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S10.E19: Baptism By Fire

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Bet Vicki regrets the day she brought Billy's girlfriend to Tamra's baptism. Makes you wonder why she would do that. There was no reason to bring her brother and girlfriend. Did the producers ask her to bring them? And it was all to easy when Ronda brought up David cheating. Sometimes I think what is going to happen on these shows is all arranged in advance.  So much going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. I hope we're not all being played for fools. 


Brooks is the best con artist I have ever seen. I was really believing (and felt sorry) for him. How is Vicki ever, ever going to get herself out of this one.

Everyone that has filmed during the season, even if the footage never airs, is invited to the finale party. Billy was shown a couple times on air and he and Rhonda were in Puerto Vallarta with Vicki, Brooks, Michael, Shannon and David. We saw Lynn at the baby shower. I wonder what unaired scene Tammy Knickerbocker was in? I thought the attendance for the babtism/finale party looked pretty sparse. Hmm tale tell sign?
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"You dragged me into it!"  Uh, Shannon, you've been town crying your indignation over Brooks not using your doctors to one and all.  Endlessly.  Each one of these ladies dragged themselves into it - and to what point?  If the point was real concern that Brooks was scamming Vicki and that Vicki would be hurt, I heard no one express it to her in those terms.  If that was the point of the endless comparing of stories, investigations, and indignations, they should have presented that to Vicki and once she said she was fine and to butt out - they should have BUTTED out.   It was producer manipulation and they all jumped on board.  Vicki said on WWHL that she was supposed to attend the Tamra/Briana lunch, but was told she couldn't.  Hello.  So, the reunion will be all about proving that Vicki lied to all of them. The No. 1 Ladies Detective Club of the OC - what fun.  


Well, I've just eaten an orange and I have to, well, you know.

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The problem now is Vicki can't say she was duped. She went on camera and cried over how she was the one taking care of him when he was vomiting, how weak he was, how sick he was. While she was not out of town of course. I think this is why she hates Shannon more than Heather & Tamra. Shannon said point blank if they're living together there's no way Vicki wouldn't know he was faking. 

I agree, even though she will try there is no way she is going to convince anyone she is innocent.

               Vicki has no character, no morals, no class.    She made racist remarks, has treated people horribly, is a cheater and a chronic liar.

                Dubious businesses, lawsuits and now the lowest of the low......a fake cancer story.

                 Ultimately, Vicki can only blame herself.    No one else started this.  Of course she is incapable of ever admitting guilt or taking the blame without a BUT attached.

                 At the baptism Vicki tried to play what I hope is her last hand.   It was very obvious how she was physically positioning herself, walking away how many times? saying she was leaving.   What she was really doing was waiting for her new warriors  to do her dirty work.     

                 Billy and Rhona, the Dimwit Duo.    

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Heather retained her acting skills, I guess, if she can pontificate on the "growth" of Tamra as a person over four years, blah, blah, blah with a straight face.

Also Icky should have just kept Crookes in a small nearby apartment from the start, and never tried to make a case for him or force him down everyone's throat. But no, she has to have official recognition that she found herself a man whi "completes" her and drag him around like a prized bull year after year.

Just getting to "know" Icky over the seasons, Brianna and Michael have free passes from me to be as f*%#ed up as they please. OMG, just imagine being this sociopath's child. At least they got some degree of luxury out of it. I still think Icky and her business are a scam. Would love to see her "taken down" all the way, as she is always threatening others. What a piece of s**t.

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Vicks' reactions here were even more weird than she's been all season.  And she has been acting really fucking weird this season.  But man, her reactions/replies to everyone were oh-so-telling.  When confronted by Tams, that the place Crooks claimed to have gotten the PET scan from doesn't even do PET scans anymore, she had an oh-fuck-I-am-so-busted look on her mug.  She wasn't surprised at all about this.  She wouldn't even consider the possibility Crooks made all this cancer shit up.  Oh wait, she did.  She threw her hands up & said "So what if Brooks doesn't have cancer.  What does that have to do with me?" 


OK, Vicks, it has everything to do with you.  It means not only has Crooks conned his way thru a vile bullshit storyline on the show, but you knew about it all along & promoted it.  Vicks, you are as vile as Crooks is, for doing this.  And I don't blame Heather & Shannon for their annoyance & anger at being dragged into a bullshit storyline like this, especially given how slimy & sleazy it all is.


Wouldn't anyone else be shocked at the very thought even a friend, let alone a spouse or partner, would be lying about having cancer?  But Vicks isn't shocked at all about this possibility.  She doesn't seem to care in the least.  All she seemed to do in this ep was babble endlessly about Satan.  Oh Vicks, keep it up with that stuff.  You've seen Satan plenty, hun.  You work for Satan & you've slept with Satan, so I guess you know plenty about this subject, eh, Vicks?


It's not even necessary to hate on Rhonda cuz Shannon was 100% correct about her involvement.  She was merely a vessel to carry out Vicks' shit -- to embarrass/hurt Shannon if she mentioned anything about the senseless bullshit Vicks & Crooks have been spouting.  Yup, we got a nice birdseye of just how nasty Vicks can be.  Not pretty.  Wanna see Satan, Vicks?  Look in the mirror, hun.  Vicks pretty much admitted her hand in Rhonda's insulting comment to Shannon when she said Shannon got what she deserved for pushing too hard.  You are quite a nasty piece of work, Vicks.


Kudos to Meghan PI.  She got right to the motive for Crooks inventing the cancer stuff.  To avoid child support.  Man, that is slimy.  Thanks, Satan Andy, for getting me to watch a sleazeball character even more vile than Slade -- I may not meet people like this in my life, but on your shows, I get to watch them.  Lovely.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I loved David thanking Terry for not yelling at him this time and then Terry saying that he had been a douchbag to David.

Yet another example of how men resolve issues differently than women.    Shake hands, apologize, apology accepted, move on. 


But nooooooo....the women have to fight about the same damn thing for weeks and months on end.  Jeez.

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The problem now is Vicki can't say she was duped. She went on camera and cried over how she was the one taking care of him when he was vomiting, how weak he was, how sick he was. While she was not out of town of course. I think this is why she hates Shannon more than Heather & Tamra. Shannon said point blank if they're living together there's no way Vicki wouldn't know he was faking. 


Not saying Vicki isn't lying buuut, I could see Brooks taking ipecac and surrounding himself with fake pill bottles or even injecting himself with saline in front of her knowing that Vicki is way too self involved to question anything.  Homegirl was gagging when he was swallowing pills.  It isn't like Vicki has a medical degree.

"You dragged me into it!"  Uh, Shannon, you've been town crying your indignation over Brooks not using your doctors to one and all.  Endlessly.  Each one of these ladies dragged themselves into it - and to what point?  If the point was real concern that Brooks was scamming Vicki and that Vicki would be hurt, I heard no one express it to her in those terms.  If that was the point of the endless comparing of stories, investigations, and indignations, they should have presented that to Vicki and once she said she was fine and to butt out - they should have BUTTED out.   It was producer manipulation and they all jumped on board.  Vicki said on WWHL that she was supposed to attend the Tamra/Briana lunch, but was told she couldn't.  Hello.  So, the reunion will be all about proving that Vicki lied to all of them. The No. 1 Ladies Detective Club of the OC - what fun.  


Well, I've just eaten an orange and I have to, well, you know.

Wordy McWord!  Whether Vicki and/or Brooks were lying, nobody forced these women to act like uncouth assholes with no home training.  If they really cared as "friends", then why didn't they speak to her off camera about it and then act like normal damn people?  Maybe they thought all of this would blow up in Vicki's and Brooks' faces leaving them unscathed but at this point I think all of them suck.  I seriously don't want to hear any of them talk about being "authentic", "classy" or a "good friend" because every single one of them look trashy as hell at this point.

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Not saying Vicki isn't lying buuut, I could see Brooks taking ipecac and surrounding himself with fake pill bottles or even injecting himself with saline in front of her knowing that Vicki is way too self involved to question anything.  Homegirl was gagging when he was swallowing pills.  It isn't like Vicki has a medical degree.


I doubt Brooks could or would summon the energy to go to those lengths to deceive Vicki. Plus, she claimed she accompanied him on at least one of his three chemo treatments. If Brooks is faking the cancer, there's no way he would be allowed to get an infusion of any sort at a certified chemo center, even a saline solution. If he's faking, she knows he never had a chemo session.

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I doubt Brooks could or would summon the energy to go to those lengths to deceive Vicki. Plus, she claimed she accompanied him on at least one of his three chemo treatments. If Brooks is faking the cancer, there's no way he would be allowed to get an infusion of any sort at a certified chemo center, even a saline solution. If he's faking, she knows he never had a chemo session.

So Brooks doesn't have enough energy to go to the drug store and get a first aid kit and some medical supplies but enough to fake a PET scan? He is either a grifter or not. It is way easier to fool one person than many.

As for Vicki saying that she went to his treatments, I most definitely believe that she either lied about that or exaggerated (dropped him off but didn't stay) because at the very least she isn't stupid enough to look callous towards a possible cancer patient (unlike her cast mates apparently). My personal belief is that she was wanting to drop his ass during filming for her own selfish reasons but stuck with it and tried to portray herself as "supportive" because she was afraid of how she would look ending it with him while he was sick (you can put sick in quotation marks).

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Heather's actions and tones in her conversation were the first time I saw her really pissed. Even with her issues with Shannon last year there was something I saw in her in this episode that I have not seen before

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OK, but Tammy Sue's corroboration was a psychic/spiritual advisor.

OT - my autocorrect is turning me into a worse speller than I already am. I apologize in advance to Heather Dubrow and anyone else who might find that déclassé.

Are we watching the same show?

I clearly heard Tamra say that when she had lunch with Briana, Briana told her that during Brooks' first round of chemo, he was so sick that Terry was called for which Terry called a colleague who went to Vicki's home and administered IV fluids.

Tamra's story was corroborated by Shannon who said that Vicki told her that Brooks was so sick that Terry was called for which Terry called a colleague who went to Vicki's home and administered IV fluids.

ETA: I was wrong. Apparently Heather heard the story from Briana herself. Either way, two separate people were told of this story by Vicki.

Edited by FakeJoshDuggar
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I thought Shannon's dress was very appropriate for the occasion and her age, as well - actually, I thought Shannon looked the best last night that she has all season.  


I agree, Shannon looked great.  Maybe pre-party colonics aren't as dumb as they sound :)

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So Brooks doesn't have enough energy to go to the drug store and get a first aid kit and some medical supplies but enough to fake a PET scan? He is either a grifter or not. It is way easier to fool one person than many.

As for Vicki saying that she went to his treatments, I most definitely believe that she either lied about that or exaggerated (dropped him off but didn't stay) because at the very least she isn't stupid enough to look callous towards a possible cancer patient (unlike her cast mates apparently). My personal belief is that she was wanting to drop his ass during filming for her own selfish reasons but stuck with it and tried to portray herself as "supportive" because she was afraid of how she would look ending it with him while he was sick (you can put sick in quotation marks).

I think the storyline on or off screen was that Vicki kept closing people down or fleeing when they tried to talk to her.  She made no less than six attempted exits during last night's episode.  Her MO seems to be send insulting texts talk behind people's back and sic Brooks on the offender or cry medical privacy.   I doubt Vicki's avoidance or deflections changes on or off camera.  Vicki is paid to attend and live through these events she has exited at least five of them early.  To keep saying she is the better person and doesn't want to engage is not being part of the cast. 


Brooks broke it off with Vicki.  Vicki said on WWHL  their time together was "amazing".  Doesn't sound like someone who wanted to dump him.

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Vicki was not a cooperating HW this year! Maybe she failed to go after Brooks herself on camera for lying and betraying her trust. Even after she was presented with so much evidence she turned a blind eye toward the hoax.

Or was she into it up to her neck and not willing to confess and cry for mercy before the RHOC cast and audience??? Sounds like the beginning of some back peddling already (why blame her if Brooks lied). Last night on WWHL she continues to stand by her man Brooks' cancer diagnosis !! Does she throw Brooks under the bus during the Reunion? Somehow I doubt it. Her days may be numbered on RHOC.

Tamra's interview in All Things Housewives says it all... two flat tires...NOT!

There were so many inconsistent stories circulating on camera and off. We all started noticing them immediately. Things just didn’t make sense! Why wouldn’t he see Shannon’s doctor? He was scheduled to film with her until she wanted to see his medical records. Where was this big binder full of medical records? Why did Vicki say she called Terry in the middle of the night? Why was Brooks drinking and traveling all over the place? Who stops chemo after 3 rounds when your not having secondary issues from it? There are so many unanswered questions.”


Now we know why Tamra brought in the psychic at the beginning and Eddie mouthed that Brooks did not have cancer. Everyone's radar was on high after Brooks missed filming with Shannon's doctor.

Edited by talula
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Vicki was not a cooperating HW this year! Maybe she failed to go after Brooks herself on camera for lying and betraying her trust. Even after she was presented with so much evidence she turned a blind eye toward the hoax.

Or was she into it up to her neck and not willing to confess and cry for mercy before the RHOC cast and audience??? Sounds like the beginning of some back peddling already. Last night on WWHL she continues to stand by her man Brooks' cancer diagnosis !! Does she throw Brooks under the bus during the Reunion? Somehow I doubt it.

Tamra's interview in All Things Housewives says it all... two flat tires...NOT!

There were so many inconsistent stories circulating on camera and off. We all started noticing them immediately. Things just didn’t make sense! Why wouldn’t he see Shannon’s doctor? He was scheduled to film with her until she wanted to see his medical records. Where was this big binder full of medical records? Why did Vicki say she called Terry in the middle of the night? Why was Brooks drinking and traveling all over the place? Who stops chemo after 3 rounds when your not having secondary issues from it? There are so many unanswered questions.”


I'm thinking good old fashioned blackmail (but Vicki isn't some innocent victim).  Wasn't she involved in a lawsuit with him over that bacon flavored vodka?  Her own kid lets her husband record and videotape stuff.  Just like some say that Vicki will never drop Tamra (and vice versa) because they both have dirt on each other, I don't think she would ever flip on Brooks (if he is lying and there is some scam involved).  I just want to know where is the money because some new age-y detox crap ain't it.  Did Vicki pay Brooks off to "retire" in Florida?  Was it a lump sum or monthly payments?  Inquiring minds want to know (because I am not a cast mate and just a viewer).

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Brooks allegedly throws Vicki under the bus:  http://www.inquisitr.com/2492555/real-housewives-of-orange-county-reunion-brooks-ayers-labels-vicki-gunvalson-a-liar-and-manipulator-as-his-cancer-lies-are-exposed/

I'm thinking good old fashioned blackmail (but Vicki isn't some innocent victim).  Wasn't she involved in a lawsuit with him over that bacon flavored vodka?  Her own kid lets her husband record and videotape stuff.  Just like some say that Vicki will never drop Tamra (and vice versa) because they both have dirt on each other, I don't think she would ever flip on Brooks (if he is lying and there is some scam involved).  I just want to know where is the money because some new age-y detox crap ain't it.  Did Vicki pay Brooks off to "retire" in Florida?  Was it a lump sum or monthly payments?  Inquiring minds want to know (because I am not a cast mate and just a viewer).

I am thinking Vicki's payroll is pretty full right now.  I do believe Bravo paid him and if Vicki paid him she should have lightened her 68% tax load by declaring payments to Brooks.  After Donn, I believe Vicki  is reluctant to burn bridges.  Seems to e she must be a hard person to be a partner with-just so full of herself. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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Not saying Vicki isn't lying buuut, I could see Brooks taking ipecac and surrounding himself with fake pill bottles or even injecting himself with saline in front of her knowing that Vicki is way too self involved to question anything.



Like Royal Tenenbaum with the Tic-Tacs!


[sorry - Wes Anderson fangirl here.]

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And I was so looking forward to their eventual reconciliation. Perhaps she's allowed her monthly payoffs to him to lapse and he wants prompt payment. That ocean-view townhouse in the Miami suburbs ain't cheap, and then there's the generous tips for strippers and the ongoing treatment of his pancreatic cancer/pancreatitis/NHL/whatever. Vicki's a moron for falling for this degenerate, and he could ruin her for good if she doesn't give him exactly what he wants. I suspect a further upward adjustment of those payments is in order to ensure things stay on an even keel for her. 

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So if Tamra comes back next season, she's going to have a hard time stirring shit up if she's still going to playing the Christian.  Or is her thing going to be, "Yes, I still talk about anal sex and lie, but I'm a sinner....and He's forgiven my sins.

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Valencia, California, Nov, 15, 2015 (AP) Reality TV star Vicki Gunvalson apparently died while riding the Dare Devil Chaos Coaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia yesterday afternoon. Witnesses on the ride report that she began vomiting and choking after the first inverted dip. Attempts by rescue personal to resuscitate her after the ride completed were unsuccessful.


"She was making these strange whooping and gagging sounds even before the coaster started up," said Michael Stevens, 18, who was seated next to Gunvalson. "Once it started, it just got increasingly worse as we entered that first major dip."


When contacted, fellow reality TV star and close friend Tamra Barney voiced suspicion that Ms. Gunvalson had been under increasing pressure and may have committed suicide. "She'd throw up in a golf cart with a run-down battery," Barney explained, "So she must have known that big scary roller coaster would kill her for sure."


In recent weeks, Gunvalsen and her former partner, Brooks Ayers, have come under increasing criticism over their alleged fabrication of his cancer diagnosis in the recently ended season of her TV show, The Real Housewives of Orange Country. There has even been word that her role would not be renewed for the upcoming 11th season.


Since Gunvalson's passing yesterday, Brooks Ayers has already repeatedly posted on social media alleging that her co-stars on the show were responsible for driving her to suicide. "They drove her to it like a pack of hyenas," he commented in one tweet, "Hounded that poor dear woman until she gave up the ghost."


Tamra Barney sees things differently. "She could have really turned to Jesus and found salvation from the mess she's in, but she wouldn't return my calls. I find it Ironic that she died on a ride named after Satan."

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I doubt Brooks could or would summon the energy to go to those lengths to deceive Vicki. Plus, she claimed she accompanied him on at least one of his three chemo treatments. If Brooks is faking the cancer, there's no way he would be allowed to get an infusion of any sort at a certified chemo center, even a saline solution. If he's faking, she knows he never had a chemo session.

I would think dropping him off at Chili's would be a big clue. ;-)
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I have a hard time envisioning a redemption tour for Vicki. If Brooks was lying to all, including her, he is a horrible person, just as Briana said he was. As bad as Briana was, she had her mother's best interests at heart and may have now been proven to be right.

I cannot imagine him getting away with scamming someone elsenow. Granted not everyone watches this franchise, but enough do that could warn any victim he might have in sight.

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Then he couldn't make the appointment because he had 2 flat tires? Smh.


Two flat tires, because there is only one spare...


It's kind of sad how desperate women can be to keep a man and what they will put up with for some drama and a companion. (The desperate men are all on 90 day fiance). 

Edited by bravofan27
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Two flat tires, because there is only one spare...

Somthat has led me to ask this question: how were two flattened simultaeously? Did he back over one of those spike grates one finds at a rental agency?? You know, the ones they clearly tell you NOT to back up over??

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I have a hard time envisioning a redemption tour for Vicki. If Brooks was lying to all, including her, he is a horrible person, just as Briana said he was. As bad as Briana was, she had her mother's best interests at heart and may have now been proven to be right.

I cannot imagine him getting away with scamming someone elsenow. Granted not everyone watches this franchise, but enough do that could warn any victim he might have in sight.


Oh, you'd be surprised.  There are a lot of lonely women in this world who would fall for his shtick because they want/need a man.  Think of all the rapists and mass murderers who have women writing love letters to them in prison.

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OK, but Tammy Sue's corroboration was a psychic/spiritual advisor.



IMO, the psychic wasn't what started the whole "Brooks doesn't have cancer" thing, that's not what got their suspicions going. The physic was used as an excuse, a tool, to introduce the suspicions the women already had into the show.

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I'm ashamed to admit that with all the thought I've given to Brooks' "cancer" I never even once considered that he might be faking it to get out of paying child support. I kind of makes perfect sense though. I mean, the guy has a record of not paying support and of just being a general lowlife so why not get out of what he owes with some fake cancer? I don't know enough about how child support works to say for sure that a claim of cancer would put an end to child support payments but it seems possible that it would at least give him a reason to delay them and not get in trouble for it. Or if he's called into court to account for not paying he can always claim the old cancer is acting up again and can they please reschedule for sometime next year?


The more I think about it the more I think Vicki might have been duped at first and only started lying to cover up the fact that she wasn't being a very supportive partner. Unfortunatly that made it look like she was lying to cover for Brooks. I bet that at some point she started to see what was going on but by then she was trapped by her own lies so she had to choice but to double down and try to get everyone to believe her. Would Vicki ever be able to summon the humility to say something like "I know I said I went to chemo but that was just to make myself look good and now I realize Brooks never went to chemo at all because he never had cancer. I feel foolish for being tricked and I'm sorry I lied." I can't imagine that.


On a very shallow note, I thought Meghan looked pretty with the darker hair she's sporting at the reunion. Or maybe I'm just softening towards her since she made sense and seemed halfway not terrible at the finale.

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Too bad Shannon and Vicki are no longer friends. Shannon has a cure for that.


Re: Vicki being full of shit this episode....


Shannon will loan Dr. Moon to Vicki but in no way will she loan out David for a follow up consultation.

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Somthat has led me to ask this question: how were two flattened simultaeously? Did he back over one of those spike grates one finds at a rental agency?? You know, the ones they clearly tell you NOT to back up over??

I would think a quick call to production would resolve the issue.  Then again I am practical.  Film crews are expensive,

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IMO, the psychic wasn't what started the whole "Brooks doesn't have cancer" thing, that's not what got their suspicions going. The physic was used as an excuse, a tool, to introduce the suspicions the women already had into the show.

I agree Happykitteh, it is my "guess only" that when Brooks failed to show up (two flat tires ?) for the appointment with the cancer specialist Shannon recommended and the shows production/film crew had arranged to film, suspicion set in. Tamra reported that Brooks was scheduled to meet with the doctor until he was told he was required to bring his medical records (which Vicki referred to as in a big binder) after that the excuse of two flat tires emerged. Later, Tamra invited a psychic to use as a prop by production to set up Brooks' "does he or doesn't he" have cancer storyline.

Brooks brought suspicion upon himself IMO.

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Oh, you'd be surprised.  There are a lot of lonely women in this world who would fall for his shtick because they want/need a man.  Think of all the rapists and mass murderers who have women writing love letters to them in prison.



Right on, Cherry Slushie!   There are women (generally women) who will take on these romancing rakes and scoundrels even when they KNOW their histories...because they (the women) are so much more attractive, understanding, and deserving than the previous wives/girlfriends.  Shows like Dr. Phil, 20/20, Dateline, etc. have entertained us with these scam artists for decades.

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Right on, Cherry Slushie!   There are women (generally women) who will take on these romancing rakes and scoundrels even when they KNOW their histories...because they (the women) are so much more attractive, understanding, and deserving than the previous wives/girlfriends.  Shows like Dr. Phil, 20/20, Dateline, etc. have entertained us with these scam artists for decades.


..OR they think they can change them.  That one always makes me laugh, especially when it's some prisoner like the Night Stalker, or some guy who had three different girlfriends he was scamming out of $$$, and none of them knew about each other.

Edited by cherry slushie
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I watched the finale again tonight.   Something I missed last night.

 Billy was standing next to Red Bull Rhoad Kill the WHOLE time she was talking shit to Shannon.


When Vicki asked what happened, Billy says to Vicki, I have no idea.

Right Billy, lie your fat ass off so your sister keeps taking you on trips and keeps you boozed up.

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Somthat has led me to ask this question: how were two flattened simultaeously? Did he back over one of those spike grates one finds at a rental agency?? You know, the ones they clearly tell you NOT to back up over??


I get flats all the time.  Like it's a running joke because it is seriously ridiculous.  I run over a lot of nails and occasionally hit a pothole or two.  I don't even drive that much.  I've had 3 flat tires and a broken rim all at once before.  That's the worst I've done though, usually it's just one flat at a time, but occasionally I'll go in for one and they'll find a second.  I've never missed an appointment because of them though.  One time I totaled my car on the way to a dental appointment and had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance.  I missed that appointment, but I called from the ambulance to let them know I'd need to reschedule.  

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That was a real feat Tamara managed by getting Bravo to film her pasteurization as the season finale. The way this season has gone I was expecting it to be held at Newport Imaging with the bar laid out on the CT scan machine.


I was already pretty firmly in the "Brooks is lying" camp but this episode put me in the "Vicki is in on it" camp too. That story about Terry and the IV makes no sense and it makes even less sense that Vicki would tell that story to Shannon and then forget the entire incident when she was questioned about it.


Rhonda's comment about the records of David's affair was lame. I love a good smack down (even when it's given to someone I like) but that was just stupid. She probably thought that was going to be her *mic drop* moment but really it was more like a *balloon getting a tiny leak and slowly sinking to the floor over the course of several minutes" moment.



"What if he was lying, what does that have to do with me?"  and also the IV story. Something stinks and it ain't just David's finger.


As far as Vicki getting upset at the women discussing "does he or doesn't he" and Shannon upset at everyone discussing David's cheating. Pot meet Kettle. You both brought it to the show as a storyline so boo friggin' hoo!.


I don't care if Brianna is college educated she and Ryan talking about the house smelling musty after Brooks living there was so idiotic. Lord they let their "stupid" show. The way they went on one would think Brooks smeared semen on the walls and on every sheet and towel, peed in the sink, farted into the cushions and scooted his bare ass across the floors.


Tamera may have given her soul to Jesus but her heart has always belonged to Satan. She will now be vile with a sense of impunity. Just watch.

Edited by Giselle
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"What if he was lying, what does that have to do with me?" and also the IV story. Something stinks and it ain't just David's finger.

As far as Vicki getting upset at the women discussing "does he or doesn't he" and Shannon upset at everyone discussing David's cheating. Pot meet Kettle. You both brought it to the show as a storyline so boo friggin' hoo!.

I don't care if Brianna is college educated she and Ryan talking about the house smelling musty after Brooks living there was so idiotic. Lord they let their "stupid" show. The way they went on one would think Brooks smeared semen on the walls and on every sheet and towel, peed in the sink, farted into the cushions and scooted his bare ass across the floors.

Tamera may have given her soul to Jesus but her heart has always belonged to Satan. She will now be vile with a sense of impunity. Just watch.

Thanks for the disturbing images I had in my head when reading this post.

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Oh, you'd be surprised. There are a lot of lonely women in this world who would fall for his shtick because they want/need a man. Think of all the rapists and mass murderers who have women writing love letters to them in prison.

Uh, think of Tamara, Shannon, Meghan, Jenna Keough... Every other person on a Real Houswife show?

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Like Royal Tenenbaum with the Tic-Tacs!


[sorry - Wes Anderson fangirl here.]


Love his movies too!!!  Brooks has nothing on Royal though cuz he was the ultimate deadbeat grifter.

When Icky saw how much attention Tamra was getting by praising Jesus. Shes all for show

Vicki was a Jesus nut (in all due hypocritical respect) since season one.  In fact, Jeanna and the rest were the more "laid back" parents while Vicki was strict and uber religious (granted I think Laurie's treatment of Josh was far from "laid back").

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 Later, Tamra invited a psychic to use as a prop by production to set up Brooks' "does he or doesn't he" have cancer storyline.

Brooks brought suspicion upon himself IMO.


I wonder if Vicki will be smart enough to put 2 and 2 together and see it was Tamra who started this. I hope she sees how her "close friend" who she "loves so much" threw her under the bus by bringing in the phony psychic to set up the story of her and Brooks's cancer scam. Vicki is so angry at the others when, as usual, TAMRA is the root of all evil - despite her baptism. Makes me wonder if Tamra is trying to dethrone Vicki as OG of the OC, get her booted from the show. Tamra is next in line for succession to that throne.


Edited by happykitteh
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The gray area is whether Vicki is 'in on it' or not? Who knows? I haven't seen anything to sway me enough either way.



I think the lies she herself has told are enough to convince me Vicki was in on it.  She lied about going to Brook's chemo treatments with him, which if he doesn't have cancer, there were no chemo treatments.  She also told that ridiculous lie about Terry sending over a guy with an IV after one of Brook's bad reactions to the non existent chemo treatments.  The fact that she's lying for him proves to me that she was in on it.


I just don't get her total disdain for Shannon. Shannon was there for her from day one. She was supportive, she was helpful, she tried to pull strings. Now all these stories are coming out, discrepancies are being revealed, and Shannon's not even allowed to ASK Vicki about it? That makes her a bad friend? She feels duped, she feels like the rug has been pulled out from under her? But I still think she was trying to handle it in a civil way and Vicki just took it too far.



I think Vicki is showing disdain for Shannon because instead of Shannon trying to shut the other women down about Brook's cancer, she seemed to go over to their side in questioning it.  Vicki expects her friends to be "ride or die" for her even if what she's doing is questionable.  (Of course, she seems to give Tamra a pass on this for whatever reason.)

Edited by swankie
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I don't care if Brianna is college educated she and Ryan talking about the house smelling musty after Brooks living there was so idiotic.


If Brooks and Vicki really are drinking those scam smoothies and eating all those raw fruits and veggies I don't doubt the house has a certain unpleasant odor,lol.

Edited by happykitteh
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Valencia, California, Nov, 15, 2015 (AP) Reality TV star Vicki Gunvalson apparently died while riding the Dare Devil Chaos Coaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia yesterday afternoon. Witnesses on the ride report that she began vomiting and choking after the first inverted dip. Attempts by rescue personal to resuscitate her after the ride completed were unsuccessful.


"She was making these strange whooping and gagging sounds even before the coaster started up," said Michael Stevens, 18, who was seated next to Gunvalson. "Once it started, it just got increasingly worse as we entered that first major dip."


When contacted, fellow reality TV star and close friend Tamra Barney voiced suspicion that Ms. Gunvalson had been under increasing pressure and may have committed suicide. "She'd throw up in a golf cart with a run-down battery," Barney explained, "So she must have known that big scary roller coaster would kill her for sure."


In recent weeks, Gunvalsen and her former partner, Brooks Ayers, have come under increasing criticism over their alleged fabrication of his cancer diagnosis in the recently ended season of her TV show, The Real Housewives of Orange Country. There has even been word that her role would not be renewed for the upcoming 11th season.


Since Gunvalson's passing yesterday, Brooks Ayers has already repeatedly posted on social media alleging that her co-stars on the show were responsible for driving her to suicide. "They drove her to it like a pack of hyenas," he commented in one tweet, "Hounded that poor dear woman until she gave up the ghost."


Tamra Barney sees things differently. "She could have really turned to Jesus and found salvation from the mess she's in, but she wouldn't return my calls. I find it Ironic that she died o xn a ride named after Satan."

Lolz x 1,000,000,000 

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