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"The View": Week of 10/26/15

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Even the so-called "stars" cast off of DWTS are embarrassed to come on the show. It's pretty bad when it appears that Paula Deen may hurt her reputation by appearing on The Spew.



Have any of them even been on Good Morning America this season?   I think maybe the show is not flying them from CA to NYC this year.  I used to DVR GMA on Wednesdays so I could see the losers' interviews.   If DWTS isn't springing for flights to NYC, I doubt if anyone will travel.

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OMG MC - and of course Sanders will now be referred to as WG's friend.

Because she has met him. Two new great friends in 1 week - Sanders and Carson!

She is so full of herself.


So if either or both of these guys ever becomes a serial rapist, they can count on a spirited defense by Whoopi Goldberg!

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I guess she meant Saint John, New Brunswick, which is not an island, but a city on the coast and has a have a ferry. Or maybe Prince Edward Island, which is near Moncton.  Here's a map for anyone interested: 


I figure she could have meant Newfoundland, which has a St. John, or she could have meant PEI which has no St. John or John's, AFAIK.    Hilarious to me either way.


I also loved how she said if they had been five minutes from Moncton they would have had no cell service nor been able to call for help.  Sheesh.

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The DwtS losers have been relatively hit or miss in my memory.  (Shhhhh, I can't read this forum until I catch up, don't want to be spoiled.)  But if sort of seems like the losers don't start "getting the GMA/TheSpew treatment" until mid-season.  I could be all wet here, but that's sort of my recall on the topic.


(P.S. - I know everyone hates Allison and thinks she's "frenetic" in her choreography and resent the hell out of her existence on the show because she was not initially or ever a "ballroom competitor" but she's one of my favorite dancers in the world (and I can't tell you how much I love her and tWtich together and I'm so excited that they are expecting!), so please oh please don't let it be Andy this week!)

Edited by NextIteration
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Can Michelle please cut the horny act? Ffs, she wants to boink Jeb! and just needs to stop. I can't stand Bush and him saying supergirl is hot is gross but have these ladies heard themselves flail all over any man with his shirt off? Joy says she wants to have people stop talking about women's looks all the time but the panel swoons over a lot of men that come on the show. I know none of them are running for president but it still makes me kinda uncomfortable the way they, especially Michelle, talk. Then Whoopi says certain booties need to be hidden. No, they don't. If you're comfortable with yourself and your clothes, just wear them. Right, Whoopi?

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We could start a drinking game every time Michelle refers to her height.  She's as bad as Kelly Ripa who always points out how tiny she is.  GAWD!!!

What bugs me about Michelle??  Her eyeliner, her constantly-waving man-hands, her hair flipping back & forth, everything that comes out of her stupid mouth &, last but not least, she's an idiot!!!

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We could start a drinking game every time Michelle refers to her height.  She's as bad as Kelly Ripa who always points out how tiny she is.  GAWD!!!

What bugs me about Michelle??  Her eyeliner, her constantly-waving man-hands, her hair flipping back & forth, everything that comes out of her stupid mouth &, last but not least, she's an idiot!!!


Ain't that the truth!  I too have noticed her "Halloween" eyes, way too much eye makeup makes her look dopey...oh wait....LOL  


She doesn't need to add exaggerated movements of her body parts to get attention.  I guess she thinks The View refers to what we see not what we hear!   

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Leave it to Raven to muck it up. The W.H.O. recommendations on processed meats and their connection to colorectal cancer is completely separate from a study by a company which found human DNA in hot dogs and meat in vegetarian hot dogs.




Gosh, I was almost yelling at the TV during this. The same as when I yell at the "call processing messages" on any 800 number that does no good!) Michelle didn't get it right either. What a mess!


Doesn't any producer on this show even read the news?

Edited by Vinyasa
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Can Michelle please cut the horny act? Ffs, she wants to boink Jeb! and just needs to stop. I can't stand Bush and him saying supergirl is hot is gross but have these ladies heard themselves flail all over any man with his shirt off? Joy says she wants to have people stop talking about women's looks all the time but the panel swoons over a lot of men that come on the show. I know none of them are running for president but it still makes me kinda uncomfortable the way they, especially Michelle, talk. Then Whoopi says certain booties need to be hidden. No, they don't. If you're comfortable with yourself and your clothes, just wear them. Right, Whoopi?


THIS! I know, right? Whoopi can do and wear whatever the hell awful thing and that's cool, but other people need to hide their.... bits? Hypocrite.

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Due to a telephone call just when the show started I missed the first half hour.  Now, thanks to Celia, I know what I'm in for when I watch the first half later.  But really people, have we not come to expect NOTHING BUT stupidity from this crew???  Even Joy is dropping the ball &/or is not willing to rock the boat.  Nothing these women say or do surprises me any more, so ..... all I can do is shake my head & come here to vent.

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I am on the west coast and I count on your easterners to prepare me for the foolishness headed my way on this show.  But you guys let me down with all the posts about Raven saying novels need pictures.  I thought that was the worst thing I was going to hear.  I thought I was safe. 


How could you not warn me they started the show with a clip of Donald Trump defending the wearing of burkas because he knows from the teevee that women in the middle east all LOVE burkas and want to wear them?  I need to be prepared to hear shit like that first thing in the morning, people!  I should have been told ahead of time they would follow that up by doubling down with their own ignorant discussion of burkas, and not one of them would mention that while some women may in fact want to wear a burka, that is beside the point because they do not have a choice.  That not one of them would point out that if you don't wear your burka you're gonna get your ass beat.   That Raven would imply wearing a burka would be awesome because then she wouldn't have to wear makeup ...


This whole thing actually made me miss Barbara Walters, because she never would have let this nonsense go unchallenged.   It might have taken her half and hour to make her point (and she would have to explain to everyone what a burka is, of course, because she insists on explaining things that are common knowledge ... I kind of miss it, sniff ).  But she would not have let this giant stupid ass conversation just happen the way it did.  It was embarrassing. 


Just chiming in that wearing   the burka being mandatory is not in the Quran. Some men in some countries decided that that is way it is going to be. In Islam (which gets the blame for burkas) it only mandates that women AND MEN dress modestly. There is no law in Islam about wearing a beekeepers outfit and being covered head to toe if female.  Just dress modestly , don't go to the bank or grocery in daisy dukes and a tube top.... which is pretty standard no-no anywhere. Anyway, Trump was an ass as usual in his comments. He is nauseating.


I love leggings. But I see the lady's point :)

Edited by ari333
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OMG you HAVE to send this idea to a national campaign because it is that profound; and really hits home.

And I say this as a pro-choice gun owner.


It is awesome and should not just stay here on this forum but go GLOBAL and viral and whatever the buzz words are that are applicable. Where do we start ? because I am in.


I didn't write that last paragraph, but feel free to send it anywhere you'd like  :) 


Really makes the point, doesn't it?  

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Just chiming in that wearing   the burka being mandatory is not in the Quran. Some men in some countries decided that that is way it is going to be. In Islam (which gets the blame for burkas) it only mandates that women AND MEN dress modestly. There is no law in Islam about wearing a beekeepers outfit and being covered head to toe if female.  Just dress modestly , don't go to the bank or grocery in daisy dukes and a tube top.... which is pretty standard anywhere. Anyway, Trump was an ass as usual in his comments. He is nauseating.


Yeah, I caught Whoopi saying it was a religious thing... but it isn't.  It's a cultural thing, not a mandate from the Quran.    


Oddly enough, Whoopi made that comment in response to Raven's suggestion that burkas were a convenient way to get out of wearing makeup, as if to inform Raven that women were not wearing burkas to avoid having to wear make-up (silly child!), that doing so is a "religious thing."   Uhhh ... Whoopi .... if you are going to point out how someone else is wrong or failing to understand something, you should make sure you know what you are talking about.  Raven's point was stupid and irrelevant, but so was your correction of her. 


And by the way, Raven, no one says you have to make up your face up in the morning.  Unlike the wearing of a burka in many places, you have A CHOICE about it.  You don't have to do it.  So shut up.  Go read a book.  One with pictures, if you insist.  Idiot. 

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I'll take further ramblings and rants to small talk but it really steams me when religion (Islam) gets blamed for things that are mentioned NO WHERE in the Quran. Anyhoo.... off to small talk for that.


Raven just never ceases to amaze me and not in the good way. Holy crap..... it is stunning.


I wish they'd stop giving Trump any attention at all; even if it is negative he seems to thrive on it. Frankly, I wish he'd go away.

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The DwtS losers have been relatively hit or miss in my memory.  (Shhhhh, I can't read this forum until I catch up, don't want to be spoiled.)  But if sort of seems like the losers don't start "getting the GMA/TheSpew treatment" until mid-season.  I could be all wet here, but that's sort of my recall on the topic.


(P.S. - I know everyone hates Allison and thinks she's "frenetic" in her choreography and resent the hell out of her existence on the show because she was not initially or ever a "ballroom competitor" but she's one of my favorite dancers in the world (and I can't tell you how much I love her and tWtich together and I'm so excited that they are expecting!), so please oh please don't let it be Andy this week!)

Not me Nextiteration!!  I think she tries really hard & although she was never a ballroom competitor, she brings a lot to the dance floor.  She's one of my favourites, but with Bindi in the competition, I think the winner is a foregone conclusion.

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For me, Michelle's sort of like a buzz--I rarely notice she's there unless she's talking over someone who I'm actually listening to. She rarely adds anything, since even her jokes fail to land the majority of the time (although she's had a couple good ones), and she tends not to speak when controversial guests are on--wise choice. That said, I don't think she's completely awful for the show like Raven is. She feels like the Sherri of this panel, as far as being there to make a fool of herself for the show's advertisements, except a little less offensive (to me). 


I may be alone on this one, but I actually think she's rather pretty myself. Her movements don't really bother me either, but I understand what everyone means.

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For me, Michelle's sort of like a buzz--I rarely notice she's there unless she's talking over someone who I'm actually listening to. She rarely adds anything, since even her jokes fail to land the majority of the time (although she's had a couple good ones), and she tends not to speak when controversial guests are on--wise choice. That said, I don't think she's completely awful for the show like Raven is. She feels like the Sherri of this panel, as far as being there to make a fool of herself for the show's advertisements, except a little less offensive (to me). 


I may be alone on this one, but I actually think she's rather pretty myself. Her movements don't really bother me either, but I understand what everyone means.


I can't tell if Michelle is pretty or not because she has so much makeup globbed on her eyes.  


She is trying to pull off a smokey top lid with a bare bottom lid, but it is just way too heavy up top and the angle of it makes her eyes look droopy.  She looks like Rocky Balboa after a fight.  It's so bad it is actually distracting. 


I will forgive the many dumb things she says if she would just fix this one thing.  At least forgive her for a while.  Since she probably won't be on the show that long.  No one ever is.  Except Whoopi.



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Remember when Debbie M was fired for being ditzy..and she was only 23? Even at her ditziest, she sounded more intelligent then Raven and Michelle..though Michelle does have a few smart thoughts.

I always got the impression that Barbara was embarrassed by her and wanted her gone..I also got the impression that she despised Sherrie and Elizabeth. However, due to the Rosie debacle; she felt that she had to keep them to save face....

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Raven's comment about the makeup made no sense. While yes you certainly can get away without wearing makeup under a burka, lots of women actually dress up under the burka (many wear only skimpy lingerie especially in the summer while it's hot!) and cake on the makeup, because what's under the burka is supposed to be for your husband. Just walk in a mall for 2 minutes in Dubai or Riyadh and see how made up these women in burkas are. Best hair, makeup, and outfits around!

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I am on the west coast and I count on your easterners to prepare me for the foolishness headed my way on this show.  But you guys let me down with all the posts about Raven saying novels need pictures.  I thought that was the worst thing I was going to hear.  I thought I was safe. 


How could you not warn me they started the show with a clip of Donald Trump defending the wearing of burkas because he knows from the teevee that women in the middle east all LOVE burkas and want to wear them?  I need to be prepared to hear shit like that first thing in the morning, people!  I should have been told ahead of time they would follow that up by doubling down with their own ignorant discussion of burkas, and not one of them would mention that while some women may in fact want to wear a burka, that is beside the point because they do not have a choice.  That not one of them would point out that if you don't wear your burka you're gonna get your ass beat.   That Raven would imply wearing a burka would be awesome because then she wouldn't have to wear makeup ...


This whole thing actually made me miss Barbara Walters, because she never would have let this nonsense go unchallenged.   It might have taken her half and hour to make her point (and she would have to explain to everyone what a burka is, of course, because she insists on explaining things that are common knowledge ... I kind of miss it, sniff ).  But she would not have let this giant stupid ass conversation just happen the way it did.  It was embarrassing. 


Preach it. The panel's burka discussion was really unforgiveable. Annoyed the hell out of me, but also really made me sad.

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And purses and shoes. These women do not wear burkas in their homes.


Personally, I get so balled up, conflicted and confused about the topic of hijab and burkas that I feel like if I speak on it I'll literally have rocks thrown at me.  Is it their choice or not, I guess is what it comes down to.  I mean, would they make the choice if they weren't forced to because it's the culture they know and religion they follow?  I know it's really hard for me to see immigrants in my area have the very little girls in hijab and not exactly burkas but flowing tops and skirts, I have all sorts of "feels and thoughts" about that.  Anyways, it confuses me enough and I feel so conflicted about it, that it's hard for me to criticize anyone else's thoughts about the topic since I'm such a mess about it.  And of course I feel like somewhere in here I'm being a bigot somehow so that upsets me too.  Anyways...


Books without pictures, hmmm?

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Naturally, that disturbing video has made the rounds on every newscast, talk-show etc., but I haven't heard anyone state the obvious except Michelle.  The victim was silent.  The whole classroom was silent.  Not a gasp, scream, heckle…nothing.  Even the students sitting directly behind "the attack" seemed perfectly still and didn't flinch.  


I'd be in full-blown panic and fear if I was a teenager in class and that scene happened right in front of me.  As ugly as it is, I'm glad it was posted for the world to see. That police officer can't get away with that disgusting display.  

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Can they not do things like "Date, Marry, Disappear?" 


The View needs to stay in its lane more than ever and that means stop trying to be young and hip like The Talk, cover celebrity nonsense like Wendy Williams, or be respectful like the Talk because that's never been what this show is about. Talk about the topics that are timely and relevant with a political twinge to them. 

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Not that what he did was right or acceptable and I'd be interested to know if either or both were on some sort of prescribed medication

But The kid needs a brain and an attitude adjustment

These security people get into volatile situations all the time and trying to maintain the peace gets harder and harder to do because so many assholes are running around who have no regard for authority

attracting quality people to these positions will become more difficult and it's only going to get worse. How ridiculous that teachers and security people et al are forced to deal with the obvious shortcomings of what passes for parenting these days

I think when I see some of this over the top behaviour in these situations its what many of us might do if we found ourselves without training or backup in a tough spot that had the potential to become out of control. Their rush to get the upper hand and try to secure some kind of calm and establish their authority is what goes on every where using weapons Violence and sheer physical strength. These things don't occur in a vacuum yet we're all so quick to judge from our comfy couches

Edited by Dahlia
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What if that girl's head slammed into the floor? She was thrown. Why not just grab her desk that she was sitting in and drag it outside the classroom if the cop was known to be so very strong? Why were phones allowed to be in a class anyway? Or if they're allowed a phone on their person why are they ON?


Also, about the other kids not reacting loudly, maybe they were stunned or scared or even more sad... used to it. I know that must have been super frustrating having a kid just saying NO, but omg... overkill.


 I wonder why we haven't heard from her parents too. She had a phone, not a weapon. Im just stunned. And worried. That whole thing is so disturbing including the cop's violence and the student's belligerent attitude. ..not that what she did warranted that treatment by the cofficer... not at all.


Im so relieved that he was fired bc if he did that to a female child/teen in front of witnesses what ON EARTH would he do to an adult male in private?     

Edited by ari333
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IIRC officers are not allowed to question a minor without a parent or guardian present, but they can slam their head into the floor? ... bc of a PHONE? A knife... a gun... is different and clearly dangerous to everyone in the room. but a phone.... ???????

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