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S01.E01: Derailed


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The emergency department's grand opening is interrupted by an onslaught of crash victims, pushing hospital administrator Sharon Goodwin and her staff to their limits as they frantically work to triage and treat patients. It's all hands on deck as newly hired trauma surgeon Dr. Connor Rhodes, pregnant paediatrics specialist Dr. Natalie Manning, third-year resident Dr. Will Halstead, military-trained Dr. Ethan Choi, nurse April Sexton and head of psychiatry Dr. Daniel Charles must pull together to save lives. Rounding out the team is medical student Sarah Reese, who quickly learns some of the hard lessons that come with life in the Emergency Department.

Not great, not horrible. And not horrible for a pilot is actually a bit of praise.


I veered back and forth on the couple with the surrogate, first feeling for them, then thinking they sucked, and then was okay with them again at the end.


So female med student is the "Carter" here? Got it.


And that was my main takeaway: It seemed like ER of 2015. With no Doug/Carol romance at the core. But it was nice seeing S. Epatha Merkerson on TV again.

  • Love 6

This was ok. Connor was a bit tough to take, what with all his awesomeness (he's checking people out at the derailment! he's giving a guy CPR as he's wheeled into the hospital! he speaks Spanish!). I get it, show, I get it.


I did like Natalie and April and Maggie's friendship. 




But it was nice seeing S. Epatha Merkerson on TV again.



It really, really was!

  • Love 6

I wondered why Raum Emmanuel would agree to be on a show that started with a major failing of his El train.


I liked it more than I thought I would considering I hated the backdoor pilot on Chicago Fire last season.  Bringing on Colin Donnell really helped.


It's ER like in that there are a diverse group of people with minimal nurses., and both female  At least ER had more nurses and some of them were male.  So far I like Choi and Connor and can't stand the red haired resident. Sadly medicine is full of people like him.


I like that Connor got his degree from Guatemala. Foreign degrees are looked down up (looking at you, ER) but often it's a better education because they have to learn to diagnose without the expensive equipment.


I hope they can avoid turning Reese into Carter because Carter quickly became unbearable on ER.


Merkerson's character's speech was okay but I would have said "How are you going to tell your child you let her die for him?"  Oliver Platt's psychiatrist didn't have too much of a role so he didn't bug me too much.  It will probably be worse next week.

  • Love 1

I thought it was OK entertaining. Some of the plots are silly. I don't mind silly plots if they aren't super distracting, but I think some of these were.


One of the distracting contrivances is I doubt you can literally sign your life over as a surrogate. I don't think it would take long to get an emergency order preventing the baby's parents from blocking life-saving care to the surrogate mother. And yes, I would consider the baby's parents monsters if they'd opted not to treat the surrogate. I don't think the surrogate mother signed the power of attorney, intending the baby parents to make life - death decisions, only CARE decisions.


Transplant recipient families are strictly guarded from meeting the donor families unless both parties agree (personal experience).  No way would the scenario of the recipient father convincing the fiance to donate the organs be allowed.


But it was an okay show, nice noise while doing hobbies.

I think the are trying hard to mimic ER but the only thing that reminded me of that GREAT medical drama was the running of the "L Train". 


There never seemed to be a sense of urgency even with a gurney full of hurt patients coming in from a train derailment. Although I appreciate a reasonable amount of blood there was not enough there well I guess if I take into consideration it only seems like they got 2 critical then I'll let it slide.


Not sure if the little girl missing her dad and the surrogate mother were suppose to pull at your heartstrings if they were then I may need to check my heart beat because I wasn't impressed or moved.


Everything was tied up into a neat ball by the end of the show. I mean c'mon dude even got a new set of lungs, what were the odds? The doctors weren't animated about what they were doing especially if this is suppose to be representation of a "busy accident induced emergency situation".


Sort of disappointed that a lot of hospital/medical jargon wasn't thrown around.


I'll give it another chance just for Colin Donnell and S. Epatha Merkerson. Overall not too bad but I did fall asleep for a bit while I watched it watch me.

Edited by Ann Mack
  • Love 3
Connor was a bit tough to take, what with all his awesomeness (he's checking people out at the derailment! he's giving a guy CPR as he's wheeled into the hospital! he speaks Spanish!). I get it, show, I get it.


I'm afraid this might kill the show. This guy is apparently the lead, but I cringed almost every time he was on screen -- such a Marty Stu. His acting wasn't particularly bad; really, it was the writing. Oddly, he was quite tolerable in his scenes with the psychiatrist (whom I liked), so maybe there is some hope for him. First impression: I kind of liked Choi and that neurosurgeon, and also the psychiatrist. The female characters seem to have a nice vibe between them.

  • Love 2

This was ok. Connor was a bit tough to take, what with all his awesomeness (he's checking people out at the derailment! he's giving a guy CPR as he's wheeled into the hospital! he speaks Spanish!). I get it, show, I get it.

Eh, it was a pretty stock character introduction: doc gets caught in an emergency and comes in with the wounded barking stats.  At least he wasn't trapped in there forever and performing emergency surgery on site with school supplies from a dying kid's backpack or something. And Spanish isn't a freaky language. If he saved the day because he spoke Arabic or Polish or something, maybe, but he just managed to talk to a patient; more people really should know Spanish just because of its prevalence in the US anyways.


I don't think of this as the new ER. Code Black is the new ER.

Edited by CoyoteBlue
  • Love 4

I don't think either this or Code Black is the new ER.  ER got the medicine right more.  Code Black makes me want to throw things at the TV the way Grey's Anatomy does.


One of the distracting contrivances is I doubt you can literally sign your life over as a surrogate. I don't think it would take long to get an emergency order preventing the baby's parents from blocking life-saving care to the surrogate mother. And yes, I would consider the baby's parents monsters if they'd opted not to treat the surrogate. I don't think the surrogate mother signed the power of attorney, intending the baby parents to make life - death decisions, only CARE decisions.

I'm sure she never would have thought they would be making life or death decisions for her.  But since she didn't have any family or close friends, she gave medical power of attorney to the couple, thinking that they would do what's best for her and the baby.  I didn't like the husband but I don't see it as completely out of line.


The problem is that she didn't have anyone else around her to take the parents to court, and legally the doctors could do nothing since the surgery was just a chance anyway.


This was ok. Connor was a bit tough to take, what with all his awesomeness (he's checking people out at the derailment! he's giving a guy CPR as he's wheeled into the hospital! he speaks Spanish!). I get it, show, I get it.

I think they're trying to get people into the show by liking him, and he's a great deal more likable than the red-haired jerk of a resident.  He's kind of the Doug Ross character except not a jerk about women (so far as we know).


The train crash/CPR thing is SOP on medical shows.  He spoke Spanish because he went to medical school in Guatemala.  Maybe couldn't get into med school in the US (if so, not a Gary Stu) and went abroad.  I know a number of people who have, some because they couldn't get in here, others because you can go straight into med school from high school elsewhere.


I hope they don't drop the situation altogether.  Doctors who took their schooling abroad are often looked down on (e.g. on TV, Dave on ER) so there's room for more conflict with the resident who would be working under Connor.  But it's also realistic.  Remedy (Canadian medical show) had a top South American surgeon working as an orderly because he couldn't get the residency to practice as a doctor up north. Also very realistic.


Speaking of NOT realistic, I don't like the sex ratio of all the males being doctors (including the surgeon and the bone guy) but only two of the women are, and there are no male nurses.  Poorly done, show.

Edited by statsgirl
Remedy (Canadian medical show) had a top South American surgeon working as an orderly because he couldn't get the residency to practice as a doctor up north. Also very realistic.


Bob the female foreign (Polish?) desk clerk on ER came to mind here in S1, too! I remember she told Carter she was a surgeon in her own country. Carter offered help for her to study in the U.S., as well. Of course, Bob did a fade. Always wondered what became of her.

  • Love 1
Speaking of NOT realistic, I don't like the sex ratio of all the males being doctors (including the surgeon and the bone guy) but only two of the women are, and there are no male nurses.  Poorly done, show.


It's the pilot, so I'm hoping we may get more parity as the show unfolds.  They did a decent job with racial diversity, so I'm hoping they get better with gender as well. 

I watched this while doing several other things, so at first I mistook Colin Donnell for Goran Visnjic and was very confused as to what Dr. Kovac was doing there. Actually paying attention cleared  up my confusion. 

I watched the show while doing several other things, so at first I mistook Colin Donnell for Goran Visnjic and was very confused as to what Dr. Kovac was doing there. Actually paying attention cleared  up my confusion. 

I thought the new doc went to med school at Guadalajara.

I think you're right.  In Mexico (Spanish speaking) and has a medical school.


Bob the female foreign (Polish?) desk clerk on ER came to mind here in S1, too! I remember she told Carter she was a surgeon in her own country. Carter offered help for her to study in the U.S., as well. Of course, Bob did a fade. Always wondered what became of her.

In my head canon, she passed whatever she needed to and has been happily practicing for years.


That's an example of a medical show getting it wrong because the hitch for foreign doctors is not the studying but the need to do a residency again.  Residencies are so scarce for foreign trained doctors, even those who were born in the US and are US citizens, that they end up studying acupuncture or driving cabs.

And Spanish isn't a freaky language. If he saved the day because he spoke Arabic or Polish or something, maybe, but he just managed to talk to a patient; more people really should know Spanish just because of its prevalence in the US anyways.


Yeah, to me that's part of the problem. The other characters reacted like it was this impressive thing that he knew Spanish. I wouldn't think that having this skill would be all that unusual in a major hospital in Chicago. Could just be the clunky writing of a pilot episode, where every character beat has to be over-emphasized. 

  • Love 3

I liked the episode. A lot. And I especially like the hot doctor. What can I say, I'm shallow lol! He actually kind of reminds me of a young Dylan McDermott, but now that kathara mentions it, I can definitely see Goran Visnjic.


As for speaking Spanish, I'm sure there are more doctors who don't speak it fluently than do. I'd think getting through med school and residency would be hard enough without adding a second language to the mix. In this case, he likely learned the language because he went to med school in Guadalajara.  And I'm perfectly happy without all the medical jargon. I get that it's a hospital and all, but I'm not a doctor and I like to have a vague understanding of what's being discussed when I watch TV.

I think Connor speaking Spanish had more to do with him being the Hot New Guy than it would have otherwise.  His first day on the job included him jumping into treating patients after a train derailment (that he was in) and showing competency at said treatment.  Add in the Spanish (which can sound really sexy depending on the speaker) and the fact that he looks like Colin Donnell and it becomes a bigger deal than if his first day was slow and all he did was introduce himself. 


I do look forward to learning his flaws as that's how I determine if I actually enjoy a character or not.  I did enjoy him butting heads with Halstead 2.0 and that should be fun to watch unfold.


So far the two nurses are probably my favorites.  I really want to see them doing shots with Sgt. Platt from Chicago PD. 

  • Love 3

A lot of doctors learn medical Spanish from medical school and residency in the US (especially working in Cali and Florida) so it wasn't a big deal that he busted out some Spanish. So far, I like Code Black much better but I like the actors so will give it another try. I miss Colin Donnell on my screen because he was awesome on Arrow.

Edited by twoods

When I lived in NYC it always was a joy to ride the El especially across the bridges. I never once thought about it falling off the track.Did show have an explaination for this.


I don't recall if the show explained it or not. One derailed train in the Loop happened because the train hit another train stopped on the tracks in front of it.

Edited by izabella

I loved this. Really really really loved it. Such a strong pilot.


I like all the characters and their interaction with each other. The weakest one I'd have thought was Brian Tee's character and that was only because he had the bare minimum screentime.


Love the three female characters and how close they seem to be. Strong femal favourite female friendships are lacking at the moment in both CPD and Fire so it's great to see it here.


I'm confused about Will Halstead because his appearances on PD I thought he was supposed to have his own plastic surgery practice in New York before he moved back to Chicago. Is that wrong? He's a resident here. When he lost his temper with the hospital lawyer I saw such resemblance to Jay.


I like the rivalry between he and Rhodes as well. It makes sense. Will was probably the bigshot before he arrived and Conor seems like the guy who's the bigshot wherever he goes.


So much shipping potential:

Connor/Med Student

... and the list goes on.


I freaking love this show. Such a great pilot.

  • Love 1

I'm confused about Will Halstead because his appearances on PD I thought he was supposed to have his own plastic surgery practice in New York before he moved back to Chicago. Is that wrong?



I don't think it was his own practice, but I do recall Jay teasing him about being part of a hotshot plastic surgery center in NY. So I was as confused as you were about him now being a resident.

I think the are trying hard to mimic ER but the only thing that reminded me of that GREAT medical drama was the running of the "L Train". 


There never seemed to be a sense of urgency even with a gurney full of hurt patients coming in from a train derailment. Although I appreciate a reasonable amount of blood there was not enough there well I guess if I take into consideration it only seems like they got 2 critical then I'll let it slide.

I had the same problem. I was in high school during those early seasons of ER. I don't remember a hell of a lot of it, other than the episodes were fast paced and action packed. This seemed a lot slower and more soap opera-like. I mean there was a huge accident and it seemed like they only saw a handful of patients. Probably passing on this one, just too slow for me and too much sad slow melodramatic music to go along with it. 


I did have to laugh though at the scene at Molly's they had some kind of weather forecast playing on the big screen tv.

Edited by Kel Varnsen

When I lived in NYC it always was a joy to ride the El especially across the bridges. I never once thought about it falling off the track.Did show have an explaination for this.


If ever there was a time for a crossover. This was it. Chicago fire could have been a bit more involved with the rescue.


From the past:


One and done. This show bored me. They speak Portuguese in Brazil, not Spanish. None of the characters appealed to me. I'll continue to get my medical fill from Code Black.

Yes, the Brazilian American portrayed as a native speaker of Spanish, rather than Portuguese, really bugged. It's possible to fanwank that the languages are similar so she easily became fluent in Spanish out of necessity in her nursing career, but that's not what's implied — what's implied onscreen is BS ignorance on the part of the writers.

Plus, when we first met this character (over several episodes) on Fire and maybe PD too, as Severide's long lost childhood friend, wasn't she a doctor, not a nurse? I don't actually care enough to go back and check, but I was really surprised when someone called her a nurse so it must have gotten fixed in my mind somehow that she was a doctor.

I'm confused about Will Halstead because his appearances on PD I thought he was supposed to have his own plastic surgery practice in New York before he moved back to Chicago. Is that wrong? He's a resident here. When he lost his temper with the hospital lawyer I saw such resemblance to Jay.

I don't think it was his own practice, but I do recall Jay teasing him about being part of a hotshot plastic surgery center in NY. So I was as confused as you were about him now being a resident.

I'm with you guys. He came into the Chicago Wolfiverse as an affluent, successful, fully trained, write his own ticket private practice physician, with the implication that his weaknesses had to do with fast living and loose morals. Very confusing that he's now a resident, ready to get into a pissing contest with the new trauma fellow.

Two highly distracting questions kept coming up for me, related to Dr. Halsted, and not to the show's credit, IMO:

(1) Where are the senior physicians in emergency medicine/trauma? I guess we saw some here & there, but they were definitely taking a back seat to the resident, fellow, and student.

(2) WTF is up with the orange hair? That is new right? It's like the younger, lusher version of the mess on Donald Trump's head.

A few other thoughts — I love Oliver Platt & S. Epatha Merkerson and will keep watching, after this highly mediocre pilot, only to see what they end up bringing to the party.

I wonder if Merkerson wouldn't be better used and get better storylines if her character were also an M.D. — perhaps as a senior, teaching type physician? [see above]

And when, on any of the Chicago shows, might we see Dr. Charles actually behaving like the head of a Dept of Psychiatry at a major urban hospital? or even just an actual psychiatrist? rather than popping up here and there to serve as a booze-swilling Buddha who listens to whichever character needs to spell out their issues and then offers no real help.

  • Love 1

I wonder if Merkerson wouldn't be better used and get better storylines if her character were also an M.D. — perhaps as a senior, teaching type physician?

Yeah I also thought that. I found it kind of distracting in the scene with Rhodes and Carter junior where she just stares at them while they try to save the guy and then nods and walks away. No wonder the med student fucked up. It's intimidating. Plus why was she overlooking the procedure if she's only overseeing the administration.

  • Love 1

Yes, the Brazilian American portrayed as a native speaker of Spanish, rather than Portuguese, really bugged. It's possible to fanwank that the languages are similar so she easily became fluent in Spanish out of necessity in her nursing career, but that's not what's implied — what's implied onscreen is BS ignorance on the part of the writers.

Plus, when we first met this character (over several episodes) on Fire and maybe PD too, as Severide's long lost childhood friend, wasn't she a doctor, not a nurse? I don't actually care enough to go back and check, but I was really surprised when someone called her a nurse so it must have gotten fixed in my mind somehow that she was a doctor.

(1) Where are the senior physicians in emergency medicine/trauma? I guess we saw some here & there, but they were definitely taking a back seat to the resident, fellow, and student.

Connor is a trauma fellow, which means he had 1 - 3 years training as an emergency/trauma doctor.  He would have seniority over a regular ER doctor, even one older but with less specialized training.



I wonder if Merkerson wouldn't be better used and get better storylines if her character were also an M.D. — perhaps as a senior, teaching type physician? [see above]

I actually like her much better as a hospital administrator than Marcia Gay Harden's character on Code Black.  One of the things I really dislike about medical shows is how the doctors take over everyone else's functions -- administration (which they are usually piss poor at never having had any training in it), psychology, social work (including baby sitting small children for the yucks value) and one horrible episode of Grey's Anatomy when the surgical interns had to take care of five premature babies, as if the hospital had no neonatologists much less a NICU.


I thought she brought gravitas to the scene where she talks to the parents about what to do for the surrogate, and it seemed much better coming from her than it would have from a doctor.



And when, on any of the Chicago shows, might we see Dr. Charles actually behaving like the head of a Dept of Psychiatry at a major urban hospital? or even just an actual psychiatrist? rather than popping up here and there to serve as a booze-swilling Buddha who listens to whichever character needs to spell out their issues and then offers no real help.

He did in the backdoor pilot that ran on Chicago Med.  He was a magician who made amazing diagnoses based on next to nothing.  (It was painful and one of the reasons I decided to pass on this show before Colin Donnell came on..)  I liked him much better here, it was more realistic.


This was only the first episode of the show. 

Next episode "med student Sarah Reese and psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Charles treat a patient suffering from dementia, only to discover she may not have dementia at all."

I wonder what it would take to get Dylan Baker back playing his doctor character from Chicago Fire. I think the first time they took a crack at spinning off Chicago Med he was going to be one of the leads. Bringing him back would have me more interested.

A big fat YES to this. Baker was so good and so believable on the Fire trainwreck episode. And Gabby Sue was still going to night med school or something, but I digress.

I totally called that the pregnant doc's husband had died serving in Afghanistan. I love that the surprisingly Spanish-speaking new fellow got his MD in Guadalajara, so that makes sense that he speaks Spanish. Not loving that Oliver Pratt's character also starts speaking Spanish later in the episode. Sort of overkill and diluting the impact big time. And yes to his character laying off the sauce and being a real psychiatrist and not a dilettante.

I also agree that S'epatha needs to wear a white coat. But she doesn't have to flaunt her mastery of Spanish too.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 2

Not great, not horrible. And not horrible for a pilot is actually a bit of praise.


I veered back and forth on the couple with the surrogate, first feeling for them, then thinking they sucked, and then was okay with them again at the end.


So female med student is the "Carter" here? Got it.


And that was my main takeaway: It seemed like ER of 2015. With no Doug/Carol romance at the core. But it was nice seeing S. Epatha Merkerson on TV again.

agreed on all counts.


I also thought Yaya was a doctor. I spent half the episode trying to compare scrubs.


That poor Natalie has a lot of work to do before I will see her as anyone but Nanny Carrie.




Transplant recipient families are strictly guarded from meeting the donor families unless both parties agree (personal experience).  No way would the scenario of the recipient father convincing the fiance to donate the organs be allowed.


I understood Oliver Platt to be just the CF boy's paternal role model/friend/psychiatrist. He wasn't his actual father. Although I agree that it was inappropriate for him to strongarm the fiancee, if for no other reason than he was clearly invested in this kid. And, frankly, anyone pressuring (by pressuring I mean dragging the fiancee to look at the poor kid) a loved one to donate a patient's organs is squicky.



I like that Connor got his degree from Guatemala. Foreign degrees are looked down up (looking at you, ER) but often it's a better education because they have to learn to diagnose without the expensive equipment.



I think it was Guadalajara, not Guatemala.

Colin Donnel's Conner Rhodes was, by far, the most compelling character. I also liked the shy medical student who was overwhelmed initially but did okay when the occasion called for it, the rest of the cast was not given much so I am not sure about them. I didn't like the douche face red haired resident who first tried to snub Dr Rhodes for being a rich boy from the right side of the town and then gave him side eye for getting his degree from a developing country. I think I am gonna hate him for sure. 


I am tuning in next week because they gave me shirtless Colin Donnell this week and there will be more shirtless Colin Donnell next week. I am shallow like that. 

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