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I don't like the sound of it being E2 Roy. E1 Roy has connections and loyalty to Oliver, Felicity and Diggle so it makes sense if he'd come back to help while Oliver's in prison. E2 Roy has none of that? It's one of the problems with having BS on the show still. She doesn't have any links to anyone. Feels like she's just there for the sake of it.

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The simplest explanation is that Roy offered/Thea sent him to help out with Oliver in prison. Maybe to protect Felicity and William and it gets extended to the city after Diaz finds them. I agree that they won’t kill Thea offscreen and E2 Roy just raises the same issues as Siren so I hope they go simple. 

I’m wondering if the season 1 thing is Oliver feeling so guilty about whatever he does in prison (letting someone die as part of his own survival is my guess) that he pushes Felicity and William away. Remember how emotionally distant he was with his family when he first returned so I bet it’s something like that. If it only lasts an episode or two, with him opening back up being in a Sweeps episode, then it could work fine. If it lasts the season then we’ll have issues. Fortunately I don’t think Felicity will let him get away with distance for too long. 

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Unless they changed their minds, it's our E1 Roy...


-- Per MG, the Roy Harper who returns in S7 is not from another Earth. MG: “I can tell you it’s absolutely our Earth’s Roy... Colton is coming back as our one Roy Harper. We have a cool plan for Roy — now I should really get into the habit of saying the writers have a cool plan for Roy — but I think it’s premature to talk about that. I’ll let Beth [Schwartz] address that.” (May 24, 2018 Entertainment Weekly article, page 1 of Spoilers thread)

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32 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Willa basically said at a con she doesnt want to continue be an actress. 

Oh, I didn't know that. Funny how she doesn't mind going to cons then. 

I don't think anything needs to happen with Roy and Thea for him to come back and help her family. She can deal with Malcolm's bullshit with Nyssa while he's helping out. 

The first thing not the same Roy made me think of is his comic storyline about losing his arm. He's very spry with his new one in the suit, but hey, why not. BS as E1Laurel, a publically acknowledged and honored vigilante, is now speechifying about vigilantes being a big no-no, so anything's a go. 

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Just now, bijoux said:

Oh, I didn't know that. Funny how she doesn't mind going to cons then. 

How so? She enjoyed it at one point in time and enjoyed the character. Of course good money for 2 days out of the week doesnt hurt lol.

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Cons are an easy way to make a lot of money and gives her something to do if she hasn’t decided what she wants to pursue next. If she has decided then it’s an easy way to support that next step. 

That would be a decent twist to have Roy lose the arm. Would be more confirmation that the future the Legends visited truly was prevented.

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I hope Emily wasn't joking when she mentioned the therapy. I've been hoping that Felicity encourages William to see a therapist because the last 18 months of his life have been so traumatic. It wouldn't hurt for Felicity to see a therapist either. I don't need to actually see therapy sessions, but a passing mention of it would be good. It would be nice to know at least one Queen is dealing with their emotions in a healthy way, because we know Oliver won't be.

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I appreciate that SA thinks this act in the first ep will be disappointing to fans. Like that wasn't my general feeling about Oliver in parts of S2, 3, 4, and 5 to the point that I was really hoping he was an impostor, drugged, cloned, or Human Target. 

I'm glad to hear that Roy is our Roy as l'd like to get rid of the dead weight from other Earths. 

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10 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:


I appreciate that SA thinks this act in the first ep will be disappointing to fans. Like that wasn't my general feeling about Oliver in parts of S2, 3, 4, and 5 to the point that I was really hoping he was an impostor, drugged, cloned, or Human Target. 


Oh yes those season 5 days we all hoped Oliver was being held prisoner somewhere. 

Pretty sure the only things that Oliver could do that would bother me would be: 1) he decided he’d only see BS and no one else while in prison and 2) he reached out to Susan. 

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1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Pretty sure the only things that Oliver could do that would bother me would be: 1) he decided he’d only see BS and no one else while in prison and 2) he reached out to Susan. 

Yeah, I think a lot of fans will be fine with anything that helps him (1) avoid getting killed/maimed and (2) get home to his family sooner rather than later. If he fails to render aid to some hapless prisoner, my response is going to be a big shrug. Having said that,

Putting ketchup on mac and cheese is 100% reprehensible and unforgivable.

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I’m disappointed Double Down isn’t in prison with Oliver. I think they would have made an enjoyable frenemy dynamic. 

Edited by Chaser
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11 minutes ago, Chaser said:

CH said something interesting in an interview. He said they were only given their parts, the others parts were redacted.

I wonder how that works? Seems like part of memorizing your lines would be knowing when you're supposed to say them, LOL. 

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Wouldn't they have to have the whole script for the table read?

I always put ketchup on my mac and cheese if there's no thai sauce. (Otherwise the package kind is boring and the homemade takes too much time.)

From the cbr review


“I think that’s going to be the crux of the season, seeing how Rene interprets Oliver’s instructions,” Gonzales shared.

Either he doesn't know what "crux" means or he's still thinking that Rene is the star of the show.

Edited by statsgirl
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16 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I wonder how that works? Seems like part of memorizing your lines would be knowing when you're supposed to say them, LOL. 

There seems to be 3 parts to 7x01: Prison, Star City and the beach. I wonder if he means they only got parts for their area.

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6 minutes ago, Chaser said:

There seems to be 3 parts to 7x01: Prison, Star City and the beach. I wonder if he means they only got parts for their area.

I was thinking they only got their lines, but I guess it makes more sense that they just got their scenes. I can't imagine what the point of this is except for if they're worried about the script pages getting out and they want to make it harder for people who might get them to be able to put things together if they don't have all the pieces. Otherwise it seems like more trouble than it's worth (and Beth being so tight-lipped about spoilers is probably going to do more harm to buzz than good). 

Although if DR really did give out legit baby spoilers, Beth and everyone being so adamant that it's not happening makes a lot more sense (IF it is happening, which it may not be) if they're going to the absurd lengths of redacting scripts. 

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8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I can't imagine what the point of this is except for if they're worried about the script pages getting out and they want to make it harder for people who might get them to be able to put things together if they don't have all the pieces. Otherwise it seems like more trouble than it's worth (and Beth being so tight-lipped about spoilers is probably going to do more harm to buzz than good).

Has that ever happened before, though? I can't remember ever seeing script pages, except when MG intentionally divulged them. I understand why Beth wants to avoid spoilers, but I agree with you that a lack of spoilers is likely to be more detrimental than helpful for this show. I can't count how many times fans have grown restless with the show and a strategically timed spoiler brought us back from the brink.



On another note, it's crazy to think Oliver's Bratva tattoo was burned off 29 episodes ago and this is the first time we're seeing him without it.

Edited by KenyaJ
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I don't think it's worth all that secrecy tbh.Arrow isn't GoT or something where plot twists and who's gonna die are a big deal.Can't remember that last time Arrow was actually surprising and delivered a real twist,probably the season 2 finale and the whole Felicity injects Slade with Mirakuru thing.Idk maybe they do have genuinely surprising stuff in store this season but I'm not getting my hopes up about it.I think at this point they would be better off being more clear with the promo.They just went to the biggest promo event arrow has the opportunity to use and barely said anything interesting or gave a sense of the season imo.

Edited by tangerine95
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6 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Has that ever happened before, though? I can't remember ever seeing script pages, except when MG intentionally divulged them.

I don't know. I don't think so? When Colton mentioned it he said "This year we're told what our stuff is, and they redact other things," so it sounds like it's a new thing. He mentions it here at 3:20:


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I think they made a big mistake with how they handled SDCC this year. Not just the cast acting weird/unprofessional at times but Beth not wanting to spoil anything. The problem is she hasn't even really teased anything either. I don't really feel any the wiser about S7 and that's bad, IMO. You don't have to drop tons of spoilers to get fans excited but you have to give us something

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

They think not teasing anything is a tease itself. That could have worked after S2 or S3. But not after S6, especially after this one. 

Yep. After a season like the last one, you really should be courting your viewers and telling them how you're not going to fuck up like you fucked up last year. Not, "Oh, we're gonna do this thing we've already done, and Oliver's going to have to redeem himself for the 7th time in 7 years and it's gonna be depressing and sad btw, tune in on Mondays!"

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I have to laugh that David got them shook with his loose lips. lol

That said, while he may give big things away, he does know how to get the fans excited and talking. I get Beth wanting to control the narrative, but this isn't Mad Men, this is Arrow the spoilers will come no matter how hard she tries to control it. They should have at least given fans something.

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I wonder if what Beth is reacting to is a mix of DR’s loose lips and that Reddit guy who used to post full episode breakdowns? Either way, it’s a dumb strategy. 90% of the people who watch the show aren’t scouring the internet for spoilers, but Comic-Con is such a big deal that I think more of the general public pays attention. I don’t even watch The Walking Dead anymore but their panel and interviews made me intrigued enough to consider tuning in again. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

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I dont think she's reacting to the spoiler guy because he's been gone since like 6x16? I do think she is just trying to run a tighter ship then MG ran. But you should still give your cast talking points and do's/donts. 

Its like Stephen trying not to spoil that Diggle visits him in Prison....like that is not a shocker, its to be expected! You dont have to try to hide that! Especially when its in the trailer. 

Talk about the former villains Oliver will face in prison but maybe leave out 1 or 2 that are REALLY big.

Talk about what Diggle will be doing with Argus, what role is Black Siren playing in that press conference, how Dinah will be combating crime outside of being Black Canary, how is Felicity dealing with being in protective custody, release an official pic of Roy in his new costume (assuming he gets one). 

At this point in the game I feel like it is pretty easy to predict what kind of questions the press/fans will be asking and coming up with a decent answer ahead of time.

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I think Marc almost always overplayed what was coming which inevitably led to disappointment when what he teased never made it to screen.

But Beth had gone too far the other way and isn’t releasing enough teases to get people suitably interested after an unbelievably frustrating season. 

They don’t even need to give away that much because most people are happy with snippets that they can theorise over until the premiere.  

It really shouldn’t be that hard to find a comfortable middle ground between too much information and too little. 

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I felt like we didn't really learn anything that we couldn't have guessed before Comic Con. Oliver's gonna be in a bad headspace because he's separated from his family? Prison is going to be dangerous because he's surrounded by criminals he sent to jail? You don't say. I was happy to see Emily say that Felicity would be proactive about her and William's situation and would step up as a leader, but that's predictable because that's who she is. I listened to what RG and JH said about their storylines, but didn't feel like I learned anything useful. And although DR is usually our reliable spoiler source, the only concrete things I heard are that he's the one who visits Oliver and Lyla will be around more. 

I lost count of how many times Stephen told interviewers he couldn't answer a question because he was afraid of Beth, and it seemed like everyone was talking in circles to avoid giving anything away. It kind of made the whole day feel pointless. I liked the trailer, but they could have just released it on YouTube if they weren't going to divulge anything important at Comic Con.

I'll be really interested to see if Beth changes her approach with regard to spoilers once the season starts, or hopefully before. A lot of frustration I saw on my TL yesterday was mollified by a positive reaction to the trailer, but October is a long way away. I suspect people are gonna get really annoyed if we don't get some decent spoilers in the coming weeks and months.

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8 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Here’s something I learned from the Arrow panel: no one cares about NTA. None of the attendees who got to ask questions directed them to Rick, Echo, or Juliana. Juliana didn’t even talk at the panel and Echo wouldn’t have if he hadn’t jumped in to answer one of Ralph’s questions. There was a smattering if applause that mostly sounded polite while it was loud for OTA and Colton and they got cheers got cheers. Paul, who wasn’t even there, got a better reception than NTA. No way that wasn’t noticed by the show and network brass. Maybe we’ll see less screen time as a result. 

I was curious about that. I watched a brief clip of the cast coming out and noticed the applause seemed muted for JH compared to CH, EBR and DR.

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How many questions were there from the audience? I doubt they'll decrease screen time because thats just a waste of time, energy, and money, if anything you try to fix the audience perception of them since they wont be going anywhere anytime soon. Not to mention Beth knows how thte audience reacted to their storyline which is part of her fault so...

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It was actually surprising because there’s always at least a few people cheering no matter how disliked a character may be. There was a balance of cheers and applause at Black Lightning, the Fox shows, Supergirl, LOT, and Flash so it was specific to Arrow. LOT and Flash were after so there isn’t even the excuse that everyone was tired (though we were and I went straight to bed when Flash ended). People just didn’t care about NTA at the biggest media event in the country. 

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I figure they are playing close attention to Arrow right now. They shook up the Showrunner and writers and they are using it to launch another show this season. My guess is they are taking notes of reactions and feedback.

Whether that means a decrease in focus on NTA or they double down, who knows? It’s Arrow.

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10 hours ago, JJ928 said:

I’m not sure of this has already been theorized here but what if it’s is our Roy, but after a Lazarus pit dip?

That crossed my mind too.  

10 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Im just wondering if it is THE Roy what has happened in the 6 months he was last seen that has totally changed him into a new person. 

Maybe he's a clone instead. 

Lol.  Clone could work if they go with him not knowing he's a clone and then down the road the realRoy can show up and go WTH?  That said, while LOT has clones, they were way in the future. I feel like they haven't set it up enough in Arrow to do clones.  

36 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Here’s something I learned from the Arrow panel: no one cares about NTA. None of the attendees who got to ask questions directed them to Rick, Echo, or Juliana. Juliana didn’t even talk at the panel and Echo wouldn’t have if he hadn’t jumped in to answer one of Ralph’s questions. There was a smattering if applause that mostly sounded polite while it was loud for OTA and Colton and they got cheers got cheers. Paul, who wasn’t even there, got a better reception than NTA. No way that wasn’t noticed by the show and network brass. Maybe we’ll see less screen time as a result. 

I get the impression they know the NTA aren't popular but have this rehabilitation program which includes MORE of their POV and more story on them, trying to make us come over to their side.  Yeah, good luck with that.  

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I want to see how 701 goes for their initial response to s6. Like, at this point, it looks like Dinah and Rene (and I guess later Curtis or whatever he ends up doing) are off on the same plot separate while Diggle remains the sole connection to Oliver and Felicity might have the connection to Roy. The idea that they paired only Diggle with Oliver and then gave Felicity the tie to what they're promoting as the more out there and intriguing new plot (Roy's return) kind of already buzzes my conspirator mind but I'd have to see how/if they play it out.  

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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Lol.  Clone could work if they go with him not knowing he's a clone and then down the road the realRoy can show up and go WTH?  That said, while LOT has clones, they were way in the future. I feel like they haven't set it up enough in Arrow to do clones.  

Yeah but in the future they can make 1000s of clones in like 10 seconds in a factory. This clone could've been in development since Roy left and is just now deployed. 

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A really annoying thought occurred to me.  I bet they are going to imply that Oliver's immunity deal extended to Laurel Lance so that would explain why Black Siren is off walking around free and clear.  

Just now, Primal Slayer said:

Yeah but in the future they can make 1000s of clones in like 10 seconds in a factory. This clone could've been in development since Roy left and is just now deployed. 

If they go there, then maybe the dude that Curtis dates is the clone maker, lol. 

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The petty side of me kinda loves that NTA got a muted reception at the panel but I can't allow myself to believe it will result in less screentime. I stupidly had a little hope that they'd take a backseat for a while but Dinah and Rene were in the trailer more than I was expecting so now I think they're just gonna keep forcing them on us like S6. They never learn. 

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The only thing that would really shock me on this show is if they really did have Diaz kill off Felicity and/or William to make Diaz a viable villain and set the storyline for a while ala Sara in S3, but I don't think they're likely to go there, *touches wood*. 

I am concerned about Thea, but why give her the happy ending if you're going to kill her off off screen half a season later? I guess she's still off on her quest with Nyssa. 

3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I get the impression they know the NTA aren't popular but have this rehabilitation program which includes MORE of their POV and more story on them, trying to make us come over to their side.  Yeah, good luck with that.  

Seems to be a tactic a lot of shows use and it never works well IMO. I liked the boobs a lot better when they had less screentime. Quentin was the only one I could stand with Rene and now he's gone. 

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