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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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KM as the new leading lady? Ugh. I felt the same way about the other KM being the leading lady.

Maya needs bigger implants if she wants to be a swimsuit model. And longer legs and neck if she wants to be a model period. Carter should be in those swimsuit spreads. Yowza!

Get Aly a bonnet is she is going to dress Amish from now on.

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I can't imagine a soap having just one leading lady. Soaps have a broad canvas, and there are the veteran actors and front-burner stars, but there's usually more than one lady in the limelight. With B&B, I could see Caroline, Steffy, Maya, and Ivy all being "leading ladies" at the same time. Brooke and Katie have their turns in their spotlight too.


As a lifelong Y&R viewer, let me just vote HELL NO on the reappearance of Sheila Carter in any way, shape, or form. I am all Sheila-ed out.

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Aly has a legit reason for not liking Maya. Maya went along with Rick bullying and humiliating her. I hate that they have taken this legitimacy away by making Aly bat-shit crazy. I would have liked to have seen her confront Maya about this bullying.

Couldn't they have at least shown Aly going off her meds instead of out of the blue having her dress all in black and acting like the morality police?

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Okay, the only person looking crazier than Aly in this story is Oliver. Who would date someone who wears that to a pool party then spends the day moralizing about it? Know what's worse than being labelled a slut in my book? Being called a moralizing, pious asshole with no sense or urgency for fun. I don't know which side is worse, the crazy or the puritan but damned if they're both not terrible.

Edited by slayer2
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Aly has a legit reason for not liking Maya. Maya went along with Rick bullying and humiliating her. I hate that they have taken this legitimacy away by making Aly bat-shit crazy. I would have liked to have seen her confront Maya about this bullying.

Couldn't they have at least shown Aly going off her meds instead of out of the blue having her dress all in black and acting like the morality police?


Oy ... The dress and hair were very heavy-handed severity, in a Yearning For Zion kind-of style.


Sadly, Ally has taken a couple of steps past the line of unrequited grievances into what TIIC imagine religious mania for secular appetites might look like.


"Retribution ..." intones Floating Darla Head of Steffy-hate, and Ally will comply.

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Okay, the only person looking crazier than Aly in this story is Oliver. Who would date someone who wears that to pool party then spends the day moralizing about it? No what's worse than being labelled a slut in my book? Being called a moralizing, pious asshole with no sense or urgency for fun. I don't know which side is worse, the crazy or the puritan but damned if they're both not terrible.


I thought Oliver was calling her on suddenly moralizing over things that hadn't bothered her previously about his job, and her overall snarly disposition in at the 4th of July party.

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Where is this fixation on sex coming from? Was Aly ever molested? Did she ever witness something traumatic/sexually violent when she was little?

Well she is Camp Hope and there's that narrative from Hope of being feared to be like Brooke. Maybe she adopted that?

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If Aly wants to be a prude and cover herself from head to toe on a hot summer day, be my guest. But, like slayer alluded to, don't moralize and preach to other people about it. Aly reminds me of a particular sort of library patron who would self-righteously declare that they never read those bad books with all the sex and cuss words in them and expect you to applaud their elite morality as you check their chaste Amish romances out. If they don't like reading novels with sexual content and f-bombs, fine, that's their right. I never understood why they were so damn proud of it.


Oh, and by the by, Aly, your dad hasn't exactly been a paragon of virtue, so slow your roll bragging about Forrester class and values.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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Well Aly and Oliver did some pool scenes together so she wasn't a prude back then!  And Oliver was suspected to be on the dark side.  What an outfit Aly had on today!!


Nice to see Caroline walking on her own two feet with no boot!  Congrats!

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I am so sorry that the only person who still has (justified) anger toward Maya is Ally. The correlation is, as I see it, that only bitter/angry/crazy people would have an axe to grind against Maya.

What the heck was Pam wearing? That was bananas, even for her!

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Pam, Charlie and Aly were supposed to be attending a colonial themed party later on. Aly was too upset to don her costume

Oh yeah, I get it. I just don't know why Pam and Charlie would wear that costume in the kitchen where they are cooking and it would be hot and no one else there is wearing the costumes. I know when they were going to Medieval Times that they would wear costumes but they didn't wear them until they were en route to the event. I suppose it's supposed to be quirky or cutesey but I'm not buying it.

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I'm really sorry that they've regressed Ally back to crazytown like this, though I suppose I can buy that all of the abuse from Rick and Maya has taken a toll on her. (IMO those two still owe her some serious apologies for the horrible way they treated her. And Ivy. OK, they owe everyone some serious apologies). And goodness knows Steffy's return has been working at my sanity, so I can't blame Ally for that, either. I just wish they could've come up with something better for her than this. And ruining her and Ollie's adorableness? Uncool! And not to mention that Ally is clearly struggling, everyone can see it, yet… no one does anything to help? Shouldn't Eric or Brooke realize she needs some serious help, and take her aside or call Thorne or… anything? Nice family they got there.


But, trying to be positive, AP has been doing a good job, and more scenes of Crazy Ally means fewer scenes of Steffy/Liam/Quadrangle of Despair, so that's a plus. But still…


I am so sorry that the only person who still has (justified) anger toward Maya is Ally. The correlation is, as I see it, that only bitter/angry/crazy people would have an axe to grind against Maya.


This bothers me too. And by the same reasoning, it bothers me that Ally's sudden craziness is clearly supposed to make me like/side with Steffy. Um, no. Nice try, show. Steffy makes me want to vomit in rage. I think I could handle her in a purely business-related storyline, but all this so-called romance with her and the Spencer boys… no. Just no.


In other news… yay, an Ollie sighting! And LG has her last moon boot off! Talk about an amazing lady. Still liking Zende (actor and character both). I'm a relatively new B&B viewer, so I didn't realize at first that his character was already established in the past - I thought he was a retcon. Nice to see the writers using actual history.

Maya and Nicole's mother could be interesting, we'll see. I still wish they hadn't intermingled the transgender storyline (which I've found surprisingly well done so far) with the Maya and Rick as petty tyrants storyline. It made it awfully unbelievable to me to see them being so openminded and kind with each other in one scene, then humiliating Ally, Ivy and everyone else in the next.

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I thought she looked fantastic. Everyone did.

Steffy looked really good today. The daylight lighting and make up does wonders for her. Maya also looked beautiful today but I vote Ivy to be the lead model at FC. AB is 5'9", JMW is 5'8", and I believe KM is 5'5".

There should not be a scene where Carter and associates have their shirts off. They all look like 98 lb wimps next to him. Does FC have have a men's swimsuit line? If not they should make one just to have Carter be the model.

Now we will find out how old Nicole actually is. Mommy can't make her come home if she younger than 18. Come on Ally, even Amish women get a year off to sow their wild oats.

Edited by Waldo13
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There should not be a scene where Carter and associates have their shirts off.

Well, I agree that Carter should not be in that scenario. I think he'd better start wearing a bra or in a few years those moobs of his will be flopping around like pancakes.


Mommy can't make her come home if she younger than 18.


(...older than 18.)  If she is younger, I wonder if they'll address all that drinking Wyatt was encouraging her to do when he was trying to find out The Secret. Yeah, no, probably not...


The correlation is, as I see it, that only bitter/angry/crazy people would have an axe to grind against Maya.

Yep, and I think by extension the show is sending a rather pointed "eff you" to many of its viewers. Apparently Maya is completely above criticism now. Not cool, show.


Loved Pam and Charlie's outfits but geez, Eric, overdressed much?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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What was the significance of FHD's hair morphing into a short black bob?

Because she's leading Aly along a dark path now.

Still don't understand Aly's vitriol at only Maya instead of both Maya/Rick during her tirade at Ivy. Rick was the ringleader not Maya and you can't say it's because Rick is family because Steffy is family as well and she hates her more than Maya. Hate when females only target other females. That's cliche and so are the writers, so I shouldn't be surprised.

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I guess Maya and Nicole's mother didn't have a smart phone. She didn't need to go down Hollywood & Vine for a map of Hollywood. I wonder if she ran into Erica Kane? You know, Hollywood & Vine...Erica Kane...All My Children...oh, never mind! Anyhoo, it looks like KKL is now considered one of the old people. She didn't get to spend the day at Brad Bell's house for the on location shoot. I guess Brad Bell wasn't kidding when he KM was now the leading lady of B&B. I guess KKL glory days are over with the drinking storyline not panning out. That said, Brad Bell has an awesome home and it must be nice to be rich. Happy 4th of July everyone!!

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Steffy looked really good today. The daylight lighting and make up does wonders for her. Maya also looked beautiful today but I vote Ivy to be the lead model at FC. AB is 5'9", JMW is 5'8", and I believe KM is 5'5".


I don't concern myself with the real world limitations of modelling with respect to Forrester. Maya is the spokesperson/spokesmodel for the brand. Many have done this without adhering to conventional (read archetypal) standards of beauty eg. Kate Winslet for Lancome, Lauren Hutton back in the day, even Kate Moss was merely 5'6 so I'm not at all concerned with the height or weight with respect to representing Forrester.


Brooke also was the face of Forrester for a while for her Brooke's Bedroom line. I don't necessarily think the Linda Evangelista, or Twiggy standard is what Forrester is looking for. I do agree that AB is beautiful but I'm not fond of acquiescing into the "North American" societal standard of beauty (that AB falls into) irrespective of all others. I'm on board with a spokesmodel who is a healthy weight proportionate to her height, the fact that she's (meant to be) transgender is icing on the cake for me. Honestly the storyline really works for me, it's a lesson in self-love that is so rarely seen on television nevermind soaps.

Edited by slayer2
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There's no way TIIC could possibly be revisiting


I certainly hope not...unless it gives Quinn a storyline other than her son's love life.  If so, Quinn for the win!!

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Have y'all heard?


I love Bridget! And Ashley Jones

Ok. Today was totally cheesetastic and kinda ...awesome? The music video montages of Maya and Steffy twirling and vamping were ridiculous. I enjoyed the rest though even crazy pants Aly. And the arrival of Maya and Nicole's mom.

From Floating Head Darla's conversation with Aly I'm guessing Aly try to kill Steffy.

I am pretty angry at wacky ass punk ass Liam and the newest SOD has a spoiler that made me angrier

the rat bastard chooses and declares his love and goes to Ivy to end it. And she tries to prevail upon him to see both women at once. Ugh!!!

Edited by Petunia13
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That spoiler makes me a sad panda. I guess I spoke too soon about B&B turning over a new leaf. Instead, they're just recycling the very worst Brooke/Ridge ideas.

That spoiler pisses me the fuck off. I wasn't here for Brooke/Ridge but I did see the Waffles/Hope/Chickenhead mess. If they go that route again, I'm out.

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Bold loves its triangles but this ridiculous is there something in SC's contract that he absolutely cannot not be in a triangle ever? I'm beyond furious that all the groundwork they laid his and Ivy characters are being thrown to the wind but sweet Kay Chancellor's best friend is this man fickle.

he totally proves beyond the shadow of a shit he doesn't give a damn or cared in any significant or sincere way about his "love" he declared for Ivy and casts her aside callously and chooses his true love Steffy. And Ivy asks him to reconsider and date them both simultaneously? Both women should be telling him to go fuck himself and he should be embarrassed he's about as deep and loyal as Kardassion. He's proven it time and again and hasn't matured at all. Why should I as a viewer take any of the shit he does or says seriously. He changes devotions and loyalty like his underwear. And watching each woman vie and compete for him ugh pass

Edited by Petunia13
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I think Wyatt needs to hit the gym. He was looking a little soft compared to everyone else. All the guys except for Carter seem so short. Back in the day everyone was tall like, Ridge, Thorne and Nick. They also looked like real men but now everyone looks like little boys. Perhaps it's because I'm getting older? Nah!!

I do agree Brad Bell is very triangle crazy just as his father was. It's just unfortunately that the current triangles only involve Liam & Waytt with interchangeable girls. Even, Aly going psychotic for Steffi is a retread storyline. First, she was all Team Hope and now she is all Team Ivy. Get it together, girl. Get a grip. LOL!!!!

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I agree that Wyatt needs to hit the gym. The other day when he was doing pullups where Carter usually does I thought it rather embarrassing. Purely from a superficial standpoint Wyatt and Liam don't have anything I want. LSV and JY seem to be the only men giving it their all in the gym while the women are working their asses off. Double standard much? This is a soap opera after all, get these men to GoodLife!

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To Bill Bell's credit, he at least invested time to make all sides of the triangle viable so that you'd give some kind of shit when Ridge went with one or the other.

I have no interest in Liam as a character, because,as another poster put it, he's "vilely bland." Five fucking years on this show and I know no more about why he does the things he does (or doesn't do) than I did the day Steffy hired him to hack that computer to expose Brooke and Oliver's boink.

....I wonder if Aly knows about that.

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Bold loves its triangles but this ridiculous is there something in SC's contract that he absolutely cannot be in a triangle ever?

If so, I don't see how there's much difference between being in a triangle and ping-ponging back and forth between two women.


If they wanted to, B&B could do a real examination of the polyamorous lifestyle where mutually-consenting adults openly and honestly engage in multi-partner relationships. Instead they come up with this high school-level stuff where greedy, self-designated cool kids justify their waffling by throwing around the words "love" and "destiny" like so much loose change. And that nonsense is built on people whose unduly low self-esteem makes them desperately scrounge for their beloved's scraps.


the rat bastard chooses and declares his love and goes to Ivy to end it. And she tries to prevail upon him to see both women at once. Ugh!!! 

Ugh, indeed.

She better use two forms of birth control and make Liam use industrial-strength condoms. (Or she could take a page from his book and insist that he not sleep with either of them until he makes a choice.) Bleh, what happened to the Ivy who said she had too much dignity to try to hold onto a man who didn't really want her?


Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I agree that Wyatt needs to hit the gym. The other day when he was doing pullups where Carter usually does I thought it rather embarrassing. Purely from a superficial standpoint Wyatt and Liam don't have anything I want. LSV and JY seem to be the only men giving it their all in the gym while the women are working their asses off. Double standard much? This is a soap opera after all, get these men to GoodLife!


LOL  I teach BODYPUMP at GoodLife, would love to see these guys in class! 

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I'm sad to admit that B&B is the only soap I currently bother to watch on a regular basis, but all these QoD (Quad of Despair) spoilers make me think I'm going to have to take a mental health break in the very near future. Four soaps left, and not a one of them is wholly watchable. :(


As a brunette, I must protest the soap shortcut dark hair = evil. Next time give Darla's floating head an eye patch or twirlable moustache.

Or an Evil Spock-style goatee. Nothing says evil like a goatee! (And as a fellow brunette, I protest too).


it's a lesson in self-love that is so rarely seen on television nevermind soaps.

Hear hear! Very well said. Maybe that's why this show is the only one I've stuck with recently. As horrible as the "romances" on this show are (and they are) and as awful and laughable as the character continuity is (and it is), B&B is the only one of the four not completely mired down in negativity, violence and general nastiness. It may be absurd and silly, but it's not full of mob shootouts, violent and abusive "leading men", and the endless misogyny that the other three seem to be brimming with anymore. I dunno. All IMO, of course.

Edited by Maelstrom
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I would love for the storyline to go this way but I know it won't .  Aly finds herself in the psych ward with one of her inmates turning out to be a very much alive Sheila who uses Aly to get out and get revenge on all the Forresters! 

Oooooh! Now this is all I want to see.


Kinda curious what role she could play on the landscape now. There's no way TIIC could possibly be revisiting


When I saw her picture I thought, I bet she'd pair well with TK. And then I remembered. 

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When I saw her picture I thought, I bet she'd pair well with TK. And then I remembered.

Is it wrong that I thought some of Ronn Moss's best acting came from that horrible period of Ridget?

But yeah. No more of that, KTNXZ.

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All this new/old blood they'd do well to bring Whip back, everyone else is related. Bridget could always hook up with Carter though although I'm hesitant to put him with anyone because I don't find him that strong of an actor (beautiful as he may be).

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All this new/old blood they'd do well to bring Whip back, everyone else is related. Bridget could always hook up with Carter though although I'm hesitant to put him with anyone because I don't find him that strong of an actor (beautiful as he may be).


I remember watching LSV as Remy on Guiding Light when his baby died.....and he was really really good. Lot's of raw emotion. I was quite impressed. The problem with this show is, they don't give the guy anything to really sink his teeth into....but he can be damn good if he gets some decent writing. IMO.


Also, he & Karla Mosley (they were on GL together) did a cute web series, "Wedlock" that he wrote. Hilarious!!

Probably why they went with the"Room8" story. That could have been good but...well...writers...reasons...you know.

Edited by RedRockRosie
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Hear hear! Very well said. Maybe that's why this show is the only one I've stuck with recently. As horrible as the "romances" on this show are (and they are) and as awful and laughable as the character continuity is (and it is), B&B is the only one of the four not completely mired down in negativity, violence and general nastiness. It may be absurd and silly, but it's not full of mob shootouts, violent and abusive "leading men", and the endless misogyny that the other three seem to be brimming with anymore. I dunno. All IMO, of course.

Exactly this. Although we've had Ridge the Entitlement Prince and Nick Marone go off his rocker when he finally got Brooke, there's none of the abuse that couples throw at one another on Y&R, for example. I don't think Ridge has ever wished death for Brooke when she's disappointed him nor used their children as weapons the way Carly and Jack constantly did on ATWT. Nor are there so many rape storyline like on DOOL to the point that many characters have been both victim and perpetrator.

It's silly and over the top, but that's what B&B has always been.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Exactly this. Although we've had Ridge the Entitlement Prince and Nick Marone go off his rocker when he finally got Brooke, there's none of the abuse that couples throw at one another on Y&R, for example. I don't think Ridge has ever wished death for Brooke when she's disappointed him nor used their children as weapons the way Carly and Jack constantly did on ATWT. Nor are there so many rape storyline like on DOOL to the point that many characters have been both victim and perpetrator.

It's silly and over the top, but that's what B&B has always been.

Very true! And not to mention all of the horrible human beings, dysfunctional couples and all-pervasive misogyny over at GH.


I remember watching LSV as Remy on Guiding Light when his baby died.....and he was really really good. Lot's of raw emotion. I was quite impressed.

I'd forgotten about that storyline! I found a snippet of that here, at 2:10. GL certainly had its issues by the end, but damn, the actors turned out a lot of excellent performances.


I'm a pretty new viewer, so I've never seen Bridget before (except didn't she make a quick guest appearance last year sometime? Or was it when Stephanie died?) and don't know a lot about her history, but I wonder where in the canvas TIIC will stick her?

Doesn't seem like there's much room on the show right now for people not named Steffy or Liam (or Ivy and Wyatt, to a lesser degree).

Edited by Maelstrom
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To answer your question,

she made an appearance when Brooke rounded her and Rick up for that stupid dinner with Eric to try and get him to marry her as a cover for having gotten knocked up by Bill. As far as the rest of her history goes, she was Vegas married to Deacon (during which Brooke got pregnant with her special snowflake Hope), married Nick Marone (Ridge's paternal half-brother and Brooke's ex) and they were off and on for far too many years until she had a one night stand with Nick's mother's husband Owen who was about thirty years younger than she was (Jackie the MIL I mean) and had a baby named Logan. He's a bit of a miracle, given her previous two miscarriages and the surrogate who also lost the child she was carrying for her and Nick.

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Just when I was giving Steffy credit for being compassionate with Aly, she went right back to the passive-aggressive snotty comebacks & eye rolling.  I'm relieved about this, actually, being that I was getting close to not loathing her...at least now all is right in my world.  The way Brooke was hanging around Eric, almost like she was also hosting the 4th of July party, was making me wonder if this is a sign that TPTB are thinking about getting them back together.

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