deltaburkefan November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 OMG, Daisy of Love! Loved that show. I am curious about the club footage too. Wouldn't "sexy dancing" be too much for a seriously committed convert, even in a sack? 1 Link to comment
wovenloaf November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I feel like they must have been shot by TLC just for purposes of being like "See! Here she is dancing! In a CLUB!" Because there's also only her and like one or two other people dancing in those shots. And how would TLC even have that footage? They weren't filming Josh and Aleksandra while they were in Prague. 1 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I feel like they must have been shot by TLC just for purposes of being like "See! Here she is dancing! In a CLUB!" Because there's also only her and like one or two other people dancing in those shots. And how would TLC even have that footage? They weren't filming Josh and Aleksandra while they were in Prague. That's what I though. Also, she seems to be wearing some pretty modest club outfits. No where near as scandalous as Josh's family made her out to be. It's hard to read into a 10 second clip that was most likely producer driven, but Aleksandra looked at home dancing. She looked happy, young and free, like a 21 year old girl deserves to feel. 4 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Noon/the guy she's here to marry - OH MY BUDDAH! She's a much better sport than I am. I can't believe those 2 assholes sat there while she cleaned THEIR filth. I *wish* a mother fucker would. Noon is precious! I died laughing at "Oh my Buddah," it was so cute! I'm getting tired of Kyle and Kyle's friend's shit. Maybe I'm just projecting my own feelings here, but did anyone else get the feeling that this proposal was more about what KYLE wanted than what he thought Noon would want? She didn't seem particularly excited about sky diving, there was no, "oh wow, I've always wanted to go sky diving!" moments. Also, it involved HIS friends, again. Noon does seem to like them (especially the ones that don't live in the pit of despair) and they are very friendly and welcoming to her. But it just feels like she's getting no privacy or one on one time with Kyle, and I'm sure that's what she wants. (I'm still not sure why, because he sucks.) I think Noon would have loved a much more intimate, personal proposal. She did seem really happy, but I think that was more of a "I'm happy that he tried, I'm happy to get the ring, I'm happy that I'm here and we're together and her loves me, etc" kind of a happiness. Edited to say that what Noon probably wants more than an intimate, personal proposal is a clean apartment with no weird naked roommates. Edited November 4, 2015 by truelovekiss 7 Link to comment
RCharter November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Noon is precious! I died laughing at "Oh my Buddah," it was so cute! I'm getting tired of Kyle and Kyle's friend's shit. Maybe I'm just projecting my own feelings here, but did anyone else get the feeling that this proposal was more about what KYLE wanted than what he thought Noon would want? She didn't seem particularly excited about sky diving, there was no, "oh wow, I've always wanted to go sky diving!" moments. Also, it involved HIS friends, again. Noon does seem to like them (especially the ones that don't live in the pit of despair) and they are very friendly and welcoming to her. But it just feels like she's getting no privacy or one on one time with Kyle, and I'm sure that's what she wants. (I'm still not sure why, because he sucks.) I think Noon would have loved a much more intimate, personal proposal. She did seem really happy, but I think that was more of a "I'm happy that he tried, I'm happy to get the ring, I'm happy that I'm here and we're together and her loves me, etc" kind of a happiness. Edited to say that what Noon probably wants more than an intimate, personal proposal is a clean apartment with no weird naked roommates. My biggest thought was that if he wanted to do a big, grand gesture to show her he cared he should have hired and exterminator and a cleaning crew. I think that would have meant more to her in terms of showing that he really cared about making her feel comfortable and welcome in his home/life. I like his friends though, even the weird roommate. I do worry though that weird roommate is going to have problems when/if they move out. Financial troubles..maybe, but he is like always with them and I don't see him around anyone else which means he may have trouble letting his friend go.... 6 Link to comment
ethalfrida November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 Not understanding why the roomate is considered lazy, weird and generally maladjusted. He isn't the one who promised two governments that he would take care of Noon. 9 Link to comment
RCharter November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 Not understanding why the roomate is considered lazy, weird and generally maladjusted. He isn't the one who promised two governments that he would take care of Noon. I think anyone who walks around other people naked is generally odd unless you're married. I also think its odd that he seems to ALWAYS be with them. The only scenes where I haven't seen him with Kyle and Noon was when they were walking the French Quarter....and then he showed up to dinner. And to me, the guy just comes off a little weird. Nothing wrong with that per se, he just seems like an oddball. I do however think it could possibly be a problem if he is used to always being around Kyle and Kyle gets married and Noon wants to live away from the roommate. 3 Link to comment
ethalfrida November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 Knowing about as well as anyone else here, I am going to take this view. It is Kyle's responsibility to uninvite him, ask for privacy, etc. Otherwise we can guess that Kyle is not too bothered by it all. And I dare say the roommate still doesn't seem to be a demented, possessive maniac. Just not picking up on any of that coming from him. Oh, well... 4 Link to comment
gardendiva November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 Although, if I were Mel I would be more worried about a man who thinks he is going to pay off his debts with "loving." Makes me wonder whats gonna happen when that water bill comes due. She'll get fucked, naturally. ;-) 7 Link to comment
cooksdelight November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 I am generally thinking the roommate having the only bedroom in the apt. is set up for the show... for conflict... for drama. I think he's in on the deal, and getting paid by TLC. 6 Link to comment
vmcd88 November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 (edited) Devar's deadpan delivery of how he couldnt work so he was going to make up for it with "lovin" was hilarious. Is the "lovin" different when the cable bill vs. the water bill comes due? Better save some of that "lovin" for when the mortgage is due. Mark is definitely trying to recreate his prior life with Nikki. He bought her the same style car as his ex-wife. How long til he starts calling her by his ex-wife's name? Run girl!!! RUN!!! Edited November 5, 2015 by cooksdelight Removing preview talk 6 Link to comment
cooksdelight November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 A call home to Alexei's parents leaves Lauren in tears; Josh fails to cheer up Aleksandra. Please remember not to discuss previews for next week's episode here, use the First Looks thread for that. Thanks! 1 Link to comment
gunderda November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 Melanie has been saying that she did buy the rings and that the remark about her parents purchasing was made as a joke that was edited to look real. She sounded pretty serious when she said it, but I guess it's just the magic of television! wait...what!? sounds like we'll be hearing lots of excuses and explanations from Melanie this season..... But seriously that doesn't make any sense at all, yet it does make more sense as to why they went ahead and bought them after they said they didn't know what the budget was. 1 Link to comment
SnarkKitty November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 Yes. It was like you could almost hear someone off camera going, "Devar, buddy, we're gonna need you to get your mom to sing 'Kill de White People.' Keep asking her until she caves." If so, he's dumb for going along with it. But buy my record first. Ha! A Tyrone Green fan! Right SNL actor, wrong character though - that was Eddie's fake Marley band's song. Tyrone was Prose and Cons. (Unrelated, I can't imagine that would fly today, although back then it was all - "whatever, Eddie's genius.") 1 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 Devar's deadpan delivery of how he couldnt work so he was going to make up for it with "lovin" was hilarious. Is the "lovin" different when the cable bill vs. the water bill comes due? Now, I'm confused, is he going to pay Melanie with his lovin' and then she in turn pays the bills with money? Or is he going to pay the bills directly with his lovin'? Because I don't know if the guy at the power company will be as thrilled about that form of compensation. 7 Link to comment
RCharter November 5, 2015 Share November 5, 2015 Now, I'm confused, is he going to pay Melanie with his lovin' and then she in turn pays the bills with money? Or is he going to pay the bills directly with his lovin'? Because I don't know if the guy at the power company will be as thrilled about that form of compensation. and is there a direct deposit for this lovin, so he can store some up and pay bills later with it? 2 Link to comment
GracieK November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 wait...what!? sounds like we'll be hearing lots of excuses and explanations from Melanie this season..... But seriously that doesn't make any sense at all, yet it does make more sense as to why they went ahead and bought them after they said they didn't know what the budget was. I know I even replayed the scene when she said it and wrote out the dialogue and said it really didn't sound like a joke even if it was somehow edited.. but she says she bought them! 1 Link to comment
cooksdelight November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Or she didn't but wants us to think she did? Link to comment
GracieK November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 One can never know when going up against the old editing argument. 1 Link to comment
WhoAmIReally November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Run girl!!! RUN!!! There's no way she's going to leave him. For what? Her shitty life working in a bar in the Phillipines? She can't leave him for an American or she'll get deported. They're stuck with each other, unless he decides to unload her lazy ass. I guess she could claim abuse at some point after they're married and perhaps she can stay? I despise them equally. Users, both of them. 2 Link to comment
CofCinci November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 There's no way she's going to leave him. For what? Her shitty life working in a bar in the Phillipines? via Imgflip Meme Maker She worked in a bar in Cebu. Yikes. She's not giving up lakeside middle class American life just because of old man balls. What she had back there was likely much worse. 3 Link to comment
KarmaG November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 (edited) And he said he's fine with just happiness. OK, so holding hands and kissing is OK... ACK!!!!! And he got his first wife from the same hometown??? He's trying to recreate his first marriage as a do-over. I shall call him Dani-Mark! I am just now getting to watch some of this season (damn RL and work!! :P ) and this is exactly what I thought when he said his ex came from the same town. She's literally a replacement for his ex and this is a do-over. That's quite sad actually. Edited November 6, 2015 by KarmaG Link to comment
KarmaG November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 (edited) Very late to this episode, still finishing it but just noticed that when Mark is talking to his daughter in the house there are things behind them covered in sheets. Also he mentions moving things from the "small" house to the big house (the bed) and that his daughter had to move to the guest house. And as outdated as the house is I am getting the vibe that this is the house he shared with the ex and after she left it was closed up and not used for a long long time. Now that he's getting a re-do he's reopening the house to complete the re-do. That makes it even creepier. ETA: His daughter definitely has an Asian look to her. If she even had a tan and not as pale as she is, she'd pass for the twin of one of my young coworkers who is of Asian heritage. Edited November 6, 2015 by KarmaG Link to comment
KarmaG November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Just starting to watch this episode and wont have time to finish it, I don't think, today but just noticed that Loren's dad looks and sounds like he could be Caroline Manzo (RHoNY and Manzo'd with Children) brother. Link to comment
KarmaG November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 We always have one house that is a pig sty before the woman gets there. If it wasn't for the swiffer man from last season, we would have been shown two houses! Even Ron's Swiffer wasn't enough last season to not have that house a pig sty. Remember the pool?! Link to comment
cooksdelight November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Even Ron's Swiffer wasn't enough last season to not have that house a pig sty. Remember the pool?! The fakery of that story, however, makes me laugh today. Cassia actually helped them pick out the house they bought, and they had only moved in a day or so before filming began. So, I'm hoping that the roach motel is just a stunt for the show. 2 Link to comment
KarmaG November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 The fakery of that story, however, makes me laugh today. Cassia actually helped them pick out the house they bought, and they had only moved in a day or so before filming began. So, I'm hoping that the roach motel is just a stunt for the show. I'm not even two episodes in and see this is a heavily produce-driven season. Mark's house (as explained in another post I made), Loren moving home (as others pointed out), the roach motel, Mel and her guy not knowing each other really etc. At least we had Cassia pop in and give us the truth last season (which also made their awful storyline in the where are they now laughable). Hopefully someone does the same this season (and maybe they have and I haven't gotten there yet :D) Link to comment
deltaburkefan November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Nope, it just is that outdated. Link to comment
cooksdelight November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Mark lives in the past, makes sense he'd keep a house looking just like it did when he married his first wife. That bed, the track lighting.... 3 Link to comment
KarmaG November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Mark lives in the past, makes sense he'd keep a house looking just like it did when he married his first wife. That bed, the track lighting.... Good point. Link to comment
KarmaG November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 That refrigerator needs to go. There is nothing more than that. They need a new refrigerator period. I didn't even know that roaches would want to live in a cold refrigerator -- and if thats the case than they either got the refrigerator second hand with some roach colony in it, or the roaches got in while the refrigerator was disconnected or the energy was off and they left food in there. Either way -- there is no saving it, I think they need a new refrigerator OT, but I totally agree. When we moved into our current place in TX we didn't know until after the power was turned on that roaches had infested the oven (and killed the clock display). Once we saw that I knew the fridge wasn't salvageable either. The rental company refused to replace either unit so we bought our own and put the infested ones outside. We couldn't properly dispose of them since this is a rental, they'll stay with the place when we move. 1 Link to comment
RCharter November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 OT, but I totally agree. When we moved into our current place in TX we didn't know until after the power was turned on that roaches had infested the oven (and killed the clock display). Once we saw that I knew the fridge wasn't salvageable either. The rental company refused to replace either unit so we bought our own and put the infested ones outside. We couldn't properly dispose of them since this is a rental, they'll stay with the place when we move. You were able to offset them against the rent I hope? I'm not tops on property law, but I think in a fully furnished place there is a duty for it to be habitable. I'm not entirely certain, but I would look into it, because they are basically going to get a free fridge and oven and that sounds wildly unfair. 1 Link to comment
cooksdelight November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 I PM'd about this, we can get back on topic now. :) Yes, it's illegal for a landlord not to provide appliances, with the exception of washer/dryer or AC. But a refrigerator and stove are necessary....unless it's in the lease that the tenant has to bring their own appliances with them. 1 Link to comment
RCharter November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Mark lives in the past, makes sense he'd keep a house looking just like it did when he married his first wife. That bed, the track lighting.... the 92 they still even sell miatas? 1 Link to comment
CofCinci November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Very late to this episode, still finishing it but just noticed that when Mark is talking to his daughter in the house there are things behind them covered in sheets. Also he mentions moving things from the "small" house to the big house (the bed) and that his daughter had to move to the guest house. And as outdated as the house is I am getting the vibe that this is the house he shared with the ex and after she left it was closed up and not used for a long long time. Now that he's getting a re-do he's reopening the house to complete the re-do. That makes it even creepier.I think it's his vacation home. Link to comment
cooksdelight November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 But he lives/works there, his sons live nearby. I think he may own several places and this is the one they are using for filming. Link to comment
pollywood November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 Hi. Re: Fernando and Carolina, Medellin is not a poor city, by South American standards. It is in the Andes, so it could be tubby Fernando was struggling with the elevation in addition to his girth and mammaries. The meal she cooked I'm pretty sure was arepas. They're patties of cornmeal with cheese in the middle that are cooked in a skillet and topped with stuff and they are AMAZING. I dreamed about Colombian food after watching this episode. Poor Aleksandra and Noon and their immature fiances who have no business getting married. I think Nikki is probably as creeped out by her situation as everyone else, but it probably beats her past life. The Specimen (I love that name) knew that a teenaged girl would want nothing more than a car, from his past experiences with his child bride and 4 kids. Well done. I don't like Melanie one bit. I don't think she really cares if Devar gets a job or not. She'd be happy with him as her cabana boy here so long as he maintains his body and earns his keep with lovin. Oh yes. She strikes me as very controlling and probably knew he was trying to come here and having his mom close by will keep him around, too. He's a trophy to her. The thing about the rings seemed scripted to me, and I also didn't think it was a big deal if her parents genuinely offered to pay. When I got married our parents - both sets very generous -offered to pay for all kinds of things. 3 Link to comment
RCharter November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 (edited) Hi. Re: Fernando and Carolina, Medellin is not a poor city, by South American standards. It is in the Andes, so it could be tubby Fernando was struggling with the elevation in addition to his girth and mammaries. The meal she cooked I'm pretty sure was arepas. They're patties of cornmeal with cheese in the middle that are cooked in a skillet and topped with stuff and they are AMAZING. I dreamed about Colombian food after watching this episode. Poor Aleksandra and Noon and their immature fiances who have no business getting married. I think Nikki is probably as creeped out by her situation as everyone else, but it probably beats her past life. The Specimen (I love that name) knew that a teenaged girl would want nothing more than a car, from his past experiences with his child bride and 4 kids. Well done. I don't like Melanie one bit. I don't think she really cares if Devar gets a job or not. She'd be happy with him as her cabana boy here so long as he maintains his body and earns his keep with lovin. Oh yes. She strikes me as very controlling and probably knew he was trying to come here and having his mom close by will keep him around, too. He's a trophy to her. The thing about the rings seemed scripted to me, and I also didn't think it was a big deal if her parents genuinely offered to pay. When I got married our parents - both sets very generous -offered to pay for all kinds of things. You're likely absolutely right about Nikki and its gross to me.LMAO @ "oh yes." I see your "oh yes" and raise you one "indeed" Edited November 8, 2015 by cooksdelight Removing preview talk 1 Link to comment
pollywood November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 Fernando's mama sure is fancy with her refusing to eat rice every night like those other Latin American immigrants. I've never been to Bangkok but certainly bars there work in a similar way? Noon shouldn't be too shocked by what's his name's job. Did he never talk about what New Orleans is like or what he does for a living? 3 Link to comment
pollywood November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 My platinum wedding band didn't cost $2400. It was well under a grand. Whoever paid for it got ripped off. Devar's loving can't make up for that. Maybe the sparkly rock is what she is getting out of the sham wedding but she didn't want to just buy a ring for herself. 1 Link to comment
RCharter November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 My platinum wedding band didn't cost $2400. It was well under a grand. Whoever paid for it got ripped off. Devar's loving can't make up for that. Maybe the sparkly rock is what she is getting out of the sham wedding but she didn't want to just buy a ring for herself. I dont know....he seems very confident in the value of his lovin' 2 Link to comment
pollywood November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 I dont know....he seems very confident in the value of his lovin' Maybe the resort he worked for marketed his lovin and pimped him out a lot. Would explain a lot really, the "one in a million" comment, how he supported his sisters, his confidence, etc. 1 Link to comment
Drogo November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 Sales rep: "That will be $2400." Devar: "OHH YES. Can you convert that to Lovin'?" Currency exchange is a real pain. 15 Link to comment
RCharter November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 Sales rep: "That will be $2400." Devar: "OHH YES. Can you convert that to Lovin'?" Currency exchange is a real pain. "So, can you tell me what the current Lovin' to dollar ratio is today? Can I get into the Lovin Forex market? Can I convert my entire portfolio of gold bullion to lovin'?" 3 Link to comment
charmed1 November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 Right SNL actor, wrong character though - that was Eddie's fake Marley band's song. Tyrone was Prose and Cons. (Unrelated, I can't imagine that would fly today, although back then it was all - "whatever, Eddie's genius.")It's definitely Tyrone Green because he's introduced right after the trumpeter. It's on YouTube."All right, th-this next group should be popular with you young people, so let's have a-a big hand for Tyrone Green and his reggae band." [Applause. Tyrone enters, slouching, followed by two band members carrying instruments. The MC sticks his hand out, but Tyrone doesn't touch it.] Link to comment
KarmaG November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 I think the rings bit was scripted. I don't for a second believe that her parents are paying for them. If anything, the shop is providing them for the promo they got by being on the show. This sort of thing happens on the Real Housewives shows all the time. I'm glad Nikki is creeped out by Mark's continued and seemingly constant bringing up his ex. I really feel for Aleksandra (sp?) and noticed Josh refers to her as Alexandria from time to time. Noon is a cutie pie and I hope she gets her immature fiance to grow up before it's too late. They definitely need their own place. I can't imagine how embarrassing it is to have to always be ready for someone to walk through your room to get to the exterior door. Link to comment
IvySpice November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 I would expect to see arepas in Colombia, but Carolina's dish looked more like tostadas or sopes. At first I thought there were hot dogs on top, but I guess it could have been another kind of sausage. Either way, it definitely looked tasty. Link to comment
SnarkKitty November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 It's annoying they do so much "plotting" (I don't think it's actually scripted) of storylines. I get it with shows that have been on multiple seasons, you need something new. But these stand on their own just being a fly on the wall of these people meeting up and trying to get it together. It's definitely Tyrone Green because he's introduced right after the trumpeter. It's on YouTube."All right, th-this next group should be popular with you young people, so let's have a-a big hand for Tyrone Green and his reggae band."[Applause. Tyrone enters, slouching, followed by two band members carrying instruments. The MC sticks his hand out, but Tyrone doesn't touch it.] According to the Google, seems they're both Tyrone - he first showed up in the short film for Prose and Cons, then SNL made him a character. We missed his parole, apparently! Link to comment
ChristmasJones November 9, 2015 Share November 9, 2015 (edited) Finally just watching this- only comment- I am in my mid-40's and I would not want to date a 58yo man. I absolutely CANNOT imagine being 19yo and being in any way genuinely attracted to a guy 40 years older than me. Just the thought of wanting a guy like that to kiss me or put his hands on me at that age makes me shudder. A 30yo would have seemed like an "old man" to me at that age. I think age gaps close as you get older... but a 19yo and near 60yo--- ugg, just no. Think of it this way, when she is 35, he will be 75 (apprx). Whats going to happen when she wants kids? Edited November 9, 2015 by ChristmasJones 1 Link to comment
greekmom November 9, 2015 Share November 9, 2015 (edited) Thoughts from tonight’s episode…Is Carolina that much in love with the fool? It has to be the stomach and man boob. Ohhh baby.. those man boobs and the ears. She isn’t like Nikki who I can see why she has attached herself to Mark. Carolina can do way better. I don’t get it. Things can’t be that bad in Colombia. She has to be better off than most.Alexsandra needs to go back to Prague.Loren has mental issues. Alexei’s family is really missing him. He should be upset but she is balling and punishing him? Umm. Make sense Drama Queen.I’m calling it. TLC set up. The whole conversation about money and prenup with Devar and Melanie. But those sisters are major shit disturbers. They do like to stir the pot.Hopefully we get spicy stuff next week! Edited November 9, 2015 by greekmom 9 Link to comment
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