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S06.E03: Thank You

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Implicit in this statement is the assumption that Nicholas was fully and completely dead.  You'd be amazed how many head shots don't result in immediate, instantaneous death in real life.  Ask any EMT/paramedic/ER doc or nurse who's been on the job for a while; I think the immediate survival rate is something like 8%.

Not that it would be a great survival, or very extended, even - but the heart would still be pumping immediately after.


Also implicit in this statement is the assumption that the FX team would be so concerned about how realistic a dead body being ripped apart would be that they'd kibosh squirting food colored karo syrup all over the place.

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Did Rick get bit?  He kept looking at and touching his hand. 


After Rick broke off his knife blade in Walker One's head, he went for the machete in Walker Two's shoulder.

Unfortunately, when Rick put his left hand on the zombie to keep it out of bite range, he put his hand under the protruding blade tip of the machete before wrenching the machete free with his right - and sliced himself pretty good in the process.


ETA: Jinx!

Edited by Nashville
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Glenn's not dead - at least not yet.  And he doesn't save himself by crawling under the dumpster.  That would be ridiculous...

Of course we'll be kept in the dark for a few more episodes…strung along only to find out at the midseason finale that Glenn really does die…but not at the jaws of a herd of walkers, but of…..wait for it…the flu.


It turns out that the last season and a half have been a dream.  Glenn's dream.  Turns out we're really still in Season 4 - the end of episode 5 to be exact.  Glenn has that nasty flu that got Karen and David killed, and he's unconscious and not breathing.  The gang's come back from the veterinary school with the meds, but Glenn hasn't woken up. Maggie is by his side. 


Everything we've seen after that is a figment of Glenn's delirious, flu-driven imagination. The Governor never came back and attacked the prison (once was enough!)  Herschel never died, and neither did Beth, Tyrese, Bob, Lizzy or Mika.  Rick never snacked on another man's jugular.  There was no Terminus.  Cannibals never ate Bob's leg.  Wolves and a walker parade don't threaten the town they live in… because they still live in the prison.  Carol is in exile.  There are no Alexandrians, no Father Pee Pants, no Abraham, Rosita, Eugene or Tara.  We haven't met them…YET.  And Morgan is probably still in crazy-town.


So yes, Glenn dies, but of the flu, surrounded by his family and friends.  Maggie is devastated, but at least she still has her father and Beth. And we still have Tyrese and Bob and those two crazy kids.


The back half of Season 6 picks up where we left off - at Season 4 Episode 6.  I don't want to spoil anything, but what I can say is that we'll get to see how things go differently without Glenn around.  A sort of Butterfly-Effect, if you will...


Okay, that's my story and I'm sticking to it…  (Why not?  It's just as plausible as Glenn surviving that walker herd by sliding under a dumpster…)

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The 'death scene', in this episode, of one of the core group of characters was horrible to watch;  it was so visceral that it really tore me up inside.


^ that's what Glenn said.



(just like a morgankobi & few others, my sense of humor can be morbid that way.  and when it comes to talking about fictional characters, no, its hardly ever 'too soon?'.)

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I'm wondering if there were visual/tonal clues as to whether Glenn is dead - or not dead - by the 'symmetry' shown during the course of the episode;


-  Rick tells both Glenn and Michonne to try and save the ASZ'ers with them, but if they fall behind, to leave them  (Nicholas didn't fall behind, per se, but he was mentally checked out; and so Glenn being Glenn, wouldn't abandon his 'rescued puppy' - Nicholas [or his dead body] is gang-eaten)

-  Glenn is supporting Annie as they trudge along the road, while Michonne and David have their 'moment' about "finding family and something to live for in all the chaos"  (Annie is later gang-eaten)

-  Glenn tells David he also has a wife back "home", when David mentions his somewhat newlywed status and how he most likely won't be able to get back to her again  (David is later gang-eaten)


And the last time we see Glenn?  Supposedly getting gang-eaten..... just sayin'.


Then there's the other 'tells' of the mess coming later; the pulling out of the pocket watch, and subsequent talking to Rick on the W-T, and referring to Rick as he did when they first met, "dumbass" - which coincidentally was a someone (Rick) was in danger of being gang-eaten mess, also.



Lots of subtle, and not-so-subtle clues... I just don't know which way they are supposed to be pointing in. 


I like mystery and suspense, TPTB, but not so much in cases like this.

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Glenn's not dead - at least not yet.  And he doesn't save himself by crawling under the dumpster.  That would be ridiculous...

Actually, it had occurred to me that if Glenn could make it past the first row or two of walkers ringing him - not necessarily an impossible task, insofar as they're totally preoccupied with the yummy impromptu Nicholas buffet - he could crawl out right between the legs of the rest.  The subsequent walker pack is jammed in so tightly none of them could even manage to look down and see him, much less bend down to take a swipe or bite.  Glenn would be relatively safe until he made it to the outer edge, where the pack would not be jammed together as tightly.


It turns out that the last season and a half have been a dream.  Glenn's dream.

Aw, c'mon now.

This is The Walking Dead, not Dallas

Different set of zombies entirely, although the confusion IS understandable....

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Survivors who have significantly lower Walker encounters and kills may not have the exposures and time to develop some immunity and/or mutation. What happened to Bob may not be what would happen to some or all of the core group. Lori's exposures may have been less due to pregnancy, which itself might weaken her immune system. Hershel's leg was amputated but, since he was brutally murdered, we will never know if he would eventually have succumbed.


...................................... What would Rick accept? What would he find acceptable regarding Carl's or Judith's potential exposure or safety given his past position on their- and the core group's- safety. How would Carol respond to such a threat given her past response and preemptive strike?  Would Rick be banished vs. voluntarily separate himself regardless, of source of infection and even if he is not symptomatic. Would he- gasp!- end his own life down the road near series end, if not during this season.


Lori died due to a massive hemorrhage during birth, Carl shot her to prevent the possibility of reanimation. Hershel's decapitated head was shown to have reanimated. According to Jenner, the sole remaining scientist at the CDC, reanimation was believed to be a 100% probability among anyone exposed to the virus regardless of cause of death.  There seems to have been an active contagion that killed many in the initial outbreak, those who remain living carry a dormant form that activates after death and walker bites lead to a fatal form of the infection.  The only certain way to prevent reanimation is to destroy the brain. Both the progress of bite related death and reanimation following death vary widely among individuals. IIRC Bob was allowed to hold Judith in his final hours and he certainly spent time in proximity with her after he was bitten.  Therefore, given that she has been directly exposed to someone dying of one of the aggressive forms of the disease. I think I can be confident in saying that Rick would not isolate himself from his children for fear of infecting them with the walker virus, other than the necessary precautions to prevent reanimation. Rick might self isolate if he had a serious infection of unknown origin. The infection that swept the prison after the Woodbury citizens joined them was an undefined respiratory infection. It didn't seem related to the walker infection, it was potentially fatal, leading to the usual ZA consequences. Carol killed Karen and David in a fruitless attempt at containment. If Rick becomes ill due to his injury turning septic, that would entail different precautions than a respiratory infection.  I do not believe Carol would be any kind of a threat. Outside of a specific situation, I do not believe Rick would end his own life due to active walker infection or his carrier status to protect his children as both Judith and and Carl have been in near proximity to other carriers,  the walkers, the infected and spilled blood. Carl has fought both walkers and people himself. 

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I guess we might find out if getting drenched in fresh gore makes you more delicious to walkers or less delicious. Can’t say this is something I ever pondered before. Could be the fresh kill is delicious at first but quickly gets unappetizing as soon as it’s less fresh. Kind of like sashimi. Except it gets “not so fresh” even quicker than sashimi. As in, in a matter of seconds.


I’m basing this on the way these damn wasteful hordes hardly ever seem to finish a meal.


On a different topic. Why didn’t somebody let the pet store’s animals go, somebody asked? Maybe those zombified people in the back were going to but they died before they could. Maybe anybody who could have done that are dead. I wonder what killed the people. Did someone get so hungry they looted a pet store for dog food? These little vignettes in the background always make me so curious.

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Doesn't really matter, they're all infected. 


I believe it's only walker saliva that kills you - ala the fever and all that. 


They're all infected but anyone whos been bitten has had a quickened death as a result. This certainly asks a question about getting blood, etc in your blood.

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I don't know how to post it here, but there is a still of the dumpster before they get to it, and the clearing is much more than 3'' on this one. Plenty of room for someone to fit under.

Now, see, that's what I thought I saw the first time I watched. Maybe a good 10-12 inches. Then on re-watch I must have glanced away for just a sec and missed seeing the clearance. I'm not so slick that I don't doubt my own perspectives sometimes, let alone someone else's. That's why I measured my dumpsters, which are otherwise exactly like the one on the show. For me, no In Memoriam = no death. I can't think of another time when a major character was MIA for In Memoriam. Like when the Emmys or the Oscars leave out a departed industry personage and people go ape shit? Nah, that didn't happen here.

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I seen it mentioned that we didn't know what Judith's fate was at the end of JSS.... Without going back to watch it, for sure, I'm pretty sure it was shown that right after Carl took the dish out of the oven and sat it down on the counter, he looked at the baby monitor. His demeanor did nothing to suggest that Judith wasn't still on the screen or some other untoward thing had happened with/to her. Without concrete video evidence checking to back that up, I don't have much to defend it with, but that is my memory of what happened.

I had seen the Judith kidnapping idea floated so I made a point of observing Carl in his final scene when the episode replayed before this one. There was no obvious picking up or checking the baby monitor, but it was right there on the counter near the kitchen timer and where Carl set the casserole. It would have been impossible for Carl to not see the video display.

And plot wise, no one is getting Judith past Carl. Little Asskicker is safe upstairs as Little Naptaker.

Also, can we bite the next poster who asks if Rick was bit?

Edited by lulee
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At least pull a Michonne and make a pet or two when you go out on runs. It boggles my mind that they have ways to minimize the walker threat and don't use them.

I thought the same thing. I know the Alexandrians are too stupid to live but what's Team Rick's excuse. They know simple ways to beef up security against walkers yet they don't employ them.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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Dead or not dead Glenn aside, funny zombie on the left is contemplating the slink o' sausages would taste better with a dash of paprika.

That female zombie cracked me up so much that I went back and watched that scene in slow motion. She looked so damn happy chomping on those intestines.


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I really hate pregnancy storylines. They are a sign of lack of creativity. Plus, we already have one helpless child living in Alexandria. Speaking of which: whatever happened to those old people who were so enamored with Judith when she first arrived? Have we ever seen anyone that old again?

Screw the old people, I'm worried about the dog(s) we saw in Alexandria. Where are they? DId they run off with the Wolves? Dogs are smart. They probably realized the Wolves had a better thing going.


I think what would be interesting would be for Glenn to live, but to have been bitten. And then he will make it back home to say goodbye to Maggie, in a way that other guy wasn't able to.


I wonder if they'll show Michonne talking to Betsy (the wife of the man who wrote the note.) Of course, she was probably whacked by the Wolves.

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I choose not to believe Glenn is dead since- even before the credits finished rolling- I thought there was going to be some parallel to the pilot scene with Rick in the tank, and I never thought it was other than Nicholas' guts being gutted.  Indeed, I entertained that maybe Glenn was in shock and only imagined himself falling, a common enough trope. My thoughts were turning instead around Glenn being severely injured (head injury??) from the fall, bitten, or otherwise exposed such that his return becomes as much a potential threat as Rick's hand injury. Yet Glenn might have an immunity from his repeat exposures or even from whatever infection he survived while at the prison.  I  think the immunity question could be a real game changer for this series which otherwise has a lot of redundancy and suffers from the 'making it up as they go along' writer's disease


I don't have the power of total recall that some of you do, but remember the episode right after the prison fell. Glenn was top of the bus. But there was some funky camera work, and it looked -- at first -- as if the Walkers were going to get him. I wonder is this is going to be done the same way. Maybe that was the seed for this.

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Rick did NOT get bit. He sliced his own hand with a Knife.


He broke his first Knife killing the first Walker.


The second Walker had a Knife in his Neck. Rick pulled it out & used it. That's when he accidentally sliced the top of his hand when he killed him.


You can see the straight cut on his Hand. It's from the Knife. NOT a bite mark.


I wonder if Rick cut the tendons across the top of his hand. If so, he's screwed unless they come across a good surgeon.

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I wonder if Rick cut the tendons across the top of his hand. If so, he's screwed unless they come across a good surgeon.

If not, Dr. Denise can prescribe him some anti-depressants.

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They've never cowered away from showing someone's grisly death, so I don't see the point of all that ambiguous camera work if he's really dead. Why not just show the walkers clearly biting into his body like they did with Noah? We saw his freaking face get tore apart for crying out loud! But suddenly with Glen we see partially blocked shots of spurting blood and out of place intestines? And Glen looking upset, but not as upset as seeing Noah die, and definitely not having-your-insides-torn-out upset. I just don't buy it.

Not arguing, but they did not show Andrea's and we really didn't see much of Lori's either (and I had all kinds of issues regarding Lori's labor and delivery too). Do you they make a distinction in what is shown between male/female characters, or well liked characters and red shirts? 

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His death is attributed to giving someone another chance. Or several more chances. It is a nice juxtaposition to the crisis of consciousness that Morgan is going to face. And Rick's "we don't take chances". Is there room in the post-ZA world for redemption?

There is room for redemption but no room for taking stupid chances to try to redeem people.

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I've seen that one as well, but it just doesn't make any sense to me. I don't remember the details, but I got the impression that that exiled group was just a few people. Two or three. Now, in a few months, they're this roving band of dozens of psychopaths? Who not only got revenge on ASZ, but also demolished Noah's former subdivision and have elaborate semi-truck walker traps set up....for....?

Plus, they seemed to come to the decision to go to ASZ right after finding Aaron's backpack. If they were the exiled group, they wouldn't have needed that.

That. And I think she's doing that whole, "I can't be close to people, because they'll die" thing. She's starting to develop feelings for Carl, so it's time to move on.

Or, in lieu of actually slathering themselves in guts, why not at least try to concoct some type of perfume/scented oil/spray that carries that scent? They've done this in certain zombie books I've read, and it doesn't seem too far fetched, IMO. There's a job for ol Eugene!

Or why not use Michonne's pets method?

You would think some sort of walker camo would be standard procedure on all runs.

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Yet Glenn might have an immunity from his repeat exposures or even from whatever infection he survived while at the prison.  I  think the immunity question could be a real game changer for this series which otherwise has a lot of redundancy and suffers from the 'making it up as they go along' writer's disease

Entire post was great, but this is the pertinent part.


In order to continue upping the series game new aspects of the apocalypse need to be introduced. Every sort of infection humanity has ever known has some odd person somewhere that is immune. No one knows why that person is not affected or susceptible, they just are. Also, new and different immune responses develop from repeated exposure.


I think sooner or later there needs to be someone be bitten and survive just fine and I also think this might be the prime opportunity for that to take place.

It could happen.

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At least pull a Michonne and make a pet or two when you go out on runs. It boggles my mind that they have ways to minimize the walker threat and don't use them.

It also bothers me that Rick's group never adopted any of Morgan's clever walker traps, luring them with caged pigeons and rats to impale themselves. Why not set up a perimeter of these outside the walls of ASZ?

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12 pages of thread and two days after and I am finally feeling a bit ready to talk about this episode.


No. Nop. No. NO way!

He is NOT dead.... YET

He is alive, they are snacking on that other stupid ass.  He will slide under the dumpster and THEN he is fucked.

When we check back on his storyline he will had made it under the dumpster and will still be in deep shit.  We will get a heartfelt walkie talkie goodbye and that will be all she wrote.

My heart is broken about this. I never knew I cared.


Now, for all the people who are saying we cannot blame Morgan for everything that's happening.  Fuck that! I blame Morgan even for missing my train this morning!

On that note, I am not in the right state to sit thru a whole Sensei-Morgan episode especially if it is 90 minutes long!


And damn, someone could have mercy killed Betsy's husband.  That was cold!


I was annoyed by Darryl's joyride.


Rick... boy did he show every single emotion.  That was some world class acting.

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Welp, did the rewatch.  I may have to amend some of my slightly hysterical bullet points.  Yes, I am doing this at work where I should be working. 


1.  Peeps like Michonne standing around like they haven't read "The ZA for Dummies": I think maybe the writers intended to show us that a) Michonne was deeply affected by Redshirt #2's heartfelt speech about his wife Betsy (Richonnists will know where I'm going with that), and b) perhaps she had gotten a wee bit soft in the ol' ASZ.  Ok fine but I still think it's ludicrous that she wouldn't mercy kill him and run.

2.  Redshits' (typo and it stays) blither blather: again, maybe written to show Michonne awakening to the possibility that she too *sniff* can have feelings for her family *sob*.  Bah humbug, been there done that, and she clearly showed all this and more during the Grimes Family Reunion in the back half of season 4.  Writers, quit treading water.

3.  Nicholas, The Worst Tour Guide Ever: upon rewatch I noticed Heath say that Nicholas had been there more recently than he had (YEAH RIGHT) so he had better take the lead here.  Yeah right.

4.  Impossible Geography: still highly implausible and confusing upon rewatch.  It hurts my head to think of it.  Someone compared it to the plastic geography of the show Lost -- dunno, never watched it.  Or even better ('cos I watched it), the crazy ass landscape of the Blair Witch Project.  OK, so like most things on this show, it only makes sense in terms of plot.  Got it.

5.  Biggest Nitpick of the Episode: Glenn.  I rewatched the death scene many, many times.  I would have ran outside and measured dumpster dimensions if there were any around my 'hood.  As we all know, they fall off together with Glenn underneath.  His shirt is grey with a tan kind of jacket, while Nicholas is khaki on khaki.  It kind of looks like the guts and blood are being pulled out of the khaki jacket/shirt of Nicholas who is on top, but it's a weird camera angle.  All the better to mess with us.  When it pans out you can still see Glenn's face in the overhead shot as the encircling zeds close in.  I was looking for his face to slide away, as if someone had grabbed on to him, but it simply becomes obscured.  It's entirely within the realm of this show's MO to have Glenn be rescued from the horde; as Nashville said, the zeds were in tight formation and wouldn't have even been able to look down or take a swipe at Glenn until he got to the part where they thinned out.


All for now.

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Obviously not all for now: I will never, ever get behind Glenn being trapped in an alleyway.  It's like saying Harry Houdini couldn't extricate himself from a Chinese finger trap.  This is the guy who was locked in a room, duct taped to chair, and fought off a big ass walker with Merle assisting said zed.  It's an insult to our intelligence that Glenn, the going-on-runs-specialist from the first, would ever allow himself to be trapped in a blind alley with a million zeds everywhere, when there was a fire escape as many eagle-eyed viewers mentioned, chain link fences, etc.  The show must be trolling us -- Rick trapped in the RV is a call back to his being trapped in the tank, sure (and what a fine job AL did there, I was scared for him when I saw him panicking) but with Glenn it's just trolling. 

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It also bothers me that Rick's group never adopted any of Morgan's clever walker traps, luring them with caged pigeons and rats to impale themselves. Why not set up a perimeter of these outside the walls of ASZ?


Indeed. They were the same way at the prison. And Morgan wasn't the only one who used clever traps and defenses, although he was the best. Woodbury had walker pits and even Terminus would regularly send people far out to light up flares that would cause walkers to travel away from their cannibal compound. What did CDB do? Just let the walkers pile up at the fence and then send a crew down there to stab them. Dafuq? Come on, guys, you can do better than that. 

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Zee-Gads! Why has no one mentioned this, yet guys?!?!? Did Rick just get bitten in the hand by a zombie? Is he turning??!!!??





Rick cut himself while fighting off walkers.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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Indeed. They were the same way at the prison. And Morgan wasn't the only one who used clever traps and defenses, although he was the best. Woodbury had walker pits and even Terminus would regularly send people far out to light up flares that would cause walkers to travel away from their cannibal compound. What did CDB do? Just let the walkers pile up at the fence and then send a crew down there to stab them. Dafuq? Come on, guys, you can do better than that. 


They did have some Morgan style booby traps set up at the entrance to the prison, though. The fence walkers were managable until creepy creepy Lizzie started putting dissected animals out to attract them. There really isn't an excuse to not have something set up outside Alexandria, but they did have some safeguards at the prison.

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Of all the possible ways for him to have avoided getting gang eaten in that mess, that is the most both likely and believable scenario.  TWD seems to love their "see, look, we totally hinted at that scenario back in that episode (or that scene)!"



It was brought up before, kudos to nodorothyparker, I believe, and well done on noticing this - but not only did the walkers rip into Nicholas' body because he wasn't zombie!dead yet, but because he never was going to be a zombie period.  He blew his brains out, thus ensuring permanent (no reanimating and walking) death.  So even while Glenn is getting covered by the blood and gore;  its still human stuff, not walker goo.  Thus, even if Glenn did get himself under the dumpster - only a miracle 'hand-wave' by the writers & producers would see him still survive and live through all of that.


Well first of all, it's completely implausible that Nick's body so perfectly covered Glenn's that not one walker would have started chomping on Glenn's leg underneath, an arm, etc.  And you never see Nick on him, his head would have been up near Glenn's head.  But say they did go that route, with the reason being that Nick's blood and guts covering Glenn shielded him.  All the living are infected, it's just latent.  And I think it's just the smell of blood and guts anyway that makes a walker identify another walker, or maybe a little decay, but enough blood and guts on you even if fresh would probably trick a walker.

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They did have some Morgan style booby traps set up at the entrance to the prison, though. The fence walkers were managable until creepy creepy Lizzie started putting dissected animals out to attract them. There really isn't an excuse to not have something set up outside Alexandria, but they did have some safeguards at the prison.


The only thing I remember is some spikes right outside their gate that opened and closed. Michonne killed a walker on them. But that's RIGHT outside the prison. They should have set up traps/pits/etc. further out, so walkers weren't likely to even get that close. They also should have camouflaged the fence in some way, so not only would walkers not be attracted to them milling about, but "bad guys" wouldn't see all they had going on as well. 


Remember, these are the geniuses who knew that if you died in your sleep you would turn and start munching on all of your buddies, yet slept with all cells open and unlocked. (Except for that one smart guy on the second level of cell block redshirt/Woodbury.)


I love CDB, don't get me wrong. Big Rick defender too. But part of the fun of the show is snarking on their ofttimes ridiculous incompetence. 

Edited by ghoulina
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For those of you who think Enid kidnapped Judith.... why do you think she would want to take a baby?  If she thought she were doing it to save Judith's life, well, babies are noisy.  Especially when hungry or wet.  Enid had a hard enough time on her own - why would be want to take responsibility for a baby that wasn't hers?  It would only increase the danger to herself and likely get them both killed.  And if you think Enid is part of the wolves, why would the wolves want to burden themselves with a baby?  They don't really seem the parental types, if you know what I mean.  I got no warm and fuzzy feelings from them.  The only prisoners I saw were grownups - I didn't even see them kidnapping teenagers.


There really was no reason for Enid to take Judith.

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Poor Glen and ... that guy.  Trapped in a blind alley - if only there'd been some extremely stout metal box they could climb into, one with a lid they could, in theory, hold closed while the zombies raged around them.  Would have left them in a pickle to be sure but eventually, one hopes, Rick would have figured out that the zombies seem really interested in this dumpster for some reason.  Just a thought.

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I just hate the fact that our heroes are always making it out of impossible situations while random red-shirts happen to get killed by one walker walking at a glacial speed. Lol.


Glenn already had one turn at "saved at the last minute by the fortuitous arrival of the cavalry" at the killing trough at Terminus. He was one second away from having his head bashed in, when the Termite halted in mid-swing. TWICE.


I usually have no problem with suspension of disbelief. After all, this IS a show about zombies, but it's annoying to have total nonsense pushed at us, re: "killed by one walker walking at glacial speed" (victim always standing there, screaming like a banshee, arms at sides, letting the walker rip his face off), or Glenn surviving a huge pile of walkers, which can take down something as powerful as a horse in mere seconds - in other words, treating the audience as though we're idiots, then I am rather annoyed.


While I'm ranting: Someone needs to rein in those CGI guys. It's utterly ridiculous the way a single bullet from a handgun to a human or a zombie creates this instant ten-foot tidal wave of blood/gore spatter. Oh, and the gallons of red paint gushing from someone's face at the first bite from a zombie? Stop that. Okay, I'm done.

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Well first of all, it's completely implausible that Nick's body so perfectly covered Glenn's that not one walker would have started chomping on Glenn's leg underneath, an arm, etc.  And you never see Nick on him, his head would have been up near Glenn's head.  But say they did go that route, with the reason being that Nick's blood and guts covering Glenn shielded him.  All the living are infected, it's just latent.  And I think it's just the smell of blood and guts anyway that makes a walker identify another walker, or maybe a little decay, but enough blood and guts on you even if fresh would probably trick a walker.


Someone upstream (sorry I can't remember your name, but you certainly are clever) thought that Glenn may have been okay under that pile because the Walkers were piled in there so tightly that they couldn't even bend down. Yes, the first 2 or 3 were already down there chowing away, but they were chomping on Nickolas. But the others were in "queue." It's like they were at Morrison's and had their number, but hadn't gotten their plate of food yet.  And remember when Shane and Rick fought that day they were trying to let Randall go free. Several Walkers got out of a window and swarmed Rick, who fell, The Walkers all fell straight in line on top of Rick. One didn't go for the feet, while others went for his arms, while still others went for his head. No, they all went after his head, Because they were perfectly lined up like that,  he shot them all with one shot (I think). Walkers aren't much as thinkers. But, having said that, maybe they know where the best meat is, and it's not the foot. (Sorry Bob)

Edited by JackONeill
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The only thing I remember is some spikes right outside their gate that opened and closed. Michonne killed a walker on them. But that's RIGHT outside the prison. They should have set up traps/pits/etc. further out, so walkers weren't likely to even get that close. They also should have camouflaged the fence in some way, so not only would walkers not be attracted to them milling about, but "bad guys" wouldn't see all they had going on as well. 


Remember, these are the geniuses who knew that if you died in your sleep you would turn and start munching on all of your buddies, yet slept with all cells open and unlocked. (Except for that one smart guy on the second level of cell block redshirt/Woodbury.)


I love CDB, don't get me wrong. Big Rick defender too. But part of the fun of the show is snarking on their ofttimes ridiculous incompetence. 


True. I still shake my head at the whole not locking the cells at night thing. Especially during the flu outbreak. Who knows how many Woodbury redshirts would still be with us if Harry Potter kid hadn't been able to get at anyone after he turned in the showers.


I also enjoy the snark. Hell, I still rag on them for brilliant idea to hang cans around the perimeter of the quarry as an alarm instead of, say, putting a makeshift wagon train together with their vehicles to use as a barrier.

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Who is this "Rick" you all keep mentioning?

"Here we go,

Once upon a time not long ago,

When people wore pajamas and lived life slow,

When laws were stern and justice stood,

And people were behavin' like they ought to good,

There lived a lil' boy who was misled..."




Here's how I know I'm old: the first three Rick's that popped into my mind were Rick(y) Schroeder, Rick Astley, and Slick Rick.

Edited by morgankobi
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