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Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.

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Yes!  She is a dingbat.  


Let's look at the logistics of this, shall we?  In her attempt to DEFLECT negative attention from plyg families, she attempts to very subtly say, "we're not bad, I mean -- look at gay couples!"  which may or may not be meant to imply that gay couples are bad.  It doesn't matter, because as long as she's able to get the negative attention on someone else, she's off the hot seat for a minute.


But, imo, this dynamic of four moms and a flamboyant uncle who visits occasionally pretending to be a happy and healthy husband/plural wives situation is not nearly as honest as two moms or two dads who love each other and are always there.   


*edited for clarity

Edited by AndreaF
  • Love 7
Old Revisionist Robyn could learn a LOT from them.


She's not smart enough to learn from anybody. None of them are. They are an entity unto themselves and have no desire to expand their minds to include anything outside polygamy. They are not religious in any way (service to the poor, do unto others, etc.) despite their BS about polygamy being a tenet of their beliefs.  They are grifters, plain and simple, out to screw the system and make fools of every viewer.

  • Love 5

Dingbat, indeed. What is she doing up in the middle of the night answering tweets when she has school-age children and a toddler to deal with the next day? She also is allegedly swamped with work during the day too. I guess Kody wasn't around THAT night either. And if you want to get technical about it, polygamous families don't have a father around much. In the Brown family it is 25% of the time or less (if you are Christine). In the families with more wives, it's even less less. And as anyone with a sliver of a brain will point out, you don't need to have different sexed parents to raise children.


Doesn't Robyn have a sister or niece there now taking care of her children?  I'm sure that girl is putting the PopTart in the toaster for the children.

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I am no fan of Robyn, and maybe I interpreted her tweet wrongly, but when I read that one about gay couples on her twitter, I thought she was meaning to speak in favor of same sex parents. As in, it's not about having a father there all the time, it's about having more than one parent being involved. So she was implying the lack of Kody could be made up for by surplus of wives parenting together (although that isn't actually happening as they've being showing us--so much for the cul-de-sac homes working wonders for them).  

Edited by purpleflowers
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I am no fan of Robyn, and maybe I interpreted her tweet wrongly, but when I read that one about gay couples on her twitter, I thought she was meaning to speak in favor of same sex parents. As in, it's not about having a father there all the time, it's about having more than one parent being involved. So she was implying the lack of Kody could be made up for by surplus of wives parenting together (although that isn't actually happening as they've being showing us--so much for the cul-de-sac homes working wonders for them).  

I think you may have sussed that right, purpleflowers. You, of course, know how to produce coherent sentences, unlike Mrs. Kody Brown. And it makes her comment less homophobic, yet more deeply stupid, all at the same time.

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Ah, yeah, I guess if you look at it sideways and squint hard you can maybe see it that way! That tweet has blown up on FB and CJ's blog too, so others are interpreting it as a slam against gays too. She just should not be tweeting in the middle of the night! Robyn likes to use multiple tweets to explain herself, she definitely should have done so in this situation.

How does one manage to go into debt at Victoria's secret? $1,000? Was she buying to sell or something? So confusing

oh it's easy.... WAY too easy..... I'm quite embarrassed about the amount of money I had charged up on a credit card there when I was in college.

My damage was usually during the semi-annual sales (2 times a year).  No joke, that was like a major event for me and my friend... we would go to every store in the area on the first night of the sale.   I think mine was up to $1k and it's paid off although I can't remember how I paid it off lol.  i haven't shopped there in many years.

I am no fan of Robyn, and maybe I interpreted her tweet wrongly, but when I read that one about gay couples on her twitter, I thought she was meaning to speak in favor of same sex parents. As in, it's not about having a father there all the time, it's about having more than one parent being involved. So she was implying the lack of Kody could be made up for by surplus of wives parenting together (although that isn't actually happening as they've being showing us--so much for the cul-de-sac homes working wonders for them).  


This reminds me of that scene from the movie Airplane, but instead of June Cleaver saying "I speak jive" we have a previously.tv poster saying "I speak Robyn."

  • Love 4

Hey Robyn! Let me give you a little advice.  Try checking out the intimate apparel section of your local Target.  There you may purchase a "bag o'panties", if you will.  They're made by Hanes and for under $10 you can get  you 6 pair of cotton panties--and sometimes even a bonus pair! Sure, they're not as sexy as the Victoria's Secret getups that you normally don, but I guarantee you, you won't have to file for bankruptcy to keep yourself in panties.

  • Love 2

Hey Robyn! Let me give you a little advice. Try checking out the intimate apparel section of your local Target. There you may purchase a "bag o'panties", if you will. They're made by Hanes and for under $10 you can get you 6 pair of cotton panties--and sometimes even a bonus pair! Sure, they're not as sexy as the Victoria's Secret getups that you normally don, but I guarantee you, you won't have to file for bankruptcy to keep yourself in panties.

Hanes don't get you a guy who has a convertible Lexus and is in negotiations for a reality show.
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The VS debt is fun to pick on, but it's also emblematic of her obviously skewed priorities. Without knowing the specifics, but carrying out a version of her sad tale of woe based on what she's shared willingly:

You're (supposedly) living in a trailer with no heat. You have three growing, hungry children who probably don't like being cold. Your response: spend $1,000 on yourself.

Yes, I know the timing may not be exactly right. Yes, I suspect a lot of her other debt may have funded necessities that she couldn't handle otherwise (because god forbid she get out and work to support her family). But that particular debt demonstrates her lack of common sense and her selfishness.

Even if her ex was a total deadbeat who completely disappeared (withholding judgment until we get a more reliable source), responsible parents do what THEY need to do to make sure that their children's basic needs are met. Heat - from whatever source is available - is a basic need. New "pants" for yourself is not.

Sorry. I've seen too many single mothers making far smarter decisions, with equally limited resources, to cut this bimbo any slack.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I'm willing to bet that the trailer had some heat because otherwise they would have frozen to death in the winter nights.  It may have had a wood stove or something like that where it wasn't up to Robyn's standards.  It's probably similar to the crib that she didn't have but also didn't need because she co-slept.  

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I'm willing to bet that the trailer had some heat because otherwise they would have frozen to death in the winter nights.  It may have had a wood stove or something like that where it wasn't up to Robyn's standards.  It's probably similar to the crib that she didn't have but also didn't need because she co-slept.  

Someone somewhere (IIRC it was an anonymous person who knew her in Montana) said the trailer had a wood stove. And sorry, but if you have electricity, you can buy a cheap electric heater down to the WalMart. It'll affect your electric bill, to be sure, but if you want your kids to be warmer, you wear pants that are a little too short in the leg, and heat your home.

...but of course, we all know that Robyn's stories are amped to the nth degree for maximum martyr power.

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I would buy the "there are more moms" argument if they didn't function as 4 different families. With the exception of sharing a husband they don't really function any different than the moms in my neighborhood growing up, we always were at each others houses with the occasional outing with a few of the moms, and in public all of the moms would correct us if needed (although our actual mom was the only one who would actually discipline if needed).

I really hope her comments about same sex marriage were misunderstood, because there was absolutely any need to bring them into the argument whether she agrees or not.

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I would buy the "there are more moms" argument if they didn't function as 4 different families. With the exception of sharing a husband they don't really function any different than the moms in my neighborhood growing up, we always were at each others houses with the occasional outing with a few of the moms, and in public all of the moms would correct us if needed (although our actual mom was the only one who would actually discipline if needed).

I really hope her comments about same sex marriage were misunderstood, because there was absolutely any need to bring them into the argument whether she agrees or not.

Agree completely, and I thought the point made elsewhere by another poster that Robyn has NEVER lived the polygamous all-under-one-roof lifestyle was a great one. The only time that happened was when they rented that giant cabin in the snow at Christmas early on, and Kody got all goggle-eyed watching the four women cooking together: "bumping hips in the kitchen" as he so repulsively put it.

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Agree completely, and I thought the point made elsewhere by another poster that Robyn has NEVER lived the polygamous all-under-one-roof lifestyle was a great one. The only time that happened was when they rented that giant cabin in the snow at Christmas early on, and Kody got all goggle-eyed watching the four women cooking together: "bumping hips in the kitchen" as he so repulsively put it.

His kitchen? As if. Although that's beside the point really.


I think Robyn's same sex couple tweet was meant positively from her (or at least to demonstrate a pro polygamy point) but got really mangled by her writing, or at least it seems like that so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt on that. Like most other people I see no evidence of "bonus moms" on the show. There's no footage of one of Christine or Janelle's oldests sleeping over at Meri's because she has space and they need teenage alone time for example or evidence that the 3 wives who's night it is not "pick up the slack" and help group parent when Kody is not around.


When they were in Lehi and before that when the bulk of the kids were tiny, it might have happened more (esp Christine and Janelle's arrangement) but it wasn't happy families then with Janelle leaving the group (but not Kody) forcing him to drive a couple of hours to see her kids, spending less time with the others. I don't blame her for that, but there's no way this parental structure as they've shown us provides more support than monogamous families. Possibly not less in some cases, but not more or better quality. Especially when there always seems to be a Mom on the verge of an emotional breakdown and tension between your sister moms even when they do spend time together.

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My daughter and her partner have a three year old son.  They also have two very good male friends (hetero and married) and their son sees more of those two men than Kody's kids see of him.  They are both looking forward to teaching him to fish and hunt, and currently do all sorts of family group activities, like basketball games.  One of the men has two grown sons, and sometimes they are involved as well.  So this boy has two moms and lots of male attention as well.  Robyn is full of crap and it just shows how backward and ignorant she is.

I have a theory that marrying Robyn was a big deal for Koduche because she used to be a Jessop. Quote from The Principle Tumblr:




The Jessops and the Weidows were granted absolute authority over members of The Ranch [Pinesdale] […] They were of chosen seed and I was fodder, they were royalty and I was a mere pauper. It seemed as though all Jessops were born with their worthiness and exaltation already secured as the pure blood of chosen seed. Our brand of religion had been in their family for generations, their ancestors handpicked by God to lead the way for others to follow. As a commoner I did not exist in their eyes. They only associated with, and married , others from chosen bloodlines or whose fathers had been called to prominent positions in our society. This was part of the precept they referred to as the “pure seed doctrine.”


Converts like my family were resigned to prove their worth. We were nobody’s, trying to fit into a culture that had been established for generations, consisting of a few chosen families who intermarried within themselves, only introducing new blood as secondary wives and only when those women were pure and worthy enough to join a chosen family. As one of “those Reynolds kids,” I would never attain any level of status or respect. As a second class citizen with a second class name, I knew I was destined to be a second class wife. I knew that regardless of how pious and vigilant I may be, I would never be attractive to any of the younger men of influential families as a first and primary wife. I would have no choice but to resort to being a plural wife to a “right” man or hope to find a young man, who was a nobody himself, then spend the rest of our lives being second class citizens, attempting to earn the respect and right to associate with the Gods in the hereafter. Rather than entitlement I was destined for an eternity of belittlement.


Koduche is a convert, and therefore a second class polygamist. He has one wife that is a convert, and one wife that is a child of a broken polygamist home. Robyn, however, is the ex-wife of a Jessop. Her children are Jessops. I could see Kody's ego saying "I have a wife that was too good to be Jessop. She could be Plyg royalty, but instead she loves and married me!"

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I have a theory that marrying Robyn was a big deal for Koduche because she used to be a Jessop. Quote from The Principle Tumblr:



Koduche is a convert, and therefore a second class polygamist. He has one wife that is a convert, and one wife that is a child of a broken polygamist home. Robyn, however, is the ex-wife of a Jessop. Her children are Jessops. I could see Kody's ego saying "I have a wife that was too good to be Jessop. She could be Plyg royalty, but instead she loves and married me!"

Anything's possible in the mind of Kody, but I have my doubts. Only because Robyn was only a Jessop by marriage herself, and they seem to have been calling the children "Brown" since the beginning. Your last point, though--preening because he nabbed her away from a Jessop--I can see completely.

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Kody isn't really a convert, but rather late to the game, like his parents. His maternal grandmother is an Allred (royalty!); in fact both sets of grandparents are polygamists and from there on back the family is polygamous, along with extended family. The concept wasn't foreign, despite what Kody likes to spout in the talking heads. He was just stupid about how to have a polygamous marriage without being a doofus.


The Principal tumblr has been updating lately with information on David Jessop, like posting a picture of his dad. I guess all this business with Robyn has stirred up interest in real information rather than here-say from Robyn.

  • Love 5

Kody isn't really a convert, but rather late to the game, like his parents. His maternal grandmother is an Allred (royalty!); in fact both sets of grandparents are polygamists and from there on back the family is polygamous, along with extended family. The concept wasn't foreign, despite what Kody likes to spout in the talking heads. He was just stupid about how to have a polygamous marriage without being a doofus.


The Principal tumblr has been updating lately with information on David Jessop, like posting a picture of his dad. I guess all this business with Robyn has stirred up interest in real information rather than here-say from Robyn.

Exactly. Kody is more of a re-vert than a convert, although the could definitely put the Con in Convert LOL. Also, remember the family wreath: Kody is Robyn's ex's cousin of some sort (2nd once removed?) and Robyn's ex is also Christine's cousin. Now I totally think part of Christine's appeal to Kody was that she was a Polyg Princess, and Robyn has pretty much said she pursued the son of a prominent guy in their faith (her ex). So Kody and Robyn both did a little bit of social climbing themselves.

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So the real story is, Kody's parents thought they were going to be monogamous and were for a very long time and THEY reverted.

Which is why I can't take what any of Kody's children say about their long-term marital status seriously. Especially the boys. The chances of them becoming polygamous at some point is just too far higher than not.

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So the real story is, Kody's parents thought they were going to be monogamous and were for a very long time and THEY reverted.

Which is why I can't take what any of Kody's children say about their long-term marital status seriously. Especially the boys. The chances of them becoming polygamous at some point is just too far higher than not.


Yeah, it's more than likely that at least some of them will end up in polygamous relationships. However sheer statistics say a lot of the boys won't be able to as others will have married all the potential brides. There was a statistic at Centennial Park that said something like 60%+ of their  boys don't get married or have to leave to find a monogamous wife in the outside world.

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Yeah, it's more than likely that at least some of them will end up in polygamous relationships.


Provided they don't end up Lost Boys.  If one greedy horn dog (I'm looking at you Doofus) snatches up a bunch of brainwashed young breeders, there won't be enough women for the boatload of Brown Clown males.  And any woman with more than one working brain cell, having seen this mess, will run from them when approached.

I think the only saving grace for the kids is the fact that they got away from plyg communities. Kody and his generation were still in Montana or Utah, living in largely plyg communities with their extended families and that influence around them. The Brown kids are now in Vegas or in mostly LDS communities, plus they have have time to compare this trainwreck of a family to regular families and read/hear the criticism of the polygamous lifestyle, so there is hope they won't fall back into it. 

Edited by Galloway Cave
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One of the things I've wanted someone to do is a gender demographic. Because it does seem to me that the polygamous communities are skewing girls. This may be because of the mild inbreeding, and the fact that male babies do not survive pregnancy and we know that polygamous societies have higher fetal demise rates. But in nearly every family shown on TV recently, they have had more boys than girls. Only Janelle, who was completely outside the polygamous community stock had the male children. Kody has 14 biological children, but only six of them are boys. His two oldest children would be almost assured spots within the community, as would his youngest. That leaves the three middle children. But if other families have similar girl/boy ratios, the lost boy problem may be genetically taking care of itself.

Edited by GEML
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One of the things I've wanted someone to do is a gender demographic. Because it does seem to me that the polygamous communities are skewing girls. This may be because of the mild inbreeding, and the fact that male babies do not survive pregnancy and we know that polygamous societies have higher fetal demise rates. But in nearly every family shown on TV recently, they have had more boys than girls. Only Janelle, who was completely outside the polygamous community stock had the male children. Kody has 14 biological children, but only six of them are boys. His two oldest children would be almost assured spots within the community, as would his youngest. That leaves the three middle children. But if other families have similar girl/boy ratios, the lost boy problem may be genetically taking care of itself.

That's 43% boys to girls...that's pretty close to an even split, not even enough difference to be considered statistically significant. You'd need a much, much bigger sample size from a variety of plural families to chart a trend. And even if every family had Kody's stats, it would take a LONG time to bring the numbers around to anything that would work out equitably for males and females choosing the plural lifestyle. In the world at large, there is a miniscule fraction of more women than men...nature works pretty nicely that way. Another point I don't hear the plygs addressing. If the god you believe in basically brings equal numbers of females and males into the world, how can polygamy work? Does your afterlife fantasy include a bunch of male bondservants, there to serve at the whim of the dudes who collected wives like trading cards?

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But if you throw in other factors such as gay young men leaving (while gay women might not) and some autistic young men who might stay but might be more likely to be asexual or monogamous by choice - you might be getting close to a tipping point the data might skew 40/60, especially if some marriages are to men twice, such as a much older man, or to a man who doesn't live up to his calling, as in Robyn's case, or in the case of the third Darger wife.

  • Love 1

But if you throw in other factors such as gay young men leaving (while gay women might not) and some autistic young men who might stay but might be more likely to be asexual or monogamous by choice - you might be getting close to a tipping point the data might skew 40/60, especially if some marriages are to men twice, such as a much older man, or to a man who doesn't live up to his calling, as in Robyn's case, or in the case of the third Darger wife.

For me, the math still doesn't work. It's too might/maybe/iffy, and you can't develop statistical analysis on those what-if projections. Since the human race, as a whole breaks down into an almost perfect 50/50 ratio of male/female, then that has to be the baseline for investigating any variation within a population. Statistical analysis must always factor in outlying variables, such as those who leave the population (for whatever reason) or those who stay in the population but choose to not ever marry. Because their numbers are small, relative to the whole population, they would be outliers regardless. So the question is, within a large polygamous population, among those men who would, if given the option, prefer heterosexual polygamous marriage, how many of them are shit out of luck because there just aren't enough females to go around. Even a 40/60 shift is still only 1.5 females for every 1 male. If three wives is the magic number to get your planet, then the birth rate would have to skew to at least 3 females to every 1 male birth, and that's so unlikely it would become a scientific anomaly that would have REAL academicians converging for studies (as opposed to the put-my-face-on-the-TV crew from UNLV)!

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I still would like someone to do a demographic breakdown.  I just remember watching the various polygamy shows and thinking, wow, do they really all skew so heavily girls?  Because that's really interesting.  Or is it just a fluke?  And I'm not saying that it's happened fully yet....as you say, it's only perhaps 1.5 or maybe 2.0.  But I think it's interesting that it MIGHT be happening more or less "naturally" due to the inbreeding.  (And that's a sentence that you never thought you'd find yourself typing....)

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I still would like someone to do a demographic breakdown.  I just remember watching the various polygamy shows and thinking, wow, do they really all skew so heavily girls?  Because that's really interesting.  Or is it just a fluke?  And I'm not saying that it's happened fully yet....as you say, it's only perhaps 1.5 or maybe 2.0.  But I think it's interesting that it MIGHT be happening more or less "naturally" due to the inbreeding.  (And that's a sentence that you never thought you'd find yourself typing....)

I'd LOVE to see that!

I just checked out Robyn's twitter. I had never looked at the twitter stuff before. One thing that struck me as interesting is Robyn's comment concerning Garrison's fundraiser car wash. She refers to him as 'Our son Garrison'. While they call themselves a family they rarely take verbal ownership of another wife's child. 

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Most likely t



I just checked out Robyn's twitter. I had never looked at the twitter stuff before. One thing that struck me as interesting is Robyn's comment concerning Garrison's fundraiser car wash. She refers to him as 'Our son Garrison'. While they call themselves a family they rarely take verbal ownership of another wife's child. 


It's Robyn butting in again, just like she's the family history spokesperson and polygamy expert even though (because) she just joined a few years ago. Even the show clarifies which mother gave birth to the child currently being featured and that seems to be the case in plyg culture as well, a lot of the time.


They have a relative who helps out for free or a few dollars now and again, and/or she's there for babysitting duty.

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Robyn is back to tweeting. Why? Because she thought this article was "sweet". Besides the awkward way it's set to navigate, it seems to me there are many things in it that are not current, or true. Go figure! http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/slideshow/447/sister-wives-11-rules-for-being-a-kody-brown-sister-wife/kody-brown-s-rules-1#

One of the things I've wanted someone to do is a gender demographic. Because it does seem to me that the polygamous communities are skewing girls. This may be because of the mild inbreeding, and the fact that male babies do not survive pregnancy and we know that polygamous societies have higher fetal demise rates. But in nearly every family shown on TV recently, they have had more boys than girls. Only Janelle, who was completely outside the polygamous community stock had the male children. Kody has 14 biological children, but only six of them are boys. His two oldest children would be almost assured spots within the community, as would his youngest. That leaves the three middle children. But if other families have similar girl/boy ratios, the lost boy problem may be genetically taking care of itself.

 In those books on how to choose the sex of your baby, for a boy they tell you to abstain a few days, the reverse for a girl, being that the male sperm are less hardy and long-lasting but are faster, whereas the XX sperm , being larger, have more staying power but not quite as fast swimming.   There's all kinds of science stuff on this but it equates to the fact that if you are doing it close to ovulation (like say you only sleep with someone to get them pregnant but you arent hot and heavy all the time or if yotu  simply abstained till that day= boy) versus you are just doing things randomly and not paying as much attention to the actual ovulation day, and you are doing it more often (meaning there are more XX's still hanging around)= girl  So unless all the wives are following a strict 'only do it during the fertile time' or maybe if you are not regular or past that, you aren't following it at all,  and the man is in general doing it more often than would be normal for monogamous, more likely to be girls.

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From the goofy and blatantly disingenuous article linked above, Kody says: "To be honest, I am not sure if any one of my wives could fulfill all my needs, nor do I believe that I am fulfilling all of theirs."


God. They make it so easy. The response to both sides of this awful statement is just too obvious. I just can't. Y'all get it, I know you do.

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If he is not fulfilling each wife's needs, then just exactly WHO is supposed to fill that wife's needs then, since he thinks it is vulgar for a woman to have more than one husband*? I guess that is the part of the religion that makes the woman stronger. The man doesn't need to become stronger and better by overcoming jealousy and being shortchanged in a marriage, only the woman. Jackasses.


And you are correct ginger90, about 85% of the statements in that article are just flat out lies or wrong. Robyn calls it sweet. I guess we now know her definition of "sweet".


*not that I think it's someone's duty to fill another person's needs, but we are translating this into Brown-talk.

Edited by Galloway Cave

So it's fine for Lord High Kody to need as many women as possible to fulfill his lofty and all important needs.  He can keep shopping for a; new one when a new need crops up.  But the women?  Not important what they want or need.  They are simply there to serve the Master.


Lovely religion.  Great advertisement for polygamy.  Makes me want to puke.

  • Love 3

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