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Say Yes To The Dress - General Discussion

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7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I wish I could hit like a dozen times for your post.  My guess was the 5 year vowel renewal (everyone knows that marriages usually tank after a vowel renewal, see RH of OC, NY, ATL, etc...),was nothing more than a vain attempt at a gift grab.

I have always been suspicious of men who marry women before they can legally drink, vote or rent a car.  

I've never been to a vow renewal ceremony.  Do people really ask for gifts?  It would never occur to me to ask for gifts if I were to do this and if I went to someone else's, I'd probably be mortified to walk in without one and see a gift table.

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34 minutes ago, Shannon L. said:

It would never occur to me to ask for gifts if I were to do this and if I went to someone else's, I'd probably be mortified to walk in without one and see a gift table.

Not me.  I'd be giving everyone who brought a gift the side-eye for being so gullible.

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40 minutes ago, Shannon L. said:

I've never been to a vow renewal ceremony.  Do people really ask for gifts?  It would never occur to me to ask for gifts if I were to do this and if I went to someone else's, I'd probably be mortified to walk in without one and see a gift table.

The only vow renewals I've been to were very casual affairs, not big events with brand new wedding dress(es) and huge receptions.  Usually, they were just the couple and close friends and family and more like a blessing than a wedding ceremony.  Afterwards, we had a nice meal, but for 10-20, not hundreds, and it was done in conjunction with celebrating a milestone anniversary like the 25th or more. As far as gifts, one couple requested no gifts, the other asked for donations to the local food bank.  It seems to me that if someone is having a vow renewal where they are spending thousands and thousands more than most people would spend on the initial ceremony, just a couple years after the original shindig,  they are probably going the whole 9 yards and setting up a gift table, too.  Anyone doing the sort of vow renewals we've seen on the show is not the sort to have any sense of shame about turning it into another gift grab.

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4 minutes ago, Quof said:

It's play acting. 

Yep.  And even the unmarried clients of Kleinfelds appear to be play acting.  I bet nine in ten marriages of these spoiled princess nitwits won't last a year.

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Oh, you know these women are all over social media.  And it's awfully considerate of the show to tell us their full names, and those of the poor suckers, er, husbands. 

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On 4/4/2018 at 5:24 PM, Quof said:

Oh, you know these women are all over social media.  And it's awfully considerate of the show to tell us their full names, and those of the poor suckers, er, husbands. 

I'm watching the daily marathon this morning and there is a make artist, Mackenzie Hughes whose entourage includes a girl with striking orange and pink hair, it is so distinct that on a recent episode there was a women in an entourage with the same hair...anyone remember her? I know that there have been instances of entourage members showing up with different brides.  It's driving me nuts, (it's a short drive lol).  

Interestingly I looked at Mackenzie's website and she has a photo of a bride or maybe it is the runway model with the Pnina romper that helicopter bride wore, what are the chances that two brides wore that?  

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7 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

....the Pnina romper that helicopter bride wore, what are the chances that two brides wore that?  

I'd hope the chances are slim and none.  But having seen the kind of "taste" that brides have these days....

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Why can't we have more of he truly lovely moments that were in the early episodes. I remember Elona Olevsky who had cerebral palsy and was adopted by a couple in the US.  Just a delightful young lady with a loving and supportive mom at the appointment.  And the young lady (can't remember her name) whose mom was in the military (I think in Canada) - no drama, gorgeous dress, no entourage, no theatrics. Those are the brides I remember, not the selfish, snotty bridezillas with the huge bunch of overacting "friends".

I watched back then. No more, hate what it's become - the Pnina and Randy show with lots of disgusting dresses and unlikable characters.

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I remember Elona Olevsky who had cerebral palsy and was adopted by a couple in the US.  Just a delightful young lady with a loving and supportive mom at the appointment. 

I think Elona's parents moved with her from Russia to give her a better life.  She was lovely.  I also remember a very nice young woman in a wheelchair and they had to work around that.  I'd love to see more shows like that.

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On 4/1/2018 at 1:14 AM, shksabelle said:

I am hoping agains hope that the producers of this show told that gold mining family to dress like that. Who on earth would go to a place like Kleinfeld’s dressed like that?

Of course, the other extreme is all the skankily dressed brides and their entourages.  But at least they put in some effort, and in their minds, I’m sure they think they look “klassy”  

Just saw this episode earlier today.  While the gold mining people did look like shoppers at my local Walmart, they turned out to be likable people.  The dad seemed like his aim was to do something special for his daughter's big day...in a most loving and sincere way.  Refreshing!  Now I would have paid to see the mining people kidnap the Chick with the gray skin tight top and put her to work operating a backhoe or something.  Bet she couldn't do it because her big old fake boobs would get caught in the controls.  It would be so amusing......ah we can dream.......

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On 4/6/2018 at 12:24 PM, Kohola3 said:

Why can't we have more of he truly lovely moments that were in the early episodes. I remember Elona Olevsky who had cerebral palsy and was adopted by a couple in the US.  Just a delightful young lady with a loving and supportive mom at the appointment.  And the young lady (can't remember her name) whose mom was in the military (I think in Canada) - no drama, gorgeous dress, no entourage, no theatrics. Those are the brides I remember, not the selfish, snotty bridezillas with the huge bunch of overacting "friends".

I watched back then. No more, hate what it's become - the Pnina and Randy show with lots of disgusting dresses and unlikable characters.

I agree. I watch the old ones in the morning while I'm getting ready for work and some of them are so sweet. I saw a couple of episodes recently with brides with cancer where they were obviously doing it up big in a "Make a Wish" kind of way.  One episode had an "In Memory of" card at the end showing that she had died at age 25, possibly even before the episode aired. I found myself crying over a stranger. Not that it all has to be sappy or tear-jerking, but I prefer that over tasteless, greedy bridezillas any day.

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13 minutes ago, Kathira said:

Not that it all has to be sappy or tear-jerking, but I prefer that over tasteless, greedy bridezillas any day.

Amen to that.  Just simply nice people with no drama.  Lord knows we don't see enough supportive and loving families but way more greedy spoiled brats that we should.  Can't we just feel good at the end of an episode instead of wanting to throw a rubber brick at the TV?

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I DVR'd the 'Wounded Warrior' episode after reading about it on this forum.  Granted, I had a predisposed idea before watching it but I still had some thoughts.....

Out of all the possible female soldiers out there, they just happened to chose a statuesque, perfect figured, beautiful woman?

Getting free stuff was the happiest day of her life.....not the proposal?

Her fake crying was so over the top it was almost unbearable. 

After they showed the venue of where the wedding was supposed to have been held, she only had $3,000.00 to spend on a dress?  Now I know $3,000.00 is a lot for a dress but it looked like the reception would have cost tens of thousands and if they had that much money to begin with, why not find a more worthy candidate?  Unless I missed something.

I also watched the Corbin/Sasha episode, she was adorable. This also had the bride whose father had lung cancer and her fiancé wanted her to wear something that showed off her chest and proceeded to simulate him grabbing her breast in front of her dying father.  Classless.  These meat head men who want to show off their brides 'assets' to everyone is just gross and the women who go along with it are just as bad.    

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1 hour ago, AnnieHeights said:

Now I know $3,000.00 is a lot for a dress but it looked like the reception would have cost tens of thousands and if they had that much money to begin with, why not find a more worthy candidate?  Unless I missed something.

The only thing I could think of was that they did not vet the story and bought the whole thin, hook, line, and sinker.  However, if that were the case you'd think they would have avoided any contact with her and back she comes, pregnant and not married. 

There are so many vets out there with real stories of hardships.  To select a fake was unconscionable.

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On 4/3/2018 at 8:38 PM, Quof said:

If you're already married it's not a wedding.  It's play acting. 

Granted I agree with you, since it's been 5 years...but there are plenty of people who get married before their wedding because of various reasons. I think there's a difference between being legally married and having a wedding. Sometimes, the situation calls for it. 
Or maybe I'm just bitter and trying to make myself feel better because my fiance's 90 year old grandpa wants us to get married in the catholic church by a priest, but I picked my venue and wanted to get married there. Compromise: We're getting married in the church a couple of weeks prior. I am not inviting anyone but immediate family (not even bridal party) and grandma. I am also not telling a soul. He's very close with his grandpa, but I'm still trying to reconcile that my wedding day will be my "real" wedding still. 
That being said...yeah. Not a wedding when that happens 5 years later. I don't get it. 

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Wedding = when you get married.   Getting married, then re-enacting it later and lying to people that they are actually seeing you get married is a really shitty thing to do to your guests.    

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Can always wait to sign the papers, in other words, it's just a ceremony but really not 'official' until the planned day, but whatever. As long as a couple is not collecting gifts for 2 separate events, I can't see a a big issue with marrying prior then re-doing it to include everyone.

Edited by gonecrackers
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4 hours ago, Quof said:

Wedding = when you get married.   Getting married, then re-enacting it later and lying to people that they are actually seeing you get married is a really shitty thing to do to your guests.    

A lot of people do this. In my county, they don't accept online ordained ministers who did it online, so I know many people who go to city hall another day or time just so that it's legally recognized, but had who they wanted to perform the ceremony do it on their wedding day. 
I don't really see getting married beforehand in the church to appease my fiance's 90 year old grandfather in a ceremony that only includes immediate family as being a really shitty thing to do to my guests. They won't know about it, and I am doing it for the sake of family. 

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I’ve been trying to figure out why the guests would be upset.  Maybe if I found out the couple had gotten married months earlier and this was just a cash grab I would be upset.  But if I knew they got engaged and bought a present and attended the wedding, I don’t think I would care if I found out they exchanged vows a few weeks earlier in private but continued with the big day.  How has that negatively affected me?

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5 hours ago, FreetheGirlses said:

They won't know about it, and I am doing it for the sake of family. 

I really think that's very sweet and shows how much family harmony means to you.  As an invited guest to the public affair, I personally would not mind at all if I were aware of the circumstances.  Keeping older relatives happy can be such a balancing act!

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21 hours ago, Quof said:

They won't know = lying to them.   What will you do if they find out?  Because chances are, they will. 

I'm trying to figure out why anyone would be offended. It's not as though I'm asking for gifts for both, nor am I even inviting guests to the church. If anything, it's probably more upsetting to the Catholic church itself, not my guests. I don't know about you, but I come from a large, close Italian family and have extremely loyal and wonderful friends. Where do you live? This really wouldn't be a problem with the people I know. We are still having a ceremony in front of our friends and are saying vows; and we mean them. 
*If* they find out, I can't imagine my friends and family having a hissy fit over something so utterly ridiculous. As I said earlier, I know many people who had to have a legal ceremony on a different day for various reasons, and no one said a word to their face or behind their back about it. It didn't even cross our minds. 

15 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

I really think that's very sweet and shows how much family harmony means to you.  As an invited guest to the public affair, I personally would not mind at all if I were aware of the circumstances.  Keeping older relatives happy can be such a balancing act!

Thank you <3 I really appreciate that! It's not what I 100% wanted, but my grandmother is 91 and Italian, so I totally get it. I'm very close with her, and my future husband is very close with his grandfather (also Italian), so I get it. 

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29 minutes ago, FreetheGirlses said:

It's not what I 100% wanted...

Life rarely is!  The brides we see seem to think that the wedding is the most important thing in their lives.  It's just the first day of the rest of a marriage that includes friends the couple may not both like and relatives to whom we have to acquiesce. 

When life is "all about me" as seems to be the norm on SYTTD you can end up a very lonely person.  I would wager the worst of these Princess Brides is no longer married. To attempt to see the viewpoint of all kinds of people, especially family, is so vital to keep things on an even keel.

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2 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Life rarely is!  The brides we see seem to think that the wedding is the most important thing in their lives.  It's just the first day of the rest of a marriage that includes friends the couple may not both like and relatives to whom we have to acquiesce. 

When life is "all about me" as seems to be the norm on SYTTD you can end up a very lonely person.  I would wager the worst of these Princess Brides is no longer married. To attempt to see the viewpoint of all kinds of people, especially family, is so vital to keep things on an even keel.

Absolutely. Honestly, I'm so grateful that throughout this entire planning process, I'm so excited to be spending the rest of my life with the man I'm going to marry rather than being excited for ONE (overpriced) day. I keep saying that I went into the wrong line of business and should have done things in the wedding industry; it's ridiculous. 
You put it best, it's the first day of a marriage that includes friends, family, and relatives. My fiance and I loathe seafood, but I'm still having seafood at my wedding because I want to make sure that my guests are comfortable and enjoying their evening as well. 
Besides, I like to save my hard "NO" votes for the things that really matter to me. Makes it a bit easier to pick and choose your battles that way ;) 

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When hubby and I went to our pre Cana retreat we got shirts that said, “A wedding is a day.  A marriage is a lifetime.”  I think a pair of those shirts should be given out with each engagement ring purchase.

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My sister had a civil ceremony for legal reasons and then had the "real wedding" with the religious ceremony and reception. She tried to keep the civil ceremony a secret. It didn't go so well. I didn't understand why she wasn't just up front about it, but it was her decision. I think it's the secret part that troubles me because then you're forcing the people who know about it to either lie directly or lie by omission. If it's not a big deal, why does it have to be a secret?

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Well, now we know why she had to have a vow renewal dress -- so she could be "recurring" on SYTTD instead of a one and done snowflake.

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On 4/28/2018 at 11:42 AM, FreetheGirlses said:

Granted I agree with you, since it's been 5 years...but there are plenty of people who get married before their wedding because of various reasons. I think there's a difference between being legally married and having a wedding. Sometimes, the situation calls for it. 
Or maybe I'm just bitter and trying to make myself feel better because my fiance's 90 year old grandpa wants us to get married in the catholic church by a priest, but I picked my venue and wanted to get married there. Compromise: We're getting married in the church a couple of weeks prior. I am not inviting anyone but immediate family (not even bridal party) and grandma. I am also not telling a soul. He's very close with his grandpa, but I'm still trying to reconcile that my wedding day will be my "real" wedding still. 
That being said...yeah. Not a wedding when that happens 5 years later. I don't get it. 

I think it's nice that you are honoring his Grandpa's wish. there are countries that require you marry civilly in addition to a church wedding, so I don't see that as a problem.  I think people try to keep it a secret because it makes the second ceremony seem "fake." To that I would say: a Catholic ceremony is pretty strict about what gets said, and the bride and groom don't get a lot of opportunity to express themselves. I personally did not WANT to pour my heart out in front of a crowd, but lots of people want to say their own personal vows out loud in front of everyone. The second ceremony is the opportunity to do that.  But also, the Catholic church has no problem with blessing a marriage after the fact... and it can be done in private or at a Sunday Mass, with very little fuss. So that's an option too. 

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Watching the Royal wedding this past weekend, when I saw Meghan Markle's classy, simple, elegant dress, all I could think of was our crass American brides that wind up on this show... Like the one who wanted a dress that would show off her "crack".  sigh....

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I was telling my daughter about the TLC show on this weekend featuring Randy, Hailey Page, Lori and Monte from Atlanta and George Kotsiopoulus discussing Meghan’s dress and the other royal wedding fashions. My daughter said, “What, no Pnina?” Can you imagine what she would say about such a modest and simple dress! 

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21 hours ago, shipmate said:

Watching the Royal wedding this past weekend, when I saw Meghan Markle's classy, simple, elegant dress, all I could think of was our crass American brides that wind up on this show... Like the one who wanted a dress that would show off her "crack".  sigh....

There was a short segment on Inside Edition where they claimed to be showing knock-offs of Meghan’s dresses, but they weren’t, really, because the knock-offs were way trashier. The high neck reception gown had a ton of bling over the chest (and fit the model worse than most of the samples that are clipped on at Kleinfeld’s) while the ceremony gown had one of those stupid unnecessary bling belts (the ones that only cut a stunning gown in half and up the sales rep’s commission) added to it. 

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I just saw the episode with Cody and Carly.  He seemed quite nice, should have dumped the bride well before the wedding.  First, she asked that her guests wear neutrals.  She chose a hideous gown, with - you guessed it - plenty of bling.  There was a thunderstorm at her wedding, which seemed to be on a rooftop (maybe the gods are angry) & all the stuff had to be brought in, even though she INSISTED on getting photos in this tornado.  Then one of the bridesmaids fainted & Missy Bride looked really pissed.

She's a fashion/lifestyle blogger, apparently, so basically, he life is on social media:  I like brunch, neutrals && brunching IN neutrals. http://www.carlycristman.com 

Edited by WarnerCL45
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On 5/4/2018 at 9:26 AM, tobeannounced said:

My sister had a civil ceremony for legal reasons and then had the "real wedding" with the religious ceremony and reception. She tried to keep the civil ceremony a secret. It didn't go so well. I didn't understand why she wasn't just up front about it, but it was her decision. I think it's the secret part that troubles me because then you're forcing the people who know about it to either lie directly or lie by omission. If it's not a big deal, why does it have to be a secret?

We actually are having the church wedding now AFTER my wedding date. We met with the priest on Wednesday and decided that would be the best option. 

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Why would you spend $7K on a dress to renew your vows?  Just saw a slightly over weight gal with no neck spend almost $8000on a gown.  On her wedding day she wore her hair down & a rhinestone necklace which emphasized her no-neckness.

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2 hours ago, WarnerCL45 said:

Why would you spend $7K on a dress to renew your vows?  Just saw a slightly over weight gal with no neck spend almost $8000on a gown.  On her wedding day she wore her hair down & a rhinestone necklace which emphasized her no-neckness.

Ugh, that prom jewelry...at least she didn't wear that necklace on her head, I hate that look.  Spending 8 grand on a dress to renew vows is something I could not do, I'd rather have the money in the bank but I can't count other peoples money.

I would like to renew my vows in Vegas, I am drunk and Elvis is officiating, and I am wearing a rental veil. LOL!  

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58 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I would like to renew my vows in Vegas, I am drunk and Elvis is officiating, and I am wearing a rental veil. LOL!  

My daughter was married in Vegas.  No Elvis, but Sammy Davis was there!

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14 hours ago, SuzySmith said:

Why must they rerun the episode with Kathy Griffin over and over and over.  Am I the only one who is driven batty by that woman?

No, you are absolutely not the only one!  I HAVE been taken to task for stating this.  Didn't like her before "the head" incident.

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On 4/29/2018 at 5:17 PM, Crs97 said:

When hubby and I went to our pre Cana retreat we got shirts that said, “A wedding is a day.  A marriage is a lifetime.”  I think a pair of those shirts should be given out with each engagement ring purchase.

OMG I need those to send anonymously.  A cousin is getting married black tie September 2 (yes, ruin a 3 day weekend why don't you) and one would think it's the wedding of the millenium.  7 piece band upgraded to 12 piece, photo booth, drone to take overhead pics of ceremony.  I think every wedding cliche there is. Have a feeling they'll also do fireworks as I've been told there will be lots of "surprises."  Not to mention 300 people expected - kosher wedding on Long Island so think it's now costing around $125,000 and counting.   I keep telling the bride that it's about the marriage, not about the wedding.  Grandmother, groom's parents, bride's parents paying.  Oh well,  not my monkey, not my circus.

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