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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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40 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

I honestly don't think it's possible to go overboard when others are determined to be stupid.  I am livid with those who say they have a "right" not to wear a mask. Well I have the right not to be killed by your selfish stupidity.

They need to be taught the old phrase of your rights end where mine begin.  You don't have the right to potentially endanger or indirectly kill people.  They do deserve to be fined repeatedly if necessary.

  • Love 10

My Mom grew up in an orphanage in NYState during the depression and they used the Sears catalog in outhouses at the home and at the 2-room schoolhouse.  She was thrilled when in high school they had indoor plumbing with a dispenser full of those little squares of TP that feel like waxed paper. 

My mother instilled in me the need to always have a full package of (nice soft) TP on hand. I always buy a couple of packages when they are on sale, enough to last to the next sale and through blizzards, etc., and had just stocked up the week before the mad rush in March.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 8
40 minutes ago, deirdra said:

My Mom grew up in an orphanage in NYState during the depression and they used the Sears catalog in outhouses at the home and at the 2-room schoolhouse.  She was thrilled when in high school they had indoor plumbing with a dispenser full of those little squares of TP that feel like waxed paper. 

My mother instilled in me the need to always have a full package of (nice soft) TP on hand. I always buy a couple of packages when they are on sale, enough to last to the next sale and through blizzards, etc., and had just stocked up the week before the mad rush in March.

Me too!  We bought something else from our usual brand just after the New Year.  We didn't like it as much, so bought the usual brand in February, just before everything went nuts with hoarding.  

My mom only had an 8th grade education, but she was very smart.  She had to quit school to help take care of the younger kids.  No wonder she only had two kids, what with having been a sister-mom before she left home and moved west, got a job, met my dad, and got married.  

  • Love 5

OK, taking a break and putting on my Pollyanna hat. I splurged on the littlest model of the AeroGarden (before Armageddon hit) and planted some cherry tomato seeds.  Got my first yellow blossom today!  I was so excited, you'd have thought I hit the lottery.  And my basil is growing as well so I am a happy camper today.  As long as I don't watch the news.

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

I once had an AeroGarden, and my tomatoes grew very well.  So did my green beans.  Unfortunately, my cat loved green beans.  He ate the all the beans--and the plants.

Heh.  We had a dog many years ago that ate raspberries, and got his poor snout all scratched up in the process.  Our long-departed cat loved beans, too.

We don't garden, but a friend of ours has gifted us tomatoes and cucumbers every summer for years.  He is probably out there watering as we speak.  I'm going to look into AeroGarden, now that you enablers have clued me in.  🙂  I've not heard of it before.


  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

 I'm going to look into AeroGarden, now that you enablers have clued me in.  🙂  I've not heard of it before.

I hadn't either until a) I started craving green living things at the end of winter and b) a friend of mine mentioned hers. I only got the little one with three growing slots.  I tried a couple of kinds of flowers that didn't do a think - I planted them in plain soil in a sunny window and they haven't done a thing either so it was probably the seeds, not the AeroGarden.

Here is my tomato plant.


  • Love 10
57 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

OK, taking a break and putting on my Pollyanna hat. I splurged on the littlest model of the AeroGarden (before Armageddon hit) and planted some cherry tomato seeds.  Got my first yellow blossom today!  I was so excited, you'd have thought I hit the lottery.  And my basil is growing as well so I am a happy camper today.  As long as I don't watch the news.

And basil smells SOOO good!!

  • Love 5

@Kyanight sorry very late to the party but just wanted to chime in and say thank you for sharing your story. That must be difficult to relive and express, but we all appreciate your insight and openness 💓

I skim read a little of the snark conversation (while running after my children) and I do want to apologise if I personally offend anyone with my posts. I freely admit I’m one who enjoys a wee snark on the Browns in ALL aspects of their lives including appearance, (which due to them exchanging their private lives for money I feel within my rights to do), it’s a bit of escapism for me, however I appreciate that’s not everyone’s view. In my opinion they have made themselves characters who are open for scrutiny and humor at their expense, so I don’t intend to change the fact I take advantage of that.

That said, I certainly don’t wish to make others uncomfortable if their standard is different, so I would apologise for any offence (and recommend blocking me 😉).

For me the line of decency here, is censoring others or attacking other posters personally. I like and welcome differing opinions, as we are all different and it provides balance. Provided we are all focused on our discussion of the reality show characters themselves and not personally attacking other posters or their lifestyles/appearances, I think it’s all good 😊

Love you COL’s anyway and your tolerance of me!

  • Love 19
8 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

I honestly don't think it's possible to go overboard when others are determined to be stupid.  I am livid with those who say they have a "right" not to wear a mask. Well I have the right not to be killed by your selfish stupidity. 

I know it's hard and I know it's uncomfortable to wear a mask.  But as has been so succinctly pointed out - dead is forever.  You can't say, "oops, sorry" to the person who is gone.  And now SM is full of stories of people who mocked it and are gone and their families are now weeping and wailing - and posting GoFundMe pages to pay for the funerals.  I say throw them in a hole someplace.

I tell myself every day to try and find one good thing to concentrate on which is why I am staying off of FB except for the group page for which I am an admin for our local Friends group (we work at the local lighthouse) because it's so depressing. 

I know we'll through this but I do wish I could stop inadvertently gasping in horror every time I look in a mirror,  My hair!  Ugh!

“Your mask protects me, my mask protects you.”  

12 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I've noticed it near me and it's shocking how many people are ignoring our governor's mandate about wearing masks into stores, etc.  I too worry about cases rising sharply.  Actually, they have been continuously rising in CT all through, so how these people are ignoring that is unbelievable to me.  It's probably because of them that the numbers are still rising.

The only way I'm seeing these things is when I go out for a walk or to the post office.  I actually have sold a few things on eBay in the last couple of weeks (not more than $150 so in the past month so I'm not getting excited) so I've combined my walk with dropping these items in the mail slot.  

Also, my husband's friend admitted to him that he still goes to the drive through at the bank (since the branches have closed it's walk-in office) and pressed the buttons with his bare fingers.  Then he says he "sanitizes" right after.  I can't think of a worse thing to touch with my bare hands right now and wouldn't even trust waiting until after touching it to sanitize.

Hubbie and I took an aimless ride in the car on a nice day over the weekend and went down the main shopping road in another town only to see a flock of young people on motorcycles hanging out in the parking lot of a Burger King like it was nothing.  No masks, no social distancing.  In fact they looked like they were thumbing their nose at the whole thing.  Mr. Yeah No got pissed.  He thinks the police probably wouldn't intervene because they're trying to avoid getting to close to any of them themselves!  Don't know if I agree with that.

I am baffled at all the people in my store paying with cash, but afraid to touch the doors. 30 years in banking makes me know that cash is DIRTY.  Its cloth-like paper harbors germs.  

Edited by Meowwww
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

I once had an AeroGarden, and my tomatoes grew very well.  So did my green beans.  Unfortunately, my cat loved green beans.  He ate the all the beans--and the plants.

Beans are good for cats!!!   High fiber and they regulate blood sugar. 
My dog ate ALL our squash blossoms the one and only time I grew them.  All of them. 

  • Useful 2
  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Kyanight said:

So enough of that depressing topic.  Let's talk about something less depressing than polygamy - like our world with Covid!  (Joking - sort of!)

Yesterday I went to Target to pick up a prescription from their pharmacy - so a quick in and out, although I also grabbed a container of vanilla ice cream and some Hershey chocolate ice cream topping.   I first noticed something in the parking lot as I was walking into the store - almost no one had on a face mask!  Then as I walked through the store I saw SO MANY people (and entire families) not wearing masks.  I was SO irritated about this!  I get it - these people feel like they have the "right" to go mask-free - but does that also mean they have the right to infect people and make them very ill?  I mentioned something to the girl ringing me up and she said (in a snotty tone) "Well they probably don't have one".  Sheesh, my ton wrapped a t-shirt around his face and I used a winter scarf before I bought some on Ebay. I saw a couple of people wearing bandannas yesterday and I even saw a stand someone set up on the side of the road and they were selling cute cloth face masks.  I wanted to stop and look but:  A.) I don't need any and B.) I have to keep reminding myself that our world has changed and it isn't safe.  BUT - masks are everywhere.  Our NextDoor community is always offering masks to people who don't have them.  My daughter (who sews) has volunteered to make masks in her mountain town.  I think that because our Governor opened up our state the people think that things are back to normal, and they can almost do as they please.  (Restaurants and schools aren't opened.)  They didn't even attempt to maintain social distancing, and those who were wearing masks would move away from these yahoos when they would come close and I could see that they were irritated, too!  Also - two men were stocking the soda aisle and - no masks!

I worry about the number of cases rising sharply!

AND -I read this morning that now some of the states aren't reporting the number of cases accurately, like Florida.  I think the politicians want to keep the economy open so they are going to lie about the casualties to keep the American populace calm and avoid lock downs again.

OH YEAH - I forgot to add that there was a CAR SHOW in the upper parking lot!!  I kid you not!!  It was small - only about 2 dozen cars or so - but lots of people milling about!  And NONE wearing masks that I could see.

Just be careful, everyone!   Has anyone else noticed this happening in YOUR states?

Yes. I’ve mentioned I work in a small pet food store. 
Customers are wearing masks now more than they were, but still digging dirty cash out of their wallets and asking us to put the change down so they can grab it. 
My days consist of unloading and stacking hundreds of 30 lb bags of dog food, bird seed (40-50 lbs), carrying out said dog food bags and bird seed bags, breaking down and shelving hundreds of supplies from our giant daily shipments,and it’s impossible to wear a mask while doing so.  My coworkers and I can’t breathe while exerting ourselves, so we take our masks off.  Plus the sun in our huge front windows makes it hot (it was 83 degrees in there today, all day) and there’s no catching your breath while sweating profusely with a mask on.  Sorry, but it’s our harsh reality as essential workers. If one of us gets the virus, it’s bad news bears. 
Minnesota, where I work, has had low numbers of infection. And people are bored.  And they want to look at and hold all the animals and let their kids hold all the animals. Bunnies, chinchillas, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters (mean little suckers, they bite hard.  No idea why anyone would want a hamster.  They kill and eat each other and their young, and they are fast with the bite). 
I am glad, for our owners, that we are so busy.  It’s a scary time to be a business owner, and they are truly wonderful people who have owned this business for 30 years. 
On Saturday, a whole bunch of retired dudes gathered their classic cars in our parking lot.  They had a picnic, grand social hour.  No masks or social distancing.  They all came in and bought things, so no worries there....but they were all over 60 and mingling with alllll the public who stopped by to see their cars. 
Minnesota is its own little bubble, and no one really cares. 

Edited by Meowwww

I went out yesterday to grocery shop and get my mail at the Post Office. First time out since 4/9. Most places I was the only one wearing a mask. At the grocery store about 50% of the people had masks on...one guy had it over his chin and mouth with his nose just out there...hello dude read the protocols! Exactly how stupid can people be??

Also scored a 24 pack of Cottonelle TP, but when I got home and read the label it was a single ply, where their normal was a 2 ply...it is better than the carp I got the last time I went out, but I feel they are taking advantage of the situation to downsize their product and make a profit off the situation.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, deirdra said:

My Mom grew up in an orphanage in NYState during the depression and they used the Sears catalog in outhouses at the home and at the 2-room schoolhouse.  She was thrilled when in high school they had indoor plumbing with a dispenser full of those little squares of TP that feel like waxed paper. 

My mother instilled in me the need to always have a full package of (nice soft) TP on hand. I always buy a couple of packages when they are on sale, enough to last to the next sale and through blizzards, etc., and had just stocked up the week before the mad rush in March.

One of the last phone conversations I had with my dad was about the toilet paper shortage.  He used the opportunity to remind me that his family used the Sears catalog during the depression when he was growing up.  Fortunately I stocked up at Costco early in March right before all the madness began.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

I went out yesterday to grocery shop and get my mail at the Post Office. First time out since 4/9. Most places I was the only one wearing a mask. At the grocery store about 50% of the people had masks on...one guy had it over his chin and mouth with his nose just out there...hello dude read the protocols! Exactly how stupid can people be??

My friends and I are asking this question all the time. My SIL called today and told me about a family in her neighborhood that all came down with the virus because they weren't paying attention to the warnings.  They were continuing to go over to friends' houses and go about their business as usual.  Now they are all crying the blues and some are worried about their survival.  These are the idiots that are responsible for "community spread" and make it bad for the rest of us.

It reminds me of my uncle.  He never married and became a seaman aboard large cargo ships.  He smoked 2 packs a day for decades and ended up getting lung cancer at the age of 56.  On his deathbed he asked my mother why no one made him stop smoking.  My mother couldn't believe he asked this question because she was trying to get him to stop for years, he just didn't listen.

16 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Also scored a 24 pack of Cottonelle TP, but when I got home and read the label it was a single ply, where their normal was a 2 ply...it is better than the carp I got the last time I went out, but I feel they are taking advantage of the situation to downsize their product and make a profit off the situation.

They do make both single and double ply varieties anyway but I wouldn't put it past them.  They've been continuously downsizing their product to have fewer sheets per roll for years.  This would be the perfect opportunity to do it once again.

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Also scored a 24 pack of Cottonelle TP, but when I got home and read the label it was a single ply, where their normal was a 2 ply...it is better than the carp I got the last time I went out...

This typo made me laugh for a good 5 minutes. Things must be bad if you had to resort to carp. How would one wipe? No, don't tell me.

  • LOL 3
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46 minutes ago, lindalouwho said:

Here in NY Cuomo is being tough about opening the state, going to break it down into regions (wise man!) and base openings on the health of each area. Im gonna wait til hospitals allow visitors before I drop out of isolation. At least I’ll be basing my decision on science, not hunches and feelings.

I'm with you on that!  At least he and the nearby governors including Ned Lamont here in CT are trying to operate on the same page about opening back up.  I feel better knowing that he's going to take his lead from Cuomo on that.  I also wonder about whether they will stick with the current date of May 18 for reopening certain businesses.  I can't see that working in NYC but Cuomo has shown that he wants to treat each area differently according to its particular situation.  Not sure that's going to work either - the person that posted that it's like creating a peeing section in a pool was so right.

A friend of my husband's called us upset today because two of his children (both in their mid 20s and still live at home) have announced that they are leaving for Cape Cod next weekend to work in a restaurant.  They did this last year and seem undeterred this year.  They are banking on a May 18 reopening of restaurants for sit down service there.  I think they're being way optimistic at this point especially for a restaurant in a tourist town that has many other restaurants and attracts big crowds every year.  Next thing you know NYC-ers will be going there bringing more virus with them.  A lot of NYers go to Cape Cod.  I don't see how they're going to reopen things so soon.  All of our states are so close together and very interrelated that it could be a recipe for disaster.  I am thinking that the May 18 date may get pushed ahead yet again because things all over the area are only improving very slowly at this point.  I know the businesses are suffering but just think how they will suffer if they open too soon and people start getting sick.  They'll just have to close again anyway.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 5

In my state , PA, you have to wear a mask to go inside any store, or you are asked to leave. No mask, no service. Also, stores are limiting the number of customers allowed in at one time. Many takeout restaurants are offering curb-side service, credit card only.

However, the governor is opening up golf courses this weekend, with limitations. Hope no one is going to be sharing a golf cart. I do find it interesting that he's doing that first, while still telling people to STAY HOME, except for essential travel. Some parks will gradually open. Then he goes down to DC to meet with the president--why do that and not virtually meet? 


I wear a mask and gloves when at the grocery store because I don't want to touch the cart handle, but I take the mask and gloves off in my car and discard them in a bag. Then I use hand sanitizer and wash my hands again when I'm finished unloading and putting away the groceries. That's all I can do. But I'm not going to constantly live in fear and anxiety--not good for my mental health or chronic migraines.

  • Love 12

Well I have personal good news!   Apparently I am no longer stressed or worried about Covid OR the economy!   Last night I spent my stimulus on 11 pairs of black lacy bikini panties.  Remember when girdles would give you support all day?  Well these panties have built in butt cheek support that makes them firm and supple and apparently these help you lose inches!  I tried one on and they were VERY comfortable!  And they don't show panty lines through your pants!  They cost me $100 each - I so hope they are worth $1100.  I spent the last $100 of my stimulus check taking the seller of the panties out for a nice dinner.  I WAS going to buy 12 panties but she reminded me that I had told her I was taking her out for a nice dinner somewhere before I committed to buying the underwear.

I woke up before we ate dinner, so I'm not sure where we went which was too bad since I am SUCH a foodie.   And I haven't a clue who that woman was, but even last night I knew she wasn't a close friend.  

What I DO know is this:  It wasn't Meri and these weren't Lularoe panties - if Lularoe even made such a thing.  But now that I wrote this post, maybe that's what they will start hawking next.   One hundred dollar panties.  And their super fans would buy them, too.  

  • LOL 16
25 minutes ago, Adiba said:

In my state , PA, you have to wear a mask to go inside any store, or you are asked to leave. No mask, no service. Also, stores are limiting the number of customers allowed in at one time. Many takeout restaurants are offering curb-side service, credit card only.

However, the governor is opening up golf courses this weekend, with limitations. Hope no one is going to be sharing a golf cart. I do find it interesting that he's doing that first, while still telling people to STAY HOME, except for essential travel. Some parks will gradually open. Then he goes down to DC to meet with the president--why do that and not virtually meet? 


I wear a mask and gloves when at the grocery store because I don't want to touch the cart handle, but I take the mask and gloves off in my car and discard them in a bag. Then I use hand sanitizer and wash my hands again when I'm finished unloading and putting away the groceries. That's all I can do. But I'm not going to constantly live in fear and anxiety--not good for my mental health or chronic migraines.

Speaking of stores, I thought for sure my extreme social anxiety would get better when everyone else had to social distance, too (I was “social distancing” before it had a name). It was natural for me to go out of my way to avoid people. if it was crowded somewhere, there was a good chance I’d have a full on meltdown. So when this “social distancing” became a thing, I was happy at first, but my social anxiety is even worse now.

Perhaps it’s because society has attached “rules” to my personal, sacred practice. Maybe it’s because people still push me out of the way as they barrel along the aisles, whereas I always give someone their space. People are doing this wrong and it makes me even more skittish and upset, then look at me like I’m crazy when my meltdown start (do I need a sign that says “anxiety/autism, back off”?). 

It’s gotten so bad my mind has gone to dark places. I just can’t deal with other humans sometimes. They’re mean. 




  • Love 3
1 minute ago, TurtlePower said:

It’s gotten so bad my mind has gone to dark places. I just can’t deal with other humans sometimes. They’re mean. 

(((((((((((Turtle)))))))))))    People ARE mean!  But there are some gems among the dog poo.  Hang in there.. and if you ever feel dark or depressed, come talk to us.  I know we are only faceless friends, but our care and love is real!

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

It’s gotten so bad my mind has gone to dark places. I just can’t deal with other humans sometimes. They’re mean. 

Unfortunately this mess has brought out the worst of the worst.  But remember that there are seen and unseen heroes out there as well, they just don't get the press coverage that the crazies do.  When you have a dark time you can come here and dump on us - we can take it!

10 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Last night I spent my stimulus on 11 pairs of black lacy bikini panties. 

And I never took you for lacy bikini type!  Must be your hidden self.  And please don't give LLCrap any ideas.  They could manage to ruin a simple pair of undies!

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Unfortunately this mess has brought out the worst of the worst.  But remember that there are seen and unseen heroes out there as well, they just don't get the press coverage that the crazies do.  When you have a dark time you can come here and dump on us - we can take it!

And I never took you for lacy bikini type!  Must be your hidden self.  And please don't give LLCrap any ideas.  They could manage to ruin a simple pair of undies!

Wow, what a dream, @Kyanight!  Heh.  

@Kohola3, you are so right.  And @TurtlePower, as an over-60 lifelong introvert, I get it.  I'm the least social person I know, married to a friendly extrovert.  It's always been tough for me to make small talk and be the least bit social.  I admire outgoing people, but it's just not me, and never will be.  

I'm happy to have you great people here to talk to.  I look forward to reading your posts, never more so than now.  Thank you all.  ❤️

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

(((((((((((Turtle)))))))))))    People ARE mean!  But there are some gems among the dog poo.  Hang in there.. and if you ever feel dark or depressed, come talk to us.  I know we are only faceless friends, but our care and love is real!


1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Unfortunately this mess has brought out the worst of the worst.  But remember that there are seen and unseen heroes out there as well, they just don't get the press coverage that the crazies do.  When you have a dark time you can come here and dump on us - we can take it!

Thanks, I have a lot to dump that I don’t want to dump on Mr Turtle, friends or other family because everyone has it rough in one way or another. But I need to get it out to someone. 

Sometimes it feel like no matter what path I choose, it’s the wrong one. I gave up my public safety job due to burnout and other issues and chose a quieter job in my field and am on hold due to covid (which I loved). With the economic projections, I don’t know when it’s bound to bounce back (if it ever does). I allowed my medical certifications to lapse because I was unaffiliated and could not afford the refresher/CE hours. I deeply regret losing those now—I could be working in a hospital. 

Had I figured out how to scrounge up enough $$ to cover refresher training, I’d have those options. But I convinced myself I was done, burned out, “over it”.  So. Stupid. What I should have done is kept the certifications as an option. 

I’ve thought about other jobs, but my social awkwardness and poor communications skills puts me at a disadvantage. I can write all this very easily, but would have a hard time verbalizing it. 

So here I sit, feeling sad, useless, not getting any younger and full of regret. I cry every day, alone, away from everyone because I don’t want them to see. I put on a brave face, but it’s a paper mask. I’m just taking up space. 

They say you’re supposed to be able to talk about this stuff, but the second you do you’re labeled as unstable, crazy, mental or a weirdo with “issues”.  Thanks everyone for having this place to unload. 

Edited by TurtlePower
Stupid autocorrect
  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:


Thanks, I have a lot to dump that I don’t want to dump on Mr Turtle, friends or other family because everyone has it rough in one way or another. But I need to get it out to someone. 

Sometimes it feel like no matter what path I choose, it’s the wrong one. I gave up my public safety job due to burnout and other issues and chose a quieter job in my field and am on hold due to covid (which I loved). With the economic projections, I don’t know when it’s bound to bounce back (if it ever does). I allowed my medical certifications to lapse because I was unaffiliated and could not afford the refresher/CE hours. I deeply regret losing those now—I could be working in a hospital. 

Had I figured out how to scrounge up enough $$ to cover refresher training, I’d have those options. But I convinced myself I was done, burned out, “over it”.  So. Stupid. What I should have done is kept the certifications as an option. 

I’ve thought about other jobs, but my social awkwardness and poor communications skills puts me at a disadvantage. I can write all this very easily, but would have a hard time verbalizing it. 

So here I sit, feeling sad, useless, not getting any younger and full of regret. I cry every day, alone, away from everyone because I don’t want them to see. I put on a brave face, but it’s a paper mask. I’m just taking up space. 

They say you’re supposed to be able to talk about this stuff, but the second you do you’re labeled as unstable, crazy, mental or a weirdo with “issues”.  Thanks everyone for having this place to unload. 

You are NOT just taking up space! I'm sure your family and loved ones would heartily disagree with you! I do know that feeling, though, and I hope you can get through the dark times.

I enjoy reading your opinions on the board, even if sometimes they are different than mine. So keep writing, and unload here if you feel it helps. Sending you good thoughts!

  • Love 9

@TurtlePower I feel for your pain. I am in an industry that has taken a huge hit and I worry 24/7. Last week I also had to put to sleep my beloved dog, the grief is overwhelming and I know this current situation is not helping me at all. I ran to the store yesterday to buy some stuff and there was a family of 4 - mom and 3 kids all over the place - no masks and she is letting those kids run amok like it was their indoor playground. I so wanted to throat punch her, but didn't want to wind up in the clink. Hang in there!

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

@TurtlePower I feel for your pain. I am in an industry that has taken a huge hit and I worry 24/7. Last week I also had to put to sleep my beloved dog, the grief is overwhelming and I know this current situation is not helping me at all. I ran to the store yesterday to buy some stuff and there was a family of 4 - mom and 3 kids all over the place - no masks and she is letting those kids run amok like it was their indoor playground. I so wanted to throat punch her, but didn't want to wind up in the clink. Hang in there!

Turtle - NONE of us can know exactly how you are feeling, but almost all of us are stressing at various levels as well, so we can at least relate to you having anxiety and be here for you!  Whenever I heart your posts I am sending love!

And Mahamid - I know what you mean about getting angry.  When I went to Target and saw all those yahoos not wearing face masks I felt SO ANGRY - and I was muttering at them under my breath and behind my face mask.  There is no excuse... NO EXCUSE.. to put people in danger due to your own selfishness!

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Someone in my neighborhood organized a gourmet ice-cream truck to hang out on one of our side streets this past Wednesday evening.  The truck owner sold delicious Dove-type bars with lots of different toppings.  The line was all the way down the block - it looked far longer due to social distancing.  But it was literally the most exciting thing to happen to me in weeks - so exciting that I went back twice and dropped $30 on ice cream bars for me and the family.  You could see people smiling even while wearing masks.  I think I will remember that ice cream truck for the rest of my life - not just the treat, but the happiness of having something new to do in a dark and isolating time, and everyone just so darn giddy.  When the days are long, something new makes a ton of difference.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Someone in my neighborhood organized a gourmet ice-cream truck to hang out on one of our side streets this past Wednesday evening.  The truck owner sold delicious Dove-type bars with lots of different toppings.  The line was all the way down the block - it looked far longer due to social distancing.  But it was literally the most exciting thing to happen to me in weeks - so exciting that I went back twice and dropped $30 on ice cream bars for me and the family.  You could see people smiling even while wearing masks.  I think I will remember that ice cream truck for the rest of my life - not just the treat, but the happiness of having something new to do in a dark and isolating time, and everyone just so darn giddy.  When the days are long, something new makes a ton of difference.

We had a traveling karaoke show going through our senior community.  I think the ice cream would have been better.

Okay - not to sound mean . . . but ANYTHING would have been better.  It was pretty awful, but at least we all had fun sitting out on our driveways waiting for it.

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57 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

@Kyanight, I had to re-read your post twice before I realized it was a dream. My first thought was “That’s a new side to Kyanight” and my second thought was “where does one get this magic underwear?”     

Me too! I thought OMG we pushed her over the edge by yapping at her with our questions. I didn't catch on until I read it a third time. LOL


Let this be a warning to ANYONE considering polygamy.  Look what it did to Kyanight's mind!!  lol

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

When the days are long, something new makes a ton of difference.

Or something totally unexpected. I have been putting together little newsletters for the "inmates" of our 4 residential centers who are confined to their rooms with no visitors.  Almost all are from this rural area so I have been looking online to find old pictures of the area that they might recognize.  Today I got thank you notes from 3 of them saying how much it meant to the residents and how much they enjoy them.  I send them from Therapy Dog Mindy (actually she passed away a year ago but she was my last certified TD and they don't know that!) and one of the letters was just to addressed to her.

I wasn't sure they would even care but now I'm energized to start on letter #4!

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Here in MT things seem to be looking up a tiny bit. We had no new cases yesterday, only 2 on Wed. and 0 new on Tues. Shelter in place has been lifted, but as a 70 yr old diabetic, I am still staying in. Basically a hermit, but I find myself beginning to feel agoraphobic these days.

I went out Wed (first time in 3 weeks) to go to the PO to pick up my mail and then to get bird seed at the Country Store (there I scored a container of Lysol wipes). I went to the larger grocery store in town, I had been going to the smaller one, but the selection is not so good there. At the store only about 1/2 of the people were wearing mask which really ticked me off! I had the one I got on Etsy firmly on.  (One yahoo had a mask on, but only covered his mouth and chin with his nose hanging out. WTF?) People were trying to distance, but it is kind of hard in the aisles of a grocery store. They had a sign up that you could only buy 1 package of TP, choice was a flimsy 4 roll pack or a 24 roll pack of Cottonelle. Gee, which should I buy??? LOL! I basically bought the same things I normally do and was shocked at the total! Grocery prices have gone through the roof here!

Yesterday, I was looking more closely at the 24 roll pack of Cottonelle and discovered it was only 1 ply! What I usually buy is 2 ply. Are the TP companies trying to pull something over on us because of the "shortages"? Kind of pissed me off.

Last night I was talking to my daughter who is a police Captain in the SF Bay area. I was complaining that I had ordered masks on Amazon April 4 and the delivery date is May 22-June15. So thrilled with Amazon's Covid items priority! NOT!  And the ones I got on Etsy were very uncomfortable. She texted me a few minutes later that she had ordered me a pack of 12 of the cloth masks her department is using (Custom Ink Online Stores-Custom Ink Health + Wellness  stores.customink.com) They look so much more comfortable! They will arrive mid week next week. She said Happy Mother's Day! Love that girl more than life!!  

Edited by Gramto6
Sorry kind of a repost, but the stats for the state are new.
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I had to stop at the local CVS earlier today.  They actually had masks for sale - two for $1.99, limit of 10 masks.  They also had paper towels!

We are fortunate to have an adequate supply of both those products, but it's a psychological boost to see scarce items become available again.

Yes, prices are higher . . . but it's a capitalistic supply/demand world we live in.  I'm just glad we can buy things!!!

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15 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I had to stop at the local CVS earlier today.  They actually had masks for sale - two for $1.99, limit of 10 masks.  They also had paper towels!

We are fortunate to have an adequate supply of both those products, but it's a psychological boost to see scarce items become available again.

Yes, prices are higher . . . but it's a capitalistic supply/demand world we live in.  I'm just glad we can buy things!!!

I was at Safeway this morning at 6 pm and the shelves are fully stocked. I didn't go down the TP row however! Masks and social distancing are absolutely required. I always say no maskie, no Innie. Yeah, I'm losing it. 

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On 4/23/2020 at 3:39 PM, suomi said:

I read an article this morning mentioning that current vaccination rates are falling to a scary place. Parents for various reasons are not bringing in their littles for their shots and/or are not competing a required series. 😞

This is in large part the fault of Facebook, which along with many other ills, uses algorithms for fear-mongering (since fear/strong emotions/fight or flight response = more engagement = more revenue for FB). People who are somewhat nervous about vaccines already get articles, ads and other data pushed to them that fan the flames, reinforcing their beliefs that vaccines are bad for you and making them sound even worse than they might have thought. There is a book called Zucked about what FB does and how they are unwilling to take any responsibility. Mark Zuckerberg claims FB is a tech platform and is not promoting anything but they use these algorithms that are proven to tune into, then stoke and increase people's fears. I believe this is the main reason the anti-vax movement has gotten increasingly stronger in the past 5 or so years. Some of these people even think Bill Gates created a vaccine to kill people! It's lunacy. I strongly believe, as does the author of Zucked, that we need federal regulation of Facebook and other monopoly internet sites. Liz Warren was the only candidate willing to listen to Roger McNamee (Zucked author and an early supporter of Zuck who now regrets helping him) on this topic.

Edited by Teafortwo
clarifying - only the real lunatic fringe think that about Bill Gates.
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Hi Everyone - I'm finally home in NYC after my temporary stay at the beach. (Never planned to stay more than 12 days but it got prolonged by various circumstances.) However, we have mice in my apartment building (yuchhh), so I've been spending most of my time cleaning and trying to plug up any and all holes in plumbing, masonry etc. I'm not used to preparing myself 3 meals a day, every day -- let alone having to clean almost every utensil both before and after use (the little varmints have left calling cards in my kitchen and may have access to cabinets).  And all the surfaces, in case mice have been running across them at night. (I'm nervous about ordering in from restaurants, even though everyone says you just have to be careful with the packaging, so I am not doing that.) In an effort to reduce paper towel use, I have also been cleaning and reusing rags - more cleaning! Mostly in the sink because our laundry room is small and very dirty even in normal times - and in heavy use by neighbors of course. I used to use the laundromat because it's actually much cleaner - those were the days! 

I pulled everything out of my storage closet to plug holes in the back wall. Ultimately that will be a good thing but right now my back is protesting and I still have many, many trips down 3 flights to the garbage bin. Nevertheless, I am very glad to be home. I love my little space and its lovely tall windows. I haven't been out much but I've gone grocery shopping (I have masks now!). I had not been inside a grocery store for over a month - where I was staying temporarily, people did not seem to be taking things seriously and I was concerned about the lack of protocols plus not having access to health care if I got sick. I was in NJ and you needed proof of residence even to get a test. 

I hope all of you are well and I've started doing a bit of reading here on the boards again tonight. I've missed everyone and our discussions/snark! I have a lot more cleaning and organizing to do but find I need to pace myself. Should have cleaned out that closet oh, maybe 5-10 years ago. Thankfully my mental health has improved since I returned home, despite the mice which, I mean, mice during a plague?! omg. I had a brainstorm and asked my neighbor for her used kitty litter. LOL. Hoping it works. Traps so far have not. I think the mice got smart while I was away and they were exploring other apartments.




Edited by Teafortwo
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On 5/1/2020 at 11:21 AM, TurtlePower said:


Thanks, I have a lot to dump that I don’t want to dump on Mr Turtle, friends or other family because everyone has it rough in one way or another. But I need to get it out to someone. 

Sometimes it feel like no matter what path I choose, it’s the wrong one. I gave up my public safety job due to burnout and other issues and chose a quieter job in my field and am on hold due to covid (which I loved). With the economic projections, I don’t know when it’s bound to bounce back (if it ever does). I allowed my medical certifications to lapse because I was unaffiliated and could not afford the refresher/CE hours. I deeply regret losing those now—I could be working in a hospital. 

Had I figured out how to scrounge up enough $$ to cover refresher training, I’d have those options. But I convinced myself I was done, burned out, “over it”.  So. Stupid. What I should have done is kept the certifications as an option. 

I’ve thought about other jobs, but my social awkwardness and poor communications skills puts me at a disadvantage. I can write all this very easily, but would have a hard time verbalizing it. 

So here I sit, feeling sad, useless, not getting any younger and full of regret. I cry every day, alone, away from everyone because I don’t want them to see. I put on a brave face, but it’s a paper mask. I’m just taking up space. 

They say you’re supposed to be able to talk about this stuff, but the second you do you’re labeled as unstable, crazy, mental or a weirdo with “issues”.  Thanks everyone for having this place to unload. 

*Sigh*......I wish I couldn't say I know how you feel but I do.  I've suffered from mild social anxiety off and on, and the fact that people can be so mean for no good reason doesn't help.  Watching how the average person is acting during this pandemic doesn't make me feel like being very social either.  In fact now I am deathly afraid to get anywhere near another person other than my husband.  I don't think this is going to change anytime soon just because things might loosen up in my area at some point.  In fact that makes me more afraid.  My husband is a limo. owner and driver in the NYC/CT area.  It feels like a death sentence for him to go back to work even months from now.  We are both too old to find another job/career that will pay the bills and won't put us at risk, and too young to retire without severe penalties that we can't afford to endure.  No one is talking about how people in our category are going to get by.  Last night the president said that even after schools reopen (whenever that will be) teachers over 60 and those with medical conditions should wait longer before going back to work.  Well, who's going to support them if they do that?  My husband is in the same boat!

I'm another lifelong introvert and my husband is one too.  Both over 60, our lives have been completely decimated by this pandemic.  I have a very small circle of friends and most of them are at a distance.  Now grieving over my father who died earlier this month from Covid-19, I can't even get together with anyone to help deal with that, plus I am afraid that if I catch this thing I will be sure to get a bad case and die as well.  With no income yet (hopefully we will have unemployment benefits soon) I can't afford my therapist.  I have unloaded here myself to the very kind and supportive people on this board, so I hear you and you're not alone, and definitely not some sort of weirdo or unstable person - Your issues are shared by many including me!

Many (((hugs)))!!!

Edited by Yeah No
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Just a tip on the mice. We had them a few years ago, they love to sneak in during the cold weather.  We tried every kind of trap we could find and nothing worked.  They are smart. The best thing we used were the glue traps.  If you are not familiar, they are just cardboard with massive glue on them The mice run over them and get stuck. We set them behind the furniture and in some corners.  You can get them in any home improvement store and even in some groceries, walmart etc. and online of course. Cheap and functional. 

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On 5/1/2020 at 9:49 PM, AZChristian said:

We are fortunate to have an adequate supply of both those products, but it's a psychological boost to see scarce items become available again.

So true.  I went to two stores yesterday and both had hand sanitizer (limit 2 at each place).  I was so thrilled to be able to buy some for each member of my family - it was like, okay - I can take care of everyone like I used to.  It makes me feel less helpless and a bit more hopeful.

  • Love 13
8 hours ago, crimson23 said:

Just a tip on the mice. We had them a few years ago, they love to sneak in during the cold weather.  We tried every kind of trap we could find and nothing worked.  They are smart. The best thing we used were the glue traps.  If you are not familiar, they are just cardboard with massive glue on them The mice run over them and get stuck. We set them behind the furniture and in some corners.  You can get them in any home improvement store and even in some groceries, walmart etc. and online of course. Cheap and functional. 

If you use glue traps, just be sure you check them regularly and, uh, take care of the mice quickly and humanely.  I hate mice (and rats) and have no qualms about using any method that works to get rid of them.  However, dying of starvation and dehydration is cruel and unusual punishment.  We once had a snake get caught on a trap and I hate snakes even more than rodents, but the snake had a quick ending too.  

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