Jusagirlintheworld November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I think she's making it up. If there are "threats" it's things like 'I'm going to tell them what we talked about' etc. If she physically threatened the Browns they would be able to have her arrested and I think TLC would make sure it was reported to authorities. The fact that she's tweeting vague comments about threats just makes it sound like an attempt to up the sympathy factor Agreed. I just can't figure out what it was she "had to do" to protect her family. Is she trying to say she sent the pictures because "Sam" extorted her? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715078
Popular Post islandgal140 November 16, 2015 Popular Post Share November 16, 2015 (edited) I feel catfished my damn self. I'm more pissed that they are trying to pin this ALL on empty nest syndrome. Mariah has been in college for 2 years. Christine mentioned that Meri started pulling away 6 or so months ago which was probably around the time of the divorce. How does that not factor into it? The attempt to lay none of the blame at the feet of being pressured to divorce the Kodster and watch the dark wife Robyn rise is what I object to most. Meri's talk of profound loneliness is sad. It brings to mind the saying that the loneliest place on earth can sometimes be in the middle of a crowd. Meri: I may get up someday and just leave. I'm just gonna be goneKody talking head with his confused face: I don't know what to think. I'm so confused. It almost sounds like she wants to leave. He is like a live action Homer Simpson. There was practically steam coming out of his ears from all the thinking and dot connecting he was trying to do. I really wanted to choke him this episode. He is a coward. He sat at that table like a deaf mute with his listening face on and said nothing. NOTHING. His silence was deafening. Robyn at the table? Seriously, the first thing after hearing that Meri might leave isn't to ask more about her reasons why or say please don't but she practically asked her for a forwarding address to send her all her shit. That chick is just vile. I didn't sense an ounce of sincerity there no matter how hard she try to shed tears later on. If you have to say 'don't take us (really just Robyn) being supportive of you as not wanting you around" than I think you don't. The other 2 were like what can we do. Never heard that from old Sobyn. Ouch! Janelle made the comment that her kids can feel closer to Christine and Meri than her a lot of times. They didn't show Robyn's reaction, but I would have liked to have seen it. You know, my thought was 'oh shit!' Is Robyn gonna take that photo they showed of the 3 wives, their babies and Kody from like 15 years ago and doctor it up somehow to creepily include her and gift it to everyone during the holidays? Edited November 16, 2015 by islandgal140 32 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715081
Misslindsey November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Meri is tweeting that Sam made threats against her family. She did what she had to do to protect her family. What does that mean? What is she trying to say? In one of Meri's TH's she said that Sam said he was friends with someone who knew a lot about technology. I may not be remembering this correctly, but I think Meri said that Sam sort of threatened that his friend could ruin her or something. Though I would not be surprised if Meri is making the whole her and the family being threatened by Sam up either. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715088
toodles November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I disagree. I was married to my ex husband for 13 years.....he cheated on me...it was not a celestial marriage but he cheated and ended up marrying her. Thankfully I have a masters degree in mechanical engineering and I met my now husband who is also is an ME...although he is way smarter than me ......but I did feel lost...I felt hugely inadeqaute...I had friends, family and an active social life...sometimes the opposite sex is a big douche bag....I wanted an easy escape but I have a job that required 80 hours a week plus I taught at Muhlenberg college....I get the feeling that she was pressured into giving Kadouche the divorceI said all along that the let's get a divorce for some stupid adoption scheme was a crock. Meri was dumped for Robyn plain and simple. And your husband just sits there like a lump because he is afraid of the truth? Tell us again how great this lifestyle is. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715095
Popular Post Celia Rubenstein November 16, 2015 Popular Post Share November 16, 2015 Look what that dicknoodle Kody tweeted ... Kody BrownVerified account@realkodybrown I will love and support @MeriBrown1 ALWAYS!!! She needs to let me. Working on it! #SisterWives So ... just to be clear ..... none of this is Kody's fault ..... it's MERI'S FAULT for not letting Kody love her enough .... Right Kody, you just keep telling yourself that. You hopeless narcissist. 34 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715110
Jusagirlintheworld November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Look what that dicknoodle Kody tweeted ... So ... just to be clear ..... none of this is Kody's fault ..... it's MERI'S FAULT for not letting Kody love her enough .... Right Kody, you just keep telling yourself that. You hopeless narcissist. Arrrgh! He is such a douchecanoe!!!! And what the heck happened with Meri's cancer scare? Did TLC drop it after the viewers realized that it could be HPV and likely brought in by Robyn? 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715117
ThinkerBell November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 You know, my thought was 'oh shit!' Is Robyn gonna take that photo they showed of the 3 wives, their babies and Kody from like 15 years ago and doctor it up somehow to creepily include her and gift it to everyone during the holidays? Maybe Robyn is planning on asking the pet portrait artist to do his magic on a photo of Meri and a photo of Sam's half face profile picture to create another moment that never really happened. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715166
purpleflowers November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 (edited) To me the saddest thing Meri said was that she knew there was something fishy going on within the first week of talking to "Sam" but she did it anyway. She must have been so incredibly lonely and this is the most real I have ever seen this show. Whatever unfaithfulness Meri may have shown, I can only feel so, so bad for her. She just seemed so sad. I don't know if she would have been less lonely if they were all still living under the same roof. It's hard to say. I also noticed, as others did, that Kody said absolutely nothing at that dinner. Quite pathetic. It seems obvious to me that his relationship with Meri is not the same anymore, and I find it very odd that in the TH he already jumps to "it sounds like she doesn't want to be married to me anymore". I don't think the other wives or Kody knew about the catfishing at the time of the Alaska dinner discussion because Janelle was just talking about making sure Meri would be home for Thanksgiving; that made it seem like she really didn't know; otherwise she probably wouldn't make a statement like that. I did think what Christine was saying about Meri was very sensible. Otherwise I found Christine entertaining but a little more zany than usual. It kind of stuck out. She also seemed kind of drowsy. Edited November 16, 2015 by purpleflowers 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715176
LotusFlower November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I don't believe the threat thing either. I think that she's just saying that to try to save face. She is desperately trying not to look bad in this whole thing. I agree. She said she was "targeted" online (whatever that means), and she started pulling back from the family so as to "protect" them from being targeted as well. Actually (to use the Browns' favorite word), she was distancing herself from the family b/c she was consumed by her online relationship, and was making plans to leave. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715181
Snarklepuss November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 To me the saddest thing Meri said was that she knew there was something fishy going on within the first week of talking to "Sam" but she did it anyway. She must have been so incredibly lonely and this is the most real I have ever seen this show. Whatever unfaithfulness Meri may have shown, I can only feel so, so bad for her. She just seemed so sad. I don't know if she would have been less lonely if they were all still living under the same roof, or if she isolated herself. It's hard to say. I also noticed, as others did, that Kody said absolutely nothing at that dinner. Quite pathetic. It seems obvious to me that his relationship with Meri is not the same anymore, and I find it very odd that in the TH he already jumps to "it sounds like she doesn't want to be married to me anymore". Meri saying she knew by the first week that something was amiss really got to me because it reminded me of myself in college - I let myself get taken in by a guy who misrepresented himself because I was lonely and wanted a boyfriend badly. Feeling desperate makes people do things against their better judgment or that "little voice" deep inside that tells them that a person is lying to them or otherwise using them for selfish purposes. I can't be too hard on Meri knowing this. We all know why she was so desperate and lonely in that situation. Then his cluelessness himself Kody acts like a big sheepdog cocking his head in puzzlement about why she's acting so strangely. What a freaking liar HE is! He is the FIRST scam artist Meri let herself be taken in by. She bought his line of shit and now has probably realized that her gut was right 20 years ago and she should have listened to it THEN. I agree. She said she was "targeted" online (whatever that means), and she started pulling back from the family so as to "protect" them from being targeted as well. Actually (to use the Browns' favorite word), she was distancing herself from the family b/c she was consumed by her online relationship, and was making plans to leave. ITA too - How she could twist leaving the family into protecting them, though, boggles my mind but I agree that she spun it that way because wanted to make herself look less bad, like everyone's going to think she's so bad and selfish for leaving the family - Meanwhile most of us are chanting, "Run, Meri, run!" 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715228
autumnh November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I said all along that the let's get a divorce for some stupid adoption scheme was a crock. Meri was dumped for Robyn plain and simple. And your husband just sits there like a lump because he is afraid of the truth? Tell us again how great this lifestyle is. I agree. I totally believe that the end result we are seeing in this situation, is production driven. The gossip sites for the most part portray it for what it is.....the producer driven explanation is totally different....Meri needs to GTFO....live you life.....get away from that hot mess. I hate TLC...between Polygamy, Fundamentalists, People who make out with their cars, over weight people (I was one...I had Gastric Bypass 15 years ago) and little people...they have become such a different channel than they used to be....It is difficult to watch. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715270
LotusFlower November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 When Meri said she's lonely because her house is so empty and quiet, all I could think of was how much she pushed for that huge house, with all the extra rooms, the French doors, and of course the wet bar, always knowing that her only child was months away from leaving for college. And now she's crying "poor me?" Speaking of college, whatever happened to the college classes that Meri said she was taking, in order to cut back from working on MSWC? And what's up with MSWC anyway? And why does Meri feel so lonely if her husband, her sister wives, and a gazillion kids live across the street, and they're all one big, happy family? I kid, I kid - this "lifestyle" is horrendous, and so sad for everyone but the narcissistic King. I love how the scenes of these miserable polygamist adults were juxtaposed with Logan and Maddie saying no polygamy for us, thank you very much. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715285
futurechemist November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 (edited) Ignoring the catfish side of this, there seems to be a lot of hypocrisy in the family, especially by Kody. Kody finds another woman he's interested in. That's okay, he can marry her and add her to the family. Repeatedly. Meri finds another man she's interested in. That's cheating and she should feel guilty about it. Why can't the new guy be added to the family? Or would that take away from Kody's place as king of the family? If you're going to accept poly relationships, it should be able to go both ways. Edited November 16, 2015 by futurechemist 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715286
LotusFlower November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 ITA too - How she could twist leaving the family into protecting them, though, boggles my mind but I agree that she spun it that way because wanted to make herself look less bad, like everyone's going to think she's so bad and selfish for leaving the family - Meanwhile most of us are chanting, "Run, Meri, run!" Right, but I also think that this is how TLC is spinning it. It fits with the image that polygamy, er, excuse me - a plural family, is all sunshine and roses, and the mean, mad world is always trying to persecute them. As for Meri "running" - she's not going anywhere. She was only contemplating leaving because she had what she thought was a successful businessman waiting in the wings. She values comfort and money and things - this is someone who threw a tantrum and cried because her house budget didn't have enough for the French doors she wanted. She's staying put, and probably will while the TLC gravy train pays the family. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715335
taragel November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Wow, I'm impressed by how honest it got actually. Having read the texts and the catfish blog, as far as I could tell, all the facts Meri presented were the truth. Maybe not the motivations (Mariah leaving was probably but a small part in this, not the catalyst), but how it unfolded and what transpired, yes. The catfish did reach out to her and start laying it on super thick--declarations of love and soulmate stuff--very very early on, after like a week of talking to her or whatever. "He" was super pushy and super manipulative about it too. From the few voicemails I listened to--it was also very clear that they had a lot of fights that "he" initatied. She was always telling "him" not to be mad and begging forgiveness for not knowing why she'd pissed "him" off somehow. I totally believe that "he" flipped out on her and got super angry a lot, esp if she ever showed signs of not believing/questioning. As far as the threats, I can believe that "he" said he could ruin her and wasn't someone to be messed with. "He" is very arrogant and a clear narcissist. I imagine the main "threat" wasn't actually anything like extortion or physical violence, but more that they would release all this information (which they have on the blog), all these voicemails and suggestive photos, that would clearly expose that Meri wanted to have an affair with someone, thus jeopardizing the whole family's livelihood with TLC. I think she genuinely believed she had gotten them into a situation where she'd be exposed as unfaithful and the cash cow would go away. Plus, the kids would find out. I don't think she gave a hoot about the other wives or Kody finding out, but I do think she wouldn't want the kids to know. I believe Kody really didn't have a clue then what she was blathering about--but it was weird that no one seemed all that alarmed at her saying she might just up and be gone one day. Still, that statement also jives with what catfish has said she would say. Meri believed she was going to take a vacation somewhere and "he" was going to meet her and then sweep her away to live with him in Chicago. Ahem. The fact that they interspersed the whole story via THs between snippets of the very vague nothingy Alaska dinner is unfortunate. But because of the timeline schedule, I guess they didn't have much of a choice. The season was technically over and done and this was the last episode. Catfish forced their hand just recently resulting in Meri's People Magazine confession and all these THs added. Plus the "tell-all" episode which they always seem to shoot just a few weeks before it airs. DId anyone see any previews for the Tell-all? I still feel really badly for Meri. She was very emotionally vulnerable and yeah, looking for love in all the wrong places. But I do believe she really was desperately lonely and had been for some years. Sigh. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715365
Popular Post Celia Rubenstein November 16, 2015 Popular Post Share November 16, 2015 Dang, I thought maybe you all were exaggerating Robyn's response to Meri saying she might want to leave. But after seeing it myself, all I can say is that I am surprised Robyn didn't scoop Meri's dinner into a to-go box for her and shove her out the door. She cannot WAIT for Meri to disappear. 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715372
LotusFlower November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 On the contrary, I found Meri's catfish story to be pretty dishonest, even if a lot of the facts were accurate. This was an online relationship of love, support, romance, and even sex, but Meri made it sound like she was just lonely being an empty-nester, and wanted someone to talk to. She hardly addressed Kody at all, her love life with him, or lack thereof, the divorce, the pitfalls of this polygamous lifestyle - nothing that's real, IMO. She's whitewashing it, as is TLC. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715386
UsernameFatigue November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 (edited) I thought it was obvious at the lunch that Meri was still 'with' Sam. In fact her dropping hints about going away, and maybe going away for a week to camp by herself I thought was an attempt to concoct a cover story so she could go away and meet Sam without arousing suspicion. I remember reading that one of the times she was supposed to meet 'Sam' and instead his 'assistant' (the woman who was catfishing her) showed up was at Disneyland. That could be done in a day but would be a long day - who knows if Meri left for a couple of days for that failed rendevous? I did think it was odd in her TH that Meri said one could love more than one person at a time. Isn't that the whole basis of her life - that her husband loves three other women as well as her? One thing that Christine said in her TH I thought was odd. She said Meri had been pulling away from the family for the last six months, barely attended any family functions and was distant (can't remember her exact word) when they were at work. WTH are they working at? The SWC seems to be dead and gone so what pray tell was Christine talking about? It bothers me that someone as smart as Maddie was lamenting how sad she will be that her kids won't be raised by multiple mothers. She seems oblivious to the fact that she needed multiple mothers because she had a couple of dozen siblings competing for her parents' attention. If you have a couple/few kids like a normal family Maddie they aren't competing for your time, and basically have a father in more than name only. To top it off your kids will have 18 or so (I have lost track) aunts and uncles so I think they will be just fine having only two parents. Edited November 16, 2015 by UsernameFatigue 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715403
CreamedPeas November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Isolate and alienate yourself, and you're going to be lonely. I screwed the quote thing up again.... It's a vicious cycle of isolating yourself when you're depressed. There can be a hundred people around you and you can still feel lonely and keep to yourself when the thing you need most is to have people who try to understand and care. I hope she gets some counseling and feels better. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715470
leighroda November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I really don't understand what Sam could be threatening her with, there has to be more to the story, a) Sam doesn't exist b) he already released all the messages/voice mails etc, unless there is something we don't know, I don't really see what else he could have over her head, they never met, and it's impossible for them to meet, so it's not like they had a physical relationship she is hiding. As much as I snark, I do feel bad for Meri, those tears were very real, I still think she is responsible for what happened, but she clearly is in a lot of pain, that's not an excuse and it doesn't make it ok, but regardless the outcome, but she's still a human and it's hard to watch her so upset. Why am I not shocked Robyn had to get in on the crying talking heads like she was involved. I think Janelle was very sincere in her response and I'm glad she could put whatever their past drama behind her and still care about Meri. I wish Meri, Janelle, and Christine would all just leave and let Kody and Robyn have the monogamous relationship they have always wanted. I kind of think of it as a ultimate death match, they will eventually turn on each other, especially if Kody doesn't have nights at the other houses to get away. he thinks she is the you get hottest wife now, but she is not aging well, and she loves to nag. He may be able to tolerate it now because as much time as they do spend together, he still gets away sometimes and I think that may be just enough time for now, but if he was with her 24/7 I think the honeymoon would be over. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715479
zenme November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Yeah, Jenelle, Christine, and Meri should leave Kody and Robyn, and they should leave the kids too. Haha! Take that Robyn! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715608
CofCinci November 16, 2015 Author Share November 16, 2015 Robyn might as well have told her "Bye, Felicia. Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. Peace out, homie." The episode should have been named "Bye, Felicia." When Meri said she's lonely because her house is so empty and quiet, all I could think of was how much she pushed for that huge house, with all the extra rooms, the French doors, and of course the wet bar, always knowing that her only child was months away from leaving for college. And now she's crying "poor me?" Meri gets a lot of shit around here for that house, but it was/is? Kody's house too. They use it for parties for that scammy MLM. In fact, that's how they first met Jackie/"Lindsey" in person. She happened to be scamming another woman and they went to one of the MLM parties at Meri's. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715635
Granny58 November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I think the whole situation is so very sad and highlights the problems inherent in attempting to maintain a polygamous relationship. Mari has been alone--far more alone than she would be if she were single. Every time Kody added a wife, her time with him further diminished. I cannot imagine what it would be like to come home alone night after night while your mate, the person who is supposed to be your best friend, is off with someone else. It's true that she could spend more time with the children, get a job, and a do a thousand other things, but none of those things would provide her with the type of companionship that you would expect from a a mate. If you are single and you want that type of companionship, you can date, but that's not an option for a woman in a plural marriage. Apparently love can only be multiplied so far. This so much. This is the very heart of the matter. It is this profound loneliness that drove Meri to another person in the first place. And I was so GLAD that she pointed out during her interview that Mariah being gone, her empty nesting situation, really hit her, and that other people get through that with a 1:1 spouse. Exactly damn right. Sorry, i have no pity for any of the others with this and I don't think Meri is to be blamed. She is DIVORCED and needs companionship. It WAS interesting, however, that she does feel such loneliness since having sister wives was supposed to make sure you never had to deal with that. Oh...So Meri was just setting up a possible ditching the family by telling them she was confused and going to go off at some point, possibly plotting to be with "Sam"? That liar. I am confused...So were her talking heads filmed post-catfish, and the Alaska dinner was mid-catfish? Is that why she couldn't look at Kody, because she was plotting to leave with another "man"? I hope she tries again....with a real man. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715642
CofCinci November 16, 2015 Author Share November 16, 2015 In one of Meri's TH's she said that Sam said he was friends with someone who knew a lot about technology. I may not be remembering this correctly, but I think Meri said that Sam sort of threatened that his friend could ruin her or something. Though I would not be surprised if Meri is making the whole her and the family being threatened by Sam up either. Jackie Overton is a very sick person. She's even faking that Sam's Paris staff is safe. Meri was probably very afraid because this was the summer that TLC fired the Duggars - twice. Meri most likely told her new BFF Lindsey all sorts of family secrets. Would a released phone sex conversation have cost Meri the show? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715647
Granny58 November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Robyn crying about Meri's situation--shut up already! So sick of Robyn. Also, I don't know why, but Christine and Robyn talking about Kody and the sled dogs, and calling themselves bitches...I don't know. I just didn't think it was funny. I like to think I have a good sense of humor, and I've referred to myself as a bitch from time to time, but for some reason, Christine's analogy I just didn't find funny. I think they all had too much wine. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715650
Granny58 November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 When Meri said she's lonely because her house is so empty and quiet, all I could think of was how much she pushed for that huge house, with all the extra rooms, the French doors, and of course the wet bar, always knowing that her only child was months away from leaving for college. And now she's crying "poor me?" Speaking of college, whatever happened to the college classes that Meri said she was taking, in order to cut back from working on MSWC? And what's up with MSWC anyway? And why does Meri feel so lonely if her husband, her sister wives, and a gazillion kids live across the street, and they're all one big, happy family? I kid, I kid - this "lifestyle" is horrendous, and so sad for everyone but the narcissistic King. I love how the scenes of these miserable polygamist adults were juxtaposed with Logan and Maddie saying no polygamy for us, thank you very much. my house is not huge, quite modest in fact, and the idea of my now-college-aged son someday leaving is ALREADY killing me. The size of the house made no difference...it is her lack of a spouse that is critical. Ignoring the catfish side of this, there seems to be a lot of hypocrisy in the family, especially by Kody. Kody finds another woman he's interested in. That's okay, he can marry her and add her to the family. Repeatedly. Meri finds another man she's interested in. That's cheating and she should feel guilty about it. Why can't the new guy be added to the family? Or would that take away from Kody's place as king of the family? If you're going to accept poly relationships, it should be able to go both ways. you didn't mean to, but you hit the nail on the head. It DOES take away from Kody's place as king, on his heavenly planet. No kidding. This ONLY works one way. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715658
whydoiwatch November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 More show time was allotted for the catfish story than I anticipated. I feel for Meri's loneliness and understand her vulnerability shadowed any rational decisions she might otherwise have made. Past seasons have left me not really liking Meri because I thought she lauded being the legal wife. Without that perceived superiority, I can see Meri falling apart. Once again this week, I will say Christine needs a medication adjustment. I do feel Christine tried to be supportive of Meri, but her solution was "try this-if it doesn't work, try this- but do something." The couch TH referring to Kody's wives as bitches was not "Christine like". Medication needs adjusted or lay off the wine at dinner, not sure which. Robin remains a bitch, plain and simple. When she said her happiest times have been with the Browns and when Meri and Kody were married (don't remember her exact phrasing and refuse to watch again). Bitch - why do you think Meri and Kody aren't legally married? Oh, I forgot, they are spiritually married and that is all that matters. OK. Yeah, right. I felt Janelle was the only one at the restaurant who really tried to listen to what Meri was trying to say. Janelle was concerned and wanting to understand. I think Meri's statement of just going away and not being there one day was more alarming to Janelle than the others. My first thought when hearing that was that Meri was contemplating suicide and Janelle's TH later seemed to indicate that she considered that too. Kody is an idiot. He is only concerned about how this whole mess will reflect on him. His absolute silence at the restaurant was very telling. 1 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715666
sleekandchic November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Ever read The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter? Meri is now the most isolated, lonely, bereft lady on reality tv. Things had gotten (and remain) so hopeless and intolerable for her that she was willing to discard all her beliefs, hopes and faith in her longed-for Afterlife with Kody and the sister wives. The Browns, I'm sure, had hoped to convince the mainstream that polygamy is an empowering, healthy, hopeful way of life. But Meri has shown us the opposite. I hope she finds a better life for herself. Staying with this family now, where I'm sure she is an object of contempt, will be the death of Meri. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715717
Snarklepuss November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 (edited) This so much. This is the very heart of the matter. It is this profound loneliness that drove Meri to another person in the first place. And I was so GLAD that she pointed out during her interview that Mariah being gone, her empty nesting situation, really hit her, and that other people get through that with a 1:1 spouse. Exactly damn right. Sorry, i have no pity for any of the others with this and I don't think Meri is to be blamed. She is DIVORCED and needs companionship. It WAS interesting, however, that she does feel such loneliness since having sister wives was supposed to make sure you never had to deal with that. I hope she tries again....with a real man. Now THIS so much! I thought the same thing - If she had enough time 1:1 with Kody she would have made it through the empty nest syndrome better, which is how monogamous couples handle it. Of course, he's divided in so many directions he doesn't have time (nor probably the inclination) to care about Meri's emotional issues. In fact, most of the time throughout this series his attitude has been "just work it out amongst yourselves" whenever any of the wives feels needy in any way. Empty nest syndrome is something couples need to handle together if possible, not with other women. And preferably with someone who's going through it with you too. It's no wonder she was vulnerable to someone else - No one else in that family can possibly understand how she feels. The way she's acting, though, shows me she feels shame for what she did - I am hoping it's not shame for needing to have some kind of emotional 1:1 time with a man in a romantic way but only shame at being taken in by a scam artist and having it go public. Because if it were only the latter that would mean there's hope for her yet in getting out of what is an unhealthy relationship with that Kod-asshole. If she's feeling shame because she thinks she should still be sitting at home "dealing with it" herself then she's still drinking that asshole's Kool Aid and she might just not break free and have a chance at a more emotionally intimate relationship. I really hope she breaks free. Edited November 16, 2015 by Snarklepuss 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715727
Granny58 November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 On the contrary, I found Meri's catfish story to be pretty dishonest, even if a lot of the facts were accurate. This was an online relationship of love, support, romance, and even sex, but Meri made it sound like she was just lonely being an empty-nester, and wanted someone to talk to. She hardly addressed Kody at all, her love life with him, or lack thereof, the divorce, the pitfalls of this polygamous lifestyle - nothing that's real, IMO. She's whitewashing it, as is TLC. but those emotional needs are what caused her to be vulnerable in the first place. she wasn't simply horny looking for a hook up. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715728
trimthatfat November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 (edited) but those emotional needs are what caused her to be vulnerable in the first place. she wasn't simply horny looking for a hook up. I agree and that's why I can't crucify Meri as much as I want to. I don't envy what she was going through at all - to me, at that dinner table, she looked petrified and utterly broken. If she was planning to escape and live with this new 'man', I don't blame her. I think the lifestyle is incredibly dismissive of the wives' needs and it's no surprise Meri found what she needed in the form of a stranger online. None of the other wives will be able to relate to the empty nest feeling until many, many years from now. And Meri is right, most people who have a child who goes off to college have a spouse who can feel that pain with them so it isn't as lonely. I do think Meri needs more than a distraction in the form of school/work, so honestly, if she feels she needs to date to find that, I think she should. Obviously, the implication would be that she needs to leave the family permanently to make that happen. I did lol when Janelle was kind of incredulous and clearly thinking 'you're planning on running away and not even telling us where you're going/what your plans are? are kidding me?'. Kody's silence at the table wasn't a surprise, but I also think he was really confused as to what Meri was saying. She didn't directly say much of anything which is why the group couldn't figure out how to help her. I actually felt like reaching through the screen and shaking her like, get to the point! Edited November 16, 2015 by trimthatfat 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715758
zenme November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 She should have just used Robyn as a surrogate! Even if Robyn didn't get pregnant then at least she'd be miserable and pumped with hormones. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715776
mbutterfly November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 According to the catfish blog he! And Meri were still in contact and "together" when she was in Alaska. The restaurant conversation was about Meri not being happy and maybe wanting to leave. There must have been a lot of this talk before that meal because the others were all "send us a postcard so we know where to send your mail" Kody wasn't talking but I'm sure his mouthpiece Robyn was speaking for him and she seemed unconcerned, to say the least. That's an interesting point that I lost track of with the insertion of the TH's. So Mary in Alaska still thought she might leave with Sam? And that's how she put it? Would that fit the timeline? If so, interesting. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715797
eyebleach November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Of all of this ridiculousness - I know this is petty but it bugs me EVERY DAMN TIME. Why does Meri only ever say "the family"? It's never MY family or OUR family. To me that speaks absolute volumes about where she feels her place in all of this is. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715826
laurakaye November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Wow, so many incredibly insightful comments here, I wish I could quote them all! I too was completely surprised at how much time was actually devoted to the catfish story. I thought for sure we'd get a 10-second teaser and then it would be all, "See ya next season!" Thanks to the posts on this blog, it's crystal clear to me now that while in Alaska, Meri was in the midst of her online flirtation with Sam, which accounts for her smiles and good mood. When someone is paying attention to you and "saying all the right things," it feels good. And at the dinner, she didn't yet know she was being catfished. The whole "going camping for a week by myself" threw me until I realized that was her way of covering for the fact that she was probably planning to meet up with Sam. And Janelle saying, "well, just be back by Thanksgiving" initially threw me as well, until I realized that no one at the table knew about Sam at that point. But Robyn? Could she be any more of a horrible witch? Meri is sitting there, repeating over and over that she doesn't know what to do, and Robyn is all, "Well, if you leave and I - I mean, WE - support that, it doesn't mean we're not gonna miss ya!" Robyn was practically salivating over watching Meri walk away with her suitcase packed. What a stupid and heartless thing to say, but it's Robyn, and I didn't really expect anything less. She's just awful. In other news, why did everyone have to say hello to King Sol when Kody was holding him at the last family meal in Alaska? In my mind, Sol quietly informed Kody that he was going to throw the mother of all tantrums unless everyone acknowledged him first. When are they going to start calling that kid by his real name - "Kody Junior?" Christine's joke on the couch about the bitches was so not funny, it was painful. Sister is medicated and while I don't blame her one bit for needing something to get through the day, it's time for an adjustment. Meri's pain is palpable through the television screen. Kody refuses to react or acknowledge it because that might imply that he is somehow responsible. If this isn't Meri's wake-up call to GTFO, I don't know what is. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715871
laurakaye November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 (edited) According to their book, she snuggled with Kody on the couch, but at the same time, made the rule that Kody couldn't show the other wives affection in front of her. She made the rule that they split the money by wife, not number of children. She made it too difficult for them to share one home. When she got put out to pasture, which I think is the natural way things go in their lifestyle, she tried to have an affair. I think that Meri has always caused a lot of the problems in the family because she honestly cannot live in polygamy and never could. This is all spot-on. I think Meri wanted so badly to be married to Kody that she agreed to whatever he wanted, maybe assuming that she'd be able to handle it, or that she surely would always be the favored wife and the one in charge. She was very young when she married and although I despise Kody, I can see how, back in the day, he came off as charming and confident. If Robyn hadn't entered the picture, Meri probably would've been pretty content as her place in the family changed. Interesting how Robyn not only stirs the pot, but takes absolutely no culpability in how Meri feels. I'm sure Robyn must know that the divorce is probably what started Meri's emotional freefall, but Robyn would never say as much. Queen Robyn had a plan, and that plan came to fruition. How if affects the others doesn't seem to matter, and no one believes her stupid fake constipated tears anymore. Edited November 16, 2015 by laurakaye 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715915
egilsdottir November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Meri's catfisher is now blogging that the next time SHE sees her, it will be in court. Oh, she also said she still "loves" Meri. Can we say delusional? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1715990
Misslindsey November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I did lol when Janelle was kind of incredulous and clearly thinking 'you're planning on running away and not even telling us where you're going/what your plans are? are kidding me?'. Kody's silence at the table wasn't a surprise, but I also think he was really confused as to what Meri was saying. She didn't directly say much of anything which is why the group couldn't figure out how to help her. I actually felt like reaching through the screen and shaking her like, get to the point! I agree. I kept wanted Meri to get to the point also! I really really hate to defend Kody, but at that dinner it looked like Meri started talking while they basically just started eating to them staring at each other when it looked like their table was cleared. I would hope Kody said something during the dinner, but with the cuts to Meri's talking heads, it is hard to tell anything. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716003
CofCinci November 16, 2015 Author Share November 16, 2015 Kody ends the season with "the only thing that can fix this is being in a prayerful state." No, Kody, prayers are useless in this situation. I'm sure Meri spent many lonely nights praying, alone with Janelle and Christine. Each alone in their McMansions waiting and praying for Kody to love them. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716025
islandgal140 November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Heaven help me and I think I am in need of a prayer circle but I thought the scene between Kody and Maddy's man asking for her hand in marriage was kinda cute. However, he sure did take to airing it out on national tv like a halibut to water, didn't he? His second appearance on the show and he is okay with being filmed doing that? Okay then. So I guess we are getting a wedding next season? I realize that everything Robyn does irritates me but I am trying to give her some benefit when it comes to her reaction to Maddy and Cole. She seems to be the only one who seems kinda reserved and not 100% behind it. It isn't like her having questions about the guy and wanting to know more about him aren't valid. Maddy is young and this does seem to be her 1st love. Yet still, I find myself giving Robyn some degree of side eye. There is just a general disingenuous about her that I can't look beyond. Look what that dicknoodle Kody tweeted ... So ... just to be clear ..... none of this is Kody's fault ..... it's MERI'S FAULT for not letting Kody love her enough .... Right Kody, you just keep telling yourself that. You hopeless narcissist. As far as the threats, I can believe that "he" said he could ruin her and wasn't someone to be messed with. "He" is very arrogant and a clear narcissist. Wow. It seems like Meri has a type. There was a whole lot face saving going on last night by Meri. I wanna know how she is gonna explain that Disneyland trip. Whether her alarm bells went off early or not, she still went out there hoping to meet up with him. Meri was suffering from empty bed syndrome. All this spiritual marriage stuff is the other line of bullshit that Meri fell for because obviously her ass wasn't feeling the spirit. I'm willing to believe that Mariah leaving to attend college did leave a profound hole in her life, however, she did seem to be coping with that. What sent her over the edge was the push to divorce 'for the children.' Meri may have been removed from and self-isolating from the family, but Kody did nothing to reassure her. Robyn and all her issues from the adoption 'fight' to King Sol's haircut which heralded the arrival of spawning season for Sobyn and Kody and the eventual conception of The Princess Queen. All Meri seemed to get for her sacrifice from Kody was an after divorce paper signing luncheon, some thank yous and a QVC necklace. Seriously, Kody should have taken Meri on a trip, had more date nights with her and just generally made an effort to re-enforce that spiritual bond he speaks of. Hell, I think the necklace being presented by Kody instead of the 3 kids would've been something in the plus column to Meri. But no he skips off to elope with Robyn and they kiss in the parking lot, goes on a honeymoon with Robyn to Hawaii (saving grocery money my ass), seen kissing Robyn again after the adoption hearing. I can't really remember any scenes with Kody and Meri alone without Sobyn present besides that post divorce lunch. At no time was Meri's profound loneliness more resonating as when she had to go to her doctor's appointments ALONE because of health issues. I do not like Robyn or Kody, but I think it's part of their culture that the husband spends more time with potential child bearers than the women that are no longer having children. I can believe this to an extent, however, there is just such a clear imbalance and favoritism. If anytime any of the OG wives are looking for Kody, the first place they think to look for him is at Robyn's house than that is a problem. I've never seen him spend a tenth as much time with Truly as he has with King Sol. He is the most physically demonstrative towards Robyn and they just share looks of intimacy that I just never seen him exchange with the others. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716072
VioletNevermind November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 (edited) I don't feel one bit sorry for Meri. Like, not one tiny bit. She knew what the possibilities were when she entered into this emotional affair with "Sam/Jackie," or whoever the hell he/she was. I'm also pretty unimpressed with Meri pulling back from the family to "protect them" against any threats that this character may have made. I mean, give me a break. Nice try with the altruistic explanations, but . . . no. She pulled back because she was having an emotional affair with a complete stranger and enjoying feeling naughty, being told that she's attractive, and feeling relevant again for the first time in years. This is the kind of stuff that immature teenagers fall for, but she fell for it as a grown woman in her 40's because she wanted to. She has been almost completely marginalized in her own family, with her so-called husband's full buy-in. Yes, the catfisher manipulated her, but that's what catfishers do. At the end of the day, Meri should have known better. Now, as for Robyn. Again, she is a devil-woman. I love her attitude at the table in the restaurant. Her mouth says, "What can we do to help?" but her body language says, "Sucks to be you! Can I have your wet bar when you leave?" Meanwhile, the Kodster just sits there, saying nothing. Neither she nor Kody gave the impression that they fully understood that THE TWO OF THEM are responsible for Meri feeling the way she does. Karma will be back for Robyn Brown one day, right around the time she starts to notice that her boobs are a little lower than last year and her jeans no longer fit quite the same way. You know, the normal female aging process. Kody's eye will wander again and he'll get that old yearning to add another notch to his celestial belt. Hopefully, Christine and Janelle will be far, far away by that time, enjoying raising their last couple of little ones and getting to know their grandchildren. Edited November 16, 2015 by SuzyLee 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716073
Snarklepuss November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I feel for Meri's loneliness and understand her vulnerability shadowed any rational decisions she might otherwise have made. Past seasons have left me not really liking Meri because I thought she lauded being the legal wife. Without that perceived superiority, I can see Meri falling apart. I think now I might be to look at Meri differently in retrospect because of the Catfish affair. I now wonder if she needed that perceived legal wife superiority because in every other way she didn't feel special to her husband or the family whatsoever. I think there is more than a grain of truth to her feeling that she didn't have a place anymore in the family - It might be because the family didn't want to have a place for her as much as anything else. Whether this was her fault for lauding her position over them, I don't know, but I have to wonder if it wasn't in some ways the other way around - That she lauded her position because the family did what it could to make her feel insignificant compared to them. After all, if in their religion they believe that a woman's relative worth has a lot to do with how many children she bears that might be their reason to make her feel inferior. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716108
Snarklepuss November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 (edited) According to their book, she snuggled with Kody on the couch, but at the same time, made the rule that Kody couldn't show the other wives affection in front of her. She made the rule that they split the money by wife, not number of children. She made it too difficult for them to share one home. When she got put out to pasture, which I think is the natural way things go in their lifestyle, she tried to have an affair. I think that Meri has always caused a lot of the problems in the family because she honestly cannot live in polygamy and never could. I totally agree and that's why I posted that I thought that perhaps she has woken up and stopped drinking the Kool Aid about polygamy from Kody. I think perhaps he was as much guilty of making her like the idea as anyone else - I didn't read the book nor do I know the background, but I'll bet she let him or others convince her it was the way to heaven back in the day, but it turned out to be a bitter pill for her to swallow in the name of salvation or whatever they tell the women it brings them. It looks to me like maybe she has woken up. One can only hope she gets out of it and finds happiness for herself. We here have been hoping that these women would see the light and break free of a lifestyle that goes against their natures and forces them to give up the intimacy essential in any marital relationship. I am just so happy that two of their children so far are not on board with polygamy. Maybe there's hope that Janelle will be the next to wake up. I give Meri a lot of credit - It takes guts and courage to follow through on what her "little voice inside" is telling her is right for her. I hope she doesn't need a boyfriend in order to continue to distance herself from that family and will now be able to do it on her own. If she caves in and goes back, I will cry for her. I seriously hope Kodouche doesn't pressure her to come back because she needs that push out the door to find a healthier more satisfying relationship. So far he seems to be acting like he doesn't even care if she leaves, which actually may be a blessing for her. Edited November 16, 2015 by Snarklepuss 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716148
laurakaye November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 What really stood out to me during Meri's talking heads was when she mentioned that at times, her online boyfriend would get angry with her, and "really go off on her." While that raised her red flags, not only did she continue on with the relationship, she apparently spent considerable time apologizing and acting contrite in order to keep "Sam" talking to her. Essentially, she went from one emotionally abusive relationship to another, and that's very sad. As much as I think she made this bed herself, as a woman I find myself sympathizing with her. I always did believe that "Mean-Girl Meri" would get some karma delivered to her, but at the same time, watching a broken and lonely woman sobbing on television is hard to watch, especially since I believe she's probably not getting a whole lot of support from her jerk of an ex-husband and her sister-wives. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716172
toodles November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 According to what I read elsewhere, the divorce was never supposed to be public. TLC had to scramble last year for a different ending when it all came out. But somehow it was leaked to the ebil internets. It was sold as a legal reshuffling and didn't make a damn bit of difference in the family scheme of things. Meri was dumped, plain and simple We saw it play out over this season. Her reaction to the necklace was so telling. She was dumped for the younger model but she can't find a new love because that's not how this works? Spiritual marriage my ass. Christine and meri expected kody to be a real husband. Joke is on them. What an f ed up deal. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716249
Jusagirlintheworld November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I found Meri's choice of language revealing. I get the impression that see perceives herself as a victim with little to no culpability. Sam said all the right things. He " made" Meri trust him. He was "making [Meri] really feel love" for who he portrayed himself to be. Meri chose not to act on it, but he "then he started really, really pushing the issue." Poor Meri told him that he didn't even know her. He would never meet her. Meri started looking into him and there were way too many questions and, when Meri would ask about them, he would become "almost verbally abusive." Then, she discovered that Sam was a woman "who had been watching [Meri] online." Meri says she has been "targeted and her family has been targeted." She was afraid of what "they could do to the family." As for her explanation for the dinner conversation, Meri said she pulled away from the family because she was trying to protect them. She admits that she's given her sister wives every reason to be scared that she will leave, but she only did it to protect them, the family, and the kids. Own it, Meri. You weren't the coerced victim of some woman who had "watched you online" and "targeted your family." You invited her into your home in an attempt to scam her into your LIV pyramid marketing scheme. (NOT that this absolves JO of her actions in this whole mess!). Sam didn't "make" you send him suggestive pictures and leave mushy emails. You were miserable and you fell for him. You wanted to pursue a physical relationship with him. You wanted a way out and jumped at the opportunity to snag a rich man who would rescue you. You were still involved with Sam during the dinner convo in Alaska. You weren't trying to pull away to protect the family and the kids. You were unhappy with Kody and contemplating running away with Sam. I sympathize with Meri. I really do. Kody's emotional abuse definitely made her vulnerable, but I have issues with people who are ALWAYS the victim. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716257
bichonblitz November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Meri said she spoke to "him" on the phone. Now she says it was a woman all along. How did she not know who she was talking to? Can a woman disguise their voice that much? Something smells. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Meri wasn't catfished and this whole internet romance was real, she would be soooooo gone! She was loving the attention and was in love with the idea of getting the hell out of the cul de sac. Too bad it backfired on you, Meri. Nice coverup with the victim storyline, though. I'm pretty sure the family will go with that storyline to save face. Christine was right, it has been two years since Meri's daughter left and she's still moping around trying to figure out what to do with her life? I get the feeling she and Janelle are totally frustrated with her. And Robyn..... "you can go, we won't bother you but just let us know you are ok." Sob, sob. LOL! 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716311
CofCinci November 16, 2015 Author Share November 16, 2015 Meri said she spoke to "him" on the phone. Now she says it was a woman all along. How did she not know who she was talking to? Can a woman disguise their voice that much? Something smells.One of Jackie Overton's precious victims shared that Jackie used a man to impersonate "Sam" on video chat. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716484
JoannKB November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 I was a little baffled by that episode. Because they kept cutting back to Meri's Talking Head, it wasn't clear to me what she was actually saying to the others at that dinner table. Did she even tell them about the catfishing at all, or just tell them she was lost and wanted to maybe go away for a while? What was she really saying? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716520
Kellyee November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Christine was right, it has been two years since Meri's daughter left and she's still moping around trying to figure out what to do with her life? I get the feeling she and Janelle are totally frustrated with her. And Robyn..... "you can go, we won't bother you but just let us know you are ok." Sob, sob. LOL! I normally have a soft spot for Christine, but in this instance she needs to shut up. When her youngest kid leaves the house, Christine is in for a meltdown far worse than Meri's. Meri at least previously worked outside the home and enjoyed it. Christine has nothing but a husband who hates her, and sister wives who tolerate her. I really wish Meri had met a nice man and gotten the hell out. Do we know how she even met "Sam" online? You usually don't meet someone unless you're looking for someone to meet. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/34353-s06e13-meri-catfished/page/2/#findComment-1716534
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