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S01.E11: Judgment Days

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Hasn't both Veeral and Ragini's families been pressuring them into having a kid through the entire series? Just goes to show how boring those two are that absolutely nothing else is happening in their lives except constantly arguing about babies/getting pregnant. Who cares?? Even Meghan and Josh moving to Indiana is more interesting. At this point the only couple worth watching is Christian and Maria, but only for the trainwreck that is their relationship...or really, lack of one. I've never seen a couple act less interested in each other in my life. How can Christian be so clueless about marriage? I assume it was Michael's job to educate him on being a good husband in their Romany culture, and he has probably led by example because it seems to me Michael is a good husband to Nina. It's insane that Christian can't pick up on that.

  • Love 2

ITA... Michael does seem to have a MUCH better understanding of Nina and of what each of them should be able to enjoy in the marriage...I can't get over thinking that Michael and Nina knowing each other when they were children gave them a really big advantage in the arranged marriage area.  That being said, it really seems that Michael has totally dropped the ball in preparing Christian for exactly what it means to be a husband in a successful/happy Gypsy-style marriage...Maria, OTOH, seems to have been well prepared for life as a Gypsy wife, but NOT for the type of Gypsy husband Christian is becoming...Even though Maria's sister eloped, she did so with a Gypsy boy and from what little we have been shown, it seems the sister's marriage has been accepted as, although being accomplished in an unconventional manner, still coming under the umbrella of what is expected/accepted of/from Gypsies....Since Maria often expressed disappointment with Christian's actions/attitude as a husband, I presume that her parents have set a much different example - meaning that I suspect Maria's parents are much more affectionate, interactive, and understanding of each other - than Maria has yet to see from Christian. If it weren't for Michael and Nina's 'normalcy' as a married couple, I doubt Maria and Christian would have lasted this long.   I'm still rooting for them to somehow salvage the marriage in a manner that could lead to happiness for both of them....but I am having less and less hope that it will turn out to be so.

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How many more episodes are we going to have to suffer through Ragini being harassed by everybody about her getting pregnant? Boooooring! This is something her and Veeral should have discussed before they got married.

I can't believe Josh did not know that being a new resident was going to take up a lot of his time. Doesn't he watch Doctor shows on TV?

Why did the gypsy counsel get together so fast? It seemed like only a couple hours after Maria left and Michael was shitting himself, putting on his good clothes and calling the counsel together. Weird. And what did he mean about Christian and Maria's marriage isn't legal? Whaaaat??? Is this another 'Gypsy Culture' thingy?

I'm glad Maria wouldn't talk to Christian and wouldn't go home with him. Glad she's grown a back bone. Of course at the end she comes back. Of course she does. She has no choice, her parents are apparently not on her side. I hope she lays down the law and makes Christian be nice to her, buy her a ton of make up because it seems to make her happy, and let her keep the HO money.

  • Love 1

The marriage is not legal in that they did not get a marriage license from the state.  The Gypsy people keep to themselves in every aspect of their lives.  So technically they cannot force Maria to stay with Christian.  I truly enjoyed the Council ripping Christian a new one, but... If they knew the boy wasn't an ideal prospect for marriage, why did they allow the marriage to take place?  Surely there is a program in place to ensure that the pairings are successful?  Christian should have had counseling before he took a wife. 


Ragini's situation is the result of doing something to please someone else.  She probably would have been alright if she had the courage to live her own life and not get married.  Some women just aren't meant to be traditional wives.  Veeral was acting like a toddler, though.  Surely you could understand that Ragini doesn't want to be around your family 24/7, especially since her family is not close by.  Then for her to get the "Better Have a Baby Before I Die" speech from her father.  I felt sorry for her.


Oh! I forgot to mention those faces Christian was making while trying to talk to Maria in the diner.  His mouth was saying, "I'm sorry.", but his face was telegraphing "I hate you!"  Poor Maria. No way I would have gone back to that manchild. I know she really feels that she doesn't have a choice.

Edited by Stardancer Supreme
  • Love 5

I can kind of see why Maria ended up going back. Even though Christian is a total douchebag them splitting up still shames both their families as Romanys. It makes sense both the Millers and Maria's family are going to push for them to try and work it out. Plus, they are both still very young and have more maturing to do. Christian can turn this around if he really wants to. Between the counseling mandated by the gypsy council, advice and examples from his parents, and Maria's newfound backbone and demands hopefully he will do a 180 and become a decent husband. He has time to straighten his ass out...it's not like he's reached middle age and is stuck in a rut. As much as I love to hatewatch Christian I do hope he starts treating Maria better because she deserves it. She spent her whole life so far being groomed to be a wife and he's what she got as a husband...a selfish, mean, disrespectful, petulant overgrown child? I'd be feeling pretty angry too. I just wonder how Nina and Michael didn't notice things got so bad, they all live together FFS. Even Peter could tell how miserable they both were. So I'm kinda surprised Michael hasn't had a man-to-man conversation with Christian about not being such an immature jerk. Also, does anyone know if he works? Seems weird for Maria to be out selling flowers every night while he sits on his ass all day playing video games...they're so big on gender roles it doesn't make sense that no one is emphasizing that Christian take care of her financially, not the other way around. 

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 4

Am I the only one who has really soured on this show? This new crop of shows after that extended hiatus really highlights how scripted this show is--especially the scenes with the Millers. I noticed last week that the camera work was really wonky in capturing Maria slapping Chrisitan on the face. Evidently that was in order to sell the slap in which no skin to skin contact ever took place. The sound effect added in post production was equally as incongruous as the smirk on Maria's face.

This week, Christian deserves the award for worst actor. The look on his face when Maria returned home was supposed to be one of total surprise, but he's such a poor thespian that his expression actually revealed how he and his parents were fully expecting Maria to walk in while allegedly awaiting the arrival of Jimmy and Peter for dinner instead. I just can't with this show anymore.

  • Love 1

Yikes - I did not realize until now that Christian & Maria's marriage is not legal!! Well, I guess that's one more way to keep women in line, since it's there's no chance of alimony or spousal support or fair division of property in case of a divorce - since there won't ever be a legal divorce. You can bet that the men will keep everything and there won't be a thing that the women can do about it.


But I guess it might make it easier to get welfare benefits if Maria is just the babymama and not the wife. Reminds me of *Sister Wives.* The men there are happy to have babymamas who aren't their legal wives, too.

I didn't realize about them not being legally married myself. It looks like if there was to be a "divorce" though that the elders would decide on how that was handled and payments and such. Since they are basically the ones in charge of their gypsy laws and how its dealt with. I find it sad that Maria is in the spot she is. If I had to sit and listen to that fake apology I'd have left. His face said it all IMO. Then that no matter how I treat you I still care line. Oh boy! She was right on with calling it jail. His later talking about depending on her. Of course he does, he makes her do everything for him. She shouldn't have come back though. Shame or no shame to those families. No one deserves to be treated the way she has. I feel for the one brother (Peter??). He seems to want to just enjoy his youth like everyone else usually does. 

  • Love 4

It was probably wrong but I laughed so hard at Christian because he doesn't have a single clue! Maria seems like she has her own mind and a very sharp one at that! So when she was talking to Christian it was like she was so mature and he was not even comprehending what she was saying.

Honestly, it seems like he has not matured sexually either and may not know where he is in that department. Whether their parts are scripted, producer-driven or not I think they present a fascinating study. Amazing and a lot more interesting than the other two.

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I seriously think Christian is gay/asexual...something that makes it completely uncomfortable for him to be with Maria. He has never spontaneously smiled at her or acted like he enjoys her company AT ALL. It could just be that he's extremely immature and resents being married off at such a young age when he'd much rather still be a kid and play video games in the basement (which he still does anyway). I died laughing when he stormed out of the house after the "slapping" incident and Maria told his parents "Your son is a psychopath, that's all there is to it." 


  • Love 4

I know Christian and Maria are both very young. They have poor social skills due to the way they were raised. And every single one of the issues everyone has already brought up are the ones that make me want to run him over with my car. I really can't stand the kid. But that notwithstanding, their whole "relationship" is so odd to me. I'm not familiar enough to know if that is just the gypsy way or whatever, but they show no affection at all for one another. And yes, I know the marriage is still new but the diner scene was so odd to me. Christian said he misses Maria and cares for Maria - and he never said he loves his wife. Even in a new marriage, a couple should "look" like a couple and I'm just not seeing it at all with these two.

  • Love 1

Of course the relationship is odd, these are two children who are strangers being forced to be together. This whole situation is to benefit the Miller family. Seeing how desperate Michael and Nina are to marry off their boys, especially the ones younger than Christian, leads me to believe that they are using the dowries from the wive's family to sustain their standard of living.   They have a pretty nice house, even the basement area where Christian and Maria live.  He never said he loves Maria because he barely knows her!  

  • Love 3

Wow.... count me surprised about the "not legal"...at some point they have to depend on us "non gypsy" peeps...like doctors, hospitals, do they have their own? No I don't think. What of the legalities...are the parents still in charge or ?

Child support? Just strange.

Christian is totally clueless.."I can't go home empty handed".

I am over Ragani and Vernal....zip zip

I thought it might be interesting if Josh gets a "life"...involved in medicine, hospital life, friends....Megan should step up her game. I think her trying to get a job at the hospital is weird....she may be insecure (and IMHO she should be - he may tire of her silly southern belle clueless lil girl persona)

  • Love 2

Of course the relationship is odd, these are two children who are strangers being forced to be together. This whole situation is to benefit the Miller family. Seeing how desperate Michael and Nina are to marry off their boys, especially the ones younger than Christian, leads me to believe that they are using the dowries from the wive's family to sustain their standard of living.   They have a pretty nice house, even the basement area where Christian and Maria live.  He never said he loves Maria because he barely knows her!  



I'm pretty sure the Roma actually use a "bride price", so it's Christian's family that had to pay Maria's, not the other way around. I imagine there is a financial hit if she leaves him, though.


IIRC, Christan's family wouldn't say exactly how much the bride price was, but his father or grandfather basically said they paid the "going rate", which was $10,000 - $15,000. I wonder if they forfeit that, if Maria leaves him? Plus, the groom's family pays for the wedding, which Nina claimed was another $70,000, or something?


I can't imagine Michael and Nina are happy at the idea of spending that kind of money just to have the marriage go out the window. I'm still curious as hell as to where they get that kind of money in the first place, especially since they expect to have similar expenses when they marry their two younger sons.

  • Love 2

All three couples leave me so depressed over the state of "women's rights". Maria is nothing more than slave labor, raised her entire life to be nothing more than a servant. Ragini gets married and suddenly receives nothing but pressure to immediately quit her job and reproduce. Megan's job is to keep a clean home, serve her dr./husband meals and if she can fit it in, get a job, but only until children come along.

It is constantly stressed in all three story lines how important it is for the woman to know her place, to conform to the ways of her people. It feels like these woman must live their lives around service to their men and their families. Don't any of these people see these women as individuals with independent dreams and goals of their own? If the wife has an idea that is not in complete agreement with her husband and his family, then she is considered shamefully disobedient. Maria and Megan in particular cannot even spend money unless it's approved by their husband. What kind of life is this, that just because you were born female, you are not allowed to live the life you want and your path is dictated by your husband and his family?

This is all just sick and twisted, if you ask me. I was looking forward to seeing stories of couples who were arranged by people who love them, know them best, and though unconventionally created, still create a happy partnership with conventional values. These stories reveal that it's all about treating women as property, to be bought and sold and used. It's all so sad, really.

  • Love 8

It was probably wrong but I laughed so hard at Christian because he doesn't have a single clue! Maria seems like she has her own mind and a very sharp one at that! So when she was talking to Christian it was like she was so mature and he was not even comprehending what she was saying.

Honestly, it seems like he has not matured sexually either and may not know where he is in that department. Whether their parts are scripted, producer-driven or not I think they present a fascinating study. Amazing and a lot more interesting than the other two.

It does seem to me that Maria has matured vastly from the previous episodes...and I too wonder about Christian's sexuality.  Unlike most responders, I like Christian, though I abhor his treatment of Maria. He seems fine with everyone else---little kids, his brothers, etc. Also...be fair...Christian seems to be doing what Michael keeps telling him to do! Save MONEY! Honor Tradition!  Don't get in trouble with the ELDERS!


I find myself intrigued, maybe even obsessed, with the question of the scripting.  First of all, the series clearly is somewhat scripted.  First season, everyone throws a party (and who paid for the Millers'?) Every couple had an episode---or more---devoted to the question of getting pregnant, which led to Megan's ridiculous fertility calendar, one devoted to the actual ceremonies, etc.  There was also a counseling episode on each.  These elements are probably just producer-driven, and many of the problems may have been fomented by producers.  


BUT I do not think the last two Miller segments can possibly be spontaneous.  They may be re-enactments, which does explain the slap, the odd sequence of events...for instance, after being taught how to hide money, Maria asks Christian for money anyway?   And aren't there just as many flowers in their containers when they leave the bar as when they go in?   It almost looks as though they have more flowers at the end. By the way, I seem to remember Nina telling Maria the first time she took her out selling flowers that the reason for her to do so was to have a little money for herself, so I doubt this little "HO" lesson would occur so late into Maria's flower selling career.  And Maria begs for a curling iron, but does not know the price (try $100...or less.)  Maybe Maria and Christian concocted the script themselves, which would account for some  of the inattention to detail. I like this idea, by the way.  It suggests they can actually work as a team on something.


I find this look into an American Roma community very interesting, and I think others seem to, too.  No marriage license? Home schooling by parents who (I'm sorry) don't seem very well schooled themselves?  Teenage marriages? And yet everyone seems affluent.  Where does the money come from?  Consider the lavish parties and the new cars and expensive clothes.  Really? And the avoidance of all contact between couples?


Christian and Maria are clearly careful about the cameras in the first episodes...the wedding scene on the "re-arranged" episode, Christian's demand that the camera be stopped during his fight with his mother, his refusal to discuss the wedding night with Veeral and Josh.  All of this makes me think that much of the Maria-Christian saga has been scripted or re-enacted, or both.  But, I don't care!  I am tuning in next week to find out about Peter's non-Gypsy flirtation and what Maria's rules will be!


  • Love 4

I agree that many of the Christian-Maria interactions we see are actually re-enactments.



Christian seems to be doing what Michael keeps telling him to do! Save MONEY! Honor Tradition!  Don't get in trouble with the ELDERS!


Christian strikes me as taking everything Michael says to an extreme. He's too young, inexperienced, immature, unintelligent, or whatever to understand that there are shades of grey. 


Another question: Why doesn't Michael see this inability in his son? Michael strikes me as pretty unobservant when it comes to his kids. If that's because his culture leaves child-rearing entirely up to the women, then we're seeing the failure of that cultural element.

  • Love 3

I am tuning in next week to find out about Peter's non-Gypsy flirtation and what Maria's rules will be!

Peter's flirtation screams SCRIPTED to me even more than anything else. Kid is clearly not dumb and knows he's on camera. It's not allowed, he'll get in big trouble, and yet it's obviously going to be shown on tv. Umm hmm.

Christian and his parents could have been talking about anything from a vacuum cleaner to a mildly tolerated pet cat, the way they were discussing getting Maria back. No one is thinking of her as a unique human being worthy of love and respect. I really hate myself for watching this show because they're the only interesting part, and whether it's real or not, no woman should be treated like that, or have to subject herself to being portrayed that way.

Edited by Squirrely
  • Love 4

Peter's flirtation screams SCRIPTED to me even more than anything else. Kid is clearly not dumb and knows he's on camera. It's not allowed, he'll get in big trouble, and yet it's obviously going to be shown on tv. Umm hmm.

Christian and his parents could have been talking about anything from a vacuum cleaner to a mildly tolerated pet cat, the way they were discussing getting Maria back. No one is thinking of her as a unique human being worthy of love and respect. I really hate myself for watching this show because they're the only interesting part, and whether it's real or not, no woman should be treated like that, or have to subject herself to being portrayed that way.



You're right.  And your following, yes, me too. Yet, I can't stop either, I find it so fascinating that they exist right in front of us and while I knew, I didn't really.  With this look, maybe someone will be able to get into their community and start a movement.  

I understand that gypsies have faced years of discrimination.  However, in the modern day I feel that they do not need to be the outliers and that this strict adherence to tradition has just nurtured ignorance, racism, and misogyny.


They live in a small world where everyone who is not them are enemies.  Their traditions are important and can not be questioned.  They are refusing to evolve and frankly, it seems unlikely that they can maintain such their lifestyle, legally.  I feel the same way when I see the Irish travelers with their child brides and construction scams.


I remember reading a story about a gypsy girl in Romania who was at the top of her class and had dreams of becoming a doctor.  Instead, her parents forced her to drop out of school at 16 and marry a boy of their choosing. 


She was tearfully crying at the wedding that she will spend the rest of her life being a servant and stirring a hot pot.  However, she could not go against her parent's wishes because she had no where else to go and being shunned by the Gypsy community would mean she would lose everything.


Maria seems like she wants more in life then to wait hand and foot on a guy whose life goals are playing video games and styling his hair. 


Actually, does Christian do anything but hang out like a bum the whole day?   Does he have any goals or ambitions?  It seems like he has never had any responsibility in his life besides having to get married and now has no idea that a husband actually should respect and care for his wife.  It is even more confusing because his father does seem like a good husband to his mother.  He is a spoiled kid who has a lot of growing up to do and unfortunately Maria will be the one to suffer for it.

  • Love 6

I think this seems weird because they stuck the reunion in the middle and tried to turn what was clearly one season into two. So we're watching Maria & Christian having the same fights that they've told us they resolved in the reunion.


Christian is spoiled and playing at husband. He's getting a bad rap for his treatment of Maria, but the boy doesn't even love her! Yes, he could be nicer, but I see him as being out of his league and overwhelmed by something he never even wanted, with someone he didn't even know. And he's supposed to go from spoiled favored oldest son to taking care of someone else overnight...while playacting these "cultural traditions" with someone who doesn't want to play ball.


Maria is a JOYSUCK. Unpopular opinion to be sure, but boy, matching this dour Debbie with someone who already is personality challenged was a recipe for disaster. I'm no Christian and even *I* would have a hard time jollying this pisser into a good enough mood to lift that face. She has whined and bitched her way through every episode, like this whole thing is some culture shock to her. Meanwhile she knew EXACTLY the deal, and how her mother and relatives live/lived. I think she saw her sister's marriage (which wasn't arranged as she eloped) as more fun than the traditional one and wants and expects that. But Christian didn't choose her, and whisk her off out of love. He was stuck with her like she was stuck with him. She didn't have the balls to get what she wanted like her sister, so now is in an arranged marriage. IMO she is doing very little to help the marriage except use the one thing she can to threaten him, leaving. It's getting boring already. Leave and stay gone, or STFU and be married. I'm no more verklempt about her lot in life than I am Ragini's. They both knew the deal, and both had agency - if not the courage - to make different choices about their lives.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 1

I think this seems weird because they stuck the reunion in the middle and tried to turn what was clearly one season into two. So we're watching Maria & Christian having the same fights that they've told us they resolved in the reunion.


Christian is spoiled and playing at husband. He's getting a bad rap for his treatment of Maria, but the boy doesn't even love her! Yes, he could be nicer, but I see him as being out of his league and overwhelmed by something he never even wanted, with someone he didn't even know. And he's supposed to go from spoiled favored oldest son to taking care of someone else overnight...while playacting these "cultural traditions" with someone who doesn't want to play ball.


Maria is a JOYSUCK. Unpopular opinion to be sure, but boy, matching this dour Debbie with someone who already is personality challenged was a recipe for disaster. I'm no Christian and even *I* would have a hard time jollying this pisser into a good enough mood to lift that face. She has whined and bitched her way through every episode, like this whole thing is some culture shock to her. Meanwhile she knew EXACTLY the deal, and how her mother and relatives live/lived. I think she saw her sister's marriage (which wasn't arranged as she eloped) as more fun than the traditional one and wants and expects that. But Christian didn't choose her, and whisk her off out of love. He was stuck with her like she was stuck with him. She didn't have the balls to get what she wanted like her sister, so now is in an arranged marriage. IMO she is doing very little to help the marriage except use the one thing she can to threaten him, leaving. It's getting boring already. Leave and stay gone, or STFU and be married. I'm no more verklempt about her lot in life than I am Ragini's. They both knew the deal, and both had agency - if not the courage - to make different choices about their lives.

I understand where you are  coming from but Maria  Is only 17. There are many cultures where 17 is a little young to buck what you are brought up to believe. However,  in the meantime before you get it all sorted out, your only recourse is to show resentment and be what you term as a joysuck. Strangely, Maria is far less ready to be married than Christian is... she knows its a bum deal and that she doesn't deserve to have to deal with him.

Edited by ethalfrida
  • Love 1

Both C and M are immature, socially inept, and have nothing to talk about because they have no common friends. No wonder M could not have a conversation with C. Initially, Maria is homesick, lonesome, and miserable, and Christian has no sympathy for her at all. As time passes, Maria becomes less whiney and more assertive, making her more likable in the more recent episodes. Christian meanwhile is unable to admit he is wrong about anything and even more determined to prove himself the boss...though as she becomes more assertive, he does not become any more agreeable, at least on camera. As their lives and interests mingle, they will begin to have common interests. Maybe. And maybe M will figure out how to become the boss while making C believe he is in charge. In some ways, C is right, It is silly to hoard makeup. it is a good idea to save money so they can move out.

  • Love 1

I watch some of these shows for the shock value, because I'm shocked how the "subjugation of women" continues into the 21Century....


Where are the shows that show strong, educated, independent women?

-we have "Arranged" where women are 2nd class citizens.

-we have 90 Day Fiance where mostly MEN go to foreign countries to get themselves a subservient woman. They are showing that IF American women won't comply they will be easily replaced by a sweet, obedient, sex kitten....

-then we get angry, spoiled "Housewives of.....in America" where all the women do is sit around, fight, get Botox, nails, hair, makeup and NO brain cells to rub together....

-oh, let's not forget when a NH voter asked Hillary Clinton to iron his shirt (2008 Election).



  • Love 4

 In some ways, C is right, It is silly to hoard makeup. it is a good idea to save money so they can move out.


Yet if they wanted to save money to move out then I would ask him why he has to spend $300 or more on clothes he doesn't wear often. If he is suppose to look good for the Elders than his wife should as well too or that would come off bad I would think. To me though, spending that much on a few items of clothes is silly and spending alot on makeup is silly. 

  • Love 3

This is the third and last time I will be watching this show. I am embarrassed that the women even signed up to do this show. All three couples show the men completely disrespecting the women. They do not value their input at all, and they treat the women as if they are children. All the in-laws are intrusive and demanding. That would be the day that I would allow my sister-in-law to dictate when I will have a child, or have my husband tell his family that my friends come first. I don't see him spending every weekend with her family, what an idiot!  Christian is so effeminate, I am embarrassed for Maria. It's bad enough that he does not fulfill her emotionally or intellectually, but I am positive he lacks in all areas. At the same time, I question why these women don't put a stop to the bullying? When Maria works selling flowers, surely she should get minimum wage as pocket money. Now that I know they are not married, well, she needs to put aside any money she can. His parents bought him a glorified prostitute. She gets nothing out of this relationship. Blech!

  • Love 7

Yet if they wanted to save money to move out then I would ask him why he has to spend $300 or more on clothes he doesn't wear often. If he is suppose to look good for the Elders than his wife should as well too or that would come off bad I would think. To me though, spending that much on a few items of clothes is silly and spending alot on makeup is silly. 


News flash: makeup doesn't cost that much. Maria didn't go into Sephora or MAC to get that makeup. Christian isn't interested in moving out of his parent's house; he is all into wearing expensive clothing for no good reason and making Maria miserable.  Let her have her makeup!

  • Love 2

This is the third and last time I will be watching this show. I am embarrassed that the women even signed up to do this show. All three couples show the men completely disrespecting the women. They do not value their input at all, and they treat the women as if they are children. All the in-laws are intrusive and demanding. That would be the day that I would allow my sister-in-law to dictate when I will have a child, or have my husband tell his family that my friends come first. I don't see him spending every weekend with her family, what an idiot!  Christian is so effeminate, I am embarrassed for Maria. It's bad enough that he does not fulfill her emotionally or intellectually, but I am positive he lacks in all areas. At the same time, I question why these women don't put a stop to the bullying? When Maria works selling flowers, surely she should get minimum wage as pocket money. Now that I know they are not married, well, she needs to put aside any money she can. His parents bought him a glorified prostitute. She gets nothing out of this relationship. Blech!

You go Chalby!!!! 

Edited by ethalfrida
  • Love 1

News flash: makeup doesn't cost that much. Maria didn't go into Sephora or MAC to get that makeup. Christian isn't interested in moving out of his parent's house; he is all into wearing expensive clothing for no good reason and making Maria miserable. Let her have her makeup!

Maria stated that she won't wear drugstore makeup. They both should be budgeting better if they want to get out of that basement.

Their culture is no different than any extreme religion or cult. They've been brainwashed from day 1 to adhere to strict gender roles, to mistrust (or outright hate) outsiders, that the gypsy culture is the only way, and they're married off young so the parents can keep them under their thumbs. I can't imagine how difficult it is to break away. I've read many a book by those who have left the Amish, the FLDS, etc, and it takes a lot of guts, and usually many years, for people to wake up and say "enough!" Maria may get there one day, who knows.

  • Love 3

I have to DVR this so I can skip through Veeral and Ragini. They bore me to death. I just don't care. 

Josh and Megan, bless their hearts. He seems like a big man-child playing dress up with his little white coat and dirty backpack OVER that little white coat. Megan cracked me up when she was pissed over not getting new stools or whatever. I understand that she wants to sit at the counter and eat like civilized Southern Belles, but they are BROKE. Broke Broke Broke. Josh was kinda nice in shutting her down, but oooooh she was pissed. 

I violently dislike Christian. Between his facial expressions and pouty lips --- I'd probably wind up on Snapped if someone married me off to him. As much as his face is weird --- Maria's is too. I don't know why she was smiling/laughing when she slapped him --- no, wait, yes I do. I would have smiled and laughed, too. But it's like a lot of the time her expression doesn't match her words. I don't think I'm making sense. Her face seems to be at odds with her sentiment. Does that explain it? Oy vey. 

Does Christian even work outside the home or does he rely on Maria's rose-hocking business for money?

  • Love 2

I don't mind how boring Veeral and Ragini are because I think Veeral is incredibly handsome and he is worth watching - despite how much Ragini grates. Jeebus, Ragini - having kids was part of the wedding ceremony. That should have been a clue of how important that was to your new husband. Maybe Veeral's second wife will give him kids. 


Speaking of second wives, when Josh is finally an established doctor, he's going to run off with some non-Southern nurse or executive. Mark my words. 


Edited to switch genders of these people because I am dumb. 

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 1

I am fairly certain that when they showed a shot of Maria's make-up box open on the counter last episode, it was filled with MAC lipsticks. I think I even posted about that because those things are not cheap! Quick google search- $17 each.

I wish Maria had decided to leave him- THAT would have made for awesome reality TV!


I would love to know how much debt Josh and Megan have.

  • Love 2

I finally realized what it is that made me think that Christian is not entirely interested in those of the 'female persuasion'.  It's because we know that the two of them should be relatively inexperienced with regards to sex. Show me an 18 year old boy who isn't all over his girlfriend/wife after discovering the fun in sex, and I will show you a picture of Christian. He doesn't even touch her when he walks by her, nothing. I felt like they have not been intimate and he would much rather play video games than show an interest in sex. There's something seriously wrong with this couple.

 I have no idea about Christian's sexuality, but King James of England ( the one after the first Queen Elizabeth) was gay and fathered thirteen children (though sadly very few lived to adulthood) with his wife.  It was also said that he had a good relationship with his spouse. despite his preferences.


Christian is just not ready to be married, but lives in a culture where it is not a non negotiable issue.  It's interesting, because Christian and Maria make a very cute (though young) couple.  However, I feel that they rarely are on the same page about anything.  Even when announcing the baby news, Christian was appalled that she called him on the phone, when she just looked at it as being exited and letting him be the first to know.  Even though they look great together (and on paper should go together) they just do not mesh.  It is like an awkward blind date that is going to last for life.


I come from cultures that are not openly affectionate with each other.  I have never seen my parents kiss or hold hands in my life.  However, anyone in five minutes can tell that that my parents love each other very much (married forty years).  The same is true for me and my husband.  Actually, one can see this in Christian's own parents.  I hope that Christian and Maria can grow to respect each other, but they probably will never love each other in that manner.  Though, they are both very young, so you never know.  However, it has been my experience that babies do not make a rocky marriage easier.

For a  long time it has puzzled me as to why I am so fond of Michael and Nina.  But today I remembered the episode in which they discussed their first argument/fight as a married couple....Nina openly & without any worry about repercussion stated that it was she who had messed up a 'piece of paper', to which Michael silently assented.  And that was the crux of it...Nina had no qualms whatever about stating what had happened and Michael never once reverted to the machismo attitude of 'I'm right and she's wrong' bullshit...he simply waited for Nina to finish relating the tale of how she tore up the piece of paper she had messed up and they (she and Michael) got a new piece of paper....and that was it... they don't rub past mistakes in each other's faces, they just acknowledge what has happened and go on...seeing that in the context of how they had known each other as children put it all into perspective for me...they have a cultural background in common, they understand their roles in that culture, and - most importantly - they respect the role each other plays as they go through their lives together...whether or not I agree with a patriarchal lifestyle is not as important as the fact that these two (at least) seem to be doing so in an atmosphere of mutual of respect - and friendship...which is, after all, what they both acknowledged as the most important foundation in a relationship...


In watching the reruns of the entire season at one sitting, I came across a lot of things I had not seen emphasized on an episode by episode basis...Christian's doubts, Maria's worries, Nina and Michael's failure to give the kids more of a clue as to how a successful marriage works (since in Nina and Michael's case, trusting in tradition worked well)...One of the first things that stood out was in the early episodes where it was mentioned that the new couple usually lives with the parents of the groom for the first three years....I had missed that before, but now I see that as intended to teaching both bride and groom, by example, all the stuff neither set of parents addressed with their respective children prior to the marriage taking place...I continue to view this couple as the best of the three that were on offer and would really like to see what happens in the near future - especially with Maria preggers and Peter having found his own Romani match....Go Maria! Go Peter!

  • Love 1

Arranged or not, Michael and Nina are one of the best examples of a married couple I have ever seen on t.v.  This gives me hope for Christian and Maria, but sometimes what works for one generation does not work for another.


On Teen Mom (please do not judge me, I watch trashy reality shows) a girl got pregnant at sixteen and expected to have a happy marriage, because that is what her parents did, and they were successful.   Her relationship imploded and she is still befuddled to this day (six years later) on why things did not work out.  She did not see the horrid statistics for teen marriages and pregnancies, she just thought they all turned out well like her parents.

  • Love 1

"Speaking of second wives, when Josh is finally an established doctor, he's going to run off with some non-Southern nurse or executive. Mark my words." Co-sign, PityFree! To me, that co-ed Happy Hours scene said it all, really. Men always have time for what they WANT to have time for---and for whom. Plus, with Megan he is turning into his "Bless your heart" mother, calling his demands and insults "coaching."


Maria has no "free agency"; she is a minor, uneducated, untrained, trapped by her family, her in-laws, and her culture. And, IMO, she appears "dour" for these reasons and two others: Christian; and her mouth full of metal braces! She should be looking forward to college, not a life of drudgery, huckstering, and obedience. At 17, a girl should not have to think about 'budgeting" to move from a stranger's basement! Get your MAC on, Maria! Oops, too late; Baby Romany is on the way. Regarding "acting," I thought Christian looked genuinely surprised to see Maria at the door. I also think Peter's frustration is real. I'm surprised people like the parents; I dislike everything about them, from visages to values.


The others (I hate their names, so my brain refuses to retain them! LOL!): Another clueless dolt. Invite the sister to the honeymoon (she at least was rational); try to move to the same street as the parents; badger a newlywed about having children. But anyone looking at million-dollar homes gets zero sympathy from me.



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