, the right build, and has a decent acting range that showed through even the hot piss that passed for story in ATWT'S last years. Plus, write in a one line joke about someone running into that doctor who.looks so much like Ridge to address that brief appearance he had 3 years ago. Blam, done.

Oddly, I think Don Diamont would've been a good fit if he wasn't already Bill.

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1 hour ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Thomas does have a very stupid looking hair cut.  And yes, what's up with Caroline's cartoon-looking eyebrows?  They weren't that dark and fake-looking before.

Thomas' side curl is hilarious watching him try to look through it and Caroline's lips are weird.  She needs a makeover but at least her belly is covered!

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