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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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On 2/27/2020 at 9:34 AM, DakotaJustice said:


I'm basing my theory on real life. My sister loves to clean, my niece not so much, although I doubt she'd take a bath in a filthy tub. Sis lives close enough to her daughter so she can do her laundry for her as she always has over the past 28 years. Ha!

My niece still lives at home (just turned 18) and I cannot believe how messy her room is.  I am also surprised her mom allows it.  We were never allowed to be SOOO messy.  

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Only a Brown would share a lazy home coffee picture like this (featuring their infected & chewed cuticle, on a zombie thumb, that appears ready to fall off from lack of circulation from a bulbous tacky ring), and be pleased with their contribution to social media.  

I just want to know, who looks at this while scrolling Instagram and thinks: ‘ooohhh wow great shot! ❤️ Glad that was shared! Ring looks awesome on you!’ etc etc. The mind boggles as these people obviously walk among us. Mediocre people like Mariah don’t need encouragement to think their content is interesting, as it inflates her ego to the point that this is what is considered worthwhile to post 🤯 Uppercut yourselves immediately whoever you are and save the praise for pictures and content that earn it. 

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On 2/26/2020 at 5:31 PM, Sandy W said:

real talk:

Clean that tub before you immerse your cute lil uterus.  I count 3 rings below the surface. While you are doing some housekeeping, take a cup of bleach and a brush and scrub that caulk and between those tiles.  Mold and mildew are not healthy to breathe.  Also, soak a cloth in vinegar and wrap it around the faucet, shower control knob and backing to remove the scale buildup.  These are basic skills you should have learned from your mother while she was teaching you what a special snowflake you are. 

I guess we should be grateful that you didn't scratch "AUDJ" into your hairy leg.

Thanks for the vinegar-soaked rag tip. Momma definitely never taught me that one!

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On 2/27/2020 at 8:21 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

If only....


P.S.. I don't condone violence nor would I want any harm to come to her, but dang girl, you are making it easy with your stupid posts

Ditto on the Ps. 
But that picture immediately made me think of this meme:


Edited by RubySoho
Forgot to actually comment
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21 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:


Only a Brown would share a lazy home coffee picture like this (featuring their infected & chewed cuticle, on a zombie thumb, that appears ready to fall off from lack of circulation from a bulbous tacky ring), and be pleased with their contribution to social media.  

I just want to know, who looks at this while scrolling Instagram and thinks: ‘ooohhh wow great shot! ❤️ Glad that was shared! Ring looks awesome on you!’ etc etc. The mind boggles as these people obviously walk among us. Mediocre people like Mariah don’t need encouragement to think their content is interesting, as it inflates her ego to the point that this is what is considered worthwhile to post 🤯 Uppercut yourselves immediately whoever you are and save the praise for pictures and content that earn it. 

I was about to express something similar. It’s just TOO MUCH. It’s not occasional sharing of what’s what, it’s constant mundane, mediocre or TMI crap from Mariah. 

The tub photo has to be one one the most icky things she’s shared. Like, great, she’s got cramps or some shit and is bleeding out into a dirty old tub. Gag, vomit. 🤮 

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Yet again this COL has no freaking clue what that posting is supposed to mean.  I am so un-woke that I'm apparently asleep.

I'm no expert in wokeism, but Mariah seems to be going to visit Maddie, who claims to be excited about it. And interestingly, Mariah's "emotional support" animals are not among her travel essentials (probably 'cause she can't #shill for them).

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The COL in me is still perplexed that the woke one thinks others want to see a photograph of her bland bum bag, pretentious chapstick and dirty old generic coffee thermos, staged obviously on an airport seat, like  ‘Look at all my woke traveller stuff just chilling on this seat candidly, y’all jealous? Here’s what they all cost, I tagged the brands so you can look them up and see how much mom spent on very average products with cool names’. 

None of those brands are going to give you an endorsement deal More-riah; no one wants to know, because no one wants emulate you.

And another snark - what’s wrong with the obligatory plane window shot or even a narcissist selfie with that message to Maddie? Why tag a message to your sister you’re travelling to visit, at the end of a wannabe influencer story as an afterthought, like ‘oh btw coming for ya sis and kids - but first i have to be a busy & important influencer, folx got to see my everyday stuff, k thx bai’ Gee Maddie and kids awaiting her visit, must feel sooo special they got a mention on the tail end of her advert. 😑🙄 

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Does anyone think she made any kind of cash donation to this cause?  I'm guessing that, as usual, she thinks she's done her part by sharing on social media.  A couple of clicks of her mouse, and she's fulfilled her social warrior role for another day.  Then she's off to some quaint little cafe to indulge in an expensive cup of coffee and some outrageously large portions of food.

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5 minutes ago, MonicaM said:

Does anyone think she made any kind of cash donation to this cause?  I'm guessing that, as usual, she thinks she's done her part by sharing on social media.  A couple of clicks of her mouse, and she's fulfilled her social warrior role for another day.  Then she's off to some quaint little cafe to indulge in an expensive cup of coffee and some outrageously large portions of food.

Get real.  If she sent a cash donation, she'd have to order a SMALL latte the next time she goes to the coffee shop, and might even have to cut her order from two pieces of avocado toast to just one.

This girl has priorities . . . she only spends money on what she sees in the mirror.

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12 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I'm inclined to think as you do, @MonicaM.  SJW More-iah seems to talk the talk, but avoids walking the walk.  Does she actually do anythingk besides post shit that makes her look good to her sycophants?  I don't see it.

Mariah Brown: all show, no go.

Remember the bees? She stood by a mural and posted some blah blah blah about saving the bees. If she gave an actual shit, she'd have done something for local bee relocation groups (they exist). Heaven forbid she--omg--actually DO something besides posting an attention-garnering maneuver on SM. 

It's not just Mariah, a lot of people are like this. They post something about the cause of the day, then go about their daily lives expecting everyone else to do something about it. 


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8 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

I'm really a distant, occasional reader of Mariah's comings and goings but.....is she really teaching yoga? Because that is so wrong...by the images I've seen she's tragically awful at it. I mean sure... it goes counter to yoga philosophy to judge but I'll risk it. Please, sweetheart, get some humility and take more classes.

The humility ship has sailed with this one.  And she's not taking any classes unless her mama comes up with more money for a trip to Bali.

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31 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

I'm really a distant, occasional reader of Mariah's comings and goings but.....is she really teaching yoga? Because that is so wrong...by the images I've seen she's tragically awful at it. I mean sure... it goes counter to yoga philosophy to judge but I'll risk it. Please, sweetheart, get some humility and take more classes.

She was offering 'donation only' classes a few months ago in a public park in Chicago. There have been no postings of throngs of the unenlightened flocking to become woke by Mariah, so it would be fair to assume there were no takers to her offer.

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Mariah is one woke wanker !

I am flabbergasted that she posted that filthy,disgusting bathtub pic (screenshot of a story which is even worse). She really is so full of herself that she actually has some thought process inside that crystallized brain of hers that indicates the public wants to see this???????? Gag. I might truly puke.

In general, I am thinking that the purpose of social media is not showing your grossness (I.E the real deal, Mariah). She actually thinks people WANT to see her gross self.

It's bad enough her yoga pictures completely stink to the high heavens, so thankful it's not a scratch and sniff. She might want to jump into the retention pond for some cleaning up. Mariah is truly the grossest thing in all of social media. Period ! (Pun intended for the cuterus that is causing her such problems..........................)   

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46 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

so did Audg go with her ? Must be spring break, although it seems with this special snowflake with the non-titanium uterus is always not in class. So she chose Maddie to visit rather than mother dear ?  

I’m left wondering what she did with that critical, emotional support anxiety dog she absolutely MUST have to do anything. 

Not letting that one slide. Right up there with this BS: 


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Read between the lines and tone of the caption  - all you see the words; I’m, me, my, I, on repeat. Even when she’s attempting to showcase the kids it’s all about her. I’m a auntie, sleep on my chest, hold my hand, my silly faces, the roles I take on in life are important to me. ME ME it’s all about ME! I can’t take her narcissism. She’s repulsive, Meri and Kody’s child inside and out. 


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1 minute ago, Kohola3 said:

Well, of course.  Her brilliance is like a shining sun. We all bow to her unique and innovative ideas.

She has run out of ideas to maintain her blog so she is now taking a leaf from Janelle's page and posting what she eats.

Whatever became of those challenging words of wisdom she declared she would be throwing out to the unenlightened masses to ponder on and engage her in lively discussion.  That seems to be last month's epic fail and prior to that, there was promised "donation only" yoga sessions in the park.  I wonder how those sessions are going.

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Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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