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Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.

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Ariella Mae. Well...it isn't SPURGEON, so I guess that's something. It's purely a matter of taste, and I mean nothing toward the child herself. But if we're throwing in 2 cents about the moniker, in my ears it manages to sound both fey and hillbilly at the same time. I'll show myself out.

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Sounds too much like "areola" to me.

Actually, that's how CJ announced it on her blog, so you are in good company. Someone else said the name sounds like a combination of Ariel and Cinderella, two princesses. At least it wasn't Audrey Belle, after her T-shirt line and the porn star.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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Ariella Mae. Well...it isn't SPURGEON, so I guess that's something. It's purely a matter of taste, and I mean nothing toward the child herself. But if we're throwing in 2 cents about the moniker, in my ears it manages to sound both fey and hillbilly at the same time. I'll show myself out.

You win the internet tonight. It is both hillbilly and fey, with a little bit of Vegas thrown in. Klassy. Just like Robyn. I bet little Ariella already had her first set of French tip nails and VS baby pjs.

I swear I thought somone on here said the Sister Wives Closet site had some butt ugly sublimation fairy flower print tshirt - desired by Robin - called Audrey Rose or Aubrey Rose. People here were laughing their arses off bc it was the name of some porn star.

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You win the internet tonight. It is both hillbilly and fey, with a little bit of Vegas thrown in. Klassy. Just like Robyn. I bet little Ariella already had her first set of French tip nails and VS baby pjs.

I swear I thought somone on here said the Sister Wives Closet site had some butt ugly sublimation fairy flower print tshirt - desired by Robin - called Audrey Rose or Aubrey Rose. People here were laughing their arses off bc it was the name of some porn star.

Oh yes. Darling Robyn designed these $50 t-shirts.

Oh my gosh, wouldn't it be delightful poetic justice if he had been with #5 while Robyn was in labor? Please let it be so!

I would love this, just to stick it to Sobyn. But that would mean another woman wants to bone the Kodester, which I think is unlikely. And if it was true, it would probably result in more babies being brought into the planet, so that's not a great thing either.

Ariella Mae. Well...it isn't SPURGEON, so I guess that's something. It's purely a matter of taste, and I mean nothing toward the child herself. But if we're throwing in 2 cents about the moniker, in my ears it manages to sound both fey and hillbilly at the same time. I'll show myself out.

I feel like Robyn's "style" is very princessy and girly, so she took a Disney princess name, tacked on an extra syllable and called it classy.

I think a lot of moms sometimes take a name, and just add extra letters and syllables onto it, thinking that the longer it is the classier it is?

Oh good grief. It gets even worse. On Twitter, someone asked Robyn how to pronounce the baby's name (Air-iella or Ahh-riella). Robyn responded "Ar like in star. It is Hebrew. We will call her Ari or Aria for short."

AuroraDayunBriannaR.E. It just rolls off the fundy tongue.

Don't forget King Solomon! :)

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I just went over to MSWC--because it's been awhile and I might want to order up something for my birthday next month--and the first thing my eye landed on was this, um fabulous bag, made of genuine upholstery fabric and duct tape. A steal at FORTY-ONE FREAKING DOLLARS. Somehow they just don't seem to be trying.P7VpAcg.jpg?1

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I don't understand that bag. Shiny peach fabric and unevenly taped duct tape? Our nieces who are in Brownies did an earth day project last year where they took an old tshirt, cut the sleeves and neck hems off, stapled the bottom and made grocery totes. They lined the things with duct tape. They filled them with fruit and gave them to seniors in need. It was a really cute project. The bags still looked neater than that hot mess, and the creators were six and seven year olds....


https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/8f/a7/2b8fa7e7fe27a990749d2844514e67ee.jpg Kind of like this. 


Now that bag on the Sisterwife site is hideous. The duct tape isn't even straight. Is this a joke?

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You guys are cracking me up. No, it's not duct tape. It's a hideous fabric that has a weird plasticit-y shine, and the crooked way it sits makes it look like something a homeless person rigged up with a Hefty cinch sack and a roll of duct tape. $41. They are so clueless.

Edited by SometimesBites
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 Might want to be careful visiting the SWC site, I got alerted/blocked with Avast when I went to check out the post that mentioned the 50 dollar t-shirt, thought ok maybe false-positive, tried what is called URL scanner online- there were five threats total but wouldn't fit on the screenshot.


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Might want to be careful visiting the SWC site, I got alerted/blocked with Avast when I went to check out the post that mentioned the 50 dollar t-shirt, thought ok maybe false-positive, tried what is called URL scanner online- there were five threats total but wouldn't fit on the screenshot.

Yikes! Imagine how secure one's credit card info is.

  • Love 2

 Might want to be careful visiting the SWC site, I got alerted/blocked with Avast when I went to check out the post that mentioned the 50 dollar t-shirt, thought ok maybe false-positive, tried what is called URL scanner online- there were five threats total but wouldn't fit on the screenshot.


Whoa, it did something wonky to my computer, too (that is my highly technical term for it).  I had to shut down and restart.  No other problems since then.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


How does a site come to be "infected" like that?  


It's really gross to think of their website as being "infected," because it reminds me of all the other .... things ... that probably get passed around between the five of them.  Or at least used to get passed around, since it's unlikely Kody is spreading much of anything to the OG sisterwives these days.  Ugh!

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 Might want to be careful visiting the SWC site, I got alerted/blocked with Avast when I went to check out the post that mentioned the 50 dollar t-shirt, thought ok maybe false-positive, tried what is called URL scanner online- there were five threats total but wouldn't fit on the screenshot.


Yep...me too.

  • Love 1

If your A/V caught it and blocked it you are likely fine- but it might not hurt not only to run a virus scan on your computer but maybe also a malware scan. Some A/V's include malware, some don't

A couple decent ones are

https://www.malwarebytes.org/dl-confirm/  (WINDOWS)

https://www.malwarebytes.org/antimalware/mac/     (MAC)


I use the free versions of the above , works fine, see also

http://www.superantispyware.com/superantispywarefreevspro.html You'd be surprised at all the bs you can pick up just cruising arond the net.




I'm not that surprised their site has been compromised, as the few times I've looked around there, many page links were broken, as I've posted in the past. Hard to believe they take this business seriously when they don't have someone doing the basic stuff for their site- and yes, if I had purchased online from them, I might be somewhat worried. Who knows how long they have had that problem and didn't know. I checked tonight on a different security site, yep still having issues. Hope they take care of it soon so their customers don't freak out. .


"Your site appears to be hacked. Hacked sites can lose nearly 95% of your traffic in as little as 24 to 48 hours if not fixed immediately – losing your organic rankings and being blocked by Google, Bing and many other blacklists. Hacked sites can also expose your customers and readers private and financial information, and turn your site into a host for dangerous malware and illicit material, creating massive liability."



  • Love 4

What customers?


    Good point CR! but.. maybe they can eke out some fresh-squeezed drama that the bogeyman catfish hacked them ....more interesting than the dollar-store, made in China SWC debacle   http://mormonhair.tumblr.com/archive

some funny and weird stuff there ermagerd, the clothes lol

Edited by BlackWidow
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