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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

She's just like her mom. A sour person.

And has NOTHING to complain about and is SO not a unique or special person. Just like her dad, she craves attention and wants to be a special snowflake.

Please, spare me the "I didn't get to wear what I wanted because my family wouldn't allow it". Such BS. Neither Kody nor Meri kept her from doing whatever the F she wanted to so and wear whatever the F she wanted to or spend $25k on a private college.

What's more, these two spoiled girls don't appear to be active in the LGBTQ+ community. Posting self-congratulatory selfies and talking about buying white "queer sneakers" is just bullshit. 

At this moment, several thousand cyclists are participating in the 545 mile AIDS Lifecycle ride.  This year they raised nearly $17 million. How much has Mariah contributed to the community? How much volunteering has she done? The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Just like her dad.

ETA: Also, she's really trying too hard to be cool. Or pretend to be cool.

I wish I could heart this twice! here’s another one for you  ❤️ 

All so true. 👌🏼  Besides taking selfies and patting themselves on the back what do they actually do for their community? 

Mariah always seems to be all about overcompensating for her lack of anything truly special going on as person. Growing up in a bunch of 6 or more siblings of similar age,  would have made them compare and subconsciously take on roles to compete for attention. She wasn’t sweet and gregarious like Aspyn, or articulate like Logan or sporty like Hunter, she wasn’t ‘cool’ or popular like the rebel and black sheep Maddie and Mykelti, her thing was always the dutiful homely religious daughter, when that changed, she needed to find another way to peg herself - enter the gay inclusive woke persona era of Mariah.

Her negative personality traits, of self-righteousness and entitlement and her Meri-like ability to be dour, rude and blunt, have been there throughout her persona change and only became more grating and inexcusable as an adult. 

Edited by Sofa Sloth
  • Love 17
6 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

About 40% of my real life friends/acquaintances are gay and the VAST majority of them dress a helluva lot better than these two. 

I think Mariah is just making a big deal about it for two reasons: an attempt to be an influencer ($$$) and to rub it in Daddy Kody's face. 

Many of my gay/lesbian friends live quiet normal productive lives - the ones that are "loud and proud" are busy helping the community - not just the gay community but the WHOLE community.  To many people the meaning of the rainbow flag is equality for all no matter your race, sex, or sexual orientation. 

I don't see either of these two doing JACK SHIT to give back.  

Well they march in womxn marches!  They hang out and and tell the world about their awesomeness and we get to bask in that awesomeness! 

They are woke I tell you! Woke!  Every woke moment is a gift to the world!  They are far too woke to work at a soup kitchen or a domestic violence shelter.  It's exhausting being so woke.

In all seriousness, Mariah is showing her Brown colors.  We rarely see them give back.  We've watched them for years tell us how awesome they are and Mariah has the same gene.

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In school we all had to wear white sneakers with our gym uniforms.  I always thought the gym teacher was gay, but didn't think she was trying to indoctrinate us (and the rule was in place long before she arrived).  Nurses, hospital staff  and Wimbledon tennis players often wear white sneakers - are they all gay too? What DID Meri make Mariah wear on her feet? Big, clunky, hand-me-down mules?

When I was a kid in the 1960s, Keds for girls came in red or navy or white. I always got navy & my sister red for playing outside (since white shows the dirt). Boys' Converses came in black or white, hightop and lowtop.  In the 1970s girls bought white high-top Converses and RIT dye their favourite colour.  I chose Kelly Green. 

Edited by deirdra
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4 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

She's just like her mom. A sour person.

And has NOTHING to complain about and is SO not a unique or special person. Just like her dad, she craves attention and wants to be a special snowflake.

Please, spare me the "I didn't get to wear what I wanted because my family wouldn't allow it". Such BS. Neither Kody nor Meri kept her from doing whatever the F she wanted to so and wear whatever the F she wanted to or spend $25k on a private college.

What's more, these two spoiled girls don't appear to be active in the LGBTQ+ community. Posting self-congratulatory selfies and talking about buying white "queer sneakers" is just bullshit. 

At this moment, several thousand cyclists are participating in the 545 mile AIDS Lifecycle ride.  This year they raised nearly $17 million. How much has Mariah contributed to the community? How much volunteering has she done? The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Just like her dad.

ETA: Also, she's really trying too hard to be cool. Or pretend to be cool.

I want to like your post 1,000 times! ❤️

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16 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

That being said, I think I get why Mariah chooses to identify as a lesbian first and foremost - it's the one part of her that she had to hide and deny for so long. I can only imagine the relief she must've felt at being able to reveal her true self, and how much the support, encouragement and validation from others must lift her up and fuel her passion.

My question is - did she really feel the need to hide her sexual orientation, or did she just not realize it until later?  BIG BIG difference. 

Mariah is such a big mouth and there have been at least two previous episodes (one in the first or second season when the family was still in Lehi) where the family voiced and demonstrated that they were JUST FINE with the gay lifestyle. 

As I said before, the evidence is overwhelming that Mariah has NEVER been stopped from saying or doing whatever she wants. Even to the point of having a hissy fit when they couldn't move into the Vegas house right away or demanding that Meri procreate even in the face of the fact that Meri has only been able to get pregnant to term once. She might be an adult chronologically, but she's still a spoiled, petulant brat.

Kody has always said how he's gonna let the kids live the lifestyle they wanna live. If Mariah was held back at all, it was to wait until they could sell the "scoop" to the highest bidder.

Edited by DakotaJustice
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Still going with the ‘I’ve never actually owned sneakers and these are different’ angle. Of course you define them differently to us un woke folk. 


As @ginger90 already pointed out with her pics she’s worn plenty of loungy type vans sneakers in her time, is she really going to claim she borrowed them all?

As a photo for her Instagram, it’s actually much improved and I think she looks good, shame she had to stuff it all up in the by claiming her shoes were for people who were gay. (I can’t bring myself to call people queer as to me it’s negative and gay has a happy connotation because of its first use 🤷🏼‍♀️)  

Seems she issued a clarification for us un woke folk who misunderstood her (that it looks like Mykelti wrote again). She’s really more and more like her mother everyday in terms of not being cut out for ‘celebrity’. 


Edited by Sofa Sloth
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9 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Still going with the ‘I’ve never actually owned sneakers and these are different’ angle. Of course you define them differently to us un woke folk. 


As @ginger90 already pointed out with her pics she’s worn plenty of loungey vans sneakers in her time, is she really going to claim she borrowed them all?

As a photo for her Instagram it’s actually much improved and I think she looks good, shame she had to stuff it all up in the by claiming her inanimate shoes were for people who were gay. (I can’t bring myself to call people queer as to me it’s negative and gay has a happy connotation because of its first use 🤷🏼‍♀️)  

Seems she issued a clarification for us un woke folk who misunderstood her (that it looks like Mykelti wrote again). She’s really more and more like her mother everyday. 


All that drivel was just an excuse for her to post another inane selfie. 

Edited by DakotaJustice
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, toodles said:

Well they march in womxn marches!  They hang out and and tell the world about their awesomeness and we get to bask in that awesomeness! 

They are woke I tell you! Woke!  Every woke moment is a gift to the world!  They are far too woke to work at a soup kitchen or a domestic violence shelter.  It's exhausting being so woke.

In all seriousness, Mariah is showing her Brown colors.  We rarely see them give back.  We've watched them for years tell us how awesome they are and Mariah has the same gene.

Missed your posts recently, you been doin alright, or is my eyesight failing?  😊

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, deirdra said:

In school we all had to wear white sneakers with our gym uniforms.  I always thought the gym teacher was gay, but didn't think she was trying to indoctrinate us (and the rule was in place long before she arrived).  Nurses, hospital staff  and Wimbledon tennis players often wear white sneakers - are they all gay too? What DID Meri make Mariah wear on her feet? Big, clunky, hand-me-down mules?

When I was a kid in the 1960s, Keds for girls came in red or navy or white. I always got navy & my sister red for playing outside (since white shows the dirt). Boys' Converses came in black or white, hightop and lowtop.  In the 1970s girls bought white high-top Converses and RIT dye their favourite colour.  I chose Kelly Green. 

My junior high school gym teacher was gay and she let us wear whatever color shoes we wanted.  She was just happy we dressed out and not pretending we were menstruating for the 3rd time in a month!  😛  Bless her heart, teaching girl's gym must be like herding a bunch of cats...

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
Cause I wanted to!
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Sneakers as defined by Merriam-Webster:  a sports shoe with a pliable rubber sole.

She's had a ton of pictures wearing these kinds of shoes.  Moron.

1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

My question is - did she really feel the need to hide her sexual orientation, or did she just not realize it until later?  BIG BIG difference. 

Can I hear an "amen"?

1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

Would they even bother to march if there wasn't an opportunity to post it on social media? 

And a second "amen"?

  • Love 11
33 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Perhaps someone with a supposedly good education, should be able to convey her thoughts in writing, on freaking Instagram. 

Mariah's last few Instagram posts have been devoid of capitalization of letters with one exception, she capitalized "Me" when it wasn't required.  I may not be woke enough to understand the concept but it makes for very difficult reading when you have to look for punctuation marks to realize the start of a new sentence.  

I wonder if she turns in assignments to her college professors in this cutesy form.

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On 6/7/2019 at 10:36 AM, TurtlePower said:

Mariah's comments regarding the sneakers had to be by far one of the stupidest things she has shared. Looking at her, I wouldn't know that she or Audrey were gay unless they were out and about as a couple. White sneakers makes her look "queer"? 

Gee, I am sitting at my desk typing this wearing a pair of shoes that look very much like hers.   Should I ask Mr Twopper if these shoes make me look "queer"?     I am more concerned if they make my ankles look fat.

Edited by Twopper
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2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Mariah's last few Instagram posts have been devoid of capitalization of letters with one exception, she capitalized "Me" when it wasn't required.  I may not be woke enough to understand the concept but it makes for very difficult reading when you have to look for punctuation marks to realize the start of a new sentence.  

I wonder if she turns in assignments to her college professors in this cutesy form.

3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Perhaps someone with a supposedly good education, should be able to convey her thoughts in writing, on freaking Instagram. 

👏🏼 Exactly.

Take the time to use good grammar, especially in a professional setting, or if you’re selling yourself to the public via social media. It reflects so poorly not too. 

I didn’t go to any prestigious college, just a lowly beauty school and even I know to use a capital ‘I’ in a sentence when referencing oneself and to use correct capitalisation for proper nouns and after a full-stop, (when I draft a post to my ten family followers 😆

It’s quite a feat she even manages this error, as most devices have inbuilt autocorrect nowadays. Since her uncapitalised letters are quit (😉) constant now and never used to be, it’s not due to the fact she struggles long-term with basic English like Mykelti (which makes it a somewhat forgivable error). 

So in summary, I have a few theories as to why she is suddenly unable to use punctuation :-

1. She’s now too academic to use autocorrect as she thinks she knows it all. 

2. She’s hired a cheap non-qualified minion like Mykelti to run her social media (as she’s too busy ‘cooking’ #cookwithmariah and shopping for sneakers that make her feel gay these days. (And Mykelti did say she was an entrepreneur with a few businesses on the go)

3. She’s too lazy and self-entitled to bother with correct grammar as she lacks self awareness and genuine pride (most likely scenario). 

4. Worse case scenario, this is a deliberate bastardisation of the English language (similar to the inclusion of random ‘x’s in words they don’t belong in), that only woke and inclusive people understand. She is using all lower case ‘i’s because capitalising them makes them unequal to lower case and this is divisive and discriminatory to lower case letters. It’s so ridiculous it’s probably true. 

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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Still confused about the sneaker debate...if she says she "identified" as a tomboy when she was young, wouldn't sneakers be her shoe of choice?  So why is she donning a pair of white sneakers and suddenly proclaiming to her followers that she's finally being allowed to wear whatever she wants to wear?  None of it makes any sense, even when she tries to clarify it.

I actually don't care, I just think it's funny that she tried to post a deep thought and no one understood what the heck she was talking about.

Edited by laurakaye
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35 minutes ago, toodles said:

When my son was six, he told me he wanted to change his name to rad.  He's 37 now.  Way to stay on top of things Mariah.

I hate the word feels to describe emotions with the heat of a thousand suns.

Rad is a bit corny, but feels is annoying, yes! Richard Rawlings from Fast n Loud still uses rad on his shows. Not that he is an arbiter of what's cool or anything, but he's kinda cute and has done alright for himself, lol.

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20 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

Even better is the comment someone (presumably a former roommate) left:  I've never seen you drink a Naked and we lived together.  Bwah!

This is gold! Good on ya ex-roomie keeping it real! 😂 

How the heck does this girl ‘influence’ anyone. Seriously. I’d go out of my way to choose a different brand of anything she promotes, unless I was looking for ideas on how to be an unwashed self-obsessed poser with zero humility. 

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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42 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I don’t know how long these “stories” on Instagram stay up.........share my pain....... if it posts:


Happy to see some of the posters are calling out the product for what it is but was amazed to see a company by the name of Zahara Swimwear was suggesting she contact them as a potential "influencer".  They specialize in bikinis.  Please no!

  • LOL 9
2 hours ago, toodles said:

Call me old fashion, but V-8 is a regular part of my breakfast and has been for years.  It's not green, but it's not expensive and you can get a big bottle instead of a bunch of plastic bottles.  You can get it at Costco in cans too.  

Green juice?  Big deal.

Shhhh...V8 juice is my secret ingredient in my pinto beans...

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I don’t know how long these “stories” on Instagram stay up.........share my pain....... if it posts:


She should learn to look the camera/viewer in the eye while telling her made-up "stories" about college.  She must have been in a rush when stenciling on her mis-matched eyebrows.  V-8 is great when you're dehydrated or low in electrolytes - it zaps those synapses & really does energize you.

Edited by deirdra
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17 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

This is gold! Good on ya ex-roomie keeping it real! 😂 

How the heck does this girl ‘influence’ anyone. Seriously. I’d go out of my way to choose a different brand of anything she promotes, unless I was looking for ideas on how to be an unwashed self-obsessed poser with zero humility. 

I have SO many thoughts on this company--it's about time they address the exorbitant amounts of sugar in their crap. Never been a fan of Naked products. 

As for Mariah: First, every college cafeteria I've been to has a salad bar and fresh food section. She said her college cafeteria didn't have ANY of this (oh come on!). I was vegan in college. Somehow, I managed to find greens and fruit there. Second, thanks to the roommate for calling Mariah out on her BULLSHIT. "Never seen you drink a Naked and we lived together'! One thing about roommates, they know your preferences as far as what you eat and drink. 

Mariah need some ice for that burn. 

  • Love 24
29 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

I have SO many thoughts on this company--it's about time they address the exorbitant amounts of sugar in their crap. Never been a fan of Naked products. 

As for Mariah: First, every college cafeteria I've been to has a salad bar and fresh food section. She said her college cafeteria didn't have ANY of this (oh come on!). I was vegan in college. Somehow, I managed to find greens and fruit there. Second, thanks to the roommate for calling Mariah out on her BULLSHIT. "Never seen you drink a Naked and we lived together'! One thing about roommates, they know your preferences as far as what you eat and drink. 

Mariah need some ice for that burn. 

I did a bit of googling re Westminster meal plans.  Here is where you can peruse:  https://westminster.cafebonappetit.com/#about-your-food

Spoiler:  She is fulla shit.

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

I did a bit of googling re Westminster meal plans.  Here is where you can peruse:  https://westminster.cafebonappetit.com/#about-your-food

Spoiler:  She is fulla shit.

Nice find! That's some blatant lying Mariah's got going on and it's a false claim regarding Westminster college food. Westminster seemed especially dialed in to providing for diverse nutritional needs. 

I don't mind when people take on opportunities like Mariah is doing with the Naked brand. What gets me is when they LIE. She lied about how much she drank Naked, now she's lying about what Westminster didn't have on the menu to add credibility to that claim. If I were Naked, I'd drop her. 

But hey, they're in on it too. Anything to get some product placement. It's a giant cycle of bullshit. 

Edited by TurtlePower
  • Love 9
23 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Nice find! That's some blatant lying Mariah's got going on and it's a false claim regarding Westminster college food. Westminster seemed especially dialed in to providing for diverse nutritional needs. 

I don't mind when people take on opportunities like Mariah is doing with the Naked brand. What gets me is when they LIE. She lied about how much she drank Naked, now she's lying about what Westminster didn't have on the menu to add credibility to that claim. If I were Naked, I'd drop her. 

But hey, they're in on it too. Anything to get some product placement. It's a giant cycle of bullshit. 

THANKS!!  Since I work at a University and with some res hall folks meals are always a topic.  I KNOW what they serve here and it is NICE.  Dining commons are very up on dietary needs, various dietary plans, etc.  so I knew she was a lying sack.  I figured a private school would have the same if not better.  She needs to know that while their viewers might be in an older demographic we can use the effin google!!!!  The lying makes me stabby.

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53 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Ugh I can’t with this chick and her meaningless platitudes. Get the hell off my lawn you’re about to get soaked. 

What about the love for the English language, proper grammar and capital letters Mariah? Where’s the gratitude and love shown to that? 🙄

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Happy, happy, joy, joy, happy, happy, joy.

Is she on meds of some sort? That 1) make her stupid and unable to correctly parse a sentence and 2) make her sound hysterically manic?

What is there to worry about when you don't ever have to work and everything is handed to you? I can't wait to see these two when they actually have to work for a living like real people. I'd be grateful and giddy too if I just got everything handed to me by my parents and had juice companies sending me checks to lie about using their product. But alas, most of us have to work and pay for our own schooling at the same time. We don't get to live a life of privilege like the Brown Clowns

  • Love 18
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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