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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Anybody who also watches Y&R knows what a fucking mess that show is, so B&B looks like Masterpiece Theater to me in comparison. And I don't even mean that in a "damning with faint praise" way.

I know what you mean. At least I'm watching B&B, which I can't bring myself to do when it comes to Y&R. I've tried, I just can't get interested.
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From a performance standpoint, I agree that HT was pretty amazing. But I have to say that I think KKL was her equal in that scene. Yet she never receives the accolades that HT gets. KKL has always been under-rated, IMO.

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From a performance standpoint, I agree that HT was pretty amazing. But I have to say that I think KKL was her equal in that scene. Yet she never receives the accolades that HT gets. KKL has always been under-rated, IMO.


HT and KKL have different acting strengths.  HT is all about the proactive over the top expression of emotion that the Emmy voters love.  KKL's strengths lie in the reactive and reflective, simmering emotions behind a cool facade.  Yesterday's final scenes are a testament to both of their styles.


The weird thing is this show often showcases both these actresses in scenes not suited to their strengths.  KKL gets light comedy (with Stephanie on the roller coaster) and alcoholism (with Beata Vodka), both not suited to her strengths.  HT gets afternoons with the baby and chats with Liam.  WTF?

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Why did Quinn pocket her wedding ring?



So he won't ask questions?


Even if Deacon and Quinn don't get  back together I need Deacon's reaction to Quinn's craziness.  Especially if they go there with Liam and Quinn - which I hope they don't.  Does Liam really need another woman to fall for him and probably never get over him because it seems no woman is allowed to.


Also, Deacon may not have had a job he did take care of her and was good to her (one of his only scenes last year was rubbing her feet!)  so I'm going to be annoyed if all we get from Quinn is a "whatever" reaction to her marriage being over while Deacon gets a  zero reaction.

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I have mixed emotions about Wyatt buying Steffy a motorcycle. On one hand, I find it inappropriate and over the top. But, on the other hand, It's a guiding light to bring her back to her adventitious self. With Liam, she was turning into Hope if Steffy realized it or not. Liam had a chance for a romantic proposal of marriage abroad but chose to propose at home over Tufu and Bob Hope. I don't remember Liam taking Steffy surfing for quite a while.

It's been a while since we got a full face full TV screen of Quinn. I can get lost in RS' eyes.

Brooke lives alone right? So why does she have enough bananas, oranges, limes, apples, and sparkling water to host a Super Bowl party?

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If Quinn and Liam hook up does that mean Wyatt will start to pursue his mom ? 


What's next , will Wyatt order an outdoor staircase and a pair of heels for Hope ?


I don't remember, but on Brooke's first day at SP when she called Bill "my stallion" was that real or a Bill fantasy ?


Brooke lives alone right? So why does she have enough bananas, oranges, limes, apples, and sparkling water to host a Super Bowl party?

I have a theory about the bananas......

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Even if Deacon and Quinn don't get back together I need Deacon's reaction to Quinn's craziness. Especially if they go there with Liam and Quinn - which I hope they don't. Does Liam really need another woman to fall for him and probably never get over him because it seems no woman is allowed to.

With any luck, Quinn will go fatal attraction on him and take him out, doing all the women on this show a favor. Edited by Anna Yolei
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Brooke lives alone right? So why does she have enough bananas, oranges, limes, apples, and sparkling water to host a Super Bowl party?

Heh, I was wondering why her kitchen is exactly like the ones in both the Forrester mansion and Bill & Katie's mansion. LA only has one interior decorator? It's comical to me sometimes how a show about such wealthy people is so cheap they use the same kitchen set across three houses and think no one will notice.

Sigh, apparently Katie has gone off the deep end... again. But still, Bill should have set her straight and told her that what she saw wasn't a one-way transaction. Is he a big enough pig to let Brooke take all the blame?

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Katie slut-shaming Brooke was wrong, if somewhat understandably so...but it all took a hard right into awesomely fucked up when it got to "Women like that should be paid." That was an honest to God Stephanie moment, and Heather Tom rocked it hard enough that the rest of the ep was white noise by comparison.

What destroys Katie's diatribe, aside from her self righteousness, is the same thing that destroyed Stephanie's. There haven't been "all of those men". Has Brooke made some bone-headed decisions in the name of love? yeah, but her track record of partners matches up with pretty every other character on this show. So I had to roll my eyes at St. Katie's scorn, when she had taken her own niece's man herself. Plus, she got a little too much glee over scoring Ridge not that long ago to act like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.

Having said that, the scene was well acted if repetitive. I look forward to this all being forgiven and forgotten in two weeks when Katie and Brooke reconcile lol

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Today, at least up until Katie once again channeled Stephanie and declared she "will protect what's mine," was for me all about Liam and Quinn. Part of me is seriously wondering if TPTB concocted this hot mess partly out of laziness and partly because they knew SC and RS do have a certain chemistry, but I am truly digging the loony here. It's different, if absolutely nothing else.

Okay, and I'm trying to come up with a rip on DayQuil for this pairing from hell...

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I really don't have a dog in the Katie-Brooke fight. I can see faults from both sides. For starters, Brooke is an adult and she doesn't need to be rescued by Katie (and by extension, Bill.) If Brooke wanted to sit alone in that big house that was her business. Even with the drinking. You can't "help" a person with a problem quit the destructive behavior. It has to be the person's decision. (Brooke eventually got out of the house and went to AA on her own.) Showing concern is OK, then butt out. Brooke has always landed on her feet and IMO, she's faced far more substantial challenges than losing a man. She would have been OK.


Brooke was stupid to accept the position at SP for all of the right reasons. But, she had to do it and we all know why. This crap that Brooke and Bill are throwing back in Katie's face is a bunch of deflective blaming CRAP--that the only reason Brooke took the editor's job was to make Katie happy.


Was puzzles me about Katie is that she goes out of her way to antagonize Brooke by getting engaged to Ridge, dangling Bill under Brooke's nose, and assorted other passive-aggressive stunts. Then, she is suddenly fawning all over Brooke. How many times has Katie railroaded a party or some type of family dinner, to make it all about Brooke? She usually starts by making some gag-worthy toast, then the gate's open. Then come the episodes of wanting to "reconnect as sisters." Sometimes, I think Katie is the craziest one of the bunch.


If Brad is really too lazy to write new material, then dig back into the early days and lets examine the Katie-Brooke dynamic. I didn't necessarily see Brooke as the favorite child. She happened to be at an age where she was able to work for her mother in the catering business, while attending college. In the same vein, Storm was going to law school and working. Donna was still in high school, and worked, but I thought that was to pay for the apartment that she shared with her boyfriend, Mark. Katie was in high school, so I don't know if she was old enough to have a job, but yes, she did spend a LOT of time slouching around the house complaining about her acne problems.


While neither of the older Logan girls would stand out as "Sister of the Year" to Katie, I think Donna did far worse. She was cheating on her own boyfriend, with a guy Katie had a crush on--Rocco. (Rocco was a jerk for leading Katie on.) Brooke was also stringing along her fiance, Dave, while spending every waking moment that she could scheming her way into Ridge's bed, I mean heart. Their mother was always exhausted from working and hiding her own unrequited feelings for Eric, so Katie didn't have any good female role models. Also, I think all of the Logan girls have significant Daddy/abandonment issues from having their father desert than at a young age.


It would be really interesting to know why Katie feels this need to alternately save and punish Brooke.


I was also puzzled why Quinn took off her wedding ring. I assume that she removed Liam's sword necklace so that he wouldn't use it to figure out who he is.


I thought that Wyatt buying the new motorcycle for Steffy was a bit much. How was he able to sneak out, make the purchase and drag that thing home without her seeing or hearing anything? I didn't think it was insensitive so much as it was just way too much too soon. I didn't even think that Wyatt and Steffy knew each other that well until they met at work last summer. That was way after the motorcycle accident and miscarriage, etc. Who is he to try to delve into her psyche and try to "fix" her? No wonder he's such a loser at love.

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So, when will Quinn deliver her baby? Cause we all know where this leading, right? So, that means that Wyatt would be Liam's child's half brother, right? I think that's right . At least, once removed or possibly twice removed. Ewwwww!

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The fact remains though that Brooke has long been accustomed to using her sexuality as a weapon, most often against her own family members that she claims to love. She got caught red-handed doing something she knew was out-of-bounds and it wasn't the first time.


Yep that has been the Brooke MO for lo these many many years and frankly I am over it. I'm sick of this character pulling the same crap over and over again. Good lawd enough already.



Brooke isn't doing anything to hurt Katie, she's trying to do something to not hurt Katie.


I'm confused by this. Brooke just happened to mention to Bill that he was the love of her life to spare Katie?!? I have to disagree. Brooke dropped that information so she could get the stallion mooning after her again. So then she could pretend to push him away.



I don't think there would have been an "elephant in the room" if Brooke had kept her dang mouth shut about her feelings. Which we all know are so much more important than anyone else's. Bill and Katie did seem pretty happy, not that we saw them a whole bunch and Bill begged and pleaded Katie to allow him to come back and swore he would never hurt her. So did Brooke but her fucking feelings HAD TO BE ADDRESSED!!!! So she waved the red flag of her glittery hoo-ha at the raging bull that is $Bill and whimpers Oh! Oh! No! We mustn't hurt Katie! While swooning like a dime store romance novel heroine and welcoming his tongue down her throat.


Exactly. Couldn't have said it better. Brooke's destiny of the week always always trumps her daughters feelings or her sisters feelings etc.


It's a pathetic look on a woman her age. To not have grown up or grown smarter in all this time. I know, I know Brooke can't help it! And cue the one eye tear ...

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BlackMamba, on 28 Jan 2016 - 01:01 AM, said:

I dunno I expected more with Katie finding out about Brooke falling back in love with Bill. Not to say Heather Tom didn't do good, just felt the writing wasn't strong enough. I wasn't that impressed.


ITA. Stephanie has been gone a long time (December 2012) and no one has read the riot act to Brooke that even came close to the dressing down The Matriarch could hand out.


Katie reading Brooke for filth was well done; HT can rip the bark off an adversary like few can on B&B. It was the point when Brooke was walking off and Katie flew at her, was when TIIC over-played the confrontation by dragging out the tired old canard of Brooke holding everyone in her power by using her sexuality. There's no better way to smear a woman than to suggest she is sexually impure in comparison to the general population -- Katie's supposed marital virtue as a foil to Brooke's historical lack of virtue and personal responsibility, and there's certainly a case for that.


Katie stated that Brooke was emotionally and sexually manipulating $Bill, all in the name of honesty, and in that name they both admitted their feelings and desires from their original affair had not exhausted itself. The affair was still ongoing, even without direct contact or communication. They were still in love and lust with each other and nothing had changed but proximity; choosing to separate and follow a different course. How noble.


It isn't just a sexual numbers game that makes Brooke so objectionable. Brooke has no social or familial boundaries, or personal limitations. Period. Brooke has undermined every woman romantically involved or married to a man that she felt, believed or intuited to be The One The Greatest Love DESTINY of her life. Brooke has caused personal strife within her own family, her children, the Forrester's, the Marone's, the Spencer's, a party of favorites, and isn't done yet. 


Brooke learns nothing from romantic havoc, except she wants more or to return to it. Recently with NuRidge and Deacon, she desperately tried to draw them back into her orbit, and failed miserably.


Yet here she is again, stalking her family for the man that isn't available to her ... telling him her feelings haven't changed and she's still in love with him and it can never happen again for them ... Single Perfect Tear™ coursing down her cheek as she closes in for the meaning-laden, emotional kiss, with her hands shakily holding $Bill's face ... Who could resist the scent and allure of unrequited desire served up by Brooke?


Don't hate the player, hate the game ... Brooke continues to do the same damage she's done for nearly 30 years, and is astonished at the same results.

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So, when will Quinn deliver her baby? Cause we all know where this leading, right? So, that means that Wyatt would be Liam's child's half brother, right? I think that's right . At least, once removed or possibly twice removed. Ewwwww!

No Quinn's son will be her other son's uncle.

Omg I'm loving the dementedness of it all.

And Liam's child will also be his nephew. LOL

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sugarbaker design, on 28 Jan 2016 - 09:02 AM, said:

Question of the Day:


What in the holy hell is a Detective Hardon?


The actor's name is Chris McKenna. He was on Y&R as Detective Harding. Because his milk shake brought all the girls to the yard when he was on Show, he was renamed Detective HARDON. He will be featured on B&B this February.




Bring that smile over here, you Black Irish devil.

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No Quinn's son will be her other son's uncle.

Omg I'm loving the dementedness of it all.

And Liam's child will also be his nephew. LOL

I think I'd HAVE to tune in to see how this plays put, if this is where they are headed. Hell, I'd even be okay with bringing Hope back to see her head explode, along with Steffy and Ivy's. Certainly more worthy to sit through than

Zzzzzende and Nicole's non relationship and the CaRidge baby drama that lost steam around Black Friday.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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The possibility of Quinn being pregnant by Liamnesiac whenever they finally hook up (WTHQuil: the best sex you ever got with an injury medicine!) honestly had never occurred to me.  I figured, and still tend to figure, that it'd be more than enough for him to screw the woman who's screwed with him more than anybody else except perhaps Steffy herself (gondola!).


Buuuut....the fallout from Quinn being pregnant by her frenemy, let alone the reveal of how she got that way (perhaps amplified somewhat if they do indeed have Quinn sort of fall for Liam, or at least succumb to a moment of "Somebody likes me!" weakness), would be glorious.  Damn near universal headsplosions all around--except probably for Caroline, and Linsey Godfrey would probably bust out some epic bugeyes for that.

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I thought the best part of the Katie-Brooke confrontation was Katie's realization of why Brooke told Bill he was the love of her life.  That the only reason she did it was to stake a claim on Bill for the eventual day when Katie's transplanted heart gives out.  That was some serious shit right there and it put a whole new spin (in Katie's eyes, anyway) on Brooke's actions and motivations.  I didn't watch today, but did they let Katie's interpretation of Brooke's confession stand?  Either way, and whatever her reason, Brooke is an even bigger asshole than I already thought she was. 


And that's sad because I used to like Brooke.  But (for me) the character has never recovered from her affair with Bill.  I'll never forget the two of them blaming Katie and her postpartum depression and temporary batshitcrazy for everything that happened, as if Katie controlled the two of them and they had no free will of their own.  Whatever.  I wish they'd give Brooke a story that didn't involve her screwing over her relatives and let her use her brain again.  I also wish KKL would get a different fucking hairstyle.  Her limp yellow hair is so unflattering and it ages her well beyond her years.


I'm glad to hear Ivy is coming back and am looking forward to Chris McKenna.  A couple of those other spoilers sound good, too, especially the goings on at the mansion.

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Why have they been on the same day since last week? They moved at lightening speed for the surrogacy crap and have Caroline looking like she's due any day. Liam flew to Sydney and back, and it was the same day upon his return.

How many times was Brooke going to tell Bill that they can't let it go any further than friendship in the same day? The writers are lazy as hell. It's the same dialogue every day. It was the same when Ridge and Caroline were on the front burner. "This is our baby," was my drinking game phrase.

They need to find somebody for Wyatt. I just need him to upgrade his standards and stop pursuing women who have been with Liam. Same script, same whining, different woman. Hell pair him with Sasha or Veronica. Anybody but a woman his brother has dated, married, or slept with. It's freaking LA. There are millions of people!

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Wyatt is growing more pathetic and thirsty and desperate by the day. We all know as soon as Liam wakes up and smells the Quinnsanity, he'll be right back to making things right with Steffy.


As for Liam/Quinn, they grow more interesting by the day, which I never thought I'd say. They have far more chemistry than Liam did with Hope, Steffy, or Ivy and my goodness, Rena Sofer is just gorgeous and apparently is getting lots of sips from the Fountain of Youth because she looks younger and younger.


And of course, Bill let Brooke get all the blame. I mean he is big, bad $ Bill after all, but seriously, grow some balls and tell your harpy wife the truth.

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No Quinn's son will be her other son's uncle.

Oy, what a confusing mess of pronouns this situation would create. I think Baby X would be Wyatt's nephew (his brother's child) and Wyatt would be Baby X's uncle (his/her father's brother). Baby X would also be Wyatt's half-brother because they'd have the same mother but different fathers.


He will be featured on B&B this February.

Does that mean it's only a temporary role? Gah!


The possibility of Quinn being pregnant by Liamnesiac

Would pretty much overshadow most of the fallout from Thomas possibly being the parent of Caroline's baby.


Because his milk shake brought all the girls to the yard when he was on Show

I love this so much I want to get knocked unconscious in a spacious airplane bathroom, catch it cuddled in bed with my brother, and then break up with it.

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I know. I was confusing myself getting excited about this possible story and how it would basically cause most of the characters to freak out.

If Liam made it official with Quinn he'd be his brothers step-dad. And Bill will be Quinn's father in law.

I agree about KKL's hair it is really thin and that can be aging.

It's not a healthy look for anyone and can look sloppy. If she refuses to address it due to length preference; she should try clip in pieces, or pulling it back in chignons or twists or something elegant and stylish where the lankness isn't as obvious.

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I'm confused by this. Brooke just happened to mention to Bill that he was the love of her life to spare Katie?!? I have to disagree. Brooke dropped that information so she could get the stallion mooning after her again. So then she could pretend to push him away.

No, Brooke dropped that information because there is obvious tension between Brooke and Bill, and she admitted to the source of the tension...the sparing Katie part was when she said that nothing will ever happen.
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I didn't watch today, but did they let Katie's interpretation of Brooke's confession stand?

She didn't bring up the "you're waiting for me to die" thing, no. What Katie also didn't do is take her husband to task and ask him where he stood in all this. She made it sound like poor little defenseless Bill, who has no choice but for his penis to unwillingly wander over to Brooke.
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She didn't bring up the "you're waiting for me to die" thing, no. What Katie also didn't do is take her husband to task and ask him where he stood in all this. She made it sound like poor little defenseless Bill, who has no choice but for his penis to unwillingly wander over to Brooke.

Thank you.


I am so sick of the double standard where Brooke gets taken to task for her actions but the men always seem to get off scot-free or, worse, be portrayed as her victims as if they were helpless fish on Brooke's golden hook. It's not enough for Brooke to own her shit, she has to own everyone's else, too, and that includes Katie's self-esteem issues. And I am still furious about the slut shaming and Katie somehow having the moral high ground (which, when did that happen exactly?) and perfectly in the right to all but call her the slut of the valley. No. Just...no... And another thing, Katie is dead wrong with respect to that all Brooke has to offer is what's between her legs because all this little girl thinks is that it's true love with her, St. Katie the pure and good, and it's nothing but lust when it comes to Brooke. 


I just want to smack the smug off her face and tell her in no uncertain terms is that if it were just lust with Ridge or Bill (namely), they would have hit and quit it but that's clearly not the case. But she will never accept that. She'll convince herself otherwise just as she convinced herself it was true love with Ridge and his poems and red ribbon - she is still that same teenager staring out her window, dreaming of the day Prince Charming will ride up and rescue her.


When Katie was telling Brooke how it was going to be, I kept thinking, who are you trying to convince? Bill? Or yourself? She sounded like a three-year-old talking about how their toy was their's and not their sibling's. Mine, mine, mine.


Again, grow the fuck up, Katie! 

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Petunia13, on 28 Jan 2016 - 10:07 PM, said:Petunia13, on 28 Jan 2016 - 10:07 PM, said:

And he's an animal lover and sarcastic. Yay!


Roscoe the bunny was sweet. With as little as TIIC used him, CM create a world-weary antagonist White Hat detective in the GCPD. TIIC seemed to be going for more with Detective HARDON, using him in social situations, when suddenly he was thrown under the bus to service the sputtering Marco SL. It was a waste of a good actor and interesting character to help conclude a story arch that ate Show, it also gave JFP's preferred wood product (Steve Burton) a bigger, more expansive role on Y&R. It wasn't enough that everyone and their mother met to kaffeeklatsch at Dylan's Crimson Lights, now he's been awarded a silver detective shield so he can stick his sanctimonious nose in anywhere he's written.


Sorry about the off-topic rant.



sugarbaker design, on 29 Jan 2016 - 08:56 AM, said:sugarbaker design, on 29 Jan 2016 - 08:56 AM, said:

The only thing I love more than a milkshake is a LiQ baby!


I know it's a popular pairing, I'm not entirely onboard with its development.


Quinn still has an appetite for $Bill Spencer, but the indecisive, milquetoast Liam? Quinn could teach him to heel, bark on command and stay off the furniture, but she kind'a hates him and I don't want to see her turn into schmoopy drivel by his vacillating personality. I do see the comedic value of everyone losing their mind over Quinn swanning around on amnesiac Liam's arm, but it's a coupling of Bambi Meets Godzilla.






The End, indeed.



It makes me squeamish, and I've got a pretty robust constitution for Soap sexual misadventures.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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but she kind'a hates him and I don't want to see her turn into schmoopy drivel by his vacillating personality.



Nor do I Cupid Stunt!  I hope Liam remains amnesiac because he's infinitely more interesting as a blank slate than as Liam Spencer the indecisive, waffling, testosterone-free milquetoast.  I'm hoping for a love/hate relationship for Quinn and Liam, they both love her and they both hate him.  I'm envisioning many encounters in Quinn's Forge of Evil.

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I know it's a popular pairing, I'm not entirely onboard with its development.



I'm not a fan either.  I'm just waiting for this story to be over.  If it is ever over.  I think they have been on the same day the last two weeks.

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Nor do I Cupid Stunt!  I hope Liam remains amnesiac because he's infinitely more interesting as a blank slate than as Liam Spencer the indecisive, waffling, testosterone-free milquetoast.  I'm hoping for a love/hate relationship for Quinn and Liam, they both love her and they both hate him.  I'm envisioning many encounters in Quinn's Forge of Evil.


Fair enough. If Quinn can rebuild Liam on her Forge of Evil (Love It!) and he loses those feet of clay, I'm all in.

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She didn't bring up the "you're waiting for me to die" thing, no. What Katie also didn't do is take her husband to task and ask him where he stood in all this. She made it sound like poor little defenseless Bill, who has no choice but for his penis to unwillingly wander over to Brooke.


And $Bill protected his own faithless ass by hiding behind Brooke's skirt while Katie mistakenly castigated her for being the only one still invested The Greatest Love affair.


The façade of The Stallion reveals a sweating coward.

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Thank you.


I am so sick of the double standard where Brooke gets taken to task for her actions but the men always seem to get off scot-free or, worse, be portrayed as her victims as if they were helpless fish on Brooke's golden hook. It's not enough for Brooke to own her shit, she has to own everyone's else, too, and that includes Katie's self-esteem issues. And I am still furious about the slut shaming and Katie somehow having the moral high ground (which, when did that happen exactly?) and perfectly in the right to all but call her the slut of the valley. No. Just...no... And another thing, Katie is dead wrong with respect to that all Brooke has to offer is what's between her legs because all this little girl thinks is that it's true love with her, St. Katie the pure and good, and it's nothing but lust when it comes to Brooke. 


I just want to smack the smug off her face and tell her in no uncertain terms is that if it were just lust with Ridge or Bill (namely), they would have hit and quit it but that's clearly not the case. But she will never accept that. She'll convince herself otherwise just as she convinced herself it was true love with Ridge and his poems and red ribbon - she is still that same teenager staring out her window, dreaming of the day Prince Charming will ride up and rescue her.


When Katie was telling Brooke how it was going to be, I kept thinking, who are you trying to convince? Bill? Or yourself? She sounded like a three-year-old talking about how their toy was their's and not their sibling's. Mine, mine, mine.


Again, grow the fuck up, Katie! 


I just had to pop in to shout 'PREACH' at the top of my lungs.


When Katie went on her self-righteous, self-pitying rant at Brooke the other day, I was praying that instead of standing there and taking it (like Brooke always does), Brooke had stepped in and said 'Allow me to retort, BITCH!' 


How much longer is Brooke supposed to do penance for 'poor Katie's' insecurities.  Katie is a grown ass woman.  Whatever issues she has are not Brooke's fault.  Brooke is not responsible for Katie's ugly duckling childhood, nor for Bill's lack of fidelity.  Or has Katie forgotten that the Stallion went out to play looooooooong before Brooke came on the scene.


I almost laughed out loud when Katie went on about what a good sister she was to Brooke.  I don't believe for one second that Katie brought Brooke to Spencer because she wanted to help her.  Katie knew that Brooke was going through a bad patch and wanted to rub Brooke's nose in all the things that Katie had that Brooke didn't.  She couldn't do that if Brooke was sitting in her house alone, moping.  So Katie gets double the pleasure of posing as the saintly good sister who only wants to 'help' while also sticking it to her older sister, which seems to be one of Katie's favourite things to do.


Where the fuck does Katie get off?  If Brooke uses her 'golden cooter' to get what she wants, Katie works her secondhand heart just as hard.  Every time Katie wants to get what she wants, she clutches her chest and does her best George Sanford imitation.  Maybe her husband wouldn't be sniffing after Brooke again (oh yes Katie, Brooke didn't mention it but your HUSBAND has been dreaming about fucking your sister ever since she went on the payroll) if Brooke was safely married to Ridge.  We all know why that didn't happen.


Any search through B&B archives will show that Katie is a fucking hypocrite and a nasty piece of work herself.  She betrayed one of her nieces by fucking (and get pregnant with) her man and betrayed the other by standing by and watching while her beloved husband ruined the poor girl's life.  Katie wanted Steffy safely off the market so she didn't give a damn WHAT Bill did to Hope so his side-piece could get with his son.


Every year or so, a stand-in for the 'moral majority' hits their mark and tells Brooke what a whore she is.  It was Queen Stephanie for years, then Taylor, now Katie.  Not once.  NOT ONCE has any of the men that Brooke was involved with been held accountable.  It's disgusting.  Her daughter Hope was written as a walking, talking rebuke to Brooke by making her the super-virgin.  Of course, since she was Brooke's daughter, she was slammed for being too virginal.


One of these days I want Brooke to wipe the single tear from her eye and tell one of these harpies to step the fuck off.  I hope the new guy is for Brooke, so we can watch the holier than thou set clutch their pearls!

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She didn't bring up the "you're waiting for me to die" thing, no. What Katie also didn't do is take her husband to task and ask him where he stood in all this. She made it sound like poor little defenseless Bill, who has no choice but for his penis to unwillingly wander over to Brooke.



And $Bill protected his own faithless ass by hiding behind Brooke's skirt while Katie mistakenly castigated her for being the only one still invested The Greatest Love affair.


The façade of The Stallion reveals a sweating coward.


Wow.  I didn't expect Bill to confess his lecherous fantasies, but I also didn't expect him to let Brooke take all of Katie's rage, either.  He is indeed a coward.  I wish Katie would tell them both to go fuck themselves.  Maybe then all three of them could grow beyond what they've been the past three years.

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I wonder if Liam's bonk on the head is going to result in a wholesale personality change like boring Jason Quartermaine's car crash turning him into, well, even more boring Jason Morgan?  I guess a better example would be Caroline Spencer, II turning into Caroline Spencer, II v.2?

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See, that's the thing with Brooke....she's lot the far longer history of inappropriate relationships, but she didn't have to use tricks and games and blatant manipulation to "win" these guys the way Steffy did with Hope, like Taylor did with Ridge after using an infatuated Thorne to lie about Thomas's paternity for the entirety of that pregnancy, and like Queen Stephanie did waaaaaay back in the day to get Eric to marry her.

These guys are not victims. Not Eric, not Ridge nor Nick or Bill or Throne. Bill sitting by while Katie chews into Brooke...lame. Not even Liam is that much of a lamewad.

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I just had to pop in to shout 'PREACH' at the top of my lungs.


When Katie went on her self-righteous, self-pitying rant at Brooke the other day, I was praying that instead of standing there and taking it (like Brooke always does), Brooke had stepped in and said 'Allow me to retort, BITCH!' 


How much longer is Brooke supposed to do penance for 'poor Katie's' insecurities.  Katie is a grown ass woman.  Whatever issues she has are not Brooke's fault.  Brooke is not responsible for Katie's ugly duckling childhood, nor for Bill's lack of fidelity.  Or has Katie forgotten that the Stallion went out to play looooooooong before Brooke came on the scene


I almost laughed out loud when Katie went on about what a good sister she was to Brooke.  I don't believe for one second that Katie brought Brooke to Spencer because she wanted to help her.  Katie knew that Brooke was going through a bad patch and wanted to rub Brooke's nose in all the things that Katie had that Brooke didn't.  She couldn't do that if Brooke was sitting in her house alone, moping.  So Katie gets double the pleasure of posing as the saintly good sister who only wants to 'help' while also sticking it to her older sister, which seems to be one of Katie's favourite things to do.


Where the fuck does Katie get off?  If Brooke uses her 'golden cooter' to get what she wants, Katie works her secondhand heart just as hard.  Every time Katie wants to get what she wants, she clutches her chest and does her best George Sanford imitation.  Maybe her husband wouldn't be sniffing after Brooke again (oh yes Katie, Brooke didn't mention it but your HUSBAND has been dreaming about fucking your sister ever since she went on the payroll) if Brooke was safely married to Ridge.  We all know why that didn't happen.


Any search through B&B archives will show that Katie is a fucking hypocrite and a nasty piece of work herself.  She betrayed one of her nieces by fucking (and get pregnant with) her man and betrayed the other by standing by and watching while her beloved husband ruined the poor girl's life.  Katie wanted Steffy safely off the market so she didn't give a damn WHAT Bill did to Hope so his side-piece could get with his son.


Every year or so, a stand-in for the 'moral majority' hits their mark and tells Brooke what a whore she is.  It was Queen Stephanie for years, then Taylor, now Katie.  Not once.  NOT ONCE has any of the men that Brooke was involved with been held accountable.  It's disgusting.  Her daughter Hope was written as a walking, talking rebuke to Brooke by making her the super-virgin.  Of course, since she was Brooke's daughter, she was slammed for being too virginal.


One of these days I want Brooke to wipe the single tear from her eye and tell one of these harpies to step the fuck off.  I hope the new guy is for Brooke, so we can watch the holier than thou set clutch their pearls!

Can I hear an "Amen"? Brooke needs to borrow the Dowager Countess of Grantham's quip to Cousin Isobel: "Do you ever get cold on your high moral plain?" I can't stand St.Katie and her marathon (runs all the time) mascara. I wanted Brooke to slap her back today.

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I'm so tired of Puffy and Chicken head. They've been on every day this week!

But they're "Fun!".



Any search through B&B archives will show that  "insert character name"  is a fucking hypocrite and a nasty piece of work  "insert character gender".

I find this statement can be universally applied.*



The facade of The Stallion reveals a sweating coward.

This seems to be the case for those types.



* This of course excludes Matron Saint Maya.

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Yesterday I was sorta okay with Katie spewing on Brooke because she was still in the heat of the moment. However, today when she went over to Brooke's house for Act II I thought she was being a petty prima donna. She could have sent Brooke an email or text to let her know was fired, or she could have let the company's HR director handle it. And even though Katie probably wouldn't have believed it, I think Brooke should've let Katie know that Bill wasn't exactly pushing Brooke away. I guess that reveal has to be saved for later so HT can have another Emmy bait scene.


Ugh, Wyatt is so pathetic. What kind of damage did Quinn do to him that he thinks he's accomplishing something by picking up Liam's leftovers? Especially when the leftovers are still pining for Liam? Who wants to be somebody's consolation prize, or even worse, a temporary stand-in?


But on a shallow(er) note, I loved Katie's bag.

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Quinn is continuing her damage. I don't get her push of him towards women who are not only Liam's exes but also just out of a relationship-at times when he is also just out of a relationship. She's trying to force his life and it's not interesting anymore if it ever was.

I do miss Deacon because he made her a little bit tolerable because he called her on her crazy.

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" And cue the tears"


I so loved when Katie said that because Brooke was about to let go with the single (or more) trickle -- which has always been her fall back to get people to forgive her. Katie was having none of it because she's seen it too many times. And I liked that Katie called out Brooke that it's always about her (B's) feelings when Brooke said she was only trying to be honest about her feelings.  And Brooke's lame  'I holed myself up in my house and started drinking to forget and not hurt my sister":  That was absolutely calculated on her part to make Katie feel bad for her, 


And I also loved Eric confronting Bill about sending signals to Brooke. Somebody needed to call The Stallion out and I'm glad it was Eric.I think Katie is going to find out Bill has been fantasizing about Brooke and was trying to get her to give and start up again. 


In this fight I'm Team Katie..

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